November 22, 2023 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’ and Paul Allen
Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper
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Montgomery County News
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Texas V.E.T. Pod 7 Honors Veterans Weekly Putting Their Best Foot Forward Gas Prices Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 1.7 cents per gallon in the last week, a v e r a g i n g $ 2 . 7 7 / g t o d a y, according to GasBuddy's survey of 13,114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 24.3 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 16.0 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. The national average price of diesel has fallen 6.9 cents in the last week and stands at $4.28 per gallon. According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Texas was priced at $2.20/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4.11/g, a difference of $1.91/g. The lowest price in the state yesterday was $2.20/g while the highest was $4.11/g, a difference of $1.91/g. The national average price of gasoline has fallen 6.2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.27/g today. The national average is down 25.9 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 36.9 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country. Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average going back ten years: November 20, 2022: $2.93/g (U.S. Average: $3.64/g) November 20, 2021: $3.00/g (U.S. Average: $3.41/g) November 20, 2020: $1.79/g (U.S. Average: $2.10/g) November 20, 2019: $2.24/g (U.S. Average: $2.60/g) November 20, 2018: $2.31/g (U.S. Average: $2.60/g) November 20, 2017: $2.28/g (U.S. Average: $2.53/g) November 20, 2016: $1.91/g (U.S. Average: $2.13/g) November 20, 2015: $1.88/g (U.S. Average: $2.09/g) November 20, 2014: $2.64/g (U.S. Average: $2.84/g) November 20, 2013: $2.98/g (U.S. Average: $3.20/g) Neighboring areas and their current gas prices: Midland Odessa- $2.81/g, down 10.6 cents per gallon from last week's $2.92/g. San Antonio- $2.77/g, up 10.9 cents per gallon from last week's $2.66/g. Austin- $2.81/g, up 9.6 cents per gallon from last week's $2.71/g. "As millions of Americans gear up to hit the road for Thanksgiving, the national average is seeing its longest streak of declines in over a year, reaching a ninth straight week as gas prices fall to their lowest since January," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum a n a l y s i s a t G a s B u d d y. "GasBuddy now counts over 65,000 stations with a price of $2.99 per gallon or lower, while 11 states are seeing average prices below $3. In addition, we could see five more states join the sub-$3 club by Thanksgiving. The fall in gas prices, largely seasonal due to weakening gasoline demand, could extend for another week or two, leading to potentially the lowest gas prices since 2021 by Christmas." SOURCE GasBuddy
Judge Kathleen Hamilton, center, flanked by J-I Veteran Race Armstrong, left, in green; and VTC Graduate Amos Savell, (tall) right, with Sgt, Kimberly Anderson, far right by MCN contributing writer, Ruben Borjas Jr Of course we all know Montgomery County loves our Veterans. Even the Justice Involved ones. The V. E . T . S . ( Ve t e r a n s Embracing the Tools for Success) Program, located in Pod 7 of the County Jail in Conroe, held a celebration of Veterans on November 8th, in Honor of Veterans Day. It was a chance for justice involved Veterans of Montgomery County to put their best foot forward to show the progress of their stay in custody to Veteran Mentors and Court dignitaries that oversee their cases. The ceremony was hosted by the Montgomery
Veteran mentors in V.E.T. Pod 7. Savell went on to the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program run by 359th District Court Judge Kathleen Hamilton, and recently graduated, having his record expunged. Judge Hamilton thoroughly enjoys seeing Ve t e r a n p a r t i c i p a n t s graduate her court, and hands them a challenge coin and a folded American flag as mementos of their time in her program. “It’s an honor to be back here, and be a part of something so meaningful and important as the Montgomery County Veterans Pod,” said Amos Savell, who was happy to
be wearing his own clothes this time in the Pod. He spoke sincerely to the Veterans living in the Pod. ”In here, it’s fairly certain that we all share the same hope. Things get better, and we become better.” “I think it’s important that we help our Veterans who are involved with the justice community and have been incarcerated,” said General Hummer. “I think it’s great that we have Ve t e r a n M e n t o r s a n d support teams that can help them get their heads on straight, set some goals for when they are released and again become contributing See V.E.T., page 3
Entergy Texas Partners With Montgomery County Food Bank To Provide Healthy Meals
The company awarded MCFB a $65,000 grant to Commentary...............2, 3, 4, 5 help support six mobile market food distributions Church Directory..............5 SPLENDORA, Texas Legals.............................6, 7 – No one should have to Business Directory.............8 question where their next Community............2, 3, 4, 8
County Sheriff’s Office, Jail Division - Inmate Programs Coordinator, Sgt. Kimberly Anderson. Foy Day, Veteran Mentor for V.E.T. Pod 7, conducted the proceedings leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, the raising of the Flag, and National Anthem in the outside portion of the program. Day introduced former Pod 7 Justice Involved Veteran and keynote speaker, Amos Savell, who now runs ‘ Ve t e r a n s & P a t r i o t s United’, a Veterans Charity in Huntsville. Savell spent time in the Pod four years ago, being mentored by retired Marine Corp Lieutenant General Steven H u m m e r, o n e o f t h e
meal will come from, but unfortunately, that’s the reality for many families in Texas. According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Texas has the second-highest rate of
food insecurity in the nation, an issue that's certainly felt within the Entergy Texas service area. To help combat food insecurity, Entergy Texas
contributed $65,000 to the Montgomery County Food Bank (MCFB) to support six mobile market distributions in November. The mobile markets are drive-thru food distributions that allow MCFB to bring food assistance directly to areas of high need, serving up to 150-200 families at each distribution. “Montgomery County Food Bank is blessed by Entergy Texas’ generous donation that will bring joy and sustenance to our community this holiday season,” said Kristine Marlow, president and CEO of Montgomery County Food Bank. “ E n t e rg y Te x a s ’ commitment to making a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need is
See Meals, page 2
Montgomery Historical Society's Annual Thanksgiving Dinner On Saturday, November 11 , Ve t e r a n ' s D a y, t h e Montgomery Historical Society invited and honored Veterans in attendance, the new VFW Post 12223Montgomery, and our area First Responders, Montgomery's Mayor and Council members, the City's elected official. Mayor Byron and Mrs. Sanford were in attendance, as well as Councilwoman Cheryl Fox and Councilman Casey Olsen. Ted and Pat Spakey were greeted by everyone-- Pat is the great, great, great granddaughter of Dr. Charles B. Stewart, who designed the Texas flag while he lived barely outside Montgomery. He was prominent in helping the Texians gain independence from Mexico, He was the first to sign the Te x a s D e c l a r a t i o n o f Independence from Mexico, his contributions to Montgomery and Texas are immense, His design of the Lone Star Flag was recognized by the State Legislature as the original design, making Montgomery the Birthplace of the Texas flag. (Pat is well known for her wonderful photos from events -- a couple w ill accompany this article but the rest will be posted on the Society's web site in the near future. The Society members and guests, including our honorees completely filled the Living Savior Lutheran Church's spacious Fellowship Hall. Montgomery area's Danellos Fine Catering prepared delicious turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes....with members assigned to bring a myriad of vegetables, salads or desserts, according to their alphabetical last names. Society President, Billy Ray Duncan, welcomed everyone, giving a brief history of the Montgomery Historical Society, which will be 70 years old in 2024. Billy Ray offered prayer of thanks for the food. MPD Officers Hennessy, Sgt. Voytko and Sgt. Bauer were on hand, and they delivered an update as to the measures the MPD routinely our officers do to maintain our safety, especially as others drive through our town. A good number of men, and at least one woman, Veterans stood as requested, to a huge round of applause. Ruben Barjas, the President of the new VFW Post 12223Montgomery advised us of their new group which meets at the Lone Star Community Center on Lone Star Parkway in Montgomery. This yearly dinner is when the Society thanks our first responders. City officials and volunteers. Members are reminded to renew their memberships and membership applications are on hand for guests who may be interested in joining. The new membership procedure is to give a free adult ticket ($15) to the December Candlelight Home Tour to new and renewing members. This December 9 will be the 46th home tour which began when Ms. Anna Weisinger opened her newly refurbished "Magnolia Home." The Magnolia's new
owner of this wonderful home built in 1854 is Frank
See Lucheon, page 2
Page 2, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Three in a Row for the Houston Texans; Carving Up the Cardinals 21-16
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter in the victory column with rushing touchdown. He Montgomery County News t w e n t y - s e v e n ( 2 7 ) was explosive and played
Houston, Texas: Eleven weeks into the 2023 NFL season, the Houston Texans are over the five hundred mark for the first time this deep in the season in three (3) years. The Texans held off a comeback from the Arizona Cardinals late in the fourth quarter winning 21-16. It was another action packed, exciting game as the Texans hosted the Arizona Cardinals. The teams have now met seven (7) times with the Texans leading the series (4-3). Te x a n s ' r o o k i e quarterback C.J. Stroud had his peaks and valleys during the contest throwing three (3) interceptions, one was from a deflected pass, yet managed to keep his team
Lucheon from page 1 Tamborello. Frank is ready to receive visitors that evening, his second year to be on the tour. There are a number of volunteers who help the Society with events throughout the year. The N. H. Davis Museum is n o w o p e n We d n e s d a y through Saturday and soon to add Sunday to the schedule. The dedicated docents volunteer without remuneration, and they will soon be decorating the museum in preparation for the home tour. The Thomas Jefferson
V.E.T. from page 1 citizens, as well as Veterans have kept us free and preserved our freedoms.” While in the V.E.T. Pod, t h e Ve t e r a n s u n d e rg o weekly sessions of counseling with multiple agencies, including the Veterans Administration, The Refuge Counseling Center, Tri-County Behavioral Center, Ve t e r a n s S e r v i c e s Organizations like FOB Rasor, and activities of daily living training with Better Living for Texans. The Veterans engage to form an outlet for their voice with Therapeutic Writing, and learn to cope with Anxiety and Depression by learning tried and true methods and new techniques of self preservation. “The veterans set up this ceremony, and many
completions on thirtyseven (37) attempts for three hundred and thirtysix (336) yards with two (2) touchdowns passes, which included a beautiful connection with one of his favorite receivers Tank Dell in the endzone. Tank caught the ball over his head on a jump just over the defender. The Texans' tight end Dalton Schultz caught the other touchdown pass on a diving reception and slid into the endzone untouched. The rushing attack continued to improve with Texans' running back Devin Singletary with back-toback one hundred (100) yards games. He had twenty-two (22) carries for one hundred and twelve (112) yards and a
with heart on each of his carries. The offensive line was vastly improved and opened the holes and protected their star quarterback. There was a moment when the Cardinals' defensive back Jalen Thompson ran through the line unblocked hitting Stroud with the hardest tackle that he has received this season knocking the breath out of him. Stroud missed just one play, as he was eager to finish the work that he had started. The Texans' defensive looked and played well shutting down the Cardinals 3rd and 4th down attempts. Texans' linebacker Blake Cashman led the team with thirteen (13) solo tackles, six (6) assists and a sack.
Stubbs UDC 2623--Conroe ladies and other volunteers dress in period clothing to lead tours at the yearly "Voices form the Past" tour of our cemeteries, founded in 1838 and 1868, and will be hosts in the buildings and homes during the home tour on December 9. The Society is very, very thankful for the Montgomery County History Taskforce, who have spent many weeks scanning historical documents and photos that chronicle the rich history of this quaint town. Those many boxes of data are now preserved for posterity and available to the public on Family Search for tracing
their families' histories. The Taskforce members were also a tremendous help during the Voices from the Past, and their group have volunteered again this year to help with the Society's "Christmas in Historic Montgomery." There are three different events sponsored by the Society that day: The Holiday Marketplace of around 70 vendors selling from 9a-5p, the 33rd Famous Cookie Walk --with tables and tables of Christmas cookies/candies and visitors pay by the pound. The day is rounded out with the evening Candlelight H o m e To u r, 4 p - 7 p .
like these throughout the year,” s aid S hirley Uriostegui, Tri-County Behavioral Healthcare, Ve t e r a n s M e n t o r Coordinator. “And I think it really brings attention to what we stand for and what we are trying to project, and a lot of the Veterans really take honor and responsibility for their time in service, so seeing it come full circle, and allowing them the privilege to have a ceremony to be supportive of Veterans Day, not to just appreciate themselves, but the community, and its shows the point and purpose of the V.E.T. Pod.” V.E.T. Pod 7 was implemented in 2017 and provides resources available in the community directly to justice involved veterans in one, centralized location. Staff's duties for the program are not only to maintain safety and security, but to also be a liaison between the justice
involved program participants and the organizations providing resources. Resources include, but are not limited to, mentoring, counseling, employment and housing assistance, and casemanagement. “It’s a big inspiration and reminds me of what I used to stand for and all the values were instilled in me while in the military.” said Justice Involved Veteran Race Armstrong, when asked about the meaning of the ceremony. “It brings back all the good things I want back in my life, and reinstills those corp values that I lost along the way after leaving the military.” As the population of the V. E . T. S . p r o g r a m i s constantly changing, so are the needs of the program. It is imperative Program Staff recognize any changes and adjust as needed.
Also, Will Anderson added a sack to the total. Christian Harris played an important role on back-toback plays that included a key tackle and a blocked pass. Texans defensive back Derek Stingley Jr. got his second interception in his young career. Head coach DeMeco Candelaria lead the way to the buildings/homes on the tour! The Society had three Board positions to be voted on, and the nominees were Brenda Beaven, Mary Exkart and Cheryl Fox. A motion was offered and seconded to approve all candidates by acclimation, and accepted by all members present. It is always amazing as to how many visitors come to Montgomery from around the world, most often to visit the "Birthplace of the Texas Flag," the most recognized of any flags in these United States. As it often happens, three such visitors from "across the pond" happened upon Fernland Docents Julie and Eva on Thursday at Fernland
from page 1
truly appreciated. Together, we are stronger in the fight against hunger.” Montgomery County has one of the fastest growing populations in Texas, yet thousands of families still need help putting food on the table. I n O c t o b e r, M C F B ’s network supported more than 95,000 requests for food assistance, which is
Ryans' efforts are paying big dividends as he has infused the magic ingredients of confidence and competence. We might have a divisional leader with this team. In other AFC South action, the (7-3) Jacksonville Jaguars trumped the Tennessee
Titans 34-14, and currently lead the division. The Indianapolis Colts had a bye this past week. The (6-4) Houston Texans will host the Jaguars in Reliant Stadium, so read all about it in your hometown paper.
Historical Park. Eva and Julie, learned that one of the men was a gentleman who lives near Conroe, but he is from Finland. His guests in town are from England. Eva and Julie invited them to this Saturday gathering, and they were pleased to join us. We showed them some good ol' Texas hospitality by having them as as our
additional special guests. Many in attendance spoke to these visitors, and as they bade us a "goodbye,"--or "tally-ho," we gave each of them small Texas flags on sticks. There are still vendor spots left for the December 9 Marketplace, and tickets to the Home Tour are available online at the Society's website.
the second highest total in the history of the organization. With Entergy Texas’ recent c o n t r i b u t i o n , approximately 1,120 families will have access to nutritious meals. “We’re proud to give to an organization that shares our mission of building healthy communities,” said Corrin Barrow, public affairs representative for Entergy Texas. “Entergy Te x a s h a s b e e n a longstanding community partner of MCFB, and we
look forward to supporting even more programs in the future that help provide nutritious food to those in need.” The Montgomery County Food Bank administers several programs in the region, including nutritional education, senior distributions, and green initiatives like their Produce Rescue Center. To learn more about the programs offered, visit
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Subscription Cost is $40 per year for in Montgomery County, and $45 per year out of Montgomery County. Checks may be made payable to Montgomery County News and send to PO Box 1, Montgomery, Tx 77356, we also accept most major credit cards.
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Page 3
Weekly Columns The Psychological Side Of Spending Your Retirement Savings A weekly column by Kent Pendleton The psychological side of spending your retirement savings Many investors worry about outliving their savings. As a result, they sometimes underestimate what they can comfortably spend in retirement. For years, you've been saving and investing for retirement. But what happens when you finally retire and it's time to switch gears from saving to spending? It turns out, many people are so focused on accumulating assets that they never really think about actually withdrawing the money. In fact, recent studies show that many retirees aren't drawing down their retirement portfolios, opting instead to live on Social Security and the minimum required distributions (aka RMDs) so their portfolios can continue to grow. This may lead to unnecessary sacrifices in a retiree's standard of living. After almost two decades in retirement, most current retirees still have 80% of their pre-retirement savings, according to
research from BlackRock. The problem with uncertainty So why aren't these retirees spending their nest eggs? Some may be spending as little as possible to leave behind a larger sum for their loved ones or philanthropic pursuits. But in many cases, it's because they aren't sure how to determine a sustainable withdrawal rate that accounts for their total lifespan. They worry about the “what ifs” retirement may throw their way and want to be prepared. You may be able to relate. This latter group understands that over the course of a long-term retirement, inflation can erode savings. Portfolio returns can vary, and healthcare costs can quickly escalate. And they may be concerned about outliving their savings – only 25% of baby boomers believe their savings will last throughout retirement, according to the Insured Retirement Institute. By spending less and allowing their savings to potentially grow in the early years of retirement, they hope to offset some of the uncertainty. Collaborating with us
and developing a financial plan can help increase your confidence about having enough money to live comfortably in retirement. Just like in your working years, you can establish a just-in-case cash cushion or line of credit that helps put you at ease. And having a sound distribution strategy in place – one that takes into account your income sources, lifestyle, asset locations and tax situation – can help you enjoy the retirement lifestyle you envisioned. Wi t h d r a w i n g y o u r money When it comes to withdrawing your retirement savings, here are a few things to consider: Organize your expenses: Three typical categories include essential expenses (think food, housing and insurance), lifestyle expenses (vacations, hobbies) and unexpected expenses (healthcare costs, auto repairs). Consider paying for your essential expenses with guaranteed income sources such as Social Security or annuities. Use growth or income investments to pay for lifestyle expenses, and maintain a cash reserve for any unexpected costs that
might occur. Be flexible. For instance, a downturn in the market is a good time to tighten the reins on your spending. But if you experience some unexpected investment gains, the timing might be right for that dream vacation. There's little doubt your income needs will fluctuate during retirement. The early years may be filled with travel and other bigticket items that require more substantial withdrawals. As time goes on, you'll likely travel less, but your healthcare expenses may increase. Studies show that spending tends to decline in the later years of retirement, most likely the result of less travel and similar pursuits. People ages 55 to 64 spend on average $60,076 per year, while people ages 65 and older spend $45,221, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Building in flexibility allows you to go with the f l o w. A t P e n d l e H i l l Advisors, our financial plans build in buffers to your income so your budget can stay on track. Review your plan. Working with us to develop and review your retirement income and distribution
strategies. We can run hypothetical simulations based on different withdrawal rates, how many years you will live in retirement or any other contingencies, which will allow you to develop a better idea of how much you can comfortably and confidently spend in retirement to help achieve your goals. Everyone's retirement situation is different. You may have encountered some unexpected circumstances, such as a layoff or forced retirement that occurred earlier than you planned, and you weren't able to save as much as you hoped. On the other hand, leaving a legacy may be your primary goal.
Whatever the case may be, establishing a withdrawal strategy that's right for you – while also keeping your emotions in check – is often a good plan of action. Kent Pendleton, AAMS® F i n a n c i a l A d v i s o r, RJFS Pendle Hill Advisors LLC 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 T 936-297-8267 Sources:;;; o u r n e x t l i f e . c o m ; s m a r t a b o u t m o n e y. o rg ;;; Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax advice. You should discuss any tax matters with the appropriate professional.
Real Estate Corner with Megan Stultz Brought to you by Megan Stultz and Coffee & Contracts
Ready to master the art of buying and selling at the same time? 71% of savvy homeowners are right there with you. There's a way to ensure your real estate journey is smooth sailing on both sides of the closing table. Keep swiping for the details 1 ️ ) B e y o n d decluttering and staging, small renovations or touchups will make your current home shine. Sprucing up the yard or a fresh coat of paint can give you a serious ROI - 107% for interior painting.
options tailored to your unique situation. Your agent can even recommend local lenders who specialize in simultaneous transactions. 4) Sometimes, there's a gap between selling and buying. Ask your agent about a short-term lease back or short-term housing so you're not caught off guard. Last? Working with an experienced agent! If you're looking for a real estate pro who's been down this road many times, I'd love to connect! DM me, call, or shoot me a text. I'm here to help however I can. Source: How Much Does Interior Paint Increase Home Value? Sellers: Results from the Zillow Consumer Housing Trends Report 2022
4433 Holly Trail Rd Montgomery, TX 77316 Offered at $3,500,000 This stunning 5,360 square foot fully furnished home with 5 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms is beautifully located on a spacious corner lot in the heart of Bluejack and within steps of The Sanctuary, Tennis Center, and The Fort. The home features an open floor plan with soaring ceilings, hardwood floors, and walls of windows for the natural light to shine throughout. The kitchen is fully equipped with stainless steel appliances and gorgeous quartzite countertops, and the spacious living room is perfect for entertaining guests. The home also has a separate casita with a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette, perfect for guests or for a home office. The outdoor living space is simply breathtaking, with an enclosed patio, a fire place, and a lush lawn overlooking Fort Lake. This home is the perfect place to relax and unwind, or to entertain guests in our trademark laid-back luxury style.
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Listing agent Megan Stultz Platinum Lead of Bluejack Realty Group Fairwater Westmont Real Estate
Page 4, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Montgomery County News
Opinion / Editorial Ruben What I'm Thankful For Borjas Jr, T-Day '23 Columnist
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings Since my Mother passed away several years ago in April 2021, a lot has changed in my life. I was planning on selling my house and buying another motorhome and taking off, but plans change. I spent almost a year and a half writing a novel about my early years 16-25. I completed it. Nearly 500 pages, actually closer to
483; and includes, what my morning Whataburger Coffee Group would say is a lot of ‘rotating of tires’, and some painful events. I wrote it mostly for myself, to rid myself of demons that were still haunting me. And if I decide to publish it, I’ll do it under a pseudonym. B e f o r e E l o n (BE)(meaning Elon Musk, and how he changed the
Weather for the Lake Conroe area Wednesday Sunny, with a high near 56. North wind around 10 mph. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 38. North wind around 5 mph becoming calm in the evening. Thanksgiving Day A 20 percent chance of showers after noon. Partly sunny, with a high near 55. Calm wind becoming south around 5 mph in the afternoon. Thursday Night A 20 percent chance of showers before midnight. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 46. Friday Mostly sunny, with a high near 62. Friday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 50. SaturdayPartly sunny, with a high near 62. Saturday Night A 30 percent chance of showers, mainly after midnight. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 52. Sunday A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 56. Sunday Night A 40 percent chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 47. Monday A 20 percent chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 53.
Montgomery County News Phone (936) 449-6397 Fax (936)597-6395 E-mail: web; Publisher: M. P. Stultz Editor: Monte West Assistant Editor: Jamie Sandefer Distribution Manager: Ethan Sandefer Account Executive: M. Ryan West Photography: Monte West, Ryan Johnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson, Gail Box, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas 2017-2023 Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery, TX 77356. Telephone number 936-449-6397, Fax 936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper. Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Montgomery County News. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and occasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in county and $45 outside Montgomery County. Bulk Rate Permit is held by the Postmaster at Montgomery, TX 77356, Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, and does not in any way take responsibility for false or misleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. All contents of Montgomery County News are reserved, and we prohibit reproduction of the items without permission. D&B #12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Montgomery County News, PO Box 1 Montgomery, TX 77356
Editor’s Express Your letters are appreciated and will be published as space will allow. We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter, which you sign with your signature, address and daytime phone number to verify the author. We hold the right to edit or not publish letters that may not conform to the mission of this paper. Mail, Fax or E-mail: Montgomery County News, 14375 Liberty St, P.O. Box 1, Montgomery, Texas 77356-0001, Fax 936-597-6395, E-mail: Web page:
landscape of social media), I always posted witty comments on Facebook (FB) news stories by Socialist media outlets, like CNN. And I suppose if my columns weren’t written under the banner of ‘Ruben’s Montgomery Musings,’ it would be ‘Banned From Facebook;’ since I have been suspended by my last count, almost three dozen times from FB; many a time for months on end, for seemingly cryptic comments didn’t included any profanity, but offended some Socialist Snowflake and he/she/it complained to FB that I hurt their feelings. BE, FB censors were ruthless, and they still may be, but I barely post there anymore. My Editor, Lacy, gives me free-reign to explore the boundaries of what is acceptable on Page 4 of MCN. I’m always emailing her as I submit a column, “If it’s too long or too strong, please let me know.” She’s never refused me yet. And the feedback I get is positive, so I will drive on as usual. I haven’t been home for Thanksgiving for two years now. With my caregiving duties completed, I made a sudden trip to Anchorage, Alaska, to spend the holiday with my half-sister Sandra and her family. I was 31 in 1997, when I met here. When my parents fessed up that I had another sibling, the result of my Father’s 15 minute relationship, with Sandra’s mother. Of course it was before he met my Mother in 1965, and she knew about it and accepted it. The only regret on my part was not knowing my half-sister for all that time, and not knowing that I had a niece as well. But it’s one of those cruelties of life that you can do nothing about. And to dwell on it only eats away at your psyche. And there’s probably a book in there somewhere. We’ll see. All the while while I was writing my novel, I was seeing Ashley, a Veterans Administration contract therapist. I was able to video chat with her online. We didn’t talk about military issues. It was all about what's happening this week. What have you been doing? How do you feel? We’d talk about anything and everything. We’d talk about relationships, and my lack of a girlfriend. She
chipped away at my ‘Last in Life’ mentality, where I put more emphasis on the success of those around me, rather than on my own personal wants and achievements. And I’m slowly working, at her insistence on developing personal relationships. I’m on a dating website, and I do meet women, but I know it’s gonna take a while to meet … the one. I meet a lot of people in the numerous circles of acquaintances in doing my stories. And if lightning does strike, it will probably happen in that arena, or some matchmaker will accost me, and say “I’ve got the one for you.” L a s t y e a r, I s p e n t Thanksgiving with my Sister who lives east of Dallas. She was recently divorced after nearly 25 years, and for many of those years, we hardly talked. I found spending time with her surprisingly refreshing. The only drawback in my visit was the fact that she is a vegan, which is fine with me, but I need at least a small protein with a meal. Tofurky to me, is not a protein. So I thankfully boxed up the chicken from our trip to Medieval Times in Dallas, the previous evening. I’ve since stayed with my sister several times, whether it be as a side trip before going to the NASCAR race in Fort Worth, or as a pit stop to visit my nephew and his family in Oklahoma. I am so thankful for my family and friends here in Montgomery County. My Sister in Conroe, Ramona, and her husband Gary. They are the reason why I moved up here. To be a second father to their sons, Gary Jr, Collin, and Frank. A job which I relished. I didn’t treat the boys with kid gloves, but rather more as if they were adults. I taught them about finances, about having a purpose in life. I taught them about confidence, in themselves and around others. I made leaders out of them, and all they while I was doing that, my own confidence was shot. It’s since recovered, but as so many parents live their lives through their kids; I lived life my days through them. They’re all grown now, and two have families of their own. The youngest is still only 23, and works in HVAC, making oodles of money,
and actually thinks about his future. They all do. And in everything I’ve done. They are my greatest accomplishments. I owe one man the credit of expanding My World here in Montgomery County, of which I’m most thankful. Last Fall, I had changed my routine, of eating breakfast out while my cleaning lady was at my house. The cleaning chemicals affect my lungs, so I’d go to Cracker Barrel, which is down the street from my residence, or McDonalds across the street. But one week, in late September ‘22, I decided to go to McKenzie’s BBQ in Conroe. I heard they have a wonderful breakfast menu, so I went, and had the ‘Old Timer,’ with biscuits and gravy. Delicious. And as I finished and was about to leave, this old Vietnam Veteran, Bob Holden, and his service dog, Petra, sat down at a nearby table. We got to talking, and he invited me to Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group, which hosts weekly breakfasts for Veterans every Wednesday morning at 0800 hrs. So I started going. My therapist was very supportive, and I met Veterans from all U.S. conflicts since World War II. I soon found the breakfast meetings at ‘105’ as many Veterans call it; to be the highlight of my week. I was a little shy at first. Then I started meeting more and more Veterans. Going from table to table. I introduced myself to each and every one, and truth be told, I’m still iffy on a few Veterans names, but they all know me. All opportunities that I have had since have sprang from the Veterans breakfast group, and that chance meeting with an old Veteran. I met Foy Day, who is now a good friend. He encouraged me to volunteer for the Military Veteran Peer Network, mentoring Veterans in the courts and jails. Together, Foy and I, and others, helped start Montgomery’s own Veterans of Foreign Wars post. I’m also thankful for how You and I met. Yes you, the Reader. Here, reading these very words I pulled out of the ‘The Word Salad’ called my brain. We met every Wednesday,
whether it be by the tactile contact of the printed page, the text of MCN website, or the ISSUU portal with the digital printed page. We might meet over coffee and a donut, or at lunch, or midafternoon at the kitchen table or office, or when and wherever. It was because of a local artist's willingness to paint my history with the Berlin Wall, which was faithfully reported by MCN. I met local writers, and decided to revive my high school and college talent, which allows me to share with others. Hopefully giving good information to readers, and perhaps allowing them a little chuckle every other paragraph or too, which brightens their day. I am thankful for meeting Montgomery’s first responders, city leaders, and business owners. It brings me joy to speak with them, and purchase Montgomery products. I enjoy the atmosphere of Historic Montgomery. I can’t be there every week, but I do my best to promote it to the hilt. I’m also thankful for the Doctors and Nurses that treat me when I’m admitted to the hospital. I usually have two hospitalizations a year. More on that the next time I’m admitted. I’m thankful for my Motherly figure, Claudia, who I speak with every week or two, and for our dog, Hope; who we chose to help sooth others’ worries. Heck, I’m even thankful for State Farm Insurance, who were so helpful when the May tornado hit my house, damaging my roof and fence. And mostly, I’m thankful for God, who gives me the strength to do what I do without any financial or any big medical related worries. He has given me a new House of Worship, and a wonderful Pastor, who has helped me rid myself of past shames, and gives me hope for the future. So MCN readers, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s a time where we share with friends and family our friendship and love for one another, over the simple act of Breaking Bread and Giving Thanks. We should all be grateful for being here another year with those that we love and care for. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
United States Daughters of 1812 Thomas Bay Chapter Honor Our Veterans
Veterans who make their home at the Carriage Inn, located at 750 Longmire road in Conroe, were honored for their service during the November meeting of the United States Daughters of 1812, Thomas Bay Chapter. The members "Thanked the Veterans" for their service with cards written by the U.S.D. 1812
members and families and loved meeting tand visiting with the veterans and the residents. The staff of the Carriage Inn are warm and welcoming and helped stage the group photo at the Wall of Honor where many of their pictures are displayed honoring their service. The meeting was a treat tribute to Veterans and their “wives” as Lady
Dalton, member and Speaker, presented a Wonderful program on the “Wives of U.S.D. 1812 Presidential patriots” especially during the period beginning with Martha Washington and Dollie Madison. Ted S packey, U nited State Army Veteran gave the National Defense M es s ag e s h ar in g h is service in the Military. Spackey served at Ft. McClellan, Alabama and Ft. Hood, Texas as 2nd Lt. and 1st Lt. following his g r a d u a t i o n from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and was Captain in the United States Army Reserve. He shared the stories of his service in the Military and the story of meeting his wife Pat Spackey, when he
was Captain of the Pershing Rifles Military F r a t e r n i t y a t Tr i n i t y University and asked his men to line-up for their ROTC D r i l l Te a m presentation on the field, where the Cadets were talking with a group of ladies attending the Football game. At the commissioning ceremonies at Trinity University, Pat had the thrill of pinning on Ted's Lieutenant Bars and they were married two weeks later and off to Ft. McClellan, Alabama where Ted served in the Chemical Corps, having graduated with a BS. Chemistry degree. The Spackeys celebrated 62 years of marriage in June of 2023.
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Page 5
Community Children's Safe Harbor Celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a Luncheon Fundraiser M o n t g o m e r y, T X – Children's Safe Harbor celebrated the milestone of its 25th anniversary of serving abused and traumatized children in the community and the celebration of a permanent home with a luncheon fundraiser on September 22, 2023, at the April Sound Country Club in Montgomery, TX. Themed “Justice. Healing. Hope”, the soldout gathering filled the ballroom with nearly 200 elected officials, community leaders, board members, staff, and friends of the nonprofit. Children's Safe Harbor is a children's advocacy center that cares for children between the ages of 2 and 17 who have suffered sexual assault, severe physical abuse, trafficking, and trauma in Montgomery, San J a c i n t o , a n d Wa l k e r counties. Since opening its doors on August 31, 1998, it has provided a safe place for over 26,500 children to be heard, helped, and healed. The complexity of cases being referred to CSH are multi-faceted: children are experiencing multiple forms of victimization, including but not limited to, domestic violence, sexual assault and physical abuse simultaneously. The steady increase in population growth has made Montgom-
ery County one of the fastest growing counties in Texas, and the nation, which has also increased crime rates. Given that 98% of alleged perpetrators are someone that a child knows such as a parent or family member, every child demonstrates tremendous courage to come forward and disclose their story of abuse and victimization. In addition to the increased need for CSH services, the children's advocacy center is amidst a capital campaign to raise $15 million for a new expanded building. The larger co-located facility will serve children and their families all in one building – and this facility is not just a building but the first step towards justice, healing and hope. The featured keynote s p e a k e r w a s M a rg a r e t Hoelzer, a double Olympian and three-time Olympic Medalist in Swimming. She shared her personal and inspiring story about her journey as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Hoelzer is a spokesperson for the National Children's Advocacy Center and is a featured survivor in the national award-winning Darkness to Light training video, “Stewards of Children.” Serving as co-chairs for
the event were Conroe community leaders Scott and Kim Perry, who also spoke to the crowd, sharing their personal experience with child sexual abuse within their own family and how Children's Safe Harbor helped them move through the ordeal toward light and hope. Following the Perry's heartfelt story, a special announcement by Texas State Representative Will Metcalf inspired the audience with news about additional funding for the CSH facility. Representative Metcalf shared his dedicated effort to secure $5 million in funding during this legislative session. These funds will make a significant and positive impact towards the $15 million goal. It is best practice that a nonprofit organization move into a new facility without construction debt costs. Several Naming Opportunities remain available for the new 45,000 sq. ft. facility. The Capital Campaign Tab on the CSH website can direct interested parties to those opportunities. Matthew Rodrigue, Chief of Spring ISD Police Department and President of the Board of Directors for Children's Safe Harbor closed the event weaving the necessity of this new
Pictured from left: Dr. Victoria Constance, Executive Director, CSH; Margaret Hoelzer, keynote speaker; Scott and Kim Perry, luncheon co-chairs; Matthew Rodrigue, President of the Board of Directors for Children's Safe Harbor and Chief of Spring ISD Police Department, and his wife, Kelly.
facilty with the unique mission of the children's advocacy center. The new facility is not just a building but a gateway of justice, healing, and hope. Matt encouraged the guests to continue to “be the hope” as the Board of CSH continues to seek additional funding to make this gateway a reality in the near future. In addition to Texas State Rep. Will Metcalf, other elected officials in attendance included: Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough, Judge Lisa M i c h a l k , J u d g e Vi n c e
Santini, Judge Echo Hutson, Judge Kristin Bays, Judge John Hafley, Conroe Mayor Pro Tem Curt Maddux, Conroe City Councilman Todd Yancey, Conroe City Councilman Harry Hardman, and Montgomery County Commissioner Robert Walker. Table sponsors of the event included: CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE – Estate of Barbara DeVaney, Tellepsen, Texas State Representative Will Metcalf District 16, Woodforest Charitable Foundation, Woodforest National Bank,
a n d Wa t e r w a y We a l t h M a n a g e m e n t . C H I LD R E N ' S WA R R I O R – Hutson Realty Partners, Huffman and Lavantino Family, Pritchard Industries, San Jacinto Child Welfare Board, The Sloan Group, Texas Children's Hospital, and Workman Family. Please visit the “Captial Campaign” tab of www.ChildrensSafeHarbor. org. Children's Safe Harbor is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.
17156 FM 1097, Montgomery, 936-449-4414 Cornerstone Church, 1011 W. Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792 Lakeside Bible Church, This Devotional and Directory page is made 18940 Freeport Drive possible by these businesses Montgomery, 936-582Jones Chapel Baptist, ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1977 FM 2854, 936-756-2505 Cornerstone Christian Church of St. John, Mt. Calvary Baptist, retreat and wildlife center, Assembly of God of Old Hwy 105, 936-5882615 St. Beulah Chapel Conroe, located at 100 2330 Rd., Montgomery, 936-597Mosswood Dr., Conroe, Mt. Sinai Baptist, 5757 Texas in front of River Bethel Road, MontgomFellowship of MontgomPlantation. 936-273-1755 ery, 936-597-4668 ery New Life Assembly of Union Grove Baptist 12681 FM 149 God, Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, TX 77356 Montgomery, 936-588-3399 Church of Richards, Texas About 11 mi N of (936) 597-3949 Senior Pastor Dale Talbert Montgomery on FM 149 BAPTIST Service Times: Sundays Sunday School all ages Church of the Good at 9:30am & 11am / 9:45 am, Church Service Soldier (Baptist Affiliation), Wednesdays at 6:30pm for Lone Star Cowboy 11:00 am, Wednesday Bible 1501 North Frazier Children & Student Church (McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe, Study and Youth Group 6 pm 21627 Eva St. MontgomMinistries Texas, Phone: 936-494-5775, CATHOLIC Watch us live Sundays ery, TX 77356 (936)597www.churchofthegoodsoldier Sacred Heart Catholic, 5742 Pastors Randy & Darla @fellowshipofmontgomery.o .org. Worship: Sunday at 109 N. Frazier, Conroe, or follow us on Weaver Service Times: 10:30am, Sunday School: 936-756-8186 Facebook @thefmchurch! Sundays @ 8 AM, 9:30 AM 9:30 am & 11 AM Mondays @ 7 PM Heritage Baptist Church St. Mary’s Livestream: Watch us live 19087 Lake Mt. Pleasant Rd, Catholic, EPISCOPAL Sundays @ 9:30 AM & 11 FM 1774, Plantersville, Montgomery 77356 St. James the Apostle AM @ and click 936-894-2223 Phone: Pastor Bear 936 Episcopal, on Watch now. 7:45 Service 448-4027 1803 Highland Hollow, St. Joseph’s Catholic, Gary Chapel Baptist Conroe, 936-756-8831 Abundant Life MinisCR 213, Stoneham, Church The Grace Christian 936-894-2223 tries Corner of FM 149 & PO Box 125, MontgomOutreach Center FM 1097 W. Montgomery ery, Texas 77356, 5525 25293 Tisdale Road, JEWISH TX 77356 Prayer /Sunday Spring Branch Road, Dobbin, Texas Congregation Beth School 9:30 am Sunday Montgomery. 713-478-1256, 936-689-3141 Shalom, 5125 Shadowbend Service 11:30 am Wednesday Sunday Bible Class 10:00 Mt. Pleasent Baptist Place, The Woodlands, Pray/Bible Study 6:30 pm am, Worship Service at 11:00 Church 281-362-1100 Transformation Church am. FM 149 N., Montgomery, Montgomery Faith Baptist Church 936-449-6807 LUTHERAN 20350 FM 2854 Meets at 464 McCaleb The Church @ Lake Grace Lutheran Montgomery, TX 77316 Rd. Conroe (ELCA), Sun: 10:30am Sunday Morning Bible 1701 McCaleb Rd Highway 105 W., Lake Admin@TCMontgomery. Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Montgomery, TX 77316 Conroe, 936-588-1944 org Service 10:45 a.m. 936-588-4975 Living Savior Lutheran April Sound Church, Sunday Evening Worship Church-LCMS 309 Pond St. 67 ½ April Wind S., 6:00 p.m. Sunday worship @ 10:00 Montgomery 77356 Church April Sound, 936-588St. Beulah Baptist a.m. Wed. activites 6:30-8pm phone: 936-597-8013 Web : 2832 Church, located in Dobbin, North Shore Church Lighthouse Fellowship P.O. Box 112, Montgomery, 10 am Worship Service Pastor David R. Bailes. Church, 77356 18501 Fm1097 West @ Montgomery, 936-582Benui Baptist Church, the Bentwater West METHODIST 7700 Scott Ridge and FM Gate Entrance Montgomery United Living Branch Church, 1097, Montgomery Pastor Cary Smith Methodist Church Highway 105 W., Lake Antioch Baptist, Covenant Felloship 22548 Highway 105 West Conroe, 936-588-3400 Dobbin, 936-597-5560 302 N. Danville, Willis, Montgomery, TX 77356 New Beginning Bible China Grove Baptist Tx. 77378 Phone: 936-597-6162 Church, Church, Willis, 936-767936/890-8034 Sunday Worship: 8:30 19087 Mt. Pleasant 4744 a.m., 9:45 am., 11:00 a.m. Cemetary Rd, 936-597-8921 Celebration Service 10am Dacus Baptist, Dacus, Praise & Worship Carbon Church, 936-449-0845 Sundays Sunday School: 9:45 Highway 105 W, Lake, Youth Explosing 7pm a.m. Conroe, 936-588-4660 dacusbaptist@consolidated.n Wednesdays Walden Community Pastors Sean & Lori Jo et Richards United Church, First Baptist Church, Cook Methodist Church 12400 Walden Rd, Hwy 105 W., Montgom6639 FM 1696 Richards Walden, 936-582-6696 PRESBYTERIN ery, 936-597-4230 Worship Service 11 AM Services 9:30 and 11 a.m. First Presbyterian Honea Baptist Church, Sunday School 10AM FM 2854, Montgomery, Church of Conroe Porter Chapel A.M.E. River of Life Church, 936-588-1260 2727 N. Loop 336 West
Conroe, Texas 936-7568884 Sun. 9:00 & 11:00 Sun Sch 10:00 Nursery provided Church of Christ in Montgomery 301 Pond Street, Montgomery, TX. Sunday Bible Class 9:30 am Worship - 10:30 am and
6:00 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Phone: 936-582-4855 Email: cofcmontgomery@consolida Web: Paul Praschnik, Minister
Area Churches
Zion Church, 1308 S. Hwy 1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331 or 936449-5983 Living Way Church, 2080 Longmire Rd, Conroe 936-441-8875 Hope Tabernacle Pastor David Whitaker Meets at 18961 Freeport Dr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday 7:30pm Sunday School at 10:00am Sunday Worship at 6:00pm Community And Interdenominational
Union Grove Baptist Church of Richards Please join us: Sunday School Classes for all ages begins at 9:45 AM, Church Service at 11:00 AM. We also have Monday and Tuesday night Bible Study Discussion at 6:15 PM. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Group as well as Youth group activities at 6:00 PM. All are welcome! July 30th is our 5th Sunday Singing 6:00PM Y'all Come!!!
To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397
Page 6, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Montgomery County News
CITATION BY PUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 23-06-08795 Clerk of the Court Melisa Miller P. O Box2985 Conroe,Texas77305
Attorney Requesting Service Kevin A Forsberg 15899 Hwy 105 West Montgomery TX 77356 THE STATE OF TEXAS
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at" To: Tina Benavidez You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 11th day of December, 2023 before the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 20th day of June, 2023, in this case, numbered 23-0608795 on the docket of said court. The names of the parties to the cause are as follows: Jennifer Garver are Plaintiffs and Tina Benavidez; Farmers Texas County Mutual Insurance Company are Defendants A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: This is a suit for Personal injuries sustained as a result of an automobile collision on November 30, 2022 as is more fully shown by Plaintiff's Original Petition on file in this suit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates thereof, and make due as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Conroe Texas, this on this the 25th day of October, 2023. (SEAL District Court of Montgomery County, Texas) Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas /s/ Patricia Ivey Patricia Ivey 10/25/2023 12:38:06 PM Published Dates: November 1, 8, 15, 22, 2023 NOTICE OF SALE (REAL PROPERTY) §
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 11th day of April 2023, in the case of Cumberland Community Association Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Dustin H. Carney, Defendant(s), Cause No.22-12-16174 in said court, judgment being in favor of Cumberland Community Association Inc., Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 25th Day of October 2023 at 2:00 o'clock pm., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant(s): Dustin H. Carney. Lot 12, Block 12, Replat of CUMBERLAND PHASE 1, according to the Map or Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet E, Sheet 90A, of the Map Record of Montgomery County Texas. and on the 5th day of December 2023 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at 501 North Thompson, Suite 402 Conroe, Texas 77301 Montgomery County, Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Dustin H. Carney, Defendant(s), in and to said property. Witness my hand this the 25th day of October, 2023. /s/ R. Crowder Deputy R. Crowder #8451 Kenneth Hayden, Constable Pct. 4 21130 US Hwy 59 #C New Caney, TX. 77357 281-577-8985 Published Dates: November 8, 15, 22, 2023 CITATION BY PUBLICATION Cause No. 23-33449 CLERK OF THE COURT L. Brandon Steinmann P.O. Box 959 Conroe, TX 77305
ATTORNEY OF RECORD Dillon Breazeale 5718 Westheimer Suite 1200 Houston TX 77057 THE STATE OF TEXAS
TO: The Property Owner of 2nd Street NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. You or your attorney must file a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition for Condemnation, and Amended Notice of Hearing at or before 10 o'clock a.m. of the first Monday after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation being December 25th, 2023, before the Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, Texas at 210 West Davis, Conroe, Texas, 77301. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition for Condemnation was filed on October 4, 2023 in cause no. 2333449 and styled Magnolia Independent School District vs. Montgomery County. Said Amended Notice of Hearing was filed on November 06, 2023. The names of the parties in said suit are: Magnolia Independent School District vs. Montgomery County The nature of said suit being: Condemnation, as more fully shown in the Plaintiff's Original Petition for Condemnation. Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas, on this the 6th day of November, 2023. (SEAL, Probate Court No. 1) L. Brandon Steinmann, County Clerk Montgomery County, Texas /s/ Danielle McDaris, Deputy Clerk Danielle McDaris Published Dates: November 8, 15, 22, 29, 2023 CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE & INSTITUTIONS CODE, SECTION 294 Merced County Human Services Agency, Yvonnia Brown, Director, 2115 W. Wardrobe Ave. Merced, CA 95340, phone: (209) 385-3000, Superior Court of California, County of Merced, 627 W. 21st St., Merced, CA 95340. Case Name: Gumanday Guzman/Teehee/Rojas Minors, Case No: 22JP-00027-B To: Osvaldo Guzman, or anyone claiming to be a parent of: Abigail Teehee, born on November 11, 2018, at Emanuel Medical Center, Turlock, CA. A Hearing will be held on February 01, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in Juvenile Courtroom 10 Located at: Superior Court of California, County of Merced, 627 W. 21st, Merced, CA 95340. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker. The social worker will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the social worker's recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. You have the right to be present at the hearing, to present evidence and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford to hire one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Dated: November 15, 2023 Clerk by: Carmelita Rodriguez, Deputy Published Dates: November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2023 CITATION BY PUBLICATION-CIVIL Cause Number: 23-05-06621 Clerk of the Court Melisa Miller P.O Box 2985 Conroe,Texas77305
Attorney Requesting Service Renee Casas 13105 Northwest Freeway Suite 960 Houston TX 77040 THE STATE OF TEXAS
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." To:
The Unknown Heirs at Law of Rebecca Lynne Williams, Deceased
You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 11th day of December, 2023 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 5th day of May, 2023, in this case, numbered 23-0506621 on the docket of said court. The names of the parties to the cause are as follows:
Nationstar Mortgage Company, L.L.C. are Plaintiffs and Mark Williams; Rebecca Lynne Williams and the Heirs at Law of Rebecca Lynne Williams, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs at Law of Rebecca Lynne Williams, Deceased are Defendants A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the property located at 24571 Vale Lane, Porter, TX 77365 and legally described as: 0.416 Acre of Land in the N S. Schnitz Survey, Abstract No. 899, Montgomery County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 3/4" Iron Pipe for the Southeast corner of the herein described parcel and being the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Timberline Acres, Section S, Map of which is recorded in Volume S, Page 469 of the Map Records of Montgomery County; Thence N 89 Deg. 55' Min 00 Sec. W, with the South Line of Said Lot 3, a distance of 233.35' to a 3/4" Iron Pipe found in the East Line of Vale Lane, 60' in Width, for the Southwest Corner of the herein described Parcel, also being the Southwest Corner of said Lot 3; Thence N 00 Deg. 05 Min. 00 Sec. E, with said East Line, a distance of 78.00' to a 1/2" Iron Rod found for the Northwest Corner of the herein described Parcel; Thence S 89 Deg. 55 Min. 00 Sec. E, a distance of 233.35' to a 1/2" Iron Rod found in the East Line of the aforesaid Lot 3, for the Northeast Corner of the herein described Parcel; Thence S 00 Deg. 05 Min. 00 Sec. W, with said East Line, a distance of 76.00' to the Place of Beginning, containing 0.418 Acre of Land, more or less as is more fully shown by Plaintiff's Original Petition on file in this suit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates thereof, and make due as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Conroe Texas, this on this the 25th day of October, 2023. (SEAL, District Court of Montgomery County, Texas) Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas /s/ Patricia Ivey 10/25/2023 3:36:01 PM Patricia Ivey Published Dates: November 1, 8, 15, 22, 2023 NOTICE OF SALE (REAL PROPERTY) THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY §
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 11th day of October. 2023, in the case of Briar Tree Court Property Owners Association., Plaintiff, vs. Blanca Dominguez, Defendant(s), Cause No.23-04-05206 in said court, judgment being in favor of Briar Tree Court Property Owners Association, Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 25th Day of October. 2023 at 3:00 o'clock pm., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant(s): Blanca Dominguez. Lot 23, Block 1, Briar Tree Court, a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet Z, Sheet 254, Map and/or plat records, Montgomery County, Texas more commonly known as 23736 Martin Circle South, Porter, Texas 77365 ("property") and on the 5th day of December 2023 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at 501 North Thompson, Suite 402 Conroe, Texas 77301 Montgomery County, Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Blanca Dominguez, Defendant(s), in and to said property. Witness my hand this the 25th day of October, 2023. /s/ R. Hamlet Deputy R. Hamlet #8454 Kenneth Hayden, Constable Pct. 4 21130 US Hwy 59 #C New Caney, TX. 77357 281-577-8985 Published Dates: November 8, 15, 22, 2023 NOTICE OF CONSTABLE'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY *
Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 26th day of October, 2023 in favor of NRH I, LLC, as Plaintiff and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MONTGOMERY COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT, LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEM DISTRICT, MONTGOMERY COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT 1, AND WILLIS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, as interveners recovered a tax foreclosure judgment in Cause No. 22-0912547, in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 27th day of April, 2023, against Robert Wayne Hartfield aka Robert W. Hartfield and Rhonda Michelle Caldwell aka Rhonda M. Caldwell. Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery County, Texas, did on the 9th day of November, 2023 levy on REAL property described below, and on the 5th day of December, 2023, I will offer for sale and sell at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 (west side court steps), Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right, title, and interest that the said defendant Robert Wayne Hartfield aka Robert W. Hartfield and Rhonda Michelle Caldwell aka Rhonda M. Caldwell had in the property described below: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: And foreclosure of a lien on the following described property: BEING 0.64 ACRE OF LAND IN THE JAMES ELKINS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 198, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, AND A PART OF A CALLED 1.75 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED LEONARD LUKE, RECORDED IN VOLUME 315, PAGE 365, DEED RECORDS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS; AND SAID 0.64 ACRE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN AN EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED TO A TAX LIEN TRANSFER CONTRACT EXECUTED BY ROBERT WAYNE HARTFIELD AND RHONDA MICHELLE CALDWELL TO AMERICAN FINANCE & INVESTMENT CO., INC. RECORDED UNDER DOCUMENT NUMBER 2020078387 IN THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, MONTGOMERY, TEXAS. Witness my hand this 9th day of November, 2023. Philip Cash Constable PCT. 1 Montgomery County, Texas By: S. Closson Sergeant TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AND TIME: CASHIER'S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER AT THE CONCLUSION OF SALE SALE WILL BE HELD AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 A.M. NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU HAVE BOUGHT THE PROPERTY “AS IS”. BUYERS ARE FURTHER ADVISED THAT THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY AT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITY INTEREST ON THE PROPERTY. YOU HAVE SIMPLY PURCHASED WHATEVER INTEREST THE DEFENDANT HAD IN THE PROPERTY. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY OF YOUR CHOICE. Published Dates: November 15, 22, 29, 2023 NOTICE OF CONSTABLE'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY *
Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 27th day of September, 2023 in favor of Seven Coves Association, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 20-10-12086, in the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 26th day of June, 2022, against Margarita Rincon De De La Mora Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery County, Texas, did on the 31st day of October, 2023 levy on REAL property described below, and on the 5th day of December, 2023, I will offer for sale and sell at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 (west side court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right, title, and interest that the said defendant Margarita Rincon De De La Mora had in the property described below: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
$3,037.05 Delinquent assessment, late charges and interest $10,774.15 Attorney Fees Interest at the rate of five percent (10%) per annum from the date of this judgment until this judgment is paid in full. $0.00 No Court Costs awarded $0.00 Judgment Credit
Legal Notices Continued on following page
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Montgomery County News, Page 7
§ §
By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 26th day of July, 2022, in the case of SHR II Luxury Condominium Association Inc. vs. Peter Hill and Subdivision of Silver City, LLC, Jointly and Severally, Cause No. 19-12-15984 in said court, judgment being in favor of SHR II Luxury Condominium Association Inc., Plaintiff as against Defendant, I did on the 24th day of October, 2023 at 1:03 o'clock p.m. levy upon and will offer for sale on the 5th day of December, 2023 between the hours prescribed by law (at approximately 10:00am) at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at 130·N. Main St., Conroe, TX 77301, Montgomery County, Texas, all the right, title and interest, if any of Peter Hill to the Following personal property to wit: Promissory Note in the principal amount of $1,717,551.00, dated August 28, 2019 made by Jeff Taggart and Liza Taggart, and payable to the order of Peter Hill. The above property is levied on as the property of Peter Hill will be sold to satisfy a judgment in the 457TH Judicial District Court of Montgomery County rendered on the 26th day of July A.O. 2022 in favor of SHR II Luxury Condominium Association Inc. and against the said Peter Hill and Subdivision of Silver City, LLC, Jointly and Severally. FOR THE PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND ALL COSTS ACCRUING BY VIRTUE OF SAID SUIT THE TOTAL SUM OF $3,087,481.76 Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 643 Goods and chattels pledged or mortgaged as security for any debt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgage subject thereto; and the purchaser shall be entitled to the possession when it is held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignment or mortgage. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND on this 3rd day of November A.D. 2023. /s/ Paul Hubbard Deputy Paul Hubbard Gene DeForest, Constable Pct. 2 Montgomery County Texas 130 N. Main Conroe, Texas 77301 936-539-7854 Published Dates: November 15, 22, 29, 2023 NOTICE OF CONSTABLE SALE BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 22-01-01252-CV on a judgment rendered in said court on the 7th day of April A.D. 2022 and directed and delivered to me as Constable of Montgomery County Precinct No. 2 of Montgomery County, Texas. I have on the 24th day of October A.D. 2023 levied upon and will offer for sale between the hours prescribed by law at approximately 10:00 A.M. on the first Tuesday in December A.D. 2023, it being the 5th of said month at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe, TX 77301 of said Montgomery County, Texas, all the right title and interest, if any, which the defendant had on the 7th day of April A.D. 2022, or at any lime thereafter, of and in the following described property to wit: LOT ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN (113), IN BLOCK ONE (1), OF PINEWOOD FOREST, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET z, SHEET 182, OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS; more commonly known as 2023 Lost Pine Court, Conroe, TX 77304 The above property is levied on as the property of William Manley and will be sold to satisfy a judgment in the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas rendered on the 7th day of April A.D. 2022 in favor of Pine Wood Association of Homeowners Inc. and against the said William Manley.
By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th Judicial District Court, Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 2nd day of March, 2023, in the case of Community Association of Harmony, Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Bobby Godfrey & Tyonne Body-Godfrey, jointly and severally. (1) $3,231.37 Unpaid Assessment & Charge. (2) $3,930.68 Attorney fees & Expense Cost Incurred. (3) Interest on all amounts awarded in this judgment at the rate of 7.5% per annum from the date of this judgment until fully paid. (4) No Court Costs, $0.00 Judgment credit and foreclosure of a lien on the following described property, Defendant, Cause No. 22-12-17123-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of ,Community Association of Harmony, Inc., Plaintiff as against Defendant, I did on the 6th day of November 2023, at 2:10 o'clock pm., levy upon the following described property of Defendant: LOT (25), BLOCK 1, HARMONY VILLAGE, SECTION 3, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 5139-5142, MAP AND OR PLAT RECORDS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS; and on the 5th day of December, 2023, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse located at 501 N. Thompson Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Bobby Godfrey & Tyonne Body-Godfrey, jointly and severally, Defendant in and to said property. DATED at 1520 Lake Front Circle Suite 200, The Woodlands, Texas, this the 6th day of November, 2023. /s/ John G Vasquez Deputy John G Vasquez Ryan Gable - Constable Pct. 3 1520 Lake Front Circle, Suite 200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-364-4211 Published Dates: November 15, 22, 29, 2023 Notice of Public Sale Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managing properties listed below will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at .Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. The seller reserves the right to reject any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by space. General description or property being sold includes contents such as household/personal goods/misc. items in spaces of following tenants. Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:00 pm Valley Ranch Self Storage @ 21910 Valley Ranch Crossing Dr. Porter, TX 77365. Kayla Henderson. Jonathan C. Schmalhausen. Carlos Vasquez. Bradley Elkins. Published Dates: November 22, 29, 2023 CITATION BY PUBLICATION APPLICATION FOR INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 401.003 OF THE TEXAS ESTATES CODE 23-44636-P CLERK OF THE COURT ATTORNEY OF RECORD OR PERSON FILING CAUSE L. BRANDON STEINMANN JEFFREY MORE BURNS PO BOX 959 209 EAST FAWN ST CONROE TX 77305 CALDWELL TX 77836 THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: RICHARD CRAIG ALLISON, Deceased
FOR THE PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND ALL COSTS ACCRUING BY VIRTUE OF SAID SUIT THE TOTAL SUM. Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 643- goods and chattels pledged or mortgaged as security for any debt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgage subject thereto; and the purchaser shall be entitled to the possession when it is held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignment or mortgage.
GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Independent Administration and Letters of Administration Pursuant to Section 401.003 of the Texas Estates Code filed by Richard Preston Allison, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on March 30, 2023.
Bidders must pre-register prior to the sale to bid on this property (Civil Practice and Remedies Code 34.0445)
The file number of said matter being: 23-44636-P
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND on this Date 7th of November A.D. 2023 Gene Deforest, Constable Montgomery County Precinct 2 Montgomery County, Texas By David Eason David Eason, Captain Montgomery County Constable Precinct 2 Montgomery County, Texas Published Dates: November 15, 22, 29, 2023
* *
Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 27th day of September, 2023 in favor of Chase Run Homeowners Association, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 22-09-12884, in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 11th day of October, 2022, against Lothlorien Harris and Robin Hassinger. Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery County, Texas, did on the 30th day of October, 2023 levy on REAL property described below, and on the 5th day of December, 2023, I will offer for sale and sell at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 (west side court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right, title, and interest that the said defendant Lothlorien Harris and Robin Hassinger had in the property described below: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:
The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 21st day of April, 2023. (SEAL County Court at Law #2) L. BRANDON STEINMANN, COUNTY CLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS /s/ Dena Mizell 4/21/21023 4:25:34 PM Dena Mizell, Deputy Clerk Published Date: November 22, 2023
$962.78 Principal sum $1,120.00 Attorney Fees Interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per year on the total amount of judgment from the date of judgment
GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Amended Application to Determine Heirship filed by James Watson, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on November 02, 2023.
$376.58 Court Costs $0.00 Judgment Credit
The file number of said matter being: 23-45447-P
until paid.
And foreclosure of a lien on the following described property:
The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled.
NOTICE OF CONSTABLE SALE BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 23-04-05220 on a judgment rendered in said court on the 5th day of September AD. 2023 and directed and delivered to me as Constable of Montgomery County Precinct No. 2 of Montgomery County, Texas. I have on the 16th day of October AD. 2023 levied upon and will offer for sale between the hours prescribed by law at approximately 10:00 AM. on the first Tuesday in December AD. 2023, it being the 5th of said month at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe, TX 77301 of said Montgomery County, Texas, all the right title and interest, if any, which the defendant had on the 5th day of September AD. 2023, or at any time thereafter, of and in the following described property to wit:
Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 14th day of November, 2023. (SEAL, Probate Court #1) L. Brandon Steinmann, County Clerk Montgomery County, Texas /s/ Dena Mizell 11/14/2023 2:57:49 PM Dena Mizell, Deputy Clerk Published Date: November 22, 2023
AUCTION AD NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property to satisfy landlord's lien. Sale is 10:00 AM on Thursday, December 7th. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup and removal deposit may be required. Seller reserves right to withdraw property from sale or not accept any bidder. Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Kristofer Grau, Andrea Akinladenu, & Natalia Martin . Property being sold includes the following: Refrigerator, totes, dog kennel, dollies, fans, clothes, speaker, mini fridge, blower, bed, folding tables, stove top, floor jack, boxes, shelves, luggage, stroller, kitchen appliance, books, lawn mower, bikes, washer, dryer, ice chest, baby toys, pots, pans, step stool, skateboard, laundry basket, sofa, air compressor, art décor, light fixture, dishes, kiddie pool, pillows. Contact Tall Pines Storage – 105, 6421 Hwy 105 W. Ste A, Conroe Tx. 77304, (281) 560-4331. Published Dates: November 22nd and Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
The above property is levied on as the property of Ana Nina K Devera and will be sold to satisfy a judgment in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas rendered on the 5th day of September AD. 2023 in favor of Lake Conroe Village Property Owners Association, Inc. and against the said Ana Nina K Devera.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of NORMA JUNE GODFREY, Deceased, were issued on November 16, 2023; in Cause No. 23-45472-P, pending in The Probate Court No. One (1) of Montgomery County, Texas, to: ANGELA MICHELLE GODFREY. Claims may be presented in care of the Executrix of the estate addressed as follows: c/o: Angela Michelle Godfrey 2000 Hughes Landing Blvd., #276 The Woodlands, Texas 77380 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 16th day of November, 2023 By: /s/ Erica Jackson Attorney for the Estate State Bar No. 24055722 Published Date: November 22, 2023
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 643- goods and chattels pledged or mortgaged as security for any debt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgage subject thereto; and the purchaser shall be entitled to the possession when it is held by the pledges, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignment or mortgage. Bidders must pre-register prior to the safe to bid on this property (Civil Practice and Remedies Code 34.0445) GIVEN UNDER MY HAND on this Date 31 of October AD. 2023 Gene Deforest, Constable Montgomery County Precinct 2 Montgomery County, Texas By /s/ David Eason David Eason, Captain Montgomery County Constable Precinct 2 Montgomery County, Texas Published Dates: November 15, 22, 29, 2023
Contact Montgomery County News to Publish Legal Notices
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Eris Patty Belk, Deceased, were issued on November 16, 2023, in Cause No. 23-45576-P, pending in the Probate Court No: 1, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Jerrel Keith Belk. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: C.R. Moore, III Attorney at Law Moore & Moore Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box249 Frankston, Texas 75763 DATED the 16th day of November, 2023. C.R. Moore, III Attorney for Jerrel Keith Belk State Bar No.: 24100614 Moore & Moore Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box 249, Frankston, Texas 75763 Telephone: (903) 876-5086 Facsimile: (903) 876-4884 E-mail: Published Date: November 22, 2023
Page 8, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Community Veteran Of The Week: VFW Post 12223 By: Ruben Borjas Jr, MCN Contributing Writer At the Houston Texans vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers game on November 5th in NRG Stadium, the Texans were not the only winners that day. The Texas VFW BBQ Cook-off and Tailgate Party outside the stadium, also pitted opposing teams on the BBQ gridiron, as VFW Posts from around Texas vied for the title of ‘Grand Champion.’ Texas’ newest VFW Post, 12223 in Montgomery, entered in all three competitions, and
nearly scored perfect for the day, taking 1st place in Steak, 1st in Fajitas, and 2nd in Chicken; only missing out by 2 points. But that did not stop the Montgomery VFW Post from taking the title of Grand Champion of the Texas VFW BBQ Cook-off and Tailgate Party, and taking a commanding points lead into the State Finals in Leander next year. Montgomery’s VFW since its inception in July, has been hard charging, and fighting for Veterans and the Community itself.
At the recent Trick or Treat tastebuds tantalized. And know it was a finger lickin’ lations on being MCNs Historic Montgomery, the the judges sent back empty success. Good Luck VFW ‘Veterans of the Week’. VFW had obtained several presentation plates, so you Post 12223, and Congratuboxes of books and handed them out to the kids along with candy. Several members of the Post also mentor Veterans in the County Jail as well as in the Courts system, and volunteer with the schools, as well as other Veterans’ related entities in Montgomery County. Many kudos go out to the Posts’ ‘Ace in the Hole’ Pitmaster, Phillip Wilson. His Kansas City Style BBQ expertise kept the judges'
Groundbreaking of New Educational and Visitor Center
REBEL JOAN OF ARC Members, Left to Rt: Dianne Kebodeaux, Cindy Dittrich, Danean Myers, Elaine Collings, Lyn Howard, Charlotte Belin.
These Patriotic Belles of the Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, attend full of spirit to honor this special Veterans Memorial Day and GroundBreaking Ceremony, following the Event at the beautiful Conroe Veterans Flag Plaza. The chilly Morning was full energy and spirit with the live music of the marvelous “Jazz Connection” Band. The Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Commission puts on a very moving ceremony, and we praise them for this important annual Ceremony. A magnificent Veterans Memorial Park has been created over these years, next to the Texas Historical Flags Park on the hill. The Texas Historical Flags section is overseen by the Friends of the Flags Foundation, and the City of Conroe. They also have their special public observances when they do the “Changing of the Flags” ceremoniously several times a year. This whole area is truly a magnificent area of “Respect” for our Veterans and their courage. You would have been filled with pride and chill bumps as songs were played for each branch of the Service, those Veterans stood in salute, and the crowd sang each anthem, “by memory”! Citizens of Montgomery County always show their Patriotism in singing loud and proud, as well as dressing in spirit for the occasion! The Blue Star and Gold Star Families were honored, and they received special recognition and appreciation for their sacrifices. Featured Speaker was Captain Sheri A. Hummer of the United States Marine Corps. The American Creed was eloquently recited by Colonel James Ray, retired United States Air Force. “Amazing Grace” was preformed by High School Junior, Paul Eakin on his
violin. “My Country Tis of Thee” was played on the trumpet by Stephen Kloesel. The Program was conducted by Board Members of Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Commission. Panel #8 has been added to “The Line” of Veteran Names. You may nominate a Veteran for the “The Line”, as long as he/she is not a Confederate Veteran/Soldier. These soldiers have been rejected admittance by some opinions on this Board. The “Rolling Thunder” Canon was there with its Lone Star Volunteers next to the Texas Historical Flags Park. Those guys are so giving of their time and efforts to honor our Veterans of all wars, as the Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the Republic of Texas, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Sons of the Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Order of the Confederate Rose, and the Republican Liberty Bells of Montgomery County, all came in attendance supporting this grand occasion for our Veterans. These historical genealogy groups are so important to keeping the Truth of History and Education for our community, and its “proofs” for generations to come. Many City, County, and State Officials were also in attendance. The Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter attends annually this event, as well as facilitates their own chapter programs to honor Our American Veterans of ALL Wars. RJOA is collecting hundreds of socks now from their chapter to donate to our men and women Soldiers, as well as their personal Veteran Ceremonies with their Framed “Rebel Joan Of Arc Veterans Appreciation Certificates” they honor individual Veterans with.
The RJOA Chapter have sponsored numerous Veterans for Military Service Awards at Texas Division UDC Convent i o n s , a n d Ve t e r a n ceremonies within their Chapter. In fact these RJOA Belles left this Conroe Veterans Day Memorial Event to attend in Cypress, Texas, another RJOA Tea/Meeting to Honor their Chapter Military M e m b e r, C Y N T H I A CONNOR, United States Air Force! She received a standing ovation from her RJOA Sisters in appreciation on Veterans Day! ANITA STEVENS, a RJOA Veterans Committee Member, came dresses in her Navy Dress and white cotton Navy cap, representing generations of her Navy family. The Confederate Veterans were and are recognized by our American Congress after the Civil War, as American Veteran Soldiers! An Act of Congress, and it is filed in the Library of Congress! GO LOOK IT UP. IT IS LAW. The United States after the Civil War
Montgomery VFW Pitmaster, Phillip Wilson, behind the plaque, is flanked to the right by Post 12223 Members, James Sprayberry, Kevin Malina, and Post Commander Foy Day
recognized Confederate Soldiers as American Soldiers, and gave them all the rights and benefits of all American Soldiers. Texas was a Confederate State, and hundreds and hundreds of Confederate Soldiers are buried here in Montgomery County. Many are very notable Confederate Men of Honor and came from all our surrounding area to answer the call to duty. It is very sad that only Union Soldier Names are allowed to be honored in this Conroe Veteran M emo r ial P ar k , an d honorable Confederate Veteran names are denied entry and representation. It remains our hope that soon this injustice will be corrected and all American Soldiers of All Wars will be allowed entry with their heroism and patriotism. Submitted by: RJOA Chairman of Public Relations: Elaine Collings,
Real Estate
Farm & Ranch
Events Holidays