Montgomery County News, November 13, 2024

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Montgomery County News

According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $1.79/g yesterday while the most expensive was $3.73/g, a differenceof$1.94/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $1.79/g while the highest was $3.73/g,adifferenceof$1.94/g.



November11,2022:$3.08/g (U.S.Average:$3.79/g)

November11,2021:$3.04/g (U.S.Average:$3.41/g)

November11,2020:$1.80/g (U.S.Average:$2.11/g)









November11,2014:$2.71/g (U.S.Average:$2.91/g)

Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices:

MidlandOdessa-$2.77/g,up 27.3 cents per gallon from last week's$2.49/g.

San Antonio- $2.67/g, up 26.7 cents per gallon from last week's$2.40/g.

"Whiletheelectionhascome andgone,gaspriceshavestayed the course, with the national average price of gasoline declining for a fourth consecutive week as seasonal demandweakensandAmericans begin to take refuge from falling temperatures," said Patrick De Haan,headofpetroleumanalysis at GasBuddy. "While some may be surprised by the declines—some 28 states have average gas prices below $3 per gallon—this was anticipated in our annual Fuel Outlook from last December.

Doyouhaveabookyou haven’t returned to the library? Let’s say you checkedoutabook,forgot about it, and the book got the accidentally slid under a couch. Soyoucheckyour libraryaccountonline,and itshowsawhopping$17or $18 dollars in fines accrued. Well, does the The Montgomery County Memorial Library System haveadealforyou. From for now until November 30th, the library will be accepting food items in exchange for any overdue finesaccruedonapatron’s library account. The collected items will be donated to the MontgomeryCountyFood Bank in time for the time holidays.

Doyouhaveabookyou to library? say you checked abook, and the a youcheck library online, dollars in Montgomery Memorial a you. From until November library in for any overdue accrued apatron’s library account. items will Montgomery in holidays.

“We are running a special campaign in partnership with the Montgomery Food Bank thisNovember,”saidAnne Neidinger, Public Relations & Program Coordinator

Theitemsmustbetakento the Circulation Desk in order to be credited to library accounts. If the book is lost or damaged, then donations cannot be usedforreplacement.

“Food for fines gives patrons an opportunity during the month of November to reduce or zero out their overdue fines,” said Library DirectorRheaYoung.

Theitemsmustbetakento the Desk in order credited to library the book lost damaged, then donations cannot be usedforreplacement. for fines gives patrons opportunity during month of November to reduce or zero out overdue fines,” Library DirectorRheaYoung.

Library fines have an interesting history. The largest library fine ever paid was $345.14 for an overdue book at the KewaneePublicLibraryin Illinois in 1955. The fine wasforthebook‘Daysand Deeds,’whichwascharged at two cents per day.

Library an interesting history. The largest library ever paid an overdue the Kewanee Libraryin Illinois in The fine wasforthebook‘Daysand Deeds,’whichwascharged at day.

Presented by Friends of the Charles B. Stewart Library(FOL)2024Chairman, VirginiaHill This yearly event celebrates the


For those that have library fines, here is how the Food for Library Fines programworks:A$2credit for each item of nonperishable food, canned andpackagedgoodswillbe given in lieu of dollars.

library fines, is how for Fines for each item perishable canned given in

President George Washington, even had a library fine accrued, for two books he borrowed at thebeginningofhistimein office, but never returned. One New York student receiveda$12,000finefor libraryinfringements. And for the most overdue library book in history, a German text borrowed in 1667 from the Sidney Sussex College at University of Cambridge's was returned in 1956, almost 300 years after it wentmissing.

President George Washington, even had a library fine for two books borrowed at thebeginningofhistimein office, returned. One student received finefor libraryinfringements. And for overdue library book history, a German in 1667 the Sidney Sussex College at University Cambridge's was 1956, almost 300 it wentmissing. The all long through

In an episode of

‘MarriedwithChildren,’in 1988, Al Bundy was slapped with a $2,163 fine for a copy of the ‘Little Engine That Could,’ that was 31 years overdue. While in a ‘Seinfeld’ episode in 1991, Jerry was hounded by a library cop forabookthatwas20years overdue.

The MCMLS celebrates literacy all year long through fun, educational programs for

“We are running a campaign with Montgomery Food Bank thisNovember,” Relations Program an episode Bundy slapped a fine for a Engine That overdue. in episode in Jerry was by

Known simply as ‘The

Texas Flag Lady’to many, Pat Spackey, 82, of The Woodlands, passed away

teens, the than

children, teens, and adults, and by the more than 2.5 million items circulated. TheMCMLSwasfounded and began serving local readersin1948.Sincethen, ithasgrowntoservenearly 400,000 Library patrons and cardholders in seven branchesCountywide.

The decorated trees provide the library a wonderful holiday display while the general public take partintheSilentAuctionfrom November19throughDec12. This year we also have a free drawing for children to win a special decorated Children’s Tree. Both events end at the AnnualLibraryHolidayOpen House, Thursday, December 12, 4-6 pm. Everyone is welcome! The winners of the 21silentauctiontreesandthe1 Children’s Tree free drawing winners will be announced. be Therewillbelotsoffun,food andevenSANTACLAUSwill bethere,anot-to-missevent! Friends of the Library (FOL) Charles B. Stewart/West Branch Library 202 Bessie Price Owen Drive Montgomery,TX

Library branchesCountywide.

For more information,

Known on night, husband over Mrs. Spackey’s the always and students was the Daughters Texas, Daughters of AmericanRevolution. was for

in her sleep on Friday night, her husband Ted reported over the weekend on Mrs. Spackey’s Facebook account. Pat Pat was very active in the Montgomery County community, always speakingonthe“Historyof the Texas Flag” and promotingTexashistoryto students and adults alike. Pat was a member of the Montgomery Historical Society, the Daughters of the Republic ofTexas, and the Daughters of the AmericanRevolution.

Patwasbestknownfor beingthegreat,great,great granddaughter of the designer of the Lone Star Flag of Texas and the first State Seal, Dr. Charles B. Stewart. He was born in SouthCarolina,andmoved to Texas in 1830, and married Julia Shepperd of Montgomery. Dr.Stewart servedasthefirstSecretary ofStatefortheProvisional Government. He also

signed the Texas Declaration of Independence; and served inthreeTexasLegislatures. Dr. Stewart was a Doctor andPharmacistwhoserved innumerousStateandlocal offices.

Mrs. Spackey had the honor to write the script aboutthemonumenttoher ancestor Dr. Charles B. Stewart,attheunveilingof his Bust during the Lone Star Monument and Historical Flag Park dedication ceremony on April 21, 2011. She constantly attended events attheMontgomeryCounty VeteransMemorialParkin Conroe, and Montgomery, and was a constant photographerwherevershe went,takingpicturesmany times,leavingherhusband Ted to carry her purse, of which the task has now shiftedtoAngels.

Spackey the script her ancestor Charles B. theunveilingof Lone and Historical Park ceremony on April 2011. She events attheMontgomeryCounty Memorial in Montgomery, a constant photographerwherevershe went, many husband carry her of the

“I lost my wonderful,

Texas the State Seal, born the Texas of served inthreeTexasLegislatures. Doctor andPharmacistwhoserved innumerousStateandlocal


FilmReview:TheDichotomy ofHattieMcDaniel

as Hattie

The history of Black Hollywood or Tinseltown for that matter couldn’t be written special lady An actress who bore theweightof‘Race’onher shoulders as if she were a Greek titan, whether she wanted or not. In ‘The Dichotomy Hattie McDaniel,’ a wonderful telling of the history the legendaryBlackactress,by Vincent Victoria Presents; whose courage to act in menial positions on the silver screen in a not far from the slavery period, provided McDaniel great success Thefilm is the series of fo r with a Black Hollywood directed by Vincent Victoria, a Midtown-Houston based theater showman has proven himself by his

The history of Black Hollywood or Tinseltown for that matter couldn’t be writtenwithoutonespecial lady An actress who bore theweightof‘Race’onher shoulders as if she were a Greek titan, whether she wanted to or not. In ‘The Dichotomy of Hattie McDaniel,’ a wonderful telling of the history of the legendaryBlackactress,by Vincent Victoria Presents; whose courage to act in menial positions on the silver screen in a time not far removed from the slavery period, provided McDaniel with great successandfame. Thefilm is the third in a series of four with a Black l Hollywood theme directed by Vincent Victoria, a Midtown-Houston based theater showman who has proven himself by his

works on stage, and he continues to make strides in his filmmaking with the use of computer g n r d imagery to give sense of tohisscenes.

works on stage, and he continues to make strides in his filmmaking with the clever use of computer g e n e r a t e d imagery to give a sense of realism tohisscenes.

‘Dichotomy’ focuseson life o f H t i McDaniel the first actor to break color-barrier win an Academy Awardforherrole Mammy in TheWind.’ Anddespitethe precedence, push fromsomein Blackcommunityat time, most notoriously NAACP E e utiv Walter DirkRichardson; were not impressed McDaniel won the an enslaved

‘Dichotomy’ focusesonthelife

o f H a t t i e McDaniel the first non-white actor to break the color-barrier and win an Academy Awardforherrole of Mammy in ‘Gone With TheWind.’ Anddespitethe victory, and precedence, thepushbackfromsomein theBlackcommunityatthe time, most notoriously by NAACP Executive Secretary Walter White, playedbyDirkRichardson; were not impressed that McDaniel won the award portraying an enslaved maid servant to a spoiled southernbelle.

The Dichotomy of Hattie McDaniel stars Wykesha King in the lead role. She also played the main character in Vincent Victoria’splayontheBlack actress, and wowed the audience as Roger s Furman’s La Grandessa in ‘On Midnight, Friday the 13th,’ at The Ensemble Theater in Midtown, last season. King’s ability to channel McDaniel was spot-on. The resemblance

The Dichotomy McDaniel role. She also in play audienc Roger Furman’s Grandessa in ‘On Midnight, Friday at Ensemble in Midtown, last King’s to channel was spot-on. The

was uncanny as Hattie readiedherselfontheearly evening of the 1940

bills, and they

the 1940

about how out, the her It was

flashbacks about how she startedout,totheriseofher greatest fame It was delightful to see the

McDanielandClarkGable, played by Carlos Sanchez, which had grown from working together in 1935. The friendship, considered taboo by Hollywood standards of the day, at times angered Gable when injustices were committed against Hattie like with Oscarnightseating,butshe countered with “At least I’mintheroom.”

n ClarkGable, by Carlos in 1935. The friendship, of times angered Gable against Hattie seating,butshe with intheroom.”

King illuminates the beauty of McDaniel showingoffherabilitiesinabilities singing, acting, and glamor,inthegoldenageof Hollywood. The audience growsstaunchlybehindher cause in seeing Black Hollywood at the time content with underling roles not bound for anything of greatness that Hattieachieved. McDaniel was a true pioneer, just as Jack Johnson set the stage for Joe Louis. Hattie was the one who took the arrows, so that those who wentlatercouldsucceedto the fullest. Yes, the role McDaniel’s accepted, and there were hundreds of them, with many uncredited they were demeaning, but they paid

King illuminates the beauty of McDaniel showingoff in singing, acting, and glamor,in ageof Hollywood. The audience growsstaunchlybehindher cause seeing Black Hollywood at the time content with underling roles not bound for anything greatness that Hattieachieved. McDaniel was a true pioneer, as Jack Johnson set stage for Joe Louis. Hattie was the one who took the arrows, so that those who wentlatercouldsucceedto the fullest. Yes, role McDaniel’s accepted, and there hundreds of them, with many uncredited they were demeaning, but they paid

the bills, and they brought H a t t i e f a m e Unfortunately it was the age she lived in that ultimatelydecidedherfate, as Wykesha King illustrates on her role in Dichotomy And if it weren’t Hattie, it would have been somebody else, butmanyyearslater,seeing asthatactorwouldnothave hadClarkGableasafriend.

Unfortunately it was age she lived in decidedher as Wykesha King on her role in if it weren’t Hattie, have been somebody butmany seeing asthatactor ClarkGableasafriend.

The supporting cast rounded out the film were i

supporting cast rounded out film were

Syneetra A. an Englishprofessorbytrade,

Syneetra A. Williams, an Englishprofessorbytrade,

, staying within the bounds of and honoring the who once

staying within the bounds of propriety and honoring the actress who was once

frustrated with being typecast as a maid. Todd Greenfield, who portrays David O. Selznick, a two faced entity, who valued Hattie while in contract with the studio, but abandonedheronthefilms premiere, and on Oscar Night forcing her to sit in thenosebleedsection. The actorswhohavetoplaythe roleoftheWhiteJudasona Black stage or in a film have to be felt for, because their parts are necessary to tellthestory,andshouldbe admiredfortheirbraveryin taking on the roles Vincent Victoria chose a greatcastyieldingtomany wonderful performances He rightly tackled the s

’s dilemma, the aim for personal success, versus

with being maid. Greenfield, who O. Selznick, a faced entity, who while contract the studio, but on Oscar her to sit nosebleed The actors havetoplay role White on Black stage to be felt because parts thestory, be for bravery taking the roles Victoria chose cast to performances bj t of H ti dilemma, aim t

into big

radio,andevenradio. Enough haspassed Black actors are not subject that standard heals wounds. Andin at the plausibility at the given n iti ns H t e did the could be did re B a Hollywood she a maid, be a Shemadetheright choice, a decision

Hollywood And she rightfully said, “I’d rather play a maid, than be a maid.” Shemadetheright choice, a decision that madehistory F

o n s : vincentvictoriapresents co m

m Ruben be reached t

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

typecasting her race into servitudeonthebigscreen, radio,andevenradio. Enoughtimehaspassed that Black actors are not subject to that standard anymore Time heals wounds. Andinlookingat the plausibility of roles at the time, given the the conditions Hattie McDaniel did the best she couldtobeasuccess,asdid the rest of Bla

am at Crossroad's Baptist Church,5000CollegePark Drive in The Woodlands. All are welcome! The eventwillbelivestreamed for family and friends that areunabletoattend. Ted “She

green eyed beauty last night,” said Pat’s husband TedSpackey “Sheisinthe armsofJesusandhasnever been happier than she is now.”

“Montgomery County has lost a jewel and I have lost a sweet friend,” said Alice Laniter Melancon “Onapersonallevel,Ican trulysaythatIneverheard hersayanunkindword.”

Since Saturday afternoon, thousands of well-wishers on social media sites have been sharingtheir lamentations and memories of the great l a d y, s o m e e v e n mentioning her readiness to capture the perfect photo.

Ted,withhercameraatthe ready

“Pat loved Texas and did so much to promote Texas history and to preservethegreatlegacyof Charles Stewart,” said Tommy Hoke “Pat touched so many lives and was a blessing to all who knewher.”

Melancon fondly postedapictureofPatwith

Pat's memorial service will be on Saturday, November 16th at 10:00

in the y o e to capture lost I a sweet level, say Inever hersayanunkindword.” with at preservethegreatlegacyof Charles said Tommy touched was who knewher.” memorial will be Saturday, November 10:00

PatandTedSpackey,posewiththebustofCharlesB.StewartinConroeatthe LoneStarMonumentandHistoricalFlagPark. January25,2023. B.
PatandTedSpackey,pose withthestatueofCharles B.Stewart,the3-times GreatGrandfatherofPat, anddesigneroftheTexas Flag,atCedarBrakePark inMontgomery

DispellingMedicare Medicar Misconceptions



covers hospital stays and servicesuptocertainlimits – does not require a premium But that's it You're still responsible for copays, coinsurance and deductibles.

covers stays and servicesuptocertainlimits – does require a premium But it You're for copays, coinsurance and deductibles. Medicare Advantage plan Part D will fill gaps

Between its parts and plans and supplements many pre-retirees find Medicare hard to navigate without guidance are the facts about common Medicare myths:

Between its parts and plans and supplements many pre-retirees find Medicare hard to navigate without some guidance Here are the facts about five common Medicare myths:

Myth: offers freehealthcare.

Myth: Medicare offers freehealthcare.

Fact: Act allows beneficiaries wellness at no charge. are entitled to free mended screenings, such m m ogr m and visits and prevention plans For people, Part A –

Fact: The Affordable Care Act allows Medicare beneficiaries an annual wellness check at no charge. Beneficiaries also are entitled to free recommended preventive screenings, such as mammograms and colonoscopies, annual wellness visits and wellness personalized prevention plans For most people, Medicare Part A – which

Medicare Part B, which covers medically necessary and preventive services has monthly premiums that start at $174 70 for individuals earninglessthan$103,000 in 2024 up to $594.00 for individuals earning more than $500,000 Part D, which covers prescriptions,hasaddedsurcharges forthosemakingmorethan $103,000.

Part B, which covers medically necessary and preventive services that start at 70 for individuals earningless 2024 to $594.00 for individuals than Part D, which covers tions,hasaddedsurcharges forthosemakingmorethan $103,000.

a n y e d i c a r beneficiariesalso Medigap supplemental help coverout-of-pocketcosts.

beneficiariesalsopurchase a Medigap supplemental insurance plan to help coverout-of-pocketcosts.

Myth: Medicare covers everything.

Myth: everything.

Fact: Not true. Dental, vision and hearing are not covered by Medicare Prescriptiondrugcoverage isonlyofferedthroughPart DandMedicareAdvantage plans.What'smore,youare

Dental, vision and hearing not covered by Prescriptiondrugcoverage isonlyofferedthroughPart DandMedicareAdvantage plans.What'smore,youare


responsible for the premiums,deductiblesand copayments associated associated with the coverage you choose.

choose which prescription drug plan best fits your needs.

choose which prescription drug plan best fits needs.

deductibles copayments the you Myth: Medicare may notcoverme.

Myth: A Medicare Advantage plan or Part D coverage will fill gaps in mycoverage.

Myth: Medicare may notcoverme.

Fact: Medicare can be complicated Medicare Advantage plans –sometimesknownasPartC – offer optional coverage through private insurance companies. Many of these plans cover dental, vision, hearing and prescription drug costs not covered by Parts A and B, which the government sometimes calls “Original Medicare.” However, the plans may have limited networks to keep costs down and beneficiaries will have cost-sharingstructuresthat may vary with different plans.

Fact: Medicare can be complicated Medicare Advantage –sometimesknownasPartC – offer optional coverage through insurance companies. Many of these plans cover dental, vision, hearing and prescription drug costs not covered by Parts A B, which the government sometimes calls “Original Medicare.” However, the plans may have limited networks to keep down and beneficiaries will have cost-sharingstructuresthat may vary with different plans.

Part D is optional prescriptiondrugcoverage that has myriad variables, suchaspremiums,copays, coverage gaps and coinsurance You can

Part D is optional prescriptiondrugcoverage that has myriad variables, such premiums,copays, coverage gaps and coinsurance You can

HouseholdThreats ForPets

inagaragedooropener,for example, are the worst kind of battery for pets to ingest,” she said. “These batteries generate an electrical current on any moist surface, so they can burn through an animal's entiregastrointestinaltract and create extremely severesymptoms.”

agarage opener,for are the kind battery to ingest,” she said. “These current on any surface, so they can through an animal's gastrointestinaltract and create severesymptoms.”

Symptoms Of Poisoning

r advantage of original Medicare is you can't berejectedforcoverageor be charged higher premiums because you're sick. However, if you're a high earner you'll pay higher premiums for Medicare Part B Part D In addition, the Affordable Care Act now prohibits discrimination based on a pre-existing condition H

advantage of original Medicare is that you can't berejectedforcoverageor be charged higher premiums because you're sick. However, if you're a high earner you'll pay higher premiums for Medicare Part B and Part D In addition, the Affordable Care Act now prohibits discrimination based on a pre-existing condition H

working and covered by employer healthcare, you may want to delay enrollment in Part B to avoid paying for coverage you don't need. Once you stop working, you must enroll within eight months to avoid permanent late penalties COBRA Or retiree benefits are not benefits considered creditable coverage and you will be penalized if you have COBRA and sign up for Medicare past the age of 65.

“medigap plans” can have underwriting after the initial guaranteed issue period.

“medigap plans” can have underwriting after the initial guaranteed issue period.

Myth: notified whenit'stimetosignupfor Medicare.

Myth: I will be notified whenit'stimetosignupfor Medicare.

Fact:No.Unlessyouare already receiving Social Securitybenefits,youmust apply You willnotreceiveanyofficial notification on when or

Fact:No.Unlessyouare already receiving Social Securitybenefits,youmust apply for Medicare You willnotreceiveanyofficial notification on when or notification howtoenroll.

those without coverage, it's good idea to sign up when you'refirsteligibleforPart

For those without employer coverage, it's a good idea to sign up when you'refirsteligibleforPart B.

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you any questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, feelfreetoreachouttoour office for cost initial consultation.

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

If you're a veteran or service member considering buying a home, look intoVAloans.Theycanbe a great way to save money and make homeownership moreaffordable.

If you have any questions about VA loans or other types of mortgages, don't hesitate to send me a message.I'mhappy

T e x s A v t r n ia identifies that dangerousfor pets and symptomsto out Read on A&M

T e x a s A&M veterinarian identifies household items thataredangerousfor pets andthesymptomstowatch out for Read on Texas A&MToday



repellant Yarn or string (specifically for cats or kittens who may be tempted to ingest it while playing)

Thechaos holiday season can leave unaware friend has been snooping around item.

Thechaosoftheholiday season can often leave owners unaware that their furry friend has been snooping around a toxic item.

STATION There’s no placelikehome;it’swhere our pets find comfort, security, and safety Some common household items, however,caninadvertently bring danger in a pet’s lovinghousehold.

placelikehome;it’swhere our pets security, and safety Some common household however,can bring in a lovinghousehold.

The kitchen also can holdunsuspectinghazards, includingitemslikesugarfreegumandpeanutbutter that contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxictodogsandcats.

Dr Shayna Doyle, a second-year emergency andcriticalcareresidentat theTexasA&MCollegeof Veterinary Medicine & Medicine

Biomedical Sciences,

educates owners on common, yet unsuspecting,toxicitiesfoundwithin homes and how to safeguard our pets against thesepotentialdangers.

Dr Shayna Doyle, second-year andcriticalcareresident theTexas Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, ed cat s wn rs o common, ing,toxicitiesfound homes and how to safeguard our pets these


With the Thanksgiving season upon us, turkeys willsoonbeanotherhealth hazard of which curious pupsaretemptedtosnaga tastefromthetable.

“A sharp item like an animal bone can poke holes anywhere and everywhere,includingina pet’s mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines,” Doylesaid.“Theycanalso get stuck in their jaw or esophagus.

While monitoring pets as they explore the home andkeepingthehousetidy are some of the best ways to keep pets safe from household toxins, owners should also be aware of theirpet’shealthandwatch forsignsofpoisoning.

Common symptoms exhibited by a pet that ingestedatoxicitemcould include:

While pets they explore home thehousetidy some of best to pets from household toxins, should also be pet’shealth watch forsignsofpoisoning. symptoms by a that toxicitemcould include:

“Just as parents would child-proof a home, pet owners should-pet proof a home.Thatmeanskeeping all dangerous items out of reach,evenonesyouthink yourpetwouldn'tgotoeat orchewon,”Doylesaid.

expect, so it's important to be prepared to try to prevent as many negative outcomesaspossible.”

repellant Yarn or for cats ingest it playing) The also hold hazards, items sugarfreegum peanutbutter that contain that is toxicto Thanksgiving season soon another which curious aretempted snag taste table. sharp item animal bone o es a ywhere d including a pet’s mouth, Doyle in jaw esophagus. Pet is service of the College of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical A&M Stories can be at tamu edu/news/pe t-talk Suggestions for topics be ir




Abnormal eating habits — eating less than normalornotatall

Behavioral changes less responsive or personalityseems‘off’

When animals are bored, home alone, or unsupervised, they can do thingsthatwewouldnever

Explorations Gone Awry


Pets are known for curiously exploring new and interesting things in theirenvironment.

are known curiously and in their

Some common

Some common items

that could have the potential for pet harm include:

t t c ul h e t potential for pet include:


Lilies and other commonhouseplants Certain human medications, including ibuprofen,acetaminophen, andaspirin

Electricalcords Lilies and other commonhouseplants Certain medications, ibuprofen, andaspirin

Insect bait and ant

Insect bait and ant

Some thesesituations would require surgery and can be life-

Someofthesesituations would require immediate surgery and can be lifethreatening.”

Pets exploring a home mayalsocomeacrossstray batteries, which contain myriad potential hazardouschemicals,including:

Pets exploring home also acrossstray contain myriad potential hazardouschemicals,including: Nickel Cadmium According Doyle the smallest batteries can carry great risk for Lead



Sulphuric Mercury

According to Doyle even the smallest batteries can carry a great risk for pets. Lead

“Buttonbatteries,orthe flatbatteriesyoumightput

“Buttonbatteries,orthe batteries put

“If the symptoms are something you'd be worried about in a human child,it'sworthhavingthe pet evaluated by a veterinarian,”Doylesaid.

Pet-Proofed Households

Accidents happen, things spill, and pets often defy all odds to get into things they shouldn't A smallpill,string,orbattery maynotseemlikemuchto us,butthedamageitcando to our companions should make the safekeeping of these items in our household much more of a priority

can things expect, important to be prepared to try to prevent outcomesaspossible.”

s m th ng you'd worried child,it's the pet narian,” than in fear, be edgeable potential takeprecautionsto keep toxic items of bereadyto doesoccur Diarrhea

Rather than live in fear, owners should be knowledgeable of potential threats,takeprecautionsto keep toxic items out of pets’reach,andbereadyto contact a veterinarian if a toxicitydoesoccur

Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories can be viewed on the web at vetmed tamu edu/news/pe t-talk Suggestions for future topics may be directed to



Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

Trump Derangement Syndrome on Display

Remember when I wrote earlierthisyearofmyfriend in Montgomery County that runs a mental health shop, andheorshewasgonnarake it in when Trump wins?

Remember when I wrote earlierthisyearofmyfriend in Montgomery County that runs a mental health shop, andheorshewasgonnarake it in when Trump wins? Well, it’s started. If you

haven’t detected it yet, seemingly self-controlled people. Democrats in the recent past, say November 4th, may have an entirely different demeanor, then on November 6th appeared unhinged, or detached from reality We’retalkingabout ourmultipledegreedfriends and professionals the people in our lives that are

Well, it’s started. If you haven t detected it yet seemingly self-controlled people. Democrats in the recent past, say November 4th, may have an entirely different demeanor, then on November 6th appeared unhinged, or detached from reality We’retalkingabout ourmultipledegreedfriends and professionals, the people in our lives that are

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Patchyfogbefore7am.Otherwise, sunny,withahighnear81.Calmwind becomingwestaround5mph.


Mostlyclear,withalowaround53. Northwestwind5to10mph,withgusts ashighas20mph.


Sunny,withahighnear73.Northwind 5to10mph.





supposed to be the smartest people in the room. But whenitcomestodiscussing politics they have the mind ofafirstgrader They’rethe ones who, as long as you agree with them, maintain a sense of restraint about themselves. The ones who maylookatyouindisdainif youtakeuptoomuchofthe conversation, or when you makeacommonsensepoint itmakesthemlookthefool.

supposed to be the smartest people in the room. But whenitcomestodiscussing politics they have the mind ofafirstgrader They’rethe ones who, as long as you agree with them, maintain a sense of restraint about themselves. The ones who maylookatyouindisdainif youtakeuptoomuchofthe conversation, or when you makeacommonsensepoint itmakesthemlookthefool.

Well, a lot has changed since November 5th, when those smarter than thou smarter people and their nondegreed lackeys, think their world has just fell apart. Will they literally leave the countryliketheypromisedif Trumpwins? Probablynot. Actually, they believe that they will be arrested and jailedforbeingaDemocrat, orthinkingdifferentlythana sensible and reasonable right-of-center man or woman. No,thathappensin the United Kingdom, where if you say “God BlessYou” tothewrongperson,orpost something on social media deemed offensive to the government, you will be jailed. And in some cases foryears,whilethepreferred ‘Race’ in the UK can be blasphemous and threaten the Christian population all theywant,andnotawordis said.

regardstosomeonewhohas been harboring hate for people who they disagree with, many for their entire lives.

regardstosomeonewhohas been harboring hate for people who they disagree with, many for their entire lives.

Republicans don’t hate. Democratsprojecttheirhate ontheGOP Justlookatme. AmIa

Well, a lot has changed since November 5th, when those smarter than thou people and their nondegreed lackeys, think their world has just fell apart. Will they literally leave the countryliketheypromisedif Trumpwins? Probablynot. Actually, they believe that they will be arrested and jailedforbeingaDemocrat, orthinkingdifferentlythana sensible and reasonable right-of-center man or woman. No,thathappensin the United Kingdom, where if you say “God BlessYou” tothewrongperson,orpost something on social media deemed offensive to the government, you will be jailed. And in some cases foryears,whilethepreferred ‘Race’ in the UK can be blasphemous and threaten the Christian population all theywant,andnotawordis said.

those entities are slowly yielding with Republicans making in-roads with increased support And when the economy starts to heat up again, those cities andstateswillbeleftbehind inthedust.

those entities are slowly yielding with Republicans making in-roads with increased support And when the economy starts to heat up again, those cities andstateswillbeleftbehind inthedust.

The panic of the

The panic of the


Friday SaturdayNight



Sunday FridayNight

A30percentchanceofshowers.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear81.


A30percentchanceofshowers.Mostly cloudy,withalowaround63.


A40percentchanceofshowers.Partly sunny,withahighnear79.



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Democrat media as seen on election night, shows their insanity,and theirhighhorse thinking that their word is final, and if you don’t agree then, you are ‘sh*t.’ Well, that theory went flying out the door The leftist media threw everything they could at the public about anything seen as a negative image on Trump, and nothing stuck. So-called ‘Hollywood celebrities’ were useless to stop the GOP victory, and haven’tyetrealizedthatA.I. will,inafewyearsbestrong enough to relegate them to voice actors. High-party Democrat officials blamed, of course, ‘racists’ for their loss against Trump and the GOP Theyseemedtoblame everyone except themselves in the beginning of the election grief. They feared lookinginthemirrorforthe hideous image of Dorian Gray that they've sold their soul for to entertain their debauched political lifestyle.

Democrat media as seen on election night, shows their insanity,andthattheirhighhorse thinking that their word is final, and if you don’t agree then, you are ‘sh*t.’ Well, that theory went flying out the door The leftist media threw everything they could at the public about anything seen as a negative image on Trump, and nothing stuck. So-called Hollywood celebrities’ were useless to stop the GOP victory, and haven’tyetrealizedthatA.I. will,inafewyearsbestrong enough to relegate them to voice actors. High-party Democrat officials blamed, of course, ‘racists’ for their loss against Trump and the GOP Theyseemedtoblame everyone except themselves in the beginning of the election grief. They feared lookinginthemirrorforthe hideous image of Dorian Gray that they've sold their soul for to entertain their debauched political lifestyle.

Do you know America now has more racist than ever before? Black racists. Latinoracists. Asianracists. Jewish racists. Gay racists. White racists. Transgender racists Women racists Rich racists. Poor racists. CommonSenseracists. Any personthatvotedforTrump, hasbeendeemedaracist. So says the Democrat loving media and high-party Democrat officials, whose meltdowns across the spectrum on November 5-6 were hilarious. The whales on ‘The View’ are essentiallycallingforanarchy,but will Dems in cities that are now essentially worthless, who will not be bailed out, allow it? Antifa was blocked on election night in Portland of all places, from theirintendedhavoc. Democrats will do their best to take us back to Bidenomics, where the averageAmerican has spent or dipped heavily into their life savings to keep their families afloat for the past fouryears. Demelitesdon’t care. They are super-rich, which is why they care not for the little guys who don’t have live-in maids, nannies for theirkids (thatDem2nd Gentlemenhadaffairswith), orpersonalassistants. Since weliveinareasonablestate, we don’t feel the pain that others do in Democrat city andstatehellholes,buteven

Do you know America now has more racist than ever before? Black racists. Latinoracists. Asianracists. Jewish racists. Gay racists. White racists. Transgender racists Women racists Rich racists. Poor racists. Senseracists. Any personthatvotedforTrump, hasbeendeemedaracist. So says the Democrat loving media and high-party Democrat officials, whose meltdowns across the spectrum on November 5-6 were hilarious. The whales on ‘The View’ are essentiallycallingforanarchy but will Dems in cities that are now essentially worthless, who will not bailed out, allow Antifa blocked on election night in Portland of all places, from theirintendedhavoc. Democrats will do their best to take us back to Bidenomics, where averageAmerican spent or dipped heavily into their life savings to keep their families afloat for the past fouryears. Demelitesdon’t care. They are which is why they care not for the little guys who don’t have live-in maids, nannies for theirkids (thatDem2nd Gentlemenhadaffairswith), orpersonalassistants. Since weliveinareasonablestate, we don’t feel the pain others do in Democrat city andstatehellholes,buteven

The Democrats now consider Trump and Musk oligarchs, when the truth is that Don and Elon want an even playing field for everyone, where someone who is actually poor can work hard, make something of themselves, and move up in The World. The Dems want a world where you have to have their approval tomoveup. It’sthesameas what I’ve written about communism, where to get ahead, you have to appease somehigh-partyCommunist (or Democrat) official Trump and Musk have essentially taken out the middle-man for us to achieve our personal successes without having to kowtowtoleftistofficials. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. Psychiatrists are making money off of it. I liken to the same behaviors that people do to get back at their ex’s, by having elicit affairs with their friends, or posting pictures or videos of them doing lewd acts with strangers. You will see peopleyellingobscenitiesin public, or someone who has shaved their head suddenly or posts insane outbursts on their social media accounts. TheyareallDemocrats. All gone crazy barking at the moon, because they can’t have it their way; and there are a thousand explanations whytheyemotethewaythey do.

The Democrats now consider Trump and Musk oligarchs, when the truth is that Don and Elon want an even playing field for everyone, where someone who is actually poor can work hard, make something of themselves, and move up in The World. The Dems want a world where you have to have their approval tomoveup. It’sthesameas what I’ve written about communism, where to get ahead, you have to appease somehigh-partyCommunist (or Democrat) official Trump and Musk have essentially taken out the middle-man for us to us to achieve our personal successes without having to kowtowtoleftistofficials. Trump Derangement Derangement Syndrome is real. Psychiatrists are making money off of it. I liken it to the same behaviors that people do to get back at their ex’s, by having elicit affairs with their friends, or posting pictures or videos of them them doing lewd acts with strangers. You will see peopleyellingobscenitiesin public, or someone who has shaved their head suddenly, or posts insane outbursts on their social media accounts. TheyareallDemocrats. All gone crazy barking at the moon, because they can’t have it their way; and there are a thousand explanations whytheyemotethewaythey do.

Only child syndrome accountsforsome,andthose who had overprotective (devouring mother) or parents yielding to the child’s every needs and wants, without correcting the child for unreasonable outbursts or actions They're spoiled wanting someone else to wipe them every time they go tinkle or pooh-pooh. TDSrsarethose older kids that always changedtherulesmid-game so they could win when we werelittlekids. Incollegeor high school, they hung on every word of their 1960’s professors or teachers, refusing to counter them with their thoughts because they suppressed them. They have no idea how to critically think, or bounce new ideas off someone Humor is a foreign concept to them. They're dull, boring, and love living in their reduced universal echo chamber or groupthink of socialist thought. They’re incapable of original ideas, and think everyonehasahighopinion ofthem.

Only child syndrome accountsforsome,andthose who had overprotective (devouring mother) or parents yielding to the child’s every needs and wants, without correcting the child for unreasonable outbursts or actions They're spoiled, wanting someone else to wipe them every time they go tinkle or pooh-pooh. TDSrsarethose older kids that always changedtherulesmid-game so they could win when we werelittlekids. Incollegeor high school, they hung on every word of their 1960’s professors or teachers refusing to counter them with their own thoughts because they suppressed suppressed them. They have no idea how to critically think, or bounce new ideas off someone Humor is a foreign concept to them. They're dull, boring, and love living in their reduced universal echo chamber, or groupthink of socialist thought. They’re incapable of original ideas, and think everyonehasahighopinion ofthem.

Americans voted with

Americans voted with

their pocketbooks on November5th,thesaneones at least. They patiently waited four years, while undergoing the now worse conditions that their ancestors underwent during the Jimmy Carter malaise. And the Democrats tried their damndest to persuade theelectoratethatwhatthey were seeing the economy foreignpolicy was not their fault. That

their pocketbooks on November5th,thesaneones at least. They patiently waited four years, while undergoing the now worse conditions that their ancestors underwent during the Jimmy Carter malaise. And the Democrats tried their damndest to persuade theelectoratethatwhatthey were seeing with the economyandforeignpolicy was not their fault. That

If anything good came out of the 2020 election, it was Mike Pence showing himself as a traitor to True Patriots. We saw all the RINO Republicans show

we’ve never had it better, when the opposite was true. The left was completely mistaken with their overconfidence that they could control public opinion.

we’ve never had it better when the complete opposite was true. The left was completely mistaken with their overconfidence that they could control public opinion.

It turns out that legacy mediaisbeingreplacedwith low-cost and very effective independent influencers on social media platforms, many of them who are people of color and former Democrats, and most with millions of subscribers They are the unsung heroes of this election. Their calm and reasonable voices are changing minds big time. Theyhavebrokenthechains of their mental enslavement to Democrats, and they are speaking their minds, and pointing out that you don’t need Dems to succeed in life. Thatifyougetoutthere and work hard, you can be justassuccessfulasanyone; of any race, creed, or color

Of course, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk,etc. Heck,evenyoung influencers that Barron Trump supports did their part And Conservative influencers are not being followed because of their personalities, no; it's their content They speak verifiabletruths,inamanner that is not condescending, and respectful of their audience.

It turns out that legacy mediaisbeingreplacedwith low-cost and very effective independent influencers on social media platforms many of them who are people of color and former Democrats, and most with millions of subscribers They are the unsung heroes of this election. Their calm and reasonable voices are changing minds time. Theyhavebrokenthechains of their mental enslavement to Democrats, and they are speaking their minds, and pointing out that you don’t need Dems to succeed in life. Thatifyougetoutthere and work hard, you can be justassuccessfulasanyone; of race, creed, or Of course, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson Charlie Kirk,etc. Heck,evenyoung influencers that Barron Trump supports did their part And Conservative influencers are not being followed because of their personalities, no; it's their content They speak verifiabletruths,inamanner that is not condescending, and respectful of their audience.

SoastheTDSDemocrats go through their stages of election grief, it is gonna be interesting to see if they arrive at the finale of acceptance Will they actually blame themselves for their actions? Will they change their lives and become reasonable Americanswithoutagrudge against some other person who has more money, a money, bigger house, a nicer car, a spousetheylove. Andsome ofthatisinherited,butmost isearned. That’sabigaskin

SoastheTDSDemocrats go through stages of election grief, it is gonna be interesting to see if they arrive at the finale of acceptance they actually blame themselves for their actions? Will they change their lives and become reasonable Americanswithoutagrudge against some person who has more a bigger house, a nicer car a spousetheylove. Andsome ofthatisinherited,butmost isearned. That’sa askin

If anything good came out of the 2020 election, it was Mike Pence showing himself as a traitor to True Patriots. We saw all the RINO Republicans show their true faces, and now they all look the fool. The Bush’s and Cheney’s are slime. Like hell if I’m ever gonna step foot in a Bush libraryagain.

their true faces, and now they all look the fool. The Bush’s and Cheney’s are slime. Like hell if I’m ever gonna step foot in a Bush libraryagain.

America got cancer in 2020, stage 4, and you have seen my cancer history It looked gloomy at the beginning. You have to go throughhellforalongtime, lying in your presumed death bed, taking the chemotherapy, losing your hair losing weight shiveringyourselftosleepat nights,notbeingabletoeat, drink, enduring ineffective sleep, dreaming of hamburgers, and lets not forget that tube up your nose for months on end. But there are little bright spots along the way People visit, and send cards. Hope is given, God is praised. You see some light at the end of the tunnel. And you survive. That’s what America went through with the nightmare ofBiden-Harris. AndThank GodforDonaldTrump.

But there are little bright spots along the way People visit, and send cards. Hope is given, God is praised. You see some light at the end of the tunnel. And you survive. That’s what America went through with the nightmare ofBiden-Harris. AndThank GodforDonaldTrump.

A country’s spirit is displayed in the manner of itsleader Biden-Harrishad none, which is why The World fell down But Trump and his team are back, and itching to get the United States up and runningagain. It’spalpable, meaning you can feel the excitement. You can feel that something great is gonna happen. We now have leaders who are enthused, and great cheerleadersforOurNation. And a GOP that is fully behind its President, and capable of doing the Right Thing.

A country’s spirit is displayed in the manner of itsleader Biden-Harrishad none, which is why The World fell down But Trump and his team are back, and itching to get the United States up and up runningagain. It’spalpable, meaning you can feel the excitement. You can feel that something great is gonna happen. We now have leaders who are enthused, and great cheerleadersforOurNation. And a GOP that is fully behind its President, and capable of doing the Right Thing.

JessicaStarr,themostfamoussymbolofTrump DerangementSyndromefromJanuary2017
Before&AfterExampleofTrumpDerangement Syndromeofacelebrity


April 13, 1942 – November 9, 2024

Pat Spackey went to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, November 9th,2024.

Pat was born April 13, 1942 in Dallas, Texas to RosaandFredEllen.

This joyful, beautiful lady will be remembered forherpassionandlovefor Christ and for all of her family and friends whose lives she touched. Always withacamerainhand,she blessed her friends and community with volunteer photography,alwayswitha big smile on her face, rejoicing at her time togetherwiththem.

Pat met her husband Ted,whenshewasasenior atDouglasMcArthurHigh School in San Antonio. In 1959,PatattendedaTrinity University football game, whereTedwasaSgt.Major of the Pershing Rifles, an ROTC military fraternity They married two weeks after Ted’s graduation in 1961. They were married for63years.

Pat was a loving wife, mother,grandmother,great grandmother, and sister and rejoiced in the happiness of all of her family She is survived by her husband H. Ted and their


Sheryl and husband Tom Skiles and their children: Erik Shaun and wife

Becca and their daughter

Emma Lee; Christy and husband John Slice and their children: Cody and wifeHolly,Davidandwife

Gabby and their daughters

Shiloh Grace and Ellie Rhodes; Kristi and husbandAndyLeatherman and their two children

Davy Grace and Andrew “Drew” Phillip Jr.; Steven Ted and wife Susan MiYoung and their daughtersJennaRuth,Julia Ann,andJillianHope.She is also survived by her brother Gordon Ellen and wife Gail and their family and numerous Ellen, Spackey, Reams, and Childre family members thatgavehergreatjoy

After moving back to Texas and residing in Dallasfrommultiplecities where Ted’s job had taken their family, in 1979 they w e r e m e m b e r s o f Prestonwood Baptist Church for more than 25 years. Pat became actively involved in documenting the history of the church through photography She sang in the choir, worked andtaughtinthepreschool ministry and volunteered in the teen ministry Her loveofphotographywasso evidentthatshestartedher own business “Photography by Pat and photographed hundreds of weddings She served as the church receptionist from 1986-2006 until movingtoTheWoodlands. PatandTedweredeeply blessed to become members of The Church at Alden Bridge in The Woodlands Pat loved being the leader of the welcome committee



CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am

HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church


SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256, SundayBibleClass10:00

am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am.

FaithBaptistChurch Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study

9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356 BenuiBaptistChurch,

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery


DacusBaptist,Dacus, 936-449-0845, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n



Photographingthefamilies and ministries gave her great joy Ted serves as a Deacon and greeter rejoicing along with Pat at the precious friendships made during this season in theirlives.

PatandTedlovedliving in Montgomery County thebirthplaceofthe“Texas Flag” where the Spackeys were embraced after discovering Pat’s heritage as the great, great, great granddaughter of Charles B. Stewart, the designer of the Texas Flag The Montgomery Historical Society asked Pat to speak on her heritage, first with Jack Shepherd who portrayed Charles B Stewart and later with Ted as they shared “The History and Heritage” of theTexasFlag.

Pat was an avid historianandphotographerwho loved blessing her organizations with her photography She was a member of theMontgomeryHistorical Society, the Montgomery County Geological and Historical Society, the Friends of the Flag Foundation of the Lone Star Monument and Historical Flag Park (where she unveiled the bronze bust of Charles B. Stewart in 2011); and the Heritage Museum of Montgomery County She served in leadership roles atboththechapterandstate level in the HeritageTrails Chapter National Society DAR, where she was Regent, Vice Regent and Historian and under the StateLeadershipofPamela Wright, was asked to form anewTexasDARcommittee - The TXDAR Texas Flagcommittee,wherePat continued to share her heritage through speaking

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvand clickonWatchnow

engagements. Pat was also a member of the Mary Shirley McGuireChapter NSDAR in Plano and served in leadership. She was also a member of the DRT and served as president of the Collin/McKinney Chapter Once moving to The Woodlands she became a member of the Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis DRT Chapter where she served as President, Vice President, and Historian on the State Education Committee and was involved in The Children of the RepublicofTexas,Charles B Stewart Chapter, of which her grandchildren are members. Pat was also a member of the United States Daughters of 1812, Thomas Bay Chapter where she served as Historian and State Chair of Public Relations and Media and Southern Dames of America, where she was State Historian One of her greatest joys wasbeingamemberofthe DescendantsoftheSigners oftheTexasDeclarationof Independence at Washington on the Brazos where she was on the organizing committee to form the group. She loved honoring Ted, as he was placed on “The Line” at the Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Park. Whenever shewaswearingred,itwas becauseofherjoyinbeing a photographer and publicityfortheMontgomery County Republican Women s Club and The Woodlands Republican Women She was recognized by the Texas Federation of Republican WomenwiththeTributeto Women Award during the 2018 Republican ConventioninDallas.Shereceived

numerous awards for her volunteer efforts that she cherished and was especially honored when she was recognized with the US House of Representatives Commendation for the Years of Dedicated Service to the Historical Preservation of Texas” presented to her by CongressmanKevinBrady in2017.

Several days before she passed away, she was greatly surprised to find herself honored on the front page of the Houston Chronicle, The Courier of Montgomery County, and the San Antonio Express NewsonhowMontgomery CountypowersRepublican victoriesinTexas.

To our family and friends: We want to thank you for all the love and supportyouhaveshownus during this difficult time. WepraythatthisMemorial Service will be a blessing to you and a time of renewed commitment to theLord.

A memorial service celebrating Pat’s life will be held at Crossroad’s Baptist Church, 5000 College Park Drive, The Woodlands 77384 on Saturday November 16 2024 at 10:00am. All are welcome. The service will alsobelivestreamed-link willbepostedsoon. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The Church at Alden Bridge - Building Fund, 8050 Branch Crossing Drive The Woodlands,Texas77382









HoneaBaptistChurch, FM2854,936-756-2505

AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30amWednesdayPray/BibleStudy6:30 pm


Mt.SinaiBaptist, Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230

FM2854,Montgomery, UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas



About11miNof Montgomery onFM149


9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm



109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

St.Mary’s Catholic, 936-894-2223

FM1774,Plantersville, 7:45Service


Mt.CalvaryBaptist, AntiochBaptist,

St.Joseph’sCatholic 281-362-1100


thewoodlandsmethodist.o rg/montgomery

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch

Phone: 936-597-6162

liveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook@thefmchurch! (936)597-3949


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands,


GraceLutheran (ELCA), Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church

Montgomery TX 77356


JEWISH Montgomery TX

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch 22548Highway105West





PorterChapelA.M.E. ZionChurch, 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331or936449-5983

LivingWayChurch, 6639FM1696Richards 2080LongmireRd, Conroe




Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery

ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist) 936-894-2223

Thursday7:30pm SundaySchoolat 10:00am SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational

LoneStarCowboy Church



Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM

LighthouseFellowship Church Montgomery,936-5827700

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

NewBeginningBible Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921

CarbonChurch, WaldenCommunity Church,

TransformationChurch Montgomery Montgomery,TX77316 Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomery org AprilSoundChurch 936.582.7722

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 LivingBranchChurch, AprilSound,936-5882832



THIS NOTICE OF SALE OF REALESTATE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursuant to Chapter 34 of the TexasTaxCode,andRule21aoftheTexasRulesofCivilProcedure.ByvirtueofanOrderofSale issued, and associated Judgment rendered, by the Honorable 284th District Court of Montgomery County,onSeptember26,2019,inCauseNo.19-02-02538,captionedOvationServices,LLC,and Intervenor Montgomery County Et Al -vs- Delia Brown, I, acting as Constable of Montgomery County,Texas,did,onthe30thDayofSeptember2024,inmyhandsforservice,levyoncertainReal Estate,asthepropertyoftheDefendant(s),DeliaBrownandsituatedinMontgomeryCounty,Texas, describedasfollows:


Being0.199acresoflandknownasLot24BoutofLot24,ofBlock7,oftheBasekeAdditiontothe CityofConroe,MontgomeryCounty Texas,asperMaporPlatofsaidadditionrecordedinVolume1, Page3,oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.


NOTICE OF SALE Property will be sold to satisfy a landlord's lien per Chapter 59 SelfserviceStorageFacilityLiens. SaleonThursdaythe21stdayofNovember 2024at10:00 AM with bidding to take place on Payment and pickup at facility Storage Rentals of America, 1964 Northpark Dr Ste J, Kingwood, TX, 77339 Pena, Alfredo. Burkhalter Stephanie. Cardenas,Evonne. Wethington,Patrick. Foreman,Robert. Hills, Randi. Hubbard,Keosha. Turner Ashley Shepherd,Lee. Garza,David. Trout,William. Blair Kevin. Saucier Steven. Saucier Steven







Onthe3rddayofDecember2024,thefirstTuesdayofthemonth,betweenthehoursof10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse steps located at 301 N Main St, Conroe, Texas77301,byvirtueofsaidlevyandsaidOrderofSale,Iwillselltheabovedescribedrealestateto includeallright,titleandinterestoftheDefendantintheproperty,atpublicvenue,forcash,tothe highestbidder incompliancewiththelaw

I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for the three consecutive weeks immediately preceding said day of sale, in Montgomery County News, a newspaperpublishedinMontgomeryCounty


Witnessmyhand,thisof4thdayofNovember 2024. By:/s/P Hubbard



MontgomeryCounty Texas



ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe10thdayofJune,2024.inthecaseofNorthcrestRanch

Property Owners Association Inc Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Jefferson & Pamela J. Jefferson. Defendant(s), Cause No.24-01-01041 in said court, judgment being in favor of Northcrest Ranch PropertyOwnersAssociationInc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe22ndDayofOctober 2024at10:00o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):CharlesE. Jefferson&PamelaJ.Jefferson.

Lot 61, in Block 2, of Northcrest Ranch, SectionThree (3), a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinCabinetN,Sheets87,88,89and90oftheMap RecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas21976BlazingTris,NewCaney, Tx77357("Property")

and on the 3rd day of December 2024 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof CharlesE.Jefferson&PamelaJ.Jefferson.Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty

nd Witnessmyhandthisthe22 dayofOctober,2024. 21130USHwy59#C

NewCaney TX.77357 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:November13,20,27,2024 KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4

Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of RodgerAllan McCants Deceased, were issued on October 21, 2024, in Cause No. 24-47232-P, pending in the ProbateCourtNo.One,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:MarkA.McCants.

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:KevinA.Forsberg



DATEDthe11thdayofNovember 2024

15899Highway105West /s/KEVINAFORSBERG




Montgomery TX 77356





PublishedDate:November13,2024 VSF#0656424VSF 22031WalnutDr Porter,Texas77365

fileyouranswerorotherwisefileyourappearance inthiscaseintheOfficeoftheCircuitClerkofthisCourtintheLakeCounty Courthouse, Waukegan, Illinois, on or before DECEMBER 4th, 2024. A JUDGEMENTORDECREEBYDEFAULTMAYBETAKENAGAINSTYOUFOR THERELIEFASKEDINTHEPETITION. PublishedDates:November13,20,2024 VIN4T1BE32K03U652118



YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertothetoDetermineHeirshipfiledbyWhitney Kindrick,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of MontgomeryCounty,attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.

SaidapplicationwasfiledonSeptember06,2024. THE STATE OF TEXAS




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourt inConroe,Texasonthisthe6thdayofSeptember,2024.

By:/s/BrandiDuron, (SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann, DeputyClerkBrandiDuron CountyClerkMontgomeryCounty,Texas


First Notification Notice

CJ Towing & Transport. TDLR # 006542199C. VSF# 0656424VSF 22031 Walnut Dr, Porter,Texas77365,936-647-7538,








Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of DONALD

EVERRET WUNDERLICH, Deceased, were issued on November 6, 2024, in CAUSE NO. 2447184-P pendinginCountyCourt,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to: ALLYJEANMCCLURE


All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claimsshouldaddressthemincareoftherepresentativeattaddressstatedabove. th DATEDthe7 dayofNovember2024.

c/oMollieCohnLambertPLLC Cleveland,Texas,77328 § NoticetoCreditors § DECEASED § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS By:/s/MollieC.Lambert









Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JEANETTE

LEVINGE HULLUM, Deceased, were issued on November 6, 2024; in Cause No. 24-47045-P, pending in The Probate Court No. One (1) of Montgomery County Texas, to:ALISAHULLUM WISENBAKER.ClaimsmaybepresentedincareoftheExecutrixoftheestateaddressedasfollows: 9966W ShoreDrive



All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

DATEDthe6thdayofNovember 2024






Notice is given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Robert Shawn Rudasill were issued on l 1/07/2024, in Docket No. 24-46989-P, pending in the Statutory Probate CourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,toTylerGarrettRudasill.Allpersonshavingclaimsagainstthe estate, which is presently being administered, are required to submit them, within the time and mannerprescribedbylaw,andbeforetheestateisclosed,addressedasfollows:


C/O:JackW Dillard P.O.Box5450 Bryan,Texas77805

th Datedthe8 dayofNovember 2024. By:/s/JackW Dillard JACKW DILLARD




NoticeisherebygiventhattheIndependentExecutrixnamedbelowqualifiedassuchon November 6, 2024, and original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Johnnie Eugene Thomas, Deceased, were issued on November 7, 2024, under Docket No. 24-47310-P, pending in Probate CourtNo.One(1)ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toCharlotteGibbsThomas. ClaimsmaybepresentedincareoftheattorneyfortheIndependentExecutrix,addressedas follows:


c/oStephenK.Currie,Attorney TheWoodlands,Texas77381

HopkinsCentrich,PLLC 8701NewTrailsDrive,Suite200

All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresent

Dated: November8,2024.




The Montgomery County charity dedicated to preventing Combat Veteran suicides, Knowledge Point Network, USA (KPN),hasbeenbusyasof late with new initiatives to enhance the quality of life for Veterans and their families, many of whom who have had devastating life changing events as a result of intense combat causing injury and/or post traumatic stress disorder thathavealteredtheirlives forever The organization was also in attendance at the recent Reklaw Fly-In,

The Montgomery County charity dedicated to preventing Combat Veteran suicides, Knowledge Network, USA (KPN),hasbeen asof late with new initiatives to enhance the quality of life for Veterans and their families, many of whom who have had devastating life changing events as a result of intense combat causing injury and/or post traumatic stress disorder thathavealteredtheirlives forever The organization was also in attendance at the recent Reklaw Fly-In,

yearinOctobertocelebrate flight The grounds are locatedjustoutsidethetiny town of Reklaw Texas about two and a half hours northeast of Montgomery County KPNFounderEd Ponikvar, and his team recently aportable tower to the grounds to enhancethesafetyoffly-in pilots and flying enthusiasts,sincetheirgroundsare

yearinOctobertocelebrate flight The grounds are locatedjustoutsidethetiny town of Reklaw Texas about two and a half hours northeast of Montgomery County KPNFounderEd Ponikvar, and his team recentlydonatedaportable tower to the grounds to enhancethesafetyoffly-in pilots and flying enthusiasts,sincetheirgroundsare not subject to FAA R

presence on the grounds is part of their ‘Catch a Falling Star Program,’that was created to blend the principles of Optic Flow with the thrill of their

gulations KPNs presence on the grounds is part of their ‘Catch a Falling Star Program,’that was created to blend the principles of Optic Flow with the thrill of their

October 25-27, to bring awareness to the Veteran

struggles, as pilots sometimes offer Veterans ridesontheirplanesduring the event. It was also an excellent time for the organization's donors to meet up and resume their friendships through service. In addition, KPN

October 25-27, to bring awareness to the Veteran struggles, as pilots sometimes offer Veterans ridesontheirplanesduring the event. It was also an excellent time for the organization's donors to meet up and resume their friendships through service. In addition, KPN

already popu

roading motorcycle and track chair In fact, KPN’s caderie of motorcycles were on site, for Veterans and donors to explore the off-road trails associated with the 150 acreproperty

roading motorcycle and track chair program. In fact, KPN’s caderie of motorcycles were on site, for Veterans and donors to explore the off-road trails associated with the 150 acreproperty

towellness. Theideaisto capture the therapeutic benefits of movement and adventurebyincorporating off-road vehicles, and possibleflights,toveterans in dynamicandexhilarating platform to break free from the of their mental and emotional challenges The KPN program emphasizes the transformative power of movement transporting participants from feeling stuckintheirownabyssto finding salvation and purpose.

towellness. Theideaisto capture the therapeutic benefits of movement and adventurebyincorporating off-road vehicles, and possibleflights,toveterans inadynamicandexhilarating platform to break free from the confines of their mental and emotional challenges The KPN program emphasizes the transformative power of movement, transporting participants from feeling stuckintheirownabyssto finding salvation and purpose.


being trapped in their own struggles and providing an outlet to a better horizon.

being trapped in their own struggles and providing an outlet to a horizon.

At KPN they foster pathways to personal growth and communal well-being.

At KPN th y foster pathways to personal growth and communal well-being.

J u d y S u a n o f ‘Pawsitively Sharing AlohaServiceandTherapy Dog Training,’ has joined KPN under the banner of HealthandWellness. They are currently training

J u d y S u n o f ‘Pawsitively Sharing AlohaService Therapy Dog Training,’ has joined KPN under the banner of HealthandWellness. They are currently training l bradoodles, to be

mat hed with PTSD Veterans.


KPN’s Optic aspect is a core principle, which motivates individuals with life-affirming activities help them

KPN’s Optic Flow aspect is a core principle, which motivates individuals with life-affirming activities to help them


y lifestylesandmentalhealth struggles By combining this approach with offroadingactivities,veterans canexperiencethebenefits ofphysicalactivityandthe joy of adventure, fostering adeeperconnectiontotheir surroundings and themselves.

y andmentalhealth struggles By combining this approach with offroadingactivities, canexperiencethe physical and of adventure, deeperconnectiontotheir surroundings and themselves.

The program elements Skills Develop-

The program elements include Skills Develop-

veteranstotraininoff-road motorcycles, as well as focusonsafety,navigation,

veteranstotraininoff-road motorcycles, as well as focusonsafety,navigation,

trailmaintenance, and empowers Veterans

involvestrailmaintenance, and empowers Veterans


confidence Community

Veterans involved in the community to mentor guideothers,whichcreates teamwork and mutual growth in support the community Therapeutic

Veterans involved in the community to mentor and guideothers,whichcreates teamwork and mutual growth in support of the community Therapeutic

“Ittakesabouttwoyears to go through the entire process of training a service dog,” said Suan “Ourgoalisnowtoeducate people and find donors to thenewprogram.”

“Ittakesabouttwoyears to go through the entire process of training a service dog,” said Suan “Ourgoalisnowtoeducate people and find to thenewprogram.”

ForthetimebeingSuan and her team are training

ForthetimebeingSuan and team are training

Prendergast, under the auspices of Veterans and Patriots United a Huntsville based Veterans charity, has already receivedadogfortraining. AlthoughhisArmyservice

Prendergast, under the auspices of Veterans and Patriots United, a Huntsville based Veterans ch rit has alr ady receiveda fortraining. AlthoughhisArmyservice

FounderAmosSavell,who ishappytoworkwithKPN in getting the help that Veterans need to get right with life Prendergast’s servicedogisnowapartof hislife,helpinghimtodeal with life stressors and stressors givinghimmorereasonsto stayalivethanattemptany whimsatself-harm.

AmosSavell, happytoworkwithKPN in getting help Veterans need to life Prendergast’s service isnowapart his helpinghimtodeal with life and givinghimmorereasonsto stayalivethanattempt whimsat

KPN also works with Tri-County Behavioral Healthcare in getting services to Veterans to show self-worth They have Apps to help track volunteer hours to show progress in setting their livesontherighttrack.

Tri-County Behavioral in getting services to Veterans to show self-worth They have Apps to help track volunteer hours to show their ontherighttrack. Dream Catcher which is is free for Veterans or small fee for or tions that are interested in submittinggrants for their initiatives. Ed his te m are behind h dreamers in vision of the assists firming up written wishes achievement.

recently announced another initiative to offer service dogs to PTSD Veterans at no charge, and the organization is driving onwithits‘DreamCatcher Collaborative Grant Writing Workshop Series,’ helping Veterans with the dreams to help themselves and others through grant writingprojects.

recently announced another initiative to offer service dogs to PTSD Veterans at no charge, and the organization is driving onwithits‘DreamCatcher Collaborative Grant Writing Workshop Series,’ helping Veterans with the dreams to help themselves and others through grant writingprojects.

The Reklaw Fly-In, is an event in which pilots and flying enthusiasts descend on the privately owned Flying M Ranch Fly-In and Campout every

The Reklaw Fly-In, is an event in which pilots and flying enthusiasts enthusiasts descend on the privately owned Flying M Ranch Fly-In and Campout every

“Weareslowlybuilding a tradition where the Reklaw Fly-In will be a gathering place for KPN donors,andtheVeteransof the program can come and gather and commune with nature, said Ponikvar.

“It’sanopportunityforour donors to go from the tall timberstothesky.”

“Weareslowlybuilding a tradition where the Reklaw Fly-In will be a gathering place for KPN donors,andtheVeteransof the program can come and gather and commune with nature,” said Ponikvar. “It’sanopportunityforour donors to go from the tall timberstothesky.”

This innovative program offers veterans who seek adrenalinepumping experiences a low-cost way to engage in all the vital elements of K

This innovative program offers veterans who seek adrenalinepumping experiences a low-cost way to engage in all the vital elements of KPN

ng themselvesandothersback


movement, the thrill of odd-roading, as well as environmental stewardship, it's another form of therapy for veterans, with having human interaction with therapists And

the of odd-roading, as as environmental stewardship, it's another form therapy for veterans, with human interaction with therapists And f

nally, Pu

Fulfillment: By engaging in meaningful activities Veterans find a renewed sense of purpose and direction, which not only benefit themselves, but theircommunityaswell.

po e and Fulfillment: By engaging in meaningful Veterans sense of purpose and direction, which not only benefit themselves, but theircommunityaswell.

Attheheartoftheissue KPN’s philosophy of being in transportation not just cally, but metaphorically see movement as Veterans

Attheheartoftheissue is KPN’s philosophy of being in the transportation business not just physically, but metaphorically They see movement as healing Veterans from

Member, BARBARA EDDLEMAN, received the lovely United Daughters of the Confederacy Certificates honoring her newlyfoundandApproved Confederate Family Soldiers. How wonderful for a family to have a memberwhoperseveresto solve the mysteries of her family, and “prove” their service per the rules and regulations of the UDC to qualifyanAncestorintheir service during the War BetweenTheStates.These four new men were “Proved” by Chapter, State, and UDC General, then Honored at the OctoberRebelJoanOfArc 2721 Meeting, which was officiated by President JENNY L

two service dogs, by nextyearshouldbeableto train more. a Veteran is matched with a dog, the canine with the Vet during the training period to become used to each team is always looking for volunteers raisepuppies sotheprogramcanproceed atafasterpace.

two service dogs, and by nextyearshouldbeableto train two more. Once a Veteran is matched with a dog, the canine lives with the Vet during the training period to become used to each other Her team is always looking for more volunteerstoraisepuppies sotheprogramcanproceed atafasterpace.

“I training labradoodles ago,” saidSuan.“Assoonasthey are born, there is human imprintingtogetthemused to around people We get them their shots, and continue hu n contact,inordertoprovide an balancetothe Veteran.”

“I started training labradoodlesdecadesago,” saidSuan.“Assoonasthey are born, there is human imprintingtogetthemused to being around people We get them their shots, and continue human contact,inordertoprovide anemotionalbalancetothe Veteran.”

On Veteran, Tr y

One Veteran, Trey


“MRS BARBARA” is shownproudlyholdingthe four beautiful Certificates for her Confederate Ancestors: (1 ) William A McQuatters, Co I, 3rd Regiment, Louisiana Infantry CSA. (2.) Samuel Alexander Hood, Co F, 2nd Regiment, Louisiana Infantry, CSA. (3.) Evan D. Johnson, Co E, 60th Regiment, GeorgiaInfantry CSA. (4.) Albert O. Johnson, Co C, 11th Regiment, Georgia Infantry CSA.


The Dream Catcher Collaborative, which is KPN’s Grant Writing Workshop, is free for is Veterans or a small fee for individuals or organizations that are interested in submittinggrantstosecure funding for their projects andinitiatives. Edandhis team are behind the dreamers in understanding the vision of the project, and assists in firming up their written wishes to grantachievement.

“I was incarcerated for drug possession, but they overlooked my Veteran status for years,” said Prendergast.“Iwouldhave been treated with different options if they would have notedmymilitaryservice.”

was cut short due to injury in 1997, he worked in the corporate world selling world insurance, until another injury aggravated his condition, causing his addiction until he reached outtoVPUforhelp. The pandemic also didn t help Prendergast s need to help himself get back his life. He eventuallygothelp,buthistimeat VPU for about 19 months nowhastotallychangedhis life. He swears by VPU

was cut short due to injury in 1997, he in the corporate selling insurance, until another injury aggravated his condition, causing his addiction he reached outtoVPUforhelp. The also didn t help Prendergast s need to help himself get back his life. He eventuallygot buthistimeat VPU for about 19 months nowhas his life. He swears by VPU

“I for drug possession, but they overlooked my Veteran status years,” said Prendergast.“Iwouldhave been treated with different options they have noted service.”

Submitted by: RJOA by:

“Wetaketheideaofthe Veteran on paper,” said Ponikvar “Then I use my decades of experience in grant writing and render back a vision using the right terminology to get resultsfortheVeteran.”

For more information abouttheKnowledgePoint Network: kpnusa com/ways-tog i v e / # d o n a t e o r knowledgepointnetwork@

For the Reklaw Fly-In: For Veterans and P a t r i o t s U n i t e d :

For the Reklaw For Veteran nd t r i o t s U i t d For more information about Knowledge kpnusa com/ways-tog i v e / # d o n a t e o r take ofthe on paper,” said Ponikvar “Then I use experience in grant writing and render vision using to resultsfor Veteran.”

of Public Relations: Elaine Collings,

Joan Of Arc
USNavyVeteranCharlesCook,usesatrackchair providedbyKPNtonavigatetheReklawgrounds
LefttoRt:JennyLehr,BarbaraEddleman,Danean Myers.

MCN’s ‘VeteranofThe Week’KerrieKerns

This week’s Veteran is Kerrie Kerns, who served intheU.S.Navyfrom1988 - 1992. Kerns was an air framer and plane captain. She initially trained in Millington, Tennessee

She was in shore based units in a pilot training squadron, since women werenotyetdeployableon ships, all her service time was on shore. Kerries served at Naval Air Stations in Key West, and in Cecil Field, and in Nevada Kerns’ plane captained a Blue Angels FA-18 Super Hornet at an airshow,whichwasagreat honor Shealsolearnednot todrinkMezcalwithNavy

week’s was not at Super with throwing service

guys, which evidently involves throwing furnitureoffasecondfloor balcony Sounds like fun. Kerns has a service dog namedSissy,whohelpsher with several medical issues. GoodLuckKerrie, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of theWeek’.

FriendsOfTheFlagFoundationBoard, &Veterans,ParticipateAt Conroe’s VeteransDayCeremonies

Board Members of the Friends of the Flag Foundation for the Lone Star Monument and Historical Flags Park celebrated our Nations Veterans at the Montgomery County Veterans MemorialFlagPark.Other Friends of the Flag

(Councilwoman for the City of Conroe) gave presentation for the US CoastGuard.

Foundation Board Memberswhoparticipated at this same event in variouscategories,butNot Pictured was: BERNIE SARGENT (Flag Master) dressedinhisWorldWar1 Uniform. With the well known Rolling Thunder Cannon” was MIKE


d e n t ) , a n d R O N

Many the Board Badges for Groups they and Friends are their their tireless they of Joan the Confederacy Liberty Daughters 1st the Organization

McANEAN (Vice Pres ) FOFF Board Member


Many of the Patriotic FOFF Board Members are shownbelowwearingtheir multiple Name Badges for the many Groups they represent, and Friends of theFlagFoundationareso grateful for their support. Amongst their many tireless efforts they represent:Daughtersofthe Republic of Texas, The RebelJoanOfArcChapter oftheUnitedDaughtersof the Confederacy Conroe Founder’s Day, Liberty Belles Republican Women of Montgomery County, DaughtersoftheAmerican Revolution 1st Families Texas, Daughters of 1812, ColonialDamesofthe17th Century,Sons&Daughters


of the Pilgrims, Farmers Organization to name a few Board the Star Monument and Historical Flags Veterans at the County Flag Other



Submitted by: FOFF Publicity:

Elaine Collings,

un at at this same event was: BERNIE (Flag Master) dressed hisWorld Rolling WILSON n t a d R O Pres FOFF the City of gave BUT THE PURPOSE TODAY WAS TO O R THE FRIENDS THE FOUNDATION AND Elaine Collings,

17thAnnualChristmas TreeLighting

lights synchronized to holidaysongs.


In celebration of Market Street’s 20th year ofservingthecommunity, the shopping, dining, and entertainment destination isinvitingitsneighborsto a festive and fun holiday party its 20th November 2024 l l performers, Elpheba theaters Friday, Elf Shelf, n M a M The Street in witness the “perforof Street’s Christmas the more 25,000 multicolored adorning the Central in presentation will throughhour 9:30

p.m. off Market light show, a dazzling In the the its

The lighting of the Christmas tree will officially kick off the holiday season and start Market Street’s threeminute light show, a dazzling display of flashing, multi-colored

Specialguestsinclude the2024Co-EdUILState Spirit Championship winning Caney Creek cheerleaders, local musical performers, Elpheba from “Wicked” (opening in theaters Friday, November 22), theElfontheShelf,Elsa, Olaf, Cindy Lou Who, and Martha May Whovier

Sponsored by Texas Children’sHospital–The Woodlands, Market Street in Lights will attract hundreds to

witness the first “performance”ofMarketStreet’s Christmas tree and the more than 25,000 multicolored lights adorning the destination’s Central Park. Market Street in Lights presentation will continuenightlythroughout the holiday season every hour on the half hour, from 5:30 p.m. –9:30p.m.

Now in its 20th year, Market Street first welcomed guests at its debut on November 13, 2004.


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