Montgomery County News
Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 4.0 cents
galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 05/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13
stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 19.7 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 22.6 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof dieselhasdeclined2.9centsinthe last week and stands at $4.86 per gallon.
PatrioticCelebrationby LocalOrganiztionDuring ConstitutionWeek
Offers ChanceTo LearnLife SavingSkill
Thenationalaveragepriceof gasoline has risen 11.1 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 78/g today The national average is up 0.4 cents per gallon fromamonthagoandstands59.8 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150 000 gas stationsacrossthecountry
Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbackten
October 3 2021: $2 83/g (U.S.Average:$3.18/g)
October 3, 2020: $1 84/g (U.S.Average:$2.17/g)
October 3 2019: $2 34/g (U.S.Average:$2.67/g)
October 3 2018: $2 66/g (U.S.Average:$2.91/g)
October 3, 2017: $2 40/g (U.S.Average:$2.52/g)
October 3 2016: $1 98/g (U.S.Average:$2.22/g)
October 3, 2015: $2 05/g (U.S.Average:$2.29/g)
October 3 2014:
October 3 2013: $3 13/g (U.S.Average:$3.36/g)
October 3, 2012: $3 53/g (U.S.Average:$3.78/g)
Neighboring areas
Midland Odessa $3 09/g down 3.1 cents per
lastweek's$3.12/g. San Antonio- $3.01/g, down 1 9 cents per gallon from last week's$3.03/g.
BranchLibrary HasADigitalSign!
The next free class is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p m on Thursday October 20th at the MCHD Administration Building located at 1400 S Loop 336 West in Conroe, Texas 77304.MCHDplanstooffer a free class every third Thursday of the month. The class includes an American H e a r t A s s o c i a t i o n Heartsaver CPR/AED certification.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)istheleadingcauseof death in the United States, accounting for 325,000 deathseveryyear
“WithoutCPRinthefirst minutes of a cardiac arrest, permanent brain damage or deathcanoccurinlessthan8 minutes,” said James Seek, MCHD Division Chief –Clinical “The chances of survival decrease by 10 percent every minute that person goes without CPR So,after10minutes,thereis a very small chance of a successful resuscitation BystanderCPRisoneofthe most important factors in savingthatperson’slife.”
sP required. More information andregistrationcanbefound here: https://www mchd tx org/events/heartsaver cpr-aed-48/.
Heartsaver® CPR AED is a video baseda instructor led course that teaches adult and child CPR and AED use, infant CPR, and how to relieve choking in adults, children, and infants.
Toconnect,visit: CONROE, TX –CommissionerWalkerwas honored on September 15th at Meador Branch15th Library Staff members and Friends of the Library thanked him for their new digital sign and message board and held a Ribbon Cutting Dedication. The Meador Branch Library was built in 1991 and has been a fixture in theWillis community for the last thirty years. The library offers programs like their popular story times, computers for use and printing, and a diverse collection of books, audiobooks,andmoviesin physical and online formats Commissioner Walkerknowsthevitalrole local libraries play in the community and was proud to provide Meador Branch Library with their new upgradedsign. The Montgomery County Memorial Library System has 7 locations throughout Montgomery County Thesystemhouses a c o l l e c t i o n o f approximately 650,000 books, audiobooks, and DVDs and access to a digital collection of 8 2 0 5 0 6 e B o o k s0 k eAudiobooks, andn eVideos.TheMontgomery County Memorial Library System is committed to beingaleadingresourceof information, education, education, culture, and recreation, contributing to life long learning, and adapting to the community's special needsandinterests. For more information about this MCMLS, contactNatashaBenwayat 936 522 2137 or email natasha benway@countyli Toconnect,visit: CO O Walker Branch Staff and Friends the Library their sign board Dedication. Branch in Willis community the years. their ar y i s, diverse c e t o b s and in ys an li knows local play the was Meador Branch go Memorial system i books, audiobooks, and to t l ol e t , , Au ks Memorial being education, special and M The Houston Area R e g e n t s C o u n c i l Constitution Constitution Week Luncheon held at the Junior League in Houston, is always a very Patriotic and Wonderful Celebration. The event is hosted each year by the Regents of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution District V chapters Rowena Hayes (Heritage Trails Chapter Regent) presided with the other Regents in District 5 and presented the speakers gift to the honorable Kim Sullivan following her inspiring speech “How the American Revolution i n f l u e n c e o u r Constitution”! t Week held Houston, always year the c V c r Rowena the 5 the to the Sullivan inspiring American i n o Constitution”! Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXVII NUMBER 39 Section 1 8 pages October5,2022 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX
WEDNESDAY AccordingtoGasBuddyprice reports the cheapest station in Texas was priced at $2 59/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 49/g a difference of $1.90/g. The lowest price in the state yesterday was $2 59/g while the highest was $4.49/g,adifferenceof$1.90/g.
gallon from
continuingto surgeontheWestCoastandGreat Lakes,thenationalaveragesawits secondstraightweeklyrise.Butat the same time, areas of the Northeast and Gulf Coast have continuedtoseedeclinesasthethe nation experiences sharpi differences in trends between regions," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy "Some West Coast statessawpricesrise35to55cents per gallon in the last week as refinery issues continued to impactgasolinesupply whichfell toitslowestlevelinadecadeinthe region causing prices to skyrocket While I'm hopeful there will eventually be relief pricescouldgoabithigherbefore cooling off. In addition, OPEC coulddecidetocutoilproduction by a million barrels as the global economy slows down, potentially creatingacatalystthatcouldpush gaspricesupfurther."
and their currentgasprices:
$3 15/g
Austin- $3.14/g, up 2.4 cents per gallon from last week s $3.12/g. toGasBuddyprice reports cheapest station in Texas was priced 59/g yes erday wh e h o t e p n v a 4 9 g a $1.90/g. The lowest in the was $2 59/g while the highest was a of$1.90/g. prices in the average going ten
3, 84/g
$2.17/g) October 3 34/g
$2.67/g) October 3 66/g
$2.91/g) gasoline prices in per the week,averaging today, to 114 Texas. Prices Texas are 19.7 cents gallon lower month and stand 22.6 per thanayear ago.The average of centsinthe week at gallon. average of has risen 11.1 cents the week,averaging today up 0.4 cents amonth andstands per a ago, according GasBuddy million price reports covering 150 across country October 3, $2 (U.S.Average:$2.52/g) October 3 $2 (U.S.Average:$3.18/g) October 3 $1 (U.S.Average: October 3, $2 (U.S.Average: October 3, $3 (U.S.Average: October 3 2013: $3 (U.S.Average: down cents last $3.12/g. San 1 gallon week's continuing surge WestCoast Lakes, national second rise.But the areas Northeast continued seedeclinesas the n t on e p rie c s ar differences in regions," said Patrick De Haan, head analysis GasBuddy West statessawprices 55 per gallon in refinery impact which to reg n s n pr es t skyrocket I m hopeful there will relief prices cooling off. addition, coulddecideto production by barrels as economy down, creatinga could gas up areas current 2014: $3 (U.S.Average: 2.4 per $3.12/g. PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Community............2,3,4,8 Devotional..........................5 Commentary 3,4 4 Legals.............................6,7 BusinessDirectory.............8
Humphreys * Optional modules in childCPRandAEDuseand infant CPR, including child andinfantchoking
O N R O E –Montgomery County Hospital District is offering freeCPRclassesinaneffort toeducateasmanypeopleas possible in the life saving skill. CPR in the first few minutes of sudden cardiac arrestcansaveapersonfrom disability and death The more members of the community we can educate o n C P R , t h e s a f e r communitywecanbecome.
re registr
This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research proven practice while watching technique which allows instructors to observethestudents,provide feedback, and guide the students’learningofskills. Thiscourseisforanyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR and AED use to meet job regulatory, or other requirements. Courseincludes: * Adult CPR and AED use * Opioid-associated lifethreateningemergencies * Child CPR and AED use *Adult,child,andinfant choking JoinMCHDinthiseffort tosavelives. Montgomery County HospitalDistrict’smissionis to care for the indigent and provide EMS services while protecting the interest of taxpayersandensuringlongterm stability through fund development For more information about the Montgomery County HospitalDistrictpleasegoto * modules AED CPR, C N R E Mo t o e Co nty freeCPR inaneffort educate many as in the of sudden cardiac can disability death or em e h we can o P , t h a f we e re at More registrationcanbe https://www tx *InfantCPR minutes of permanent brain damage or canoccurinless 8 said Seek, Chief –chances survival 10 that CPR 10 thereis very chance of resuscitation Bystander is ofthe important factors savingthat class p m on Thursday MCHD Administration in to a class The includes e s i a i n rts CPR A Cardiac (SCA) the cause in the year e ts ve C R AED is teaches and to in children, This course k h he while watching instructors guide students’learning skills. or who use to meet job eg a y o r Adult use Opioid-associated use savelives. County District’s for EMS services taxpayers longstability For the Mo om r o n y Texas Weekly GasPrices ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS
PicturedLtoRaremembersandguestsoftheHeritageTrailschapter,NSDARwiththeSARColorGuardwho tookpartintheceremonies. PatSpackey;BillMyers(FreedomChapter,NSSAR);JohnThompson(Freedom Chapter,NSSAR);RachelNolan;TomJackson(RobertRankinChapter,NSSAR);MaureenPack; Rowena Hayes(HeritageTrailschapter,NSDARRegent),2022-2024);DonHayes(FreedomChapter,NSSAR); Paula Grigsby; WesVick(PaulCarringtonChapter,NSSAR);PatWilliams;andTomHouston(PaulCarrington Chapter,NSSAR).
GenealogyatCentralLibrary:A TexasKillingField:ColdCases,DNA, andGeneticGenealogy
CONROE, TX The Genealogy and Local HistoryRoomattheConroe Central Library will be hosting a guest speaker, Genealogist Nick Cimino, who in 2019 assisted the League City Police Departmentbyusinggenetic genealogy to identify two unidentifiedvictims.
Police and the FBI have been searching for decades to solve the murders of four women. They appear to have had little in common exceptthatthelivesofthese
four women ended in the same place—a rural field in LeagueCity,Texas,halfway between Houston and Galveston
Two women found in the remote area off Interstate 45 were unidentified when their bodies were discovered in 1986 and 1991,sotheyweregiventhe namesJaneandJanetDoe.
At the time, this field in League City was a desolate location accessible only by dirt roads. The League City Police Department made numerous efforts to identify
Weather for the Lake Conroe area
Sunny,withahighnear86.Calm windbecomingnortheastaround5mph intheafternoon.
Mostlyclear,withalowaround55. Eastwindaround5mphbecoming calm.
Thursday Sunny,withahighnear88.Calm windbecomingnortheastaround5mph intheafternoon.
thetwounknownvictims.In 2018,detectivesfromLCPD tookadifferentapproachby using DNA Genealogy utilizing DNAprofiles from Jane Doe and Janet Doe.
Needing help to navigate this relatively new investigative technique, LCPD sought the assistance of local experts in the field of genealogy
In January 2019, Nick Cimino, President of the Texas Bay Area Genealogical Society, was contacted by an officer from LCPD asking for his help with genetic genealogy Two
police officers came to the Cimino residence and explainedthecase.Intrigued by the mystery, Nick volunteered to teach the detectives about genetic genealogy He agreed to review the family trees that were being built and determine if they were trending in the right direction.Wasthesearchfor theidentityofJaneandJanet Doe successful? Find out more by attending this presentation.
Thursday October 20th, 1:00 2:30 pm in the
Genealogy Room, upstairs at the Conroe Central Branch Library Open to Adults 18+.Registration is required.Formoreinformation, please call the Genealogy Department at 936-522-2138, or visit the library calendar of events at
For more information, pleasecontactLauraPolitte, Genealogy Librarian at 936-522-2107or
laura politte@countylibr
The Montgomery County Memorial Library System has 7 locations
throughout Montgomery County
Thesystemhousesa collection of approximately 650,000books,audiobooks, and DVDs and access to a digitalcollectionof820,506 eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eVideos. The Montgomery County Memorial Library System is committed to being a leading resource of information, education, culture and recreation contributing to life long learning,andadaptingtothe community's special needs andinterests.
TheCoushattiTraceChapter AttendtheAnnualTexas DARFallForum
The Texas Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Fall Forum was held September 9 10 in Austin Texas Attendees celebrated Pamela Rouse Wright as the Second President General of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution from Texas. Lynn Forney Young was the “First” woman from Texas to serve as President General of the NSDAR. Both Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Young are from Houston and attended the event.
Mostlyclear,withalowaround60. Sunday Sunny,withahighnear84.
Saturday SundayNight
ColumbusDay Sunny,withahighnear84.
State Regent Marcy CarterLovickpresidedatthe meeting which included her Genealogy Workshop titled “UsingMigrationPatternsto TrackYour Family Through Ti
TXDAR Officers and presentations from NSDAR Chairs from Texas. Attendees wrote appreciation cards to welcome home Veterans who will be participatinginTexasHonor Flights Members who completed the NSDAR L
managingsalesattheJunior Shoppe, and assisting with check-inandseating.
Hardworking Junior Members, who range in age from 18-35, dress in white andwearcomfortableshoes. They could be found answering questions,
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) is a non profit non political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education DAR
members come from a variety of backgrounds and interests, but all share a common bond of having an ancestor who helped contribute to securing the independence of the United States of America The Coushatti Trace Chapter welcomes new members
Any woman, 18 years or older regardless of race, religion or ethnic backgroundwhocanprovelineal bloodline descent from an
ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join the DAR. If you are interested in more information about membership, p l e a s e email: CoushattiTraceDAR @gmail com Chapter RegistrarDaniMyerswillbe available to prospective m e m b e r s w h o need assistance with their genealogyresearch.
Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden was honored to receive the “Constable/Marshal of the Year” Award during the National Constables and Marshals Association (NCMA) 49th Annual Training Conference on September 22, 2022, in Galveston,TX.
The award was voted upon from many nominations given to theAssociation through its membership.Theawardgoestothe Constable or Marshal that hasshownoutstandingand notable actions in their office, community state or nation; highlighting service to their area citizens;inspiredgreatness to others; commitment to fellow citizens; dedication to fairness and humanity; going above and beyond the duties of their office; shown attention to detail and outstanding work ethics; provided and/or promoted services or eventstoraiseawarenessto a cause to benefit citizens or fellow offices. Much of the award is related to ConstableHayden’s
Constable Hayden and the Montgomery County Pct. 4 Constables Office is consistently one of the most active Law Enforcement Agencies in Montgomery County A proactive Law Enforcement Agency covering around 232 square miles in East Montgomery County, the Pct. 4 Constables Office annually makes more than 1500 arrests. Of all the arrests, more than half are theresultof possession or distribution of narcotics as well as alcohol-relatedoffenses.In many cases, these arrests are from people who are suffering from substance abuse and addiction.As an Agency, they felt they could do more. The motto of the Pct. 4 Constables Office is "Professionalism, Dedication and Compassion", and they strive to be an example of those qualities in the everyday approach to the service providedtothecommunity
Public safety is not just about the criminals we apprehendbutthecrimewe can prevent from happening in the first place, and providing an avenue of
help for those addicted embodiesthatpractice.
During the arrest, Deputies provide a list of available resources to the subjects,aswellassignson thewallinthebookingarea in hopes this information will be used to make positive changes in their lives Constable 180 highlights those stories showing there is hope and help is available to those
NCMAisanassociation thatstartedin1973inNew Jersey, and since then has spread across the United States. More information on NCMA is found at http://nationalconstablesan
Congratulations Constable Hayden on receiving this prestigious, national award.
“Constable 180”
CountyNews Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 web; Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan West ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2018 Publisher:M.RyanWest Editor:MonteWest Reporters/Contributing Writers: Doc Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom,MeganWestStultz, NarcissaMartin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. Photography:MonteWest, WadeStultz, Photography:Bobby MonteWest, Bobby Strader,LanceBridges News Phone M. Reporters/Contributing Box, Margie Kim Page4,Wednesday,October5,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements.MCN advertisements.reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery operatedCounty County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery TX News77356. 77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in writingthis or this publicationarethoseofthewritersandinnowayreflecttheviews andopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and Montgomeryoccasional occasional randomdistribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per randomyearincounty distribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per yearincounty and$45outsideMontgomeryCounty andBulkRatePermitisheldby $45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermitisheldby thePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,MontgomeryCounty News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to MontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNews Allarereserved,and contentsof arereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. D&B#12-976-8354. from its MCN owned and is comments editorials throughout Please end Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to willyour your letter letterwhichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor phoneWeholdtherighttoeditor numbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper Mail,Faxor Mail,E-mail: Faxor E-mail: Webpage: W ebpage: Editor’sExpress MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, will We
me, ” updates from
eadership Courses
raduated and were
PicturedwithourTexasmascotbetweensessions: RegentCecilyKelly,ViceRegent KayPontious,HospitalityChairHelenBarley,RecordingSecretaryCecilyKellyand TXDARJuniorPageClubPresidentArrettaCarney
By Gail J. Box
In First John, one of thesmallbookswritten just before the Book of RevelationinourBible, we can find a great description of God, our Father It says this in FirstJohn: “Thisisthe messagewehaveheard f r o m H i m a n d announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darknessatall.Ifwesaythat we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in theLightasHeHimself isintheLight,wehave
fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” FirstJohn1:5–7.
Thatistheproof our God is Light.What elseisHe? Hearthis…
“Give ear to my prayer Let your eyes look with equity; You have tried my heart; You have visited me by night; You have tested me You will answerme,OGod;..”
Psalm 17: 1,2,3,a,b,c.
And in Psalm 17, also, verse 8 says: “Hide me in the shadowofYourwings.”
Have you ever wondered how the
CornerstoneChristianAssemblyofGod ofConroe,locatedat 100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfront ofRiverPlantation. 936-273-1755
NewLifeAssembly ofGod,RabonChapel Road,Montgomery, 936-588-3399
ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501North Frazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas, Phone:936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoods Worship: Sundayat10:30am, SundaySchool:9:30am
HeritageBaptist Church19087Lake Mt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356
Phone:PastorBear 936448-4027
GaryChapel BaptistChurch
POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road,Montgomery 713-478-1256,Sunday BibleClass10:00am, WorshipServiceat 11:00am.
LORD keeps and protects us from harmfulthings?
Know this: “Of Benjamin, he (Moses) said, “May the beloved of the LORD dwell in security by Him, who shields him all the day, and he dwellsbetween His shoulders ” Deuteronomy33:12.
Isometimesask myself ”Where wouldIbeiftheLORD GOD had not meticulously had His words written for all of us to live by and be knowledgeable of our wonderful God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit? And He made sure we could know Him even
frommany,manyyears past. His word is truth. For there is only One, True, God! How do I knowthat?
Look at the Book of John Jesus began His ministry on earth after coming to John to be baptized This was not a regular baptism John, the Baptist,tellsitthisway: “ J o h n testified saying, I have seentheSpiritdescending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him. I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit
descendingandremaining upon Him, this is theOnewhobaptizesin the Holy Spirit ’ I, myself have seen, and havetestifiedthatthisis the Son of God ‘ “ John1:32–33.
Jesuscame,and is coming again, to bringloveandlightand life to a lost and dying world…oncemore.But wewillneverlosesight of the fact that God knowstherighttimefor
allofthistohappen.We will love, live, and spread God’s word to all we meet. After all, there is no other God who can part the seas andswallowupawhole army of men with horses and chariots to protect the lives of His people! Our God is our lifeandwillbealightto all who believe, along with His Son, Jesus And that life is availabletoeveryone.
UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards
Please join us:
22548Highway105 West
AprilSound Church,
FirstBaptist Church, 936-588-1260
FaithBaptist Church
Meetsat464 McCalebRd.
SundayMorning BibleStudy9:30a.m. WorshipService10:45 a.m.
St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356
BenuiBaptist Church,
ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery
ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936767-4744
DacusBaptist, Dacus,
HoneaBaptist Church, OldHwy105,936588-2330
UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards, Texas
About11miNof Montgomery onFM 149
SundaySchoolall ages9:45am,Church Service11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudy andYouthGroup6pm
JonesChapel Baptist, 936-756-8186
MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch
Sunday School Classes for all ages begins at 9:45AM Church Service at 11:00 AM
SundayWorship: 8:30a.m.,9:45am., 11:00a.m.Praise& Worship
SundaySchool: 9:45 a.m.
RichardsUnited MethodistChurch
6639FM1696 Richards
109N.Frazier, Conroe,
BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668 936-894-2223
Montgomery,TX 77356 936-597-5331or 936-449-5983
LivingBranch Church, Highway105W., LakeConroe,936-5883400
NewBeginning BibleChurch,
Monday night Bible Study Discussion at 6:15 and Wednesday Bible Study as well as Youth group activities at 6:00PM
All are welcome!
St.Mary’s Catholic,
FM1774, Plantersville,
SacredHeart Catholic, CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223
CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 281-362-1100
GraceLutheran (ELCA),
Highway105W., LakeConroe,936-5881944
LivingSavior LutheranChurch
LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356 Churchphone:936-5978013Web: www.livingsaviortexas. orgPastorDavidR. Bailes.
Montgomery,936582-7700 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921
Father’sHouse, FamilyWorship Center,
WorshipService11 AM SundaySchool 10AM LivingWayChurch,
Phone: 936-5976162 936-441-8875
1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin,
2080LongmireRd, Conroe
PastorDavid Whitaker
Meetsat18961 FreeportDrMontgomery
PorterChapelA.M.E. 936.582.7722
SundaySchoolat 10:00am
Highway105W, LakeConroe,936-5884660
WaldenCommunity Church, 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696
Services9:30and11 a.m.
RiverofLife Church, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414
Cornerstone Church, 1011W.Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792
10amSundays YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays
SundayWorshipat 6:00pm CommunityAnd Interdenominational
LoneStarCowboy Church
21627EvaSt. Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors
Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM&11 AMMondays@7PM
Livestream:Watchus liveSundays@9:30 AM&11AM@ lonestar.tvandclickon Watchnow
AbundantLife MinistriesCornerof FM149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30 pm
Transformation ChurchMontgomery
20350FM2854 Montgomery,TX 77316
LakesideBible Church, 18940FreeportDrive Montgomery,936582-1977
2615St.Beulah ChapelRd.,Montgomery,936-597-5757
Fellowshipof Montgomery
ChurchofSt.John, retreatandwildlife center, Montgomery,TX 77356 (936)597-3949
SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes: Sundaysat9:30am& 11am/Wednesdaysat 6:30pmforChildren& StudentMinistries
WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgom followusonFacebook @thefmchurch!
25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas
1803Highland Hollow,Conroe,936756-8831 FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807
Mt.PleasentBaptist Church
TheChurch@Lake Conroe
936-689-3141 1701McCalebRd Montgomery,TX 77316
FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 2727N.Loop336 West Conroe,Texas936756-8884
Sun.9:00&11:00 SunSch10:00 Nurseryprovided
ChurchofChristin Montgomery
301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX.
Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed. activites6:30-8pm
SundayBibleClass9:30am Wednesday - 7:00 pm
St.Jamesthe ApostleEpiscopal, 936-588-4975 936/890-8034
PastorCarySmith CovenantFelloship
TheGraceChristianOutreachCenter CelebrationService
302N.Danville, Willis,Tx.77378
NorthShoreChurch 10amWorship Service 18501Fm1097West @theBentwaterWest
Phone: 936-5824855 PaulPraschnik, Minister
Worship -10:30am and6:00pm Email: cofcmontgomery@cons Web: www.cofcmontgomery orgSundayEvening Worship6:00p.m. 407-735-6403, dacusbaptist@consolida
PastorsSean&Lori JoCook m MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,October5,2022, Devotional
To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397
Spreading the Word ord ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismade possiblebythesebusinesses
The following vehicles will be auctioned by the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden at North Point Towing located at 23860 Loop 494, Porter TX th77365, 281-577-8985 on Tuesday October 11 2022 at 9:30am. In accordance with the TexasAbandonedMotorVehicleAct,Article#4477-9A.
The following vehicles will be auctioned by the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden at Melvins Towing Service located at 23643 Roberts Rd. New thCaney TX77357,832-955-8699onTuesday October11 2022at8:30am.Inaccordance withtheTexasAbandonedMotorVehicleAct,Article#4477-9A.
On September 28 2022 Entergy Texas Inc (“Entergy Texas”) filed an ApplicationwiththePublicUtilityCommissionofTexas(“Commission”)toreconcileits eligible fuel and purchased power costs incurred during the period of April 1, 2019 to March31,2022(“ReconciliationPeriod”).ThisfilingwasmadepursuanttoSection36.203 oftheTexasUtilitiesCodeand16TexasAdministrativeCode§25.236.TheCommission hasassignedDocketNo.54057totheApplication.
InitsApplication,EntergyTexasseekstoreconcileapproximately$1.67billionof fuelandpurchasedpowerexpensesincurredduringtheReconciliationPeriodtogenerate andpurchaseelectricenergyforitsretailcustomers.InthisreconciliationproceedingETI seeks Commission review of EntergyTexas' eligible fuel and purchased power expenses incurred during the Reconciliation Period and a determination they were reasonable and necessarytoserveretailcustomers.
Entergy Texas' under-recovery balance for the Reconciliation Period totals approximately $103.1 million, which includes interest expense on the under-recovered amounts.EntergyTexasdoesnotseektoimplementafuel-relatedrefundorsurchargeofits eligible fuel costs in this case. Entergy Texas proposes to roll any ending fuel balance resulting from this proceeding forward to serve as the beginning balance for the next reconciliationperiod.
All customers and classes of customers receiving retail electric service from EntergyTexaswhoseelectricserviceratesincludechargespursuanttoRateScheduleFF (fixed fuel factor) will be affected by theApplication. ThisApplication has no effect on EntergyTexas'non-fuelrates.
Personswithquestionsorwhowantmoreinformationonthispetitionmaycontact Entergy Texas at Attn: Customer Service Fuel Reconciliation, 350 Pine Street, Beaumont,Texas77701,orcall1-866-981-2602duringnormalbusinesshours.Acomplete copy of this petition is available for inspection at the address listed above or by email at
Persons who wish to formally participate in this proceeding, or who wish to express their comments concerning this petition should contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Office of Customer Protection, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326,orcall(512)936-7120ortoll-freeat(888)782-8477.Hearing-andspeechimpairedindividualswithtexttelephones(“TTY”)maycall(512)936-7136oruseRelay Texas (toll-free) 1-800-735-2989.Adeadline for intervention will be established for this proceeding.AllcommunicationsshouldrefertoDocketNo.54057.
Published dates: September 28 and October 5, 2022
Cause Number: 20-04-04420-CV
MelisaMiller AlanRaySanMiguel Conroe,Texas77305 TheWoodlandsTX77380
P O.Box2985 25211GrogansMillRoadSuite110
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitation
10:00 a.m.
followingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitation
To: JuanCarlosPadillaAzarcoya
YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertotheOriginalPetitionfor SuitonWritten ContractandforFraudulentTransfersUnderTUFTAatorbefore10:00A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this th thcitation the same being Monday the 14 day of November 2022 before the 457 Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas.
Said Original Petition for Suit on Written Contract and for Fraudulent Transfers Under thTUFTAwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe6 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase,numbered20-0404420-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.
as is more fully shown by Original Petition for Suit on Written Contract and for Fraudulent TransfersUnderTUFTAonfileinthissuit.
The officer
LLCarePlaintiffs MontgomeryCounty,Texas
MelisaMiller DistrictClerk
Page6,Wednesday,October5,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL
CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK: CALL 936-449-6397 OR ONLINE ThefollowingvehicleswillbeauctionedbytheMontgomeryCountyPrecinct4ConstableKenneth “Rowdy”HaydenatHargroveWreckerandStoragelocatedat24865SortersRd.Porter,TX77365, th281-354-4994onTuesday,October11 ,2022at10:45am.InaccordancewiththeTexasAbandoned MotorVehicleAct,Article#4477-9A. PublishedDate:October5,2022 NOTICEOF
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
natureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:Thissuitinvolvesaclaimfor Breach of Promissory Note by Defendants and Security Agreement for a loan made by Plaintiff to Defendants. Plaintiff prays for damages in an amount to be proven at trial, including, but not limited to, actual damages in the amount of $447,200.00, direct and consequentialdamages,attorney'sfees,andtaxablecourtcosts. (SEAL,
executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. and IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison ththisthe29 dayofSeptember 2022. PublishedDates:October5,12,19,26,2022 PatriciaMorrill 9-29/20229:45:37AM Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of ALICE MELINDADETERMAN,Deceased,wereissuedonSeptember29,2022,inCauseNo.22-43646-P pending in the Probate Court of Montgomery County, Texas, to MELINDA FREDRICKS, IndependentExecutrix.Theaddressformailingofclaimsis: 414W Phillips,Suite100 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY
MELINDAFREDRICKS,IndependentExecutrix c/oLarryL.Foerster
CLAIMS Darden,Fowler&Creighton,L.L.P /s/LarryL.Foerster LarryL.FoersterAttorneyor All persons having claims against the estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
IndependentExecutrix Conroe,Texas77301 thDatedthis29 dayofSeptember 2022. PublishedDate:October5,2022 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of CONN EDWARDBARTHOLET,Deceased,wereissuedonSeptember29,2022,inCauseNo.22-43486-P, pending in the County Court at Law No.Two (2), Montgomery County Texas, to: ROBINANNE BARTHOLET 414WestPhillipsStreet,Suite100 LARRYL.FOERSTER Telephone:(936)756-3337 StateBarNo.:07801800 c/o:LARRYL.FOERSTER ROBINANNEBARTHOLET Conroe,Texas77301-2880 AttorneyforROBINANNEBARTHOLET /s/LarryL.Foerster 414WestPhillipsStreet,Suite100 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw:
TOCREDITORS AttorneyatLaw thDATEDthe29 dayofSeptember 2022. Conroe,Texas77301-2880 Facsimile:(936)756-2606 PublishedDate:October5,2022 StateBarNo.: 24075836 RobertS.Griffin /s/RobertS.Griffin Conroe,Texas 77301 NOTICETOCREDITORS AttorneyforCherylReneeDevoreandPerryM.Prince E-mail: Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of PatriciaAnn Prince, Deceased, were issued on September 30, 2022, in Cause No. 22-43658-P pending in the CountyCourt-At-LawNo:TWO,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to: CherylReneeDevoreandPerry M.Prince. c/o: RobertS.Griffin AttorneyatLaw All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw 122W DavisSt.,Ste.101 DATEDthe29thdayofSeptember2022. 122W DavisSt.,Ste.101 Conroe,Texas 77301 Facsimile: (936)539-1002 PublishedDate:October5,2022 Telephone: (936)539-1011 Published Date: October 5, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Public Hearings on Permit Applications, Special Hearing, and Regular Board Meeting. 6:00 PM, Tuesday, October 11, 2022 655 Conroe Park North Drive Conroe, TX 77303
MontgomeryCounty RepublicanWomen
Welcomed ColeHughes
celebratingpatriotism during
The purposes of the NATIONAL SOCIETY of
promote patriotism, topatriotism, preserve and increase knowledgeofthehistoryof the American people by
relics, the marking of historic spots, the recording of family historiesandtraditions,the celebration of patriotic anniversaries,teaching
historic deeds of the civil, military, and naval life of those who molded the Government between theGovernment close of the American Revolutionandthecloseof the War of
dants of an ancestor, who during the period of 17841815 inclusive, rendered civil, military or naval service to ourcountry renderedmaterialaidtothe U.S.ArmyorNavy orwho participated in the Lewis and Clark Expedition Youngwomenbetweenthe ages of eighteen and thirty five are known as Flora Adams Darling Daughters in honor of the Society’s firstpresident.
Membership is availa
ageeighteen and over who canoffersatisfactoryproof that they arelineal descen-
b l e t o w o m e n
The United States Daughters of 1812, Thomas Bay
are h a v i n g f u n
meeting held at the
Inn in Conroe
the USD 1812 is to
the preservation of
and emphasizing the
1812, to urge Congress to complete and publishauthentic records records of men in civil, military and navalservice from 1784to1815,inclusiveand to maintain at National Headquarters a museum andlibraryofmemorabilia ofthe1784-1815period. For information on membership in the U.S.D. 1812 Thomas Bay Chapter contact Registrar: C o l l m o r g e n a t collmorg@flash net 832 674-3903 availa l w m e n age and over who can proof that lineal descenduring the period military or ourcountry aid U.S. or or participated the Lewis Clark Expedition ages and are known Flora Adams Daughters honor of T e n d t e g t r f 8 Bay chapter, v n n me in he d a in Conroe purposes of he 12 to promote of people p s v t o and spots, of traditions, a d m has i g t e historic of civil, military, naval life of those who the Government between the close American Revolution the of the urge Congress complete and publishauthentic of in civil, and 1784 1815, to maintain Headquarters a and ofthe 8 T o contact Registrar: m r a 674-3903 Page8,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,October5,2022 Pharmacy OE Staining RealEstate Restaurant Farm&Ranch Thursday Oct 6, 2022 Friday Oct 7, 2022 Events Community SubscriptionCostis$40peryearfor inMontgomeryCounty,and$45per yearoutofMontgomeryCounty Checksmaybemadepayableto MontgomeryCountyNewsandsendto POBox1,Montgomery,Tx77356,we alsoacceptmostmajorcreditcards. MCN Subscription TheUnitedStatesDaughtersof1812, ThomasBayChapter,CelebratePatriotismChapter Photo:LtoR:Seated: SueHereford,KarenHall(VicePresidentandPastPresident2018-2022);LiddieHenderson(President);LadyDalton(Parliamentarian);Mollie Weber(Librarian). StandingLtoR: PatSpackey(Historian), JudyWeidner (Secretary),CarolynCollmorgen(Registrar),GailUtley,LisaHarvey,SallyMorello,Utley EugeniaLetbetter The Montgomery County Republican women welcomed Cole Hughes, Executive Directorfromtheorganization True the Vote as their speaker during the September 22, 2022 meeting. The Topic was ElectionIntegrity Truethe Vote is the organization which did much of the research for the documentary 2000 Mules The Montgomery County Republican Women meet attheRiverPlantationGolf Club, 550 Country Club Drive in Conroe The October 27 meeting promises to be very patriotic and inspiring as MCRWwelcomesMorgan Luttrell as their speaker during the annual T R I B U T E T O VETERANSLuncheon. o g m Cole s t Directorfromtheorganizar r n r 2 2 Election the Vote organization which the research for documentary The M n m C y Republican meet at Golf Club, Club ob 7 p o s o b r Luttrell duri E