Montgomery County's o l d e s t C h r i s t m a s celebration has activities notfoundanywhereelsein thearea. Youwillnotwant miss this wonderful day full of events to create memoriesandfunforevery f
d e t h r i t m a celebration has not Youwill wonderful day events to andfunforevery f mil me b r, n d wn His r of oldesttowns of the Texas
c Montgomery one of Texas'oldesttownsandthe Birthplace of the Texas flag.
e o o e r n g homemadegifts décor, old-fashioned decorations the historic Tour, will mid1800's when Montgomery
g homemadegiftsanddécor, and the old-fashioned decorations in the historic buildings on the evening Historic Home Tour, will make you feel you have stepped back to the mid1800's when Montgomery wasthecountyseat. T h e C i t y o f Montgomery sponsors the Holiday Parade which begins 10:00 a.m., starting on Liberty St. and heading north across Eva St., then w
The Montgomery HistoricalSociety,founded in the 1954, produces this, their main fundraising event every December with proceeds going c toward maintaining the seven historic buildings owned by the Society and for scholarships for a deserving senior at Montgomery's two high schools The event is throughout the historic district surrounding the Community building at 14420LibertyStreet.
The Montgomery HistoricalSociety, in the 1954, event every December it p o eds oi g maintaining historic buildings owned by Society for scholarships for a erving en r at event is throughout historic district surrounding Community building Street.
strolling with the Marketplace filled
The strolling carolers, coupled with the Holiday Marketplace filled with
photos courtesy of The Woodlands Children's Museum.
THE WOODLANDS TX––Thanksgivingmarks the official start of the holidayseason,usheringin cooler temperatures, family gatherings, and of course, the traditional tu
museum,wecelebratewith a
g performances.
downtown area. Several awardswillbepresentedto entrants within the main categories of theme and Spiri
and Champion For safety reasons, no candy or other items are allowed to be
floats parade walkers willhandoutcandiestothe crowds along the route Parade applications are availableontheCity'sweb siteoratMontgomeryCity Hall on Old Plantersville Road.
T h C t y f Montgomery the which starting on heading across St., then in rou h t e Several willbepresentedto the main of theme iri p safety no candy allowed be w n f r h e handout along applications onthe or MontgomeryCity on Old Plantersville Road.
MontgomeryHistorical S ie “H day
Art & Craft.” Vendors! Sign up soon for booths Items should be homemade or homegrown.Thisisagreat opportunity for visitors to find Christmas gifts and holiday décor Booths are 10'x10',rentingfor$85,or $115 with electricity For more information, See, and to print the (1) Vendor Letter and ( 2 ) M a r k e t p l a c e Application Send a m e s s a g e t o Contact@MHS-TX org withfurtherquestions. All prior vendors who want to returnwillbeguaranteeda space and the number of spacestheyrentedlastyear as long as they get their applications in at least a few days before the event. However, if prior vendors wait too long, there could besomeoneelsewhomight apply to sell the same items,andthepriorvendor couldmissout!
Mark t l e A & Vendors! up soon booths Items should be homemade or homegrown.This a visitors to find and holiday décor are rentingfor$85, For information, to (1) Letter ) M a r k e t p Send s a g t org questions. prior vendors to returnwill guaranteed and the spaces rentedlast long as their least few days the wait too there someoneelse sell the missout!
The community, and e s p e c i a l l y t h e Montgomery Independent School District, fully support this popular and
The community, p e c i a l l y support this popular and
As we embark on a week of wonder we invite guestsMonday,November 25th,from9:30am-2:00pm to participate in a selfguided scavenger hunt guided Children and caregivers are encouraged to look high and low within our exhibits to locate clues to fillintheirtreasuremap.
emark le even by sponsoringspecificaspects schools and v c group rom participatingintheholiday paradeto festive andcandiesforthe famousCookieWalkinthe Community at 14420LibertySt. plain chip, please—to this event continue to a specialty to offer.) This year marks the 34th Annual Cookie which was re ed y he at lady Reba This Christmas was featured in the 1999 issue of Livingmagazine!
remarkable event by r sponsoringspecificaspects from the area schools and civic groups from participatingintheholiday paradetoprovidingfestive cookiesandcandiesforthe famousCookieWalkinthe Community Building at 14420LibertySt.(Noplain chocolate chip, please—to ensure this popular event will continue to have a multitude of specialty items to offer.) This year marks the 34th Annual Cookie Walk, which was created by the late, wonderful lady Reba Laughter This Christmas event was featured in the 1999 issue of Southern Livingmagazine!
The Society is grateful to the Montgomery Monarchs Chapter of the National Charity League for continuing their incredibly difficult task of decorating, staging, and serving the thousands of convections for our c visitor'spleasure. Cookies
The Society grateful to th Montgom ry Monarchs of the National Charity League for c n i u n t eir incredibly difficult task of decorating, and serving the thousands of c nv ti ns for our visitor'spleasure. Cookies
Running for a Cause since1989
“For the past 6 years years Huntsmanhasbeenproudto support this event that supportssuchlocalservices as Healthy Families, Youth Development Teen Leadership, Safety Around Water, The Arts, Food Insecurity, Social Isolation, Learning Gaps Health Disparities and Racial Inequity As a result, when youtharenurtured,families strengthened, and the needs of all people are met, our community is stronger”, said Peter Huntsman, Chairman and CEO of HuntsmanCorporation.
The annual event has raisedmorethan$3,500,000 Million since it began Thank you to our generous sponsors who support running for a cause: Huntsman, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, HoustonMethodistHospital The Woodlands, Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Medical Center, Texas Children's Hospital The Woodlands, BMW The Woodlands, Excelerate Energy Alight Solutions The Woodlands Township, Market Street, Howard Hughes, Pepsi, Fleet Feet, Spectrum Life Fitness Alpha & Omega and TShirtsPlus.
“The timeless tradition of dressing up as fairytale princessesorbraveknights has captivated generations of children," explained An
Director. "Through the magic of imaginative play, childrenareempoweredto expresstheircreativityand individuality,shapingtheir perception of the world aroundthem."
Also on Princess Day, enjoy holiday shopping with Paperpie Books for Kids (formerly Usborne Books&More).
OnTuesday,November 26th, don your finest regal attire and prepare to be captivated by enchanting princesses.Throughoutthe day, children will have the opportunity to train as noble knights and create their own princess crowns andknightswords.Adding to the magic of this royal occasion,PrincessesBelle, Cinderella, Moana, and Rapunzel will be on stage for photo ops at 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, and 1:30pm.
On Wednesday, November 27th, we the season,ushering em er t re gatherings, urk f ast t h museum, celebrate f ll f l v nt a nme t
tradition of fairytale princesses knights has captivated generations of explained A Colt , t e m u ' e Director. the magic of play, childrenare to expresstheircreativityand individuality, their perception of world aroundthem." Monday, 9:30am-2:00pm to high exhibits fill treasuremap. 26th, attire captivated enchanting princesses.Throughout day, knights and own this Also on holiday &More).
O W e ay ve t e Over
Awards include special prize package to the overall topthreefinishers,maleand female,inboththefive-mile run and three-mile run Awards will be awarded to thefirst-,second-andthirdplace finishers, male and female, in each age group including five-mile fivemilemastersdivision,threemile race, and three-mile mastersdivision.Intheonemile children's race, firstthrough third-place awards willbedistributedtothetop threefinishersoverallandin each age group, male and female A special finisher medalwill be handed out at the finish
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter
County News
game should be called Texas that the Houston Texans andthe prime-time match-up
These met at for the first theirbirth afranchise, the Both teams are as the tried (6)
TheHoustonTexansDominated theDallasCowboys34-10
Texans' defensive back Jalen Pitre continues to improve and played with heart with four (4) solo tackles and five (5) assists. Place kicker Ka'imi Fairbairnwasperfectgoing two (2) for two (2) field goals along with his extra points.
It was a hard-fought battle, but the team was united fueled with momentum in all phases of the game. Texans' running backJoeMixonwasonfire
from page 1
mission: To provide a fun community event for all ages and all levels, p r o m o t i n g y o u t h development, healthy living, community service and social responsibility as well as raising awareness andfundsforthedeserving organizations supports,” said ll Co un y ofThe Woodlands
o (2) touchdownsinthefirsthalf including an exciting fortyfive (45) yard burst for a score putting theTexans up 14-0 in the first quarter He finishedthedaywithtwenty (20)carriesforonehundred and nine (109) yards and tied the franchise record with six (6) games with a touchdown.C.J.Stroudwas solid although he was playing with an injured right hand and managed to have twenty-three (23) completions on thirty-four (34) attempts for two hundred and fifty-seven (257) yards with a glaring interception near the endzone.Themostexciting
play of the game was early in the fourth (4th) quarter Texans' defensive lineman Derek Barnett caused a
quarterback Cooper Rush, and after the offensive lineman recovered it, it, defensive back Jalen Pitre drilled him causing another fumble which was scooped up by Barnett who ran twenty-eight (28) yards for atouchdown.Itwasthefirst defensivetouchdownofthe season. On the defensive side of the ball Texans' linebacker Henry To'oTo'o played tough with six (6) solo tackles and one (1) assist along with defensive back Ka'dar Hollman
youth organizations the event supports,” said Blake Kelly Community Development Director ofThe Woodlands Family YMCAs. “Give Back. Give
present our ever-popular Turkey Scavenger Hunt from 9:30am-2:00pm. Be sure to stop by the Muse Art Bar to create a slice of pumpkin pie art project to display proudly on your ThanksgivingDaytable.
the Chikawa Aztec Dancers at 11:30am and 12:30pm The Chikawa Aztec Dancers bring to life the vibrant traditions of the Aztec
Thanks Have Fun Let's RUN!YMCARunThruThe Woods is a great way to begin Thanksgiving Day and kick off the holiday season There's the excitement of thousands of peoplepullingtogetherwith purpose,andit'sagreatway to spend time with family and friends, to encourage each other, and give thanks a n d s u p p o r t l o c a l nonprofits including the YMCA Now more than ever, we need opportunities to reconnect and find purpose in our lives. I have had the privilege to be
involved and watch the event grow since 1994! We live in a very generous and caringcommunity.”
Registration ends N o d e d 27. e y o r n i n registration.
YMCA Woods, event g a a l v l , o i g u e t he l
Thanks Thru begin off the e on The e s the of of pulling with purpose, friends, each other, and n p r c a l including we reconnect the and live in a
Registration ends at Noon on Wednesday, November 27. There is no r a c e d a y m o r n i n g registration. To learn more andregisterforYMCARun Thru The Woods, visit ymcahouston org/ymcarun-thru-the-woods For more information contact BlakeKelly
c u l t u r e d u r i n g performances that delve into the rich history, customs and beliefs of the Americas Children are invited to join in the rhythmicdanceandmarvel
at the vibrant costumes of theChikawadancers.
We round off the week on Saturday, November
30th, with riveting performances by Texas Commission on the Arts touring artist Margaret Clauder, who will perform Alphie the Elf puppet
shows at 10:30am 11:30am, 12:30pm and 1:30pm.
“Whetheryou'realittle one or young at heart young
you'll be captivated by the colorful characters and imaginative storytelling
Join us as Alphie the Elf guides you to a world of limitless imagination,” stated Angela Colton ExecutiveDirector The Woodlands Children'sMuseumisopen daily Tuesday through Thursday 9:30am2:00pm,
certain level of success, andyouunderstandthatthe privileges of significant wealth come with challenges in equal measure. Amongthosechallengesis successfully passing your wealthandvaluesontothe next generation Without careful planning, almost 70%ofheirs'money,assets a
certain level of success, andyou thatthe privileges of significant wealth come with challenges in equal measure. Amongthosechallengesis successfully passing your wealthandvaluesontothe next generation Without careful planning, almost 70% heirs'money,assets and
disappear after an estate transition.
disappear after an estate transition.
Each generation will have different ideas about how to use money to benefittheirlives those around them you maynotalwaysagreewith your kids, give them a say in how the family wealth should be used. That can help connect generations and shape your family's future while promoting openness and family harmony nothing else, family discussions will lendincredibleinsightinto other's values and and will you an opening to understandthem
Each generation will have different ideas about how to use money to benefittheirlivesandthose around them While you maynotalwaysagreewith your kids, give them a say in how the family wealth should be used. That can help connect generations and shape your family's future while promoting openness and family harmony If nothing else, family discussions will lendincredibleinsightinto each other's values and each temperaments and will give you an opening to understandthembetter
we everywag,purr,and leap from our furry but face serious just like people, mammary breast inhumans.
As pet owners we cherisheverywag,purr,and playful leap from our furry companions, but our pets can face serious health challenges just like people, includingmammarycancer, which closely mirrors breastcancerinhumans.
Emma Warry, clinical associate Texas ofVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical discusses mammary cancer and how treat it, highlightingthe of detection timelyintervention.
Dr Emma Warry, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College ofVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, discusses mammary cancer in pets and how to treat it, highlightingtheimportance of early detection and timelyintervention.
Mammary Cancer Risk Factors
Mammary Risk Factors
Mammary cancer is one
of the most common cancers affecting female dogs and cats. The cancer startsastumorsthatdevelop in the mammary glands ranging from tiny little bumpstolargemasses.
“If your pet develops a mammary tumor it can either be cancerous or noncancerous,” Warry said “However, 85-90% of cats and dogs who develop a tumor in their mammary glandsaregoingtodevelop acanceroustumor.”
Mammary cancer is one th most o mon cancers female and cats. cancer astumorsthatdevelop the mammary glands from tiny masses. your mammary it be cancerous nonWarry said 85-90% of and dogs who develop tumor in their acanceroustumor.”
Mammary cancer
most common cats and dogs ages 9-12, but the at which your pet
Mammary cancer is most common in cats and dogs ages 9-12, but the age at which your pet was
spayed plays a much more significantrole.
plays a much more significantrole.
“If your pet is spayed priortotheirfirstheatcycle, their risk for getting mammary cancer later in life is almost zero,” Warry said.“Femaledogsandcats whoarenotspayedorwere spayed after their first heat cycle are more likely to developmammarycancer.” cancer
“If your is spayed theirfirst cycle, getting later in is almost Warry
wealth's privileges and complexities even
wealth's privileges and complexitiesdeserve,even
preparation and honest ongoing conversations Circumstances can and willchange,asshouldyour estate plan. So work with your planning professionals to find fair
preparation honest ongoing conversations Circumstances can and willchange, shouldyour estate plan. So work with your planning professionals to find fair answers to
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
Mortgage rates hit their highest point in over two decades this year There. I saidit.Butthat'snottheend ofthestory
available with fixed-rate loans or for buyers convincedrateswilldropbythe timetheintroductoryperiod ends.
Keep in mind that some experts are predicting 30year rates to gradually decreaseoverthenextyear
2) Pay for points
Ifyouhaveextrafundsat the time of purchase, you canpayformortgagepoints. With mortgage points, you payapercentageoftheloan upfront in exchange for a lower interest rate — and a slightly lower monthly payment.
Just make sure you calculate your break-even point. If rates drop and you canrefinancebeforeyouhit the break-even point, buying down your rate may notbeworthit.
3) Work on your credit score.
Always, always, always shop around for your mortgage. Same thing goes for homeowner's insurance. Rates and premiums vary widely, so talking with multiplelendersandcarriers willensureyouhavethebest priceonboth. If you're interested in learning more about how to keep your mortgage paymentlow,I'dlovetochat and help you explore your options to find the best solutionforyourneeds.
Call or Text 936-5372587
(located along the abdo-
Even though interest rates are higher than many of us would like, you can still go after your homeownershipdreamsand save on a mortgage. Here's what I'm sharing with prospective homeowners thisNovember 1) Consider an adjustable-ratemortgage(ARM). Here'swhy AnARMisagreatoption foramonthlypaymentthat's lower than the payments
Male cats and dogs can also develop mammary cancer, but it is far less common because they lack the female hormones that play a key role in the developmentandgrowthof themammaryglands.
Male cats dogs can also mammary it is far less lack female hormones a role the developmentandgrowthof glands.
WhatToLookFor Performing at-home at-home physical examinations on your pet can be a crucial step in early detection of cancer
“Femaledogs cats arenotspayedorwere after their heat cycle are to cancer.” What Performing at-home examinations on can be a crucial in early of cancer
“Tumors are often first identified by owners while petting their cats and dogs ontheundersideofthechest downtotheirgroin,”Warry said “Early detection of tumorsnotonlyallowsusto remove the tumor as quicklyaspossiblebutalso helps prevent the cancer fromspreading.”
Lumps or masses in the m
Swelling of the mammaryglands
Sores on the skin of the mammarygland
weightloss the mamglands
Loss of appetite and weightloss
Discharge from the nipples
Warry recommends takin
i g y ur p t t if find lump as well
t t
a veterinarian if you find a lump or mass as well as scheduling routine veterinarycheckupstodetectany earlysignsofcancer
pets on regular veterinary check-ups and monitor any changes in the mammary glands.
narycheckups detectany earlysignsofcancer
If your pet develops a tumor, your veterinarian will create a treatment plan that begins with diagnostic testing and may include Xrays, ultrasounds, or a biopsy to determine if the tumor is cancerous or noncancerous.
Ow ers hould e the following signsofmammary in pets: Becaus ma a
If pet develops tumor, your veterinarian a with include Xor to is cancerous or nonor masses the a m
“The the type of said surgery remove cases, mammary target cellsafter on skin mammarygland are often first by their theundersideof downtotheir Warry said only us mo t e t or a quickly possible also prevent
The treatment plan depends on the type and stage of the tumor,” Warry said “Many times, it requires surgery to remove thetumoror insomecases, the entire mammary chain, followed by chemotherapy to target any remaining cancercellsaftersurgery.”
y common in it crucial on veterinary monitor any mammary
Bystayinginformedand proactive, you can provide the proper care and timely intervention necessary to treatmammarycancer This
helps ensure the best possible outcome for your pet, enabling your furry friend to continue living a happyandhealthylife.
Discharge from the By and can provide care timely intervention to This helps the outcome your enabling your furry friend to andhealthylife.
Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical
Suggestionsforfuture topics may be directed to
Pet Talk of the College of Veterinary & Sciences Texas A&M University be viewed on the web at vetmed tamu edu/news/pet -talk.Suggestions future topics may to
The Democrats Fallout Over Trump's Re-Election Continues
Ihavetoremindmyself that the 1960’s radicals tried for a socialist utopia, but they crashed and burned. They faded into the background of society, eventuallytakinginfluence primarily in government, corporate, media and academic settings in the late70’s,80’s,and90’s. Of
course,thatsetthetonefor the 2020’s radicals who aimedtocreateadystopian society, of which their influencers were the students of the Woodstock generation, and the 21st century radicals projects have failed like their political forebears. They too are in the midst of
Ihavetoremindmyself that the 1960’s radicals tried for a socialist utopia, but crashed and burned. They faded into the background of society, eventuallytakinginfluence primarily in government, corporate media and academic settings in the late70’s,80’s,and90’s. Of thatsetthetonefor the 2020’s radicals who aimed createadystopian society, of which their influencers were students of the Woodstock generation, and the 21st century radicals failed their political They are in the midst of
Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News. web;
AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer DistributionManager:BethanySandefer Jr, Montgomery P.
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery,Texas.
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. reserves to weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. circulating the publication newspaper Any
Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Mail,Faxor E-mail: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,
fading, but in terms of the vote in the 2024 Presidential Election, almost 74 million or 48.3% of the million or voters chose a candidate that would have taken us closer to Hardcore Socialism (Communism) than ever before. Democrats lost their Soviet style ‘Pravda’ echochamber when Elon Musk purchased ‘X.’ And Thank Godforit.
fading, but in terms of vote in the 2024 PresidenElection, 74 million or 48.3% voters chose candidate that taken us oser o H rd o Socialism (Communism) before. Democrats their Soviet Pravda’ echochamber Elon Musk purchased ‘X.’ And Thank forit.
In BE (Before Elon), Democrats had the power of Joseph Stalin over their media in wielding their KGBhandwipingaway,or canceling, individuals, corporations, statues, or anything sensibly that stoodintheirway Imyself was suspended from Facebook for well over a year for unimpeachable, common sense, nonoffensivecommentary,that frustrated the Dems to no end. And having seen communism first-hand in EastBerlinpriortotheFall of the Wall, I know that Democrats have no love for Americans' Right to Freedom of Speech, nor OurRighttoBearArms. It was the most surreal of times, an era where you were seeing your Freedoms fly out the window And you could see it in films like ‘The Hunger Games,’ where leftist elitists ran roughshod over the people, or with brainwashed people losing theirmindsatjustthesight of a Trump hat or t-shirt, havingnoconcern.
In BE (Before Elon), Democrats had the power of Joseph Stalin over their media in wielding their KGBhandwipingaway or canceling, individuals, corporations statues or anything that stoodintheirway Imyself was from Facebook for well over a year for unimpeachable, common sense, nonoffensivecommentary,that frustrated the Dems to no end. And having seen communism first-hand in EastBerlinpriorto Fall of the Wall, I know that Democrats have no love for Americans' Right to Freedom of Speech, nor OurRighttoBearArms. It was most of times, an era where you were seeing your Freedoms fly out the window And you could see it in films like ‘The Hunger Games,’ leftist elitists ran over the people, or with brainwashed people losing theirmindsatjustthesight of a Trump hat or t-shirt, havingnoconcern.
Democrats ruin things on purpose, and just looking at their blue cities and states where criminals and illegal aliens have more rights than Veterans and legal Americans, it's amazing that those same states Kamala Harris won inthe2024election. Well, those blue states have no Voter ID laws, but even in those areas the Republicans made impressive inroads And when the Trump Economy heats Economy back up, those states will beleftinthedust,andwill have even more people leaving looking for greenerpastures.
Democrats ruin things on purpose and just looking at their and states where criminals and aliens have more rights than Veterans and legal amazing that those states Kamala won inthe2024election. Well, states no Voter ID laws, but in areas the Republicans made impressive inroads And when the Economy heats up, states will beleftinthedust,andwill more people leaving, looking for pastures.
Who knew you could havedinneratH-E-B? But myfriend,BillAzzam,the Beer & Wine Manager at theCreeksideParkH-E-B, on Kuykendahl Road, just a scooch south of the countyline,butstillhasthe feel of The Woodlands; they’ve been putting on Thursday wine pairing eventsforyears. Azzam,a Wine & Spirit Education Trust,orWSETIIcertified educator in wines, invites customers and influential membersofthemediasuch asmyself,lol,tocomeand try the different wines that his suppliers provide on selectThursdaynights,and pair them with different dishes. It’saniceH-E-B. I would even call it swanky But enough about that. I was there for the wine and food,andthisweek,itwas WX Brands, a 20 year old company out of California
The loss of the Democrat’s hold on their echochamber gives hope that common sense will prevail,eveninblueareas. Democrats have brainwashedhalfofthecountry withtheirprojectedhate,in some cases so completely, that the mere sight of a person wearing a red hat would set someone off. Making them go beyond the limits of rational thought, outside the limits of logic and reason, committing themselves with unfounded emotions and personal biases drilled intothembyDemocrats. It makes you wonder how it happened? Were they brainwashed by Cold War Sleeper Agent academics using some clandestine system to implant psychologicaltriggerstoredorto those who disagree with them? With Democrats youneverknow
The of the Democrat’s hold on their echochamber gives hope that common sense will prevail,eveninblueareas. Democrats have brainwashedhalfofthecountry withtheir hate,in some cases so completely that the mere a person wearing red hat would set someone off. Making them beyond the of rational thought, outside the limits of logic and reason, committing themselves with unfounded emotions and personal biases drilled into byDemocrats. It makes you wonder how it happened? Were they brainwashed by Cold War Sleeper Agent academics using some clandestine system to implant psychologicaltriggerstoredorto those with them? With Democrats youneverknow
The Dems stranglehold on media is dying, being taken over by sensible and low-budgeted rightleaning social media influencers,manyofwhom havenumbersthatareeven better than established leftistlegacymedia. They are winning because they don’t look down on their subscribers, nor pepper them with hateful commentary Instead, they provided informative content that educates and informstheirviewerstothe truths that are happening, as opposed to the hatred being vomited by the left. Of course Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson,CharlieKirk,are the biggest names. But thereareothersaswell,and they can hold conversations, lengthy ones; they provide information worthy of note, and capable of changing or leading to changes in policy that are good for America.
The Dems stranglehold on media is dying, being taken over by sensible and low-budgeted rightleaning social media influencers,manyofwhom havenumbersthatareeven better than established leftistlegacymedia. They are winning they don’t look down on their subscribers, nor pepper them with hateful commentary Instead, they provided informative content that educates and informstheirviewerstothe truths that are happening, as opposed to the hatred being vomited by the left. Of course Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson Jordan Peterson, Kirk,are the biggest But thereareothersaswell,and they can hold conversations, ones; they provide inform tion worthy of note, and capable of changing or leading to in policy that good for America.
TheriseofConservative influencers is having quite an impact. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez quietly removed her pronouns from her X page over the weekend, and viewership atleftleaninglegacymedia
TheriseofConservative influencers quite an impact. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez quietly removed her ‘pronouns’ from X page over weekend, and at leaninglegacy
channels has plummeted, with their followers now coming realization that they have been lied to this entire time. Flat out brainwashed to think that they were to project their hate onto innocent Republicans. It as if the Democrats were the Nazis,andtheRepublicans the Jews, just sitting there and it. Radical Democrats believe that are subhuman,anddeservenot to what audacitytoeventhinkthat. It’sbeyondme.
So in time will these radicals fade into the background of society just as Willthey go and give rise to a new breed of radical now, thatwill usfulloninto a Korean of government where the elite Democrats get the best of everything, while the rest us get our small daily rice with a small amount artificial tomatoflavoring. It’shard totell. The2024Elections were a watershed moment in that demographics played a major partinmakingadifference especially in reference to gender, Black and Hispanic males, having nothingelsetolose,voting for Trump in incredible numbers. Ofcourseit'stoo soon to tell if those voters have new home in the Republican party, but the doesn’t look at theirnewvotersasavoting block, but as Americans wanting the best for their familiesandcountry
channels has plummeted, with their followers now coming to the realization that they have been lied to this entire time. Flat out brainwashed to think that they were right to project their hate onto innocent Republicans. It was as if the Democrats were the Nazis,andtheRepublicans the Jews, just sitting there and taking it. Radical Democratsactuallybelieve that Republicans are subhuman,anddeservenot to live. What rot, what audacitytoeventhinkthat. It’sbeyondme. So in time will these radicals fade into the background of society just asthosebefore? Willthey go underground, and give rise to a new breed of radical decades from now, thatwilltakeusfulloninto a North Korean style of government, where the elite Democrats get the best of everything, while the rest of us get our small daily rice rations with a small amount of artificial tomatoflavoring. It’shard totell. The2024Elections were a watershed moment in that changing demographics played a major partinmakingadifference especially in reference to gender, with Black and Hispanic males having nothingelsetolose,voting for Trump in incredible numbers. Ofcourseit'stoo soon to tell if those voters have found a new home in the Republican party but the GOP doesn’t look at theirnewvotersasavoting block, but as Americans wanting the best for their familiesandcountry
We have an important fouryearsaheadofus. The Biden-Harris Administration’s attitude played a big part in how America and The World responded to their leadership The entireplanetflopped. The World’s Policeman called in on a donut break, and never checked back in. Wars raged Entire continental economies dipped. And now that an adult is about to enter The White House again, the Worldisstartingtocometo its senses. Now we have growing numbers of formerlybrainwashedkids thatnowseeDemocratsas complete fakers and slowly evidence is emerging with new virtue signaling videos that show young men and women slowly growing up. We cannot grow complacent. Accountability must come back and be maintained. Expectationshavetocome back,andwithTrump,they will.
Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount
Thingsarechangingfor the better Thebanning of prideflagsinstadiumsisa positivestart. Criticalrace theory has to go as well. US and Texas History needstobeproperlytaught and without leftist teacher bias. Teachersneedtojust teach and quit with their own political rants Transgenderism needs to be handled as a mental disease instead of being encouraged with its irreversible effects on the human body Teacher expectations for students need to rise, and they shouldn’tbeafraidtofaila student,becauseintheend, they have no choice but to getbetter
Thingsare for the better banning of pride in a positivestart. race has to go as well. and Texas History taught and without leftist teacher bias. Teachersneedtojust teach and quit with their political Transgenderism needs to be as mental disease instead of with irreversible effects on the body Teacher for students to and they shouldn’tbeafraidtofaila student, in they have no choice but to get We an years ofus. Administraattitude played big part in how America and The responded to leadership planetflopped. World’s on a donut break, and never checked in. Wars raged dipped. And that about to enter White again, the Worldisstarting cometo its senses. Now have growing of formerlybrainwashedkids that see as complete fakers, and low y e i e is emerging with new virtue signaling videos show men and women up. We cannot grow complacent. Accountability must come back and be maintained. havetocome back,andwithTrump,they Ruben can reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount
e r t Daughtery,alsoaWSETII, spoke on each wine to the group, noting the price points of each sample, and informing his audience on the benefits of the WX Brands line of quality products The company sources grapes from 14 countries and sells their wines in 20 countries with over
and candies will be in bundles of 2-4 with festive ribbons Visitors pay by the pound for the boxes full of decorative sweets they personally pickedout.
and candies will be in bundles of 2-4 pieces with festive ribbons Visitors pay by the pound for the boxes full of decorative sweets they personally pickedout.
This wonderful service group is mothers with daughters currently in 6th through 9th grades who reside in North MontgomeryCountyorattendschool in Montgomery ISD
Interestedmother/daughter duos can look into the Montgomery Monarch National Charity League's activities and apply for membership. For detailed information for mothers/daughters to join this
This wonderful service group is mothers with daughters currently in 6th through 9th grades who reside in North MontgomeryCountyorattendschool in Montgomery ISD Interestedmother/daughter duos can look into the Montgomery Monarch National Charity League's activities apply for membership. For detailed information for mothers/daughters to join this
MontgomeryMonarchsNC L/.
MontgomeryMonarchsNC L/.
Folks line up long beforethedoors toget
Folks line up long beforethedoorsopentoget
from page 4
andPinotGrigio. Onthe noseyouwillappreciatethe hints of floral and citrus aromas with lingering traces of ripe apples, pears and white peaches The extra-dry bubbles yield to a creamy texture with a long and elegant finish. It was paired with several MozzarellaBites,twosphereswith an extra virgin olive oil glaze. B&B’sProseccowas balanced with a refreshing acidity, and went perfectly withtheMB’smild,creamy slightly acidic flavor and toned down the dryness just a touch. When the EVOO gotinvolvedonthenextbite, the intensity of the trio was remarkable And having trained myself, to make my mentalnotesandmoveon,I went and finished the tiny app. Next was the ‘Tangent Albariño’which mimics the GreenSpaintraditionalstyle ofRíasBaixasAlbariño,but with a California central coastvalleytwist. Thecool
choice. Visitors are given plastic gloves and box or box s for from the room filled with tables 4 p m or until all and candies sold! The NCL all w ek d cor ting h interior with Chri tmas tre n banners years by Montgomery art students depicting the parade themes for
first choice. Visitors are given plastic gloves and a box or boxes for choosing from the room filled with tables laden with convections until 4 p m or until all the cookies and candies are sold! The NCLspends all week decorating the interior with several C
holiday banners created years ago by Montgomery art students depicting the parade themes for those years.
This holiday event will to the Montgomry County Health Department rules and will dhe
to the CD for safetyatcommunity at that time NCL mothers and will be gloved the of people inside willbelimited tosafenumbers.
This holiday event will conform to the Montgomery County Health Department rules and will adhere to the CDC recommendations for publicsafetyatcommunity events at that time The NCL mothers and daughters will be gloved and the number of people inside thebuildingwillbelimited tosafenumbers.
4pmto7pm,roundsoutthe dayasvisitorsgettotoura few of the historic buildings including several privatehomes,somedating back to the mid-1800's The homes and buildings willbehostedbyHistorical Society volunteers and members of the Thomas JeffersonStubbsUDC623, Conroe. All tour guides will be in period dress which adds to the impression that visitors have stepped back to the 1800s, and the decorations are commemorativeoftheway it was in early Texas up to 186 ye
he 47 h An ua Candlelight Tour,
Candlelight Tour, from
climate allows for a white winethatispureandvibrant. The close coastal proximity to the Pacific Ocean allows for the aromatics to leap at you, with a touch of Mandarin orange, tangerine peelandfloraltropicalfruit. It s a great spring and summer wine, and it pairs wellwithturkeyaswell. It’s gotagoodbodytoit,andhas a clean yet round mouthfeel that is nicely balanced and features guava, ripe citrus, and has a great minerality The finish is bright and refreshing The semi-dry Albarino was paired with Classic Deviled Eggs, and went well with the soft textured and creamy egg filling, enhancing its flavor as well as the white Growing up I usually avoided deviled eggs. Too bad I only had access to communionwinebackthen, and couldn’t bring the two together
The third wine pairing was the ‘Bread & Butter CaliforniaRosé’whichhasa color that is bright, fresh, and juicy Made from the
“RusticCashmere),andup to six private homes beautifully decorated to reflect the history and charm of each (If a homeowner requires that visitorswearfacemasks,it will be noted on the tour map and masks will be providedatthatlocation.)
“RusticCashmere),andup to six private homes beautifully decorated to reflect history and charm of each (If a homeowner requires that visitorswearfacemasks,it will be noted on the tour map and masks will be providedatthatlocation.)
Tour tickets are $5 for studentsages15-17,adults aged 18 and over, are $15. Ticketscanbepurchasedat theN.H.DavisComplex& Museumbeginningat2:00 p.m., and all day at Rustic Cashmere Antiques and Gifts, both on Liberty S
p m Fernland's anchor building the Societyowned Arnold-Simonton Home however will however
eveningtouruntil7:00p.m. M
dress,willaddtothe cheer, throughout the district They will also perform at entrance
School's Madrigals-talented, award-winning carolers in gorgeous perioddress,willaddtothe holiday cheer, strolling throughout the historic district They will also perform at the entrance of
n Montgomerybegan. The N H Davis Museum will be open for free tours 11:00a to 7:00p.
The tour map and the candlarias on the walkwaysleadtothehomesand buildings on the tour Visitors will have the opportunity to visit the seven historic buildings ownedbytheSociety,plus theLivingSaviorLutheran Church chapel built in 1908, the Old Post Office
The tour map and the candlarias on the walkways tothehomesand buildings the tour Visitors will have the opportunity to visit the seven historic buildings owned theSociety,plus theLivingSaviorLutheran Church chapel built in 1908, the Post Office
ItalianBarberagrape,which separatesitfromotherroses like Pinot Noir and Cabernet. Theshortermaceration period brings out the beautiful pink which also eliminates most tannins For the Rosé I paired with the Mac ‘n Cheese, which was not H-E-B’s call, and withtheBarberagrape,they recommend pasta in marinara, but what are they gonna do, send me back to Iraq? Besides, I liked it, bringingthegourmetmac‘n cheese to life, with an even creamier and cheesier pasta shell. I’m pretty sure they used the H-E-B Easy Melt, and I m gonna try it by replacing one of the cups of water with a cup of the B&BCR.
Next I had the ‘Bread & Butter Reserve Russian River Valley Pinot Noir, which was paired with a delectable Truffle Risotto
ThePinotwasabolderstyle, with notes of cherry, sweet rhubarb, and strawberry, blended splendidly with aromas from the baker s shop accompanied with
Montgomery TX
Montgomery Visitorswill
4pmto7pm,roundsout dayasvisitors to a historic buildings including back to the mid-1800's homes and behostedby Society and the Thomas JeffersonStubbs Conroe. tour guides will in period which adds to the impression that visitors stepped back to the the decorations commemorativeofthe it was early up 186 years a o when Montgomerybegan. The N H av s Museum be for free tours 11:00a 7:00p. A
wristbands for entry at all buildingsonthetour
Tour tickets are $5 for studentsages15-17,adults aged 18 and over, are $15. Ticketscanbepurchasedat the DavisComplex& Museum at2:00 p.m., and all at Rustic Cashmere Antiques and Gifts, both on Liberty Str t in downto n Montgomery will be giv n m p and wristbands for at all buildingson tour N. Davis I a dit
Montgomery's Fernland Historical Park will be open for tours until 3:00
earthiness from the woodlands. The finish with the bright acidity was wonderfully lasting and coupled with the creamy and savory of therisottomadethehairs onmyarmsstand-up. Itwas a great call from Bill and Robert for such a great moment and this is what educational dinners that HE-Bputsonisallabout. The enjoyment of life, and the sharing of great times with friendsandfamily
The fifth wine pairing was the 70/30 red blend Argentinaproduct‘Trapiche Iscay Malbec & Cabernet Franc,’ and it was paired with a Boneless Beef NY Strip. The Trapiche Iscay was the most expensive bottle of the evening, and it didnotdisappoint. Thenose revealed elements of tobacco, violets, blueberries, blackberries, black olives, peppercorn and oak spices It’s full-bodied showing tannins which support its fruity nature, very polished, dense, and delightful finish. With the steak, it took the peppery
n o h va iou st ur nts' extended hours, there offering snacks, beverages, AND many antique/gift boutiques, specialty shops will
afternoon. While in town for this wonderfulyearlyeventand throughout the holiday s
encouraged to "Think
Montgomery's Fernland Historical will be open for tours until 3:00 p m anchor building the SocietyArnold-Simonton Home r
While in for wonderfulyearlyevent throughout the holiday on, v tors ar encouraged to
sweetnessofthemeattonew heights, matching peppercorn vs peppercorn on both sidesoftheencounter And since there was an extra plate,Igrabbedit,aswellas a bottle for the road, to do extra research at home GeniusIsay Genius.
The final pairing was another Argentinian wine, ‘The Icon Rock Cabernet Sauvignon,’ which was paired with several sweet treats,amuffinandacookie. For those who appreciate sweet-on-sweet when it comes to dessert pairings, well, this Icon Rock can initially shock. It’s on the bolder side, not tops, with the tannins on the same level. The extra-day touch again, can surprise The acidity is mid-range, but when you try the sweets, everything all of a sudden balancesout. Theextra-dry comesscreamingbackfrom the left The boldness swingstothemiddle. Andit works. Thecabhasafruity expression. On the nose, it reminds you of mulberries and blackberries with a
medium body on the palate, and a fruity mid-length finish. It is a great alternative for sweet dessert wine lovers wanting to try somethingdifferent.
Events like the Thursday wineexperiencesareagreat reason to get to know your wine consultants at HEB Creekside, of which Bill Azzamiskingamongthem. They start at 6pm, and the bestthingisthatthedinneris complimentary And in the light of Casablanca, “Bill, I thinkthisisthebeginningof abeautifulfriendship.”
AlcoholDisclaimer:This column is intended for entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly notjustforyourself,but forothersaroundyou.
THIS NOTICE OF SALE OF REALESTATE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursuant to Chapter 34 of the TexasTaxCode,andRule21aoftheTexasRulesofCivilProcedure.ByvirtueofanOrderofSale issued, and associated Judgment rendered, by the Honorable 284th District Court of Montgomery County,onSeptember26,2019,inCauseNo.19-02-02538,captionedOvationServices,LLC,and Intervenor Montgomery County Et Al -vs- Delia Brown, I, acting as Constable of Montgomery County,Texas,did,onthe30thDayofSeptember2024,inmyhandsforservice,levyoncertainReal Estate,asthepropertyoftheDefendant(s),DeliaBrownandsituatedinMontgomeryCounty,Texas, describedasfollows:
Onthe3rddayofDecember2024,thefirstTuesdayofthemonth,betweenthehoursof10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse steps located at 301 N Main St, Conroe, Texas77301,byvirtueofsaidlevyandsaidOrderofSale,Iwillselltheabovedescribedrealestateto includeallright,titleandinterestoftheDefendantintheproperty,atpublicvenue,forcash,tothe highestbidder incompliancewiththelaw
I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for the three consecutive weeks immediately preceding said day of sale, in Montgomery County News, a newspaperpublishedinMontgomeryCounty
Property Owners Association Inc Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Jefferson & Pamela J. Jefferson. Defendant(s), Cause No.24-01-01041 in said court, judgment being in favor of Northcrest Ranch
Lot 61, in Block 2, of Northcrest Ranch, SectionThree (3), a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinCabinetN,Sheets87,88,89and90oftheMap RecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas21976BlazingTris,NewCaney, Tx77357("Property")
and on the 3rd day of December 2024 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof CharlesE.Jefferson&PamelaJ.Jefferson.Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty
STATE OF ILLINOIS CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY OF LAKE NOTICE BY PUBLICATIONOrderNo.2024OP002188&OrderNo.2024OP002187NOTICE ISGIVENTOYOU,MakaylaDanielleTew,thatthiscasehasbeencommenced in this court by the petitioner against you for ORDER OF PROTECTION and otherrelief.UNLESSYOUfileyouranswerorotherwisefileyourappearance inthiscaseintheOfficeoftheCircuitClerkofthisCourtintheLakeCounty Courthouse, Waukegan, Illinois, on or before DECEMBER 4th, 2024. A JUDGEMENTORDECREEBYDEFAULTMAYBETAKENAGAINSTYOUFOR THERELIEFASKEDINTHEPETITION.
Auction Sale for 99 Self Storage to Satisfy Landlord's Lien 99 Self Storage will conduct a sale to satisfy Landlord's lien on property of Tenant DanielLeader Saletobeheldbeginning10:00AM,December4,2024through10:00 AMDecember16,2024, PublishedDates:November20,27,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw,andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
Notice is given that original LettersTestamentary for the Estate ofArlene C. Marx were issuedonMay16,2024,inCauseNo.24-46466-P pendingintheStatutoryProbateCourtNumber1 ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,toPauletteJackson.
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
2257N.Loop336W #140463
Dated11/13/2024 /s/LisaMathews
c/oLisaMathews LisaMathews
Notice is given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Joyce Wagers Musselman were issued on 7/19/2024, in Cause No. 24-46622-P, pending in the Statutory Probate CourtNumber1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toDanLove.
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
Notice is given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Jesse L. Vieyra were issued on 7/31/2024, in Cause No. 24-46647, pending in the Statutory Probate Court Number 1 of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,toGuadalupeVieyra(akaGuadaupeRamirez).
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
2257N.Loop336W #140463
Notice is given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Bobby Taylor were issuedon4/26/2024,inCauseNo.24-46096-P,pendingintheStatutoryProbateCourtNumber1of MontgomeryCounty Texas,toTerryFluellenandSherylJ.Taylor
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw,andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are requiredtosubmitthem,withinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw andbeforetheestateisclosed, addressedasfollows:
ConroeTX77305 TYLERTX75702
YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertheThirdAmendedApplicationtoDetermine HeirshipWithinAdministrationfiledbyLauraG.Jones,andMarcieParkeratorbefore 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of PublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty, attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonJuly03,2024. CITATION CAUSE N0. 24-47482-P
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of TIMOTHY
ALLEN GUBBINS, Deceased, were issued on November 13, 2024, in Cause No. 24-47193-P pendinginCountyCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: Cleveland,Texas,77328
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claimsshouldaddressthemincareoftherepresentativeattheaddressstatedabove.
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofGeorgeEdward Tidwell, Deceased, were issued on November 13, 2024, in Cause No. 24-47375-P, pending in the ProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: AmyCarolTidwell.
TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: TERRANCE MARTIN GOODPASTURE, Deceased
You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination of Heirship and for Letters of Independent Administration filed by Martin Olen Goodpasture,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10) daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on November18,2024.
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 19th day of November 2024.
This week’s Veteran is Patricia Klingler, who served in the U.S. Army from1953-1955. Patwas 1953 at the Willis Community CenteronNovember13th, receiving a Veterans Quilt from the Golden Needles Quilt Guild. The Golden Needlesprepareeveryyear togivequiltstonominated Veterans. Klinglerwentto West Point, but she wasn’t a cadet. Patricia was a dental hygienist making sure the cadets teeth were ingoodshape,andshewas appalled at the state of West Point teeth. She can tell you some stories, but
Pat receiving every was they career
they are Top Secret are Klinglerwentontohavea 40 year career in dental hygiene, cleaning ten thousandplussetsofteeth. Good Luck Patricia, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’.
AnAmerican RevolutionaryWarPatriot WilliamGates
Freedom the Sons Revolution remembered an Revolution-
Saturday, November 2024. A Grave Ceremony held the Cemetery, and American. had with weather There 100 with
The Freedom Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and the CoushattiTraceChapterof the Daughters of the American Revolution remembered and honored an American RevolutionaryPatriot,WilliamGates, on Saturday, November 16, 2024. A Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony was held at the Gates-Perry Family Cemetery, to remember and honor this great American. We had a great turnout with great weather There were over 100 people with several descendantsinattendance.
The Color Guard of the Sons of the American Revolution opened the c n i h e presentation colors. A Anniversary Marker was by the of the American Revolution. We then a Patriot Grave M rki c ny
ment to fostering confidence, strength, and safety both in and outside the studio.”
The Color Guard of the Sons of the American Revolution opened the ceremony with the presentation of the colors. A 250th Anniversary Marker was dedicated by the Daughters of the American Revolution. We then had a Patriot Grave Marking ceremony honoring William Gates for his participation in the founding of our country Closing with a black powder musket volley and aprayer WilliamGateswasborn about 1759 in Lincoln County, North Carolina William was the son of Charles and Elizabeth Gates He married Catherine Hardin of North Carolina in 1783, and they had four sons and three daughters Gates and his family move
honoring William his the our with a musket volley and about of tes He ri Hardin of and four and three Gates o m Nort Tennessee, and land, now Washington approximately in and the
om North Carolina to Tennessee, Kentucky,Arkansas,and then joined Stephen F Austin's Old 300 colony in Texas in 1821. Gates received land, now in Washington County in 1824, approximately 5 miles from Washingtonon-the-Brazos.William's wife Catherine, died in 1826.WilliamGatesdied in Texas on August the 20,1828andisburiedin the Gates-Perry Family CemeteryinWashington County,Texas.
Date: Monday, November20,2024 Montgomery, TX –Montgomery Karate is proud to announce a special Women s SelfDefense Class on Wednesday November 20th, from 6-8 p.m. at their studio located at 19380 Highway 105 West, Suite 501, Montgomery TX 77356. Theeventaimstoempower women with self-defense skills while supporting the local non-profit Hope s Bridge, which provides resources for foster kinship, adoptive, and other families in MontgomeryCounty For more information, v i s i t or contact Travis Guinn 936582-CHOP(2467).
TX is proud to Class on November 6-8 studio Suite TX 77356. Hope provides kinship, and v Guinn 936-
Participants toy attire and
“We’re excited to offer this class as a way for women to learn practical self-defense skills while making a meaningful contribution to our community," said Master Guinn, owner of Montgomery Karate "This event reflects our commit-
“We’re excited to to learn self-defense skills while our commit-
Participants are encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy or a monetary donation to benefitHope’sBridge.The class is open to women ages 16 and up and attendeesareaskedtowear athletic attire or comfortable clothing with tennis shoes.