Montgomery County News, December 11, 2024

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by With December along Wilson,fromTroop Montgomery and small his a little time decorating Hart

With December rolling along Scoutmaster Mat Wilson,fromTroop351in Montgomery and a small groupofhisScouts,spenta little time decorating the Nathaniel Hart Davis Pione

x & M

c Montgomery In what wouldhavetakentheolder folk of the Montgomery Historical Society 8 hours to complete, Scoutmaster Wilson and his Scouts finished in just over one hour The Boys Scouts have been instrumental in helping out museum p organizers, saving them from sore backs, arms and legs, and their gesture to helpputupthedecorations ismuchappreciated.

“Wearesoappreciative to have the Scouts come out and decorate the m u s e u m , ” s a i d Montgomery Historical Society President Billy Ray Duncan Their servicetothecommunityis great, and they deserve a round of applause for all thattheydo.”

The Scouts from Montgomery area Troops have been busy this year with Eagle Scout Projects. Eagle Scout Jude Wilson,

io lex seu istoric what wouldhave of Montgomery Historical 8 to complete, Scoutmaster and been instrumental e n m u them backs, arms and muchappreciated. “Weare appreciative to come m e u ” i Historical unc n e the is deserve of Th S u f Montgomery area been year Eagle

project vi u e the as to

just finished his project at the Davis Museum complex in November which involved repairing and painting fence pickets and the porch, as well as some landscaping projects including adding a rain barrel to prevent soil erosion. Wilsonisoneof8 Montgomery area Scouts that completed projects thisyear “Jude Wilson did an

excellent job on his Eagle Scout Project with the museum complex,” said Ruben Borjas, Nathaniel Hart Davis Pioneer Complex & Museum, Project Beneficiary Representative “The pickets have never looked better, our erosion issue is under control and the porchdeckisanevenshade ofgray Westillhavemore projects with the museum,

When it comes to When

r e c o g n i t i o n f o r philanthropy, Jack and Mary McClahan, a couple so devoted to the cause of honoring Veterans and

and will be hunting for more Scouts in the near future.”

Additional Eagle Scouts in Troop 351 this yearincludeNickPeacock, who completed his project in2023. Heledvolunteers andscoutsinbuildingpullu p b a r s f o r t h e Montgomery High School

years ago, and the rest is history

k l ah n nevered the military is able or we all have our to in life. to Veterans more important any he been to provide uniform It allowed dream,and become man, the a longand allows to backto a cause cause, Ve n McClanahan a group of Veterans needing gather well decadeago,he jumped into and offered 105 Storage first, coffee donuts were served. ThenJackgotwith Buster ofVernon’s Country Catfish and he started breakfast on wordgot out and numbers grew include Korea, Vietnam, War, and War on Terror The so large the Poplar Park on n n and a devoted to

making, many and h y o d M i II and is history Jr

their sacrifices, do a great job in avoiding accolades for all they do for the community Buttheywere finally cornered, in their own home, at an annual Christmas and Toys for Tots Party of their own

a avoiding all community they finally in their their

ct pickets with the will hunting in A i l g e Troop 351 include project He and p f o h e Montgomery School Jack McClanahan nevered served in the military Not everyone is able or apt to, since we all have our parts to play in life. ButJack’sServiceto Veterans is much more importantthananyservice hewouldhavebeenableto provide in uniform It allowedhimtodream,and become a self-made man, thetypeofmanthataftera longandsuccessfulcareer allowshimtogivebackto a cause His cause, Ve t e r a n s W h e n McClanahan heard of a group of WWII Veterans needing a space to gather welloveradecadeago,he jumped into action and offered room at his 105 Storagebusiness. Atfirst, coffee and donuts were served. ThenJackgotwith BusterBowersofVernon’s Country Catfish and he startedprovidingbreakfast onoccasion. Aswordgot out and groups numbers grew to include Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and War on Terror Veterans The gathering grew so large it was moved to the Poplar Business Park on

making, inviting many of the Veterans and friends that they support throughout the year Jack and Mary met in a disagreement over buying WorldWarIIVeteransbeer and ice cream nearly 16

On Monday, December 9, 2024, at

There is something incredibly special about tradition; especially when it comestocollegefootball.As youknow,myfocushasbeen on covering your Houston Texans for MCN. However since the team is off this week, I thought it would be interesting to share insights into our State's greatest rivalry: The football game between the University of Texas and the Texas A&M University

TexasTraditionReturnsin CollegeFootball

youknow,myfocushas your MCN. since team off I thought The between t e a have a childhood all in when the

These two outstanding universities' football programs have met since 1894.ItwasaThanksgiving ritual for thousands of Texans since childhood

Unfortunately,thatallended in 2012 when the Aggies moved to the Southeastern Conference I commend StateLegislatorLyleLarson, who attempted to pass a HouseBilltorequirethatthe

footballfamily,hada ( ) hi touchdown. The wide receiver Golden a good with (3) receptions seventy-three (73) the something


from page 1

teamsplayeveryotheryear Good news, the teams metduringtheThanksgiving holidays and injected tremendous enthusiasm throughout the State as this contest has taken place ninety-eight (98) times. The Longhorns dominated the series with sixty-two (62) victorieswiththree(3)ties. In other news,

TheTexasAggieshosted the game after a twelve (12) year absence to a sold-out Kyle Stadium. It was an entertaining game with the Longhorns beating the Aggies 17-7. It was a closer game than the score showed as these college athletes poured out their best on the field of battle. Longhorn's quarterback Quinn Ewers had a productive day with seventeen completions on twenty-eight (28) attempts for two hundred and eighteen (218) yards including a seven (7) yard touchdown pass to J. Blue. He had one (1) interception. In

I LegislatorLyle to every year news, holidays injected State as has series with sixty-two (62)

Old , r joined w t t a is

Old 105, and more restaurantsjoinedthefray

with Kuntry Katfish


Katering, Pizza Shack, Amore, Rudy’s, and the Conroe Service League providing breakfast on a revolvingbasis. When Jack heard of an Honor Flight venture started by Montgomery

When Jack heard of started

Junior High teacher Brenda Beaven, to ferry WWII Veterans to see the Memorial built in their Honor in Washington D C ; he jumped at the chance, and through his vast efforts, and gathered support, Beaven and McClanahan were able to sendover500WorldWarII

u i g a e to the built

C ; he chance, through monument

Veterans to see the monument built in their


from page 1

ROTC. WillAtkinsonand Oscar Huss, led separate projects involving the Montgomery Memorial

ROTC. separate the

Cemetery in 2024 Atkinson led volunteers in digitally documenting the gravesinthecemeteryand uploading them into an online database for prosperity; while Huss

e e y 20 Atkinson led volunteers in documenting the graves thecemetery uploading on ne d f

replaced two new headstones on unmarked Veteran graves, reset a nearly buried tombstone and cleaned it off, and rebuilt and replaced the

Longhorns'touchdownwere overturned by Replay Officials UT's back-up q

Manning, who is related to t

TheTexasAggieshosted the after (12) absence to a Kyle It was an 17-7. It the poured Quinn a twenty-eight two hundred eighteen (218) including a seven (7) pass to Blue. e e touchdown overturned Replay UT's quar b , e to Manning, who is related to a s a

footballfamily,hadafifteen (15) yard

ushing touchdown. The Longhorns wide receiver Matthew Golden had a good showing with three (3) receptions for seventy-three (73) yards in theteam'swinningefforts.

honor And so The Lone StarHonorFlightVeterans Group was born. Sadly, manyWWIIVeteranshave passed away but there are two centenarian Veterans, Bob Putnam, 106, and George Waters, 103, who still frequent the meetings every week, which is uniqueacrossthenation,as the only weekly Veterans Breakfastgathering. Jack McClanahan was recently honored by VFW P o s t 1 2 2 2 3 i n Montgomery, for his service to the community, aswellasthe‘Community Builder Award’ given by OakWoodMasonicLodge # 1 4 4 4 , f o r t h e i r contributions and support to the Veterans of MontgomeryCounty

And Lone StarHonorFlight was born. many away Putnam, 106, Waters, 103, the week, Jack McClanahan VFW P o to by 4 4 o t r contributions and e Ve e s f

Jack and Mary McClanahan have been an

k a d M ry McClanahan an

giant cross within the cemetery

“Aftercompletingtheir project, a potential Eagle Scout needs to submit an application with their a d v a n c e m e n t a n d c leadership workbook,” said Scoutmaster Wilson. “Once everything is confirmed, the applicant will participate in a Board of Review with a panel of 3-6adultsandifsuccessful is approved for Eagle status/rank.”

Maddison Bowman from Troop 907 led scouts and Montgomery High School ROTC volunteers in building the climbing

inspiration to me and my family,” said Darrell May, who oversees the Poplar Business Park operations forTheMcClanahans,and is also a Navy Veteran Navy “Their devotion and dedication to Veterans is extraordinaryanddeserves the greatest of recognition forallthattheydo.”

inspiration to my family,” said Darrell May, who Poplar Business Park for and is a Navy e devo on nd dedication Veterans is extraordinary deserves the greatest of recognition forallthattheydo.”

TheVeterans now were C

Brenda Beavens as long make appointment. 777-9002, group would

TheVeteransgathering place now contains a museumandrecordsofall the WWII Honor Flights that were flown to the Wa s h i n g t o n D C memorial. Nowdedicated to Brenda Beavens the public is welcome to visit as long as they make an appointment. Please call (936)777-9002,ifyouora group would like to visit themuseum.

wall in the MHS ROTC upcoming obstacle course. Maddison worked with First Sergeant Miller to findmodelclimbingwalls, andshedesigned,planned, and led the project Bowman is the first girl from the Troop to earn the EagleScoutBadge. T r o o p 4 9 1 i n 1

Montgomeryhasalsobeen very active with Eagle Scouts this year Ricky Booth, Daniel Dean, Michael Smith, Richard Kronenberger, and Adam Nunez, have all earned the Eaglebadgethisyear,with threemoreScoutsawaiting reviewsforapproval.

p wo unmarked graves, cleaned it and and replaced giant cross a potential an d m n d said c v y the a adults successful Montgomery volunteers in course. Sergeant and designed, d e e j t is earn EagleScout T r 4 9 has active Smith, Kronenberger, Adam earned Eaglebadge more reviewsfor

Congratulations to my good friend Billy Williams' son Jonah Williams, one of thetopHighSchoolathletes in the nation, for his scholarship to play football and baseball for the University
“BackupquarterbackArchManningsqueezesinforatouchdownintheLonghorn’swinagainsttheTexas Aggies17-7.”



electionrallywiththeS&P 500 crossing 6,000 for the firsttimeonNovember11 andfinishingthemonthup 5.7%. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Averageeachsawfouralltime highs in November driven by the market's belief that the incoming incoming administration's economic agendaispro-growth.

A post-election bounce is not unusual because the market likes clarity " said Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam "However be careful not to extrapolate the recent gains as the market will increasingly focus on the fundamentals.”


In equities small l companies were the big

story as small cap stocks outperformed large caps. Smaller companies are seen as more reliant on adjustable-rateborrowing, so the rally could be attributed to the Federal Reserve's cuts to the baseline interest rate Small caps were likely further aided by the e

incoming administration's deregulatory theme will

Meanwhile, European stockssufferedtheirworst month relative to the U.S. since1998.


Kent Pendleton,


HavingAPaw-some Holiday:KeepingPets Safe,Happy,andIncluded

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

holiday plants another potential hazard While poinsettias aren’tgenerally they can irritate pets’ mouths or cause gastrointestinalupset.

Certain holiday plants are another potential hazard While poinsettias aren’tgenerallypoisonous, they can irritate pets’ mouths or cause gastrointestinalupset.

Other popular holiday

The holiday is a time of togetherness, andcelebration,butforpet owners, it also comes with unique chal eng s Creating a safe festive environmentforpetswhile involving them in the holidayfunrequiresa of planning care.

The holiday season is a time of joy togetherness, andcelebration,butforpet owners, it also comes with unique challengese Creating a safe festive environmentforpetswhile involving them in the holidayfunrequiresabitof planningandcare.

Dr LoriTeller, clinical professor at the Texas A&M College of VeterinaryMedicine&Biomedical Sciences, shares expert tipstoensureyourholidays are both merry and petfriendly

Dr LoriTeller,aclinical professor at the Texas A&M College of VeterinaryMedicine&Biomedical Sciences, shares expert tipstoensureyourholidays are both merry and petfriendly

Decking The Halls


Decking The Halls Safely

Holiday decorations bring an abundance of sparkle and charm that captivate humans and pets alike, but these festive touches can pose serious risks to our four-legged friendsifprecautionsaren’t taken.

Holiday decorations bring an abundance of sparkle and charm that captivate and pets alike, but these festive touches can pose serious risks to our four-legged friendsifprecautionsaren’t taken.

“Shinyandstringyitems like tinsel, garlands, and gift wrap ribbons are especially tempting to pets,” Teller said “If ingested,thesecanbecome lodged in pets’stomach or intestines, causing severe orevenfataldamage.”

“Shinyandstringyitems like tinsel, and gift ribbons are especially tempting to pets,” Teller said “If ingested, canbecome lodged in pets’stomach or intestines, causing severe orevenfataldamage.”

To prevent accidents

avoid placing gifts wrapped with bows or ribbonsunderthetreeuntil gift-opening time Hide electrical cords under rugs or tape them securely to prevent chewing, and opt

for battery-operated t candles or low-voltage LED lights to reduce fire andburnrisks.

To prevent accidents, avoid placing gifts wrapped with bows or ribbonsunder treeuntil gift-opening time Hide electrical cords under rugs or tape them securely to prevent chewing, and opt for b tt ry-oper ted candles or low-voltage LED lights to reduce fire andburnrisks.

Even the Christmas tree isn’t without hazards. Cats may see it climbing challenge, increasing the chancesofittopplingover It’s also to place ornaments especially fragile, glass ones, higher onthetreewherepetscan’t reach

Even the Christmas tree isn’t without hazards. Cats may see it as a climbing challenge, increasing the chancesofittopplingover It’s also wise to place ornaments especially fragile, glass ones, higher onthetreewherepetscan’t reachthem.

“It’simportant anchor the tree securely and to keep pets from the treestandwater,whichcan harbor chemicals or “Baby gates fire guards canhelplimitaccess.”

“It’simportanttoanchor the tree securely and to keep pets away from the treestandwater,whichcan harbor harmful chemicals or bacteria,” Teller said “Baby gates or fire guards canhelplimitaccess.”

Treats Plants To Avoid

Treats And Plants To Avoid

The holidays are filled with tempting treats, but many of these can be harmfultopets.Foods like chocolate, some nuts, anythingcontaining xylitol sugar substitute found in sugarfree candies, baked goods, andtoothpaste—cancause severehealthissues.

The holidays are filled with tempting treats, but many of these can be harmfultopets.Foods like chocolate, raisins, some nuts,andanythingcontaining xylitol a sugar substitute found in sugarfree candies, baked goods, andtoothpaste—cancause severehealthissues.

recommend keeping holiday and toxic foods stored securely and well out of reach,” Teller said “Fatty creamy foods also lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or pancreatitis consumedin large

“I recommend keeping holiday treats and toxic foods stored securely and well out of reach,” Teller said “Fatty or creamy foods can also lead to vomiting diarrhea or pancreatitisifconsumedin largeamounts.”

Gingerbread and similar edible decorations should also be away frompets.Instead,consider

Gingerbreadhousesand similar edible decorations should also be kept away frompets.Instead,consider c

e versions from materials like wood, cardboard, or Legos.

green r uch s holly yew and yew berries; lilies; roses; and canbetoxic.For option try reusable silk plants or pet-safe alternalike cactus, archira,androses.

greenery such as mistletoe; holly and holly berries; yew and yew berries; lilies; Christmas roses; and amaryllis bulbs —canbetoxic.Forasafer option try reusable silk plants or pet-safe alternativeslikeChristmascactus, orchids,archira,androses.

Thinking of pressing pause on your house hunt thisDecember?Here'swhy youshouldn't. Real estate is cyclical, andhavingtraveledaround the calendar many times, here's what I consistently seeinthelastmonthofthe year: Fewer buyers in the market

Greater negotiating powerforbuyers

Sellers eager to close ASAP

Are the driveways and w a l k w a y s w e l lmaintained? Does the exterior of the property exude a welcoming and well-litambiance?

Has the home been adequately insulated, and is the HVAC system in sound working order? What is the age of the HVACsystem?

Isthereanyevidenceof storm damage within the property, such as water spots,frozenpipes,orroof issues?

Certain decorations and ornaments also require caution Salt dough ornaments, for example, oftencontainglueandhigh salt levels that can be harmful if ingested Potpourri, essential oils, or homemade snow globes that may contain antifreeze, are all harmful to yourpets.

decorations and ornaments require caution S lt doug ornaments, for often glueand salt levels that can be h rmfu if ing st d Potpourri, essential homemade globes that may contain antifreeze, all to yourpets.



With that in mind, here are a few questions to ask yourself or your agent during your December househunt:

ries should be appropriatelysized—aslargedogs can choke on items meant forsmallerpets—andfree for of small pieces that could be pulled off and swallowed.

be appropriatelysized— choke on meant pets—andfree pieces that could off and lowed.

Are the neighbors decorating their homes for theholidays?Thisisagood indicator of a warm and

Megan@MeganStultz.c om

“Oneofthebestgiftsfor a pet is ensuring their overall health and wellness,” Teller said “Preventive care — including annual veterinary checkups, vaccinations, and consistent heartworm, flea, and tick preven

taking few precautions, you can create a festive, safe, holiday environment where pets feel just as as everyone

taking a few precautions, you can create a festive, safe, and inclusive holiday environment where pets feel just as cherished as everyoneelse.

“Clothing, collars, and harnessesshouldfitsnugly but comfortably, avoiding anything too tight or too loose,” Teller said. “Food treats, while popular, should be checked for allergens or ingredients or that might not suit a pet’s dietaryneeds.

“Clothing, collars, shouldfitsnugly comfortably, avoiding anything too tight or too loose,” Teller said. while be or ingredients needs.

on is an invaluable way to show love.”

The holidays are a wonderfultimetocelebrate with loved ones, including thefurryoneswhobringso much joy to our lives. By

The a wonderfultimetocelebrate with loved ones, including thefurryoneswho so much joy to our lives. By

Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories can be viewed on the web at -talk Suggestions for future topics may be directed to

“Manydogswilldelight inadurablechewtoy,aball for endless games of fetch, oranextra-squeakystuffed animal,” Teller said. “Cats might enjoy a robotic mouse,ascratchingpost,or evenafreshcatnipplant.”

“Manydogswill in durablechewtoy,a for endless of oranextra-squeaky animal,” might enjoy a robotic mouse,ascratchingpost,or evenafreshcatnipplant.”

From playful curious every pet uniquepreferences can guide gift-giving example,giftslike dic beds for older or time with trainer energeticdogscanenhance their we l- e ng nd strengthen the bond with theirowners. Interactive toys, feeders, multi-level cat trees, activities thoughtful and gifts that provide entertainment mental and exerciseforpets. tech-savvy owners, pet cameras treat dispensers pointers addan of giftsfor pet ensuring their o erall h alt a d wellness,” said r ven ive car including vaccinaand heartworm, flea, and p ev n on n invaluable way to of & Sciences, Texas can viewed the web at Suggestions for topics ir ted vmbs

From playful pups to curious cats, every pet has uniquepreferencesthatcan guide gift-giving For example,giftslikeorthopedic beds for older pets or time with a trainer for energeticdogscanenhance their well-being and strengthen the bond with theirowners. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, multi-level cat multi-level trees,andotherenrichment activities are thoughtful and practical gifts that provide entertainment mental stimulation, and exerciseforpets. For tech-savvy owners, pet cameras with treat dispensersorlaserpointers addaninteractivetouch.

Regardless of the gift, it’s important to prioritize safety Toys and accesso-

cr ing n n ed ble versions from materials like cardboard, or Legos. it’s important to prioritize safety Toys and


Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

I received an email last Wednesday a Mr Federico Honez (a White guy whoIhaveidentifiedas Hispanic), written in response my OP/ED last week “Was the Sacrifice Worth It.” In the column I argued that President Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 Presidential Election was worth the sacrifice for his in 2024. I pointed out that it a seachange that was brought about by the loss of effective control of the leftist media, Hollywood celebrities and RINO influences. There were plenty of other things as well in the column, but Mr Honez, who shall

I received an email last Wednesday from a Mr Federico Honez (a White guy,whoIhaveidentifiedas Hispanic) written in written response to my OP/ED last week “Was the Sacrifice Worth It.” In the column I argued that President Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 Presidential Election was worth the sacrifice for his win in 2024. I pointed out that it was a seachange that was brought about by the loss of effective control of the leftist media, Hollywood celebrities and RINO influences. There were plenty of other things as well in the column, but Mr Honez, who shall

Weather for the Lake Conroe area



Mostlyclear,withalowaround34.Calm windbecomingsoutharound5mph.

Mostlysunny,withahighnear63. Southeastwind5to10mph,withgustsas highas20mph.



A40percentchanceofshowersafternoon. Mostlycloudy,withahighnear68.


Showerslikely,mainlyaftermidnight. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround56. Chanceofprecipitationis60%.

Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlysunny,withahighnear69.Chance ofprecipitationis40%.





Sunny,withahighnear61.Westwind5to 10mph. Monday SaturdayNight

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlysunny,withahigh near69.


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remain anonymous, chose take offense. If dueling were still allowed, I’m sure Honez demanded satisfaction, and I would have accepted since the marksmanship skills of Democrat are thatgood pasttwentypaces. Butthey arestillOK fivepacesin cowardly stance, using a silencer, with the victim CEO's back turned towards you.

remain anonymous, chose to take offense. If dueling were still allowed, I’m sure that Honez would have ‘demanded satisfaction,’ and I would have accepted since the marksmanship skills of Democrat supportersarenotthatgood pasttwentypaces. Butthey arestillOKatfivepacesina cowardly stance, using a silencer, with the victim CEO's back turned towards you.

I am sent emails all the time. Most are supportive, butIgetmyfairshareof‘Go toHEdoublehockeysticks’ and ‘Idiot’s,’ along with a few‘*-hole’s,’butthisemail was different. It actually hadsentences. Clearly,Mr Honez, was one of those (gosh,I’mhopingI’musing the plural demonstrative pronoun) people, who have been harboring feelingsofTrumpDerangement Syndrome, and now Federico has chosen to express his disgust for my thoughts. Yes, towards ‘little‘olmoi.’

I am sent emails all the time. Most are supportive, butIgetmyfairshareof‘Go toHEdoublehockeysticks’ and ‘Idiot’s,’ along with a few‘*-hole’s,’butthisemail was different. It actually hadsentences. Clearly,Mr Honez, was one of those (gosh,I’mhopingI’musing the right plural demonstrative pronoun) people, who have been harboring feelingsofTrumpDerangement Syndrome, and now Federico has chosen to express his disgust for my thoughts. Yes, towards ‘little‘olmoi.’

“Just read your article andwantedyoutoknowmy thoughts,” wrote Honez. It started out harmless enough. I had made the decisionnottousemyusual deterrent This column mayupsetsome. Andquite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written,” that my friend Mr Don Tucker, considered an apology to my left of center readers. Don’s wife Blanche was a beloved fan, and I miss her, but Don was right, and the apology needed to go. It was the next sentence that started to fill my mind with Federico’s aversion for my thoughts. “You,liketrump, are a liar!!!!” screamed Honez through his mouseclick. My initial thought. Honez didn’t Capitalize ‘Trump,’ which clearly showsahealthyrepugnance for 45-47, and probably needs to be explored as a possible symptom for TDS. FH doesn't want to acknowledge President ‘T’rump as a person, which ishisrighttoo,butwhatelse in Federico’s life is he disassociatingrealityfrom?

“Just read your article andwantedyoutoknowmy thoughts,” wrote Honez. It started out harmless enough. I had made the decisionnottousemyusual deterrent “This column mayupsetsome. Andquite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written,” that my friend Mr Don Tucker, considered an apology to my left of center readers. Don’s wife Blanche was a beloved fan, and I miss her, but Don was right, and the apology needed to go. It was the next sentence that started to fill my mind with Federico’s aversion for my thoughts. “You,liketrump, are a liar!!!! screamed a Honez through his mouseclick. My initial thought. Honez didn’t Capitalize Trump, which clearly showsahealthyrepugnance for 45-47, and probably needs to be explored as a possible symptom for TDS. FH definitely doesn't want to acknowledge President ‘T’rump as a person, which ishisrighttoo,butwhatelse in Federico s life is he disassociatingrealityfrom?

Ishe onlychild? Did he have bad potty training experience? Did he not receivelessonsincuttinghis meat? Was he ever told, ‘No?’ Who knows? But I was taught by my mentor that Democrats strive to workagainsttheirownselfinterest, by supporting candidates that vote for policiesthatmaketheirlives much worse than better Takeforinstance,California (which had 55 electoral votes, now has 54). It’s a one-party blue state that Kamala Harris won by a convertible margin, but has a governor and legislature thatcontinuallymakeliving conditions in the state more and more intolerable for its middle and lower classes.

Isheanonlychild? Did he have bad potty training experience? Did he not receivelessonsincuttinghis meat? Was he ever told, Was ‘No?’ Who knows? But I was taught by my mentor that Democrats strive to workagainsttheirownselfinterest, by supporting candidates that vote for policiesthatmaketheirlives thatmaketheirlives much worse than better Takeforinstance,California (which had 55 electoral votes, now has 54). It’s a one-party blue state that Kamala Harris won by a convertible margin, but has a governor and legislature thatcontinuallymakeliving conditions in the state more and more intolerable for its middle and lower classes.

Youwannaknow Texas homepricesaresohigh. It’s people from terrible Democrat states moving to Our Fair Land, because of worthle Democrat policies in their original homestates.

YouwannaknowwhyTexas homepricesaresohigh. It’s people from terrible Democrat states moving to Our Fair Land, because of worthless Democrat t policies in their original homestates.

“Signs of TDS can be observedalongacontinuum of reactions, ranging from verbal expressions of intense hostility toward President Trump to overt acts of aggression and even violence against anyone supporting or anything symbolizing him,” wrote Alex Pattakos, PhD., from hisPsychologyTodaypiece. ‘The Paradox of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ ofSeptember5th.

“Signs of TDS can be observedalongacontinuum of reactions, ranging from verbal expressions of intense hostility toward President Trump to overt acts of aggression and even violence against anyone supporting or anything symbolizing him,” wrote Alex Pattakos, PhD., from hisPsychologyTodaypiece. ‘The Paradox of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome ’ ofSeptember5th.

Honez did call me ‘a liar,’ which being mentionedinthesamebreathas Trump,Iconsideredabadge of honor And quite honestly Itakenooffenseat whatHonezsaid,sinceIcan dishitoutaswellastakeit. Butitwashisnextsentence thattookmeforaloop,“All of the article is based on lies.” Whoa!! I stopped in mytracks. Ialmostfeltlike the Tennesseans’, in that San Antonio cantina before The Alamo battle, being threatened with chastisement even unto death by Santa Anna. Imagine me, Ruben a liar? Why I’m like George Washington, “I’ve never told a lie.” lol. Does chastise mean what I thinkItdo? Itdo!

Honez did call me ‘a liar, which being mentionedinthesamebreathas Trump,Iconsideredabadge of honor And quite honestly,Itakenooffenseat whatHonezsaid,sinceIcan dishitoutaswellastakeit. Butitwashisnextsentence thattookmeforaloop,“All of the article is based on lies.” Whoa!! I stopped in mytracks. Ialmostfeltlike I the Tennesseans’, in that San Antonio cantina before The Alamo battle, being threatened with chastisement even unto death by Santa Anna. Imagine me, Ruben a liar? Why I’m like George Washington “I’ve never told a lie.” lol. Does chastise mean what I thinkItdo? Itdo!

“If you actually believe whatyouwrote,Ifeel for you,” continued Honez abhorrently Of course I believe what I wrote Federico, or I wouldn’t put my name out there week after week, and peoples’ lives would be even more boring than they already are? Did I not invoke your ire Honez? Did I not raise your low blood pressure with the invocation of healthy discourse between us? Federicocontinued,“If you actually know the truth and are simply playing to your perception of your readers havenoethics.” Oh come on, Honez? I’m confronted with ethical decisions all the time, and on occasion it makes some peoplemad. Imadeamoral decisionrecentlyinwhichI didn’tlikeaperformancein which children were present. It wasn’t about drag queen story hour but I loathed the things saw in the production that I felt wereagroomingaidtolittle children, and I felt it was a benefit to society to shoot a shot across their bow of the organizers, to make them aware of being in protecting children s innocence. Of course they complained, and it was the only negative I’ve issuedthisyear I see Honez as what I’ve previouslydescribedonthis page, a multi-degreed professional living an echochamber of leftist

“If you actually believe whatyouwrote,Ifeelsorry for you,” continued Honez abhorrently Of course I believe what I wrote Federico, or I wouldn’t put my name out there week after week, and peoples’ lives would be even more boring than they already are? Did I not invoke your ire Honez? Did I not raise your low blood pressure with the invocation of healthy discourse between us? Federicocontinued,“If you actually know the truth and are simply playing to your perception of your readersyouhavenoethics.” Oh come on, Honez? I’m confronted with ethical decisions all the time, and on occasion it makes some peoplemad. Imadeamoral decisionrecentlyinwhichI didn’tlikeaperformancein which children were present. It wasn’t about drag queen story hour, but I loathed the things I saw in the production that I felt wereagroomingaidtolittle children, and I felt it was a benefit to society to shoot a shot across their bow of the organizers, to make them aware of being sensible in protecting children’s innocence. Of course they complained, and it was the only negative review I’ve issuedthisyear I see Honez as what I’ve previouslydescribedonthis page, a multi-degreed professional living in an echochamber of leftist

thought. Federico

thought. Federico

It Honezes way or the highway, which makes leftist like him so NodoubtFeddy thatolderchildwho always changed the rules of the game in progress when we were kids. You know so us younger kids could lose all the time. Now those older kids are on the losing side, andtheyarereelingfromthe rejection. No one wants to listen to Feddy Honez and his crowd or abide by their rulesanymore. Lastly Honez wrote that he was ashamed of MCN and their association with me. It was as Honez has R

It’s Honezes way or the highway, which makes leftist like him so predictable. NodoubtFeddywas thatolderchildwho always changed the rules of the game in progress when we were kids. You know, so us younger kids could lose all the time. Now those older kids are on the losing side, andtheyarereelingfromthe rejection. No one wants to listen to Feddy Honez and his crowd or abide by their rulesanymore. Lastly, Honez wrote that he was ashamed of MCN and their association with me. It was as if Honez has ‘Ru

Syndrome.’ I’m I’llbe the topic of conversation at the next with his therapist,whoisrakingitin ‘btw,’ after Kamala Harris’ election loss, feeling the painofhervoters.

ngement Syndrome.’ I’msureI’llbe the topic of conversation at the next meeting with his the therapist,whoisrakingitin ‘btw,’ after Kamala Harris’ election loss, feeling the painofhervoters.

Honez wrote ba

WILL!!!!” I was perplexed after

ramblings. The cure for RDS is common sense. I wrote back, “Federico: Can you give me an example of your disgust for my thoughts?”

ramblings. The cure for RDS is common sense. I wrote back, “Federico: Can you give me example of your disgust for my thoughts?”

WILL!!!!” I was perplexed after

I waited. Patiently in fact. For four minutes. Nothing. SoIsentanote. “Oh, you can't do that now I'll give you 24 hours toformulateyourdisgust. If you need any research assistance,letmeknow.”

I waited. Patiently in fact. For four minutes. Nothing. SoIsentanote. “Oh, you can't do that now I'll give you 24 hours toformulateyourdisgust. If you need any research assistance,letmeknow.”

Feddy wrote back, again defiantly,“IWON’TNEED THATLONG!!!!”

Feddy wrote back, again defiantly “IWON’TNEED THATLONG!!!!”

9:30 hours later, Honez responded. I expecting a point-counterpoint type response to his argument with appropriate references to back up his assertions. HereiswhatIreceivedfrom Federico, bad grammar and all.

9:30 hours later, Honez responded. Iwasexpecting a point-counterpoint type response to his argument with appropriate references to back up his assertions. HereiswhatIreceivedfrom Federico, bad grammar and all.


n with ‘sacrifice.’ There was no sacrifice, there was an election,thatJoeBidenWon andwasaffirmed least s

n with ‘sacrifice.’ There was no sacrifice there was an election,thatJoeBidenWon andwasaffirmedbyatleast s

ump (Notice how he capitalized ‘JoeBidenWon.’) Youcall Pence(cap)andothersrinos for upholding their oath to the constitution (no cap on The Constitution ) No mention of drinking bleach or the attack on our capital thatcauseddeathandinjury What are these American Ideals and Values that you claim for yourself. Donald Trump(heforgottode-cap) wonthiselectionandIhope thatitisgoodforournation and the world; but i am worriedaboutboth. Weare one people that needs to come together with honesty and humility; not lies and hate That sir is my opinion.”

g ; many app int d by t ump (Notice how he capitalized ‘JoeBidenWon.’) Youcall Pence(cap)andothersrinos for upholding their oath to the constitution (no cap on The Constitution ) No mention of drinking bleach or the attack capital thatcauseddeathandinjury What are these American Ideals and Values you claim for Donald Trump(heforgot de-cap) wonthiselectionandIhope thatitisgoodforournation and the world; but i am worriedaboutboth. are one people that needs to come together with honesty and humility; and hate That sir is my opinion.”

If is not a leftist, then he is a Cheney Republican In Name Only And if Feddy would have read me he would know my ideals and values forAmerica:LowersTaxes, Smaller Government and less intrusion in our lives, Strong 2A, Right to Life, Social Conservatism, a Market Driven Private Sector Economy, Student ExpectationsinourSchools withSchool-Choice(aswell astheprotectionofchildren against having Medical Insurance Choice across State Lines to promote competition, a Strong Border with a SelfSupporting Immigration System Strong Military and there are tons more. Anything common sense, that benefits America I’m prettymuchfor Honez believes that Republicans are the problem, my side should acquiesce to Sorry ain’t gonna happen. The 6thConspiracy was not GOP but madebythehands Nancy Pelosi Just look the House hearings on the subject. And if Joe Biden won 2020 fair and square, Freddy thing coming. Whywerethere15 millionlessvotesthistime? I can’t

as social media, for I think willbringhimpeace. Of course, in your life, and to read me. For me, as I modestly Iamthecure to all derangement syndromes, and Ruben’s.

If Honez is not a leftist, then he is a Cheney Republican In Name Only And if Feddy would have read me more, he would know my ideals and values forAmerica:LowersTaxes, Smaller Government and less intrusion in our lives, Strong 2A, Right to Life, Social Conservatism a Market Driven Private Sector Economy, Student ExpectationsinourSchools withSchool-Choice(aswell astheprotectionofchildren against predators), having Medical Insurance Choice across State Lines to promote competition a Strong Border with a SelfSupporting Immigration System, Strong Military, Strong and there are tons more. Anything common sense, that benefits America I’m prettymuchfor Honez believes that Republicans are the problem, and my side should acquiesce to his Sorry, ain’t gonna happen. TheJanuary6thConspiracy was not GOP driven, but madebythehandsofNancy Pelosi Just look at the House hearings on the subject. And if Joe Biden won 2020 fair and square, Freddy has another thing coming. Whywerethere15 millionlessvotesthistime? I can’t go about life with a permanent hate built into my persona, loathing everyone who disagrees with me. I’ve simply not enough energy to keep up the intensity, besides I’ve got better things to do. I wish Federico Honez the bestinlife. Ihopeheturns off MSNBC and CNN, as well as social media, for I thinkitwillbringhimpeace. Of course, keep MCN in your life, and continue to read me. For me, as I modestlysay Iamthecure to all derangement syndromes,Trump’s…and Ruben’s.

PsychologyTodaypiece: psychologytodaycom/us/bl og/the-meaningful- n life/202409/the-paradoxof-trump-derangementsyndrome

Original Column: Was the Sacrifice Worth It? wwwwoodlandsonline co m/npps/storycfm?nppage= 80219

Column: Was the Sacrifice Worth It? wwwwoodlandsonline co m/npps/storycfm?nppage

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

down it's even lower down. It’s go time, do you want to sit in traffic for the next two or three hours? Thankfully the spouse and kids have left early to the cabin for the weekend. So whatdoyoudo? Well,Isay take the FM 2920 (Spring CypressRoad)exitandstart headingwestabout4miles, to 5210 FM 2920 and the ‘T

becauseIfoundanewjewel inthecrownofgreatplaces that offers craft beers and food favorites that will knockyoursocksoff.

Thistle Draftshop is a very welcoming place to hangout fit for regulars, the 2920crowd,orevenpeople wanting to avoid interstate trafficnightmaresituations. Built out of an automotive repair shop with garage doorsonbothends,thereis a lot of open space to just hangoutwithfriends,orjust peoplewatch. Youwillsee groups come for lunch and hangout for hours. I saw a bunch of military guys and gals from a local airport, andtheywerehavingagood time. And what were they there for? Craft Beer and Food TD has tons of Shareables, Soups and Salads specialty Burgers and Thistle Wings. They even have you covered for

Monday-Friday,Breakfast and Lunch, then on the weekends they have Saturday and Sunday Brunch. Andifyouhavean event,theyevenhavespace for that Owner Mary Thorn is an awesome lady and she has a great staff, plus the chefs she has on hand are schooled and well trained,andthey’llsurprise you with the taste and portion sizes that will keep youcomingback. Notonly that, there is an associated speakeasycalled‘TheBlind Finch that impresses offering costume 1920’s themed parties, sophisticated cocktails, craft beers, spirits and a specialized menu made from the same Thistle Draftshop scratch kitchen. Now if I could only find the door I’d mention the occasional burlesque show they offer but that’s hush hush. The ladies are great entertainers by the way, I know I’ve seenthemperform twice. Ifit’sCraftBeeryouare lookingforatThistleDraft, then come and pony up at the horse track shaped bar, because there are more choices than there are stars inthesky Itriedaflightof four: Pilsner Rešov, West Coast Ghost, WildApricot, and Coffee Porter The onlythingIcansay Wow! Each had their own style, flavors, and the creativity

breweries blows my mind.

Gone are the days of bland beerswithnotaste,because TD’s Mary Thorn has a great group of beer suppliers using ingredients that inspire with new century brewingtechniquesthatare

hankering for chicken nuggets,evenonChristmas, Thistle Draftshop is open. And better yet, jus

makingwaves. The Pilsner Rešov, pays homage to its namesake v

Republic and is representativeofaBohemianlifestyle. I loved the milky head, as well as the floral hints, spices from the old land, andabreadytaste. Withits light side, fest beer feel at 4.6% ABV, it’s a great all day beer, and it goes well with anything theTD chefs cancookupforyou. Itried the‘NatalieNuggets,’anew chicken item and I was sold The soft chicken inside was moist and delicious, while the crust was crispy and never faltered If you have a



CornerstoneChristianAssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsol Worship: Sundayat10:30am, SundaySchool:9:30am

HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road,Montgomery.713478-1256,SundayBible Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am.


Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery


BenuiBaptist Church, Dobbin,936-597-5560

ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744



FirstBaptistChurch, HoneaBaptist Church, 936-588-1260 m, dacusbaptist@consolidate JonesChapelBaptist,







Mt.SinaiBaptist UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards, Texas

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

SacredHeartCatholic, SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm



309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone: 936-597-8013Web: www.livingsaviortexas.or gPastorDavidR.Bailes.


ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) OakHillsJrHigh



The West Coast Ghost is a pucker u p c r a f t beer With a double IPA statusit’sonthehigherside of bitterness,butinalovely way I’d say it’s designed for a more mature palate, with the younger you are, the more pucker face you get. It’sfunandlively,and with IPA’s you expect them tobehazy butwiththeWest Coast Ghost, it appearance islightandclear Ienjoyed the tropical citrus, hoppy maltyfeeloftheWCG,and withitstrioofhops,itmade for a bold statement with greattaste. I’mnotusually a fan of grapefruit, but it works and has a crisp and dry feel. Thefinish is long and aggressive taking encoreafterencorethatjust

goes on and on. With 8% ABV,theWestCoastGhost can jump out at you quick, so I ordered some Red Dragon Fries. One word. Awesome! Made with thin crispy pork belly strips, jalapeno,beercheese,green onions, crispy garlic, Korean chili flakes, Thai chili flakes, and queso fresco, all topped on a pile of delicious fries, it comes together, and makes for a great pairing with the West CoastGhost.

The Wild Apricot, a.k.a. Wild Sour Series: Apricot, is another pucker up craft beer I was struck by the aromaalone,itjusthitsyou; like a brick. Its tarty sour refreshing,citrusy,biscuity, malty, and the stone fruit from the apricot ensures its perfectly balanced. With 6%ABV, theWildApricot, I’d say it’s a tart wild ale, and has a lasting finish OnethingI’drecommendis to make a candy out of it, now that would be incredible. TheWildApricotpairs well with the RD Fries, or anything on the Thistle Draftshopmenu.

TheCoffeePorterisdark and appears to be the new wayofenjoyingthebeanat all times of the day It was thedarkestbeerItried,with itstouchonthepalatebeing gentle. The CP has a little puckerfactor,butshouldn’t beoffensivetothebeginner With 6.6%ABV, it’s a nice mid-level beer that




ThistleDraftshopwillbe c

th Anniversary in December It’s a great place to slow down and enjoy life. The craftbeersandfoodaresure to please. And if you need tohangoutthereforabitof happiness on a sad day, a roughdayatwork,youwill be welcomed. If you need to avoid interstate traffic jams, then head on down. You might arrive at the cabin a little late, but you can use the excuse of the trafficjamorrunningovera thistleandhavingtochange your tire. It works every time.

Alcohol Disclaimer: Thiscolumnisintendedfor entertainment purposes only.Pleasedrinkresponsibly notjustforyourself,but forothersaroundyou.


Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.

2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757



FM1774,Plantersville, 936-756-8186

St.Mary’s Catholic, 936-894-2223 7:45Service St.Joseph’sCatholic, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223

CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 281-362-1100


Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944 LivingSavior




302N.Danville, Willis,Tx.77378

SeniorPastorDale Talbert

thewoodlandsmethodist .org/montgomery

19190KeenanCutoff Rd. Montgomery,TX 77356

MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch

22548Highway105 West

Phone: 936-597-6162

SundayServices 10:30am RichardsUnited MethodistChurch

8:45SundaySchool 6639FM1696 Richards Montgomery TX 10AMWorship Service

AprilSoundChurch 67½AprilWindS., Transformation ChurchMontgomery


Montgomery TX 77316



LongmireRd, Conroe


ServiceTimes: Sundaysat9:30am& 11am/Wednesdaysat 6:30pmforChildren& StudentMinistries


Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

LighthouseFellowshipChurch LivingBranch Church, Sun:10:30am AprilSound,936-5882832 NewBeginningBible Church,

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomer usonFacebook @thefmchurch!

PastorDavidWhitaker EPISCOPAL

19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921 CarbonChurch, WaldenCommunity Church,

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696

Services9:30and11 a.m. RiverofLifeChurch Montgomery,TX 77356 retreatandwildlife center, (936)597-3949 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414


LakesideBible Church,

1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas 936-689-3141 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church

TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter TheChurch@Lake Conroe


FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 Montgomery,TX 77316

CelebrationService 10amSundays YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays

PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook 936/890-8034


FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 2727N.Loop336 West Conroe,Texas936756-8884

ChurchofChristin Montgomery Sun.9:00&11:00 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX.

SunSch10:00 Nurseryprovided

Lot10InBlock3,ofLakeWindcrest,Section(5),AsubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texas, According to the Map orPlat thereof Recorded in Cabinet M Sheet 42 of the Map records of MontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas32626AutumnForestCourt,Magnolia, TX77354("Property") COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY


By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURT of MONTGOMERY County, Texas; Cause# 22-05-06474 in a judgment rendered on the 13th day of September 2024, where as in Lake Windcrest Property Owners'Association Plaintiff againstMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe19thdayofNovember,2024at9:29o'clock a.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant:

Andonthe7thdayofJanuary 2025,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendantinandto said property, representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofLakeWindcrestPropertyOwners'Association.



DATEDthis19thdayofNovember 2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas.







Thepropertycommonlyknownas17505S.LakeviewDr Splendora,TX77357isscheduledtobe soldatpublicforeclosureauctionon01/07/2025at10:00AMornolaterthan3hoursthereafterat301 N. Main Street, Conroe, TX 77301 or as designated by the County Commissioner`s Office in MontgomeryCounty Texas,oriftheprecedingareaisnolongerthedesignatedarea,attheareamost recentlydesignatedbytheMontgomeryCountyCommissioner'sCourt.TheSubstituteTrusteewill be Patricia Poston, David Poston, Nick Poston, Chris Poston, Mo Taherzadeh,Amar Sood, Selim Taherzadeh,orMichaelLinke,anytoact.Thewinningbidderbuys“asis”andmustpayattheauction withcertifiedfunds.





th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof Montgomery County Texas on the 12th day of November 2024 in favor of Randy Doleman and Brandi Doleman recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-07-10784, in the 457th Judicial District CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe1stdayofOctober 2024,againstMarcellaUzzell.

Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, didonthe25thdayofNovember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7thdayof January,2025,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantMarcellaUzzellhadinthepropertydescribedbelow:


1. $30,954.32Principleamount

2. $6,054.16Attorneyfees

3. Interest on the total judgment at the rate of 0% per annum from the date of judgmentuntilpaid.

4. $710.28CourtCost

5. $0.00JudgmentCredit



ConstablePCT.1 PhilipCash MontgomeryCounty,Texas

By: S.Closson Sergeant


CONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:December11,18,25,2024 (REALPROPERTY) THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe6thdayofOctober,2022,inthecaseof U.S.BankNationalAssociation,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBacked Certificates, Series 2006 HE1., Plaintiff, vs. Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt, Defendant(s), Cause No.22-10-13505-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of U.S. Bank National Association,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBackedCertificates,Series 2006 HE1, Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 21st Day of November 2024 at 10:00 o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant(s):KimM.HoltandClarence J.Holt.


Thencewestadistanceof192.45feettoa5/8inchironrodsetinthewesterlylineofWisenbaker's5.0 acretract;

Thencenorthadistanceof127.50feettoa5/8inchironrodsetforthenorthwesterlycornerofthe hereindescribedtract,alsobeingthenorthwesterlycornerofWisenbaker's5.0acretract;



Thence with the centerline of White Oak Road East a distance of 192.45 feet to a point for the southwesterlycornerandpointofbeginningofthehereindescribedtract,saidpointalsobeingthe southeasterlycornerofsaidBabin1.069acretract; PublishedDates:December11,18,25,2024 and on the 7th day of January 2025 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof KimM.HoltandClarenceJ.Holt,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty







th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th Montgomery County, Texas on the 24 day of October, 2024 in favor of April Sound Property OwnersAssociation, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-04-05157 in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas on the 13th day of September 2024, against Donna BelleauGorder

Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas, didonthe7thdayofNovember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7thdayof January,2025,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantDonnaBelleauGorderhadinthepropertydescribed below: NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY *



VIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered24-03-04118onajudgmentrenderedinsaidcourt on the 7th day of MayA.O. 2024 and directed and delivered to me as Constable of Montgomery CountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.Ihaveonthe18thdayofNovemberA.O.2024 levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M. on the first Tuesday in JanuaryA.O. 2025, it being the 7th of said month at public auction to the highestbidder forcashinhandattheCourthousestepsof301NMainSt.Conroe,TX77301ofsaid MontgomeryCounty,Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany,whichthedefendanthadonthe7th dayofMayA.D.2024,oratanytimethereafter ofandinthefollowingdescribedpropertytowit: TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis heldbythepledgee,assigneeormortgagee,oncomplyingwiththeconditionsofthe GIVENUNDERMYHANDonthisDate25thofNovemberA.O.2024 PublishedDates:December11,18,25,2024


CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 24-10-16487

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

P OBox2985 2603AugustaDr HoustonTX77057

Conroe,Texas77305 Suite900


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To: UnknownHeirsatLawofDonaldLeeMcGary Deceased

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 6th day of January 2025 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 22nd day of October, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-10-16487 on the docket of said court.



UnknownHeirsatLawofDonaldLeeMcGary DeceasedareDefendants


Plaintiff, Royal Forest Colony Club, Inc., by and through its attorney of record, Chris Archambault,2603AugustaDrive,Suite900,Houston,TX77057,broughtsuitunderCause No.24-10-16487;Inthe457thDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,forenforcement and foreclosure of Plaintiff's lien on the following described real property of which Defendants, THE UNKNOWN HEIRSAT LAW OF DONALD LEE MCGARY are potential parties in interest: LOT 1064 ROYAL FOREST SUBDIVISION SECTION 2 ATRACT OR PARCELOFLANDCONTAINING13,500.00SQUAREFEETMOREORLESSOUTOFA CERTAIN 222.3392 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEEDRECORDSANDTHECOUNTYCLERK'SFILENUMBER308109,MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING IN THE JOSE M. DE LA GARZA SURVEY, A-15 IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS[…]CommonlyknownasLot1064,Conroe,TX77303.

asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe19thdayofNovember 2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas)

MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

MontgomeryCounty Texas By:/s/AmyLundy AmyLundy 11/19/20242:17:13PM



NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property to satisfy landlord's lien. Sale is 10:00 am on th December19 ,2024.Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanup andremovaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsale ornotacceptanybidder Propertywillbesoldinentirecontentsofeachindividualstorage unit. Propertyincludescontentsofspacesoffollowingtenants:TanyaLeach(x7)Property being sold includes the following: Household items, and furniture Contact Lockaway Storage-105,6421Hwy105W SteA,ConroeTx77304,281-560-4331.



NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien.Saleis10AMonThursday December 19th, 2024 Property will be sold to the highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanupandremovaldepositmayberequired.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawproperty from sale or not accept any bidder Property will be sold in the entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Dena ShapleyandJodyDaley,Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing:totes,boxes,furniture, tools,shoes,andclothes. ContactLockawayStorage-1488,8215FM1488Magnolia,TX,77354



NOTICE OF SALE Property will be sold to satisfy a landlord's lien per Chapter 59 Self-

serviceStorageFacilityLiens. SaleonThursdaythe19thdayofDecember 2024at10:00 AM with bidding to take place on Payment and pickup at facility Storage Rentals of America, 1964 Northpark Dr Ste J, Kingwood, TX, 77339 Osborne, Justin. Robinson,Terry Yarbrough,Amanda


Public Notice: Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, New Caney Self Storagelocatedat22020SouthparkSt.,NewCaney TX77357willholdapublicauctionto satisfyalandlord'slien.ThesalewillbeheldonlineDecember28th,2024at10:00amCSTat,9,20,22,102,and123 willbeaccepteduntil1/9/202504:00PM(CST);2-MargaretHaynes–householditems;9AdriannaWashington-householditems;20-MayraYuridiaPuente–householditems;22ErikaMares-householditems;102-MargaretAdame-householditems;and123-Soraida Rodriguez-householditems. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE


Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate




th DATEDthe5 dayofDecember2024. By:/s/MollieC.Lambert




P.O.Box490 Facsimile:281-592-5244










GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the APPLICATION TO DETERMINE

HEIRSHIPfiledbyCourtnieMartinez,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayafter the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. SaidapplicationwasfiledonDecember05,2024.




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 6th day of December 2024.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas

By:/s/BrandiDuron 12/6/202410:01:44AM



This week’s Veteran is Anastasia Hveem who served in the U.S. Army from2019-2022. Anastasia is MCN’s first Russianborn Veteran from Cheboksary, which is eight hours drivetimeto theeast from Moscow Hveem, actually a Norwegian name,wasbornjustpriorto theFalloftheSovietUnion during Christmas 1991 She legally immigrated to the United States, and felt compelledtoserveOurFair Land’s military Anastasia wasanIntelligenceAnalyst receiving training at Fort H


Hveem also earned her JumpWings,orParachutist Badge; which meant that sheisnotafraidtojumpout of an airplane, except the first time she jumped in training, Hveem reported thatshewasscaredtoopen her eyes, and she screamed whenherparachuteopened up Her instructors screamed back, “Shut up.” Nowshelovesit,andlooks forward to jumping again. Her airborne school consisted of five jumps.

Anastasia was stationed at JointBaseLewis-McChord inWashingtonState,where she had four more jumps. InRussia,Anastasiawentto school to be a choreogra-

pher, of d e n e sequences dance, ballet, or skating. Hveem was and choreographer at a before moving She wanted to into theater, and the Players Company headquarters Owen Theatre in where she ensemble for ‘White runs through 2 Anastasia, tions ‘Veteranof

pher, which is the art of developing dance sequences for stage dance, ballet, or figure skating. Hveem was a dancer and choreographerfor8yearsat a Russian theater, before moving to America. She wanted to get back into theater, and found the Players Theatre Company headquarters at The Owen Theatre in Conroe, where sheisinthedanceensemble for the current musical musical ‘White Christmas,’ which runs through December 22nd Good Luck Anastasia, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘VeteranoftheWeek’.

LocalChapterMarkHeadstonesatOakwood CemeteryforWreathsAcrossAmerica

For the past five years, the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe chapter,TexasDivision,of chapter theUnitedDaughtersofthe C o n f e d e r a c y h a s particpated in the event "Wreaths Across America".

centeroftheheadstone,the mission is to...Remember, HonorandTeach. Weeksbeforetheevent, differrent groups prepare a cemetery by placing a flag or marker of some kind at each veteransgravesite, so that on the day of placing thewreaths,thegravesiteis foundeasily

center headstone,the mission to...Remember, Honorand groups flag some years, the Division, o e h in the "Wreaths is program ofall

s u t is is at

A f r e s h c u t balsamwreath is prepared with a red bow attached and those wreaths ordered bythatgrouparedelivered. As the name of the veteran is called out, the wreath is placed at the

Thisisaprogramthatis carried out in all 50 states, at sea and abroad. Every yearsince2008, Congress proclaims a Saturday in December as National Wreaths Across America andat11AM,theprogram starts.

TheStubbsChapterwill be at the Oakwood e Cemetery, 10th Street and Hwy 105 in Conroe on December 14, 2024 at 11 AM.

The public is invited, it is a very moving program and a wonderful way to and remember all the veterans ofallthewars. is at and Congress proclaims starts.

Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter Registrar, DANEAN MYERS, sits proudly as she helps RJOA BARBARA EDDLEMAN and RJOA

CINDY DITTRICH achieve more of their family “Supplemental” ancestorstobehonored.



Picture and article by Eva Rains Publicity chairman for the Stubbs chapter

for the Stubbs chapter will b Oa od Cemetery, and Hwy on December 14, 11 AM.

RJOAMembersFind AndHonorAncestors

Co H, 30th Regiment, TexasCalvary,C.S.A.

1. Asa Bullard, Co. A, Pelhams Mounted Patrol, TexasInfantry,C.S.A.

2.LorenzoBullard,Co. D, Martin s Regiment, TexasCavalry,C.S.A.

Bullard, Co. A, FOR




TrafficAdvisory forMontgomery HistoricChristmas Parade

Montgomery TXTraffic Advisory: Detour and delays expected Saturday, December 14, 2024 The Montgomery Historic Christmas Parade happens on December 14 2024

Submitted RJOA


2 Miles Turner Skinner, Co D, 12th Regiment,TexasCavalry C.S.A.

Joan more is theDescendantof:

o i , A

EDDLEMAN is the Descendantof: 1 Steed M Skinner,

CINDY DITTRICH is theDescendantof:

Submitted by RJOA Chairman of Public Relations: Elaine C o l l i n g s ,


There will be some road closures at 9:30 am. SH 105 and FM 149 from South of Flagship Boulevard to Clepper Street.

Details on Road Closures If you're

heading westbound, the closure starts at 20200 E v a S t ( B u ff a l o Springs/Eva St) when you're traveling from Conroe towards Montgomery And if you're going eastbound, the closure starts at 23200 Hwy 105W(intersection of Hwy 105/Lone Star Parkway) when you're traveling from Dobbin towardsMontgomery


TX a

EventsHappening great time 6719.

TheCityofMontgomery provides shuttles for everyone.Youcancatcha ride from MISD Stadium

Historical Montgomery Society from 9 am to 7 pm The Christmas ParadehostedbytheCity of Montgomery will be from10amto12pm.The parade will have over 1,000 participants and around 3,000 spectators. ParkingandSafety provides MISD and get dropped off downtown every 10 minutes from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. The Montgomery Police Department will have officers at all intersections to help with traffic flow and keep everyonesafe.

Remember to plan for extra travel time Let's have a great time celebratingtogether! For more information, contact Stephanie Johnson at 936-5976719.

There will be a Holiday Marketplace, Famous Cookie Walk, and Candlelight Home Tour hosted by the

picturedlefttoright...EvaRains,DeliseHenry,JessicaRizk,SherryMcKey, SchelleTaylor,NashelleTaylor,BetteGarland,IvaGilliamandNorbert(a caninefriend)
LefttoRight:DaneanMyers,BarbaraEddleman,CindyDittrich. Background: AnnistynHarless,ElaineCollings,ViziCaldwell,Chrissy Barton,MaryLeeMalek.

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