Montgomery County News, September 14, 2022

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$3.35/g. San$3.35/g.Antonio- $3.01/g, downSan Antonio11 4 cents per gallon from lastgallon week's$3.12/g. Austin-$3.12/g.$3.11/g,

library calendar v s

September$3.53/g)12,2017: $2.49/gSeptember 12, 2017: (U.S.Average:$2.65/g)


All art returned to the librarywillbedisplayedin October To be included, youmustreturnyourartby Monday, October 3, 2022. The bottom part of the formmustbefilledoutand returned with your art Artists can pick up their artwork by November 4th, 2022.TocelebrateGulfCoastTo Reads:OnTheSamePage in October, book lovers across the region will be reading and discussing Lone Stars by Justin Deabler Lone Stars is a story as big as Texas and takes readers through locations like Conroe, Huntsville,etc.

a new s e a s o n f o r a l l o f Montgomery


Gulf Coast Reads: On theSamePageisanannual regional reading initiative focused on promoting the simultaneous reading or listening to a selected title by those living along the upperTexasGulfCoast. For


September$2.56/g)12,2014: September 12, 2014: (U.S.Average:$3.41/g)

See Conroe, page 2 Texas Weekly GasPrices THE WOODLANDS, TX–LivemusicatMarket Street is back as the Fall Concert Series lineup features artists performing Top 40 country, cover favorites and more, every Thursday, September 22 through October 27 from 6:00–8:30p.m. · September 22 –Rapturekicksofftheseries withpopularTop40hits · September 29 Nobody's Fool pumps up the crowd with classic and modernrocktunes Sponsored by Sewell Automotive Market Street's 2022 Fall Concert Series is free and open to the public Guests are invited to bring blankets and lawn chairs and sit back, relax, and enjoy the performances.·October 6 – Enjoy· October WineWalkatMarketStreet THE is 40 country, · –Top · Sponsored ti free chairs relax, –See Concert, page 3 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS PatriotsDayofRemembrance byTheFreedomChapter#58 “FriendsOfTheSymphony” ContinueToPromoteConroe SymphonyOrchestra RJOARegistrar: Danean Myers, RJOACharter Member: KathyWilliams, CSOArtistic Director & Conductor: Gary Liebst, Founder & Charter President of RJOA, and CSO Board & FOS Board: Elaine Collings, RJOARecording Secretary:Anita Stevens, RJOAArchivist: Myra Liston. Present but not pictured: RJOAChaplain: Charlotte Belin, RJOACharter Chaplain and 2ndVP, & CSO Board Member and past FOS President: Lyn Howard. Tiny Library!CentralCounty’MontgomeryShowTLibrary!CentralCounty’MontgomeryShowArtHitssinyArtHitss MarketStreet MarketConcert2022ForPerformersNamesFallSeriesStreetNamesPerformersForFall2022ConcertSeries

Arc 2721


D a u g h t e r s o f t h e Confederacy

and our Arts,


By joint the U.S. 18, 2001, was designated Patriots

continue to see the national average price of gasoline decline now for the thirteenth straight week. But, we're seeing drastically different price behaviorsfromcoasttocoast,with some areas seeing noticeable increases while others are seeing decreases," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy "Refinery issues in Californiaareleadingtoincreases in areas supplied by the state’s refineries including areas of Arizona Nevada Oregon Washington and of course, California Gasoline supply remains tight for the East Coast withsomemodestmovesup,while prices continue to edge lower in the Plains, South and areas of the GreatLakes.Fornow,Ibelievethe drop

The president of United States proclamation that at asked honor with beginning EST that airplane Trade

For more information, please contact Devery Goss, MCMLS Outreach Coordinatorator, or visit the library calendar of

United America.

September 12, 2021: $2.81/g (U.S.Average:$3.15/g)

United States of America.


to support our

September$2.65/g)12,2012: September 12, 2012: (U.S.Average:$3.86/g) their from week's down 13.1Austin- $3.11/g, cents per gallon from last week's

national average

Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXVII NUMBER 36 Section 1 8 pages September14,2022 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly POSTPRE-SRTAGEPD#80MONTG.TX

We in prices will overpower the increases leading to potentially another decline this week, but we're in a very fragile time and certainlycouldseeabroadermove higherintheweeksahead."

our History of oure r Arc r along y f


of Conroe Symphony

of Sons Revolution n s F in to that t k September F r e d m a p of Flag

yesterday while the most expensive was $4 73/g, a

Symphony Music is in theairasthe season Orchestra kicks off County! Joan Of Chapter of the United continues community along with

Montgomery County News 12, 2019: $2.26/g (U.S.Average:$2.56/g)


Average gasoline prices ingasoline Texas have fallen 13.6 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3 10/g today according to GasBuddy's survey of 13,114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 34.4 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 28.7 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof dieselhasdeclined5.5centsinthe last week and stands at $5.01 per gallon.AccordingtoGasBuddypriceAccording reports, the cheapest station in Texas was priced at $2 75/g difference of $1.98/g. The lowest price in the state yesterday was $2 75/g while the highest was $4.73/g,adifferenceof$1.98/g. The national average price of gasoline has fallen 7.6 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3 67/g today The national average is down 26.9 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands52.3centspergallonhigher than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from morethan11millionweeklyprice reportscoveringover150,000 stationsacrossthecountry Historical in Texas the going

September$2.84/g)12,2016: $1.97/gSeptember 12, 2016: (U.S.Average:$2.17/g) September$2.17/g)12,2015: $2.11/gSeptember 12, 2015: (U.S.Average:$2.35/g)

September$2.35/g)12,2013: $3.33/gSeptember 12, 2013: (U.S.Average:$3.53/g)

gasoline prices




backtenyears: Septemberyears:12,2019: $2.26/g September$2.56/g)12,2014: $3.21/gSeptember$3.41/g)12,2020: $1.88/g $2.18/g) We the average price gasoline now the thirteenth week. But, seeing i all ffe en pr ce coast with noticeable seeing said Haan, head at issues in are increases supplied by state’s of Nevada Oregon and course, supply remains the Coast modest while prices continue edge in the Plains, of the Lakes. the prices will overpower the leading potentially decline week, but in very fragile and broadermove theweeks $2.81/g $2.61/g $1.97/g September$2.17/g)12,2015: $2.11/g $3.33/g $2.49/g $3.66/g their gas 25/g, 9.7centsper week's 4 week's from last week's cents the last week, averaging to Texas. cents gallon than a ago stand ayear nationalaverage of 5.5 in week at $5.01 GasBuddy cheapest station Texas was priced at s d h o t p v 4 g difference The in the 75/g while the national average of has fallen gallon last averaging today down month stands than year according compiled 11 price over gas country Magnolia,PBOXTX 77353 Index Community................2,3,4 Commentary 3,4 Legals.............................6,Devotional..........................5Legals.............................6,Devotional..........................547Legals.............................6,7BusinessDirectory.............8BusinessDirectory.............8Community................2,3,4Commentary3,47BusinessDirectory.............8

The Freedom Chapter #58, of the Sons of the American Revolution participated with the Woodlands Township and the Woodlands Fire Department,inaceremony to pay tribute to those that were lost during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The F r e e d o m C h a p t e r presented a flag certificate to the Central Fire Station, in recognition of exemplarypatriotisminthe display of the Flag of the

September$3.41/g)12,2020: $1.88/gSeptember 12, 2020: (U.S.Average:$2.18/g)

Byajointresolutionofthe U.S. Congress on Dec. 18, 2001, September 11th was designatedasPatriotsDay

$2.61/gSeptember 12, 2018: (U.S.Average:$2.84/g)


Celebrateyourcommunity andyourinnerartistinour Tiny Art Show You can pick up a tiny canvas and register at the Central Library’s Reference Desk starting September 19th, 2022 Use your own art supplies to express what you feel is community Paint, Crayons, Color Pencils, or Watercolor can beused.Yourartcannotbe biggerthan3x3.

To must your part must can up artwork celebrate and readers locations etc. annual or

Theresolutioncallsforthe president of the United States to issue a yearly proclamation requesting thatallU.S.flagsbeflown athalf-staff.Americansare asked to honor the dead with a moment of silence beginning at 8:46AM, EST the time that the first airplane struck the World TradeCenter

Neighboring areas currentgasprices: Midland Odessa $3 25/g, down9.7centspergallon

Neighboring$3.86/g)areas and


e v e n t s a,TX

tiny starting own can Your cannot 3x returned

Green Bean Salad

Ournextexcitingevent coming up will be the Fall Membership Reception on Saturday, September 17, 2022, 4-6, at the Conroe Symphony Center Rehearsal Hall, 1500 Fraiser Street Conroe Season Tickets: $80 00 each Friends of the Symphony: $25 00 each, FOS Annual Patron: $100 00 each, FOS Lifetime Membership: $500.00 each.Your choice how you support your community and share with yourFamily Publicity by Elaine C o l l i n g s ,o A lovely afternoon has beenarrangedforthisnext Event by the “Friends of the Symphony Trustees Committee President: Mrs Gaby Tyron, and Membership Officer: Mrs Doris Daner have arrangedalovelyreception to greet new members and introduceArtisticDirector, GaryLiebst.PleaseJoinus and become a member for you and your family! Musicisawonderfulthing to share with your Family and Friends and the bondingofacommunityin elegance, fun, and harmonyharmony wonderful Montgomery county area RJOA gathered for the Salon Series of the “Rag Time Event” at the Conroe Symphony Center a f t e r n o o n E v e n t Energetic, Talented, new CSO Artistic Director, Conductor: Gary Liebst was pleased to pose with these Southern Texas Belles who had come to personally meet him and introduce him to our community Southern ladies always supported t h e a r t s o f t h e i rf communities in the 1860’s and they still do today What an asset Gary Liebst willbetotheCSO,andthe Rebel Joan Of Arc Belles whoarealsoFriendsofthe Symphony andsoeagerto promote him and our wonderful Symphony of MontgomeryCounty Ournext coming up Reception on September 17, 2022, m ho Hall, 1500 Street $80 ach n s f th Symphony: $25 F al Patr n e each. choice you community with by l i n , lovely been for next Event by “Friends of the Trustees Committee President: Mrs Gaby Tyron, and Officer: Daner have lovelyreception greet members and introduceArtisticDirector, us and for family! wonderfulthing nd r n a h in eg nc , n a ounty a JOA Salon “Rag the m on a f n n e Artistic pleased to with meet to s o h communities in will the Rebel Joan Belles who the Symphony and eagerto promote our wonderful Symphony of Montgomery ?THE REBEL JOAN OFARCCO-CHAIRMEN O F T H E T X C O N V E N T I O N ATTENDEE PIN & BAR”: HOWARD AND COLLINGSAREREADY FOR THIS YEARS CONVENTION WITH H U G E N E W E L Y ARRIVEDORDERS! Left to Right: RJOA Charter Chaplain & Co Chairman and Designer of the Convention Pin & Bar Project: LYN HOWARD, ManagerofPamelaWright Collections: ESTELLA ORNELAS, and Founder & Charter President, CoChairman and Designer of the Convention Pin P r o j e c t : E L A I N E COLLINGS.RJOAPublicityRJOA P Chairman: Elaine C o l l i n g s ehcollings@gmail.coms TheRebelSistersstand proudly with Estella Ornelas of Pamela Wright Collections LLC manufactures of many Lineage products and custom work such as the copy righted design of RJOA.


Refrigerate your salad in an airtight container for upto5days.Infact,thisis one that tastes even better afteradayinthefridge.

are marvelous for the public to visit They are open three days a week, andfeaturethingsfromthe not only the Confederate period, but actual pieces fromGoneWithTheWind!





ol ec i ns LLC many


Left to Right: Charter Chaplain & Chairman and Designer of the Convention Pin & Bar

a tip Green vegetables for minutes longer exposed to acid like juice willturnadrabolivecolor That's why green thatstay cook 6 minutes or less, and plunge into the c g I you d vinegar, you've coatedthebeanswithoil.

Chapter! President JENNY LEHR completes t committee a t ees m or th r Work MYRA LISTON the Sales Order orm an adds h r to the art

Balsamic ParmesanIngredients*Koshersalt*11/2pounds cut

Sisters. are held for their andRJOAis to candidates this in g So iet es


· October20 Fab5 delivers British invasion andBeatlescoversongs · October 27 MojilesBandmixesTop40 country hits as well as 70's and80'srock

HowardAndCollings AreReadyForThis Years YArHowardConventionAndCollingseReadyForThisearsConvention

Bring a of salted water to a (2 tablespoons salt for 2 quarts water). Add the green beans to the water andblanchonlyforabout2 minutes or until the beans just barely cooked but still crisp.Fresh beans should cook quickly Older, beans may



Green Bean Salad with Basil Balsamic and


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil (2 tablespoons of salt for 2 quarts of water). Add the green beans to the water andblanchonlyforabout2 minutes or so, until the beans are just barely cooked through, but still crisp.Fresh young beansFresh should cook quickly Older, tougher beans may

takelonger 3.longerShockinicewater:3.Shock

chopped onions small of water This will help take theedge onions.Let sit while you prepare the rest salad.

yours before draining to makesuretheyaredoneto your liking. (If you find yourself with a batch of green beans that are tough and old, and refusing to become tender save them for cooking in a soup ) Thisrecipeservesabout6.

Season to with salt and freshly ground black until ready serve.Yo a a i

) This

6. Green


LYN HOWARD and ELAINE COLLINGS, designed, developed, and processed this amazing projectfortheirRebelJoan Of Arc 2721 Chapter and f o r a l l t h e Te x a s Convention Attendees which has created the opportunity for All

* parsley, cilantro,or inaddition toorinsteadofbasil.

· October13–Gary Kyle's soulful Texas country sound takes the stage· b r 2 · October13 stage


* 2 able o n

This second tobeable offerthis Remembrance to all Daughters They no stopping this

choppedPlace the onions in a small bowl of water This will help take theedgeofftheonions.Let sit while you prepare the restofthesalad.


The have Arrivedforthisyears126th Annual Texas Division United the Confederacy, Convention! LYN O R and ELAINE COLLINGS, designed, developed, and processed this amazing projectfor Joan Of Arc 2721 and f o a l h e e x s Convention Attendees which has created the op rtun fo l

Confederacy was established the States groups in Missouri Division was by Cabell earlier local chapter Dallas. Of now there are Dallas as 70 across the great of which continue honor Heritage! 1st meeting heldwasin he x i isi sponsored Texas Confederate a d he Con ederate Woman’sHome.Each they in to t s Confederate UDC Museum Their

Refrigerate salad container for to5days. fact, that tastes inthefridge.

the green beans:

from page 1 Conroe


Here dish serve this Labor Day of served or room and a green be just cooked after or two. that refusing to them cooking soup recipe about Bean

alongwithhigh-energyTop 40 and classic hits from JoiLux thearea's premier shopping, dining, and entertainment destination,withmorethan 70retailersandrestaurants, islocatedinTheWoodlands at9595SixPinesDrive.

with red onion, andParmesan: green beans, red and bowl in the olive oil, toss coat. in and cheese.


Parmesan cheese (about 1 1/2

from page 1 Concert

Parmesan 1 1/2

with other toppings, such as halved cherry tomatoes, toasted nuts (e.g., walnuts, pine nuts slivered almonds), and chopped hard-boiledeggs.

* Herbs: Try parsley, cilantro,ormintinaddition toorinsteadofbasil.

Here's a tip Green vegetables when cooked for seven minutes or longer or exposed to acid likelemonjuiceorvinegar, willturnadrabolivecolor That's why if you want greenbeansthatstaygreen, cook them 6 minutes or less, and then plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking If you add vinegar, do so after you've coatedthebeanswithoil.


The new Orders have Arrivedforthisyears126th Annual Texas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy, Convention!


HOWARD, ofPamela Collections: ESTELLA and Founder Charter President, the Co venti n i P r o j c t : E A I N E COLLINGS.RJOAPub icit Chairm n: n C l i n ehcollings@gmail.coms

History Conventions Bars Dates locations changeyearlyaccording th n w C nve tion The and Bar truly remembrance displayed in all the Red velvet gift bags. RED is Color the Rebel Of

with other toppings, such halved tomatoes, toasted (e.g., pin sliv r almonds), and eggs.



customize this highly versatilesaladaccordingto your own tastes or what's coming up in your garden. Hereareafewsuggestions:

* Crumblefeta over salad of Parmesan.*Toppings: itup

are marvelous public to three days only the pieces GoneWith restores Confederate Flags their nditi or ou to come to be see in Education factual History

* Freshly ground black pepper2Blanch the green2 Blanch beans: * 2 tablespoons balsamicvinegar 1.MethodSoaktheonions:1.Soakthe * 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion (or shallots)*3/4cupchoppedfresh*3/4 basilleaves * 4 tablespoons extra virginoliveoil *3/4cupfreshlygrated

The UDC also restores Confederate Flags and Paintings to their best condition for our Generations to come to be able to see and perpetuate in Education and factual TexasHistory H T O N V E N T I O N AT E DEE PIN & HOWARD AND COLLINGSARE O HIS Y ARS WITH U G N E W E L Y ARRIVED

Chapter! RJOA President JENNY LEHR completes the committee as a threesome for their amazing Team Work RJOA MYRA LISTON created the Sales Order Forms and adds her professionalism to the art work! This is their second yeartobeabletoofferthis Convention Remembrance to all the UDC Daughters in Texas They have noThey plans of ever stopping this

The Sistersstand with Estella Ornelas Wright products and custom such the righted of

customize this highly saladaccording your tastes

While the beans are cooking, prepare a large bowl of ice water When the beans are ready, use a slotted spoon to remove them from the boiling water to the ice water to stopthecooking. Draincooking.thegreen beansDrain the green andtheredonions.

Attendees to possess their personalHistoryRecordof Conventions they have attended! The Bars and Dates with locations changeyearlyaccordingto the new Convention location. The Convention Pin and Bar is truly a beautiful remembrance and is displayed on the Table in all the little Red velvet and Red satin gift bags. RED is the Color of the Rebel Joan Of Arc

wonderfulProjectfortheir Convention Attendee Sisters. The proceeds are held for their Scholarship workandRJOAisproudto sponsorcandidatesforthis Lineage Societies Scholarships.TheUnited DaughtersThe United of the Confederacy was established in 1894 by the merger of States groups in Georgia Missouri and Tennessee. In 1896 Texas Division was organized by Kate Cabell Muse, who had earlier organized a local chapter in her home town of Dallas. Of course now there are several Chapters in Dallas as well as over 70 Chapters across the great state of Texas which continue to honor theirSouthernHeritage! InHeritage! 1896 the 1st meeting ever heldwasinVictoriaTexas. The Texas Division formally sponsored the Texas Confederate Home and the Confederate Woman’sHome.Eachyear they still award thousands ofdollarsinscholarshipsto d e s c e n d a n t s o f Confederate Veterans. The UDC also helps maintain the Confederate Museum in Texas. Their collections

LefttoRight:RJOACharterChaplain&Co-ChairmanandDesigneroftheConvention Pin&BarProject:LYNHOWARD,ManagerofPamelaWrightCollections:ESTELLA ORNELAS,andFounder&CharterPresident,Co-ChairmanandDesignerofthe ConventionPinProject:ELAINECOLLINGS.


* ground black




*Cheese:Crumblefeta over the salad in place of Parmesan.*Toppings:Dressitup*Toppings:

1/2 cup fin ly red onion chopped 4 tablespoons extra virginolive cupfreshly

vegetable.Ideally, fresh

young, freshIdeally, green beans should be just cooked after a minute or two.Cooked,butcrisp.Try

Try to aredone (If beans

inice While the bowl water use slotted to to water to

trimmedpounds greenbeans,cutto2-to3-

Here is a perfect side dish to serve this Labor Day Itcanbemadeahead oftime,isservedchilledor room temp and it's a


Diana Anderson Thoughtfor DianaCAnderson@

4. Toss with red onion, balsamic,andParmesan: Place the green beans, red onion, and chopped basil in a large bowl Sprinkle in the olive oil, tosstocoat.Sprinkleinthe balsamic and Parmesan cheese. Toss to combine. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepperpepperChill until ready toChill serve.Yo u c a n e a s i l yYo

MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,September14,2022, Weekly WColumns eekly Columns

veteran Ryan, fromtheFalcons, did not lose poise interceptionand a he throw over fifty-two (352) in witha


p a r t i c u l a r

In other South action, Jaguars to the 28-22; a to the York Jets 21-20. 2022 are with

core capabilities We regularly coordinate with CPA and attorneys bring a fu l servic experiencetoourclients.If you

furniture, lectronic

include corresponding directioninyour documents there particular charity to support from a donation instrucyour

is clip of CoachEdwards New Jets during 2009 that Coach Smith to watch; where he shoutsinthe Conference,“YouplaytoWin!”

People address these statements,suchas“divide my tangible personal property equally among mychildren.”

Aweekly column by Kent Pendleton

Foravarietyofreasons, many people ? even those who have created thoughtful estate plans ? fail to

furniture, electronic


Don’tusenamestickersDon’ to mark items for family members.Whilethisseems likeaneasywaytoallocate household items, it’s impractical and risky Stickers can fall off over the years, and family members could rearrange them,leavingamesstosortleaving outlater much

Arguments personal property can damage family relationships and evenleadtolawsuits.

The Indianapolis Colts roared back from a seventeen(17)pointdeficit in the fourth quarter tofourth snatchthevictoryfromthe jawsoftheBullandtiedthe game 20 20 The anti climactic moment came with seconds left on the game clock in Over-time with only three (3) yards for a first down, then the puntingteamcameontothe field at the dismay of the TTexans’fans.exans’fans.

on read all Hometownpaper

SeasonOpenerforthe HoustonTexansEndsin aTiewiththeColts20-20

like to learn more about ourclients,please us call costor consultation.FinancialAdvisor,RJFS K nt Pendl to AAMS®T936-297-8267 through Raymond Financial Services Advisors, Pendle Hill Advisors is not registeredbroker/dealerandis Securities Raymond Inc member / Investment services offered discuss any tax legal withtheappropriateprofessional. independent Raymond James and advisors do not Pendle Hill Advisors LLC14375 Liberty St, 109 | Montgomery, 77356 936-449-NEWS

ConflictYoucan help avoid this conflict with a little extra thought preparation: provideamethodfor family members to select items personal property not allocated to specific

individuals Many states provide an estate plan document may refer to a separate list distributing items of personal property Solongasthatlistiseither handwritten or signed, it willbelegallyenforceable. The list may be created before,afteror atthesame time the estate plan is is drafted and can be revised at any time, but do be sure to date each list. Keep the list with your estate plan documents so it will be easy to locate following yourdeath.


Unfortunately, the scenario often plays out

Do have a written for what should to personal property members do to keep.Inevitably, large portion of your property will be unwanted your If you have to whether items are or

learn more about how we serve our

The Colts o r b r m a (17) deficit in quarter to snatch victoryfromthe the the The moment came with seconds left on the game clock Over-time only (3) yards first down, then the teamcameontothe at the dismay the

Do create a list of specific items you would like to be distributed to

don ted yo shoul

likely imagineThey their children calmly takingturnspickingoutthe devices, jewelry, artwork, vehicles,collectionsandso forth that have great sentimentalvaluetothem–and then working together in harmony to determine which of the remaining items should be donated, sold or given to other familymembers.

Texans’ quarterback Davis Mills had a terrific first half throwing ten (10) completions on seventeen (17) attempts for ninety eight (98) yards with two (2) touchdowns to the newly acquired receiver O.J. Howard. The always dependable receiver Brandin Cook lead the team with seven (7) receptions for eighty two (82) yards The running attack continued to struggle with Texans’ leading running back Rex Burkhead who had only forty(40)yardsonfourteen (14)carries.


veteranThe Colts quarterback Matt Ryan, formerlyfromtheFalcons, did not lose his poise despiteaninterceptionand a number of fumbles; he managed to throw over threehundredandfifty-twohundred (352)yardsintheairwitha

In other AFC South action, the Jacksonville Jaguars dropped their opener to the Washington Commandos 28-22; while theTennesseeTitanslosea close on to the New York Jets 21-20. After the first week of the 2022 season, theTexansaretiedforfirst place with the Colts. The Texans travel to Denver to take on the Broncos, so read all about it in your Hometownpaper

Keep in mind your family members will be grievingatthistime,which may cause them to feel especiallyattachedtoitems thatbelonged youduring your life – if those items have little or no monetary value, as your pickcollection.

People address these statements,suchas“divide my tangible personal property among mychildren.”

individuals Many states provide an estate plan document may refer to a list distributing items of personal property long listiseither handwritten or signed, it willbelegallyenforceable.

Arguments over personal property can damage family relationships and evenleadtolawsuits.

If you have more than one heir, a vague direction like this could lead to arguments about who receives an item that multiple people want, about whether equally” refers to quantity of items or value, or about an item youallegedlytoldsomeone they would receive but failedtoputinwriting.

Keep in mind your family members will be grievingatthistime,which may cause them to feelthem especiallyattachedtoitems thatbelongedtoyouduring your life – even if those items have little or no monetary value, such as yourguitarpickcollection.

personal property following

Houston, Texas:

Don’tusenamestickers to mark items for family

Houston better team lastyearwith the coaching fresh a My prediction theteam season which light from the 4-13 recordofjust

Assisting our clients with our network of estate attorney’s and integrating theirfinalwishesintotheir financialplansisoneofour you would like to clients,

items in their estate planning with bro d

list may be created afteror atthesame time the estate plan is drafted and can be revised at any but do be sure to date each list. the with your estate plan documents it will be easy to following yourdeath.

TheHoustonTexanfans could see a remarkable change in the tempo of the game, the morale of the players and the toughness of the defense. It was an exciting game for the first three quarters of play until

The Texan could change tempo of game, morale of players of exciting game for three of

items in their estate planning with broad

Coach Smith put his markonthedefensewhich played with vigor for the firstthree(3)quarters,then lost their steam The defensive standout was Kamu Grugler Hill who hadateamleadingfourteen (14)tacklesalongwithfour (4) assists Defensive player Jerry Hughes, acquired from the Eagles, madehispresencefeltashe got his first interception whichledtoaTexansTD.

Welcome in the 2022 season with a home game opener against our divisionalrival:Indianapolis Colts It was truly a gameof1st’s.ItwasLovie Smith’s first game as the Houston Texans Head Coach It was Texans’ quarterback Davis Mills’ first start, and it was the HoustonTexans’firsttiein theirhistory

Five Steps to Avoid

If you have more than one heir, vague direction like this could lead to arguments about who receives an item that multiple people want, about whether equally” refers to quantity items or value, about an item youallegedlytoldsomeone they would receive but failedto inwriting.


quarterback Mills terrific half ten (10) completions seventeen for ninety yards with two touchdowns to the acquired receiver The always d endable ec r Cook the t m w th s ven (7) for eighty two running attack tinu to with Texans’ Rex who only forty yards fourteen

touchdown The Houston Texans is a much better teamthanlastyearwithan upgrade in the coaching staff, fresh players, and a new vision. My prediction fortheteamforthisseason will be 10-7 which is light years ahead from the 4-13 recordofjustoneyearago.

core capabilities We regularly coordinate with CPA s and attorneys to bring a full service experiencetoourclients.If

Houston,Texas,USA;HoustonTexansquarterbackDavisMills(10)atthelineofscrimmageduringthethird quarteragainsttheIndianapolisColtsatNRGStadium.MandatoryCredit:TroyTaormina-USATODAYSports

Five Steps to Avoid ConflictYoucan help avoid thisYou can conflict with a little extra thoughtandpreparation:

Houston, Te as: in the 2022 with a home game op ne a in t our rival:IndianapoIt truly a gameof1st’s.ItwasLovie first the Texans Head It was Texans’ Mills’ first start, and it the HoustonTexans’first in

There is a film clip of CoachEdwardsoftheNew York Jets during the 2009 season that Coach Smith needs to watch; where he shoutsinthePressConference,“YouplaytoWin!”

Smith on which with vigor then steam was Grugler Hill with (4) assists Hughes, from hispresence as first toaTexans

likely imagine their children calmly takingturnspickingoutthe devices, jewelry, artwork, vehicles,collectionsand forth that have great sentimentalvaluetothem and working together in to determine which of the remaining items should be donated, sold given to other family


individuals.Itislikelyyour family will want some items of personal property in addition to those you allocated. Your estate plan documents can allow them to select the items they desire to have. In order to reduce arguments, a selectionmethodshouldbe specified. You should also specify what is considered an “item” a single guitar pick or the full set? The family will understand whetheryouintendedthem to break up the collection and allow each person to select a guitar pick or whether the collection shouldbekepttogetherfor asingleperson.


personal property followingdeath.

create plans for the distribution of their

pleasegiveusa call to schedule your no costorobligationconsultation.FinancialAdvisor,RJFSFinancialAdvisor, Kent Pendleton, AAMS®T936-297-8267T936-297-8267 through Raymond tJames hrough James Financial Services Advisors, FinancialInc.. Inc.. Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is not Pendlea a registeredbroker/dealerandis Securities offered Sthrough ecurities through Raymond James RFinancial aymond Financial Services Inc member FINRA S/ ervices / SIPC. Investment advisory services offered discuss any tax or legal discussmatters matters withtheappropriateprofessional. independent of Raymond independentJames James Financial Services FRaymond inancial Raymond James and its advisors do not Jamesoffer offer taxorlegaladvice.Youshould Pendle Hill Advisors LLC14375 Liberty St, Ste14375 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 Foravarietyofreasons, many people ? even those who have created thoughtful estate plans ? fail to create plans for the distribution of their

onated you should

Do have a written plan for what should happen to the personal property that family members do not wish to keep.Inevitably, a large portion of your personal property will be unwanted by your family members If you have a preference as to whether those items are sold or d

p a r t i c u l a r

HowToDivideYourEstate WithoutDividingYourHeirs ports


By: James M. Rankin, MontgomerySportswriter County News

Assisting our clients with our of attorney’s and integrating theirfinalwishesintotheir financial one would

Whilethisseems aneasy toallocate household items, it’s impractical and risky Stickers can fall off over the years, and family members could rearrange them, amesstosort later

include a corresponding directioninyourestateplan documents If there is a particular charity you’d like to support that would benefit from a donation, include a donation instruction in your estate plan documents.Don’texpect yourDon’t e children to behave better after your death than they didwhenyouwerealive.If they argued over things while you were alive, it’s fair to assume they will continuetoargueafteryou areKnowinggone. how difficultKnowing the months after your passing will be for your family, it makes sense to ease their burden and provide them with some guidance as to what you wouldlikethemtodowith the items that are not accountedforelsewherein yourestateplanning.

Unfortunately, the scenario often plays out muchdifferently

Doprovideamethodfor family members to select items of personal property not allocated to specific

documents.Don’te p c yo r children to behave better after your death than whenyouwere argued over things while were to they to after areKnowinggone. difficult the months after your passing will be for your family, it makes sense to ease their burden and some to what likethemto with the items for in yourestateplanning.

individuals.Itis your family some items personal in addition to those you estate documents can allow them to the items desire to have. In to redu e argum nt methodshouldbe You should also specify what is considered an “item” a single or the full The family will understand whetheryouintendedthem to break up the collection allow each person to a guitar pick whether the shouldbekepttogetherfor singleperson.

Do create a list of specific items you would like to be distributed to


candyAny unique hobbies or interestsyou'dliketoshare withthecommunity?

goal of mine. I am so blessed to work for a department that encourages continuous education in our field ” Stated RebekahKolb.

Marineveteranandbusinessowner,MiguelLopez (ConganasLLC),wasrecentlynamedasaChairman fortheBoardofDirectorsfortheMontgomeryCounty HispanicChamber



Conroe, Texas – The Texas Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau along with Visit Conroe, is proud to announce Rebekah Kolb, ServicingCoordinator,has completed all disciplines required to become a Certified Texas DestinationMarketer(TDM).This designation was rewarded bytheTexasAssociationof Convention and Visitors Bureau (TACVB) for completingtheprogramof workrequiringaminimum ofsixdisciplines.

As I shared earlier, I movedfromtheclassroom intothelibraryin1999,the year my youngest started kindergarten. I was the librarian for the class of 2012 when they were in grades K-2. When those students became 9th graders, I moved to the high school as the district librarian So, those kindergarteners were mine again. My best memories include having them come tothelibraryashighschool students, and they still remembered their visits to thelibrarywhentheywere in elementary Some remember the story area and the pond rug they sat on during story time, but most remembered the scary story I told, “The Golden Arm”, that I told them during October (a great jump story). When they became seniors, they asked me to "recreate" story time and tell The Golden Arm story again. Even as 17 and 18-year olds, they still jumped at the end. It was so much fun!What are you looking forward to doing as MCMLS's new library


Myfavoritehobbiesare reading (obviously), fishing, and taking old rusty barnyard junk and repurposing it. There is something very satisfying

TX Learn about MCMLS's new library director, Rhea Young!Wearesohappyto welcome you to our community

Sunny,withahighnear90.Eastwind5to 10mph.

a new

Sunny,withahighnear89.Eastwind5to 10mph.

The Montgomery County Memorial Library System has 7 locations throughout Montgomery County Thesystemhouses a collection of approximately 650,000 books, audiobooks, and DVDs and access to a digital collection of 820,506 eBooks,eAudiobooks,and eVideos.TheMontgomery County Memorial Library System is committed to beingaleadingresourceof information education culture, and recreation, contributing to life-long learning, and adapting to the community's special needsandinterests.


The TDM program is administered by the Texas AssociationofConvention & Visitors Bureaus and serves as an educational

“Completing the TDM program has been a huge

I worked for Splendora ISD for the last 32 years. I started in 1990 as a Geography and English teacher at the high school. In1999,afterfinishingmy MLS, I moved to Splendora Elementary Library In 2008 I became the district librarian and, eventually, the district textbook coordinator and the district testing coordinatorforacoupleofweeks. Why did you become a librarian?


Woodlands, Sam Houston State University (Center for Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship), Conganas LLC, Perez McGill Law Firm PLLC and Allegiance Title “The Hispanic Chamber has reorganized andasaHispanicbusiness ownermyself,I’mproudto be involved with an organization that is laser focused in providing both the Hispanic business communityandthegeneral community opportunities to grow and prosper” said Julio Resendez, newly elected board member and co founder of Orbiter Until the website is completed,thebestwayto keep up with the chamber is by following them on F a c e b o o k https://wwwfacebook co m/MCHChamber

Whatisyourbestlibrary memory?

GettoKnowMCMLS's NewLibraryDirector, RheaYoung!

The library has always been my happy place. As an elementary student in Splendora, I vividly remember the Montgomery County Book Mobile coming to our elementary school every two weeks. I can still remember how it smelled and how excited everyonebecamewhenwe knew it was Book Mobile time. I can even show people exactly where the Book Mobile parked each time it was there. I mean really this was a big deal. Becomingalibrarianwasa way to share that excite-


ber,establishedin2003,is a 501c(6) non profit organizationgovernedbya b a o directors. The purpose of

Lopez.Torecognize Hispanic Heritage Month, The Chamberishostingameet and greet on Wednesday, September28attheGlade Arts Center from 5pm7pm called Una Noche Con La Cámara The Howard Hughes Corporation® is serving as the presenting sponsor other sponsors include Hello



ment and love of reading withstudents.


MontgomeryCountyHispanic ChamberreorganizesandInstallsNew ChairandBoard

director?Iamlookingforwardto getting community input and adding programs to meet the needs of our patrons,aswellascontinuing to build stronger relationships between the schools in Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Memorial Library

strengthening the knowledge base of employees in convention and visitor bureaus and destination marketing organizations Upon completion of the program, a professional TDM designation is awarded.Rebekahhasworkedfor Visit Conroe for the past three years She has worked as the Tourism Coordinator, Servicing Coordinator and previously worked for the City of Conroe Parks and Recreation department Rebekah helps visitors, groups,reunionsplantheir triptoConroe.




Weather for the Lake Conroe area

Community Foundation, and a panel judge for the Power on Heels Fund Earlier this year, Miguel was selected as a recipient of the NAU Future Texas Legend Award from The Texas Business Hall of Fame. “It’s a privilege to be a part of the Hispanic ChamberBoard,tobeable to collaborate with not onlywithmyfellowboard members but with the Hispanic business community and residents ingeneralinourarea,”said

Wherehaveyouworked inthepast?

https://wwwinstagram braryncontactaINKEDINX/com/mcmlstx/facebookcom/mcmlsThttps://bitly/MCMLSLFormoreinformationboutthisMCMLS,


RebekahKolb,Receives MarketerCertification


the MCHC is to advance the growth, success, and prosperity of the Hispanic Community

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Sunny,withahighnear90.

The Texas Association of Convention and Visitor s Bureau is an organization dedicated to providing premier destination education and resources encouraging its members to be proactive and forward thinking in decision making and programming TACVB places a strong emphasis on best practices in the tourism and hospitality industry with core values on education, focus and leadership.

Mostlyclear,withalowaround75. Reporters/Contributing Writers: Doc Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom,MeganWestStultz, NarcissaMartin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff ofGary MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. Photography:MonteWest, WadeStultz, Photography:Bobby MonteWest, Bobby Strader,LanceBridges Editor:MonteWest Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2018 Publisher:M.RyanWest Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. RyanWestWestweb;http://www.montgomerycountynews.netweb;E-mail: Reporters/Contributing Box, Kim Phonehttp://www.montgomerycountynews.netMontgomeryCountyNews Page4,Wednesday,September14,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to MontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in writingthis the this publicationarethoseofthewritersandinnowayreflecttheviews andopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements.MCN advertisements.reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNews Allarereserved,and contentsof arereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. D&B#12-976-8354. Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery operatedCounty County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery TX News77356. 77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and Montgomeryoccasional occasional randomdistribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per randomyearincounty distribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per yearincounty and$45outsideMontgomeryCounty andBulkRatePermitisheldby $45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermitisheldby thePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,MontgomeryCounty News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. changes eryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 comments suggestions, editorials or from its MCN County and is MCN Editor’sExpress Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paperpaperMontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1,Montgomery E-mail: Mail,Mail,,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,ebpage:http://www.montgomerycountynews.netebpage:http://www.montgomerycountynews.netFaxorE-mail:FaxorE-mail: will We

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Sunny,withahigh near90.

WhatSystem.isyour favorite book?Pickoutafavoritebook isatoughone.Thereareso many books and so many different genres. So, my favorite children's book is Bark George by Jules Feiffer and Epossumondas by Collen Salley My favoriteYAbook: Unwind byNeilShusterman(thisis myfavoritegenre,sothere aremanyothers,butthisis by far my favorite). My favoriteAdult series is the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich; these make me laugh out loud when I'm reading them. They are excellent mind

Clear,withalowaround69.Southeast wind5to10mph.


A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Sunny,withahigh near90.

WOODLANDS – The Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber installs Chair event Una Noche con la Cámara Evening with Chamber).


about giving new life to something others have discarded.


and board, kickingoffwithameetand greet

framework for marketing Texas as a destination for both tourism and group business The program provides a structure for continuing professional developmentandisoffered to tourism and hospitality professionals. The TDM program offers education and training in 12 disciplines including: Texas Heritage/CulturalTourism, GroupServicing,Administration/Finance, Marketing, Technology, Tourism Sales, Sports Sales, Policy & Advocacy, Facility & Operations, Communications,VisitorServices,and Group Sales. The program demonstrates TACVB's strong commitment to


A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Sunny,withahighnear90.

The Montgomery CountyHispanicChamber welcomesthelaunchofits newly updated nonprofit organization and Board. The chamber recently elected local business owner and Marine veteran

Miguel Lopez (Conganas, LLC)toserveasChairman of the Board. Miguel has been a resident of The Woodlands for 28 years and has volunteered with many non-profit organizations in that time. Currently, Miguel serves on theBoardofDirectorswith The Woodlands Area Chamber,avolunteerwith Education for Tomorrow Alliance (EfTA), a memberoftheDistribution Committee with The Montgomery County

The Montgomery County Hispanic Cham-


Thatscripture,in our Old Testament still holds true today And this next one, which is from God, pertains to evenourchildren:“You shall walk in all the way which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you

HeritageBaptist Church19087Lake Mt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356

LoneStarCowboy Church

LighthouseFellowshipChurch, Cornerof FM149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 /Sunday 9:30am Service 11:30

GaryChapel BaptistChurch

“ A n e w commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also loveoneanother Bythis all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13: 34 35.




Pastors Randy

Web: www.livingsaviortexas.orgPastorDavidR.Bailes.281-362-1100 METHODIST

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch 2080LongmireRd,


Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230 HoneaChurBaptistch ,

FM2854, 936-588-1260eryMontgomJonesBaptistChapel ,


“Only be very careful to observe the commandment and

MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,September14,2022, Devotional

ChurBAPTISTchoftheGoodSoldier (Baptist Affiliation),1501North Frazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas, Phone:936-494-5775,,SundaySchool:9:30am


Of course, one would depend upon their mate, but if you are alone, the LORD is our strength when we may have no one else to help us.And the very moment we begin to pray, God will send His mighty angels toaidoursituation.


CAJEWISHTHOLICSt.Mary’sCatholic , Sunday

22548Highway105 MontgomeryWest,TX



NewBeginning BibleChurch, Montgomery,936582-7700

St.Joseph’sCatholic 936-894-2223, GraceLUTHERANLutheran Highway(ELCA),105W., LakeConroe,1944936-588LivingSavior LutheranChurch LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356 Churchphone:936597-8013


Walden ChurChurCommunitych,chofSt.John, retreatand Chapel2615centerwildlife,St.BeulahRd.,Montgom-ery,936-597-5757

Fellowship Montgomeryof 12681FM149


LivingChurBranchch , 21627EvaSt. Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742 &DarlaWeaver Service Sundays @8AM,9:30 &

ChinaGrove BaptistChurch, 936-767-4744Willis,



AntiochBaptist, dacusbaptist@consolida407-735-6403,

ZionChurch, 1308S.Hwy1486, 936-597-5331Dobbin,or 936-449-5983

11AMMondays@7 PMLivestream:Watch usliveSundays@9:30 AM&11AM@ lonestar.tvandclickon Watchnow

Only God can give us the strength we needtogointoourplace of prayer in our own home at a time which is set aside to talk, sing, and ask for God’s intervention for our family, friends, co workers; the sick, widows, orphans, broken homes, and many more “others” which need different thingsaswepray

may prolong your days in the land which you will possess. Deuteronomy5:33.I believe all thosewhohavefaithand hope in God will receivethestrengththey need to believe that the Word of God will prosper them in caring for their family and friendsinthislife.Asthe title this week says, we first believe and have faith that God loves us whobelieveHeisagood God Then we realize others can be blessed as we are from our faithful prayersofhopefortheir needsaswellasours.We know it takes strength and spiritual strength to

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696


Father’sHouse, FamilyCenterWorship ,

Highway105W., LakeConroe,3400936-588Pastor

Church, AprilSound,936588-2832

important. We can love eventheunlovely,when no one may be there to helpthem.

19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd, LakeHighway8921936-597-105W,Conroe,936-588-4660

ChurTransformationchMontgomery Montgomery,TX 77316



20350FM2854 AbundantLife Ministries



Mt.SinaiBaptist, FM2854,2505936-756Mt.CalvaryBaptist,

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road, 713-478-1256,MontgomerySundayBibleClass10:00am,WorshipServiceat11:00am.SundayEveningWorship6:00p.m.Dobbin,936-597-5560DacusBaptist,Dacus,

ofGod,RabonChapel Road,936-588-3399Montgomery,

Meetsat464 McCalebRd. SundayMorning BibleStudy9:30a.m. WorshipService10:45Phone:a.m.PastorBear 936448-4027

CovenantFelloship 301Pond MontgomeryStreet,,TX. GateEntrance SunSch10:00 YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays Conroe,Texas936756-8884 CelebrationService 10amSundays PRESBYTERIN Sun.9:00&11:00 Nurseryprovided Worship -10:30am and6:00pm 18501Fm1097West @theBentwaterWest PastorsSean&Lori JoCook PastorCarySmith 2727N.Loop336 West ChurchofChristin Montgomery 936/890-8034 FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe Wwww.cfmlife.org302N.Danville,illis,Tx.77378 Web: cofcmontgomery@conswww.cofcmontgomeryorgSundayBibleClass-9:30amWednesday-7:00pmPaulPraschnik, TheChurch@ LakeConroe Montgomery,TX 77356 Montgomery,TX 77316 NorthChurShorech 10am ServiceWorship 1803Highland Hollow,Conroe,936-Senior756-8831PastorDale Talbert TheGraceChristianOutreachCenter Watchus! gomeryFM936-689-3141149N.,Mont-,936-449-68071701McCalebRd ServiceTimes: Sundaysat9:30am& 11am/Wednesdaysat 6:30pmforChildren& StudentMinistries ApostleEPISCOPALSt.JamestheEpiscopal, www936-588-4975.lakechurch.comSundayworship@10:00a.m.Wed.activites6:30-8pm25293TisdaleRoad,Dobbin,Texas Mt.PleasentBaptist Church CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The109Woodlands,N.Frazier,Conroe, UnionGrove BaptistChurchof Richards, CR936-756-8186Texas213,Stoneham, MontgomeryUnited

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356

Even Jesus told His disciples before He was taken to the cross, thesewords:

Our practice of faith, hope, and love, gives us the strength to pray and receive love from our Father who loves and answers even the smallest prayer And be assured that even the smallest prayer will be answered in time Don’t be discouraged Wefind,inpraying,that God has His own timetable. He hears and knows when the right time comes, that our p r a y e r s w i l l b e answered. We just trust andkeeppraying.


17156FM1097, Montgomery,4414936-449-RiverCornerstoneChurch,ofLifeChurch , 1011W. 18940Services936-756-7792Conroe,Lewis,9:30and11a.m.FreeportDriveMontgomery,936-582-1977

Ireallylikewhat Joshua says is right and goodforallthepeopleto do:

To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397


ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismade possiblebythesebusinesses UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards Please join us: Sunday School Classes for all ages begins at 9:45AM Monday night Bible Study Discussion at 6:15 and Wednesday Bible Study as well as Youth group activities at 6:00PM All are welcome! Church Service at 11:00 AM FAITH,HOPE,STRENGTH,ANDLOVEFORALL


thelawwhichMosesthe servant of the LORD commandedyou,tolove theLORDyourGodand walkinallHiswaysand keep His commandments and hold fast to HimandserveHimwith all your heart and with all your soul.” Joshua 22:5.

MethodistChurch Worship: 8:30a.m.,9:45am., 11:00a.m. & 11miNof Montgomery onFM 149 Hwy105,936Sunday588-2330Schoolall ages9:45am,Church Service11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudy andYouthGroup6pm CatholicHeart , FM Plantersville,1774,936-894-22237:45Service

By Gail J. Box

Ourprayerlistis the one where our strengthandlovecomes in, by our spirit, to help us pray with love. Our neighbors are very

CornerstoneGODChristianAssemblyofGod ofConroe,locatedat 100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfront ofRiver 936-273-1755Plantation.


keep our “prayer life” going for all needy individualsandfriends.

Sunday936.582.7722Schoolat10:00am Community InterdenominationalAnd

am Pray/BibleWednesdayStudy6:30pm

When things go wrong, who do you depend on to help you?



LakesideBible Church,





Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessments as to the property legally described as: Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 20 of WaldenonLakeConroe,SectionFour(4),asubdivisionsituatedintheWilliamClerkSurvey A-6,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereofrecordedinCabinetA, Sheet 73 (formerly recorded in Volume 10, Page 40), of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas.

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandates

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,TexasattheCourthouseofsaidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidBriefStatementIn SupportofServicebyPublicationwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe5thdayofAugust,2022, inthiscase,numbered22-04-04494-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.

To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano


asismorefullyshownbyBriefStatementInSupportofServicebyPublicationonfileinthis Thesuit.

Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058

To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal thereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.


P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffs thereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.







ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal

MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry



MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService


MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022.

Published Dates: September 14, 21, 2022

of property to satisfy landlords lien. Sale ends 6:30pm October 4, 2022 at Cleanup deposit required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw property at any time as-is to highest bidder for cash.


Cause Number: 22-04-04493-CV

Parkway Storage 346-703-2088

Lots4,5and11,Block31ofWaldenonLakeConroe,Section8,asubdivisionintheThomas Corner Survey,A-10 and the William C. Clark Survey,A-6 in Montgomery County, Texas, accordingtothemaporplatthereofrecordedinCabinetA,Sheet186(formerlyVolume12, Page76)oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.



Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058


To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano

(SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas)

WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffsandJoanEster BendayaToledanoareDefendants

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022. (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas

officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandates

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,


Cause Number: 22-04-04491-CV

PatriciaMorrill 8/12/20223:26:36PM


Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058





PatriciaMorrill 8/12/20222:45:00PM



By:/s/PatriciaMorrill PatriciaMorrill 8/12/202212:58:46PM PublishedDates:August24,31,September7,14,2022

BaileyLaCaze 8/12/20222:28:19PM

MelisaMiller DistrictClerk



Page6,Wednesday,September14,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andtheJoanandmandatesEsterBendayan


thNoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof rdMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe23 dayofAugust,2022infavorofLaurelRidgeCommunity thAssociationrecoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.21-02-01727-CV,inthe284 JudicialDistrictCourt thofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."


18 dayofJune,2021,againstCynthiaMartinBuzbee. Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th thdidonthe6 dayofSeptember,2022levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe4 dayof October,2022,Iwillofferforsaleandsellatat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantCynthiaMartinBuzbeehadinthepropertydescribed ConstableMontgomeryPROPERbelow:TYDESCRIPTION:$2,368.85PrincipalSumCounty,TexasPCT1$0.00CourtCosts(notawarded) LOTEIGHT(8),INBLOCKONE(1),OFLAURELRIDGEATGRAYSTONESECTION1,A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT PLAT CABINET Z, SHEET 4125, OF THE MAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS. thWitnessmyhandthis6 dayofSeptember 2022. $0.00judgmentcredit PhilipCashInterest on all amounts awarded in Judgment at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum fromthedateofJudgmentuntilpaidinfull. $4,127.52AttorneyFees(includes$992.52expenses) Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty:




NOTICE OF SALE Farm To Market Rd 1488 Magnolia, Tx 77354

To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal

2022.MontgomeryCounty Texas



NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."




asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionandDiscoveryontileinthissuit. and

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService


You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the 26th day of September, 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04493-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.

Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessmentsastothepropertylegallydescribedas:LotsThirty-One(31),Thirty-Two(32), Thirty-Three(33),andThirty-Four(34)BlockNineteen(19),ofSectionFour(4)ofWaldenon Lake Conroe, Section Four (4), a subdivision situated in the William Clerk Survey A-6, Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Sheet 73 (formerly recorded in Volume 10, Page 40), of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas.


All spaces contain general household goods and furniture and as noted. Property includes the contents of spaces of the following tenants:



Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandates

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04495-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."



Cause Number: 22-04-04494-CV


Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessments as to the property legally described as: Lot 97, Block 22 of Walden on Lake Conroe, Section Eight (8), a subdivision situated in the William Clerk Survey A-6, Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Sheet 186 (formerly Volume 12, Page 76), of the Map Records of Montgomery County Texas.


You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04491-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022.


Tracey Cleburn, Matthew Bigpond, Gerado Garcia, Lindsey Smitherman, Amber Bradshaw, Harvey Barnes.




thand on the 4 day of October, 2022 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof JosephP Voight Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty







onthisDate30thofAugust,2022,A.D. GeneDeforest,Constable

thand on the 4 day of October 2022 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofJon E.Crawford,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty




ConstablePCT.1 MontgomeryCounty Texas

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw





thWitnessmyhandthisthe29 dayofAugust,2022.


DATEDthe7thdayofSeptember 2022

September14,21,28,2022 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Gary Scott Nelson, Deceased, were issued on September 8, 2022, in Cause No. 22-43540-P, pending in the CountyCourtatLawofMontgomeryCounty Texas. AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstate beingadministeredareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthetimeprescribedbylaw Claims shouldbeaddressedincareof“Representative,EstateofGaryScottNelson,Deceased”andmaybe presentedtotheattorneyfortheEstateatthefollowingaddress: 1515EmeraldPlaza West,Webb,Allbritton&Gentry,P.C. ATTORNEYSFORDEBORAHELIZABETHNELSON INTHEESTATEOF § INCOUNTYCOURTATLAW § GARYSCOTTNELSON, § OF § DECEASED § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS SignedSeptember13,T2022.elephone:979-694-7000 By:___originalsignedbyMadisonS.Richburg NOTICETOCREDITORS No.22-43540-P MadisonS.Richburg WEST WEBB,ALLBRITTON&GENTRY P.C. CollegeStation,Texas77845 CollegeStation,Texas77845 1515EmeraldPlaza Fax: PublishedStateMADISON979-694-8000S.RICHBURGBarNo.:241256910Date:September14,2022

TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage.


thBYVIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County,StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered21-10-13940-CVonajudgmentrenderedinsaid court on the 11th day of February 2022 A.D. and directed and delivered to me as Constable of MontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.Ihaveonthe16thdayofAugust, 2022A.D. levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately 10:00A.M. on the first Tuesday in October 2022 A.D. it being the 4th of said month at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at 501 N. Thompson, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said Montgomery County Texas, all the right title and interest, if any which the defendanthadonthe11thdayof A.D.,oratanytimethereafter,ofandinthefollowingdescribed propertytowit:




Wednesday,September14,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews, LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL ContactMontgomeryCountyNews toPublishLegal 936-449-6397NoticesCLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK: CALLOR936-449-6397ONLINE Advertiseinthe LakeConroeAreaBusiness Directory 936-449-6397


By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial District Court of thMontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe16 dayofNovember,2021,inthecase of Forest Colony Property Owners Association Plaintiff, vs. Joseph P Voight, Defendant(s), Cause No.21-09-13416-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Forest Colony Property thOwnersAssociation PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe29 DayofAugust 2022at4:00 o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):JosephP Voight.


NoticeisherebygiventhattheoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofKatherineP KylewereissuedonAugust26,2022inCauseNo.22-43330-PpendingintheCountyCourtatLaw No.2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:KathleenP CervenkaasIndependentExecutor,whoresides muchofthetimeintheStateofTexas,andwhosemailingaddressis:


21130USHwy59#C NewCaney,TX.77357


thWitnessmyhandthis26 dayofAugust,2022.



EstateofKatherineP Kyle


to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet S, Sheet 180, of the Map and/or Plat Records of Montgomery County Texas more commonly known as 21594 Olympic Forest Drive, Porter Tx. 77365(“Property”) Kenneth


thBy virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial District Court of thMontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe17 dayofSeptember,2021 inthecase of Forest Colony Property Owners Association, Plaintiff, vs. Jon E. Crawford, Defendant(s), Cause No.21-06-07806-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Forest Colony Property thOwnersAssociation PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe29 DayofAugust 2022at2:00 o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):JonE.Crawford.


All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

EstateofKatherineP Kyle,




AttorneyforKathleenP Cervenka, 10200Grogan'sMillRd.,Suite220 MeredithLawFirm,PC

15899Highway105West Montgomery,TX 77356

Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty, th thTexas,didonthe26 dayofAugust,2022levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe4 dayofOctober,2022,Iwillofferforsaleandsellatat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301 (westsidecourtsteps),,Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighest bidder,allright,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantSilverBirchCapitalProperties,LLC hadinthepropertydescribedbelow:


TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofMichaelPaulAndersonandwillbesoldtosatisfya thjudgmentinthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasrenderedonthe11thday ofFebruary 2022A.D. infavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,IncandagainstthesaidMichael FORPaulAnderson.THEPRINCIPAL,INTERESTANDALLCOSTSACCRUINGBYVIRTUEOFSAIDSUIT THE

PublishedDate: September14,2022



ConstablePct.4 PublishedDates:September14,21,28,2022 COUNTYOF


Lot21,Block5,ofForestColony,Section3,asubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texas,according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet X, Sheet 187, of the Map and/or Plat Records of MontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas21423ForestColonyDrive,Porter,Tx.77365 (“Property”) USHwy59#C Dates:

281-577-8985 (REALPROPERTY)

Datedthis7thdayofSeptember 2022.


By:GregoryThomason CaptainGregoryThomason MontgomeryCountyConstablePrecinct2 MontgomeryCounty,Texas PublishedDates:September14,21,28,2022 Section County Texas,according Hayden, MONTGOMERY §


Lot 21, in Block 1, of Woodforest, Section 58, a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet Z, Sheets 3484-3486, of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas more commonly known as 239 Clementine Court, Montgomery TX77316


Notice is hereby given that original LettersTestamentary for the Estate of Sharon Layne PerryDeceased,wereissuedonAugust12,2022,inCauseNo.22-43159-P,pendingintheCounty CourtatLawNo.TWO,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:AmberSavoy

IntheCountyCourtatLaw#2,MontgomeryCounty Texas IndependentExecutorforthe


thWitnessmyhandthisthe29 dayofAugust,2022.



MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 MontgomeryCounty Texas




thNoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrict thCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe28 dayofJuly,2022infavorofAprilSound PropertyOwnersAssociationInc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.21-12-17609-CV,inthe th th284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe27 dayofApril,2022,against SilverBirchCapitalProperties,


Biddersmustpre-registerpriortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemedies Code34.0445)







cameras to track movements Both fecal and tissue samples are being collectedaswell.Formore informationonthisproject, g o t o

anactual wolf.He lookingon to see if he could find ones. He lucky and couple animals.Heremoved from each one and froze it. He tried for get scientists take interest. in 2016, someone listened He researchers University genetic testing. regularly kind of inqu r but something about Wooten's stood von Holdt assistant professor biology Princeton. "His enthusiasm struckme,alongwith very intriguing photographs thecanines. ooked par i ularly and feltit secondlook."

Inthewildlifeworld,no one wants to hear about endangered or extinct animals.Sadly,animalsare being added to these lists now ever and mostlybecauseofus.

When an animal goes extinct it means every single animal in that species has died. So what causes an animal to go extinct? Habitat destruction, invasive species, overexploitation illegal wildlife trade, pollution andclimatechangeputthe survival of species at risk butaccordingtotheWorld Wildlife Fund, human actions alone account for the extinction of 869 species in the last 500 years.Asadexampleofan animalgoingextinctbythe actions of humans is the

Here are just a few things you can do to help save endangered species andtheirhabitats.

* Don’t dump out old paint, oil or chemicals Look for places in your community where you can safely dispose of these items.*Recycle. Buy sustain-* Recycle. ableproducts.

from the was compared to DNA gray red nd ast r w lv s mostlycoyote, turnsoutthatnearly30% makeup was wolf.Under CanineProject,the now being with GPS collars and wildlife

occasionallythere’s goodnews.Letme the red wolf once roamed the Southeastern US but their populations dwindled due habitat loss by humans and hybridization coyot Th wer declaredextinctinthewild in Texas in 1980 came wildlife biologist a resident 2008 a what he thought coyotes his dog. He was able to track the group itwastoo for his dog His coloring on muzzle of one of the anim ls and he was fascinated He posted message on Facebook and asked notified in the area saw the He rushed over with his camera Looking the photos, he saw had overly long legs sharply snouts,and unusuallybroadheads.The bodylooked of proportion He did some researchonredwolvesand wasconvincedtheanimals were a red wolf coyote hybrid maybe

t h e l i s t a t s/fids/202001043-2.pdf.)https://texreg.sos.state.tx.ut


*Putupbird and provide bird houses and baths.


*Putupbirdfeedersand provide bird houses and baths.

cameras to movements Both fecal and tissue samples are being collected Formore informationon project, g o t garden.gulfcoastcanineproject.orog*Plantapollinator


a motorboat for 15 ahours, hours, although her goal was althoughto to keep Wakesurfing for k24 eep 24 hours. For those new to hours.the the sport sWakesurfing port Wakesurfing involves riding a involvessurfboard surfboard behindamotorboatwithout the benefit of a tow therope. rope. Shedidittoraisemoneyfor thenonprofit.

The first around, 2021, for For benefit

Inthewildlifeworld,no one wants to hear about endangered or extinct animals.Sadly,animalsare being added to these lists now more than ever and mostlybecauseofus.

was declared extinct in 1990.

By Cheryl Conley

* support environMostorganizations.importantly, to harmonywithour feathered work to make endangered doesn’t extinct.

* Avoid herbicidesand Try

The first time Taround, he around, “Wakesurfer” Lori “WKeeton akesurfer” Keeton set the Guinness sworld et world Wakesurfing record Wfor akesurfing for going at it for 8 ghours oing hours straight; that was in straight;2021, says the Association sof ays of Mature American MatureCitizens Citizens [AMAC] She [outdid AMAC] outdid herself this time haround, erself around, breaking her record breakingbehind behind

Butoccasionallythere’s goodnews.Letmetellyou about the red wolf The wolves once roamed the Southeastern US but their populations dwindled due to habitat loss by humans and hybridization with coyotes They were declaredextinctinthewild in Texas in 1980 Along came wildlife biologist Ron Wooten, a resident of Galveston. In 2008 a pack of what he thought were coyotes snatched his dog. He was able to track the groupbutitwastoolatefor his dog His flashlight picked up red coloring on the muzzle of one of the animals and he was fascinated He posted a message on Facebook and asked to be notified if anyone in the area saw the pack He got a response and rushed over with his camera Looking at the photos, he saw that they had overly long legs sharplypointedsnouts,and unusuallybroadheads.The bodylookedslightlyoutof proportion He did some researchonredwolvesand wasconvincedtheanimals were either a red wolf coyote hybrid or maybe

DNA from the skin samples was compared to the DNA from coyotes, gray wolves, red wolves, and eastern wolves

* Follow and support conservation and environmentalMostorganizations.importantly,learnMost importantly, toliveinharmonywithour furryandfeatheredfriends. Let’s work to make sure endangered doesn’t turn into*extinct.Speakup support measures to help animals and habitats.

an animal extinct it means animal in

DuskySeasideSparrow In 1963inanefforttocontrol the mosquito population aroundtheKennedySpace Center in Florida, NASA decidedtofloodanareaof marshland around Merritt Island in eastern Florida. This area happened to be one of the last areas populated by the Dusky SeasideSparrow Whenthe area was flooded ite destroyed the sparrows’ breeding ground The construction of a highway around the St. Johns River also contributed to habitat loss. The bird struggled to survivebutby1979only5 birds remained and they were all male. The species

1963 tocontrol mosquito KennedySpace Center Florida, flood area around Merritt Island in Florida. This area to be of last areas populated the Dusky SeasideSparrow rea fl od it the construction highway the St. River also contributed to The struggled by1979 5 remained and all The was declared in 1990.

* Don’t dump old paint, or chemicals in your community you dispose of these Buy

"I regularly receive this kind of inquiry, but something about Wooten's email stood out," says Bridgett von Holdt an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton. "His enthusiasm and dedication struckme,alongwithsome very intriguing photographsofthecanines.They looked particularly interestingandIfeltitwas worthasecondlook."



Here just few things do to help save endangered species andtheirhabitats.

causes animal to Habitat tion, illegal pollution changeputthe survival of butaccording the Wildlife Fund, human alone the extinction 869 species 500 Asadexample animalgoing the actions the


Althoughmostlycoyote,it turnsoutthatnearly30%of the genetic makeup of the samples was from the red wolf.UndertheGulfCoast CanineProject,theanimals are now being fitted with GPS collars and wildlife Pharmacy OE Staining RealEstate Restaurant Farm&Ranch Thursday Oct 6, 2022 Friday Oct 7, 2022 Events

evenanactualredwolf.He beganlookingonroadsides to see if he could find any dead ones. He got lucky andfoundacoupleofdead animals.Heremovedsome skin from each one and froze it. He tried for years to get scientists and biologists to take an interest. Finally, in 2016, someone listened He contacted researchers at Princeton University and requested genetic testing.

SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryearoutof MontgomeryCounty.Checksmaybemade payabletoMontgomeryCountyNewsand sendtoPOBox1,Montgomery,Tx77356,we alsoacceptmostmajorcreditcards. MCN Subscription

* Speak up and support measures to help animals andtheirhabitats.

What is an endangered species?Itcanbeaplantor an animal that is consideredatriskofextinction.A plant or animal can be listed at a state level federal level and internationallevel.Inotherwords, therecanbeananimalthat is considered extinct in Texasbutnotinotherareas of the country Looking at animals inTexas, there are 45 on the endangered species list. (You can view

* Avoid using herbicidesandpesticides.Tryto use only environmentallyfriendlyproducts.

What is an endangered species?Itcanbe plantor an animal is consideredatriskofextinction.A plant or can be listed at a state level federal level international Inotherwords, therecanbeananimalthat is considered extinct in Texas not otherareas of the country Looking at animals in there are 45 on the endangered species list. (You can view

t h l i s t a

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