Montgomery County News, December 4, 2024

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The earliest American in


The earliest AngloAmerican settlement in whatistodayMontgomery CountywastheLakeCreek S


colonists and settlers from the Lake Creek Settlement f

colonists and settlers from the Lake Settlement


Texas Revolution in 1835 and 1836. These soldiers who

e Tex s in 1835 and These soldiers who oug r exa

Mexico included Jacob H.



John Thomas Chatham, Raleigh Rogers, Jacob Shannon, U. the decade, Creek Settlement was discovered-

Cartwright, John Marshall Wade, Thomas Chatham, Evin Corner, James J Foster, Raleigh Rogers, Jacob Shannon, and A. U. Springer During the last decade, another Texian soldier from the Lake Creek Settlement was discovered-JohnBricker


Mostofthe Creek S t l me t n w o the Southerners, from the

or i u er d trained he arrived Au t n ny For colony

Settlement men who fought in the Revolution were Southerners but Bricker was from the North John Bricker was born in Cumberland County Pennsylvania in 1791. He was trained as a millwright, and he arrived in Austin’s Colony sometime before July 1827 For the colony to

grow, the colonists and settlers at San Felipe de Austin desperately needed a grist mill and a sawmill. Brickerbuiltthesemillsfor James Cummins seven miles north of the town of San Felipe on Palmetto Creek,laterknownasMill Creek Some sources indicate that these mills may have been the first mills in Texas operated by waterpower

grow, the and settlers at de Austin desperately needed a grist sawmill. Bricker for James seven miles the of San Felipe Palmetto Creek, Mill Creek sources indicate that mills may have the first mills by waterpower

It is also important to note that Bricker built a public brick oven at San Felipe.AttheSanFelipede Austin State Historic Site in San Felipe, Texas, the

is also important to note a public brick at San Felipe.At San de Austin State Historic Site in Felipe, the Te a H s t o r c l C o m i s o


portion of the original town. Villa de Austin is a permanent Austin

h s reconstructed portion of the town. de Austin permanent o

reconstructed log cabins, a hotel,anewspaperoffice,a

courthouse as they would have appeared when San Felipe was the colonial capital of Texas. A replica of John Bricker's historic brick oven has also been reconstructedaspartofthe VilladeAustinexhibit.

As we have seen in previous articles, Lake

reconstructed log a hotel, a s olho s , nd a courthouse as would have appeared San Felipe colonial capital Texas. replica of Bricker's historic brick been reconstructed partofthe Villa exhibit. we have in previous Lake

Creek Settlement W. Shepperd, many

on g ry o nt “firsts.” He and

Creek Settlement settler, W. W. Shepperd, was responsible for many Montgomery County “firsts.” He officiated the firstmarriageand

established the first trading post and the first post office. Shepperd was

thefirstpostmaster,andhe founded the town of Montgomery,thefirsttown i n w h a t i s t o d a y Montgomery County In 1835, Bricker came to the Lake Creek Settlement to

established trading and was the postmaster,andhe founded the of Montgomery,thefirsttown i n w h a i s t o d y Montgomery In 1835, Bricker to the Lake Creek Settlement to

Ifyouhaveafewyears on you, then the more likely you’ve experienced the different ways, not days, of Christmas, as the players at The Ensemble Theatre in MidtownHouston, will remind the audience; and several times at that. Chika Kaba

Ma Atunde s unique conceptintermsofastage production, ‘The Twelve Ways of Christmas,’ runs through December 22nd

The musical reminds us of the different ways we live each and every one of our individual Christmases each year Not every Christmas can be perfect. We can’t all get snow, nor that special gift we really want. So we’ve all in a wayexperiencedoneofthe 12 mini-plays, or ways, of Christmas forwarded on stage in song, dance and dialogue.Fromcelebrating or dealing with family, loss, being away from home, religion, loneliness, jealousy, football or

basketballgames,financial implications, there are implications, many ways in which we experience Christmas. It has been a long time since I’ve seen a Christmas production actually almost a year; so it was time and I wasn t disappointed.

The Ensemble Theatre lovingly tackles Christmas inthesecondshowoftheir 2024-2025 Season themed ‘Season of Change,’ and invitesyouwiththeirJazz, R&B, and Gospel inspired Christmas songs to celebrate the ups and downs of the holiday, and makesyouponder,“Which Christmas Resonates with You?” Another odd but wonderful angle of the production is the enticing of the olfactory senses about us. I first noticed it with‘Stew,’whenthesmell ofthesauteingmeatwafted over the audience. This time it was a wonderful scentthatisencounteredat C h r i s t m a s t i m e Peppermint Which I detected on at least three

Ifyou years the likely ways, Christmas, players Houston, will at that. Chika d n que concept terms a Twelve of runs December musical reminds us the we live each our individual Not be We all get snow, nor special gift So we’ve in 12 mini-plays, or ways, stage dance loss, or basketball implications, many experience It has time I’ve production actually almost ti n s disappointed. lovingly in 2024-2025 Season themed Season Change, and invites Jazz, R&B, Gospel C r tm s n celebrate and downs holiday, and makes Christmas Resonates You?” but wonderful angle the production is enticing of senses about it with smell of meatwafted over This time it wonderful scentthatis at C h a i Peppermint I detected three

occasions, and I thought was a wonderful addition to add another sense other thansightandsoundtothe mix. Ilovetheintimacyof the George Hawkins Theatre, where even in the back,youstillfeelthatyou canreachoutandtouchthe actors on stage, and they are not shy about standing near the apron and belting out song after beautiful song.

With The Ensemble Theater, I love the professionalism exhibited by the entire production staff, and they continue to improve, with the addition of a new sound system. I was on the first row, and my feet sometimes rested againsttheapron,andeven thatwasbeatingalongwith

The Ensemble Th , I lo e t e professionalism exhibited by production staff, and to improve, addition of system. I was first row, and my sometimes rested against apron, even that alongwith

Photo:MarkerplacedtothememoryofJohnBricker byhiskinsmenatSanFelipe,Texasin1935

TexansSecurea,'MustWin' AgainsttheJaguars23-20’


It was a well-played game on Sunday as the Houston Texans increased their record to 8-5 to become the third ranked team in the AFC. It should be a given that when the Texansplayadivisionrival, regardless of their team record, it is going to be a physical and close contest. This game was no different astheterrifictrioofStroud, Mixon and Collins continues to provide the offense the fuel needed to score points It was encouraging to see the encouraging improvement of the offensive line illustrated by the Head Coach Ryans giving the game ball to the

entire line. The acquisition ofTexans'runningbackJoe Mixon was a stroke of luck as he produced another one hundred and one (101) yards rushing day along withabeautifultiebreaking seven (7) yard touchdown runinthemiddleofthethird quarter Texans' receiver Nico Collins played an Collins outstanding game with eight (8) receptions for one hundred and nineteen (119) yards Texans tight end Dalton Schultz caught a twenty-two (22) yard touchdowninthemiddleof thefourthquarter.Itlooked like the Texans were going torunawaywiththevictory with a 23-6 lead in the fourthquarter However,the Jaguars' second-string quarterback Mac Jones surprised everyone as he stepped up and engineered two (2) scoring drives and stackeduptwohundredand seventy-six (276) yard passing The Texans' defense dropped its guard, butwiththesurekickingof Kaimi Fairbairn secured the victory as he kicked three(3)fieldgoals.Texans' quarterback C J Stroud

“TheHoustonTexans’offensivelinehasimproveddramaticallywhichopensupthe offensetobecomeaformidableforceintheleague.”

finished the day with t w e n t y - t w o ( 2 2 ) completions on thirty-four (34) attempts for two hundred and forty-two and (242) yards along with a touchdown pass The defense stars of the game were defensive back KamariLassiterwholedthe teaminsolotackleswithsix (6) and two (2) assists. C

RebelJoanOfArcAttend FallHighlandGames


elbow in

The highlighted play of thegamewasascrambleby Jaguars'quarterbackTrevor Lawerenceforasix(6)yard gainashebeganhisslideto avoid contact with Texans'

helmet to drive his head into the turf. Theragingfansmightcheer the tackle; however it was unnecessaryandcouldhave done severe damage to Trevor Football is a

IndianapolisColtsnarrowly beat the New England Patriots 25-24, and the Tennessee Titans got crushed by the Washington Commanders 42-19. The Texansarestillatthetopof the division with a two (2) gamelead. TheHoustonTexansget a must-needed

o defensive back Derek Stingley, Jr., for his third interceptionoftheseason. In other AFC South

Rebel Joan Of Arc Members,REGINARINEY and ELAINE COLLINGS, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy travel to Humble Civic Center & Arena to check out our history of Scottish & Irish Confederate Ancestors RJOA VIZI CALDWELL and RJOA KATHERINE TAGLIENTIbothbelongto the Robert the Bruce Clan and had just returned from Scotland for a big Bruce Clan gathering VIZI CALDWELL is the Texas CommissionerfortheBruce Clan,and“MRSVIZI”was responsible for sponsoring the sheep herding and Highland Cow exhibits, along with the Whisky Classes.

Arc REGINA ELAINE COLLINGS, the United Daughters of the travel to Civic & check our history of Scottish & Irish Ancestors RJOA VIZI CALDWELL KATHERINE

plaid blanket is wool done by hand and worn o v e r o n e shouldersothat it traveled with t h e m a n wherever he went to be ready for the cold.

TAGLIENTI to the Robert the Clan and had just returned from for a big Bruce Clan gathering VIZI CALDWELL is the Texas Bruce Clan,and“MRSVIZI”was sponsoring herding and Highland Cow exhibits, along with the Whisky Classes. is a McDonald, and REGINA RINEY eager learn more Games and Celtic Festival. It was quite was Vendors galore of nothing but made items. TheMainFoodVendorwas Fish & of Houston, Cod or Haddock, Scotch Eggs, HaggisBalls, and sticky toffee to die for! you the IrnBru soft Scotland outsells Coke Pepsi! The Nat n ni f Scotland and “Kilts” have worn since 1500’s. Gaelic

ELAINECOLLINGSis a McDonald, and REGINA RINEY were eager to learn moreattheHighlandGames and Celtic Festival. It was quite warm, but there was Vendors galore of nothing but Scottish made items. TheMainFoodVendorwas Fish & Chips out of Houston, with fried Cod or Haddock, Scotch Eggs, HaggisBalls,meatpies,and sticky toffee pudding to die for! Did you know the IrnBru soft Drink of Scotland outsells Coke & Pepsi! The National Animal of ScotlandistheUnicorn,and “Kilts” have been worn sincethe1500’s.TheGaelic

The RJOA B e l l e s witnessed all theClansgrand entry and Piping, and attended the Clayton Library Presentation on Celtics in America by Author - Speaker: John Miles.Hisbookon“WellOf The Dead” includes tales about Celtic Confederates and what was left behind after the War of Northern AggressioninTennessee.


TAGLIENTI’s 2nd Great GrandFather was Captain John Joseph Bradley, who fought for the Confederacy in Texas, 19th Regiment, CompanyG,TexasInfantry He enlisted on Dec. 1st, 1861 The Bradley’s initiallycametoAmericain the early 1700’s aboard 1700 s ships Snow Eagle and The Happy Return departed from Glasglow, Scitland, andCountyDowns,Ireland. Theywerethe1stcolonistof Kingstree, South Carolina. HisFamilylinefoughtinthe American Revolutionand

theWarof1812priortothe Wa r o f N o r t h e r n Aggression. His 18th GG Great GrandFather was Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland.

By the late 1800’s, the Scottish population had had grown in Texas, and they began to form cultural organizations, such as the Universal Order of the Scottish Clans and the and the Scottish Society of Texas. Today,manyScotscelebrate Today, their heritage at the Highland Games which featureFieldEvents,Piping, andDancing!

By the late 1800’s, the Scottish population grown in Texas, and they began to form organizations, Universal Order of the Scottish Clans Scottish Texas. Today,many celebrate their heritage Highland Games, which featureFieldEvents, Dancing!

Special Re n Rin y spearheadedthetrip!

R spearheadedthetrip!

Special Thanks to R


ThankYou to Katherine Taglienti, Vizi and Sam Caldwell for this Grand experience. E

Submitted by RJOA C

plaid blanket wool and worn r shouldersothat t e he went, to be ready for the RJOA B e l l the Piping, Library Presentation Celtics in America by on Of includes tales and what was left behind War of Tennessee. 2nd was for in 19th Regiment, TexasInfantry enlisted on Dec. Bradley’s initiallycame early 1700 s Snow and The Glasglow, andCounty Ireland. Kingstree, South His American Revolutionand of W N h Aggression. His 18th Robert the Bruce, King of and Caldwell for this Grand experience.

Submitted C ai a o ublic

E e Coll gs

LefttoRight:ElaineCollings,Regina Riney,ViziCaldwell,andSamCaldwell


TheThreeIngredientsOfA PurposefulRetirement

dle Hi l


Thethreeingredientsof apurposefulretirement

Thethreeingredientsof apurposefulretirement The elements of

ts of a purpose-driven life don't dissipate when you retire.

Rath r, with ut the imposed daily weekly structures of working world,itmaybe more important find purpose during stageof life. today's longer r t r m n s,

But health and ness are not given Purpose and can help get there and it.

But health and happiness are not a given Purpose and progress can help you get there and sustainit.

The elements of living well

there is a secret to inretirement,it might be found in three parts:health,avocation community Afitmind body keep diversion that maste y k eps y u improving, and people in your help stay connectedto world.

If there is a secret to livingwellinretirement,it might be found in three in parts:health,avocationand community Afitmindand body keep you capable, a diversion that demands

improving, and people in your life help you stay connectedtotheworld. Health


Aswegetolder,wetake fewer things for granted, except maybe our own habits Decades of the

wegetolder,we things for maybe habits Decades of




I took

VMBS Marketing & Communications

A small white dog in a blue Cinderella dress with paintedtoenails.

A small white dog a blue Cinderella dress with paintedtoenails.

Ellie in her “CinderEllie”gown;photobyJason Nitsch ’14, VMBS Marketing&Communications

Ellie in her “CinderEllie”gown;photobyJason Nitsch VMBS Marketing&Communications

Whenever Ellie, a small, vivacious dog, visitstheTexasA&MSmall Animal Teaching Hospital (VMTH), her owner Robert Wick makes sure s dressed for occasion Ellie’s wardrobe includes custom-made gowns with intricate details fit for a princess, including jeweled collars,floralappliques,and tulleskirts.

Whenever Ellie, a small, vivacious mixed-breed dog, visitstheTexasA&MSmall Animal Teaching Hospital (VMTH), her owner Robert Wick makes sure she s dressed for the occasion the Ellie’s wardrobe includes custom-made gowns with intricate details fit for a princess, including jeweled collars,floralappliques,and tulleskirts.

Like the fictional character Ellie’s lifehasn’talwaysbeenquite sofabulous.

Like the fictional character Cinderella, Ellie’s lifehasn’talwaysbeenquite sofabulous.

Unlike the glass slipper that brought Cinderella and her Prince Charming together, it was a tumor on Ellie’s mammary gland that brought Ellie into Wick s life. Thankfully with help from her Texas A&M veterinary team and Evelyn Griffin — this story’s fairy godmother Ellie and Wick are on their way to livinghappilyeverafter

look at the photos and said, ‘Bring her to my house and I’lltakehertoTexasA&M.’ Mrs Griffin was equally eager to do something to help Ellie and actually paid forEllie’streatment.”

they couldn t afford her medical needs. I took one look at the photos and said, ‘Bring her to my house and I’lltakehertoTexasA&M.’ Mrs Griffin was equally eager to do something to help Ellie and actually paid forEllie’streatment.”

When the rescue group delivered Ellie to her new home, Wick and Griffin werereadytomakethedrive toTexasA&M,whereEllie’s journey back to good health couldbegin.

When the rescue group delivered Ellie to her new home, Wick and Griffin werereadytomakethedrive toTexasA&M,whereEllie’s journey back to good health couldbegin.

A small white dog in a blue Cinderella dress receives a check-up from threefemaleveterinarians.

A small white dog in a blue Cinderella dress receives a check-up from threefemaleveterinarians.

Ellie receives a check-up from veterinary technician Liz Wood, fourth-year veterinary student Emma O

Ellie receives a check-up from technician Liz Wood, fourth-year veterinary Emma Oliver and


nt veterinarianAlyssa Jenkins. PhotobyJasonNitsch

nt e veterinarianAlyssa Jenkins. PhotobyJasonNitsch

Providing CompassionateCare

nine-to-five lend themselvestohealthydiets or exercise routines. you have opportunity to start fresh and create new habits,recognizingthatit's nevertoolateto your physicalwellness.

nine-to-five don't lend themselvestohealthydiets or disciplined exercise routines.Inretirement,you have the opportunity to start fresh and create new habits,recognizingthatit's nevertoolatetomindyour physicalwellness.

People speak of the importance of hobbies in retirement, but maybe a better word is avocation, something that requires discipline and problem solving. Examples include art, artisanship, volunteering, teaching and civic leadership.


mun ty centers, libraries, communityfestivals,coffeeshops, trivia nights, book –the is with opportunities gooutand enjoy the presence of others.

careers” are common avocations, allowing

careers” are common avocations, allowing

It's also idea to try to seek who are different you in some Volunteering

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

rinary eme

eating, and not responding. Hertemperatureisdropping and everything is failing,’” Wick said. “I took Ellie to Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, which is a v

ncy hospital Houston.Iwasso scared Ellie already been through so She had just found a better life, and now her body was failing.”

eating, and not responding. Hertemperatureisdropping and everything is failing,’” Wick said. “I took Ellie to Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, which is a veterinary emergency hospitalinHouston.Iwasso scared Ellie had already been through so much. She had just found a better life, and now her body was failing.”

Gulf Coast diagnosed ElliewithAddison’sdisease, which can be deadly if left untreated, and referred her caretoTexasA&M.Shethen became a patient in the Internal Medicine Service Internal (IM) where Dr Alyssa Jenkins,anIMresident,took over management of Ellie’s careforAddison’sdisease.

Gulf Coast diagnosed ElliewithAddison’sdisease, which be deadly left untreated, referred her careto then became a patient in the Internal Medicine Service (IM) Dr Alyssa Jenkins,anIMresident,took over of Ellie’s careforAddison’sdisease.

Hereareafewthoughts to help you minimize stress, stay in the festive spirit, and secure a quick sale: TheDo's

3) Stay flex: December is a hectic time for everyone Be accommodating with showing schedules to maketheprocesssmoother forallpartiesinvolved.

Contemplating a 'For Sale' sign among your Decemberdecorations? Call or Text 936-5372587

1) Embrace

1)Overdodecor:Lessis more when it comes to holidaydecorations.Avoid overwhelm and let your home's layout, lighting, andfeaturesshine.

Elliewasinitiallyseenby the Emergency & Critical Care Service at the SATH before being referred to the Oncology forcancer treatment.

Elliewasinitiallyseenby the Emergency & Critical Care Service at the SATH before being referred to the OncologyServiceforcancer treatment.

Dr Emma Warry a clinical associate professor and oncology specialist, began working on Ellie’s c

and treatment away

Providing CompassionateCare Unlike the glass slipper that brought Cinderella and her rince Charming together, it was a tumor on Ellie’s mammary gland that brought into Wick’s life. Thankfully, with help from he Texas A&M veterinary team and Evelyn Griffin — this story’s fairy godmother Ellie and Wick are on their way to livinghappilyeverafter

Dr Emma Warry a clinical associate professor and oncology specialist, began working on Ellie’s cancer diagnosis and treatmentrightaway

“Addison’s disease is basically a deficiency of hormones that are typically secreted by the adrenal glands, which are located near the kidneys Jenkins said. “One of the hormones Addison’s affects plays a role in many bodily functions—mostnotablystress. So, part of Ellie’s managementiskeepinghermedicationdosesinalignmentwith whateverstressors might havegoingoninherlife.

“Addison’s disease is basically a deficiency of hormones that are typically secreted by the adrenal glands, which are located near the kidneys Jenkins said. “One of the hormones Addison’s affects plays a role in many bodily functions—mostnotablystress. So, part of Ellie’s managementiskeepinghermedicationdosesinalignmentwith whateverstressorsshemight havegoingoninherlife.



with LivingHerBestLife

Nowcancerfreeandwith herAddison’s disease being carefully managed, Ellie is ingoodhealthandreceiving alittleextrapamperingfrom Wick.

Now freeandwith herAddison’s disease being carefully Ellie is ingoodhealthandreceiving alittleextrapamperingfrom Wick.

“Elliesufferedalotearly on her life,” Wick said.

early on and is still just the sweetestdog,it’sonlyfitting that she gets a little extra pampering.”

early on and is still the sweetest it’sonly that she gets a extra pampering.”

A Shared Love For AnimalsSavesALife

A Shared Love For AnimalsSavesALife

Wick’s love for animals began at a young age, but it grewevenstrongerwhenhe beganworkingforGriffin,a philanthropist in the Houstonareaandbenefactor

of several charitable a initiatives promoting the health and well-being of animalsandpeople.

“When you’re around somebody like Mrs. Griffin, you really begin to have a different kind of love for animals,” Wick said. “She quickly became like a mom to me, and she is the same kind of figure for animals. Shetaughtmewhatitmeans toputanimalsfirst.”

“When you’re around somebody like Mrs. Griffin, you really begin to have a different kind of love for animals,” said. “She quickly became like a mom to me, and she is the same kind of figure for animals. Shetaughtmewhatitmeans toputanimalsfirst.”

Wick was working as Griffin’s assistant when he came across a post on Nextdoor about a small white dog named Ellie in needofveterinarycare.

Wick was working as Griffin’s assistant when he came across a post on Nextdoor about a small white dog named Ellie in needofveterinarycare.

“Inthephotostheyshared of Ellie, you could see an ulcerated tumor on her chest,”Wicksaid.“Thepost from the animal rescue group explained that Ellie was put on the street when herpreviousownersrealized

“Afteraninitialexamination of Ellie’s mass, which was 10 centimeters in diameter, we recommended aCTscan,”Warrysaid.“The CT scan helped us with something called lymph node Mammary tumors spread through the lymph nodes, but we don’t always know which lymph nodestheywillaffect,sothe mapping process is important in determining a course oftreatment.Wewereableto determine that two lymph nodes toberemoved in addition to the tumor on her fourth left mammary gland.”

“Afteraninitialexamination of Ellie’s mass, which was about 10 centimeters in diameter, we recommended diameter aCTscan,”Warrysaid.“The CT scan helped us with something called lymph node mapping Mammary tumors spread through the lymph nodes, but we don’t always know which lymph nodestheywillaffect,sothe mapping process is important in determining a course oftreatment.Wewereableto determine that two lymph nodesneededtoberemoved in addition to the tumor on her fourth left mammary gland.”

After Ellie healed from her surgery, Warry recommended a course of chemotherapy that included five treatments given at the SATH every two to three weeks.

After Ellie from her Warry recommended a of chemoincluded five treatments at the SATH two to three

Ellie’schemotherapywas newly underway when she suddenly became very ill

Ellie’schemotherapywas newly underway when she suddenly became very ill



“The vet tech called me around midnight and said, ‘Ellie is throwing up, not

“The vet tech called me around midnight said, ‘Ellie is throwing up, not

“The other hormone that Addison s affects helps regulate electrolytes and fluid balance It’s very importantthatwekeepherin an appropriate on that oneaswell,becauseithelps the kidneys regulate the amount of fluid available in the it helps compensate for things like dehydration.”

“The other hormone that Addison s affects helps regulate electrolytes and fluid balance It’s very importantthatwekeepherin an appropriate range on that oneaswell,becauseithelps the kidneys regulate the amount of fluid available in the body and it helps compensate for things like dehydration.”

Jenkins and the IM team


’s Addison’s disease with monthly injections at the SATH and with a daily medicationtakenathome.

Jenkins and the IM team no anage Ellie’s Addison’s disease with monthly injections at the SATH with a daily medicationtaken home.

A small white dog in a blue Cinderel

receives a check-up from a female veterinarian with glassesandbrownhair

A small white dog in a blue Cinde ella d e s receives a check-up from a female with glassesandbrownhair

Jenkins and Ellie; photo by Ryleigh Rejcek 26

Jenkins and Ellie; photo by Ryleigh Rejcek 26

VMBS Marketing & Communications

“Thankfully,Addison’sis verytreatable,”Jenkinssaid.

Patients like Ellie are typically able to live pretty normal lives with appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Ellie is very fortunate to have found an owner so willing to meet her needs and who diligently takes noticeofanythingabnormal

VMBS Marketing & Communications “Thankfully,Addison’sis verytreatable,”Jenkinssaid. like Ellie are typically able to pretty normal with appropriate and treatment. Ellie is very fortunate to have found an owner so willing to meet her needs and who diligently takes noticeofanythingabnormal

“Elliesufferedalotearly on in her life,” Wick said. “When I compare her condition from when she joinedourfamilytonow it’s justincrediblehowfarshe’s come. Everyone notices her dresses and all of the little things we do to make her more comfortable, but she’s more than deserving of it. She went through so much

“When compare her condition from when she joinedour tonow,it’s justincredible she’s come. Everyone notices her dresses and all of the little things we do to her more comfortable, but she’s more than deserving of it. She went through so much

In the time Texas A&M veterinary team spent with the team also formed a special bond withthelittlepup.

“Ellie went from being street dog an extraordinarily member of a family, that’s incredibly rewarding to watch and a of,” Warry said. such sweet, Ithink knew she landed her and just took stride ahappy patient.”

“Ellie went from being a street dog to being an extraordinarily valued member of a family and that’s incredibly rewarding to watch and be a part of,” Warry said. “She’s such a sweet,happydog.Ithinkshe knew she landed on her feet and just took everything in strideandwassuchahappy joyfulpatient.”

Wick said this CinderEllie story wouldn’t have possiblewithoutTexas A&M.

Wick said this CinderEllie story wouldn’t have beenpossiblewithoutTexas A&M. In the time Ellie’s Texas A&M veterinary team has spent with her, the team has also formed a special bond withthelittlepup.

areso tothe Texas A&M veterinarians who helpedEllie Wick said at A&M cares Ellie, is really to us. You also get access to best, cutting-edge care available

A&M’s veterinary other pet owners and animal

“Wearesothankfultothe Texas A&M veterinarians whohavehelpedEllieheal,” Wick said “Everyone at TexasA&Mgenuinelyloves and cares for Ellie, which is really important to us. You also get access to the best, most cutting-edge care available here I’d absolutely recommend Texas A&M’s veterinary hospital to other pet owners and animallovers.”

Story by Rachel Knight,


Ruben Borjas Jr,

Was the Sacrifice Worth It?

Columnist/ Opinion Writer

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

I was thinking over the Thanksgiving holiday what if Donald Trump had been allowed to win the 2020 Presidential Election?

Would hisAdministration in that era have been as effective as it is anticipated to be in his 2025 second term? Andtheanswertothat questionisaresoundingNO! It would have been a continuation of the media’s powertripoverTrump,with continued betrayals by RINO Republicans who have more in common with Democrats than common sense GOPers who care deeply for American ideals and values. By Joe Biden winning with 15 million manufacturedvotesin2020, the Democrats set the stage

I was thinking over the Thanksgiving holiday, what if Donald Trump had been allowed to win 2020 Presidential Election? Would hisAdministration in that have been as effective as it is anticipated to be in his 2025 second term? Andtheanswertothat questionisaresoundingNO! It would have been a continuation of the media’s powertripoverTrump,with by have more in common with Democrats than GOPers who deeply for American ideals and values. By Joe Biden winning with 15 million manufacturedvotesin2020, Democrats set the stage

Weather for the Lake Conroe area

Showersandpossiblyathunderstorm.Highnear67. Eastwind5to10mphbecomingsouthinthe afternoon.Chanceofprecipitationis80%.New rainfallamountsbetweenahalfandthreequartersof aninchpossible.


Showersandpossiblyathunderstorm.Lowaround54. Southwindaround5mphbecomingnorthafter midnight.Chanceofprecipitationis80%.

Achanceofshowersandthunderstormsbeforenoon, thenaslightchanceofshowers.Cloudy,withahigh near62.Northeastwind5to10mph,withgustsas highas20mph.Chanceofprecipitationis30%.


Aslightchanceofshowers,withthunderstormsalso possibleafter3am.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround 43.Chanceofprecipitationis20%.

A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlyafternoon.Mostlycloudy,withahighnear50.


A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Cloudy,withalowaround43.

A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Cloudy,withahighnear59.


A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Cloudy,withalowaround48.

A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withahighnear65.


A50percentchanceofshowers.Mostlycloudy,witha lowaround55.


A30percentchanceofshowers.Partlysunny,witha highnear70.

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Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim Jr, West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News.

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for their own destruction. They allowed themselves to beshownforwhotheyreally are,nothingbutselfish,vile, petty people, who have to pay people for support, and that were never really investedintheirgameinthe firstplace.

for their own destruction. They allowed themselves to beshownforwhotheyreally are,nothingbutselfish,vile, petty people, who have to pay people for support, that were never really investedintheirgameinthe firstplace.

In2021,whenBidentook office,wehadjustcomeoff, arguably the best economy we’ve ever experienced, pandemic aside The Democrats and the leftist mediawereattheirstrongest points ever I mean, if you canrigapresidentialelection against Trump s track record,

n you ve accomplished something They wanted to take their Socialism to new heights (communist like), and they didpartially evenifitmeant wreckingthelivesoftensof millions of Americans, by destroying the rule of law, curbingfreespeechamongst Republicans, spreading the lack of policing, as well as the lack of prosecution of truecriminals. Theyopened the borders allowing a caverntobecomeafestering messfromseatoshiningsea. They allowed murders rapists, gangsters, terrorists (cyber and otherwise) to enterandrunrampantacross the fruited plains. How many American women have been raped and killed by illegals who shouldn’t have been in the US in the first place? How many Americans have overdosed and died with Fentanyl poisoning? How many American ducks have been killedbyillegalsforasimple Wednesday night dinner? All Democrats have done in these past four years, was open a 3,000 mile wound across the country and let it becomeinfected. America went to college over the last four years. Eating canned beans and preparing the cheap noodles that struggling students endure in their college days. Andinthosefouryears,they startedgrowingup. Atfirst, still an all in Democrat, but by small measures they noticed the little differences between what they were

In2021,whenBidentook wehadjustcomeoff, arguably the best economy ever experienced, pandemic aside The Democrats the leftist mediawere their points ever I if you canrigapresidentialelection against Trump’s track cor t e yo ’ve accomplished something They wanted to take their Socialism to new (communist like), and they didpartially,evenifitmeant wreckingthelives tensof of Americans, by destroying the rule of law, free spreading lack of policing, as well as the lack of prosecution of truecriminals. Theyopened the borders allowing a cavern becomeafestering fromseatoshining allowed murders gangsters, terrorists (cyber and otherwise) to enterandrunrampantacross the fruited many American women have been raped and killed by have been in the US first place? How Americans have overdosed and died with Fentanyl poisoning? How many have been killedbyillegalsforasimple Wednesday dinner? Democrats have done these past four years, was open a 3,000 mile wound across the country and let it infected. to the four years. Eating beans preparing the cheap noodles that struggling students endure in their college days. Andinthosefouryears,they startedgrowingup. At an all in Democrat, by measures noticed the little differences between what were

Last week we celebrated oneofmyfavoriteholidays, Thanksgiving. Enjoy food, family, and football –including the return of a historic in-state rivalry. HappyHolidays!

seeingintheirown‘bootson the ground conditions, versus what their professors (Dems and the mainstream media) were telling them. For instance, they are told that the economy is the best ever while they are seeing shopscloseallaroundthem. Or, it's becoming harder to find work, part or full-time. Or,theycouldhavebeenthe victim of crime for the first time. Whatever the case of theirfreshmenorsophomore years, they still believed in the cause, but are becoming morewearyofthesignsthey see. Bytheirjunioryear,it's really apparent, and they begintochangetheirinternal ways of thinking to becoming more aligned with moderate thinkers, and see theearlyadoptersvoicetheir support for Trump, but still withhold their thoughts publicly They quit followingliberalmedia. It’s apparentthatthemainstream media was never a voice of truth. When senior year hits, they ve seen the destruction of the past three Democrat policy years Blue downtown’s across the nation are on life support, with homelessness, crime, drug abuse runamuck They’veseenthedestruction of businesses leaving or closing down due rampant organized retail theft, or unsafe street conditions for customers. They're tired of illegal immigrants getting thevastamountofresources over Veterans and legal American citizens. They’re tired of high food, rent, and energy costs. They’re now silentrightofcenterthinkers andmovingfartherrightfast. They then begin to fear for their own future. Fully supporting Trump jumps into mind. They see many more references to people whowereformerDemocrats now virtue signaling their open support for Trump, while at the same time, they see that Democrat support has dwindled As the election nears, they begin virtue signaling for Trump. Something has to change forthebetter

Texas State Senator Robert Nichols

Liberty,Newton,andTrinity Counties.TheBDOwillpost awardee information on their website once agreementshavebeensigned.

President, and Thank God for it, will be much more effectivethanhisfirst. Gone aretheGOPfakerslikeMike Pence. AndIwouldn’twant to be an ambassador, or general, military or civil bureaucrat, or anyone that betrayed Trump during his first term. Also, let’s not forgetthoseprosecutorswho abused the purposes of their offices in their attempts to crucify Trump. Those people are probably making plans to leave the country now

President, and Thank God for it, will be much more effectivethanhisfirst. Gone the fakerslikeMike Pence. And wouldn’twant to be an ambassador or general military or civil bureaucrat, or anyone that betrayed Trump during his first term. Also, let’s not forgetthoseprosecutorswho abused the purposes of their offices in to Trump. Those probably making plans to leave the country now


1 C o m p t r o l l e r announces awards for broadbandprograms

TheBroadbandDevelopment Office (BDO) announcedithasnotifiedthe firstwaveofawardeesforits Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas (BOOT) II program This represents $580millioninfundingthat will connect almost 80,000 locations to high-speed broadband in 15 counties across the state. The BOOT II program is funded in part by federal Coronavirus CapitalProjectsFundandby the state's Broadband Infrastructure Fund The BDOidentifiedtwocounties in each of the Comptroller's 12 economic regions that demonstratedahigh-levelof need, measured by percentage of unserved or underserved broadband locations.Thisprogramwill ensurethateligiblelocations inthosecountieswillreceive internet service at speeds of 100/20 Mbps – the federal definition for broadband service Three counties in Senate District 3 were included in the program:

We owe a debt of gratitudetoElonMusk,who has been a bull in the Democrats china shop, and withouthim,wemightnotbe in the position in which we stand now Musk is the von Blücher to Trump’s Wellington atWaterloo. He savedtheday AndMuskis reallyaboutCommonSense. It’sthatsimple,well,youcan throw in honesty too, fairness,truefairness,notthe fairness that Democrats want. Hewantseveryoneto haveachanceatasuccessful life, and you see it with the competitioninthecellphone race. The space race, the internet, and anything he touchesinthebusinessworld turns gold. Elon’s about sharing the wealth with everyone working for themselves in a free market, not with governments’ method of picking winners and losers, based on their backs being rubbed. Yuck. Musk’s purchase of Twitter gutted the mainstream media,anditsintestineshave been falling out for two years, and now the end of a once powerful force seems really possible. Even local media sources like KHOU Channel11aredroppingone of its early morning newscasts of which its parent company TEGNA is centralizing its marketing teamacrosstheUS,resulting in hundreds of layoffs Comcast’sMSNBCisupfor sale, and it is possible that Elon Musk could purchase thenetwork,butitremainsto beseen. Butforcertain,the highpricedmediapersonalitiesaregonnahavetotakea

We owe a debt of gratitudetoElonMusk,who has been a bull in the china shop, and him,wemightnot in the position in which we stand now Musk is the von Blücher to Trump’s atWaterloo. He savedthe AndMuskis reallyaboutCommonSense. thatsimple,well,youcan in honesty too, fairness,true notthe fairness that Democrats want. Hewantseveryone haveachance asuccessful life, and you it with the competitioninthecellphone race. The space race, the and anything touchesinthebusinessworld turns gold. Elon’s about sharing the wealth with everyone for themselves in a free market, not governments’ method of picking winners based on backs being rubbed. Yuck. Musk’s purchase of Twitter gutted the mainstream media,anditsintestineshave been falling out for two years, and now the of a once powerful force seems really Even local media sources like KHOU Channel11aredroppingone of its early morning newscasts, of which its company TEGNA is centralizing marketing acrosstheUS,resulting in hundreds of layoffs Comcast’sMSNBCisupfor sale, and it is possible that Elon Musk could purchase thenetwork,butitremainsto beseen. Butforcertain,the highpricedmediapersonalitiesaregonnahavetotakea

Here are five things happening around your state: My Five

2 Temple Foundation President, CEO named new Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board commissioner

This month, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) announcedDr WynnRosser asthenewCommissionerof Higher Education Dr Rosser previously served as President and CEO of the T.L.L. Temple Foundation, an East Texas-based organization dedicated to building up rural EastTexas communitiesandalleviating poverty During his time at the Temple Foundation, Dr Rosser c

ntinued the foundation's commitment to education, healthcare, regional community development, and communityresilienceinEastTexas. In his new position, he will oversee initiatives at THECB that equip students to enter the workforce enable more students to accesshighereducation,and build a stronger Texas economy I would like to thank Dr Rosser for his incredible work at the Temple Foundation and wish him success as he moves forward at the Texas Higher Education CoordinatingBoard.

hugepaycut,orbefired,and they essentially with their leftist echochamber stances, claim,


out thatTrumpwasneverHitler, theviewershipplummets.

hugepaycut,orbefired,and they essentially, with their leftist echochamber stances, claim,‘TrumpisHitler;’and theirfollowersfind TrumpwasneverHitler, theviewership

I see Trump’s PresidentialElectionvictory as equivalent to The Fall of theBerlinWall,or evenThe FalloftheSovietUnion. Changing, and on many levels. The economy willgetbetter Jobopportunities will get better The border will finally close its doors. Fentanyl prices will risethroughtheroofbecause fewerpillswillbetrafficked, and will be We will start

I see Donald Trump’s PresidentialElectionvictory as equivalent to The Fall of theBerlinWall,or evenThe FalloftheSovietUnion. It’s World Changing, and on so many levels. The economy willgetbetter Jobopportunities will get better The border will finally close its doors. Fentanyl prices will risethroughtheroofbecause fewerpillswillbetrafficked, and there will be fewer overdoses. We will start getting our immigration house in order Deport the criminal illegal aliens Deportanyonehereillegally End the special protections for illegals. We should get backtoenergyindependence inashorttime. Andthelist cangoonandon.

You have people generally excited that something good is gonna happen next year And it will. Sowasthesacrificeof Joe Biden being in office a good thing? No. But the sacrifice was worth it. It allowed a huge shift in the demographicsofvoting. Of Blacks coming back to the Republican Party as well as Hispanics. Essentially any race is welcome in the GOP aslongasyoubelieveinthe ideals and values that Made AmericaGreat,anditwillbe Great Again; starting at lunchtimeonJanuary20th.

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycounty

seeingintheirown‘boots the ground conditions professors (Dems were telling For they are told that the economy is the best ever, while they are seeing shopscloseallaroundthem. it's harder to find work, part or full-time. theycouldhavebeen of crime for the time. Whatever the case theirfreshmenorsophomore they still believed in the cause, but becoming wearyofthesignsthey see. By junioryear really apparent, and to ways of thinking to becommore aligned with moderate thinkers, and see the adopters their support for Trump, still their thoughts liberalmedia. It’s thatthemainstream media was never a voice of truth. When senior year hits they’ve seen destruction of past Democrat policy years downtown’s nation are on life support, with homelessness, crime, drug abuse runamuck seen businesses or down theft, or conditions for They're tired of illegal immigrants getting thevastamountof over Veterans legal American They’re of high food, rent, costs. They’re now silentrightofcenterthinkers and fartherrightfast. then begin to fear for own supporting jumps into They many references to whowereformerDemocrats now virtue open for while at the time, they that Democrat support As election nears, they begin signaling Trump. has to forthebetter Ruben be ruben@montgomerycounty You have


Column by Sen. Robert Nichols, District 3

3 Lufkin High School bandwinsthirdstraightstate title

The Lufkin High School Bandhasonceagainclaimed a state title. This is the third win in a row for the band which performs in the military marching style and competes in that category Military Marching is a traditionalstraight-linestyle of marching, and everyone moves in a forward direction. This differs from the corps style, in which the band generally always faces the front. Most modern-day marching bands perform in the corps style, however the largestnotablemilitary-style marching band in the nation is here in Texas at Texas A&M University The National Association of Military Marching Bands (NAMMB) has traditionally sponsored the state contest. However in 2020 the University Interscholastic League(UIL)decidedtotry hostingaMilitaryMarching Band contest. The Panther BandwonUILstatetitlesin 2021, 2023, and 2024 (no contest was held in 2022). Previously thePantherBand also won NAMMB state titles in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,and2019.LufkinHigh School Band has a winning tradition,congratulationson yourcontinuedsuccess!

This month the Texas DepartmentofPublicSafety (DPS) announced a new director, Senior Deputy DirectorFreemanF Martin. Earlier this year, current Director Steve McCraw announced his intention to retire by year-end The Public Safety Commission (PSC) gathered this month and approved the selection of Deputy Director Martin. Martin has been with DPS since 1990, when he started as a Texas Highway Patrol (THP) Trooper in Winnie Over the past thirty plus years, he has served asTHP Corporal, Narcotics Service Sergeant in Houston, and a Texas Ranger Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and Majorinseveralcitiesacross the state He later was appointed Deputy Director of Homeland Security Operations by the PSC and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 2018. He will be sworn in at a ceremony on December2.

Trump s new term as
Trump’s new term as


wasrecentlyasked a poetryreadingbymyfriend

Iwasrecentlyaskedtoa poetryreadingbymyfriend

Dr Ken Davis, a retired physician,whoisprivytoa smallgroupofverseloving instructors at Lone Star College - Montgomery

Since, I love a challenge I accepted with pleasure

Dr Ken Davis, a retired physician,whoisprivytoa smallgroup verseloving instructors at Lone Star College - Montgomery Since, I love a challenge I accepted with pleasure

The poet, Manuel ’DOC’ P re , is an interesting man; a war veteran like myself, fact from my during Operation Desert Storm He a proud MexicanAmerican Indian, tall, tough and imposing, although I suspect he is a gentle at time he had any scrumples in snapping anyone’s neck who got in his likethat Syrian bus I occasionally write about; the one that to to Damascus, while I needed to to the Persian Gulf of the disagreement quickly settled when drew my sidearm. Well,bothPérez

The poet, Juan Manuel ’DOC’ Pérez, is an interesting man; a war veteran like myself, in fact from my time during Operation Desert Storm He is a proud MexicanAmerican Indian, tall, tough and imposing, although I suspect he is a gentlegiant;butatonetime he wouldn’t have had any scrumples in snapping anyone’s neck who got in hisway It’ssortalikethat Syrian bus driver I occasionally write about; the one that wanted to go to Damascus, while I needed to get back to the Persian Gulf of which the disagreement was quickly settled when I drew my sidearm. Well,bothPérez


CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-4945775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am

HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256, SundayBibleClass10:00 am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am.


Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m.

andIarealotnicernow In a way, Juan has always been a poet, writing for girlfriends, and even experimenting with gothic poems. He’swrittenabout his Chicano and Indian heritage, and even science fiction. While lil ‘ol me, I don’t know my ‘hai’ from my ‘ku,’ but we chose to express ourselves in different ways; and we writeforthesamepurpose, to free ourselves from the demons that should be locked away in the dark crevicesofourminds.

I alotnicernow way, Juan has always been a poet, writing and experimenting poems. written his Indian heritage, even science fiction. lil ‘ol me, I don’t know ‘hai’ from my ‘ku,’ but xpr ss our e ves in ways; and free ourselves from demons that locked away in ourminds.

It was that slowed enough to put his Desert Storm in ‘Thirty Ago: First War.’ a of from those decades ago wh n D assigned to any Navy Corpsman, sandy shores SaudiArabia assigned Marine Corps

It was the pandemic that slowed Juan down enough to put his thoughts of Desert Storm down on paper, and the culmination of his contemplations resulted in ‘Thirty Years Ago: Life And The First GulfWar.’ It’sawonderful recollection of his memories from all those decades ago when DOC a notation assigned to any Navy Corpsman, showed up on the sandy shores of SaudiArabia assigned to a Marine Corps Battalion





UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6 pm

Operation unsureof future, ut anxiou f r t e to come. Pérez was the of with a devastating planecrash troops that can heart and foralifetime.

during Operation Desert Shield,unsureofhisfuture, but anxious for the adventure to come. What Pérez lived was the fury of a hundred hours of war, coupled with a devastating planecrashofalliedtroops post-conflict that can weigh on a heart and mind foralifetime.

Thefifty-shortsonnets, based on his desert war service, are a compelling work, each beginning with “Thirty years ago.” You canpalpatethedepthofhis feelingsindescribingwhat he saw something akin to victims of other experiences knowing Juan is true in talking the talk, and walking the walk His vividdescriptionofaplane crash in Saudi Arabia on March 21 1991 where over 90 Senegalese coalition soldiers perished in a plane crash in a traumatic event that has been a ton of bricks on his soul for over thirty years. His identifiers from the scene, would easily be known to soldiers and

Thefifty-shortsonnets, based on his desert war service, a compelling work, each beginning with “Thirty years ago.” You canpalpatethedepthofhis feelingsindescribingwhat he saw something akin to victims other experiences Juan is true in talking the talk and walking His vividdescriptionofaplane crash in Saudi on March 21 where ov r 90 Senegalese coalition soldiers perished in plane in a traumatic event that has been ton of bricks on his soul over thirty years. His identifiers from the scene, easily be known to soldiers and



2080LongmireRd, Conroe




LivingWayChurch Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery 936.582.7722


SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational

marines, following battle theypassthedestruction to on olidat th ir position.

marines, following a battle astheypassthedestruction to consolidate their position.

Pérez’s delivery is passionate, and being a historyteacherofnearly30 years,inaway youhaveto beanentertainertokeepthe students interested No doubt his underlings know ofhisexperiencesandhave garnered a rare heartfelt respect for a teacher that feweducatorsachieve.

delivery is passionate, being history of 30 years,in way you to beanentertainertokeepthe students interested No doubt his underlings know ofhis and garnered a rare respect for teacher feweducatorsachieve.

Ofcoursewithexposure to marked events in our lives,thereisthelikelihood of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is ever apparent, whether we want to acknowledge it or not; and it’s no different with Pérez. EveryVeterandeals with PTSD in their own way,eveniftheydealtwith the same event. For some it's very dramatic, and emotive. While others it’s there, but can be conveniently tucked away under the surface. Few Veterans can truly relegate their distraught observations into nothingness Still

Ofcoursewithexposure to marked events in our lives,thereis likelihood of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ever apparent, whether we want to not; and no with Pérez. Every deals with PTSD own way,even theydealtwith the same event. some it's very dramatic, and emotive. it’s there, but can be conveniently tucked away under the surface. Veterans can truly relegate their distraught observations into Still

aconcoction CPAP to retreat the unpleasant to the depths dr m nd that t mind Pérez fearing might be to the relationwithhisstudents,sohe hap ly pts h for sake.

othersrelyonaconcoction ofmedicationsandaCPAP to retreat the unpleasant memories to the depths of dreamland that the unconscious mind can’t access. Pérez avoids that route fearing it might be a detriment to the relationshipwithhisstudents,sohe happily accepts the recurring nightmares for theirsake.

Pérez his of in I His sentences. It's stuff likes of Ernest or Fleming into a or triple to live at near events were dealt Pérez. a short sixty-six

Saudi d ubt u n i t n his of himself, the to pain; you to Sonnet29:

Pérez read his collection of sonnets in one sitting. Ilovedit. Hisshort sentences. It's stuff you crave from the likes of Ernest Hemingway or Ian Fleming Forcing the reader into a double or triple timed pace to live at the near explosive heart’s velocityatwhichtheevents were dealt with by Pérez. It’s a short sixty-six page journeytothesandsofIraq and Saudi Arabia No doubt Juan’s written expressions are his way of healing himself, to the point of writing to forget the pain; but you get to the pointinSonnet29:

Years shot

I to forget, but “I” won’t

I urge you to explore explore this amazing account from a man, who’s able to put you in the desert, trodding the sands he walked I believe it will be an awesome addition to any lover of poetry or history student,andinlocalcircles maycertainlybepartofthe curriculumintime.

I urge you amazing who’s able to put in desert, walked it an to student,andinlocal certainly partof time.


ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery


ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-7674744

AntiochBaptist, 936-449-0845

DacusBaptist,Dacus,, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n

FirstBaptistChurch Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230


St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356 FM2854,Montgomery, 936-588-1260

JonesChapelBaptist FM2854,936-756-2505

CATHOLIC 7:45Service

CR213,Stoneham, SacredHeartCatholic, 936-894-2223


109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186 JEWISH

St.Mary’s Catholic FM1774,Plantersville,

LoneStarCowboy Church 21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356(936)5975742PastorsRandy&Darla

WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM

CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands,


LUTHERAN GraceLutheran (ELCA),

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web:



ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist)

Montgomery TX

OakHillsJrHigh 19190KeenanCutoffRd. SundayServices10:30am thewoodlandsmethodist.o rg/montgomery

St.Joseph’sCatholic, MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch


Phone: 936-597-6162

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow

SundaySchoolat 10:00am 936-756-7792

AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30amWednesdayPray/BibleStudy6:30 pm

TransformationChurch Montgomery Montgomery TX77316

17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-449-4414

RiverofLifeChurch, CornerstoneChurch, 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, LakesideBibleChurch, 18940FreeportDrive



retreatandwildlife center 20350FM2854

2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757



Admin@TCMontgomery org Montgomery,936-5827700

10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch

WorshipService11AM SundaySchool10AM 6639FM1696Richards Montgomery TX 77356



1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin,

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400


19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696

Services9:30and11a.m. Sun:10:30am

AprilSoundChurch, 67½AprilWindS., NewBeginningBible Church,

LighthouseFellowship Church, WaldenCommunity Church, CarbonChurch,

FellowshipofMontgomery 12681FM149 (936)597-3949 SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook@thefmchurch!

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow Conroe,936-756-8831

I want to forget, but “I” won’tletme.
Thirty Years Ago, third

CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 24-10-16487

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

P OBox2985 2603AugustaDr Conroe,Texas77305 Suite900 HoustonTX77057 THE STATE OF TEXAS

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To: UnknownHeirsatLawofDonaldLeeMcGary,Deceased

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 6th day of January, 2025 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 22nd day of October, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-10-16487 on the docket of said court.







Williams, Deceased,

Estate of




probateCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:TheresidenceoftheIndependentExecutoris:Rory Morgan;1610WestFM93,Temple,BellCounty Texas,76502;theattorney'saddressis:c/o:Griffith “Hunter”ThomasIIAttorney-At-Law12912HillCountryBlvd,SuiteF-233Austin,Texas78738

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Austin,Texas78738

DATEDthe27thdayofNovember,2024. ThomasLawFirm,PLLC





Plaintiff, Royal Forest Colony Club, Inc., by and through its attorney of record, Chris Archambault,2603AugustaDrive,Suite900,Houston,TX77057,broughtsuitunderCause No.24-10-16487;Inthe457thDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,forenforcement and foreclosure of Plaintiff's lien on the following described real property of which Defendants, THE UNKNOWN HEIRSAT LAW OF DONALD LEE MCGARY, are potential parties in interest: LOT 1064 ROYAL FOREST SUBDIVISION SECTION 2 ATRACT OR PARCELOFLANDCONTAINING13,500.00SQUAREFEETMOREORLESSOUTOFA CERTAIN 222.3392 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEEDRECORDSANDTHECOUNTYCLERK'SFILENUMBER308109,MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS, AND BEING IN THE JOSE M. DE LA GARZA SURVEY A-15 IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS[…]CommonlyknownasLot1064,Conroe,TX77303.


The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe19thdayofNovember,2024.

(SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas) MontgomeryCounty Texas

Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: By:/s/AmyLundy AmyLundy 11/19/20242:17:13PM PublishedDates:November27,December4,11,18,2024



NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property to satisfy landlord's lien. Sale is 10:00 am on th December19 2024.Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanup andremovaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsale ornotacceptanybidder Propertywillbesoldinentirecontentsofeachindividualstorage unit. Propertyincludescontentsofspacesoffollowingtenants:TanyaLeach(x7)Property being sold includes the following: Household items, and furniture Contact Lockaway Storage-105,6421Hwy105W SteA,ConroeTx77304,281-560-4331.





PO BOX 959 122 W DAVIS STSTE 101



TO:The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: RANDALLCHARLES DOMINY, Deceased

GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRHSHIPfiled by CandaceAndrade, at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday after the expiration ofTen (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on November 25, 2024.

The file number of said matter being: 24-47598-P


Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe,Texas on this the 27th day of November, 2024.

(SEAL, Probate Court #1) L. Brandon Steinmann, County Clerk

The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Montgomery County Texas Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled.

By: /s/ Brandi Duron 11/27/2024 8:17:33AM

Brandi Duron, Deputy Clerk

Published Date: December 4, 2024

NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien.Saleis10AMonThursday, December 19th, 2024 Property will be sold to the highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanupandremovaldepositmayberequired.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawproperty from sale or not accept any bidder Property will be sold in the entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Dena ShapleyandJodyDaley Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing:totes,boxes,furniture, tools,shoes,andclothes. ContactLockawayStorage-1488,8215FM1488Magnolia,TX,77354

PublishedDates:December4,11,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE


NOTICE OF SALE Property will be sold to satisfy a landlord's lien per Chapter 59 SelfserviceStorageFacilityLiens. SaleonThursdaythe19thdayofDecember 2024at10:00 AM with bidding to take place on Payment and pickup at facility Storage Rentals of America, 1964 Northpark Dr Ste J, Kingwood, TX, 77339 Osborne, Justin. Robinson,Terry Yarbrough,Amanda




NoticeisherebygiventhatinCauseNumber24-47253-P;EstateofMaryJaneSkinner–LettersTestamentary were issued to Co-ExecutorWilliam S. Benke on November 18, 2024 and to Co-ExecutorJosefT SkinneronNovember19,2024.

The address of the resident agent for the Independent Co-Executors and the post office addressfortheEstateofKellyReevesMahoneyisc/oDavidBorger 21WaterwayAvenue,Suite300#97,TheWoodlands,Texas77380.

All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw


NOTICETOCREDITORS David Borger Attorney for William S. Beneke and Josef T Skinner: SBN 24029451,21WaterwayAvenue,Suite300-#97,TheWoodlands,Texas77380;Tel:(832) 263-2100;Fax:(866)211-7925. PublishedDate:December4,2024






Notice is hereby given that on October 17, 2024, Letters Testamentary as Independent ExecutorupontheaboveEstatewereissuedto: bytheHonorableProbateCourtNo.One(1)ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,inCauseNo.24-47230-P pendingupontheProbateDocketofsaidCourt.

All persons having claims against the Estate being administered are hereby requested to presentthesamewithinthetimeprescribedbylawtothefollowing:

Rapp&Krock,PC 1980PostOakBlvd.,Suite1200 OFINDEPENDENTEXECUTOR

Houston,Texas77056 CAUSENO.24-47230-P





Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Phillip C. Pickens, Deceased, were issued on November 25, 2024 in Cause No. 24-47224-P, pending in the ProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.

All persons having claims against this Estate being administered are hereby required to present same within the time prescribed by law Claims should be addressed in care of “Representative,EstateofPhillipC.Pickens,Deceased”andmaybepresentedtotheattorneyforthe Estateatthefollowingaddress: WeldonRussell






1515EmeraldPlaza CollegeStation,Texas77845


Fax:979-694-8000 §

By:originalsignedbyWeldonRussell__ WELDONRUSSELL StateBarNo.: 24033148





You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination and Declaration of Heirship filed by James Spencer, at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty,attheCourthouseinConroe, Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonNovember20,2024.

Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:24-47572-P CONROETX77305 SUITE224


Lake Creek

from page 1

build ginand mill for on branch Creek(later s To n C r e e k ) ginwas the first what today

buildacottonginanda mill for Shepperd on a spring-fed branch of AtkinsCreek(laterknown a s To w n C r e e k )

Shepperd’scottonginwas the first in what is today Montgomery County Brickerbeganworkingon Shepperd’s cotton gin and mill in 1835. He worked on both projects until he volunteered for service in the Texas army in early 1836.

Bricker working cotton gin mill 1835. He both service the Texas in early

OnMarch29,1836,the Texas army burned the town of San Felipe. Sam Houston had marched the main body of his army twenty miles north to the Coushatta crossing on the west side of the Brazos River across from Jared

OnMarch 1836, Texas army town of Sam Houston had main his army twenty miles north to Coushatta on west of the Brazos River across from Jared o


from page 1

the band, and if I were I could have at along with the music. The combo was by the way, unsung heroes

me away The the singing choreography alone could have powered the for a week. CongratulaDirected and Choreothe production. counted like 25 that sang, and it getting better each tune, I thinking, some these get picked up up on Broadway day

the band, and if I were deaf I could have at least followed along with the music. The combo was awesome by the way, and were the unsung heroes of themusical. Ofcoursethe cast blew me away The energy expended on stage with the singing and choreography alone could have powered the theater for a week. CongratulationstoAishaUssery,who Directed and Choreographed the production. I counted like 25 songs that the players sang, and it kept getting better With each tune, I was thinking, some of these actors are gonna get picked up and wind up on Broadway one day

The acting was perfectly cast. I love the breaking the fourth wall segments of the

The acting was superb, and each member was perfectly cast. I love the breaking of the fourth wall on certain segments of the

garrison under Captain Mosely Baker remained behind at San Felipe Baker’s company crossed to the east side of the Brazos and destroyed the ferry to prevent the

Captain Baker at San company east side the and destroyed the prevent xi n arm

m river

om crossingtheriver

Mexicans cannon oven. samepublic had built for colonistsand in of San been

the Mexicans had placed their cannon behind a public oven.Yes, this was theverysamepublicoven Bricker had built for the colonistsandsettlersinthe town of San Felipe. The townhadbeenburned,but thesturdybrickovenbuilt byBrickerstillstood.

Brickerstill historians

army For more of

Randolf Bricker, Bricker: Texas ence

General Santa Anna arrived shortly thereafter andspentacoupleofdays trying to reestablish the ferrysothathecouldcross his army and proceed to Harrisburg where the new government of Texas had relocated following the Convention at Washington-on-the-Brazos. Baker andhissmallforceofmen, including Bricker successfully prevented Santa Anna’s army from crossing the Brazos River at San Felipe. Ultimately, Santa Anna’s army was

Texian of San a at Felipe erected by of commemorate Bricker’s i u i n o h Santa andspent couple could

Harrisburg the the Baker andhis force c d g i er successfully from

Anna’s army to present-day Texas,

musical, since personalizedtheexperience,making it more the audience. Itwasgood see Anthony Boggess-Glover again,sinceIthoughthewas brilliant in Porter Blues.’ B-G’s spirit is skyhigh, a pleasure to witness his perfection and every time He was joined on stage by Jackson and Fortune Both gentlemen awesome performances and I was equally their acting abilities stage, with singing and dancingaswell. ladies Jazmyn Bolden, Bridgjette Taylor Jackson Gloria Prince, Wheat, equally and disp aye rem rkable teamwork, theirbeauty brought to the forefront their acting and singing abilities entrancing the audience.

musical, since it personalizedtheexperience,making it more meaningful for the audience. Itwasgoodtosee Anthony Boggess-Glover again,sinceIthoughthewas brilliant in ‘Pullman Porter Blues.’ B-G’s acting spirit is skyhigh, and it is a pleasure to witness his perfection each and every time He was joined on stage by Jakori Jackson and Fortune Onwunali Both gentlemen gave awesome performances and I was equallyimpressedwiththeir acting abilities on stage, with great singing and dancingaswell. Theladies Jazmyn Bolden, Bridgjette Taylor Jackson Gloria Prince, and April Wheat, equally impressed and displayed remarkable teamwork,withtheirbeauty brought to the forefront the their acting and singing abilities entrancing the audience.

The different Christmaswere special in their own ways The Family Christmas takes place back when

The different Ways of Christmaswereeachspecial in their own ways The Family Christmas takes place back when selfies

delay at to

compelled to advance to thepresent-daylocationof Richmond,Texas,inorder to cross the Brazos. This delay allowed the Texas government at Harrisburg justenoughtimetoescape.

Bricker was the only man in Baker’s company who was killed defending the river crossing during

this“BattleoftheBrazos.” In an awful case of irony, B

icker was ki

d instantlybyacanistershot to the head fired from the Mexican’s cannon on April 7, 1836. To protect their cannon and the Mexican cannon crew from the deadly Texian riflesofBaker’scompany,

Bricker the only man company who defending the crossing during this the awful case of ker s ll instantly acanister the fired Mexican’s April the deadly Texian of company,

Texas historians credit John Bricker as being the firstTexiancasualtyofthe San Jacinto Campaign There is a marker at San Felipe erected by his relatives in 1935 in anticipation of the Texas Centennial to commemorate Bricker’s military contributions to the historyofTexas.

army soldier For those interested in a more detailed biography of the life of John Bricker, Randolf Bricker Jr ’s monograph,JohnBricker: Texas War of Independence Patriot, is available fromAmazon. Kameron K. Searle is a member of the Montgomery County Historical Commission, a regular con

were done with a Polaroid camera starting off the journey Thesingingmakes youwanttojoininthehappy occasion. I did. With the song ‘Game Time,’we find thefirstinstanceofbreaking the fourth wall, with the with ladies speaking to the audience about the gentleman taking their naps before yelling out it was game time. I love how the women gave lessons on con

especially after their team lost the game. The ladies from Dallas would be well informed if they saw that littledialogue. Youhavethe

done with a Polaroid camera starting the Thesingingmakes youwant joininthehappy I did. the ‘Game Time,’ find thefirstinstanceofbreaking the fourth wall, with the speaking to the audience about the gentletaking their naps before yelling out it was game time. I how the gave lessons on con oling their guys after their team lost the game. The ladies Dallas would be well informed if saw littledialogue. Youhavethe inancial Chr

A Hidden Gift, Romantic Christmasand

A Hidden Gift, Romantic Christmasandothers.

The cast remembers those who have passed away which was very special In my extended family,therearethoughtsin our about loss on Christmas, since my World WarIIuncleonmymother’s sidediedontheJoyousDay Christmas can be the happiesttimeoftheyear,or

The cast remembers those who have passed away, which was very special In my extended family,therearethoughtsin our mind about loss on Christmas, since my World WarIIuncleonmymother’s sidediedontheJoyousDay Christmas can be the happiesttimeoftheyear,or

the loneliest. thought the Fiesta Christmas was very nicely done with its Latin theme. The dancing was incredible,andtheaudience really enjoyed the segment, marveling at the incredible energy wasexpended.

the loneliest. I thought the Fiesta Christmas was very nicely done with its Latin theme. The dancing was incredible,andtheaudience really enjoyed the segment, marveling at the incredible energythatwasexpended.

There was sadness noted after the intermission. The subway song ‘It Just Ain’t the Same,’ focuses on the inner city life, and how Christmases can be lacking happiness;aswellas‘Billie B,”whichisasadChristmas song with Boggess-Glover portraying a wino singing about the legend, who is living on the other side. It was nicely done The Military Christmas was another touching tribute aboutthemenandwomenof ourmilitaryforcesdeployed to combat zones during the holidays. And being a war veteran myself, it took me back, especially since I missed many Christmases with my family With the song ‘Over There, ’ a militarymotherdeployedto a danger zone calls back home to check on her

There was noted after the intermission. The subway song Just Ain’t the Same,’ focuses on the inner city life, and how Christmases can lacking happiness;as as‘Billie B,” isa Christmas song with Boggess-Glover portraying a wino singing about the legend, who is living on the side. It was done The Military Christmas was another touching tribute aboutthemenandwomenof our forcesdeployed to combat zones during the holidays. And being a war veteran myself, it took me back, especially I missed many Christmases with my With the song Over There, ’ a military deployedto a danger zone back home to check her

Surprisingly, no Texas Historical Commission marker been erectedanywhereinTexas to the memory of John B ic he p on r millwright Texian

Surprisingly, no Texas Historical Commission marker has yet been erectedanywhereinTexas to the memory of John Bricker the pioneer millwright and Texian

husband and children, a complete reversal of the George M. Cohan song of World War I. The longing for a special someone in your life with One Day (That’ll Be Me),’ sung by April Wheat, was really striking with its lonely theme The duet portion with Fortune Onwunali gives hope to those searching for love with the right person.

husband and children, a complete reversal of the M. song of World War I. The a special in with (That’ll Me),’ was striking its theme duet portion Fortune Onwunali gives hope for love with the

WiththeTrueChristmas, thereverenceshowntoGod and its Gospelish message was refreshing. “Can you sayAMEN!” Itwasbold. It actually felt like a true church event with the singing and dancing the handclapping,aswellasthe audienceparticipation. The preaching on the Birth of Jesus was welcomed and theinterpretivedanceonthe NativityStorywastouching and wonderfully choreographed I appreciated graphed everything that was offered by the players. The New Life. The River of Tears. Theinstallationofhopeand overcoming of personal

WiththeTrueChristmas, thereverenceshowntoGod and its Gospelish message was refreshing. “Can you sayAMEN!” Itwasbold. It actually felt a true church event with the singing and dancing the handclapping,aswellasthe audienceparticipation. The preaching on the Birth of Jesus welcomed and theinterpretivedanceonthe NativityStorywastouching and wonderfully choreographed I appreciated everything that was offered by the The New Life. The River of Tears. installationofhopeand overcoming of personal

Online, and author of The Early History of Montgomery, Texas He also served as the historian for the Texas Historical Commission marker for the "Lake Creek Settlement" located at the Nat Ha

Kameron Searle of regular nt i to t h Handb o Texas and The Early History of historian the Texas for "Lake ment" located at the Ha

r Complex and Museum in Historic Montgomery, Texas.

is Pio Complex Montgomery, Texas.

darkness. Asusual,theEnsemble’s set impresses. I loved the band's little perch. Their performance exceptional, studio-like, and coupled with the singing felt aspontaneousevent thatcouldneverberepeated. Chika Kaba Ma’Atunde (writing and musical direction) andAisha Ussery make for an exceptional team,creatingaproductthat IsayisaHolidayJourneyto theHeartof The Twelve Ways of Christmas is an opportunity to share your love with family and friends, thebirth of The Savior of Our Big Blue Marble and it most certainly will make you appreciate life on the most celebrateddayoftheyear

darkness. Asusual,theEnsemble’s set impresses. I loved the band's little perch. Their performance was exceptional studio-like and coupled with the singing feltlikeaspontaneousevent thatcouldneverberepeated. Chika Kaba Ma’Atunde (writing and musical direction) andAisha Ussery make for an exceptional team,creatingaproductthat IsayisaHolidayJourneyto theHeartofChristmas. The Twelve Ways of Christmas is an opportunity to share your love with family and friends,tocelebratethebirth of The Savior of Our Big Blue Marble and it most certainly will make you appreciate life on the most celebrateddayoftheyear

The Twelve Ways of Christmas’ runs until l December 22nd at The Ensemble Theatre For tickets and donations:

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

Rubencan reachedat:
Photo:ReplicaofthepublicbrickovenbuiltbyJohn BrickeratSanFelipedeAustinStateHistoricSite

Thisweek’s Miller, who the 1939-1943. He is a Hero. Texas born on duty the Harbor on of 7th, 1941 a Mess had breakfastthat laundry Japanese attacking

ately his station, assisting an antibattery been

Thisweek’sVeteranis Dorris Miller, who served in the U.S. Navy from 1939-1943. He is a True American Hero. Waco, Texas born Dorie, was on duty aboard the battleship West Virginia at Pearl Harbor Hawaii on the morning of December 7th, 1941 Miller a Mess Attendant had served breakfastthatmorning,and was collecting laundry when Japanese planes startedattackingbattleship row with bombs and torpedoes. Dorie immediately went to his battle station, assisting an antiaircraft battery magazine, which had been destroyed

by bomb. Miller was to mortally captain which so was placed on others with Miller was to Browning .50 tower He received quick

Dorie credited downing enemyplane which amazing never

by a bomb. Miller was then ordered to the ship’s conning tower to evacuate the mortally wounded ship’s captain Mervyn Bennion, which was impossible given the conditions so he was placed on a cot and comforted by others with himstillgivingordersuntil died. Miller then was ordered to a Browning .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun, behind the conning tower He received quick instruction on how to operate the weapon, and started firing away Dorie was credited with downing at least one enemyplanethatmorning, which is an amazing feat given he had never operated the weapon

before. Millerwasthefirst BlackrecipientoftheNavy Cross, and a ‘nominee’for theMedalofHonor Well, the time has come to upgrade Mess Attendant, Second Class, Miller’s award to a Medal of Honor Dorie was promoted to Cook Petty Officer Third Class, in June 1943, but was sadly killed on November 24, 1943, when his ship, the USS Liscome Bay, was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine off the Makin Atoll, near the Gilbert and ElliceIslandsinthePacific Ocean. A new aircraft carrier, CVN-81, will be named after Doris Miller, scheduledtobelaunchedin 2029. Please take a few

before. wasthefirst Blackrecipient theNavy Cross, for the Well, the time come to upgrade Attendant, Second Class, Miller’s award of Honor was promoted to Petty Officer in June sadly killed on 24, 1943, when the USS was torpedoed Japanese submarine Makin Atoll, and ElliceIslands Pacific Ocean. new aircraft carrier, will be named after Miller, scheduledto in 2029. few

moments this Saturday, D

remember the sailors, soldiers, and marines who diedonthatday I urge you to call

Sessions’office,whoisthe Waco Congressional Representative, and urge him to fight to upgrade Doris Miller’s medal to a Medal of Honor Pete’s Washington D C office numberis(202)225-6105. Session’s Huntsville districtofficeis(936)7557770.

May God Bless Doris ‘Dorie’ Miller, for his Sacrifice to Our Nation, and for being the ‘Veteran oftheWeek’.

dance Charter Members

The Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter held its Annual “Blessings & Welcoming Tea/Meeting” at the Lovely Home of A N N E D AV I S i n Bentwater Country Club, on Lake Conroe. RJOA President JENNY LEHR

Welcomed Everyone and thanked their gracious hostess ANNE DAVIS, who decorated her home for the Fall festivities and shared her large family book on their genealogy The RJOA ladies celebrated new members: KELLY HALL and TAYLOR LEHR, along with the many hugs for all their members in atten-

The Joan Chapter held & Welcoming the N N D I Country Club, RJOA President Everyone and gracious for the Fall her book on ladies new Y HALL nd LEHR, with the many members

Present were: Charter Chaplain:LYNHOWARD, Charter Co-Founder & Registrar: DIANNE KEBODEAUX, Founder & Charter President: ELAINECOLLINGS.The Rebel Ladies attended in their Fall Fashions, as well as some in their Patriotic

dance Members Present Charter Chaplain: HOWARD, Charter Co-Founder & Reg r N E KEBODEAUX, Founder & President: ELAINE The Rebel attended in their Fall well as some Patriotic

AllCHEEREDAGAIN, then enjoyed the Bountiful Feast everyone prepared Chaplain LYN HOWARD recitedalovelyprayersent for our President and Country, by Charter Member: BARBARA : JEAN HAWKINS, now in the Plano area. No gathering of these Southern Belles is ever complete without the Sending Forth SongofDIXIELAND.

then the LYN prayer for Cou t y, e M e AR A A HAWKINS, in area. gatherthese Southern is Sending RJOA

Submitted by RJOA Chairman of Public Relations: E

C rm n of P in ,


Attire, and many in their elegantchapterRed. President Lehr proudly announced the 58 Chapter and IndividualAwards and Certificates the Rebel Joan OfArcChapterjustwonat their Texas Division UDC Convention, as she handed them out to the members responsible for the RJOA Yearly Big Wins! ~58! ~ WHAT AN AMAZING CHAPTER!!!~ Photo Co

many chapterRed. the 58 IndividualAwards Certificates Rebel won Texas UDC Convention, the the RJOA o om it e

: SheliaWilliamson

SeatedLefttoRt: Co-Founder:DianneKebodeaux,Hospitality:ReginaRiney, Riney Pres:JennyLehr,Chaplain:LynHoward.StandingLefttoRt:Rec.Sec.:Shelia Williamson,AnnaGreathouse,BarbaraEddleman,Registrar:DaneanMyers,Anne Carter,EvelynMiller,KarenDeBerry,KellyHall,AnneDavis,TaylorLehr, Myra Liston,HilarieHicks,Cor.Sec:ElaineCollings.

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