The good folks at the Montgomery County Memorial Library are CelebratingFallwithBook Sales, Storytimes, Teentober and More. All branches are welcoming Fall Fun in for all ages. Theyarereallyexcitedfor October amonthcomplete with book sales and fall fests for the young trickor-treaters to the seniors. With Halloween just over thehorizon,thekiddoswill be itching to test out their ‘candynight’costumesfor childrenstorytimes. There will also be Teentober special events for young adults to further expand theirreadinghorizons,and for the adults, the Gulf Coast Reads community book club will have their eventsaswell. Sothereis a little something for all agegroupsatMontgomery CountyLibrarybranches.
Teentober and More. branches in all amonthcomplete fall for young trickto the With Halloween just over test out childrenstorytimes. for further for the Coast Reads community club little for CountyLibrarybranches.
County Memorial welcoming Ages,”
County Memorial System spokeswoman is fall special
“The Montgomery County Memorial System libraries are welcoming fallfunforall Ages,” said Anne Neidinger, Montgomery County Memorial Library System spokeswoman “October is a full month with book sales, fall fests, special teen and adult events,andstorytimes.”
At the Central Library in Conroe, the ‘Library
FriendsofConroe,’willbe celebrating their 30th Anniversary Book Sale, from October 3-5 The ‘Central Library Fall Festival’ will be on October 10th, 11am. The Malcolm Purvis Branch in Magnolia will hold their Fall Festival on October 9th, 10am. The Meadow BranchinWillis,willhave theirbooksaleonOctober 4-5,withtheirFallFestival on October 5, 10am. In New Caney, the Tullis Branch will have a ‘Children’s Costume Boo-
FriendsofConroe,’willbe celebrating their 30th Anniversary Book Sale, from The ‘Central Library Fall Festival’ will on October 11am. The Malcolm Purvis in Magnolia their Fall Festival on October 9th, Meadow BranchinWillis,willhave theirbooksaleonOctober 4-5,withtheirFallFestival on In New Tullis Branch will have a ‘Children’s Costume Boo-
tique Shop’ on October 2, 9:30am, which is free for the children At the Mitchell Branch in The in Woodlands, they will be hosting a ‘Halloween Edition of Family Trivia Night’ on October 1, startingat6:30pm.
of Family Trivia on October
As Halloween children grow more
The Central in Conroe,
As Halloween nears, the children will grow more excited, with storytimes and even a few paradesthrowninforgood measure The Central Library in Conroe, will holdits‘TrickorTreatNot Too Scary Costume
Parade,’ on October 31, 10:30am. InMagnolia,the PurvisBranchwillhostits Halloween Family Storytime, on October 30, 10am In Willis, the Meador Branch will have their ‘Halloween Meador Family Storytime and Trick-or-Treating Parade,’ onOctober29-30,9:30am. At the Tullis Branch in New Caney, Halloween Storytime,willbeOctober 30,at10am.
Parade,’ on October 31, 10:30am. InMagnolia,the PurvisBranchwillhostits Halloween Family Storytime, October 30, 10am the Meador have their Meador Family and Trick-or-Treating Parade,’ onOctober29-30,9:30am. At Branch in New Halloween Storytime,willbeOctober 30,at10am.
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter Montgomery County News
M i n n e a p o l i s
MinnesotaManhandlesthe Texans34-7
batted down passes. He finished the day with twenty (20) completions onthirty-one(31)attempts fortwohundredandfifteen (215)yards.
Minnesota: It was a clear, a crisp,andcooldaythatwas perfect for a football game between two undefeated NFL franchises The Houston Texans coming off a commanding victory with the Chicago Bears thoughttheycouldrollinto town with a win The Vikings had other ideas along with a couple of exTexans that were keen on revenge.
TheMinnesotaVikings manhandled the Houston Texansinadecisivematter 34-7. It has been said that you learn more from your losses than your victories, well,thislossrevealssome weaknesses of our s hometownteam.
Houston's quarterback, C J Stroud, struggled throughout the game throwing two (2) interceptionsandhadafew
from page 1
Teens/Young Adults will get their chance to howl as well with some innovative and rewarding programs that involve k e e p s a k e s , a n d entertainment. They are part of the MCMLS’s Teentober program. The Tullis Branch will have a PumpkinPaintingeventon October 5, 2pm, followed by a Horror Movie on October 28 5pm The W e s t B r a n c h i n Montgomery will be knotting together Macramébats,onMonday, Oct.7,5pm;followedbya Halloween party on October25,at10am.
His biggest nemesis was ex-Texan defensive
standout Jonathan o Greenard and Blake Cashman that combined for three (5) five solo tacklesandthree(3)assists along with another exTexansKamuGrugler-Hill thathadasack.
M i n p o i s a coolday perfect for football between two undefeated The Houston Texans coming a commanding the Bears theycouldroll other ideas a couple on biggest ex-Texan defensive t n J na h n and that combined (5) five solo andthree(3) Kamu
The team was witha onthe seriesofdowns alongwithaninterception. Texans the season of (11) for yards. only on down were 50% f o u r t d o n and the line allowing (sacks) thirty-eight rushingyards.
The team was simply notpreparedwithapenalty onthefirstseriesofdowns alongwithaninterception. TheTexanshadarecordfor the season of eleven (11) penalties for eighty-eight (88) yards. The Texans were only 28% successful on third down conversion and were 50% successful o n f o u r t h d o w n conversions, and the offensive line was pathetic allowing five (sacks) and had only thirty-eight (38) yardsrushingyards.
The Vikings manhandled the 34-7. It has been said you more your losses this reveals eakne e f our Houston's C J struggled throughout the game throwi g t o 2) and a batted passes. completions onthirty-one for fifteen
air leave the stadium for Texans'fans.
Even Texans' place Ka'imi Fairbairn, his field goal could air stadium for Texans' Week after I see ex-Texans for other and I wonder were Azeez a (9) tackles o
why did we lose these talentedplayers?
Even sure points, Texans' place kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn, missed his first field goal of the season. When he missed thegoal,youcouldfeelthe
The Texans' defensive standouts were Azeez AlSharir with a team leading nine (9) solo tackles and one (1) assist The defensive backs were not on target and were beaten manytimesdownthefield.
When the team is winning, suggestions are unnecessary; however, with this disappointing defeat I will offer a few ideas.
play has become a cancer to the Texans offensive success. In this contest, I counted two (2) incidents that muted big gains Secondly put the entire offensive line on notice that if this type of play continues, they will not be playing for this franchise. Third, if there is still no improvement find an offensive line coach that can train, motivate, and inspire these men to contribute to their team's success.
In other AFC South Division play, the (1-2) IndianapolisColtsbeatthe ChicagoBears21-16, and the Green Bay Packers tumbled the (0-3) TennesseeTitans30-14.
Halloween Sand Art, October 15, 1pm & 5pm. On October 22 1pm & 5pm, a Halloween Friendship Bracelets building session will take place; and finally, on October29th,1pm&5pm, teens will get a chance to PaintMiniPumpkins.
Sand & October 22 & 5pm, Bracelets session will take and finally, get chance
Adults will get their chance to howl as with some innovative and rewarding programs that involve k p s a e s , a n d entertainment. They are part of MCMLS’s Teentober program. The Tullis Branch will have a PumpkinPaintingeventon October 5, 2pm, followed by a Horror Movie on October The W s t r n c h i n Montgomery be knotting together Macramébats,onMonday, Oct.7,5pm;followedbya Halloween party on October25,at10am. a Purvis Magnolia The Meador Branch in Willis will be hosting the ‘Ghostbusters’ on October 12, The Branch in The Woodlands host Craft: Dice & on October also South
At Central Library, will be with
At the Central Library, teens will be busy with
OtherTeentoberevents include a Teen Pumpkin PaintingCraft,October17, 4:30pm, at the Malcolm Purvis Branch in Magnolia The Meador Branch in Willis will be hosting the ‘Ghostbusters’ movie, along with snacks, on October 12, 2pm. The Mitchell Branch in The Woodlands will host a will Teen Craft: Dice Bags & Boxes on October 28 5:30pm, and also The Woodlands South Library
2:30PM,atFirstMethodist Church in Conroe. Thank You to the First Methodist Church for continuing to house the Conroe Symphony Orchestra C o n c e r t s ! A L L MUSICIANS ARE VOLUNTEERS, as well astheCSOBoard,andthe Friends of the Symphony B o a r d , A L L VOLUNTEERS!
Season, under Concert
Week after week I see ex-Texans playing for other teams, and I wonder
First, bench Tunsil. It is professional who to s play has Texans offensive In this contest, counted that big put the entire that type they not playing this Third, there is no find coach train, motivate, and inspire these men contribute to their success. team is suggestions unnecessary; defeat Division the IndianapolisColts the Chicago Bay Packers Tennessee 30-14. The ball.
were many downthe receiver dropped number passes added up to
Vikings' wide receiver Justin Jefferson dropped a number of passes that would have added up to moreyardsforhisteam.
First, bench offensive tackle Laremy Tunsil. It is inexcusableforthenumber of times this professional athlete, who is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars,tocommitsomany p e n a l t i e s H i s undisciplined, complacent
divisional rivals the winless (0-3) Jacksonville Jaguars, so read all about your hometown team in yourhometownpaper The (0-3) Jacksonville Jaguars are featured on Monday Night Football facing the Buffalo Bills. The Houston Texans are still on top in the division leading2-1.
TheMinnesotaVikings were more aggressive and were confident on both sides of the ball. Vikings' quarterback Sam Darnold threwfour(4)touchdowns, and no picks He was injured and came back on the next play to throw anothertouchdown. The Texans are back
threw picks was came the to throw anothertouchdown. Texans back h me l h divisional rivals winless (0-3) Jaguars, all your hometown your (0-3) Jaguars featured Monday facing The still in leading
Branch will be having a Teen Halloween Spooky Jewelry Craft, on October 22,5:30pm.
Branch will be having a Teen Halloween Spooky Jewelry Craft, on October 22,5:30pm.
T h e r e g i o n a l community reading initiative for adults called ‘Gulf Coast Reads,’ has selected their October read Night Will Find You,’ by Julia Heaberlin. The book was chosen by popularvoteforthisyear’s book. MCMLSisalibrary partner for this reading initiative that encourages readers living along the upper Texas Gulf Coast to read and discuss the selected book each October Book clubs can be found at all the Montgomery County librarybranches.
T h e g a l reading adults called Coast selected their Find You,’ book MCMLSisalibrary partner living along the upper Gulf Coast read and discuss the clubs at all the Montgomery librarybranches.
Up Month,’ which is drive to and of what library can do you who gets card in September, or items, will a book
Sincethereisstillsome Septemberleftthismonth,
Sincethereisstillsome Septemberleftthismonth,
D e c e m
e r 1 4 , “Christmas Around The World”.
celebrate Card Sign Up Month by participating in Challenge drawing to celebrate 80th There staff the Markets, the Museum and community all in
itisstill‘LibraryCardSign Up Month,’ which is a drive to welcome new cardholders and reminds us of what your library card can do for you Anyone who gets their card in September, or checks out items, will be includedinaprizedrawing for a book bundle Children may celebrate Library Card Sign Up Month by participating in the Smokey Bear Reading Challenge Read three booksandbeenteredintoa drawing to help celebrate Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday There will be library staff at events around the county like Farmer's Markets, the Children's Museum schools and senior community centers, all in an effort to sign up new cardholders.
effort sign up MCMLS also has box truck to branch 2024 truck much replacement vehicle that been wrapped the design of oneofthenewlibrarycard designs, the to READ, and DISCOVER is representative all the resources at the County MemorialLibrarySystem.
The MCMLS also has announced the arrival of a new box truck to help deliver items from branch to branch The 2024 Chevrolet truck is a much anticipated replacement vehicle that has been wrapped in the design of oneofthenewlibrarycard designs, with the motto to READ, IMAGINE and DISCOVER And is representative of all the resources and programs at the Montgomery County MemorialLibrarySystem.
The Bar Tenders were
April26, Broadway”, famous Sal NewYork. this no These paid Season o i t w complimentary tickets give a g o 1 s Concerts t , First to the First continuing h r t L IAN A as and r L L
Artistic Director: Gary Liebstwillinclude:
February 8, “Great Expectations”: from
April26, “TheBestof Broadway”, with the famous Sal Vivano from NewYork. $85.00 this Season, with no increases! These Season Tickets include all four paid concerts as well as the Patriotic Concert in June. The Season Tickets a l s o c o n t a i n t w o complimentary tickets which give an added savings of $15, as comparedtosingletickets. Concerts will be held as Saturday Matinees,
President Tryon,and FOS Fund Raiser Sue Meder, their of volunteers all their lovely efforts make this day food was theduet musicians delightful!
Saturday afternoon
PresidentGabyTryon,and FOS Fund Raiser Sue Meder, and theirTeams of volunteers for all their lovely efforts to make this day a success. The food wasdeliciousandtheduet musiciansweredelightful!
Tenders g e ! Wh d l gh f s forcontinuing
October “Tunes From LET from page 1
February 8, “Great Expectations”: Music fromGershwin,Bernstein, &Copland. October 19, “Tunes FromTheTunes”. Cultural Arts! LET THEMUSICPLAYON!!
When it comes to buying new construction, askingtherightquestions canbethekeytoasmooth experience from start to finish.
Ask a builder these three questions before gettingstarted:
1) Is there a lot premium?
forpremiumlotscanhelp you find the perfect location within your budget. Unaware buyers caneasilyfallinlovewith lots that subtly or significantlyincreasetheircosts.
2) What are the standardfinishes?
Get familiar with the standard features and finishes included in the base price of the home. Then, you'll be able to decide what upgrades are best based on your preferencesandstyle.
Every builder has their own level of flexibility when it comes to personalizing a home While some may be open to significant structural changes, others might stick strictly to predeter-
A Texas A&M veterinarian discusses this neurological that
A Texas A&M veterinarian discusses this neurological disease that
results in hind li b weakness and paralysis Read on Texas A&M Today
results in hind limb weakness and paralysis Read on Texas A&M Today
STATION Imagine watching your dog waddle into the room and noticing thatheiswalkingonthetop ofhisbackpaw Whileyou
may classify it as a harmless quirk, in reality that“knuckling”actioncan actually be a response to the dog's neurological healthindistress.
STATION Imagine watching dog waddle into and noticing thathe walkingonthetop ofhisbackpaw Whileyou may classify it a a harmless quirk, in reality that“knuckling”actioncan actually be a to the dog's neurological health
Dr Joseph Mankin, a clinicalassociateprofessor at theTexasA&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, describes the signs and suggested treatment methods of degenerative myelopathy,aneurological disease that results in hind limb weakness and paralysis.
Mankin, a clinicalassociateprofessor at theTexasA&M College of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, describes the and su ge ed tment methods degenerative myelopathy, neurological disease that results hind li b weak s and paralysis.
From Walking To Waddling
unknown, but there is evidence that a genetic mutation may predispose dogs to developing this condition,”Mankinsaid.
unknown, that genetic mutation may predispose to developing this said.
Larger dogs, in particular aremorepronetobeing diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy – with Germanshepherds,boxers, huskies mountain dogs and Labrador retrievers being among the most common breeds with this condition.
Ifyou apattern odd behaviors the back legs, it’s time theveterinarian.
According to Mankin, degenerative myelopathy is a condition that causes deterioration of the spinal cord and ultimately affects a dog's ability to use its backlegs.
to Mankin, degenerative myelopathy is that causes deterioration of the spinal cord and ultimately affects a dog's ability to use its backlegs.
“The exact is
“The exact cause is
Ifyounoticeapatternof odd behaviors involving the back legs, it’s time to calltheveterinarian.
Dogs beginning to struggle with the diseases may experience the following:
ro Walking To Waddling dogs, in are prone being diagnosed with tive myelopathy –German boxers, huskies mountain dogs Labrador retrievers being among the most breeds with
ToLookFor Stumblinginthe whenwalking beginning struggle with the may xper nce th
Difficultyrising weakness
Stumblingintheback endwhenwalking
his is a sl wly progressive, with signs worsening several weeks to Mankin said. may start back progress to both, they begin culty their feet
t ‘k u klin w e
“This is a slowly progressive, non-painful disease process, with clinical signs worsening over several weeks to months,” Mankin said. “It may start in one back leg and progress to both, and they begin to have difficulty placing their back feet appropriately, leading to ‘knuckling’ when walkingorstanding.”
W h i l e M a n k i n explained that the disease itself is not painful, the habits a furry friend developstocompensatefor the lost mobility can leave theminpain.Forexample, whenknuckling,adogmay drag their paw over abrasiveterrain,whichcan lead to painful wounds or cuts and missing fur As a result, Mankin recommends talking to your veterinarian if you notice yourdogknuckling.
W h i e a n i n explained the disease itself not painful, the habits friend developstocompensatefor the lost mobility can leave them pain.Forexample, whenknuckling,adogmay d g h ir p w v r abrasiveterrain,whichcan lead to painful or cuts and missing fur a recommends talking to your veterinarian if notice yourdogknuckling. ThePriorityOf
Knowing whether there's an additional cost
Popular upgrades that may up the value of your home in 2024? Higher ceilings, added square footage(bumpoutawall), and energy-efficient windows.
f r e g e n t v e myelopathy, there are actions to ease condition and i ro e g’s comfortability and overall quality
f o r d e g e n e r a t i v e myelopathy, but there are actionsthatcanbetakento ease the condition and improve the dog’s comfortability and overall qualityoflife.
“Physical therapy helpmaintain mass and clinical progresMankinsaid.
“Physical therapy may helpmaintainmusclemass and slow clinical progression,”Mankinsaid.
aroundfreely key part any helpfrom dog’s canhelpimprove get if diagnosed with
Movingaroundfreelyis a key part of any dog’s well-being.Withhelpfrom yourdog’sveterinaryteam, youcanhelpimprovetheir ability to get around if diagnosed with degenerativemyelopathy
Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories can be viewed on the web at -talk Suggestions for future topics may be directed to
Talk is the Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University can be viewed on at -talk Suggestions for topics may be ir ted
The older your canine friend, the greater chance they have of developing degenerative myelopathy With this in mind, it is crucial to stay aware of theirmobilityastheyage.
your greater chance they have of developing myelopathy in crucial to age.
If suspect your dog suffering this o di ion, M nkin the following steps.
If you suspect your dog is suffering from this condition, Mankin suggests the following steps.
“A neurologic first step diagnosing condition,” said that, with is recommended, as are multiple other spinal cord diseases
“Acomplete neurologic exam is the first step in diagnosingthiscondition,” Mankin said “Following that, imaging with MRI is often recommended, as there are multiple other spinal cord diseases that maymimicthiscondition.”
Currently, there is no approvedtreatmentorcure
Currently, is approvedtreatmentorcure
Ruben Borjas Jr,
Columnist/ Opinion Writer
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
Democrats: If Oprah Can't Save You? Doom ...
becausetheironcepowerful media arm has been castrated. Thanks,Elon.
This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
elitists the Hollywoodtypes,themedia types, are running scared. Their Trump Derangement is at all-time highs. They proclaim that Trump is Hitler yetthemanhasnever gassed any Jews. Their statements that Trump will lockthemupare and you can see the panic amongst elitists when their regime is failing, with them tryingtodrumupsupportfor themselves. Yet,theyknow thatwhatevertheysayordo is completely ineffective,
Democrat elitists, the Hollywoodtypes,themedia types, are running scared. Their Trump Derangement is at all-time highs. They proclaim that Trump is Hitler,yetthemanhasnever gassed any Jews. Their statements that Trump will lockthemuparedelusional, and you can see the panic amongst elitists when their regime is failing, with them tryingtodrumupsupportfor themselves. Yet,theyknow thatwhatevertheysayordo is completely ineffective,
Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News.
Publisher:M.P.Stultz Montgomery County RyanWest P.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
Allofthisremindsmeof the Fall of Communism, whenTheSoviet that onceruledandhadinfluence over a large portion of The World, simply disappeared. Reagan started that downfall. Now, Trump and his formula has been spreading to Republicans counter Democrat elitists,andwearegrowinga party that is completely differenttothoseofthepast. We have people who are unafraid to speak their minds to Socialist, telling thetruththatislikekryptonite to Democrats. We have JD Vance, who can go on CNN and frustrate the talkingheads, upto their rhetoric, and not accepting the premise to their bent questions. ToaPatriot,that is a breath of fresh air Finally we are on the offensive to restore order to Our Country because manyareasaresuffering.
becausetheironcepowerful media arm has been castrated. Thanks,Elon. Allofthisremindsmeof the Fall of Communism, whenTheSovietregimethat onceruledandhadinfluence over a large portion of The World, simply disappeared. Reagan started that downfall. Now, Donald Trump and his formula has been spreading to Republicans to counter Democrat elitists,andwearegrowinga party that is completely differenttothoseofthepast. We have people who are unafraid to speak their minds to Socialist, telling thetruththatislikekryptonite to Democrats. We have JD Vance, who can go on CNN and frustrate the talkingheads,standingupto their rhetoric, and not not accepting the premise to their bent gotcha-like questions. ToaPatriot,that is a breath of fresh air Finally, we are on the offensive to restore order to Our Country, because so manyareasaresuffering.
viewers have over to‘Gutfeld!’onFOX,whois nowtheKingofLateNight. And why not? Gutfeld doesn’t doesn’t care about political His side is not bowing to Socialism. He showed a clip where a reporter what Harris would do to prices so that families can afford to put food on the table. Harris’ answer was justabunchofwordsstrung together that made no sense whatsoever She couldn’t admitthatsheandJoeBiden createdthemess in.
viewers have migrated over to‘Gutfeld!’onFOX,whois nowtheKingofLateNight. And why not? Gutfeld doesn’t doesn’t care about political correctness. His side is winning by not bowing to Socialism. He showed a clip where a reporter asked what Harris would do to lower prices so that struggling families can afford to put food on the table. Harris’ answer was justabunchofwordsstrung together that made no sense whatsoever She couldn’t admitthatsheandJoeBiden createdthemesswearein.
invincible. Definitelynotin theageofcellphones,which if the Socialists tried to confiscate those, all hell would break loose. The samewouldbethecaseifthe Socialists tried to ban the internet, and don’t get me startedonbanningguns.
invincible. Definitelynotin theageofcellphones,which if the Socialists tried to confiscate those, all hell would break loose. The samewouldbethecaseifthe Socialists tried to ban the internet, and don’t get me startedonbanningguns.
everything Judaism have suddenlyfoundoutthattheir Jewishbackersofthepastno longer contribute to their endowments, and many Jewish students themselves areleavingthenortheastfor southern and most peaceful climes The Palestinian protesters, wherever they were, on the East or West coasts were, in many cases, not students but school officials, with their limp backbones acquiesced to their requests, and in doing so caused more harm than good.
The Oprah-Harris for America Rally,’ was a attempt to lift Kamala Harris above the fray, with dozens of actors tryingto their power to somehow energize the Harris campaign to Late-Night Talk Greg Gutfeld, put it simply as was trying to manage the ‘trainwreck’withKamalaHarris.”
The Oprah-Harris ‘Unite for America Rally,’ was a desperate attempt to lift Kamala Harris above the fray with dozens of actors tryingtousetheirstarpower to somehow energize the Harris campaign to top Trump. Late-Night Talk Show King Greg Gutfeld, put it simply as “Oprah was trying to manage the ‘trainwreck’withKamalaHarris.”
Now if Oprah save you, then no one can. You can see the in the political commercials that are being run by Obama Harris for pennies. Obama seemed irritated in his 40 seconds. who does not show any anything, started a recent commercial on FB, stating the team decidedtodoafun tion,ifyouareabletomakea donation, even if it’s just a few dollars, and if you’re selected,thenGovernorTim Walz and I, get to meet you inpersonontheroad.” Now that’sanincentivefortensof millions of people NOT to donatetoKamala.
Now if Oprah can’t save you, then no one can. You can see the desperation in the political commercials that are being run by Democrats Obama, Harris Begging for pennies. Obama seemed irritated in his 40 seconds. Harris, who does not show any leadership in anything, started a recent commercial on FB, stating “So the team decidedtodoafuncompetition,ifyouareabletomakea donation, even if it’s just a few dollars, and if you’re selected,thenGovernorTim Walz and I, get to meet you inpersonontheroad.” Now that’sanincentivefortensof millions of people NOT to donatetoKamala.
The walls are imploding on multiple fronts. NBChascutJimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ to only four a week because Socialist comedy is not funny, and
The Democrat walls are imploding on multiple fronts. NBChascutJimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ to only four days a week because Socialist comedy is simply “not funny,” and
Democrats,intheirquest toturntheUnitedStatesinto a Communist Society have educated many of their own constituentswhodon’twant tobeslavestotheSocialists. Theyareangeredthatcrime is not being punished, and thatstoresareclosing. They are pissed that criminals are back out on the streets the same day they are arrested, even if violent crimes are committed They are incensed that their kids in schools being transformed into irreversible beings will not reflect their attitudes when they grow into adulthood. They are even more pissed that their teachers really don’t care about the success of theirstudents. Whichplays right into the hands of Democratsleaderswhoneed a constituency that is dumb as stumps, that is easily molded into whatever form that the Socialists want That s not true Especially,whenBlacksare being aside, being replaced by fresh people coming over the border illegally
Democrats,intheirquest toturntheUnitedStatesinto a Communist Society have educated many of their own constituentswhodon’twant tobeslavestotheSocialists. Theyareangeredthatcrime is not being punished, and thatstoresareclosing. They are pissed that criminals are back out on the streets the same day they are arrested, even if violent crimes are committed They are incensed that their kids in schools are being transformed into irreversible formed beings that will not reflect their attitudes when they grow into adulthood. They are even more pissed that their teachers really don’t care about the success of theirstudents. Whichplays right into the hands of Democratsleaderswhoneed a constituency that is dumb as stumps, that is easily molded into whatever form that the Socialists want That’s not so true now Especially whenBlacksare being brushed aside, being replaced by fresh people coming over the border illegally
The societal breakdown causedbyDemocratpolicies is purposeful, and so much of it has been caused by Harris-Biden policies. And withlossesinmediacontrol which kept their minions entranced,theDemsarenow showing the cracks in their armor They are not
The societal breakdown causedbyDemocratpolicies is purposeful, and so much of it has been caused by Harris-Biden policies. And withlossesinmediacontrol which kept their minions their entranced,theDemsarenow showing the cracks in their armor They are not
We are winning on the border issue Governor Abbott’s ‘Operation Lone Star’ has crippled illegal crossings into Texas SocialistcitiesofNewYork, Chicago, Denver, etc., are reeling because of illegals and dangerous gangs being dumped on their sanctuary city doorsteps. NYC city has spent $5 billion, and nothing has been done, whichhasonlyenrichedthe movers and shakers there. Andthesamecanbesaidof the same type of officials in Springfield Ohio giving government funds to the Haitians killing and eating their park wildlife and pets, onlyfortheHaitianstogive themoneyrightbacktotheir landlords, the government officials who gave them the moneyinthefirstplace. It’s ascamtoenrichleftist.
We are winning on the border issue Governor Abbott’s ‘Operation Lone Star crippled illegal crossings into Texas SocialistcitiesofNewYork, Chicago, Denver etc., are reeling because of illegals and dangerous gangs being dumped on their sanctuary city doorsteps. NYC city has spent $5 billion, and nothing has been done whichhas enrichedthe movers and shakers there. Andthesamecanbesaidof the same type of officials in Springfield, Ohio, giving government funds to the Haitians killing and eating their park pets, onlyfortheHaitianstogive themoney totheir landlords, the government officials who gave them the moneyinthefirstplace. It’s ascamtoenrichleftist.
On the academic and business front, Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs are falling by the wayside Everything created by the Socialists, like Dylan Mulvaney, is like failing. The former No. 1 beer, Bud Light, is now No. 3, because one stupid advertising executive convinced execs that the beer needed to go into anotherdirectionbasedona fairy tale. Campus DEI closings are closing across many states, with Florida andTexastakingthelead.
On the academic and business front, Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs are falling by the wayside Everything created by the Socialists, like Dylan Mulvaney, is The former No. 1 beer Bud Light, is now No. 3, because one stupid advertising executive convinced execs that the beer needed go into anotherdirectionbasedona fairy tale. Campus DEI closings are closing across with Florida andTexastakingthelead.
On college campuses wherePalestinianprotesters wrecked property and buildings with impunity earlierthisyear,universities havesetupcheckpointsonly allowing tuition paying students to enter their premises. Those universitiesthatlettheprotestersrun rampant in opposing
On college campuses wherePalestinianprotesters wrecked property and buildings with impunity earlierthisyear,universities havesetupcheckpointsonly allowing tuition paying students their premises. Those universities letthe run ram a t in o osing
he militanc of Democrats, in many ways, about by Kamala Harris, with her backing of bails for Black Lives Matters protesters, is responsible for all of these protests. isnot a Republican city, yet Democrat hatred of Cops, which was allowed to stew of the inaction Harris’ running as governor Minnesota, stood by and took no action during the George Floyd riots. His indecision allowed Minneapolis and other places to burn, and who innocent people lost their lives, including lost to businesses and individuals, nowthepeople those have to live the aftermath of food and pharmacy deserts along with feelings, because Democrat District Attorney’s refuse to prosecutecrime. there is ample that Democrats should have no business this fall. The big question is how big istheDemocratvoterigging machine. Withsomanythat were in it in 2020, many may have become disillusioned with Dems We have seen Dem cheat that have been busted and reported in elections sothe may be much higher this time. Plus,theGOPpollwatching efforts this time, appear to haveastrongerfooting. The weak GOP backbone of the past has definitely strength-
The militancy of Democrats, in many ways, brought about by Kamala Harris, with her backing of bails for Black Lives Matters protesters, is responsible for all of these protests. Minneapolisisnot a Republican city, yet Democrat hatred of Cops, which was allowed to stew because of the inaction of Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, as governor of Minnesota, stood by and took no action during the George Floyd riots. His indecision allowed Minneapolis and other places to burn, and who knows how many innocent people lost their lives including billions lost to businesses and individuals, andnowthepeopleinthose areas have to live with the aftermath of food and pharmacy deserts, along with unsafe feelings, because Democrat District Attorney’s refuse to prosecutecrime. So there is ample evidence that Democrats should have no business winning elections this fall. The big question is how big istheDemocratvoterigging machine. Withsomanythat With were participating in it in 2020, many may have become disillusioned with Dems since. We have seen Dem cheat schemes that have been busted and reported on in elections since2020,sotherisksmay be much higher this time. Plus,theGOPpollwatching efforts this time, appear to haveastrongerfooting. The weak GOP backbone of the past has definitely strengthened.
everything Judaism have suddenlyfound thattheir backers thepastno longer contribute their endowments, and many Jewish students themselves areleavingthenortheastfor southern and most peaceful climes The Palestinian wherever they were, on the East or West coasts were, cases, students but school limp acquiesced to in doing caused more harm than canbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertise- reserves ment.
D&B#12-976-8354. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. used the weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. to circulating in
In a previous article, I mentioned that early colonist, businessman,
W Shepperd, performed the first wedding in what is
today Montgomery County Shepperd officiated the wedding of his daughter Julia Shepperd and Charles B. Stewart on March 11 1836 at his house in the Lake Creek Settlement The Lake Creek settlement was the earliest Anglo-American Settlementinwhatistoday Montgomery County This weddingalsoappearstobe the first wedding in the Republic of Texas for which there is a written record.
As they used to say Shepperd was a man of many parts A colonist originally from Surry County North Carolina, he arrived inAustin’s Colony in1831.Hewasamember ofaverysuccessfulfamily His brother was a United States Congressman from North Carolina,Augustine Henry Shepperd Before coming to Texas, his son, Jacob Shepperd, had attended the United States Military Academy West Point. His first cousin was Jared Ellison Groce, the wealthiestcolonistandone ofthelargestlandownersin
Austin s Colony The CoushattaTraceconnected S
g post/store to Jared Groce’s Bernardo Plantation His
Shepperd later married
William Dorsey Pender w
wounded fighting in the BattleofGettysburg.
As we will see in the coming weeks, Shepperd s
en involved one way or another,injustaboutevery “first” in the early history of Montgomery County This week, we will look at another Montgomery County first accomplished by W W Shepperd On May 17, 1837, Shepperd became the first postmaster, and his store became thefirstpostofficeinwhat is today Montgomery County Not just one, but twoRepublicofTexasmail routes passed through his
Mail was carried by horseback 100 miles from HoustontoNewCincinnati via Shepperd s store on Republic of Texas mail route No. 1. Route No. 1 leftHoustononMondayat 8 a.m. and arrived in New Cincinnati on Wednesday at8p.m.ThemailleftNew Cincinnati on Thursday at 8 a.m. and arrived back in Houston on Saturday at 8 p.m.OnRepublicofTexas mailrouteNo.14,mailwas carried by horseback from Shepperd’s store to the La Bahia Crossing on the Colorado River via the Fanthorp Inn (Anderson, Texas today), and the towns of Washington and Independence The mail left Shepperd’s store on Wednesday at 12 a.m. and arrived at the La Bahia Crossing on Saturday at 8 p.m.ThemailleftLaBahia Crossing on Sunday at 8 a m
There was a post office before there was a town or acountynamedMontgomery The establishment of t
t Shepperd’s store on May 17 1837 preceded the founding of the town of Montgomery in July of 1837byabouttwomonths. The establishment of the post office preceded the creation of Montgomery County on December 14, 1837, by about seven months. Shepperd served as the first postmaster for three years, from 1837 to 1840.Followinghissaleof thetownofMontgomeryto JamesMcCown,Shepperd turned his position as postmasterovertohissonin-law,CharlesB.Stewart, who was appointed on April5,1840.
In the next article, we will look at W W Shepperd’s role with regard to Montgomery County’s first courthouse. Asateaser,itwillbeshown that Montgomery County did not own Montgomery County’s first courthouse. Cash-strapped Montgomery County could not afford a courthouse building, so Montgomery County rented its first courthouse from someone. Guesswho?
Kameron K. Searle is a member of the Montgomery County Historical
Commission, a regular contributor to The Handbook of Texas Online, and the author of The Early History of Montgomery, Texas. He also served as the historian for the Texas Historical Commission markerforthe"LakeCreek Settlement" located at the Nat Hart Davis Pioneer Complex and Museum in Historic Montgomery, Texas.
Now that I am
I havemadepeacewiththefact that life in this world is humbling.Itisnotaquestion of whether you will be humbled, but how you will respond. When Nebuchadnezzar put himself in God’s place, God put Nebuchadnezzar in his place Having been humbled, Nebuchadnezzar had a choice. He could fight torecapturehisoldpowerand glory, or he could acknowledge the true source of all powerandtheOnedeserving o f a l l g l o r y Nebuchadnezzar’s eyes were opened to a glory infinitely greater than his own He discovered true peace not in pride,butpraise. There is such relief in relinquishing our pride and reorientingourselvesthrough praise Nebuchadnezzar called his humbling circumstances “wonders that the MostHighGodhasdone”(v 2).Whenwearepreoccupied with God’s glory we see it even in moments that wound our pride Those moments remind us that God is God, and we are not. When our glory fades, God’s glory shines through. As Paul puts it, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor 12:10). Asyoupray,askGodtobe glorified, even when you are humbled.
Defendant, Cause No. 23-12-18944 in said court, judgment being in favor of MontgomeryCreekRanchCommunityAssociation,Inc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe 30th day of August 2024, at 2:10 o'clock pm., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant:
By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th Judicial District Court, nd Montgomery County Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 2 day of March, 2023, in the case of Community Association of Harmony, Inc, Plaintiff, VS. Bobby Godfrey & Tyonne Body-Godfrey, Jointly and Severally 1. $3,231.37 Unpaid Assessment & Charge. 2. $3,930.68 Attorneys Fees & Expenses/Cost incurred 3. Interest on all amounts awarded in. this judgement at the rate of 7.5% per annumfromthedateofthisjudgementuntilpaidinfull.4.$0.00Courtcost5.$0.00judgementcredit. Defendant, Cause No. 22-12-17123-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Community Association of Harmony Inc, Plaintiff as against Defendant, I did on the 30th day ofAugust 2024, at 12:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: LOT 25, BLOCK 1, HARMONY VILLAGE, SECTION 3, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETZ, SHEET5139-5142,MAPANDPLATRECORDS,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS;andonthe1st dayofOctober 2024,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,attheMontgomery CountyCourthouselocatedat301N.MainSt,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellat public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Bobby Godfrey & Tyonne Body-Godfrey JointlyandSeverallyDefendantinandtosaidproperty
th DATED at 1520 Lake Front Circle Suite 900, The Woodlands, Texas, this the 30 day of August,2024. By:/s/JohnGVasquez DeputyJohnGVasquez
BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 23-07-10139 on a judgment rendered in said court on the 23rd day of OctoberAD. 2023 and directed and delivered to me as ConstableofMontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.Ihaveonthe19th dayofAugustAD.2024levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawat approximately10:00AM.onthefirstTuesdayinOctoberAD.2024 itbeingthe1stofsaidmonthat public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany whichthe defendanthadonthe23rddayofOctoberAD.2023,oratanytimethereafter,ofandinthefollowing describedpropertytowit:
Lot30,inBlock2,ofWoodforestSectionFifty-Nine(59),aSubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty, Texas according to the map or plate thereof recorded in Cabinet Z Sheet 3654, of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas, more commonly known as 118 Mimosa Silk Court, Montgomery TX77316("Property")
3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of (8.5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid.
Being a 2951 acre tract of land situated in the Beasley Pruett Survey abstract No. 419, Montgomery County, Texas, and being a portion of a 4.02 acre tract described in deed to ClarenceJ.Holtandwife,KimM.HoltrecordedunderMontgomeryCountyClerk'sfileNo. 9637508 of the real property records of Montgomery County,Texas; save and except a 1.069 acretractdescribedindeedtoShannonBabinrecordedunderMontgomeryCountyClerk'sfile No.9637509ofsaidrealpropertyrecords;
TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofErikaAndreaWilliamsandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe23rd day of OctoberAD. 2023 in favor of Woodforest OwnersAssociation, Inc. and against the said ErikaAndreaWilliams.
5. $2,993.50JudgmentCredit TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage.
ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe410thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 9th day of July 2022, in the case of Summer Hills CommunityImprovementAssociation,Plaintiff,vs.JorgeMarquezandJeanetteColon,Defendant(s), Cause No.19-10-14005 in said court, judgment being in favor of Summer Hills Community ImprovementAssociation,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe26thDayofAugust2024at 10:00 o'clock am., levy upon the following described property of Defendant(s): Jorge Marquez and JeanetteColon.
Lot One Hundred Thirty-Three (133), In Section Two (2), of Summer Hills, a recorded subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in CabinetDatSheet2AoftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.AKA18874FerneyLn. Porter,Texas77365.
andonthe1stdayofOctober2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Jorge MarquezandJeanetteColon,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty
th Witnessmyhandthisthe26 dayofAugust2024,2024.
NewCaney TX.77357
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe6thdayofOctober,2022,inthecaseof U.S.BankNationalAssociation,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBacked Certificates, Series 2006 HE1., Plaintiff, vs. Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt, Defendant(s), Cause No. 22-10-13505-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of U.S. Bank National Association,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBackedCertificates,Series 2006HE1,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe9thDayofSeptember2024at10:00o'clock am., levy upon the following described property of Defendant(s): Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt. 5.0acretractdescribedindeedtoEdwardandRoseWisenbakerrecordedinvolume632,Page 81ofthedeedrecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.
Thence with a centerline of White Oak Road West, a distance of 174.95 feet to the point of beginning.
Note: The company is prohibited from insuring the area or quantity of the land described herein. Any statement in the above legal description of the area or quantity of land is not a representationthatsuchareaorquantityiscorrect,butismadeforonlyinformationaland/or identificationpurposesanddoesnotoverrideitem2ofscheduleBhereof. and on the 1st day of October 2024 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof KimM.HoltandClarenceJ.Holt,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty
DeputyR.Crowder#8451 21130USHwy59#C
MelisaMiller MiguelA.Ortiz
Conroe,Texas77305 Ste118
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService P.OBox2985 40NELoop410 SanAntonioTX78216 THE STATE OF TEXAS
To:AngelaN.Thorsland WHEREVERTHEADDRESSEEMAYBEFOUND Cause Number: 24-04-05432
Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find
The suit requests that the parental rights of the Respondent as to the named child and/or children be terminated; and that the Petitioner be appointed as the sole managing conservatorofthechildand/orchildren;allasismorefullyshowninthePetitiononfileinthis cause.
Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechild(ren)whoarethesubjectofthissuit:canbefound,if available, in the attached Original Petition to Terminate Parent-Child Relationship and AdoptionofChildren
The petition of Gabriel Roman, Petitioner was filed in the 410th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas 5th day of April 2024 against Angela N Thorsland Respondent,numbered24-04-05432andentitled Atrueandcorrectcopyofthefollowingdocumentsaccompanythiscitationandaremadea part hereof: Original Petition to Terminate Parent-Child Relationship and Adoption of Children
The Court has the authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the child(ren)'s interest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child
GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Declare Heirship
Without Administration filed by Kay Proctor at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonSeptember19,2024. THE STATE OF TEXAS
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 20th day of September,2024.
This week’s Veteran is EliseCook.whoservedin theU.S.Navyfrom20012008. Cook was a Navy Corpsman working as a surgical technician. She receivedherbasictraining in Illinois. Interestly, she neverservedonashipasa corpsman but always servedonshore. Elisewas stationed at Groton, Connecticut, which was a submarinebase,whereshe worked at the naval hospital there. And we won’tgointothetimeshe pressed the wrong button on a sub and almost launched a torpedo
This Interestly, which we wrong torpedo
Pendleton, in she
That’s duty, today. a with surgeries, in
That’s still hush hush and classified. Elise did a lot of stitching of sailors while on duty, and it has blossomedintoherloveof quilting today. She assisted with a lot with neck surgeries, and delivered a lot of babies while working in the hospital. She was also stationed at Camp Pendleton, and in Guam, where she met her husband Charles. Good LuckElise,andCongratulations on being MCNs ‘VeteranoftheWeek’.
OnSaturday,September 7, 2024, members of the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe Chapter of the Texas Division UDC, held their first meeting of theyear
After the ritual was said and pledges to the United States flag, the Texas flag and the First National flag were repeated, the business of thechapterwasstarted.
ComeOctober4,2024 many of the Stubbs members will be in San Antonio attending the Texas Division State Convention One of the Stubbsmembers'isrunning
for 3rd Vice President (state) which handles the Children of the Confederacy We are very proud of Sherry McKey for acceptingthisnomination.
On Saturday, October 19, 2024, many of the Stubbsmemberswillact as docents at the 5th Annual Voices from the PasteventinMontgomery The event is hosted by theMontgomeryHistorical Society which the event promotesthehistoryofour oldcity Theeventisfrom noon to 3 PM and features the Old Cemetery on Pond St.,establishedin1838and the New Montgomery C e m e t e r y i n O l d Plantersville Rd , establishedin1868.
(Saturday) the chapter will be placing wreaths on
lefttoright...BeckieEndebrock,Debbie Chance,MicheleScanlin,LindaBrill,CarolynJamail SAR
veterans graves from all wars, with the program called Wreaths Across Across America at11 AM The cemetery is Oakwood in ConroeatHwy 105&10th St. There will be a program the flags will be postedandTAPSisplayed.
LaterthatdaytheTour of Homes in Montgomery willbefrom4PMto7PM. Sevenofthehistorichomes which are privately owned and five historic buildings will be open to the public for touring The Stubbs ladieswillactasdocentsin perioddressattheseplaces and help with telling the historyofthedwelling.
infowillbeposted. Oneof infowill the interesting things done at each chapter meeting is...a historical program is given on someone be it a manorwomenthatgaveof their self willingly during the war One such person was Mollie Kirkland Bailey also known asthe Circus Queen of the Southwest. Not only did sheownandrunatraveling circus,sheactedasanurse during the war years and helpedto provide clothing, shelter, food and medicine tothesouth.
For those interested in their southern hertiage contactourpresidentat After ritual and pledges to flag, flag and flag the business On 2024, many the the Annual event
St. proflags new infowillbeposted. interesting at on be self during Kirkland also known asthe Circus of tothesouth. in are privately buildings be to the public with those in southern contactourpresidentat
In the new year other eventsareintheworksand
1957, with the help of volunteers, and besides clothes, also have household items, toys and children’s items at greatly reduced prices for the benefitoftheMontgomery Countycommunity
Ray “The ladies are much appreciated by everytime.”
The CSL also provides aneyeandvisualscreening forpreschoolers,aswellas providing Baby Bundles
for new mothers at HCA Conroe Hospital The Conroe groupalsoprovidesannual scholarships to dozens of
“Wearealwaysthankful for the Conroe Service League to come out and feed the Veterans,” said Veteran Supporter Billy Ray Duncan. “The ladies are very much appreciated bytheguyseverytime.”
women showgreat community support, and appreciated membersand
The women of Conroe ServiceLeagueshowgreat community support, and it is greatly appreciated by membersandsupportersof the 105 Lone Star Honor FlightGroup.
impressedme is Harvey Yaw
“Whatimpressedmethe most about The Conroe Service League is not only their commitment to the community but also their commitment to their own Children said 105 member Harvey Yaw “There were 3 of their children there, serving and honoring the veterans Thanks ladies for your support and teaching your children about veterans and service to their community.”
The Conroe Service League assists various worthy organizations within Mon
gomery CountyincludingMealson Wheels, Journey Home, Family Promise, C C Hardy Elementary, Boys2Men at Travis Intermediate and Conroe Healthcare Center nursing home. The CSL supports
theHeritageMuseumwith monetary donations each year as well as multiple monetary donations to various local charitable charitable organizations to assist in theirongoingefforts.
theHeritageMuseumwith monetary donations each multiple monetary to organizations
“The and have positive attitude great cooks,” 105 member R b rt Gi l Th y favorably with Veterans while providing nourishing h r b t i
The Conroe Service League’s Bargain Box Resale Shop is located at: 123 N. Thompson St. in Conroe.
Store hours: Wednesday- Friday, 10am-2pm. And they are now open on the2nd&4thSaturdaysof themonth.
“Theladiesarefriendly and have a positive attitude and are great cooks,” said 105 member Robert Gill They favorably interact with Veterans they meet while providing nourishing and tastyfood.”