During the recent meeting of the Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, held at the Heritage M u s e u m o f
Even before the play begins, you might notice little things. Aplaybill that depending on the way you open it, may or may not contain information about theplayyoucametosee. Or is it? Someone may be looking for a lost dog, Waldo, which seems out of place, or you ll see some place, equipment that you think should have been stowed away before the production begins You might hear some English accents that, for some strange reason, don t sound Texan No, don’t adjust your television sets, you're in Montgomery County alright. It's just a little bit of an amateurish small English village stage has landed at the Crighton Theatre in Conroe. In ‘The Play That Goes Wrong ’ written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields; Stage Right of Texas, starts off its 20242025 season with the ‘right’ foot,eventhoughprops,the set, and the actors , themselves might be falling down in a ‘left’ footed fashion If you are a perfectionist, you might want to have your therapist on speed dial because multiple calls might be necessary even before the halfwaypointofthefirstact. by Ionce comedy was hesitant lend a Play That Wrong’ comes to ‘Rube Machine’ whichhave the 1920s,havebeenlaughfests, chain simple and TPTGW murder it get end, have through the chain reactions, to ’ If you due to it. loath noises, some ear detest falling actors, walls? If don’t next to who cabbage soup dinner; may a fromthe the play might way may or may theplay cameto Or may be for a lost seems you have the English some strange Texan No, don’t you're It's just bit amateurish small at the Conroe. In Goes ’ Henry Sayer, Stage of Texas, off ‘right’ t d you calls of first
Ioncecalled‘TheBattle of Midway’ a comedy of errors, and I was hesitant even to lend a moniker to what ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ can possibly be labeled Rube Goldberg comes closest to mind. His ‘Rube Goldberg Machine’ Goldberg ideas,whichhavefascinated audiences since the late 1920s,havebeenlaughfests, with their chain reaction of physicalcomedytoperform a simple task; and to me it perfectlysuitsTPTGW It’s a murder mystery, and it does get solved in the end, butyouhavetogothrougha litany of RGM little steps (some unceasingly repeated to exhaustion), or the chain reactions, to get to the ‘whodunit ’ If you have lung issues due to laughter, bring your puffer; youre gonna need it. If you loath loud noises, bring some ear plugs. Ifyoudetestthesight of falling objects, actors, or walls? Close your eyes. If youdislikeoddsmells,don’t sit next to anyone who had cabbage soup for dinner; or you may encounter a little smokefromthestage.
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter Montgomery County News
Indianapolis, Indiana: The Houston Texans kicked off their 2024 season in style with a
Yearawardlastseason.He started off slow, but Texans' place kicker Ka'imiFairbaimbeltedtwo (2) field goals in the first quarter of fifty-one (51) yard and fifty (50) yard to keep the Texans in the game C J Stroud has developedintoarock-solid quarterback with calm nerves and a winning attitude He went for t
nty-four (24) completions on thirty-two (32) attempts for two hundred and thirty-four (234)yards.
Indianapolis Colts 29-27 on their turf. It was an exciting game on both sides of the ball as the Houston Texans matured into a formidable NFL f
their turf. It was game on both sides of as the Houston Texans matured into
h effective leadership Head Ryans.
effective leadership of Head Coach DeMeco Ryans.
The Texans' prized quarterback enters his second season after winning the Rookie Rookie Offensive Player of the
important RJOA/UDC C
& Literature”,which “MRS LYN” has been thesuccessfulChairmanof for seven years! LYN
HOWARD has m
ny personal talents to back up this“SouthernLiterature& Arts”position,but atrue “Southern Lady”, she would never brag on herself, nor her newest “Gift to the City of Conroe”,butWeWill!
y personal talents to back up this“SouthernLiterature& Arts”position,butasatrue “Southern Lady”, she would never brag on herself, nor her newest “Gift to the City of i Conroe”,butWeWill!
OnAugust8,2024,The n e w C o n r o e C i t y Commissioners Council metattheConroe
OnAugust8,2024,The n e w C o n r o C i t y Commissioners Council metat
City Hall Council
Chambers for their regular meeting First on the
City Hall Council for their regular meeting First on the A e n d w a s t h Presentation and to Cityof of Bust of Conroe
A g e n d a w a s t h e Presentation and Donation totheCityofConroeofthe Bronze Bust of Conroe Founder: Isaac Conroe, by S c u l p t o r : L Y N H A W T H O R N E
HOWARD Her Family and Rebel Joan Of Arc Sisters were there to
support her at this Historical and Educational and Patriotic Event! LYN
HOWARD was given the floor and all the time she wantedforherpresentation andtheunveilingofthe1st BronzeBustoftheConroe Founder, Isaac Conroe Founder, “MRS LYN” gave the historical account of what is known of Mr. Isaac Conroe born in February 1835andDiedAugust3rd, 1897, and how he came to this area right after the Civil War Isaac Conroe remained here the rest of his life and built Conroe anditsGovernment!
S u l p t o r L Y N H A W T H O HOWARD Family Rebel Joan Of Sisters to upport he at thi Historical Event! was given all the time she wantedfor presentation the1st BronzeBustofthe Isaac “MRS LYN” gave historical account of what is known in 1835andDied how he this area right Isaac Conroe remained his and built itsGovernment!
LYN and CARL HOWARD had bought the former home of Isaac Conroe and restored it in hopes of selling it to the City as Museum. They had restored it, and made many r p irs The Howards restored the Historic Ho with
LYN and CARL HOWARD had bought the former home of Isaac Conroe and restored it in hopes of selling it to the City as a Museum. They had restored it, and made many repairs The n Howards restored the Historic Home with m
Yearawardlastseason.He started off slow, place Ka'imiFairbaimbelted (2) goals in the quarter fifty-one yard yard the Texans in has developedinto calm nerves a He went w y-four 24) on attempts for and thirty-four quarterback Anthony his legs, connected on beautiful fifty-four (54) yard wide receiver Dulin e p si g h da d defensive Stingley did the as he
teams with four (4) solo tackles. Stroud responded with his own deep pass connecting with wide receiver Nico Collins.You might remember Collins career long seventy-five (75) reception against the Coltslastseason.Hewasa thorn in their side in the opening game with six (6) receptionsforonehundred andseventeen(117)yards.
impressive thirty one hundred fifty-nine (159) addition receiver was winning on (9) yard The Texans risky go for points failed that come
with an impressive thirty (30) carries for one hundred and fifty-nine (159) yards Also, the addition of wide receiver Stefon Diggs was a winning choice as he scored in the second quarter on a nine (9) yard touchdown reception. The Texansmadeariskycallto go for two (2) points but failed Fortunately, that decisiondidnotcomeback tohaunttheteam.
despite losing to the Bears in preseason 21-17. It will be an important game as theTexanschargetowarda winningseason,soreadall aboutitinyourHometown paper
despite to the Bears in 21-17. will be as theTexans a winningseason,soreadall about in Hometown paper
Colts' quarterback Anthony Richardson, a doublethreatwithhisarms and legs, connected on a beautiful fifty-four (54) yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Ashton Dulin exposing the weakness of the Texan's secondary squad However, defensive back Derek Stingley Jr did rise to the occasion with solid coverage as he led the
TheTexansmadesmart acquisitions in the off
tackles. Stroud responded his own deep pass wide Nico You remember Collins long seventy-five (75) reception against the season.Hewasa in their in the with six (6) foronehundred andseventeen TheTexansmadesmart off
season game the addition Texans' running Mixon. is a proved missing forthis since Adrian the scored valuable touchdown the on challenging three run that put up He finished day
season that paid dividends intheirfirstregularseason game with the addition of Texans' running back Joe Mixon. Mixon is a tough, physical running back that proved to be the missing linkforthisfranchisesince Adrian Foster was on the team Mixon scored a valuable touchdown in the fourth quarter on a challenging three (3) yard run that put the Texans up 22-13. He finished the day
Dave Myers,Elaine&DougCollings.Attendingbutnotpictured:
Nancy Mikeska,MaryLeeMalek.
In other AFC South Divisional action, the Tennessee Titans tumbled intheiropenerlosingtothe Chicago Bears 20-17, and the Jacksonville Jaguars dropped one to the Miami Dolphins 24-17. After the first game of the season, theTexansareinfirstplace intheirdivision.
In other AFC South Divisional action, the Tennessee tumbled intheir losingtothe Chicago Bears 20-17, and the Jacksonville Jaguars to the Miami 24-17. the first of season, the infirstplace intheir Texans' quarterback enters second season winning the Rookie Offensive the
Houston on the as in
The Houston Texans take on the Chicago Bears this week as they entertain the fans in their first home game The Texans are favored in this game
Montgomery e r t r t as news the left from page 1
Montgomery County, M e m b e r s w e r e delighted to welcome Patt Johnson,DRT D i s t r i c t 6
Representative, as their Speaker Mrs Johnson gave a very informative talk sharing all the news of upcomingeventsinthe Daughters of the Republic of Texas pictured left to right...Linda Brill, Eva Rains, Pat Spackey, Kathryn Jones, Jessica Rizk
beautiful Period Furniture and Beveled Glass Decor, Victorian wooden spindle archways, etc It still retainstheoriginalwooden floors the vast lumber s u r r o u n d i n g h e community was being developed Isaac Home served as not only his Home but as Conroe s Post Office Court Room LYN HOWARD gave an in-depth historical review to the City Commissionersand Attending The previous City of Conroe d d purchase Isaac Conroe Home, but has turned it into their Transportation Office and repartitioned the rooms and Salon, but th Annu l “Co roe Founder’s is still on every year by the “Conroe Founder’s Day” Organization, a 501 3c group by President & MC: LYN HOWARD Board. Two Rebel Joan Arc Members are Charter Members of “Conroe F o u n d e r ’ s D a y Or an zation”: N HOWARD, ELAINE COLLINGS CFD Organization was established in 2018, and both O D and C O L I N G S h v e remained Officers on this
beautiful Period Furniture and Beveled Glass Decor, Victorian wooden spindle archways, etc It still retainstheoriginalwooden floors of the vast lumber s u r r o u n d i n g t h e community that was being developed Isaac s Home served as not only his Home but as Conroe s Post Office and Court Room LYN HOWARD gave an in-depth historical review to the City CommissionersandPublic Attending The previous City of Conroe did purchase the Isaac Conroe Home, but has turned it into their Transportation Office and repartitioned the rooms and Salon, but the Annual “Conroe Founder’s Day” Event is still put on every year by the “Conroe Founder’s Day” Organization, a 501 3c group established by President & MC: LYN HOWARD and her Board. Two Rebel Joan Of Arc Members are Charter Members of the “Conroe F o u n d e r ’ s D a y Organization”: LYN HOWARD, and ELAINE COLLINGS The CFD Organization was established in 2018, and both HOWARD and C O L L I N G S h a v e remained Officers on this
Board since its beginning. The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter has provided Docents in Period Dress at every Event to mark the history of this Conroe Texas Landmark, and the recognitionofthe“Conroe Founder sDay”Event.
Board its beginning. The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter has Docents in Period at every Event to mark of this Texas Landmark, and recognitionof Founder sDay”Event.
A Texas Historical Marker stands in this front Yard of the Home of Isaac Conroe.
A Texas Historical Marker in this front Yard of the Home of Isaac Conroe.
The talents of LYN H A W T H O R N E HOWARD are amazing andhercontributions her community, and her Rebel Joan Of Chapter are always This “Self-Taught” Sculptor
The talents of LYN H A W T H O R N E HOWARD are amazing andhercontributionstoher community, and her Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter are always outstanding! This “Self-Taught” Sculptor
firststartedwiththeBustof h r Husband, Carl Howard which is on display at their Classic Consignment Business along 1-45 in Conroe. Her 2nd Project was President Don l Trump! This magnificentpiecehasbeen “traveling”.
firststartedwiththeBustof her Husband, Carl Howard which is on display at their Classic Consignment Business along 1-45 in Conroe. Her 2nd Project was President Donal Trump! This magnificentpiecehasbeen “traveling”.
The unveiling of BustStatueofIsaac was preformed by City a Rebel Of sister
Attending this Event: Winkler Lyn Howard), Dianne Kebodeaux, Mary Anita Stevens Bruce Franke, Nancy Danean& Shana& ReginaRiney, l i n & D o u Collings, & Carl
The unveiling of the BronzeBustStatueofIsaac Conroe was preformed by new City Commissioner, SHANAARTHUR,whois also a Rebel Joan Of Arc Chaptersister FellowRJOAMembers Attending this Event: Paige Winkler (Daughter of Lyn Howard), Dianne Kebodeaux, Mary Lee Malek Anita Stevens Marion & Bruce Franke, NancyMikeska,Danean& DaveMyers,Shana&Tim Arthur,ReginaRiney, E l a i n e & D o u g Collings, Lyn & Carl Howard.
It was such an exciting Day, and the Isaac Conroe Bust will be on display in City Hall along with his P h o t o g r a p h H i s presentation Plaque is attachedtohisriserasseen b e l o w E L A I N E COLLINGS was Founder and Charter President of theRJOAChapter JENNY LEHRofCypressTexas,is thecurrentPresidentofthe RJOAChapter
It was such an exciting Day, and the Isaac Conroe Bust will be on display in City Hall along with his P h o t o g r a p h H i s presentation Plaque is attachedtohisriserasseen b e
Also attending and Celebrating this special occasion is RJOA Charter Member/Officer and CoFounder DIANNE E TAYLOR KEBODEAUX, of Spring, Texas, who
LYN’S third Sculpture was Gifted to the City and Accepted at this Meeting with deep gratitude from the City Fathers. What a $Gift$!!!! RJOA Sister, ELAINE COLLINGS traveled every trip with “RJOA Sister LYN”, taking all her pieces ofArt totheoutoftownFoundry andseeingtotheirsecurity ItwasaprivilegeELAINE said,
Also attending and Celebrating this special occasion is RJOA Charter Member/Officer and CoFounder DIANNE TAYLOR KEBODEAUX, of Spring, Texas, who
~ WHAT A GIFT CITY: The 1st “Conroe Day Citizen Year is the Homerestored to City The Bust of Conroe Isaac Conroe totheCity!!! THANK YOU CARL HOWARD F O R Y O U R THE
~ WHAT A GIFT TO THE CITY: The 1st Ever “Conroe Founder’s Day Organization”, where the Citizen of the Year is Announced the Isaac ConroeHomerestoredand introducedtotheCity The Bronze Bust of Conroe Founder: Isaac Conroe GiftedtotheCity!!! THANK YOU LYN AND CARL HOWARD F O R Y O U R U GENEROSITYTOTHE
LYNHOWARDnowis theprouddescendantof14 “Proved” Confederate Ancestors. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HISTORICAL PRESERVATION!
~ThankYoufromyour Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter, Montgomery County.~
Of Arc 2721 Chapter, Montgomery County.~
several disappointing earnings releases created a sense of caution with investorsoverthehealthof theconsumer
several disappointing earnings releases created a sense of caution with investorsoverthehealthof theconsumer
By Kent Pendleton
By Kent Pendleton
August brought a bit of whiplashforinvestors.
Markets fell at the beginning of the month, caught in the ripples of an interest rate increase in Japan disrupting a significant currency trading strategy Thisledtoabrief, intense
Markets fell at the beginning of the month, caught in the ripples of an interest rate increase in Japan disrupting a significant currency trading strategy Thisledtoabrief, intenseglobalselloff.
Julywereup a healthy 1% and the Consumer Price Index Consumer [CPI]showedthatinflation is being tamed with threemonth core CPI falling to anannualizedrateof1.6%. And the stage appears set appears for the Federal Reserve [Fed] to kick off an easing cycle.”
An interesting dynamic developingintheS&P500 isthesubtleshiftinmarket leadership Defensive, interest-sensitive sectors likeutilities, estateand healthcare are at new highs, while the semiconductor isdown.
An interesting dynamic developingintheS&P500 isthesubtleshiftinmarket leadership Defensive, interest-sensitive sectors likeutilities,realestateand healthcare are at new are highs, while the semiconductorgroupisdown.
Financial Advisor, RJFS Pendle Hill Advisors LLC 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356
As we remain in the weakestseasonalperiodof the year, investors may expect to see some backand-forth trading ahead Economicdataandactions from the Fed will remain keyinfluencestowatch.
Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Mont
As we remain in the weakest periodof the year, investors may expect to see backand-forth trading ahead Economicdataandactions from the Fed will remain keyinfluencesto Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgo
IntheU.S.,theincident was aggravated by a weak jobsreportwithunemployment rising from 4.1% to 4 3% – which remains historically low, it's worth noting. The report brought the U S into Sahm rule territory,amacroeconomic assessment which judges whether the economy is in
The report brought the U S into Sahm rule territory,amacroeconomic assessment which judges whether the economy is in
n increases Additionally,
increases Additionally,
Toward the end of the month, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said “the time has come”fortheFedtoadjust policy, a much-anticipated st
Toward the end of the month, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said “the time has come”fortheFedtoadjust policy, a much-anticipated s
expectinginterestratecuts this year Those remarks kickedoffanequitymarket rally, with the S&P 500 ending the month up 2.3% an
expectinginterestratecuts this year Those remarks kickedoffanequitymarket rally, with the S&P 500 ending the month up 2.3%
s Industrial Average hitting
Industrial Average hitting
News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you any q
y News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any questions abou
markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for no cost initial consultation.
e markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation.
Kent Pendleton, AAMS®
Kent Pendleton, AAMS®
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
Lake Creek Nature
useful.Theyknewofallof the useful properties of theplant.
Preserve Board of Directors Thedandelion'syellow flower is quite interesting and pretty What we call the flower is actually not just one single flower but is 50 or more individual blooms. It opens in the morning and closes later intheday
P ser e B ar o Directors dandelion'syellow pretty flower not single flower but opens and later day
WhenIseeadandelion inmyyardorflowerbed,I do what most of us do. I eitherpullitoutorgiveita goodsprayofweedkiller It seems many of us want that lush, green, weedfreelawnandwillspenda lotofmoneyonpesticides toachieveit.Butrecently I read an interesting article on dandelions and now I have a whole new respectforthem.
adandelion inmy or bed, do what itoutor it spray seems many lush, green, andwill ofmoney pesticides to it.
an li s ar actually for They help of their aeratethe help have that takes in soil
Dandelions are a actually good for your lawn They help loosen hard-packed soil because of their wide-spreading roots.Theyaeratethesoil and help reduce erosion. They have a long taproot that takes nutrients from deep in the soil that helps otherplants
CherylConley seeds eaten least 33 wildlife. love onlygood wildlife, every part dandelion safefor leaves and flower part of are to lettuce,
The seeds and foliage are eaten by at least 33 species of wildlife. Bees and other pollinators love dandelions.Notonlygood for wildlife, every part of thedandelionissafeforus to eat; the roots, stems, leaves and flower They are part of the sunflower family and are related to lettuce, endive, and
chicory They very nutritious and provide calcium, magnesium, iron, A, C, and They're found in traditional supplements and herbal teaswherethey're to support levels and boost skin, liver and heart Chinese and have grown dandelions centuries to digestive disorders.
chicory They are very nutritious and provide calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins A, C, andK.They'realsofound in traditional medicines, supplements and herbal teaswherethey'reusedto supportbloodsugarlevels and boost skin, liver and heart health. The Chinese and Indians have grown dandelions for centuries for totreatliveranddigestive disorders.
The leaves are often usedinsaladsbutyoucan also saute, steam, or boil them, or add chopped them, leaves to your dips. The buds can be eaten fresh but are better when cooked or pickled The rootsarebestafterdrying
them out and are often used to make tea and coffee.Usetheflowersin salads or pull them apart anduseasagarnish.Steep them in boiling water for about ten minutes and you'llhavedandeliontea.
I Googled dandelion recipes and was surprised to find several websites. I found recipes for dandelion wine, tea, cookies, cakes, syrups and many others. Rather than make something myself I'm going to order some dandelion jelly which I foundonthewebsiteEtsy I'm no Martha Stewart so it's much easier for me to ordersomething. Not that I plan on eating dandelions on a regular basis or maybe ever but I just might stop with the weed killer and letthemgrow Theyreally are, in my opinion, the perfectflower
dandelion and surprised
dandelions now I for are often usedinsalads youcan also saute, boil them, or add chopped leaves dips. The buds can fresh but are when cooked or The rootsare drying out are used to tea and coffee.Use flowers salads apart use a them water ten
The name Dandelion comes from the Latin Dens Leoni. The French translation of that is dent delionwhichmeanslion's teeth,whichisbelievedto describe the plant's toothlike leaves. The English changedittodandelion.
name Dandelion the Latin French of that is lionwhich lion's whichisbelieved like The itto
dandelion in the Before 1800's, planted protected Beginning peoplecleared yards
The dandelion arrived in America at the time of theMayflower Beforethe 1800's,thedandelionwas planted and protected Beginning in the 1800's, peopleclearedtheiryards and land of grass and left the dandelions and other weeds they considered
Borjas Jr, Columnist/ Opinion Writer
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
Caitlan Clark: A Modern Day Jackie Robinson
Clark’s ‘High Road’ approach is brilliant, and evenafter snubbedby the USWomen’s Basketball TeamattheParisOlympics, shetookeverythinginstride, andwithherselflessattitude she has lifted her WNBA
Thereisnodoubtthatthe magicofIndianaFeverpoint guard Caitlin Clark has brought back awareness to the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). She, being just onewoman,hasfansbackin the stands, and despite her meager $77,000 salary for herfirstyearinthewomen’s league, she willingly plays her best, which comes natural to her no doubt.
Thereisnodoubtthatthe magicofIndianaFeverpoint guard Caitlin Clark has brought back awareness to the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). She, being just onewoman,hasfansbackin the stands, and despite her meager $77,000 salary for herfirstyearinthewomen’s league, she willingly plays her best, which comes natural to her no doubt.
Clark’s ‘High Road’ approach is brilliant, and evenafterbeingsnubbedby the USWomen’s Basketball TeamattheParisOlympics, shetookeverythinginstride, andwithherselflessattitude she has lifted her WNBA
Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News. RyanWest Montgomery County
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas.
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement.
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team to heights unachievable from dismal results of pastseasons. It’snothardto lookatCaitlinClark,andsee the similarities to Jackie Robinson, and his integration into Major League Baseballin1947.
team to heights unachievable from dismal results of pastseasons. It’snothardto lookatCaitlinClark,andsee the similarities to Jackie Robinson, and his integration into Major League Baseballin1947.
Some may say that Caitlin Clark’s road is more difficult than Jackie Robinson’s,whofacedfears for his physical safety and threats against his life MLBracialdemographicsin 1947 heavily favored Whites by 98 3%, while Blacksmadeupnearly64% of the WNBA in a 2023 study While Robinson facedthreatsofharmonand offthefieldofplay,beinghit bypitchessixdozentimesor being intentionally spiked most notably by Enos Slaughter, he remained calm, cool, and collected. Clark herself has faced beingtargetedphysicallyon the basketball court, garneringnearly20%ofthe flagrant fouls for the entire league. Withthosetypesof personal fouls involving excessive or violent contact that could injure the fouled player,andinagoodportion ofthecases,theplayagainst Clark yields to the arena of intentionalfouls.
Some may say that Caitlin Clark’s road is more difficult than ackie Robinson’s,whofacedfears for his physical safety and threats against his life MLB in 1947 heavily favored Whites by 98 3%, while Blacksmadeupnearly64% of WNBA in a 2023 study While Robinson facedthreatsofharmonand offthefieldofplay beinghit bypitchessixdozentimesor being intentionally spiked most by Enos Slaughter he remained calm, cool, and collected. Clark herself has faced beingtargeted on the court, garneringnearly20%ofthe flagrant fouls for entire league. Withthose of personal fouls involving excessive or violent contact that injure the fouled player andinagoodportion ofthecases,theplayagainst Clark yields the arena of intentionalfouls.
Thereisnodoubtthatthe WNBAbeforeCaitlinClark was in a downward spiral, and her talent has the fans in the seats with sellouts, a nearly 160% increaseover2023numbers. The viewership of the AllStar game in July which her rookie rival Angel Reese beat the lympics bound US Basketball Team, was doubled over the previous year The public snub of Clark from the Olympics, further embarrassed USA Women’s basketball, with Olympic fans choosing to snub the American women s team with notoriously low attendance numbers, and even though they won the gold the team lost pointswithmanyfans.
Thereisnodoubtthatthe WNBAbeforeCaitlinClark was in a downward spiral, and her talent has put the fans in the seats with sellouts, a nearly 160% increaseover2023numbers. The viewership of the AllStar game in July, in which Clark and her rookie rival Angel Reese, beat the Olympics bound US Women’s Basketball Team, was doubled over the previous year The public snub of Clark from the Olympics, further embarrassed USA Women’s basketball, with Olympic fans choosing to snub the American women’s team with notoriously low attendance numbers, and even though they won the gold medal, the team lost pointswithmanyfans.
There is no doubt that Caitlin Clark is good news for theWNBA. Theleague just recently inked a long term deal with multiple mediapartnersthathasbeen valuedat$2billionupwards to three, and Clark has
There is no doubt that Caitlin is good news for theWNBA. Theleague just recently a long term deal multiple media that been valued $2billionupwards to three, and has
barely played a full with the with players jealous of Clark’s darling see the league will go in the 22 year old TheFeverareofficially in the 2024 following a long drought, one of the goals that Clark whenshewas toIndianafansback And long term or ending injury against could doomforallthesuccess the has been achievingasoflate.
Onethingthatisquite telling and almost on the sameparasJackieRobinson istheplayersracialattitudes towards Clark, but this time theshoeisontheotherfoot. It’s not whites harassing Robinson, but rather blacks harassingClark. Somemay fearforhersanity,butIhave afeelingthatsheistakingit in the same style as Jackie Robinson, and any attempts tocancelClarkhaveresulted in dismal failure. The left's attemptatturningtheathlete into some sort of white savior are unfounded. Her numbersareimpressive,and she has performed incrediblyinherfirstseason,andno doubtshehasafutureinthe league,butIdon’tthinkshe is stuck up. I believe she wantstowin,anddespiteher numbers, which are off the charts, she has helped her team feel an importance amongst themselves that theyhaven’tfeltinyears.
barely played a full season with the league. And with players jealous of Clark’s media darling status, it will beinterestingtoseehowfar the league will go in protecting the 22 year old star TheFeverareofficially in the 2024 playoffs following a long drought, one of the goals that Clark setwhenshewasintroduced toIndianafansbackinApril. And a long term or career ending flagrant injury against Caitlin, could spell doomforallthesuccessthat the WNBA has been achievingasoflate. Onethingthatisquite telling and almost on the sameparasJackieRobinson istheplayersracialattitudes towards Clark, but this time theshoeisontheotherfoot. It’s not whites harassing Robinson, but rather blacks harassingClark. Somemay fearforhersanity butIhave afeelingthatsheistakingit in the same style as Jackie Robinson, and any attempts tocancelClarkhaveresulted in dismal failure. The left's attemptatturningtheathlete into some sort of white savior are unfounded. Her numbersareimpressive,and she has performed incrediblyinherfirstseason,andno doubtshehasafutureinthe league,butIdon’tthinkshe is stuck up. I believe she wantstowin,anddespiteher numbers, which are off the charts, she has helped her team feel an importance amongst themselves that theyhaven’tfeltinyears.
Clarkrecognizesthatshe will garner the most defensiveeffortsagainsther and has no problems with sharingthewealthofscoring amongst her teammates She has uplifted her team, and they support her in return. But still she faces a leaguethatisnotsofriendly: she has pale skin, has a boyfriend,andsheisRoman Catholic,withnearly40%of WNBA players publicly declared as lesbian. And that number is probably much higher with those in thecloset.
Clarkrecognizesthatshe will garner the most defensiveeffortsagainsther, and has no problems with sharingthewealthofscoring amongst her teammates She has uplifted her team, and they support in return. But still she faces a leaguethatisnotsofriendly: she has pale skin, has a boyfriend,andsheisRoman Catholic,withnearly40%of WNBA players publicly declared as lesbian. And that number is probably much higher with those in thecloset.
For being just out of college, Caitlin Clark faces enormous pressures. The Indiana Fever started the season with an 0-5 record, but they have rebounded into the playoffs. While
For being just out of college, Caitlin Clark faces enormous pressures. The Indiana Fever started the season with an 0-5 record, but they have rebounded into the playoffs. While
some think that the league will break Caitlin, I think that they underestimate her religious faith. I’m not comparing Clark to Jesus andhisstruggles,butsheis worthy of being compared to Jackie Robinson. As a kid, she played against boys, and that may have done its part to strengthen her resolve. Her resume evenbeforetheWNBAwas impressive, and with her success in her first season, she is destined for a great career
some think that the league will break Caitlin, I think that they underestimate her religious faith. I’m not comparing Clark to Jesus andhisstruggles,butsheis worthy of being compared to Jackie Robinson. As a kid, she played against boys, and that may have done its part to strengthen her resolve. Her resume evenbeforetheWNBAwas impressive, and with her success in her first season, she is destined for a great career
I’m still bewildered why the majority of the league's players want to take Caitlin Clarkout. Anditgoeswith my proven theory that Democrats think not on the consequences to their actions. Do those players think that a taken out Clark, will garner the same amount of interest in the women’s league post Caitlin?
I’m still bewildered why the majority of the league's players want to take Caitlin Clarkout. Anditgoeswith my proven theory that Democrats think not on the consequences to their actions. Do those players think that a ‘taken out’ Clark, will garner the same amount of interest in the women s league post Caitlin?
I argue that Clark’s bravado is what has taken a flounderingWNBA,andhas breathednewlifeintoit. Ina recent game in Chicago against the team of her rookie rival Angel Reese, Clark whipped up the Sky crowd to massive cheers before being subbed out of the remainder of the game, in the Fever’s 100-81 victory WhileCaitlinhada double-double with 31 points and 10 assists, Reese was able to only scrap together 10 points and 11 rebounds.
I argue that Clark’s bravado is what has taken a flounderingWNBA,andhas breathednewlifeintoit. Ina recent in Chicago against the team of her rookie rival Angel Reese, Clark whipped up the Sky crowd to massive cheers before being subbed of the remainder of the game, in the Fever s 100-81 victory WhileCaitlinhada double-double with 31 points and 10 assists, Reese was able only scrap together 10 points and 11 rebounds.
The rise of Caitlin Clark is a of contention for manyWNBAplayers,butat the same time, they don’t realizethatarisingtidelifts all boats. They admit that a girl is to jump which would be tantamounttoadmittingthat Clark is saving the league. So you get the racial bitterness,theflagrantfouls, and jealousy that the league's player are emoting.
The rise of Caitlin Clark is a point of contention for manyWNBAplayers,butat the same time, they don’t realizethatarisingtidelifts all boats. They can’t admit that a white girl is able to jump, which would be tantamounttoadmittingthat Clark is saving the league. So you get the racial bitterness,theflagrantfouls, and jealousy that the league's players are emoting.
There is no doubt Clark will be a WNBA champion one day It may not be this year, but that is OK. Then again,youneverknow She isashoe-inforRookieofthe Year, and as far as Most Valuable Player, that remains to be seen. No doubt, she’s taken a gutter team to the playoffs, and
There is no doubt Clark will be a WNBA champion one day It may not be this year, but that is OK. Then again,youneverknow She isashoe-inforRookieofthe Year, and as far as Most Valuable Player, that remains be seen. No doubt, she’s taken a gutter team to the playoffs, and
despite her low pay, obviously made up with advertising endorsements, her winning attitude is reward enough for her sacrifices on the court. I believe Clark is more proud ofherteamsuccessthanher individual achievements, but it's her individual success that made her team better,whichhasgiventhem hopethattheycanplaymore effectively, and better than they previously thought possible. That’s the magic ofClark.
despite her low pay, obviously made up with advertising endorsements, her winning attitude is reward enough for her sacrifices on the court. I believe Clark is more proud ofherteam thanher individual achievements, but it's her individual success that made her team better whichhasgiventhem hopethattheycanplaymore effectively, and better than they previously thought possible. That’s the magic ofClark.
Early on in the season, sports writers were insistent that Clark was destined for and obviously opposing defenses were formulatedtostopher And it could have worked, had Caitlin been greedy and stingy insisting that she carry the team, at all times. But the ‘W’ is much more to her than individual achievements finding the open player for aneasybasketismuchbetter for her than constantly bodily injury And even with her sharing the points with her Fever teammates she is still settingrecords.
Early on in the season, sports writers were insistent that Clark was destined for failure, and obviously opposing defenses were formulatedtostopher And it could have worked, had Caitlin been greedy and stingy, insisting that she carry the team, at all times. But the ‘W’ is much more important to her than individual achievements, finding the open player for aneasybasketismuchbetter for her than constantly risking bodily injury And even with her sharing the points with her Fever teammates, she is still settingrecords.
The greats like Jackie Robinson, and even NBA players Magic Johnson and Larry Bird were never tasked with saving their leagues. But for she has taken a dying WNBA and made it again. I doubt if Caitlin takes anything personal. For her it's water off a duck's back. If she did take it personally, she would be at the low spots as her biggest critics Not a chance.
The greats like Jackie Robinson, and even NBA players Magic Johnson and Larry Bird were never tasked with saving their leagues. But for Clark, she has taken a dying WNBA and made it matter again. I doubt if Caitlin takes anything personal. For her it's just water off a duck's back. If she did take it personally she would be at the same low spots as her biggest critics Not a chance.
I want the finer things in life Who doesn’t And don’t get me wrong, I don’t needabighouseonthelake. I’velivedinatentforovera yearofmylife,amotorhome forseveralmore,andevenin a German castle for a time. And truly, I only need a kitchen, home office, bathroom, bedroom, and small living area which obviouslyisaremnantofmy cozy RV living days. I’d love to live on the west side of the lake, but being a Disabled Veteran with a medical record that can stretch from Montgomery County to Dallas I need quickaccesstoI-45tomake it to the Emergency Room, so living off League Line Roadisawisechoiceforme. In the past decades I felt I was living on borrowed time,butIaminmuchbetter shape now, and as a precaution I’ve had ‘MED INFO → tattooed just above my right inside wrist just in case EMT’s find me incapacitated. Truly, I am just happy to be alive, and have the mental capacity to put a word salad together that some readers may find entertaining.
In Europe, in my early 20’s,Iateatfinerestaurants with the company I kept. I had dinner at the American Embassy in Bonn back before the Fall of The Wall. Theproblemwas,mypalate wasn’t trained I didn’t really know what I was tasting, nor did I appreciate the flavors that were being expressed. In Paris, before going to the Moulin Rouge for a delightful evening, my company and I had a lovely dinner being bathed in the most beautiful sunset on a grandavenue. Irememberit was the first time I ate escargot, and it was a little intimidating at first, but the garlic butter sauce was
awesome and made the dish. Andevenwhenitwas justmeandafewfriends,we enjoyed ourselves This little Italian place I frequented served the best calamari Of course, all these places had paired wines. Andagain,stillbeing young, I really wasn’t appreciating the significance of the moment, and unwiselylookedatthemost delicious meals as just sustenance and not accountingforthememories of their tastes, aromas, nor the sensations, or feelings for consuming truly delicioustableofferings.
I loved the uniqueness of ‘ThePlayThatGoesWrong,’ with its play-within-a-play AgathaChristievibe. Justfor reference, I’ll only use the character names that are associated with the ‘Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society,’ andtheirpresentationof‘The Murder at Haversham
Manor, When the action starts,TrevorWatson(Carlos Soto), CPDS’s lighting and sound engineer, nervously readspreparedtext,theusual spiel about cell phones and photographyplusafewother things, followed closely by TMatHMdirectorChrisBean (Sean Thompson) whose lackofconfidenceisapparent and sets the tone for the evening I l
I loved the uniqueness of ‘ThePlayThatGoesWrong,’ with its play-within-a-play AgathaChristievibe. Justfor reference, I’ll only use the character names that are associated with ‘Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society,’ andtheirpresentationof‘The Murder at Haversham Manor, When the action starts,TrevorWatson(Carlos Soto), CPDS’s lighting and sound engineer, nervously readspreparedtext,theusual spiel about cell phones and photographyplusafewother things, followed closely by TMatHM ChrisBean (Sean Thompson) whose lackofconfidenceisapparent and sets the tone for the evening I l ved
announcement of the new season of CPDS plays with titles that are strangely similar, but due to backstory budgetary concerns have off sounding names, like ‘Cat.’ In the playbill you will see ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Vending Machine.’ Mmm?
he announcement of the new season of CPDS plays with titles that are strangely similar, but due to backstory budgetary concerns off sounding names, like ‘Cat.’ In the playbill you will see ‘Charlie and Chocolate Vending Machine.’ Mmm?
ChrisrevealsthatTMatHMis his directorial debut and compares the 16 people in attendance to watch the play asaboutthesamenumbersof
ChrisrevealsthatTMatHMis his directorial debut and compares the 16 people in attendance to watch the play asaboutthesamenumbersof
sauceovertheslices,and I’ll add a few small thin streaksofbalsamicfigglaze as an added kicker I even trieditwithredonionforjust thefondandpansauceonce, and it was outstanding as well.
With all that said, I had got to thinking a long while back about forming a small culinary society I have some cookbooks of recipes that I’ve never tried Recipes from Old English cookbooks like ‘The Forme of Cury,’ a.ka. Method of Cooking, from the kitchens
attendees to a ‘Hamilton ’ Even before Chris’s welcome, the perfectly prepared set starts its disintegration with the mantelpiece falling to the stage floor, before b
s accompanied with confusion bytheplayers.
attendees to a ‘Hamilton ’ Even before welcome, the perfectly prepared set starts its disintegration with mantelpiece falling to the floor, before being rushed offstage accompanied with confusion bytheplayers.
entrance of Charles Haversham (Stephen Sampson,whoremindsmeof a young Marlon Wayans) is brilliantwithhis que, having supposed to be dead on a one arm weddingsofa. Heisforcedto move across the floor under ‘stage blackout’ conditions. His body lifeless, with each flash of light, inching closer to his destination, until Charles’ body finally settles on the sofa Surprisingly, dead, murdered!! Like it should have started from the beginning Director Sean Thompson’s genius move by utilizing Sampson’s physical comedy ability makes an alreadyfunnyplayevenmore hilarious with perfectly executedslapstickishmoves; thatinmostotherproductions would simply have started w
The entrance of Charles Haversham (Stephen Sampson,whoremindsmeof a young Marlon Wayans) is brilliantwithhismissedque, having already supposed to be dead on a one arm weddingsofa. Heisforcedto move across the floor under ‘stage blackout’ conditions. His body lifeless, with each flash of light, inching closer to his destination, until Charles’ body finally settles on the sofa Surprisingly, dead, murdered!! Like it should have started from the beginning Director Sean Thompson’s genius move by utilizing Sampson’s physical comedy ability makes an alreadyfunnyplayevenmore hilarious with perfectly executedslapstickishmoves; thatinmostotherproductions would simply have started w
ady murderedonthesofa.
Rozas) along with the hapless butler Perkins (Bain Beason), all shocked at the sight. Charles’brotherCecil (Ara Hollyday) joins later, along with Inspector Carter (Sean Thompson), who rounds out for the moment. What ensues is a masterpiece of farcical silliness. A great distractor from the everyday seriousness of our own peculiar lives. Thereissomuchgoing onuponthestage,atthesame time in most cases, that its creativity lies in the confusion of the CDPS actors, drawing laughter from the real audience, of which players from theatre company thrives on. all soon forget about the overall plot, awaiting the next debaclefromtheineptCPDS actors, and coupled with the set falling apart, the actors havetobecreativeinkeeping the concocted intentions of the play-within-a-play rollingalong.
ady murderedonthesofa. In comes Haversham’s fiancé Florence Colleymore (Lauren Mulacek), and her brother Thomas (Jonathan
ofRichardII. Aplacewhere Westminster scribes wrote down recipes since the palace chef was illiterate. I had sent a notice to my neighborhood’s FB page anddidgetafewresponses, butthatwasyearsandyears ago, and the spark of inspirationfadedaway Now that I have a bigger audience I am willing to entertain the idea again which was sparked by watching the 2023 French movie‘TheTasteofThings,’ starring Juliette Binoche Now, I’ll never claim to be anAugusteEscoffier whose army cooking experience gave him inspiration to ‘Henry Ford’ (assembly line) the kitchen with his
Ara Hollyday’s Cecil, is an audience darling, and thrivesonhisnewfoundstage fame, taking out of character bows at every opportune
moment Hollyday’s character is also very much involved in the psychical comedy The same goes for Lauren Mulacek’s Florence.
Ara Hollyday’s Cecil, is an audience darling, and thrivesonhisnewfoundstage fame, taking out of character bows at every opportune moment Hollyday’s character is also very much involved in the psychical comedy The same goes for Lauren Mulacek’s Florence.
In comes Haversham’s fiancé Florence Colleymore (Lauren Mulacek), and her brother Thomas (Jonathan Rozas) along with the hapless butler Perkins (Bain Beason), all shocked at the sight. Charles’brotherCecil (Ara Hollyday) joins later, along with Inspector Carter (Sean Thompson), who rounds out the cast for the moment. What ensues is a masterpiece of farcical silliness. A great distractor from the everyday seriousness of our own peculiar lives. Thereissomuchgoing onuponthestage,atthesame time in most cases, that its creativity lies in the confusion of the CDPS actors, drawing laughter from the real audience, of which players from any theatre company thrives on. We all soon forget about the overall plot, awaiting the next debaclefromtheineptCPDS actors, and coupled with the set falling apart, the actors havetobecreativeinkeeping the concocted intentions of the play-within-a-play rollingalong.rolling
‘brigade de cuisine ’ Of course it brought order and efficiency to the task at hand; and organized a free flowingworkenvironment.
I’d like to experiment with different cuisines like haute, and cook a single asparagustoperfectionwith exotic flavors and oils. Or take a scallop, and propel it tothenextlevel. Andnotto mentiontrytruffledchicken. Plus, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at the five mothersauces.
And that’s really just the beginning There are so manycuisinesouttherethat need exploration, and it needs someone other than established food writers to dashoff800wordsaboutit.
Her chicken-with-its-headcut-off hysterical outburst is marvelously over-the-top and ever so entertaining Both Hollyday s and
Mulacek’sphysicalityintheir characters’affair (that didn’t comeoutrightdidit),aswell as their individual monologues, garnered great applause. Ceciltakesanother bow
Her chicken-with-its-headcut-off hysterical outburst is marvelously over-the-top and ever so entertaining Both Hollyday s and Mulacek’sphysicalityintheir characters’affair (that didn’t comeoutrightdidit),aswell as their individual monologues, garnered great applause. Ceciltakesanother bow
Jonathan Rozas’ Thomas C
Jonathan Rozas’ Thomas Colleym re and Bain
Beason’s Perkins have hilarious moments as well. The drinks that Perkins serves are so vial, that virtuallyeveryonespitsitout with disgu
ason perfectly captures Perkins incompetence, as well as his aged decrepit persona. The r
Beason’s Perkins have hilarious moments as well. The drinks that Perkins serves are so vial, that virtuallyeveryonespitsitout with disgust Beason perfectly captures incompetence, as well as his aged decrepit persona. The r
y Thomas and Perkins to determine the cause of death by Inspector Carter is pure gold. Just getting Charles’ body to the stretcher has the very much alive actor given causeforconcern,ashisbody ispushedoffthesofa. When the stretcher is lifted, the bodyremainsinplace,butthe playersareforcedtotakethe bars with an invisible body (and no canvas) to an upper part of the stage for Carter’s review Sampson’scharacter latermoveshimselfoffstage
Thomas Perkins to determine the cause of death by Inspector Carter is pure gold. Just getting Charles’ body to the stretcher has the very much actor given causeforconcern,ashisbody ispushedoffthesofa. When the stretcher is lifted, the bodyremainsinplace,butthe playersare totakethe bars with an invisible body (and no canvas) to an upper part of the stage for Carter’s review character latermoveshimself stage
That’s where I come in. Of course, we’d need a wine expert for pairing concerns, and I have one in mind
We d also need a trained expert in cuisine, someone who has the time to share their thoughts and talents. And some willing volunteers interested in cooking, all of us dedicated to enhancing the experience gastronomic.
using canvasasaway toshieldhisviewfromthe audience, like he s not there Agai , his movements highlight his physical comedy ability, and the just keep coming. The inspection of an invisible body by Carterissuperb,andtakes place on a platform that unsafely fits three players when is not even secured for one. support is later knocked out causing the platform teeter That happens as we come to find out of the affair between Florence Cecil, who whileinpassionateembraces are constantly interrupted by others, then they are broken up by Carter his interviews.
usingthecanvasasaway toshieldhisviewfromthe audience like he s not there Again, his movements highlight his physical comedy ability, and the laughs just keep coming. The inspection of an invisible body by Carterissuperb,andtakes place on a platform that unsafely fits three players when it is not even secured for one. A support is later knocked out causing the platform to teeter That happens as we come to find out of the affair between Florence and Cecil, who whileinpassionateembraces are constantly interrupted by others, then they are broken up by Carter for his interviews.
of TMatHM’s Inspector and multiple crew
Florence is accidently knocked out on stage when Thomasopensadoor,andso begins the odyssey of the replacement Florences,’with ‘Flo ’ played by totally unprepared stage manager Annie Twilloil (Sherry Rozas), while the uproariously funny attempt to remove Flo through a w
Florence is accidently knocked out on stage when Thomasopensadoor,andso begins the odyssey of the replacement Florences,’with ‘Flo 2 ’ played by totally unprepared stage manager Annie Twilloil (Sherry Rozas), while the uproariously funny attempt to remove Flo 1 through a window
cast members and stagehands takes place. ‘Flo 3,’after of course Flo 2 gets knocked out, turns out to be Trevor Wa
y other cast members and stagehands takes place. ‘Flo 3,’after of course Flo 2 gets knocked out, turns out to be Trevor Wa
Fl 3 character has to pretend kiss w
3 character has to pretend kiss
slapstickishly funny Each Florence has their hysterical mome ts, w
slapstickishly funny Each Florence has their hysterical
c et progressively worse with Flo’s2and but as entertaining. Flo 3 getsknockedout,Flo’s and 2 fight, both returned to consciousness, fight each other to be the last Florence standing. There isn’t space to describe every hilarious moment. Butbeassured,you will be entertained to the utmost. set that looked sopristineat of the play is systematically destroyed, and even IRL, the set did its part in taking out the lead actor, causing TPT W irecto ean Thompson to step the
progressively worse with Flo’s2and3,butareequally as entertaining. When Flo 3 getsknockedout,Flo’s1and 2 fight, both returned to consciousness, fight each other to be the last Florence standing. There isn’t enough space to describe every hilarious to moment. Butbeassured,you will be entertained to the utmost. The set that looked sopristineatthebeginningof the play is systematically destroyed, and even IRL, the set did its part in taking out the lead actor, causing TPTGW
role of TMatHM’s Inspector Carter and multiple crew positions. Manythanksgoto set designer John Barton, in taming the shrew of a set. SoundEngineersHeatherand Kaleb Webb, as well as Lighting Engineer Robert Bowlin were crucial to the success of the production The Stage Right stagehands deservejustasmuchcreditas the actors, seeing as they playedtheirpartinthebehind the scenes set destruction while keeping the actors as safe as possible Yet the physical acting does not completely stop the bumps and bruises that come with a performance The sword fight scene between Thomas and Cecil is hilarious with dwindling armaments and a facial wardrobe malfunction, andleadstothedeathofCecil off-stage,buthereturnstothe stage for his funny passing fromthisEarthscene. Buthe soon returns as a new character with a dog and morebows. The Play That Goes Wrong is a wonderful disaster, and makes for great entertainment I highly recommendit. DirectorSean Thompson’s calamitous vision has paid off, and the audience responded with great enthusiasm You’ll even love the little Buster Keatonhomageattheend. See you at the Crighton Theatre!
‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ runs at the Crighton Theatre until September 22nd. www.stage-right.org or936-441-7469.
‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ runs at the Crighton Theatre until September 22nd. www.stage-right.org or936-441-7469.
Manythanks to set designer Barton, in the shrew of a set. Heatherand Kaleb Webb, as well Lighting Engineer Robert crucial to of the production Right stagehands deservejustasmuchcreditas the actors, as playedtheir inthebehind the scenes keeping the actors as as Yet the physical acting does stop the and bruises that come a The sword fight between Thomas and is hilarious dwindling armaments and a wardrobe malfunction, andleadstothedeath hereturnsto funny fromthisEarthscene. Buthe soon as a new with a dog and bows. The Play That Goes Wrong a and makes for great entertainment I highly recommendit. calamitous vision has enthusiasm even love little homageat end. See you at the Crighton be reached at:
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn ews.net
of the Honorable 457th Judicial District Court, nd Montgomery County,Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 2 day of March, 2023, in the case of CommunityAssociation of Harmony Inc, Plaintiff,VS. Bobby Godfrey &Tyonne Body-Godfrey Jointly and Severally 1. $3,231.37 UnpaidAssessment & Charge.
judgementcredit. Defendant, Cause No. 22-12-17123-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Community AssociationofHarmonyInc,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe30thdayofAugust2024,at 12:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthe
SUPPLEMENTSAND REPLATSTHEREOF ; and on the 1st day of October 2024, between the hoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,attheMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat 301N.MainSt,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,all therights,titleandinterestofIsaI.AlbertandAmieAlbertJointlyandSeverallyDefendantinandto saidproperty
RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900 281-364-4211 th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite200,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe30 dayofAugust2024. By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th Judicial District Court, MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe5thdayofMarch,2024,inthecaseof MontgomeryCreekRanchCommunityAssociation,Inc.,Plaintiff,vs.IsaI.AlbertandAmieAlbert Jointly and Severally (1)
BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 23-07-10139 on a judgment rendered in said court on the 23rd day of OctoberAD. 2023 and directed and delivered to me as ConstableofMontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.Ihaveonthe19th dayofAugustAD.2024levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawat approximately10:00AM.onthefirstTuesdayinOctoberAD.2024 itbeingthe1stofsaidmonthat public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany whichthe defendanthadonthe23rddayofOctoberAD.2023,oratanytimethereafter,ofandinthefollowing describedpropertytowit:
Lot30,inBlock2,ofWoodforestSectionFifty-Nine(59),aSubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty, Texas according to the map or plate thereof recorded in Cabinet Z Sheet 3654, of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas, more commonly known as 118 Mimosa Silk Court, Montgomery TX77316("Property")
3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of (8.5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid.
4. $745.95($368.35CourtCostand$377.60Process
5. $2,993.50JudgmentCredit
TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofErikaAndreaWilliamsandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe23rd day of OctoberAD. 2023 in favor of Woodforest OwnersAssociation, Inc. and against the said ErikaAndreaWilliams.
or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage.
5139-5142, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS; and on the 1st day of October 2024, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,attheMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat301N.MainSt,Conroe,Texas77301, Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofBobby Godfrey&TyonneBody-GodfreyJointlyandSeverallyDefendantinandtosaidproperty
BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered23-09-13437onajudgmentrendered insaidcourtonthe21stdayofNovemberA.D.2023anddirectedanddeliveredtomeasConstableof MontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe23rddayofAugust A.D. 2024 levied upon and will offer for sale between the hours prescribed by law at approximately 10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayinOctoberA.D.2024 itbeingthe1stofsaidmonthatpublicauction
TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt orcontractmaybelevieduponandsoldonexecutionagainstthepersonmakingthepledge,assignment ormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitisheldbythe pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignment or mortgage.
ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe410thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 9th day of July 2022, in the case of Summer Hills CommunityImprovementAssociation,Plaintiff,vs.JorgeMarquezandJeanetteColon,Defendant(s), Cause No.19-10-14005 in said court, judgment being in favor of Summer Hills Community ImprovementAssociation,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe26thDayofAugust2024at 10:00 o'clock am., levy upon the following described property of Defendant(s): Jorge Marquez and JeanetteColon.
TO: Any and All Unknown Owners, Successors, Assigns, Heirs, and/or Any Other Persons or Entities claiming an interest in or title to that certain unclaimed tract or parceloflandsituatedintheWilliamMasseySurvey,AbstractNo.387,Montgomery County,Texas,boundedonthewestbyacalled69.28Acres,Parcel723,asdescribed in a Final Judgment in favor of the State of Texas, recorded under Document No. 2016070343intheOfficialPublicRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.
Lot One Hundred Thirty-Three (133), In Section Two (2), of Summer Hills, a recorded subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in CabinetDatSheet2AoftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.AKA18874FerneyLn. Porter,Texas77365.
THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § andonthe1stdayofOctober2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Jorge MarquezandJeanetteColon,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty th Witnessmyhandthisthe26 dayofAugust2024,2024.
21130USHwy59#C DeputyR.Crowder#8451
KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 NewCaney TX.77357
ApplicationhasbeenmadewiththeTexasAlcoholicBeverageCommissionforaWine-Only PackageStorePermit(Q)byKnoxBusinessLLCdbaFuelMaxx#110 tobelocatedat 23988 FM 1314 RD, Porter, TX 77365, Montgomery County, Texas. Officers of said corporation are Mahendi Maknojia (Manager), Nizarali Momin (Manager), Rahim Maknojia(Manager),ZulfikaraliMaknojia(Manager). PublishedDate:September11,18,2024
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
Montgomery TX 77356
DATEDthe3rddayofSeptember,2024 /s/KEVINAFORSBERG
Montgomery,TX 77356
Entergy Texas, Inc
The State Of Texas;AnyAndAll Unknown Owners, Successors,Assigns, Heirs, And/orAny Other Persons Or Entities
Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Youoryourattorneymustfilea written answer to the Second Amended Notice of Hearing Before Special Commissionersatorbefore10o'clocka.m.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationoffortytwo days after the date of issuance of this citation being October 7th, 2024, before the ProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty Texasat210WestDavis,Conroe,Texas,77301. vs. By:/s/KiarraFlores 8/23/20241:24:36PM KiarraFlores,DeputyClerk
Notice is hereby given that Storage King USA at 18318 U.S. 59 New Caney, TX 77357 (281)968-2102willsellthecontentsofthestorageunitslistedbelowatapublicauctionto satisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).The sale will take place at the website on 9/24/2024 at www.StorageTreasures.com 9:00am The sale will be conducted on under the
You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination and DeclarationofHeirshipfiledbyALEENASTAMNESS,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthe firstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonAugust23,2024. Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:24-47131-P
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
You are commanded to appear and answer to the APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIPANDFORLETTERSOFINDEPENDENTADMINISTRATION-INSTATEfiledby JosephMurphy,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen (10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe,Texas. Said application was filed on August13,2024.
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe6thdayofOctober,2022,inthecaseof U.S.BankNationalAssociation,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBacked Certificates, Series 2006 HE1., Plaintiff, vs. Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt, Defendant(s), Cause No. 22-10-13505-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of U.S. Bank National Association,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBackedCertificates,Series 2006HE1,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe9thDayofSeptember2024at10:00o'clock am., levy upon the following described property of Defendant(s): Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt.
4.02 acre tract described in deed to ClarenceJ.Holtandwife,KimM.HoltrecordedunderMontgomeryCountyClerk'sfileNo. 9637508 of the real property records of Montgomery County,Texas; save and except a 1.069 acretractdescribedindeedtoShannonBabinrecordedunderMontgomeryCountyClerk'sfile No.9637509ofsaidrealpropertyrecords;
Thence with a centerline of White Oak Road West, a distance of 174.95 feet to the point of beginning.
Note: The company is prohibited from insuring the area or quantity of the land described herein. Any statement in the above legal description of the area or quantity of land is not a representationthatsuchareaorquantityiscorrect,butismadeforonlyinformationaland/or identificationpurposesanddoesnotoverrideitem2ofscheduleBhereof.
and on the 1st day of October 2024 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof KimM.HoltandClarenceJ.Holt,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Aaron C Shuttlesworth,Deceased,wereissuedtoTeresaA.ShuttlesworthonJuly24,2024,inCauseNo.2446319-P pendinginProbateCourtNumber1,MontgomeryCounty Texas.Allpersonshavingclaims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them toTeresaA. Shuttlesworth, Independent Executor c/o J. Randal Bays, The Bays Firm, 1503 Hailey Street, Conroe,Texas77301,withinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
NoticetoCreditors Conroe,Texas77301 1503Hailey
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Norma Jean Moody DeceasedandtheEstateofClydeCliftonMoodywereissuedonSeptember4,2024,inCause Nos.24-46241-Pand24-46365-P,pendingintheProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to SherrellThomas. AllpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheseEstateswhicharecurrentlybeingadministeredare requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: MargaretMauer,JohnsenLaw,PLLC,322N.MainSt.,Conroe,Texas77339.
GREETING:YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertothetoDetermineHeirshipfiled by Tyler Garrett Rudasill, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable ProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty,attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.
Determinewhotheheirsandonlyheirsofthedecedentareandtheirrespectivesharesand interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicantmaybeentitled.
Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 6th day of September,2024. L.BrandonSteinmann, CountyClerkMontgomeryCounty,Texas BrandiDuron,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:September11,2024
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
Montgomery TX 77356 AttorneyatLaw
AttorneyforNeldaMonjure StateBarNo.:24009204
Montgomery TX 77356
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Helen Sue HamiltonShealy,Deceased,wereissuedonSeptember5,2024,inCauseNo.24-46938-P,pendingin theProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: DavidHamilton,Sr
Facsimile: (936)441-5745 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw 101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301.
Email: gaprice@priceandprice-law.com
Notice of Public Sale:
RecNation RV and Boat Storage unit contents are being sold to satisfy a landlord's lien. Sale to be held at from 9/11/24 12pm to 9/26/24 www.storagetreasures.com 12pm.Cleanupdepositisrequired.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawtheproperty at any time before sale. Unit items sold to highest bidder All spaces contain household items unless otherwise noted. TXHOU03- 1424 Northpark Dr, Kingwood, TX77339:JoyWebb,JordanHarper JordanHarper;TXHOU06-28153RobinsonRd, Conroe,TX77385:SeanWhatley,SeanWhatley;TXHOU10-306CorporateWoodsDr, Magnolia,TX77354:JohnInman
MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’-JoeTessari
This week’s Veteran is Joe Tessari, who served in the U S Marine from 1985-1992. Tessariserved as an Infantry Rifleman, followinghisbasictraining in Parris Island, South Carolina. Joeservedinthe Philippines at Subic Bay Naval Base in 1986-1987. He was then transferred to Camp Pendleton near San Diego, California, where he was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines, known as the Striking 3/9. Tessari was still with the 3/9 when he was deployed to SaudiArabia in support ofOperationDesertShield to counter Iraq’s invasion ofKuwait.
This week’s Joe served in U S from 1985-1992. Tessari an Infantry hisbasictraining Parris served the Philippines at Subic Bay Naval in was then transferred to Camp Pendleton Diego, where assigned Battalion, 9th Striking 3/9. with the when was Arabia in counter
DuringtheVietnamEra. His father Manuel, served in the United States Army during World War II, and received the Bronze Star Medal. Charliewasraised in Conroe, and joined the United States Marines in 1970. Hewasstationedin
Okinawa, Japan for nearly a year as a Unit Clerk, and obtained the rank of Corporal. Mr Soliz was then posted back stateside for the remainder of his time in service In summer1972,Charliewas honorablydischargedfrom active duty and served in the Marine Reserves until 1976. Followinghisactive duty service, Mr Soliz began a career in law enforcement with the Montgomery County Sheriff’sOfficeworkingat the time under Sheriff Gene Reaves. He also served as Police Chief of ShenandoahandLoneStar Community College, retiring last August, thus completing51yearsoflaw enforcement, all of which were served in MontgomeryCounty
During Manuel, the States World War and received Star was Conroe, the States Marines in 1970. He in Japan for year Clerk, obtained the Corporal. Soliz was posted stateside for remainder his time in service was discharged duty served Marine Following active service, Mr Soliz began a career in law Montgomery workingat under Sheriff Reaves. as Chief Lone Community 51years enforcement, of in Montgom-
Feeling like he was destined for more than a minimum wage job, Timothy Brumley followed his family’s footsteps and joined the Army
Jr than wage Timothy folow a ly and Army
On May 3, 2005, SergeantTimothyBrumley was an Infantryman with the 173rd Airborne Brigade on his second combat tour in Afghanistan During a quick reaction force mission in the Arghandab River Valley, a booby trap exploded beneath Tim Tim resultingintheamputation of his left leg below the knee.
On 2005, Sergeant Brumley was Infantryman with t e 7 d bor e Brigade on second combat tour in Afghanistan a quick reaction mission in the Arghandab River Valley, trap exploded beneath resultingintheamputation of his leg the knee.
Now medically retired, Tim enjoys spending time with his wife, Teresa, and theirthreechildrenColton, Jacob, and Olivia. He also enjoys participating in enjoys
, playing board games, golfing, and recently, startedcookingasahobby
Now retired, Tim enjoys time with Teresa, and theirthree Colton, Jacob, Olivia. He also enjoys in ker to rn men , playing games, and recently, cookingasahobby
Though Tim has made significant progress in his recovery, he still experiences obstacles within his home A new specially adapted custom home will enable Tim to regain his freedom and independ-
our Texas History, as she saystheseTexasHistorical Marke
h a wonderfuleducationabout o u
e CHARLOTTE serves on the Board for “Friends of the (Historical Texas) Flags Foundation”, while continuing to support our Texas Southern History andEducation.
ence He is looking forward to an adapted kitchen where he can practice cooking. Without the burden of a mortgage, Tim andTeresa hope to be able to travel together as a family more often, and teach their children about various cultures. Tim is relievedthathewillhavea specially adapted custom
home where he can live with comfort and ease, especiallywhenheisolder
Though Tim made significant progress in his recovery, he experiences his home A specially adapted will enable Tim his freedom independlooking adapted kitchen he cooking. burden mortgage, Tim hope family more often, their about relievedthathe custom where comfort and heisolder
as Chaplain, and previously as an assistant Chaplain, but now has been elected currently as Vice President of the RJOA Chapter She also serves on the Veterans Committee and faithfully attends all RJOA Veteran Activities plannedwearing her proud AmericanColorsand Shinning Spirit!
CHARLOTTE is a regularattendertoall theRebelJoanOfArc Chapter Meetings, Meetings, ALL TX Division UDC Forums, and ALL TX Division UDCConventions!
CHARLOTTE BELIN of the Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721ChapteroftheUnited DaughtersoftheConfederacytravelsTexasinsearch ofourConfederateHistory inTexas. There in the hills of Bandera Pass is a wonderful Historical Marker showing our Confederate CivilWarHistoryandwhat happened in that area What a wonderful find for our Texas History! Who wouldhavethoughttohunt thehillsofBanderaTexas? RJOA CHARLOTTE BELIN continues to study
RJOA CHARLOTTE is person in interests hersincere dedication she n v o v d n has served Rebel Joan Of as valued
RJOA CHARLOTTE BELIN is an amazing person in her wide variety ofinterestsandhersincere dedication to all she is i n v o l v e d i n CHARLOTTE has served her Rebel Joan Of Arc ChapterasavaluedOfficer
TheRebelJoanOf Arc Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy also has an important UDC Committee for
LOTTE’S Historical, Educational, and Arts endeavors, her Patriotic work includ
“Southern Literature and Arts” “MRS CHARLOTTE volunteers her time on the Board of the “Friends of the Symphony Orchestra”, as well as “sponsors a chair” for the Conroe Sym
ny o Orchestra,andisoneofit’s first three Life Members. Sheisa“MemorialPatron” totheYoungTexasArtists.
CHARLOTTEBELINhas continued to give to her S
nd Literature” community by serving on the Board for theOwen’sTheaterforthe lastthreeyears.
RebelJoanOf Arc Chapter of the Daughters of Confederacy also has an important Committee for r ogni ing and celebration of “Southern Literature and Arts” “MRS CHARLOTTE volunteers her time Board of the “Friends Symphony Orchestra”, as well as “sponsors a chair” for the C nroe Symp ony Orchestra, is it’s first three Members. Sheisa“MemorialPatron” to YoungTexasArtists. CHARLOTTEBELINhas continued to to her S rn A t nd Literature” by serving the Board for theOwen’sTheaterforthe lastthreeyears.
and an Chaplain, but been elected as President the RJOA She serves on the Veterans Committee attends RJOA Veteran plannedwearing proud Colorsand hin i g pi t! CHARLOTTE is a regularattender all JoanOfArc Chapter Meetings, ALL TX Division and ALL TX Division BELIN of Rebel Joan Arc 2721Chapter United Daughters theConfederacytravelsTexas search ofour History inTexas. There the hills of Bandera Pass a wonderful Marker showing our Confederate Civil andwhat happened area What for our Texas Who would thoughttohunt thehills Texas? RJOA L TTE BELIN to study our History, as Texas rker ar u wonderful about o u r G t S t a serves on Board for “Friends Texas) while continuing to support Southern
s being elected the Republican Party Precinct #43 Chairman, and she also serves as an Election Judge “MRS CHARLOTTE is currently serving as President of the Liberty Belles Republican Women’s Organization”inConroe. E
President of the Women’s inConroe.
“TheLordGuidesmein ALL I do”, says CHARLOTTE. “Let it be for his Glory”…
the things about our wonderful Rebel Joan Of Arc Member and her volunteerism to help build a kind and loving society for our future TEXAS for G e n e r a t i o n s CHARLOTTE BELIN is the Gift that just keeps on Giving…
by Family is loyal mb r of th West Conroe Church where she serves on the i ar roup
and i
These are just a few of
Regent); Rowena Hayes
(Honorary Regent); Maureen Pack (First Vice Regent, 2024-2026). Back
Standing: Pat Spackey (Honorary Regent), Mary Thompson (Regent -20242026)and PatWilliams(Organizing Regent