The Robert Woodson ChapterColonialDamesof the Seventeenth Century met at the Carriage Inn in Conroe and was honored withtheofficialvisitbythe Texas State President, ChrisWomack.Asacrime analyst for the Denton
Police Department, Mrs Womack presented an interesting and unusual programentitled“Colonial Criminal Justice, The Origins of Our Liberty from the Colonies to the Constitution.” As a thank you to her, the attending members all contributed theirfavoritechocolatesto asurprisegiftbagofthanks
to Chris since she is an acknowledged chocoholic, alongwithacertificateand checkforherStateproject.
Proclamations from Conroe Mayor Duke W Coon for Remembrance D a y ( 9 / 1 1 / 2 4 ) , Constitution Week (9/17 thru 23/24), October 2024 Heritage Month, and November's Veteran's Day
Submitted by Lady Dalton,Chap.PRChrm. The Colonial Inn the by the Mrs and entitled from the Constitution.” As to the bag to since she is an along a forherState Pr lam f Mayor for / 1 2 Heritage
(11/11/24)wereondisplay After the meeting, Chris was invited as a guest to join the chapter president, Laura Dahlberg and memberstotheHonorCafé that is 100% Veteran owned and features memorabilia from past warsandlocalveterans.
(11/11/24) After Chris was a to join president, La a b a d members HonorCafé that Veteran n
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter Montgomery County News
Reliant Stadium,
The Houston Texans were still licking their wounds from the worst defeat this season against the Minnesota Vikings were scheduled to play their divisional rivals and winless (0-3) Jacksonville Jaguars. These teams have metforty-four(44)timesin their history with the Texans dominating the series65%ofthetime. It could have been a
TheTexansWinLateinthe4th AgainsttheJaguars24-20
disaster for team, yet Texans' quarterback C.J. Stroudwasable,withonly twenty-two (22) seconds leftinthegame,tofindthe game, endzone with Texans' fullbackDereOgunbowale on a short one (1) yard touchdown reception securing a 24-20 victory for his team. C.J. Stroud had a challenging day, but was able to maintain his poise and rifle an impressive passing attack with his two (2) favorite receivers. He finished the daywithtwenty-seven(27) completions on forty (40) attempts for three hundred and forty-five (345) yards and two (2) touchdowns. Stroud is the right man for thisteamwithhiscalmness
with thirteen (13) carries forfifty-three(53)yards.
Texans' wide receivers Nico Collins let his presence be known in Reliant Stadium with an outstanding game with twelve (12) receptions for one hundred and fifty-one (151)
a touchdown reception
TheSonsofthe AmericanRevolution
American Revolution, FreedomChapter#38,
The Texans' defense secondarydodgedacouple of broke pass coverage assignments, but the team were ferocious on the goal line stopping a potentially game winning touchdown from the Jaguars' r quarterback Lawerence Kamari Lassite led the team in tackles with five (5)solo
In other AFC South division action, the Indianapolis Colts slipped by the Pittsburg Steelers 27-24 The Tennessee Titans are on Monday on Night Football playing the Miami Dolphins The Texans still in the lead in the division with a record of3-1.
continues to contribute to his new team with a trick play for a six (6) yard touchdown sprint The running game was weak; however, Texans' running back Cam Akers played hard with a couple of big gains finishing the game
It was a competitive gamewithalltheemotions thatafancoulddesire,and mostofall,avictory
Mrs from page
26, 2024, at the River PlantationGolfClub.
on u L p baseball 2024. American the to David Hamaker, Don Hoffman, Byram,
Cowboysbaseballgameon Sunday, September 15, 2024. The Chapter Color Guard presented the colors in collaboration with the Children of the American Revolution, who were recognized during the game. Pictured (from left to right) – Bill Myers, David Hamaker, Ed Sellards, Don Hayes, Matthew Hoffman, Michael Mills, Art Byram, RalphReed.
Father/Daughter duo Lauren and Jim Devine greet more attendees to " F i e s t a 2 0 2 4 - - A Celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month" on Sunday, September 16, atHeritageParkinConroe. This event was sponsored
by the Montgomery County Democratic Party
L a t i n o O u t r e a c h Committee,whichhasheld a Fiestas Patrias celebration in recent years in September Master of CeremonyweretheLatino Outreach Chair Pedro Ponce de Leon and committee member Leona Perez McGill. Admission was free, and music throughout the event featured DJ Larry Molina andtheMalibuBand! Visitors stopped by the several booths where artisans offered their wares, including beautiful handmade pottery and jewelry, children's toys, and professional services. The Montgomery County Voter Registrars (VDRs) were on hand for persons desiringtoregistertovote-this service, as always, is non-partisan, and offered in English and Spanish. The Party thanks all the
participants, volunteers and sponsors, and especially the visitors who camebytoenjoytheday
This colorful banner depicts the flags of the Hispanic-Latinocountries anddenoteswheretheyare locatedinthishemisphere. F
Mrs Warren spoke abouttheTexasFederation of RepublicanWomen and TFRW’s efforts to “Get Out the Vote” Zenia Warrenservesasthe20242025 President for Texas Federation of Republican Womenandwaselectedto the position at the 34th BiennialConvention.
celebrated in different countries due to their own histories, such as Mexico's independencefromSpain's rule, but is also across
CentralAmerica,including in Peru and Chile. It is a popular family September event in Texas with a multitude of dancing, music,Hispanicfoods,and brightly-colored clothing and decorations--and this event fulfilled those expectations.
By Kent Pendleton,
By Kent Pendleton,
Explore fixed-income tools that generate income andinfrastructure.
Explore fixed-income tools that generate income andinfrastructure.
Once you a certain level of wealth, the conversation shifts We aren't
Once you reach a certain level of wealth, the conversation shifts We ar
accumulating anymore; w
accumulating anymore; w
ut preserving.”
ng about preserving.”
This is how Nick
Goetze, managing director of Fixed Income Solutions atRaymondJames,frames things when he talks about bonds.And when it comes to preserving your wealth, some bonds are built differently
This is how Nick Goetze, managing director of Fixed Income Solutions atRaymondJames,frames things when he talks about bonds.And when it comes to preserving your wealth, some bonds are built differently
“The first priority with bonds is principal preservation,” says Nick “In certain high-tax situations, individual investmentgrademunicipalbondscan beoneofthebetteroptions toaccomplishthatgoal.”
“The first priority with bonds is principal preservation,” says Nick “In certain high-tax situations, individual investmentgrademunicipalbondscan beoneofthebetteroptions toaccomplishthatgoal.”
Issuedbycity,localand state governments, municipal bonds are loans usedtobuildinfrastructure – road expansions, new hospitals, school improvements water and sewer maintenance, etc What makes them an attractive opportunity for high-networthinvestorsishowthey are–oraren't–taxed.
Issuedbycity,localand state governments, municipal bonds are loans usedtobuildinfrastructure – road expansions, new hospitals, school improvements water and sewer maintenance, etc What makes them an attractive opportunity for high-networthinvestorsishowthey are–oraren't–taxed.
ATexasA&Mveterinarian provides tips especially for college students who have committed to pet ownership away from home for the first time Read on Texas A&M Today
ATexasA&Mveterinarian provides tips for college students who have committed to pet ownership away from home the first time Read on Texas A&M Today
independence and freedom a college student discovers, a desire to have a pettagalongfortheadventure often follows. For these firsttimepetowners,afurryfriend can help them feel a stronger connection to their new home-away-from-homeinthe newchapteroftheirlives.
A highly tailored approach can be used to create custom portfolios for each client, but the ultimategoalformunicipal bond investors is nearly alwaysthesame.
A highly tailored approach can be used to create custom portfolios for each client, but the ultimategoalformunicipal bond investors is nearly alwaysthesame.
having traders live in the states and communities they trade in and in workingwithprofessionals whohavelocalexperience. “There's a lot of nuance, knowing that this county has a slightly better credit quality than the county next door, so that local knowledge can be powerful,”saysNick.
having traders live in the states and communities they trade in and in workingwithprofessionals whohavelocalexperience. “There's a lot of nuance, knowing that this county has a slightly better credit quality than the county next door, so that local knowledge can be powerful,”saysNick.
“It's about maximizing net income to your pocket,” Nick says “In many cases with investors inahighertax-bracket,you would have to generate a significantly greater return togettothesameafter-tax returns offered by muni bonds Each investor's situation determines what type of fixed income security generates the best netreturn.” Thinkinglocal
“It's about maximizing net income to your pocket,” Nick says “In many cases with investors inahighertax-bracket,you would have to generate a significantly greater return togettothesameafter-tax returns offered by muni bonds Each investor's situation determines what type of fixed income security generates the best netreturn.”
In a financial environment where operations are often centralized, municipal bonds represent a part of the market where location still matters Working with local professionals can make all the difference when it comestomuniinvesting.
In financial environment where operations are often centralized, municipal bonds represent a part of the where location still matters Working with local professionals can make all the difference when it comestomuni
Unlike bond markets where things can be more universal – corporates, Treasuries, agencies, mortgage-backed securities, CDs – munis are very local.Therecanbevaluein
These instruments are typically exempt from federal income taxes and often state and local taxes. Forsomeoneinahighertax bracket, interest income from municipal bonds offers a way to generate a tax-free cash flow to fund theirlifestyleormeetother objectiveswhileseekingto preserveprincipal.
These instruments are typically exempt from federal taxes and often state and local taxes. Forsomeoneinahighertax bracket, interest income from municipal bonds offers a way to generate a tax-free cash flow to fund theirlifestyle meetother objectiveswhileseekingto preserveprincipal.
Unlike bond markets where things can be more universal – corporates, Treasuries, agencies, mortgage-backed securities, CDs – munis are very local.Therecanbevaluein
Cats: are typically, yet not always more independent They often require multiple litter boxes and scratching posts First-time owners livinginapartmentswouldbe served well by adopting a cat astheyneedlessspacetoplay andhappilylive.
Cats: are typically, yet not always more independent They often require litter boxes and scratching posts First-time owners inapartments be served well by a theyneedlessspacetoplay and
Dogs:are not always, more social and active. They often need to be played with or walked multiple times a day needed depends greatly on their size and breed.When in the puppy stage, they need a amount of attention to training and to help them thriveastheygrow
Dogs:aretypically,yet not always, more social and active. They often need to be played with or walked multiple times a day Space needed depends greatly on their size and breed.When in the puppy stage, they also need a greater amount of attention devoted to training and activity to help them thriveastheygrow
Whilethinkinglocalcan help ensure investors find the right bond to meet a need, those interested in municipalbondsdon'thave to stay local. Buying outof-state bonds can be a good strategic option, especially for investors living in places with no stateincometax.
Whilethinkinglocalcan help ensure investors find the right bond to meet a need, those interested in municipalbondsdon'thave to stay local. Buying outof-state bonds can be a good strategic option, especially for investors living in places with no stateincometax.
“States that don't have an income tax don't penalize you buying out-of-state muni bonds,” says Nick. “So if you're in Tennessee and buy a bond from North Carolina, there's no state income tax on the income from that out-of-state bond Same thing inTexas. Same thing in Florida. If you live in a low- or no-income-tax state,it'softenbeneficialto lookaroundthecountryfor the best yields and credit quality.”
“States that don't have an income tax don't penalize you for buying out-of-state muni bonds,” says Nick. “So if you're in Tennessee and buy a bond from North Carolina, there's no state income tax on the income from that out-of-state bond Same thing inTexas. Same thing in Florida. If you live in a low- or no-income-tax state,it'softenbeneficialto lookaroundthecountryfor the best yields and credit quality.”
Insomecasesthatmath canevenfavorout-of-state bonds for those in states wherethey'retaxed.
“Sometimes getting all state-specific bonds is difficult so the question becomes,'Howmuchmore doIneedtoearnonanout-
Insomecases math canevenfavor bonds for those in states wherethey'retaxed. getting all state-specific bonds is difficult so the becomes,'Howmuchmore doI toearnonanout-
of-state bond to pay state incometaxandnetwhatan in-state bond could offer?' Thatshouldalwaysbepart ofthecalculustodetermine ifleavingyourstatemakes sense.” Community
of-state bond to pay state incometaxandnetwhatan in-state bond could offer?' Thatshouldalwaysbepart ofthecalculustodetermine ifleavingyourstatemakes sense.”
Another element of munis is the potential financial benefit to investors is enhanced by the ability to generate benefits for their local communities.
Another element of munis is the potential financial benefit to investors is enhanced by the ability to generate benefits for their local communities.
“There's often a piqued interest among investors when it's a bond issued for aprojectintheirbackyard. It's their water and sewer system It's their local hospital It's the college theyattended.Thosekinds of bonds tend to generate more excitement,” says Nick.
“There's often piqued interest among investors when it's a bond issued for aprojectintheirbackyard. It's their water and sewer system It's their local hospital It's the college theyattended.Thosekinds of bonds tend to generate more excitement,” says Nick.
“I don't know that
“I don't know that peopleareinvestingpurely based on the notion of on supportinglocalinfrastructure, but they're often glad that's part of it. However
Like other high-quality fixed income securities, municipal bonds come with a lower degree of investment risk. However,
Like other high-quality fixed income securities, municipal bonds come with a lower degree of investment risk. However,
always stress the importance of safety You buy bonds first and foremost to preserve wealth. What people need to wa
“I always stress the importance of safety You buy bonds first and foremost to preserve wealth. What people need to watch out for is overconcentration You shouldn't own too large a percentage of any one issuer As with equities, diversificationisthekeyto mitigatingrisk.
“At the end of the day, no investment is perfect. But investment-grade munis offer high credit quality, known cash flow
or is overconcentration You shouldn't own too large a percentage of any one issuer As with equities, diversification thekeyto mitigatingrisk. the end of the day, no is perfect. But investment-grade munis offer high credit quality, known cash flow
generateanafter-taxreturn that'sveryattractive.”
Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the M
generateanafter-taxreturn that'sveryattractive.” Hill Advisors is proud to to the Montgom
News with weekly curatedfinancial and topics If you have any q
markets, your financial plan, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation.
News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation.
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
ownership includes not fully understandingthebreedofthe dog cat they are adopting/purchasing.”
ownership includes not fully understandingthebreedofthe dog or cat they are adopting/purchasing.”
For example, an Alaskan Malamute puppy may weigh just 15 pounds when they’re adopted, but when they're fullygrown,theycouldweigh asmuchas80poundsormore. An active, 80-pound dog requiresmorespaceandmore foodthanthe15-poundpuppy a new pet owner originally broughthome.
Feeding schedule
Dr Erin Ray, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, offers recommendations for college students when adopting and caring for a pet for the first time.
Dr Erin Ray, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, offers recommendations college students when adopting and caring for a pet for the first time.
Pocket pets: can vary fromguineapigs,tosnakes,to frogsandmoreand, care depends on species Some are independent while prefer interaction, whichiswhyresearchisvital adopting Typically pets require a lot enrichment of the and proper habitats to fullyfeelcomfortablein home.
Pocket pets: can vary fromguineapigs,tosnakes,to frogsandmoreand,thus,their care also depends on their species Some are more independent while others prefer consistent interaction, whichiswhyresearchisvital before adopting Typically pocket pets require a lot of enrichment of the environment and proper habitats to fullyfeelcomfortableintheir newhome.
W e maki g t e important tobecome the to a pet, it is crucial to have the correct expectations for whichever you are considering giving a forever home.
When making the importantdecisiontobecome the caretaker to a pet, it is crucial to have the correct expectations in place for whichever animal you are considering giving a forever home.
The day-to-day and acti iti
on the type of pet you commit to; these key differences also may impact the best for a college
The day-to-day care and activities vary greatly t depending on the type of pet you commit to; these key differences also may impact the best species for a college
Having a loving pet to returnhometoaftera school day may sound like a but it can turn into a nightmarefortheanimalifits basicneedsarenotfully intoaccountbefore firstbigmistakefirsttime pet owners make is overlooking the in caring for the physical, and emotional health of the animal ” Ray said. “Another misstep in
Having a loving pet to returnhometoafteragrueling school day may sound like a dream, but it can turn into a nightmarefortheanimalifits basicneedsarenotfullytaken intoaccountbeforeadoption. “Thefirstbigmistakefirsttime pet owners make is overlooking the commitment in caring for the physical, financial, and emotional health of the animal ” Ray said. “Another misstep in pet
Other considerations for first-time pet owners should include:
Other considerations for first-time pet owners should include: Feeding schedule re ui es sched ling around/withclasses
requires scheduling around/withclasses
Healthrisksbybreed— requires the financial ability to pay for medications and routinecheckups
A yard for active or working dog breeds or app
newfound independence and freedom a college student discovers, a desire to have a pettagalongfortheadventure often follows. For these firsttimepetowners,afurryfriend can help feel a stronger connection to new home-away-from-homeinthe newchapterof lives. College risks ability to for and ups
The ability to walk and/or exercise the dog regularly—requirestime Other animals in the household requires the ability to safely socialize the animals
The ability to exercise the regularly— time Other animals in the requires the to safely socialize the animals
Rental agreement stipulations about breeds — legalrequirements
enrichment and activity for cats requiresspace RiskinRelocation
For example, an Alaskan Malamute puppy may weigh just 15 pounds they’re adopted, when they're fullygrown,theycouldweigh asmuchas80pounds more. An active, 80-pound dog requiresmorespaceandmore foodthanthe15-poundpuppy a pet owner originally broughthome. A yard for active or working dog breeds or approp iate space for enrichment and activity for cats requiresspace RiskinRelocation
Alternatively, students seekingacompanionbytheir side may prefer the familiar face of bringing their family petswiththemtoschool.
stipulations about breeds legalrequirements Alternatively, students acompanion side may prefer the of their family petswiththemtoschool.
An solution may include these petstocollegealongsideyou, butRaysaysage,personality, health new environments new animals, and the owner's new schedule need to be considered before an animal isuprooted its Ray advises that owners co side t e otential negative can have theanimal.
An immediate solution may include bringing these petstocollegealongsideyou, butRaysaysage,personality, health new environments new animals, and the owner's new schedule need to be considered before an animal isuprootedfromitshome. Ray advises that owners consider the potenti
considerwhatisinthepet’s best interest to ensure it's appropriate and safe for the pettotagalong,”Raysaid.
ValueinVeterinarians addition, Ray pet owners that regularly taking pet a veterinarian wellness and reven ative c r cludi acci es and flea/tick prevention imperative in becoming responsible
heartworm and flea/tick prevention – is imperative in becoming a responsible pet owner
“It is a veterinarian consulted and soon after, anymoveto and to make sure a with a veterinary team in home commuy in case nc ns, or emergencies arise,” Ray said. “Pets are a a lot time,
“It is recommended that a veterinarian be consulted before, and again soon after, anymovetoestablishcareand establish to make sure you have a relationship with a veterinary team
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist/ Opinion Writer
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
An Open Letter to Child Influencers
There is no doubt that childrenareourfuture. But are they really? In most ways they are being set up for failure because it's easier for some child influencers to raise an unproductivechild,thanitis to rear2 a one. Now when I ‘child influencer,’ not talking
There is no doubt that childrenareourfuture. But are they really? In most ways they are being set up for failure, because it's easier for some child influencers to raise an unproductivechild,thanitis to rear2 a productive one. Now when I say child influencer,’ I’m not talking
about a YouTube or personality, and I’mnottalkingaboutOprah, Greta or some othersocialistwindbag. I’m talking about parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. I’m about educators, coaches, clergy, mentors,anyonethattakesa in a child’s life
about a YouTube or television personality, and I’mnottalkingaboutOprah, Greta Thunberg, or some othersocialistwindbag. I’m talking about parents grandparents, aunts, and uncles. I’m talking about educators, coaches, clergy, mentors,anyonethattakesa role in a child’s life
Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim Jr, West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News.
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas.
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement.
Becausechildrenlearnfrom eachofthoseinteractionson a daily basis, and if we get complacent,thelifepurpose of a child, their destiny, can beforeverchanged.
Becausechildrenlearnfrom eachofthoseinteractionson a daily basis, and if we get complacent,thelifepurpose of a child, their destiny, can beforeverchanged.
I believe that children need to be challenged everyday need to be conversation, andhavetheirbrainspicked regards to thoughts and actions. parents are with andsome or many may conflicts with balances in work and life; in order to maintain a successful next generation, sacrifices must bemade. Unfortunately,for a portion of children, that is not so simple, and that is wheretheteachers,coaches, and other family come into the It’s butevenasparkof supportcanyieldwonders.
I believe that children need to be challenged everyday They need to be engaged in conversation, andhavetheirbrainspicked in regards to their thoughts and actions. And I understand that parents are busy withtheircareers,andsome or many may have conflicts with balances in work and home life; but in order to maintain a successful next generation, sacrifices must bemade. Unfortunately,for a portion of children, that is not so simple, and that is wheretheteachers,coaches, and other family members come into the picture. It’s sad,yes,butevenasparkof supportcanyieldwonders.
My war and nullified my fatherhood, mysister and brother-in-law me the chance to be a second father to my I jumped the chance as my cancer recovery It gave purpose to live, instead of focusing depression and feeling sorry for ofmycondition. course, the boys were past the stage, a time in which tink nap ies, an occasionallybeingbashedin face by the errant asthebabiesfunnily learned of bodily But as they grew I decided to take a wisdom role in instillinginfluenceonthem.
My war and subsequent cancer nullified my chances forfatherhood,butmysister and brother-in-law gave me the chance to be a second father to my nephews. I jumped at the chance as I continued my cancer recovery It gave me purpose to live, instead of focusing on depression and feeling sorry for myself becauseofmycondition. Of course, the boys were past the diaper stage, a time in which I enjoyed changing stinky nappies, and , occasionallybeingbashedin the face by the errant streamsasthebabiesfunnily learned of bodily functions. But as they grew, I decided to take a wisdom role in instillinginfluenceonthem.
Ihadalotoftime think I was cancer, lying in what I thought might be my deathbed. Of thoughtonmysins, and how I could them, making peace with God. Then I thought about mysister, was with youngestnephewat
Ihadalotoftimetothink while I was fighting cancer, lying in what I thought might be my deathbed. Of courseIthoughtonmysins, and how I could rectify them, making peace with God. Then I thought about mysister,whowaspregnant withmyyoungestnephewat
thetime. Lifeissoprecious, and although I was strugglingwithmine thetime,I wanted the best for my nephews, I committed myself to assisting to be the best they can After my recovery from cancer I’d spend most weekends with them, helping with early schoolwork,andlifelessons infinances,andrelationship advice not putting the cartbeforethehorse.
thetime. Lifeissoprecious, and although I was strugglingwithmineatthetime,I wanted the best for my nephews, and I committed myself to assisting to be the best they can be. After my recovery from cancer I’d spend most weekends with them, helping with early schoolwork,andlifelessons infinances,andrelationship advice about not putting the cartbeforethehorse.
I’d provoke thought amongst them, like at stop lights asking Give me examples of people who have not properly prepared for life?” They’d look around,and on the street panhandling, or selling cheap flowers. I’d ask looking at a kitchen cabinet overhang, where would they that a toaster might have been located in the past on the countertop? They’d look at thecabinets,and thatone cabinetdoorhasaslightchar toit. Andtheygotit. Which is Ibelievethatchildren should be constantly challenged. Ofcourse,they should have a brain break everysooften,butnottothe point electronicsdevoid their minds to meaninglessness. Of course, there are good electronic learning games, shouldneverbe a complete substitute for good‘olhuman
I d provoke thought amongst them, like at stop lights, asking “Give me examples of people who have not properly prepared for life?” They’d look around,andseesomeoneon the street panhandling, or selling cheap flowers. I’d ask looking at a kitchen cabinet overhang, where would they think that a toaster might have been located in the past on the countertop? They’d look at thecabinets,andseethatone cabinetdoorhasaslightchar toit. Andtheygotit. Which iswhyIbelievethatchildren should be constantly challenged. Ofcourse,they should have a brain break everysooften,butnottothe pointthatelectronicsdevoid their minds to meaninglessness. Of course, there are good electronic learning games,butitshouldneverbe a complete substitute for good‘olhumaninteraction.
OneprogramIlike our local school are their mentoring programs. Conroe, Montgomery and Willis, have their own individual programs and qualifiedmentorsmeetwith students generally twice a month over lunch, and have a bite and just chat about whatever The ages of the programs vary, with some mento s seeing their mentees after knowing for years. The students an adult influence that prov des a di erent
OneprogramIlikeinour local school districts are their mentoring programs. Conroe, Montgomery, and Willis, each have their own individual programs, and qualifiedmentorsmeetwith students generally twice a month over lunch, and have a bite and just chat about whatever The ages of the programs vary, with some mentors seeing their mentees graduate after knowing them for years. Theprogramoffersstudents an adult influence that provide
perspective as opposed to their parents or teachers. It shows the students that someone cares about them other than their teachers or family and it's a great way for students to use their communication skills in expressing themselves to strangers at first, and then laterasatrustedfriend.
perspective as opposed to their parents or teachers. It shows the students that someone cares about them other than teachers or family, and it's a great way for students to use their communication skills in expressing themselves to strangers at and then laterasa friend.
The goal as parent wants is to have successful and children. It should be the goal of everyone in a child’s life. We don’t a generation dependent adults, that could have been molded into responsible adults. We already have enough of those. We need expectations in kids.
The goal as every parent wants is to have successful andindependentchildren. It should be the goal of everyone in a child’s life. We sure don t need a generation of dependent adults, that could have been molded into responsible adults. We already have enough of those. We need expectations in our kids.
Charles Dickens' bildungsroman novel ‘Great Expectations’is an extreme exampleofwhatI’mtalking about. But still if you set reasonable expectations upon your kids, that are achievable. I’d say expect success.
Charles Dickens' bildungsr an n vel Great Expectations’is an extreme exampleofwhatI’mtalking about. But if you set reasonable expectations upon your kids, that are achievable. I’d expect success.
Kids still need to be immersedinsociety When my nephews were growing up,Iusedtotakethemtoflea markets. Theylovedairsoft guns, and as each of them grew old enough, I gave them the money and they madetheirowndeals. Ijust stood in the background overwatching, rarely intervening, and they did fine. Each of my nephews have done great, and two have fine wives, children, and great careers. The youngeststillhasagreatjob, andwillfollowsuitoneday, sincehe’sstillunder25.
OneoftheworriesIhave seeniswithparentswhoare well-off, and where the child, who was given everything growing up, doesn’tgetthatstellarcareer that made their parents successful Of course everyone wants the best for their kids, but they need to understandthatsacrificesgo
Kids need be immersedinsociety When my nephews were growing up,Iusedtotakethemtoflea markets. Theylovedairsoft guns, and as of them grew old enough, I gave them the money, and they madetheirowndeals. Ijust stood in the background ove atc ng ra ely intervening, and did fine. Each of nephews have done great, and two have fine children, and great careers. The youngest has job, andwillfollowsuit day sincehe’sstillunder ofthe Ihave seeniswithparentswhoare well-off, the child who was given everything growing up, doesn’tgetthatstellarcareer that made parents successful Of course everyone wants the best for their kids, but they need to understandthatsacrificesgo
I had a wonderfully sumptuous evening on September 20th, put on by Woodlands Wine & Food Week Founder Constance McDerby, with her annual ‘Premium Sips and Saviors’ eventatBaywayCadillacof The Woodlands. Bayway owners Darryl & Linda Wischnewsky graciously providedtheirshowroomfor the event turning the place intoaveritablesmorgasbord ofwineandfood. Theevent was a huge success with evenanexecutivebusfullof fans that hailed from Kingwood with lovers of wine champagne savory and sweets. I don’t know how Constance does it, but herCulinaryDirectorSherri Segari and team are able to bring wonderful restaurants and wine labels together to create a food haven that is simplyOutofThisWorld.
Minus the soup, it’s an exceptional 10 course meal that you can mix and match withaseeminglyendlesslist of wines and some champagnes that are available There were stations that specialized in wine types, from Pinot Noir, Merlot, Red, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sweet/Dessert etc One restaurant Sorriso even brought their own housemade Limoncello, which perfectly struck the balance of tart, tangy, and a lasting sweetfinish. AndIdaresay
that if you wanted to abide by the dinner menu of an hors d'oeuvre, appetizer, salad, fish, main course, palatecleanser,secondmain course, dessert, and mignardise, you could have pulled it off. I think I’ll try thatapproachnextyear,and bring an intern to take picturesandnotes. I was impressed with the quality of the attendees, of which a few recognized my
picture and name, and read my Food & Drink columns. ImetafewfellowUHGrads (Go Coogs!!), and other inquisitive ladies and gentlemen who wanted to know,“whoistheguythat’s tasting and scribbling.” I commend the restaurants who partici
withsuccess. Idon’tcareif the parents are worth $2 millionor$2billion,thekids needtohaveapart-timejob or at least volunteer to have someskininthegame. They don’t need to be driving the latest hot car off the showroomfloor Tomethat screams arrogance, and if the childs’ friends are offended by that, then perhaps they shouldn’t be friends at all A little humility has never hurt. I thinkitbuildscharacterina child, especially as they growintoadulthood,andbe willing to work a little harderforthatcareerintime.
We know children of their and they soak up all available information that surrounds them, mostly for the better Then there are environments are not positive, and children embrace knowing how selves the two are child is gifted environment reflectedin original expectations, and success that.
We know children are products of their environment, and they soak up all available information that surrounds them, mostly for the better Then there are environments that are not positive and children embrace them not knowing how to distinguish themselves between the two There are also cases, where the child is gifted coming from an environment that is notreflectedintheiroriginal expectations, and success derivesfromthat.
Nomatterwhatourroleis with children, we should all be obligated to help in their success Parents and educators have big parts in thoseresponsibilities,andif oneofthosecontributionsis lacking, then others must come to the aid. I did my part for my nephews, so my sister could restart her career,andnowthattheyare grown, I’m happy I just wishallchildrencouldhave that extra person in life that helps out when needed, instills insight and wisdom, fixates a life’s purpose to a child, helping them achieve aplausibledestiny
Nomatterwhat role with children, we should all obligated help in their Parents and educators have big parts in thoseresponsibilities,andif oneofthosecontributionsis come to the aid. did my part for nephews, my could restart her nowthat I’m just wish children that extra person in life that helps when instills insight and wisdom, fixates a purpose a child, helping them achieve a
with Idon’t if parents are worth million $2billion,thekids apart-timejob or least volunteer to have someskininthegame. to be the latest hot car off the floor To screams and friends by that shouldn’t friends at humility has never hurt. I thinkitbuildscharacterin especially as they growintoadulthood,andbe to work a little forthatcareer time. can
AlfredGratien. Thenose revealedhintsofstrawberry, red currants, apple, citrus andfloralinfluences. Iwas surprised how well the subtlesweetnessoftheBrut Rose complemented the tang and smoke of the salmonandcroquette.
Killen’s Steakhouse is well established in Shenandoah now, but it all goesbacktoRonnieandhis father Jerry’s love for BBQ, which instilled a life’s passionforhisson. Ronnie was raised in Pearland as wasI. Infact,Iplayedonthe same little league team and graduated the same year as his brother Jerry, before I moved onto the Army and WestGermany,stillasan18 year old with a very naive palate. ExecutiveChefLuis Lopez, offered a ‘Smoked and Braised Pork Cheek’ with Poblano Cheese Grits and Black Garlic Potlikker Ju, topped with crispy shallots Now anything smokedintheKillenlightis heavenly and the use of the grits is masterful, bold, and rarely used. It’s kinda like thatflanksteakandpeaches dish I whipped up not long agoandwroteabout. That’s why I like Ronnie and his crew They take chances thatothersdon’tnecessarily wanna take. It’s a risk, but calculated, and you can’t win‘emall. Buttheyhavea great track record. I tried The Etude Carneros Pinot Noir with this dish being a naturalgo-to. Thenosegave a fruity, strawberry sense, along with floral and citrus highlights. Thesofttannins yielded earthiness, and lots of flavor with the acidity enhancing the flavor of the
Mastro’s Ocean Club in TheWoodlandsofferedtheir ‘Bleu Cheese Crusted Nueske’s Bacon Steak & Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes.’ If you love smoked porkbelly,well,thisismany timesbetter Thesavoryand sweet bacon is simply ecstasy in a bite, and the gruyere scalloped potatoes gloriously rounds out the nuttiness of the cheese and creamybutteryflavorofthe potato. This is a meat and spud pairing you can’t pass up General Manager TJ Bellow, and his staff know how to please as evidenced by their small concoction withbigtaste. Iwentwitha Bordeaux since it pairs well with bacon Clarendelle White, to be precise. The lighter fruits on the nose, your apricots, white peach, and up’d up acidity from grapefruit, produce a wonderful golden yellow hue that amps the flavor of
Back Table Kitchen & Bar on North Millbend Drive in The Woodlands, provideda‘SmokedBrisket’ onabedofcornmixedwith Ancho Mayo, Cotija Macha
Salsa, and Sriracha Powder Ithadanicebalanceofspicy sweet and salty Food and BeverageManagerShannon Gonzales, and Chef de Cuisine Ivan Rodriguez, came prepared to wow!
Instilling Latin flavors with a southern influenced staple of smoked brisket. It's a mesmerizingly savory bite that yearns for more It paired well with a red, Kirk Venge’s Scout’s Honor, which reminded me of my three nephew Eagle Scouts, butwasnamedafterVenge’s dog The nose reveals a purplishhuethatharborsthe sacrifices of the plums and blackberries, along with a hintofpepperyspice. Andit paired well the rich texture of the meat with its equally involved spices that sang in harmony
delicious flavor combination to end the day’s festivities. And of course, with sweet wines literally withanarmsreach,Ifounda gem. I tried a 20 year aged ‘Graham’s Tawny Porto,’ which elevated the tastes of the desserts The sweet, almost communion-like wine, had a nutty citrus like aroma, fruity; and its finish waselegantlylong.
AlcoholDisclaimer:This column is intended for entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly notjustforyourself,but forothersaroundyou.
Del Frisco's Grille presented a succulent ‘Peppercorn Steak with Mash,’whichwasdropdead delicious Sorriso also impressed with a ‘Charred Octopus’salad. PhatEatery hadalovelyonebiteshrimp salad. WhileHEBhadatrio ofsamples:aveganinspired lettuce wrap, a Sabatino Truffle Risotto topped with shrimp and pesto, and for dessert, a chocolate cannoli filling atop a brownie with chocolateshavings. It's most evident you can’t go wrong with a Constance M
And speaking of dessert, Alchemy Bake Labs had a triple delight of samples T h e i r S t r a w b e r r y
Thumbprint Cookie, a shortbreadwithastrawberry curd in the middle, was coated in powdered sugar andsomeedibleglitter That started the sweet montage. ABL’sVanillaCakePopson astick,reallystoletheshow It looked like a sucker covered with a champagne gold glitter but as you taste expecting a hard texture it collapses into a wonderful ball of great tastes from all sides. Lastly, their Millionaire ShortBread, was a shortbread bottom topped with caramel toffee and flaky sea salt; truly a
y organized event Her Woodlands Wine & Food Week,isinits20thyearnow, withConstanceandherteam arewellversedinproviding great opportunities for enjoyment of delicious wines and incredible delectables whipped up by
At that time your people shallbedelivered.(v 1)
threat, but his lifetime also overlapped the darkest time in Israel’s history: a time during which it seemed unfathomable that God’s covenant people would survive.ButGodinterposed a vivid vision of the end of the story God reassured Danielthathispeoplewould be delivered from captivity: notjustoutofexile,butinto eternallife.
The Bible tells one big story It’sthetruestoryofthe wholeworldandthestoryof humanity s unfolding relationship with God. Like an engrossing thriller, the Bible is full of dramatic tension, twists, and turns Sometimes, for the characters in the middle of the story, the tension may feel unbearable. This must have beenthecaseforDaniel.Not only was his life overshadowed by constant deadly
promises of
find their Yes in [Christ] (2 Cor 1:20) The deliverance foreseen by Daniel was signed and sealed by our Savior.Ourhappyendingis secure.
As you pray, thank God thattheendofourstoryhas alreadybeenwritten.
Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find
The petition of Gabriel Roman, Petitioner was filed in the 410th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas 5th day of April 2024 against Angela N Thorsland Respondent,numbered24-04-05432andentitled
The suit requests that the parental rights of the Respondent as to the named child and/or children be terminated; and that the Petitioner be appointed as the sole managing conservatorofthechildand/orchildren;allasismorefullyshowninthePetitiononfileinthis cause.
Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechild(ren)whoarethesubjectofthissuit:canbefound,if available, in the attached Original Petition to Terminate Parent-Child Relationship and AdoptionofChildren
Atrueandcorrectcopyofthefollowingdocumentsaccompanythiscitationandaremadea part hereof: Original Petition to Terminate Parent-Child Relationship and Adoption of Children
The Court has the authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the child(ren)'s interest which will be binding to you including the termination of the parent-child relationship,thedeterminationofpaternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthority toconsenttothechild(ren)'sadoption.
You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination and Declaration of Heirship, for Creation of Independent Administration of Intestate Estate,andforLettersofIndependentAdministrationfiledbySierraTaylor,atorbefore 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of PublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty, attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonJuly24,2024.
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
TO: TotheUnknownHeirsoftheEstateofWhilelminaBayne,Deceased; PatrickBayne,Deceased
GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF COPYOFWILLASMUNIMENTOFTITLEfiledbySharonSauers,atorbefore10O'clock
A.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationoften(10)daysfromthedateofpublicationof this citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County at the CourthouseinConroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonJanuary11,2024.
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Application for Probate of Copy of Will as Muniment of Title. Application is not accompaniedbytheoriginalwill.
You are notified that you may appear at the time stated in the citation to contest the application.
Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas the on this the 27th day of September,2024.
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofIndependentAdministrationintheEstateof CRAIG SMITHERMAN, Deceased, were issued to JARED SMITHERMAN on the 17th day of September2024,inCauseNo.24-46648-P,intheProbateCourtNumberOne,MontgomeryCounty, Texas,whichisstillpending.
ClaimsmaybepresentedtoJAREDSMITHERMAN,IndependentAdministrator,through his attorney and addressed as follows: c/o Robert L. Loudermilk, Loudermilk Law PLLC, 514 E. BelknapSt.,Suite200,FortWorth,Texas76102.
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Respectfullysubmitted, Robert L. Loudermilk, State Bar No. 24065643, Loudermilk Law, PLLC, 514 E. Belknap Street, Suite 200 Fort Worth Texas 76102 Telephone: 817 730 9300 Fax: 817 796 1755 Email: bob@loudermilklaw.comATTORNEYSFORINDEPENDENTADMINISTRATOR CRAIGSMITHERMAN,DECEASED24-46648-P
thDATEDthisthe26 dayofSeptember 2024
RJOAHoldsGrandChapterKick-off MeetingForNewUDCYear! New
Submitted by RJOA
Submitted by RJOA
Chairman of Public
Chairman of Public Relations:ElaineCollings, ehcollings@gmail com
And Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson
Relations:ElaineCollings, ehcollings@gmail com And Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson
The Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721ChapteroftheUnited DaughtersoftheConfederacy, holds its 1st Chapter Meeting of the new UDC Year Honored Guest and Honorary Member was Texas Division UDC
The Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721ChapteroftheUnited DaughtersoftheConfederacy, holds its 1st Chapter Meeting of the new UDC Year Honored Guest and Honorary Member was Texas Division UDC
President: LOUANN
President: LOUANN
RUBEL, and her Sons of the Confederate Veterans (SCV) husband: Mr BOB
RUBEL, and her Sons of the Confederate Veterans (SCV) husband: Mr BOB
RUBEL Mr & Mrs
RUBEL Mr & Mrs
RUBEL traveled from Burleson, Texas to enjoy the festivities that Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter had planned for them, and for Texas Division President RUBELto install the New RJOA Officers for their newtermofofficialduties. The RJOAChapter is lead by their President: JENNY LEHR, for her second term, and her new excellent team Officers. The many marvelous volunteer Committee Chairmen are numerous and dedicated to making theirRJOAcommitteesthe best TX UDC Chapter in theState!
RUBEL traveled from Burleson, Texas to enjoy the festivities that Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter had planned for them, and for Texas Division President RUBELto install the New RJOA Officers for their newtermofofficialduties. The RJOAChapter is lead by their lovely President: JENNY LEHR, for her second term, and her new excellent team of Officers. The many marvelous volunteer Committee Chairmen are numerous and dedicated to making theirRJOAcommitteesthe best TX UDC Chapter in theState!
Officers, TX Pr sid
Officers, TX Division
: L
UANN RUBEL gave a warm address to the chapter. LYN HOWARD the REDROSES Pres LOUANN gave to Officer individually there was more urpris s for Pre Our Talented EVELYNMILLER custom ladies Cowgirl Hat for Pres LOUANN! She perfect it! The surprise came Pres LOUANN, when Pres. LEHR asked the Gift to for the presentation LOUANN HALL, (was present), KELLY HALL created a gorgeous Crystal and Bulova Clock for Chapter tation to LOUANN. The President’s Gift Committee of JENNY
N RUBEL gave a warm address to the chapter. LYN HOWARD gifted the beautifulREDROSESthat Pres LOUANN gave to each Officer individually Then there was more surprises for Pres LOUANN. Our Talented EVELYNMILLERmadea custom dressy ladies Cowgirl Hat for Pres LOUANN! She just looked perfect in it! The next surprise came for Pres LOUANN, when RJOA Pres. LEHR asked the Gift Committee to come forward for the Chapter presentation to LOUANN Chairman KELLY HALL, (was not present), but KELLY HALL created a gorgeous Crystal and Pearl Bulova Clock for Chapter Presentation to Pres. LOUANN. The President’s Gift Committee of JENNY
Chairman KELLY HALL wi
Upon TX Division PresidentRUBEL’Sarrival on Friday, they were Hosted for the afternoon andeveningbyELAINE& DOUGCOLLINGS. First on the RJOATourAgenda was a private tour of the
Heritage Museum of Montgomery County for President LOUANN and Mr BOB Assistant
Upon TX Division PresidentRUBEL’Sarrival on Friday, they were Hosted for the afternoon Hosted andeveningbyELAINE& DOUGCOLLINGS. First on the RJOATourAgenda was a private tour of the Heritage Museum of Montgomery County for President LOUANN and Mr BOB Assistant
D i r e c t o r : D O U G COLLINGS gave the tour oftheinterestinghistoryof Montgomery County and also Texas History The RUBELS are historians also and really enjoyed
D i r e c t o r : D O U G COLLINGS gave the tour oftheinterestinghistoryof Montgomery County and also Texas History The RUBELS are historians also and really enjoyed
learning more about MontgomeryCounty
learning more about MontgomeryCounty
Next it was RJOALYN HOWARD that had made
On the RUBELS last visit to Montgomery, ELAINE & DOUG COLLINGS also gave them the grand tour of the City Montgomery and all its Historic Locations, including the historic marker outside the Community On this tour to Conroe, again pictures were taken with the Texas Historic Marker in the front Yard of the IsaacConroeHomestead.
On the RUBELS last visit to Montgomery, ELAINE & DOUG COLLINGS also gave them the grand tour of the City of Montgomery and all its Historic Locations, including the historic marker outside the Community Center On Center this tour to Conroe, again pictures were taken with the Texas Historic Marker in the front Yard of the IsaacConroeHomestead.
For the exciting RJOA Saturday Kick-Off Meeting, RJOA REGINA RINEYpickedupTXDiv President LOUANN, so that Mr BOB could join later for the Program on Robert E. Lee, by SCV &
it was that had made arr ngements for COLLINGS to take RUBELS on tour of the Isaac Conroe to Courthouse to the new sculpture of Isaac Conroe, that RJOA LYN HOWARD had presented to the city were proud to their picture withtheSculptureofIsaac Conroe. Nextonthelist interests was ELAINE COLLINGS touring the RUBELS round th Conroe Main Art intheir historic Creighton Theater, the Theater, the original Station (no longer in use), and several other points of interests ELAINE gave a little presentation on each location. Out ofTime,The COLLINGS then hosted the RUBELS to Dinner, and ended the day with a f i n l t o u r o f t h e HOWARD’S Classic Consignment Store, with moreinterestinghistory!
arrangements for COLLINGS to take the RUBELS on tour of the Isaac Conroe Homestead, and to the Courthouse to see the new sculpture of Isaac Conroe, that RJOA LYN HOWARD had WA presented to the city RUBEL’S were proud to have their picture taken withtheSculptureofIsaac Conroe. Nextonthelistof interests was ELAINE COLLINGS touring the RUBELS around the Conroe Main Square, ConroeArtLeagueintheir historic building, the lovely Creighton Theater, the Owen Theater, the original Bus Station (no longer in use), and several other points of interests ELAINE gave a little presentation on each location. Out ofTime,The COLLINGS then hosted the RUBELS to Dinner, and ended the day with a f i n a l t o u r o f t h e HOWARD’S Classic Consignment Store, with moreinterestinghistory!
For the exciting RJOA Saturday Kick-Off Meeting, RJOA REGINA RINEYpickedupTXDiv President LOUANN, so that Mr BOB could join later for the Program on Robert E. Lee, by SCV &
TX Commander of the MOS&B: G ORGE WILLIAMSON.
President RUBEL had manysurpriseswaitingfor herday!
TX Commander of the MOS&B: GEORGE WILLIAMSON. President RUBEL had manysurpriseswaitingfor herday!
All the RJOA Belles arrived in their Chapter Color, RED! RED exemplifies their passion andloveinalltheydo,and foreachother TheFormal Meeting began by RJOA President JENNY LEHR introduced the Guest of Honor: TX Div Pres: LOUANN RUBEL. She
All the RJOA Belles arrived in their Chapter Color, RED! RED exemplifies their passion andloveinalltheydo,and foreachother TheFormal Meeting began by RJOA President JENNY LEHR introduced the Guest of Honor: TX Div Pres: LOUANN RUBEL. She
received a standing ovation! All Prospective
received a standing ovation! All Prospective Members: CHRISSY BARTONandMARYLEE
MALEK were then introducedandaskedtosay afewwords,andwhotheir Sponsorsare.The“Ancestor Roll Call” is done after all the Pledges and UDC Ritual.The“AncestorRoll Call” done in Honor and Respect for each member as she announces the Proved Name of her ConfederateAncestor, and their State they served in. This is a very solemn and dignifiedmoment.
MALEK were then introducedandaskedtosay afewwords,andwhotheir Sponsorsare.The“Ancestor Roll Call” is done after all the Pledges and UDC Ritual.The“AncestorRoll Call” done in Honor and Respect for each member as she announces the “Proved” Name of her ConfederateAncestor, and their State they served in. This is a very solemn and dignifiedmoment.
The normal Business was conducted including cheers on Officers Reports
The normal Business was conducted including cheers on Officers Reports
‘Kidofthe Week’-Charlee
This cute girl is Charlee, 10, who was recently at the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group with her Mom (a member of the Conroe Service League), serving breakfast to the Veterans. Charlee made the rounds to theVeterans with plate after plate of sweets to counter the savory breakfast with her mom Stephanie She is homeschooled in the 5th
grade Her favorite subjects are math and history Charlee’s favorite book series is ‘The Baby-Sitters Club,’ andsofarshehasread12 or13books. Herfavorite sports are volleyball and gymnastics Charlee s bestfriendisBralynn,and she has older siblings, Ashlyn and Austin Avatar is her favorite movie. She’s currently considering 20 careers,
with being a teacher, nail or hair technician being some top choices Charleewouldliketovisit Californiaoneday,justto visit, then come straight backtoTexas. She’dlike to drive a Jeep one day with the top, because if it flips, she would hit her head. Smart thinking young lady Good Luck Charlee, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘KidoftheWeek’.
This the Mom savory mom She in favorite has sports Ashlyn movie. careers, a teacher, nail op s like come if Smart being Week’.
for Last Years ending statistics,andnewexpectations.NewRecognitionsof Confederate Ancestor Certificates were awarded by Registrar: DANEAN MYERS, to EVELYN M I L L E R L Y
for Last Years ending statistics,andnewexpectations.NewRecognitionsof Confederate Ancestor Certificates were awarded by Registrar: DANEAN MYERS, to EVELYN M I L L E R
STEVENS, and JENNY LEHR. “Signings” were doneonnewSupplemental A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r BARBARA EDDLEMAN andCINDYDITTRICH.
ARD, ANITA STEVENS, and JENNY LEHR. “Signings” were doneonnewSupplemental A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r BARBARA EDDLEMAN andCINDYDITTRICH.
ELAINE COLLINGS was the past holder of the most Approved Confederate Ancestors for years at 15 Soldiers from Louisiana, and ELAINE gifted the new Winner of her “ChallengetoBeatHer#”, JENNYLEHRthenewtop award at 25 Confederate Ancestors now Proved! EVELYN MILLER and K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI in the top three Officer of the Military Service Awards: CYNTHIA CONNORS announced the Soldiers that RJOA would be bringing to TX Div UDC Convention in San Antonio!
ELAINE COLLINGS was the past holder of the most Approved Confederate Ancestors for years at 15 Soldiers from Louisiana, and ELAINE gifted the new Winner of her “ChallengetoBeatHer#”, JENNYLEHRthenewtop award at 25 Confederate Ancestors now Proved! EVELYN MILLER and K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI the top three Officer of the Military Service Awards: CYNTHIA CONNORS announced the Soldiers that RJOA would be bringing to TX UDC Convention in S n Antonio!
The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter strives to honor
The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter strives to honor
our Veterans of All Wars andHosttheirownSoldier for recognition and c Presentation of Awards there on Historic Evening. Amongst the Officer and Committee Chairmen Announcements, ELAINE COLLINGS announced she brought gifts for the chapter of all last year’s RJOA Publications As Foun
LINGS gave each member present anewRebelREDWooden FanwithRebelJoanOfArc 2721Chapterprinteddown the side, as a token of her love and appreciation for hersisters.
our Veterans of All Wars andHosttheirownSoldier for recognition and Presentation of Awards there on Historic Evening. Amongst the Officer and Committee Chairmen Announcements, ELAINE COLLINGS announced she brought gifts for the chapter of all last year’s RJOA Publications As Founder of RJOA, ELAINE COLLINGS gave each member present anewRebelREDWooden FanwithRebelJoanOfArc 2721Chapterprinteddown the side, as a token of her love and appreciation for hersisters.
K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI gifted theChapterwithboundsof DoorPrizes.
s and inscription dedication Pres. LOUANN was over whelmed!!! RJOA Pres. JENNYhad already gifted her outgoing Officers with a lovely remembrance and her personal inscription to eachOfficer Thecloseofthemeeting always ends with the ends Presentation of the “RJOA SPIRIT BEAR” This Month it was presented by Past Winner: SHELIA WILLIAMSONtothenew Wi n n e r : E L A I N E COLLINGS, with many kind and flattering words about ELAINE, who was so surprised and most grateful.
things happen at the Rebel Joan OfArc meetings, but the joy and unity shows in ha
Her generosity never ends!
Her generosity never ends!
L A U R A McCRACKEN held a Drawing a gorgeous turquoise Earrings & Necklace from her “GrandMothers Buttons & Jewelry c
L A U R A McCRACKEN held a Drawing for a gorgeous turquoise Earrings & Necklace from her “GrandMothers Buttons & Jewelry co
on! CHRISSY BARTON the Big Winner! WOW, That CHRISSYBARTONisthe luckiestgirl!
on! l CHRISSY BARTON the Big Winner! WOW, That CHRISSYBARTONisthe luckiestgirl!
any mor lovely things happen at the OfArc meetings, and unity shows in having our Charter ROSELANE POLNICK who has unable to attend this past yearand happily withus. ourYoungest member: ANNISTYN HARLESS joining us aga n! WELCO BACK!!!
ur Charter Member ROSELANE POLNICK who has been unable to attend this past yearandnowhappilyback withus. AndourYoungest member: ANNISTYN HARLESS joining us again! WELCOME BACK!!! K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI again gifted theChapterwithboundsof DoorPrizes.
inscription dedication Pres. was over whelmed!!! RJOA Pres. JENNY her outgoing Officers a lovely remembrance and her inscription to each The ofthe always with Presentation the “RJOA SPIRIT BEAR” Month it was by Past Winner: SHELIA WILLIAMSON new Wi n n e r E L A I N E COLLINGS, many kind and flattering words about ELAINE, who so surprised and grateful. After pictures, the Rebel Girls headed to the “RJOALUNCHBUNCH” Crowd headed to Olive Garden for more happy timetogether
After pictures, the Rebel Girls headed to the “RJOALUNCHBUNCH” Crowd headed to Olive Garden for more happy timetogether O H W H A T A BLESSEDDAY!!!
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter officers had a very productive meeting as they met Patti Pierce Johnson, Di
MCN’s ‘VeteranofThe Week’-CharlesCook
6 plan
Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis chapter Daughters of the Republic of Texas officers meet with Patti Pierce Johnson, DRT District6Representativeto plan District 6 Workshop 2025
Daughters the Johnson, DRT to
Mollie Weber
Photo (L to R): Patti Pierce Johnson (DRT District 6 Representative), Cheryl Bolt (President); Pat Spackey (Vice President); Danean Myers (Registrar), Shelly Lane (Past President), Barbara Eddleman (Treasurer), Mollie Weber (Chaplain),
Military R): Myers
The meeting were the historic" HONORCAFEin meeting and enjoyed Cafe is dedicated veterans
6 Representative to plan next Years District 6 Workshop 2025 The meeting and lunch were held at the historic" HONORCAFEinConroe. Following the meeting and Lunch, the ladies ladies enjoyedatouroftheHonor CafeMemorabiliawhichis dedicated to veterans in
This from was Aviation
This week’sVeteran is Charles Cook, who served in the U.S. Navy from 2001-2014. Cook was an Aviation Ordanceman and Plane Captain which are important jobs. A plane captain acts as a liaison between the pilot and the ground crew, and is responsible for the upkeep and readiness of the aircraft. Charles was stationed at Norfolk, Virginia for training, beforeservingontheUSS Abraham Lincoln (CV-
72), during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Cook also served in Pensacola, Guam, along with temporary duty locations such as South
Korea, Japan, Italy, on ordinance missions Good Luck Charles and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’.
STEVENS and JENNY LEHR for growing their family trees and honoring and their heritage. This is no
for growing their family and honoring their
DANEAN MYERS for her outstanding work and devotion to tracking down and “Proving” Family Histories for her Chapter Members. DANEAN is a Texas Division UDC Award Winning Registrar, and very loved by her R J O A C h a p t e r DANEAN knows how to “shake a tree” and dig for “ConfederateGold”!
Whatathrillitistowear the name of each your Proved Ancestors on a Gold Bar fastened to the official UDC Ribbon over your heart! And the Hunt goeson…
At th Septe
was the Honor of ELAINE w
You have many more “Treasures” waiting for you to find them! Isn’t KATHRYN’S FAMILY BLESSEDTOHAVEHER
was designed by Texas Division President’s Pin
EVELYN MILLER S ANCESTOR: James Wilburn, Co. C, 2nd Regiment, Texas Infantry,C.S.A.
DANEAN MYERS for her outstanding work and devotion tracking down and “Proving” Family Histories Chapter Members. DANEAN is a Texas UDC Award Registrar, and very loved her R J O C h p t r DANEAN knows to “shake tree” and dig for “ConfederateGold”! LYN HO
EVELYN MILLER S ANCESTOR: James Wilburn, Co. C, 2nd Regiment, Texas Infantry,C.S.A.
ELAINE has had the highest number of Proved Confederate Ancestors in her Chapter since its beginning. ELAINEmade this challenge to her Chapter over a year ago, and has been waiting for this Big Day to Gift her Heart-Felt Award This was the big Day!! Now eventhe3rdand2ndplace w
ELAINE’S Challenge so she felt it was very importanttoannouncethemfirst.
has had number of Proved Confederate Ancestors in her Chapter since its ELAINEmade this challenge her over year ago, has been waiting for Big Day to Gift Heart-Felt Award This was the Day!! Now the3rdand w nn rs have be ten ELAINE’S she felt it was very announcethemfirst.
3rd Pace: EVELYN MILLER with 19 Proved Confederate Ancestors! CongratulationsEVELYN, KEEP UP THE HUNT! YOU HONOR YOUR FAMILY,EVELYN!
Butthe and Dumb Roll went to 1st Place: LEHRwith 25 Confederate Ancestors Family!!! CONGRATULATIONS
ButtheGrandPrizeand Dumb Roll went to 1st Place:JENNYLEHRwith 25 Proved Confederate Ancestors in her Family!!! CONGRATULATIONS
Whatathrillitistowear the name of each your Proved Ancestors a Gold Bar to the official Ribbon over your heart! And the Hunt goeson… l in C l
William T Hughes, Co. C 13th Regiment Ala- 13th bamaInfantry,C.S.A.
William Co. C Regiment Alabama C.S.A.
Maston M. Burks, Co. C, 37th Regiment, Texas
Maston M. Burks, Co. C, 37th Regiment, Texas
2ndPlace:(Notpictured here) KATHERINE TAGLIENTI with 22 TAGLIENTI Proved Confederate Ancestors in her Family CONGRATULATIONS KATHERINE, we know
ELAINE Gifted JENNY LEHR with the Texas Division President’s Pin, “TheSpiritoftheSouthern Family”whichisaLimited Edition Medallion of a mighty Texas Live Oak mighty Treewithitswidebranches and pearls hanging as leaves. The Pearls represent our Ancestors The Small Crystals mixed into the leaves represent their
wantingtoshineandHonor them. AnAngelsitsatthe Base to the Tree with its deep roots to watch over the Family Tree. This Pin
JENNYLEHR!-WAYTO GO MRS JENNY ! Wi h te rs of Pride ELAINE Gifted JENNY LEHR the Texas Division President’s Pin, “TheSpiritoftheSouthern Family”whichis Limited Edition Medallion a Texas Live Oak withits branches and pearls hanging leaves. The Pearls repreour Ancestors into the represent D scend shineandHonor AnAngelsitsat to the Tree with roots to watch over the Family Tree. Pin
Chairman: ELAINE COLLINGS, who proudly did this for LOUANN RUBEL, Texas Division President RJOA LYN HOWARD served on this Honored Team What could have been a better Gift from the Heart to the Winner of the Most RJOA AncestorsProved,thanher own Family Tree Medallion!
was by Texas Division President’s Pin Chairman: E INE COLLINGS, proudly did LOUANN RUBEL, Texas Division President LYN HOWARD served on this Honored Team What could have better Gift from Heart to the Winner RJOA AncestorsProved, her own Family Tree Medallion!
S JENNY LEHR!!! And theSearchneverEnds….