Montgomery County News, December 18, 2024

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The Freedom Chapter oftheSonsoftheAmerican Revolution, held their Wreaths Across America, wreath laying ceremony, SaturdayDecember14that the Montgomery New Cemetery Wewerethereto celebrate our mission to Remember the fallen, and Honor those that have served our country, and to help teach the next generation the values of our freedom We had a great turnout even with a little intermittent rain. We would like to thank everyone that came out to helpuscelebrateandtolay wreaths for our veterans that served our great nation. The freedoms we

have today have not come without a price This countrywasfoundedonthe ideals of Freedom, Justice and Equality Our nation stands as a shining beacon of liberty and freedom to theworld.

The SonsoftheAmerican Revolution, America, wreath laying Saturday Wewerethere Remember the Honor that and p t th x a turnout even a intermittent l l e o h that out celebrate great on

you to the Montgomery HighSchoolJROTCColor Guard unit for presenting

the members of several chapters of the Daughters o

Revolution, Members of the Texas Society of the

Quoting our 40th

United States President, Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction, we didn't pass this on to our children in thebloodstream.Itmustbe fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will be telling our children and their children what it was once like where men werefree.”

Qu t n our 0t States than generation away we on children in bloodstream. to do same, werefree.”

Several organizations helpwiththisevent.Thank

Several help this

Metcalf, Lake Creek High School Basketball team, Loins Heart Volunteers, H o p e C h u r c h , Montgomery Lions Club,

War of 1812, Sons and Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Sons and

the of several Daughters m r c n Members of and s n by

There are

The Golden Needles Quilt Guild held their annual quilt ceremony to honor Veterans with a donated quilt, handmade byguildmembersoverthe course of the past year in commemoration of Veterans Day The event washeldthispastVeterans week at the Willis Community Center, and

TheHoustonTexansDownthe Dolphins20-12



coming to a it was that Houston their ball are aligning a competitive (2) game streak.

As the 2024 NFL season is coming to a close, it was imperative that the (9-5) Houston Texans played their best ball in December The stars are aligning for this team of destiny as they beat a competitive (6-8) Miami Dolphin breaking a two (2) home game losingstreak.

was an few new coming off a week. Nico Collins with two touchdowns J tough as

It was an exciting contest with a few new flairs after coming off a bye week. Texans' wide receiver Nico Collins madehispresenceknown with two (2) touchdowns receptions C J Stroud played tough as the

from page 1 Honor

honored Veterans at their mon


meeting, with a quilt of their choice rewarding honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, marines, andairmenwithaquiltin thanks for their service to our nation. The tradition

started in 2003 by CatherineRoberts,whose sonwasdeployedinIraq, and had a dream seeing a young soldier on his bed hunched over in despair Thatwhenshecameupin theneedtomakequiltsfor soldiers, then Veterans withthemessageofQuilts =Healing. Eachyearthe number of Veterans b receivingquiltsincreases, and it is a triumph of the Golden Needles guild to be able to complete so many quilts throughout theyear

honored at their m nthl Nov mber meeting, with a quilt their rewarding honorably soldiers, marines, andairmenwithaquiltin thanks for their to our nation. tradition s rted i 003 b CatherineRoberts, sonwas in and young on bed hunched over despair That shecameupin theneedto quiltsfor soldiers, then Veterans withthe =Healing. the n mb r of Vet rans receiving increases, and it triumph the Golden Needles guild to be able to complete many quilts the

We have already begunquiltstowardsnext y e a r s Ve t e r a n s celebration,” said Golden Needles Quilt Guild member, Margie Hall, “It’s a constant beehive activitywithourguild.”

The Conroe Service League came out to support the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group (105) prior to

Ve t e r a n s D a y i n November Theladiesare

“We have already begunquiltstowards y e a r V t e r n s celebration,” said Golden Needles Quilt member, “It’s constant beehive activitywithour Conroe League out support Lone Star Honor Group (105) prior to Ve e r a n s D a y i November ladiesare

offensive line to protect holes The o st f o fourth had fullback Ogunbowales thirty-five (35) yard run that put his Texans' was to only (23) ontwelve carries.

offensive line continues to struggle to protect the quarterback and open up holes for the backs. The longest run from scrimmage was the first fake punt on fourth down that had fullback Dare Ogunbowales scrambling for a thirty-five (35) yard run that put his team in a scoring position. Texans' running back Joe Mixon was limited to only twenty-three (23) yards ontwelve(12)carries.

C J Stroud had e i g h t e e n ( 1 8 ) completions on twentysix (26) attempts for one hundred and thirty-one (131) yards and two (2) touchdown passes He had a fumble in the closing seconds in the first half; however, a Miamiturnoverprotected Houston'sleadgoinginto Halftime13-6.

It was complementary football on both sides of

on both sides of

the defensive secondary prevented n m r s ri g attempts Miami's q ar e a T a Tagowailoa with Derek Stingley getting two (2) interceptions with Calen Bullock beautiful run after his interception. If made a block, have sc d h s f r t touchdown.

the ball.As the defensive secondary prevented numerous scoring attempts from Miami's quarterback Tua Tagowailoa with Derek Stingley getting two (2) interceptions with Calen Bullock with a beautiful run after his interception. Ifhisteammatehadmade a block, he would have sc


two (2) field goals and two(2)extrapoints.

The have lost Jalen Pitre for the season with muscle injury; however, Kamari Lassiter up leading withfive (5) and one (1)

The Texans have lost Jalen Pitre for the season with a pectoral muscle injury; however, Kamari Lassiter has stepped up leadingtheteamwithfive (5) solo tackles and one (1)assist.

defensive star Christian Harris returned to a preseason had four with four

Texans defensive star Christian Harris returned to the field after a a preseason injury and had four (4) solo tackles with four(4)assists.

The Texans are going to need to shore up their deficiencies if they are going to compete against the two remaining powerhousesoftheAFC: Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens The offensive line needs to be reshuffled and coachedmoreeffectively; the defensive backs need to wrap up their opponents when they tackle. The Linebackers needtodoabetterjobon passcoverage.

Texans are shore up their if going against e aini powerhouses AFC: Chiefs the Baltimore The offensive to be reshuffled and coachedmore defensive backs o wr p p t i when tackle. The to betterjob coverage.

My Miami receiver Grant has a severe and was the latest reports has movement C J S e g t e n 1 ) six (26) and yards passes in half; turnoverprotected lead into Halftime13-6.

My prayers go out to theMiamiDolphinswide receiver Grant Dubose who has a severe head injury and was carted off the field The latest reports indicated that he has movement in all his extremities.

Texans needed the Colts tolosetocapturetheAFC South division The

objective with a 31-13 vic

over the Indianapolis Colts, the Tennessee Titans fell to the Cincinnati Bengals 3 7 - 2 7

Congratulationstothe Houston Texans for their second consecutive divisionaltitle.

Texans' kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn was perfect with

Texans' place kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn was perfect on the day with

In other AFC South divisional action, the

In other South action, needed capture South v c o s e t a t r o

h e Jacksonville Jaguars lost to the New York Jets 3225.

The Houston Texans two-time Kansas CityChiefs, 12:00 p.m. all in

The Houston Texans take on the top seeded AFC, two-time Super BowlChampions,Kansas CityChiefs,thisSaturday at 12:00 p.m. (CST), so read all about your hometown team in your hometownpaper

gracious in tothe bring breakfast aplentyfor Veterans enjoy CSL several per their tasty made in th ir own FromEggs Bacon, to tasty fruits, forget the awesome ladies are togo theirwaytothankthe for their This the broughttheirhomeschool to the sweetstotheVeterans, raising to their but ‘no’ to kids.

very gracious in their servicetothecommunity, and bring breakfast items aplentyfortheVeteransto enjoy The CSL serves 105severaltimesperyear with their tasty items made in their own kitchens. FromEggsand Bacon, to tasty quiches, potatoes, fruits, etc. And don’t forget the awesome sweets the ladies are alwayswillingtogooutof theirwaytothankthe105 Vets for their Service to Our Country This time, several of the ladies broughttheirhomeschool kids to the outing, who were busily handing out sweetstotheVeterans,no doubt raising blood sugars to their breaking point but the Veterans couldn’t say ‘no’ to the kids.

“The ladies Conroe League amazing and ofgold!”Said Organizer “The Star Honor Flight Veterans is so for support toknowthem!”

“The ladies of the Conroe Service League are amazing cooks and haveheartsofgold!”Said 105 Organizer Darrell May “The Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group is so grateful for their support and we’re blessedtoknowthem!”

Membersof hapel Cem y located aleb Ro d on Copelan Chapel Road, , buried their ground flags

MembersofCopeland Chapel Cemetery Association located off McCaleb Road on Copelan Chapel Road, in Conroe, honor the Veterans buried in their hallowed ground with flags every year This


t n D y, e Committee, by Harvey Yaw, beyond of duty, and the small desk American flags, the crew installed flags, with permanentholders to the The year old Copeland contains nearly graves onwith new burials every year. the and preserving

Veterans Day, the Veterans Committee, headed by Harvey Yaw, went above and beyond the call of duty, and instead of the small desk size American flags, the cemetery crew installed full size 3’x5’flags, with permanentholdersnextto the grave. The 128 year old Historic Copeland Cemetery contains nearly one-thousand graves onsite, with new burials happening every year. Yaw is well versed in the cleaning and preserving

of the Veterans Graves, and organizes cleaning efforts for the entire cemetery

I am honored to maintain the Veteran graves here at the cemetery,” saidYaw “As aVietnamVeteranmyself, Ibelieveitveryimportant to honor their memories for the service to Our Nation.”

The Conroe Service League’s Bargain Box ResaleShopislocatedat: 123 N. Thompson St. in Conroe.

The Conroe Service League’s Bargain ResaleShop locatedat: 123 Thompson Conroe.

S t o r e h o u r s : Wednesday- Friday, 10am-2pm. Andtheyare now open on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month.

o o u We n - F id 10am-2pm. are now 4th of month.

Their website is:

The website to the Golden Needles Quilt Guild is:

of the and efforts for the cemetery I honored maintain the gr ves ere at the cemetery,” Yaw aVietnam I it to their for the service to Nation.” to the Quilt is:

MembersoftheConroeServiceLeagueposeafteranothertriumphantfeedingoftheLoneStarVeteransHonor Flight. TheladiesvisitwiththeVeteransthreeorfourtimesperyear
FlagdecoratedVeterangravesattheCopelandChapel CemeteryinConroe.
“ArareplayfromtheTexansastheyfakeapunt.Fullback DareOgunbowaletooktheballandadvanceditthirty-five (35)yardstosetupanimportantscore.”


money goes. The key is to findasystemthatworksfor youandstickwithit.

start by tracking your income and expenses. There are many tools and apps available that make it easytomonitorwhereyour

of living expenses saved If this feels overwhelming, start small and build up gradually. Even setting aside$25aweekcanaddup to $1,300 by the end of the year


Debtcanbeasignificant burden,butthenewyearisa greattimetomakeprogress toward paying

portfolio may be necessary tomaintaintherightmixof assets For example if stocks had a strong year, they may now make up a larger percentage of your portfolio than intended. A financial advisor can help you determine if adjustmentsareneeded.

est de

) Both strategies work; choose the one that keeps you motivated.

4. Review Your Investments Consider using the snowball method (paying off the smallest balances first) or the avalanche method (focusing on highi

Thestartoftheyearisan excellent time to review your portfolio Are your investments aligned with


beneficiaries to date.

your beneficiaries are up to date.

state planning is another area that deserves attention.Ifyoudon'thavea will, now is the time to createone.Ifyoudo,review it to ensure it reflects your currentwishes.

7. Set Specific Financial Goals is unpredictable, and emergency a financial Ideally, aim to threetosixmonths'worth expenses saved this feels overwhelming, start small and build up setting aside$25 weekcanadd to $1,300 by the end of year

Commit to learning more about personal finance this year Whether it's reading a book, attending a seminar, orspeakingwithafinancial advisor everystepyoutake increases your confidence andknowledge.

Maximize Retirement Contributions FinalThoughts

to a retirementaccountisoneof thebestwaystobuildlongterm wealth. If you're not

g contributions to your 401(k) IRA or other

, consider increasing your savings rate Even a 1% increase can make a big differenceovertime.

For those 50 and older, don't forget about catch-up contributions, which allow you to save even more in tax-advantagedaccounts.

6 Plan for the Unexpected

General resolutions like “savemore”or“spendless” are harder to stick to than specific, measurable goals. Instead,setclearobjectives suchas:

· Save $5,000 for a vacation by the end of the year

· Increase your 401(k)contributionby2%. Having a target to work towardcanmakeiteasierto staymotivated.


Do you have insurance coverage? The new review policies health, life, and homeowners' Ensure your coverage matchesyourneedsand

startofthe isan time to your portfolio aligned your long-term goals risk tolerance? Has your

Do you have adequate insurance coverage? The new year is a good time to review your policies including health, life, and homeowners' insurance Ensure your coverage matchesyourneedsandthat

TheyStayOrShould TheyGo?ThingsToKnow BeforeTakingPetsOn HolidayTrips


RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

measureisyourbestfriend here!) Want to sell without snags? I'd love to help makethathappen!

too before you're

In addition, the Centers Control and Prevention also place several travel prevent dogsintheU.S.

Researching rules advanceisnot only important for taking pets to other countries also for bringing them back theendofthe

Researching rules and and regulationsinadvanceisnot only important for taking pets to other countries but also for bringing them back homeattheendofthetrip.

But even within the UnitedStates,thereareoften rulesfortravelingwithpets.

Mistake #3: Expecting new appliances, furniture, or home decor to be delivered overnight While pandemic delays are a thing of the past, it can take weeks or months toscheduledelivery Megan@MeganStultz .com Mistake #5: Packing too

Mistake#4:Misunderstandingthelayoutofyour new home and whether your current or new furniture will fit. (A tape

ment officer to

ment officer can elect to enforceitatanytime.”

Call or Text 936-5372587

For who ultimately choose not travel with pets, pet sitting and boarding are great options for making sure your furry friend does not feel forgotten.

For owners who ultimately choose not to travel with pets, pet sitting and boarding are great options for making sure your furry friend does not feel forgotten.

Walking into your room tofindacurled-updogorcat resting within your opened suitcase can be heartwrenching, to say the least.

With the winter chill sweeping in, a holiday trip may be on the horizon leading owners to consider whether they should invite their furry friends to join in onthefun.

Walking into your room tofindacurled-updogorcat resting within your opened suitcase can be heartwrenching, to the least. With t e winter c ill sweeping in, a trip may be on horizon leading owners to consider whether they invite their to in onthefun.

Dr a clinical associate professor attheTexasA&M of Veterinary Medicine and BiomedicalSciences,delves into the debate on whether owners should bring pets along for vacations and the travel stress that inevitably comes with the journey

Dr Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor attheTexasA&MCollegeof Veterinary Medicine and BiomedicalSciences,delves into the debate on whether owners should bring pets along for holiday vacations and the travel stress that inevitably comes with the journey



The desire introduce your dog or cat to the extended family be great, it’smoreimportant to prioritize what is for your pet’s and overallwell-being.

The desire to introduce your dog or cat to the extended family may be great,butit’smoreimportant to prioritize what is best for your pet’s comfort and overallwell-being.



Each animal’s personality is different, so owners should gauge their pet s comfort with travel before embarking on a big trip.

RulesandRegulations petsareextremely anxious in environmentsand settledown, won’t eat or on a leash, or will bark at every noise animals their environment ” said “Other pets very chill about traveling, love a car ride,andare happy in new environments; this usually because owners have ‘practice trips’withthepettoletthem kno t at chan ing environmentsisOK.”

It’s also to consider whether the people and other animals at the destination will be comfortablewitha dogorcatin theirmidst.

“Somepetsareextremely anxious in new environmentsandwon’tsettledown, won’t eat or eliminate on a leash, or will bark at every noiseornewanimalsintheir environment ” Rutter said “Other pets are very chill about traveling, love a car ride,andareperfectlyhappy in new environments; this usually happens because owners have done ‘practice trips’withthepettoletthem know that changing environmentsisOK.” It’s also important to consider whether the people and other animals at the destination will be comfortablewithanewdogorcatin theirmidst.


Pets accompanying their owners on holiday trips shouldfeelsafeandnotasif theyarebeinguprootedfrom the normal routines that bring them comfort and security Each animal’s personality is different, so owners should gauge their pet s comfort with travel before embarking on a big trip.

“Travel can be stressful foreveryone, your pet,” Rutter said. “Pets can also pick up the stress of theirowners.” even within States, are rulesfor pets.

“Travel can be stressful foreveryone,includingyour pet,” Rutter said. “Pets can also pick up on the stress of theirowners.”

To mediate Rutter suggests owners andawareofall ofthestipulationsthattravel ith pets may entail including knowing for bringing animals across state and

To mediate this stress, Rutter suggests that owners bepreparedandawareofall ofthestipulationsthattravel with pets may entail including knowing requirements for bringing animals across state and country lines.

travel, some countries

With i ter ationa travel, countries require blood te ting for infe t diseases or a period, some ban the importation typesofanimals,

“Domestic travel across state lines requires a special veterinarian-issued health certificate Rutter said “Enforcement of this requirement is usually lax for domestic pets, but an for airline or state law enforce-

“Domestic across lines requires a veterinarian-issued health certificate Rutter said “Enforceme t t is is lax domestic pets, but airline or state law

“For me, personally, do to travel with pets, butthecostanddifficultyof the process makes international travel with them unappealing,”Ruttersaid.“I a good pet sitteror kennelthat Itrustandleave dogsina which them fewer new atatime.”

“For me, personally, I do like to travel with my pets, butthecostanddifficultyof the process makes international travel with them unappealing,”Ruttersaid.“I find a good in-home pet sitterorboardingkennelthat Itrustandleavemydogsina familiarenvironment,which gives them fewer new stressesatatime.”

Surprising the in-laws witha at the family has the potentia of ingi g

Surprising the in-laws withatail-waggingfriendat the family holiday has the potential of bringing

abounding andjoy,as longasthe and any hosting pets are “guest pet safe” of the people involved are happy and with the extra If you are unsure of which decision to make, contact your veterinarian to which option suitsthespecific emotional and physical needsofyourfurrycompanion.

aboundinglaughsandjoy,as longastheenvironmentand any hosting pets are “guest pet safe” and all of the people involved are happy and comfortable with the extra visitors If you are unsure of which decision to make, contact your veterinarian to discuss which optionbestsuitsthespecific emotional and physical needsofyourfurrycompanion.

Pet isa ofthe Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical ci n es, Tex s &M can be the at tamu edu/news/pettalk. Suggestions for future may be directed to


Ruben Borjas Jr,


The Christmas Spirit of Giving

and several cashierswhoworktheselfcheckout.

guy Casey, and several cashierswhoworktheselfcheckout.

Whenit to I would rather give than to children. And on occasion are not family I gifts to my cleaner Irene, of Idon’tneed,and she accepts them At Christmas I give her a ontop double

minimum wage I already pay her Even I only use half my house, she still does good it I have good with people at my Kroger s, I’ve gotten to know some people who work there The

Whenitcomestogifts,I would rather give than receive Especially to children. And adults on occasion that are not family I give gifts to my house cleaner Irene, of thingsthatIdon’tneed,and she accepts them At Christmas I give her a bonus,ontopofthedouble California minimum wage I already pay her Even though I only use half of my house, she still does a good job in keeping it clean I have good relationships with people at my secret Kroger’s, and I’ve gotten to know some people who work there pretty well. The produce

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Showerslikelybefore9am,thenshowerslikely andpossiblyathunderstormbetween9amand noon,thenachanceofshowersafternoon. Patchyfogbefore7am.Otherwise,mostly cloudy,thengraduallybecomingsunny,witha temperaturerisingtonear68by10am,then fallingtoaround60duringtheremainderofthe day.Lightandvariablewindbecomingnorth5 to10mphinthemorning.Windscouldgustas highas25mph.Chanceofprecipitationis60%. Newprecipitationamountsoflessthanatenth ofaninch,excepthigheramountspossiblein thunderstorms.


Mostlyclear,withalowaround42.Northwind 5to10mph,withgustsashighas20mph.

Sunny,withahighnear63.Northwindaround 5mphbecomingcalm.










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AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest

I’vegottentoknowone cashier well, a lady from up north, like Wisconsin, who moved down here to be close to a family to get away from the harsh winters. She was gonna retireattheendoflastyear from understood, but with the economy, I didn’t want to press the why or why not of the issue, but still with Kroger’s. Wewouldgetto talking about things in our lives, and it came that herlaptopbroke. Ioffered topayforittobefixed,but she refused. I then I had a tablet computer coming available, because I routinely buy new devices keepthemfresh. I used to give them to family that avenuehasrundry,soItold Chris I get it her whenIcould. Well,Ibroke it A hand grenade fell on it. Not a real one. It was trainer that they sell at military surplusstores. Iuseitfora paperweight, they are still heavy and the tablet wasn’tworthrepairing,so kinda forgot about pledgeto

I’vegottentoknowone cashier well, Chris, a lady from up north, like north Wisconsin, who moved down here to be close to a family member, and to get away from the harsh winters. She was gonna retireattheendoflastyear from what I understood, but with the economy I didn’t want to press the why or why not of the issue, but she’s still with Kroger s. Wewouldgetto talking about things in our lives, and it came up that herlaptopbroke. Ioffered topayforittobefixed,but she refused. I then said, I had a tablet computer coming available, because I routinely buy new devicestokeepthemfresh. I used to give them to family members, but that avenuehasrundry,soItold Chris I would get it to her whenIcould. Well,Ibroke it soon after A hand grenade fell on it. Not a real one. It was a trainer that they sell at military surplusstores. Iuseitfora paperweight, but they are still heavy, and the tablet wasn’tworthrepairing,soI kinda forgot about my pledgetoChris.

I find giving to others give church. give two dollar for at Discount Tire when they check I two dollar bills as tips at remember a earlier this year, a had to something at Office in Conroe, and the lady askedmeformoneytohelp suspiciousof panhandled. I want to help someone who to

I find giving to others satisfying I give at church. I give two dollar bills for tips at Discount Tire when they check my tirepressures. Igivemore two dollar bills as tips at restaurants. I remember a lady earlier this year a black lady I had to get something at Office Depot in Conroe, and the lady askedmeformoneytohelp with her rent. Now I’m alwayssuspiciousofbeing panhandled. I don’t want to help someone who wantstofurthertheirdrink

ordrughabit. Icheckedfor the usual signs of those habits, which she didn’t exhibit. She kinda looked familiar, but when she asked about my mother whom she had remembered, describing her very wellinfact. Shemusthave worked at one of the restaurants that I routinely took her to before her passing. Ireachedintomy wallet and gave her $50 dollars.

ordrug Icheckedfor the usual signs of those habits, which she didn’t exhibit. She kinda looked familiar, but she asked about mother, whom remembered, her very wellinfact. musthave worked at one of the restaurants I routinely took her to before her passing. my wallet and gave her $50 dollars.

After doin my shopping and driving home, I got to thinking. Perhaps Christmas time I’ll do the accosting and give someone who looks they really need the cash. So, I to do went to bank, and fifties. And I’ve done it to two people so far that they money And they’ve admitted it wasn’ttheirs,butIinsisted it smilesand thanksinreturn.

After doing my shopping and driving home, I got to thinking. Perhaps near Christmas time I’ll do the accosting and give someone who looks like they really need the cash. So, I decided to do it. I went to my bank, and withdrew some fifties. And I’ve done it to two people so far, saying that they dropped the money And they’ve admitted it wasn’ttheirs,butIinsisted itwas,receivingsmilesand thanksinreturn.

And it’s good feeling knowing that you’ve helped someone have a Merrier kinda liken it to words that I give to on weekly basis. The emails I get. The not calling liar, the scourge Earth. But the saying: “You crack “Thanks for being brave enough to say what thinking.” And havefansalloverthe place. I Conroe Symphony Orchestra concert Saturday, and was talking with some peopleduring intermission. I introduced myself toalady, CarolMiller, whoresidesoffFishCreek Thoroughfare. on the front I mentionedmy you that questioned me excitement.

And it’s a good feeling knowing that you’ve helped someone have a MerrierChristmas. Ikinda liken it to my words that I give to you on a weekly basis. The emails I get. The ones that are not calling me a liar or the scourge of the Earth. But the ones saying: You crack me up,” or “Thanks for being brave enough to say what I’m thinking.” AndIhavefansalloverthe place. IwasattheConroe Symphony Orchestra concert last Saturday, and was talking with some peopleduringtheintermission. I introduced myself toalady,Ms.CarolMiller, whoresidesoffFishCreek Thoroughfare. She sat on the front row, as I mentionedmyname. “Areyou that Ruben,” she questioned me in excitement.

“Yes,Ma’am,theveryone and same,” I replied. She went on to tell me of her love for my columns, and that I was perhaps the reason why she became a CSO season ticket holder thisyear Ikissedherhand, my usual custom when greeting ladies. Those momentsgivemepleasure, knowing that I give some meaning in the weekly livesofpeoplethatreadmy work. I’ve make them chuckle and smile, and perhaps divert some sadnessthattheymayhave glommedontoduringtheir week. That’s my way of givingmoneytothosewho don’tnecessarilyneedit.

“Yes,Ma’am,the one same,” I went on to tell me of her love for my columns, and that I was perhaps the why she CSO season ticket holder kissedherhand, usual custom when ladies. Those give knowing give in the peoplethatreadmy and divert some theymayhave ontoduring That’s of givingmoneyto don’tnecessarily

I have resources, I challenge and if are to some or to out tosomeone needs some it. Even if I the justgonnastart foundationandjustgiveit away, which is something that I’ve been keeping in mind long want to help those who

I have a lot of friends thathavealotofresources, and I challenge them; and you,ifyouareable;tograb some $50s or $100s from the bank, and if you feel compelled to hand out out somethingtosomeoneyou feel needs some help, then do it. Even if I win the lottery,I'mjustgonnastart afoundationandjustgiveit away, which is something that I’ve been keeping in mymindforalongtime. I want to help those who



helpthemselves. Students excel school, whose have little resources. cars, computers, or tablets to need the I’d rather handup hand out.

helpthemselves. Students who excel in school, but whose parents have little resources. Or get cars, computers, or tablets to struggling families who need the help. I’d rather giveahandupthanahand out.

AsThanksgivingpassed I remembered my pledge. I’mgonnagivemy3yearold great niece Livy, in Oklahoma a tablet l computer to help her start learning, then I remembered Chris, and ordered her a tablet as well. And the next time I visited my secretKroger’s,Igaveitto her She gave me the biggest hug and thanked metonoend. Thatgesture is what giving is all about, whetheritiswords,money, or a tablet computer, anythingthatbrightensthe lives of someone who is truly in need. Then the effort is worth it. Merry Christmas!!

Thanksgivingpassed I gonnagivemy3yeargreat Livy, in Ok ah m computer to her start learning, then I bered Chris, and ordered tablet next I visited Kroger s,I itto gave me and metono gesture what is all iswords,money, a computer that the of someone who effort is worth it. Christmas!!

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount


Ruben can be reached ruben@montgomerycount web;

©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 RyanWest Jr, P. Montgomery

Austin, TX -A powerful new movement has taken shape to address the growing crisis of chronic disease, poor nutrition, and preventable health challenges in Texas Make Texans Healthy Again (MTHA) o

nutrition and chronic disease With bipartisan momentum building, growing public demand for health freedom and a healthcare system stretched toitslimits,nowisthetime toactintheLoneStarState.

to 44-year-olds 311% among 45- to 54-year-olds and143%among55-to64year-olds from 2013 to 2017.

Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News.

MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.

MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.

cially launched today, aiming to educate and empower Texans to take control of their health by educating and advocating for statelevel policies prioritizing personalfreedom,preventative care, and holistic wellness.

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We love our doctors, nurses and frontline healthcare professionals—they’re the best in the worldathandlingacutecare like injuries, illnesses, and life-saving procedures,” saidMTHAFounderTravis McCormick But with a growing shortage of primary care providers, our already stretched system isn’tbuilttopreventchronic disease.Our goalis simple: make Texans healthier so theyrelylessonthesystem, reducing costs, and easing theburdenonproviders.”

MTHAdrawsinspiration from the national Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement, championed by prominent voices like Calley and Casey Means and Department of Health and Human ServicesSecretarynominee Robert F Kennedy Jr In Texas, the urgency of this mission has been underscored by recent legislative attention including a Senate Committee on HealthandHumanServices hearing examining the connection between poor

“This mission is deeply personaltome.Myfather’s life was cut short by a latedetected illness and my mother has lived with severe disabilities since her stroke at 49, continued McCormick.“At27,Ifaced my own health crisis: overweight, fatigued, and trapped in a cycle of brain fog and depression By focusing on movement and cuttingoutprocessedfoods, I lost over 80 pounds and transformed my health. For the first time, I felt clearheaded, energized, and capable of living up to my potential Every Texan deserves that chance, and that’swhatthismovementis about.”

Depression: Antidepressant use among U S adultshasseenastaggering rise over the past three decades, increasing from approximately 2.5% in the early 1990s to 13 2% by 2018—amorethanfivefold increase.Between2011and 2021,thepercentageofhigh school students reporting persistent sadness or hopelessnessrosefrom28% to42%,withthoseseriously considering suicide increasing from 16% to 22%.

The statistics are startling: Autism: Autism has increaseddramaticallyover the past two decades In 2000, approximately 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with ASD; by 2020, thisnumberhadrisento1in 36.

Obesity:Overthelast 50 years, obesity rates have increased from 14 5% (1971)to42.8%(2018).

Diabetes Epidemic: Diagnosed diabetes cases have increased from 1 6 million in 1958 to over 37 million in 2022, with 96 million more Americans estimated to have prediabetes.

Dementia: Between 2000 and 2021, the number of deaths fromAlzheimer s disease in the U S more than doubled, increasing 141% The number diagnosed with dementia increased 373% among 30-

Infertility & Miscarriages: The total fertility rateintheUnitedStateshas dropped from 3.7 births per womanin1960tojust1.6in 2020,spermcountsdropped by1.2%peryearfrom1973 to 2000, accelerating to 2.6%peryearfrom2000to 2018, and the rate of reported miscarriages has increased 1% a year since 1970.

MilitaryReadiness:A 2020 Pentagon Qualified Military Available Study revealed that 77% of Americansareineligiblefor military service, with 60% of males aged 17 to 24 failing to meet medical fitnessstandards,according totheU.S.OfficeofPeople Analytics.

Make Texans Healthy Again is dedicated to addressing these alarming trends by promoting policies that prioritize preventative care, proper nutrition, medical freedom and flexibility and holistic health practices to reduce the burden of chronic disease. In a state facing a growing physician shortage, preventative care and healthier communities are essential to ensuring the system can meet future demands.

“I’m not an expert and I don’t have all the answers, but I am passionate about leveraging my government relations experience to make tangible differences for my fellow Texans,” continued McCormick. “If you are passionate about this as well, I invite you to joinmeandtogetherwecan ensure better health outcomes for the next generation!”

Make Texans Healthy Again is calling on Texans fromallwalksoflifetojoin themovement.Whetheryou have policy expertise, a personal story to share, a willingness to testify or meet with legislators, or a desiretovolunteer,there’sa role for you We’re also seeking dedicated board members and financial supporterstohelpdrivethis mission forward. Together, we can create a healthier strongerfutureforTexas.

For more information aboutMakeTexansHealthy Again or to get involved, v i s i t MakeTexansHealthyAgain com.


TheConroeSymphonyOrchestraandMontgomery CountyChoralSocietyCelebrateChristmas

Montgomery County has a wealth of talent, both in instrument and voice, and the Conroe Symphony Orchestra and the Montgomery County Choral Society, both played their parts in bringing enjoyment totheiraudiencesinseparate performances at the First MethodistChurchinConroe inDecember

The Conroe Symphony Orchestra celebrated this year’sfestiveseasonconcert with ‘ChristmasAround the World,’ on December 14th, whichisawonderfulwayto envision the winter holiday in a way seen through the eyes of folks, who aren’t necessarily from America

The CSO invited four outstanding individuals to sing and play Sonja Bruzaukas(mezzosoprano), Annie Voorhees (soprano), RobertoGaitan(tubist),and Steven Bogard, (baritone); each with an impressive talent that made the concert specialforallinattendance. Another interesting aspect was that before each piece was introduced, either CSO President/MC Bill Thompson, or Conductor Gary Liebst, would say or try to say ‘Merry Christmas,’ in thelanguageofeachcountry represented. The audience was amused with the pronunciations For instanceGarystruggledwith t h e R u s s i a n ‘ S rozhdyestvom Hristovym;’ whileBillwastroubledwith the German ‘Froehliche Weihnachten.’

A number of the selections were collections of classic carols such as America’s‘AMostWonderful Christmas,’an entertaining medley of ‘Winter Wonderland,’where the use oftheconcertbellsreallyset themood. “I’llBeHomefor Christmas, ’ always a favorite, was most appreciated with the French Horns really making a statement. Everyone enjoyed Santa Claus is Coming To Town,”

with the finger snapping percussion and violin sections setting the right frame of mind; and ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, where Dr Sheronna McMahon s violinsmadetheirstatement at the beginning in contrast to Jennifer Kirk’s trumpets at the end. ‘It’s the Most WonderfulTimeoftheYear,’ was special as well, with each instrument seemingly having their day in the Sun, before everyone jumping intothepool. Itsetthetone for the whole concert with all the feel good hits throughout the decades England’s ‘English Carol Celebrations;’includedsuch greats as ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,’ and Here We Come AWassailing; while Germany’s ‘German Carol Festival ’ comprised of favorite carols such as ‘O Come Little Children,’ and ‘O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum).’

The CSO went next to RussiawithPeterTchaikovsky’s‘WaltzoftheFlowers,’ arranged by Merle Issac, from the Nutcracker Ballet. It has its ideas that could havebeendelvedinto,butat Christmas time we embrace its graceful melodies, its flowing rhythms, and the elegance and beauty of floweringballerinasdancing innature. Theharpsolo,by Hannah Rother was a great introtothepiece,givingway tothewaltzwithitsdifferent takes on instrumentation as well as the variations of the theme The audience appreciated Gary Liebst s passion in conducting this piece, and seemingly were begging for moreTchaikovskyinthefuture.

One player that the audience thought was very intriguing and amusing at times, was tubist and Sam Houston university student RobertoGaitan,whoplayed ararepiecethatfeaturesthe tuba, ‘Wassail, Wassail, All OvertheTuba,’arrangedby JamesM.Stephenson,andis

avariationonthetraditional carol,almostslowpolkalike fromtheorchestra’splaying pointofview butthetheme ismaintainedthroughoutthe piece During Gaitan’s features,hiscommandofthe tubashowsthatitshouldnot necessarilybeneglectedasa centerpiece instrument Duringadipinthemusic,it almost sounded like somethingyoumighthearin aJamesBondfilm. Gaitan’s range was very impressive, and being a finalist for this year’s‘YoungTexasArtists’ gold medal, he is a force to be reckoned with. Ah, and the little amusing moments, the ones that had the audience momentarily chuckling at times those were the lowest pedal tones Gaitain played, which for the lack of better word, soundedlikeflatulence.You know breaking wind farts. And industrial nature ones at that. Of course, it was all designed by Stephenson, to garner some laughter for any children, young and old, that may be in the audience Hey, it s Christmas.Whynot?

Thesingingtalentforthe Christmas concert was exceptional: Sonja Bruzaukas, the Americanized German born mezzo soprano along with her neighborAnnie Voorhees, a 15 year-old high school sophomore soprano. Sonja sang 'Gesù Bambino,’ an Italian Christmas carol by 1907 American immigrant Pietro Yon who settled in NYC and apparently was


influenced by Irish New Yorkers. Itwasarrangedby FedorVrtnacnik,withAnnie and the CSO in lovely accompaniment. Interestly, the melody stems from the IrishChristmascarol‘ISaw Three Ships, while the lyrics of the chorus come from ‘O Come All Ye Faithful.’ Sonja’svoicewas so pure and forceful, that some may have thought it was Enya singing in Gaelic, but it was English Bruzaukas and Voorhies again paired for ‘Silent Night,’which isAustrian in origin The carol was performed with the first verse only, but done in four different languages: German, French, Japanese, and English Anyone stationed in Germany for years, or having a working knowledge of German would have heard Stille Nacht’ and their hearts would have

melted Simply devine

beginning of the second verse. Sonjawassoloforthe FrenchandJapaneseverses, but it was wonderfully sung and was a truly memorable moment. Bruzaukas again went solo with Sweden’s entry to the concert, ‘Koppangen,’ of which she sang the English version of thesong,andsomesayisthe Swedish version of Silent Night Sonja was completely at ease in her performance, and the audience appreciated the effort along with the


Sonja along with baritone Steven Bogard, joinedtheCSOforHawaii’s entry‘MeleKalikimaka,’by R Alex Anderson, and arrangedbyStepehenson. It was a great partnership between the orchestra and the vocalists. Annie joined Sonja and Steven on stage for the Christmas Carol Sing-Along, a set of snippets from eight Christmas carols from ‘Angels We Have Heard on High’ to ‘We Wish You a MerryChristmas.’

TheMontgomeryCounty Choral Society also played at the Methodist Church on December 6th, just a week priortotheCSO. Thechoir

teamed with the The Woodlands Jazz Knights

band for a wonderf

themed music. It was the second concert for new A

Kritikos. The concert ‘The Sacred Music of Sir John Rutter: Gloria!,’was a bold choice and Sir John’s creation was the pièce de résistance to close out the concert.

Ofcoursewhenyouthink of‘Gloria,’youhavetothink

di’s version,andsomemaythink Both Vivaldi and Rutter are geniuses, Branigan too in her own way, and she was taken from us much too soon. But V and R, took Latin’s ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo‘or‘GlorytoGodinthe highest’ hymn to new heights in their times, some nearly 260 years apart They may differ in their length (Val’s 12 vs. Rut’s 3 movements), composition, and instrumentation, but they both serve the same purpose, the Praise and Glory to God Vivaldi s baroque Gloria sets on the traditional Latin Mass versions. It's cantata-like, withvocalsaccompaniedby instruments, consisting of several movements, often involvingachoir


Rutter’s Gloria was probably influenced by LeonardBernstein’s‘Mass,’ from 1971, which has a movement called ‘Gloria,’ andJohnhadprobablybeen working on his own version longbeforehewascommissioned and performed it in 1974. Rutter ups Vivaldi’s instrumentation with more trumpets, two tenor trombones,abasstrombone, tuba,timpani,percussion,an organ; essentially stuff mostly unavailable to Vivaldi in his day like the glock, xylophone, and tambour Rutterslashedhis Gloria in movements structuredtoafast-slow-fast tempo, which most concertosfollow

The MCCS and The Woodlands Jazz Knights performance of Gloria was magnificent Kritikos trained in conducting bands and choirs, was in his elementandwasequaltothe task. It was a splendid display of two different elementscomingtogetherto create a wonderful product ofsoundthatwaspleasingto ear, and a privilege to have seeninperson.

And it begs the question, what are the chances of the Conroe Symphony Orchestra and the Montgomery County Choral Society combining forces for a special performance in the future?

TheCSOsnextconcertis ‘Great Expectations,’ to be performed on February 8th. T h e i r w e b s i t e i s :

The MCCS s next concert is ‘Ties That Bind,’ tobeperformedonFebruary 28th Their website is:

Please consider donating tothesewonderfulorganizations.

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty


CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodofConroe locatedat100MosswoodDr Conroe,TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755 NewLifeAssemblyofGod, RabonChapelRoad,Montgomery,936-588-3399 BAPTIST Phone:PastorBear9364484027

GaryChapelBaptist Church

POBox125,Montgomery Texas77356,5525Spring BranchRoad,Montgomery 713-478-1256,SundayBible

at464McCalebRd. ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldier.or

g. Worship:Sundayat10:30am, SundaySchool:9:30am HeritageBaptistChurch 19087LakeMt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356

Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am. FaithBaptistChurch


EveningWorship 6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptistChurch locatedinDobbin,P.O.Box 112,Montgomery,77356

BenuiBaptistChurch, 936-449-0845 ScottRidgeandFM1097, Montgomery

ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-767-4744,


HoneaBaptistChurch FM2854,Montgomery, JonesChapelBaptist FM2854,936-756-2505 Mt.CalvaryBaptist

Hwy105W.,Montgomery, 936-597-4230 OldHwy105,936-588-2330

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

About11miNofMontgomery onFM149 SundaySchoolallages9:45 am,ChurchService11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudyand YouthGroup6pm CATHOLIC Mt.SinaiBaptist, BethelRoad,Montgomery 936-597-4668

SacredHeartCatholic, St.Mary’sCatholic

OakHillsJrHigh 19190KeenanCutoffRd. Montgomery TX

SundayServices10:30am METHODIST montgomery MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch Montgomery,TX 77356 ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist)

10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool

6639FM1696Richards WorshipService11AM





CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands, 936-756-8186

St.Joseph’sCatholic, FM1774,Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45Service 936-894-2223 JEWISH 281-362-1100

AntiochBaptist, FirstBaptistChurch DacusBaptist,Dacus, Dobbin,936-597-5560

109N.Frazier,Conroe, CR213,Stoneham, LUTHERAN Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web:

1308S.Hwy1486,Dobbin, PorterChapelA.M.E. SundaySchool10AM ZionChurch, 936-597-5331or936-4495983


2080LongmireRd,Conroe 936-441-8875

PastorDavidWhitaker Meetsat18961FreeportDr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday7:30pm

LivingWayChurch, SundaySchoolat10:00am SundayWorshipat6:00pm

GraceLutheran(ELCA), Phone: 936-597-6162 22548Highway105West RichardsUnitedMethodist Church


onWatchnow Sun:10:30am WaldenCommunity Church, AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149&FM 1097W.MontgomeryTX 77356Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService11:30 amWednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm

LighthouseFellowship Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 CarbonChurch, NewBeginningBible Church,

Montgomery,936-582-7700 Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

12400WaldenRd,Walden, 936-582-6696


AprilSound,936-588-2832 Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 LivingBranchChurch

1011W.Lewis,Conroe, CornerstoneChurch, RiverofLifeChurch,



ChurchofSt.John, 936-756-7792

Church Montgomery 21627EvaSt.Montgomery, TX77356(936)597-5742 PastorsRandy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays@8 AM,9:30AM&11AM Mondays@7PMLivestream: WatchusliveSundays@9:30 AM&11AM@lonestar.tvand


LakesideBibleChurch, 18940FreeportDrive retreatandwildlifecenter

2615St.BeulahChapelRd., Montgomery,936-597-5757

FellowshipofMontgomery Montgomery,TX77356

12681FM149 (936)597-3949 WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery.onli ne.churchorfollowuson Facebook@thefmchurch! EPISCOPAL St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831

SeniorPastorDaleTalbert ServiceTimes:Sundaysat 9:30am&11am/Wednesdays at6:30pmforChildren&


By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURT of MONTGOMERY County, Texas; Cause# 22-05-06474 in a judgment rendered on the 13th day of September 2024, where as in Lake Windcrest Property Owners'Association Plaintiff againstMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe19thdayofNovember,2024at9:29o'clock


Lot10InBlock3,ofLakeWindcrest,Section(5),AsubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texas, According to the Map orPlat thereof Recorded in Cabinet M Sheet 42 of the Map records of MontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas32626AutumnForestCourt,Magnolia, TX77354("Property")

Andonthe7thdayofJanuary 2025,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendantinandto said property, representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofLakeWindcrestPropertyOwners'Association.


GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe30thdayofOctober,2024, COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY

DATEDthis19thdayofNovember 2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas.







Thepropertycommonlyknownas17505S.LakeviewDr Splendora,TX77357isscheduledtobe soldatpublicforeclosureauctionon01/07/2025at10:00AMornolaterthan3hoursthereafterat301 N. Main Street, Conroe, TX 77301 or as designated by the County Commissioner`s Office in MontgomeryCounty Texas,oriftheprecedingareaisnolongerthedesignatedarea,attheareamost recentlydesignatedbytheMontgomeryCountyCommissioner'sCourt.TheSubstituteTrusteewill be Patricia Poston, David Poston, Nick Poston, Chris Poston, Mo Taherzadeh,Amar Sood, Selim Taherzadeh,orMichaelLinke,anytoact.Thewinningbidderbuys“asis”andmustpayattheauction withcertifiedfunds.








NOTICEOFSALE By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe6thdayofOctober,2022,inthecaseof U.S.BankNationalAssociation,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBacked Certificates, Series 2006 HE1., Plaintiff, vs. Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt, Defendant(s), Cause No.22-10-13505-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of U.S. Bank National Association,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBackedCertificates,Series 2006 HE1, Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 21st Day of November 2024 at 10:00 o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant(s):KimM.HoltandClarence J.Holt.



Thence with the centerline of White Oak Road East a distance of



tract; Thenwiththeeasterlylineofsaid1.069

Thencenorthadistanceof127.50feettoa5/8inchironrodsetforthenorthwesterlycornerofthe hereindescribedtract,alsobeingthenorthwesterlycornerofWisenbaker's5.0acretract;


1. $30,954.32Principleamount COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY *

2. $6,054.16Attorneyfees

Thence south a distance of 595.50 feet to a ½ inch iron rod found for the southeasterly corner of Wisenbaker's5.0acretractinthecenterlineofWhiteOakRoad; ThencewithacenterlineofWhiteOakRoadWest,adistanceof174.95feettothepointofbeginning.

Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, didonthe25thdayofNovember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7thdayof January,2025,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantMarcellaUzzellhadinthepropertydescribedbelow:

Note:Thecompanyisprohibitedfrominsuringtheareaorquantityofthelanddescribedherein.Any statementintheabovelegaldescriptionoftheareaorquantityoflandisnotarepresentationthatsuch areaorquantityiscorrect,butismadeforonlyinformationaland/oridentificationpurposesanddoes notoverrideitem2ofscheduleBhereof.


3. Interest on the total judgment at the rate of 0% per annum from the date of judgmentuntilpaid.

4. $710.28CourtCost

5. $0.00JudgmentCredit

th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof Montgomery County Texas on the 12th day of November 2024 in favor of Randy Doleman and Brandi Doleman recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-07-10784, in the 457th Judicial District CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe1stdayofOctober 2024,againstMarcellaUzzell. Andforeclosureofalienonthe


Witnessmyhandthis25thdayofNovember,2024. PhilipCash





PublishedDates:January11,18,25,2024 NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE


th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th Montgomery County, Texas on the 24 day of October, 2024 in favor of April Sound Property OwnersAssociation, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-04-05157 in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas on the 13th day of September 2024, against Donna BelleauGorder THESTATEOFTEXAS *

Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas, didonthe7thdayofNovember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7thdayof January,2025,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantDonnaBelleauGorderhadinthepropertydescribed below:


1. $2628.12Principleamount

2. $4942.50Attorneyfees

4. $488.85CourtCost

5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: Lot23inBlock1,ofAprilSound,Section9,

NewCaney,TX.77357281-577-8985 and on the 7th day of January 2025 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof KimM.HoltandClarenceJ.Holt,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty





CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 24-10-16487

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService P OBox2985 2603AugustaDr Conroe,Texas77305 Suite900 HoustonTX77057 THE STATE OF TEXAS

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.onthe

To: UnknownHeirsatLawofDonaldLeeMcGary Deceased

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 6th day of January 2025 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 22nd day of October, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-10-16487 on the docket of said court.



UnknownHeirsatLawofDonaldLeeMcGary DeceasedareDefendants


Plaintiff, Royal Forest Colony Club, Inc., by and through its attorney of record, Chris Archambault,2603AugustaDrive,Suite900,Houston,TX77057,broughtsuitunderCause No.24-10-16487;Inthe457thDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,forenforcement and foreclosure of Plaintiff's lien on the following described real property of which Defendants, THE UNKNOWN HEIRSAT LAW OF DONALD LEE MCGARY are potential parties in interest: LOT 1064 ROYAL FOREST SUBDIVISION SECTION 2 ATRACT OR PARCELOFLANDCONTAINING13,500.00SQUAREFEETMOREORLESSOUTOFA CERTAIN 222.3392 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEEDRECORDSANDTHECOUNTYCLERK'SFILENUMBER308109,MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING IN THE JOSE M. DE LA GARZA SURVEY, A-15 IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS[…]CommonlyknownasLot1064,Conroe,TX77303.


The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe19thdayofNovember 2024.


MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas


AmyLundy 11/19/20242:17:13PM





StateBarNo.: 24075836


Conroe,TX 77301

Telephone: (936)539-1011

Facsimile: (936)539-1002




Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of HARRY LAVELLE DEAL, Deceased, were issued on the 12th day of December 2024, in Docket No. 2447454-P, pending in the Probate Court Number One, Montgomery County, Texas, to: JERALYN SUZANNEPOWNEY"aka"SUZANNEPOWNEY


c/oM.A.Walker,Ill EstateofHARRYLAVELLEDEAL,Deceased

314Cochran Conroe,TX77301

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

th DATEDthe12 dayofDecember,2024.

By:/s/M.A.Walker III


M.A.WALKER,III,Attorneyfor PublishedDate:December18,2024

RobertA.Armbruster AttorneyatLaw SBN#00786451 Montgomery,Texas77356 281-444-6964,fax(832)200-3426

Attorney for Ronald Franklin Strange, Jr Independent Executor EstateofDorothyElizabethStrange,Deceased



Montgomery,TX 77356

DATEDthe12thdayofDecember,2024 /s/KEVINAFORSBERG AttorneyforAlanRLambrecht


AttorneyatLaw 15899Highway105West

Montgomery TX 77356 Telephone:(936)588-6226



APPLICATION.A&MInterests,Inc.,1519NorthFrazierStreet,Conroe,Texas77301, has applied to theTexas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to renewTexas PollutantDischargeEliminationSystem(TPDES)PermitNo.WQ0015819001(EPAI.D. No.TX0139548)toauthorizethedischargeoftreatedwastewateratavolumenottoexceed adailyaverageflowof60,000gallonsperday Thedomesticwastewatertreatmentfacility islocatedapproximately2,100feetEastoftheIntersectionofDeerLakeLodgeRoadand Farm-toMarketRoad2854,inthecityofConroe,inMontgomeryCounty,Texas77356. Thedischargerouteisfromtheplantsitetoanunnamedtributary;thencetoMoundCreek: thence to Lake Creek. TCEQ received this application on August 26, 2024. The permit application will be available for viewing and copying at Montgomery County Clerk's Office,210WestDavisStreet,Suite100,Conroe,inMontgomeryCounty Texaspriorto thedatethisnoticeispublishedinthenewspaper Theapplication,includinganyupdates, and associated notices are available electronically at the following webpage: https://wwwtceq texas gov/permitting/wastewater/pending-permits/tpdes-applications

Thislinktoanelectronicmapofthesiteorfacility'sgenerallocationisprovidedasapublic courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For the exact location, refer to the application https://gisweb tceq texas gov/LocationMapper/?marker=95.622222,30.318611&level=18

ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE NOTICE. Alternative language notice in Spanish is available at https://wwwtceq texas gov/permitting/wastewater/pending-permits/tpdesapplications El aviso de idioma alternativo en español está disponible en

ADDITIONALNOTICE.TCEQ'sExecutiveDirectorhasdeterminedtheapplicationis administratively complete and will conduct a technical review of the application. After technicalreviewoftheapplicationiscomplete,theExecutiveDirectormayprepareadraft permitandwillissueapreliminarydecisionontheapplication.NoticeoftheApplication andPreliminaryDecisionwillbepublishedandmailedtothosewhoareonthecounty wide mailing list and to those who are on the mailing list for this application. That noticewillcontainthedeadlineforsubmittingpubliccomments.

PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING.You may submit public comments or request a public meeting on this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significantdegreeofpublicinterestintheapplicationorifrequestedbyalocallegislator A publicmeetingisnotacontestedcasehearing.

OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submittingpubliccomments,theExecutiveDirectorwillconsideralltimelycommentsand preparearesponsetoallrelevantandmaterial,orsignificantpubliccomments.Unlessthe application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments,andtheExecutiveDirector'sdecisionontheapplication,willbemailedto everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting reconsideration of the Executive Director's decisionandforrequestingacontestedcasehearing.Acontestedcasehearingisalegal proceedingsimilartoaciviltrialinstatedistrictcourt.

TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS INYOUR REQUEST: yourname, address, phone number; applicant's name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activitiesrelativetotheproposedfacility;aspecificdescriptionofhowyou wouldbeadverselyaffectedbythefacilityinawaynotcommontothegeneralpublic; alistofalldisputedissuesoffactthatyousubmitduringthecommentperiodand,the statement"[I/we]requestacontestedcasehearing."Iftherequestforcontestedcase hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group's representative for receiving future correspondence; identify by name and physicaladdressanindividualmemberofthegroupwhowouldbeadverselyaffected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member's location and distance from the facility or activity; explainhowandwhythememberwouldbeaffected;andexplainhowtheintereststhe groupseekstoprotectarerelevanttothegroup'spurpose.

Followingthecloseofallapplicablecommentandrequestperiods,theExecutiveDirector will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.

The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestorsubmittedintheirtimelycommentsthatwerenotsubsequentlywithdrawn.Ifa hearingisgranted,thesubjectofahearingwillbelimitedtodisputedissuesoffactor mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water quality concernssubmittedduringthecommentperiod.

TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater withoutprovidinganopportunityforacontestedcasehearingifcertaincriteriaare met.

MAILINGLIST Ifyousubmitpubliccomments,arequestforacontestedcasehearingor areconsiderationoftheExecutiveDirector'sdecision,youwillbeaddedtothemailinglist for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the ChiefClerk.Inaddition,youmayrequesttobeplacedon:(1)thepermanentmailinglistfor a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specifywhichlist(s)andsendyourrequesttoTCEQOfficeoftheChiefClerkattheaddress below

INFORMATIONAVAILABLEONLINE.Fordetailsaboutthestatusoftheapplication, visittheCommissioners' databaseusingthepermitnumberforthisapplication,whichisprovidedatthetopofthis notice.

AGENCYCONTACTSANDINFORMATION.Allpubliccommentsandrequestsmust besubmittedeitherelectronicallyat,or inwritingtotheTexasCommissiononEnvironmentalQuality,OfficeoftheChiefClerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact informationyouprovide,includingyourname,phonenumber,emailaddressandphysical address will become part of the agency's public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program Toll Free at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800687-4040.

FurtherinformationmayalsobeobtainedfromA&MInterests,Inc.attheaddressstated above or by calling Mr Michael Karimaghaei, Owner at 281-827-4908. Issuance Date: November21,2024





SOLICITUD.A&MInterests,Inc.,1519NorthFrazierStreet,Conroe, Texas77301ha solicitadoalaComisióndeCalidadAmbientaldelEstadodeTexas(TCEQ)pararenovarel PermisoNo.WQ0015819001(EPAI.D.No.TX0139548)delSistemadeEliminaciónde Descargas de Contaminantes de Texas (TPDES) para autorizar la descarga de aguas residuales tratadas en un volumen que no sobrepasa un flujo promedio diario de 60,000 galones por día. La planta está ubicada aproximadamente 2,100 pies al este de la intersección de Deer Lake Lodge Road y Farm-to-Market Road 2854, en el Condado de Montgomery Texas. La ruta de descarga es del sitio de la planta a hasta un afluente sin nombre;deallíaMoundCreek:deallíaLakeCreek.LaTCEQrecibióestasolicitudel26 deagostode2024.Lasolicitudparaelpermisoestarádisponibleparaleerlaycopiarlaenla Oficina del Secretario del Condado de Montgomery, 210 West Davis Street, Suite 100, Conroe,enelCondadodeMontgomery,Texasantesdelafechadepublicacióndeesteaviso en el periódico. La aplicación incluidas las actualizaciones y los avisos asociados están d

95.622222,30.318611&level=18Esteenlaceaunmapaelectrónicodelaubicacióngeneral delsitioodelainstalaciónesproporcionadocomo



AVISOADICIONAL.ElDirectorEjecutivodelaTCEQhadeterminadoquelasolicitud esadministrativamentecompletayconduciráunarevisióntécnicadelasolicitud.Después de completar la revisión técnica, el Director Ejecutivo puede preparar un borrador del permisoyemitiráunaDecisiónPreliminarsobrelasolicitud.Elavisodelasolicitudyla decisiónpreliminarseránpublicadosyenviadoalosqueestánenlalistadecorreode laspersonasalolargodelcondadoquedeseanrecibirlosavisosylosqueestánenla listadecorreoquedeseanrecibiravisosdeestasolicitud.Elavisodarálafechalímite parasometercomentariospúblicos.

COMENTARIO PUBLICO / REUNION PUBLICA Usted puede presentar comentariospúblicosopedirunareuniónpúblicasobreestasolicitud.Elpropósitode una reunión pública es dar la oportunidad de presentar comentarios o hacer preguntas acerca de la solicitud. La TCEQ realiza una reunión pública si el Director Ejecutivo determinaquehayungradodeinteréspúblicosuficienteenlasolicitudosiunlegislador locallopide.Unareuniónpúblicanoesunaaudienciaadministrativadelocontencioso.

OPORTUNIDAD DE UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA DE LO CONTENCIOSO. Después del plazo para presentar comentarios públicos, el Director Ejecutivoconsiderarátodosloscomentariosapropiadosyprepararáunarespuestaatodo loscomentariospúblicosesenciales,pertinentes,osignificativos.Amenosquelasolicitud hayasidoreferidadirectamenteaunaaudienciaadministrativadelocontencioso,la respuesta a los comentarios y la decisión del Director Ejecutivo sobre la solicitud seránenviadosporcorreoatodoslosquepresentaronuncomentariopúblicoyalas personas que están en la lista para recibir avisos sobre esta solicitud. Si se reciben comentarios,elavisotambiénproveeráinstruccionesparapedirunareconsideración deladecisióndelDirectorEjecutivoyparapedirunaaudienciaadministrativadelo contencioso. Una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso es un procedimiento legal similaraunprocedimientolegalcivilenuntribunaldedistritodelestado.

PARA SOLICITAR UNAAUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO, USTED DEBE INCLUIRENSUSOLICITUDLOSSIGUIENTESDATOS:sunombre,dirección,y número de teléfono; el nombre del solicitante y número del permiso; la ubicación y distancia de su propiedad/actividad con respecto a la instalación; una descripción específica de la forma cómo usted sería afectado adversamente por el sitio de una maneranocomúnalpúblicoengeneral;unalistadetodaslascuestionesdehechoen disputa que usted presente durante el período de comentarios; y la declaración "[Yo/nosotros]solicito/solicitamosunaaudienciadecasoimpugnado".Sipresentala petición para una audiencia de caso impugnado de parte de un grupo o asociación, debeidentificarunapersonaquerepresentaalgrupopararecibircorrespondenciaen el futuro; identificar el nombre y la dirección de un miembro del grupo que sería afectadoadversamenteporlaplantaolaactividadpropuesta;proveerlainformación indicada anteriormente con respecto a la ubicación del miembro afectado y su distanciadelaplantaoactividadpropuesta;explicarcómoyporquéelmiembrosería afectado;yexplicarcómolosinteresesqueelgrupodeseaprotegersonpertinentesal propósitodelgrupo.

Despuésdelcierredetodoslosperíodosdecomentariosydepeticiónqueaplican,el Director Ejecutivo enviará la solicitud y cualquier petición para reconsideración o para una audiencia de caso impugnado a los Comisionados de la TCEQ para su consideración durante una reunión programada de la Comisión. La Comisión sólo puedeconcederunasolicituddeunaaudienciadecasoimpugnadosobrelostemasque elsolicitantehayapresentadoensuscomentariosoportunosquenofueronretirados posteriormente.Siseconcedeunaaudiencia,eltemadelaaudienciaestarálimitadoa cuestionesdehechoendisputaocuestionesmixtasdehechoydederechorelacionadas a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad del agua que se hayan presentado durante el período de comentarios. Si ciertos criterios se cumplen, la TCEQ puede actuarsobreunasolicitudpararenovarunpermisosinproveerunaoportunidadde unaaudienciaadministrativadelocontencioso.

LISTA DE CORREO. Si somete comentarios públicos, un pedido para una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso o una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo, la Oficina del Secretario Principal enviará por correo los avisos públicos en relaciónconlasolicitud.Ademas,puedepedirquelaTCEQpongasunombreenunaormas delaslistascorreossiguientes(1)lalistadecorreopermanentepararecibirlosavisosdeel solicitanteindicadopornombreynúmerodelpermisoespecíficoy/o(2)lalistadecorreode todaslassolicitudesenuncondadoespecifico.Sideseaqueseagregasunombreenunade las listas designe cual lista(s) y envia por correo su pedido a la Oficina del Secretario PrincipaldelaTCEQ.

CONTACTOSEINFORMACIÓNALAAGENCIA.Todosloscomentariospúblicos y solicitudes deben ser pre

íaónde TexasdeCalidadAmbiental,OficialdelaSecretaría(OfficeofChiefClerk),MC105, P.O. Box 13087,Austin,Texas 78711-3087.Tengaencuentaquecualquierinformación personalqueustedproporcione,incluyendosunombre,númerodeteléfono,direcciónde correo electrónico y dirección física pasarán a formar parte del registro público de la Agencia.Paraobtenermásinformaciónacercadeestasolicituddepermisooelprocesode permisos,llamealprogramadeeducaciónpúblicadelaTCEQ,gratis,al1-800-687-4040. SideseainformaciónenEspañol,puedellamaral1-800-687-4040.

También se puede obtener información adicional delA& M Interests, Inc. a la dirección indicadaarribaollamandoaMr MichaelKarimaghaei,Owneral281-827-4908.




concept of to ancient times with being

New to wipe the fresh start. Many to resolutions improve their This practice involves past year, ing that can growth, better or the are money, less less. goes and that the they encouraging for change and freshstart

tomake The resolutions actually promises made gods during 12-day in mid-March as Akitu. of promises made to or to return items.

NewsfromtheLakeCreekSettlement: Christmasin1839,“Frohe

One of the earliest accounts of a Christmas celebration in the young Republic of Texas was recorded in diary of a youngGermantravelerand bu ines man named Gustav Dresel in 1839

One of the earliest accounts of a Christmas celebration in the young Republic of Texas was recorded in the diary of a youngGermantravelerand businessman named

Gustav Dresel in 1839

This may also be first account of Christmas celebration in Montgomery forwhichthere is a written record The colonists settlers, for the most part, were far too busy eking an agrarian existence in the young RepublicofTexasto a diary or record their thoughts about Christmas for posterity Dresel a detailed diary of his rather lengthy visit Texas

Much of his time in Texas was spent in Montgomery residing with fellow German Stoner [originallySteiner]andhis family also profited from his visits to Montgomery by buying wagons ofcornandselling corn inHoustonforasubstantial profit.

This may also be the first account of a Christmas celebration in MontgomeryCountyforwhichthere is a written record The colonists and settlers, for the most part, were far too busy eking out an agrarian existence in the young RepublicofTexastokeepa diary or record their thoughts about Christmas for posterity Dresel kept a detailed diary of his rather lengthy visit to Texas Texas Much of his time in Texas was spent in Montgomery residing with fellow German Lewis Stoner [originallySteiner]andhis family He also profited from his visits to Montgomery by buying wagons ofcornandsellingthecorn inHoustonforasubstantial profit.

The following account is a translation of Dresel’s diary from December 2425, 1839. His account is from pages 90-92 of Gustav Dresel’s ‘Houston Journal: Adventures in North America and Texas 1837-1841,’ translated by Max Freund (then ProfessorofGermanandHeadof the German Department at Rice University) and published by the UniversityofTexas in1954.

The following account is a translation of Dresel’s diary from December 2425, 1839. His account is from pages 90-92 of Gustav Dresel’s ‘Houston Journal: Adventures in North America and Texas 1837-1841,’ translated by Max Freund (then ProfessorofGermanandHeadof the German Department at Rice University) and published by the UniversityofTexasPressin1954.

“Before Christmas [1839] my corn business recalled me to Montgomery Christmas Eve was very simply spent with Stoner: we spoke a great deal about Germany and I read German poems to him.Inmythoughts,Iwas with my parents and brothers and sisters on the Rhine They no doubt

“Before Christmas [1839] my corn recalled me to MontgomChristmas Eve very simply spent Stoner: we spoke a great about Germany and I German poems Inmythoughts,Iwas with my parents brothers and on They

thought me, could theyguess andwhereI spent this joyful family festival.

thought of me, but could theyguesshowandwhereI spent this joyful family festival.

Americans allow these fine days to go by uncelebrated, New Eve This prosaic life did please me. I designed plan to prepare new enjoyments for these backwoods people. I did not want to wallowonthe skin, sunk in melancholi reveries, while all Germany jubilating, dancing, drinking, and kissing, rejoicedathaving over anotheryear.”

Americans allow all these fine festival days to go by uncelebrated, even New Year’s Eve This prosaic life did not please me. I designed a plan to prepare new enjoyments for these backwoods people. I did not want to wallowonthebuffaloskin, sunk in melancholic reveries, while all Germany jubilating, dancing, drinking, and kissing, rejoicedathavinggotover anotheryear.”

“Escorted by a fellow conspirator, I the four miles to Montgomery to as much as oursaddlebagswouldhold. By means of four dollars and entreaties I

succeed d wi h Mr S h p h e r [ W W Shepperd], only one in the atthattimewho had a small supply the most wretched bad spirits in his possession, in purchasingfourjugfuls.

“Escorted by a fellow conspirator, I galloped the four miles to Montgomery to buy as much whisky as oursaddlebagswouldhold. By means of four dollars and good entreaties I succeeded with Mr S h e p h e r d [ W W Shepperd], the only one in theregionatthattimewho had a small supply of the most wretched bad spirits in his possession, in purchasingfourjugfuls.

Happyinthepossession of a means for bringing human company together, we set out on the return journey Old Stoner after being initiated into our intentions by drink, was ordered to take immediate steps for gathering around me the men of the neighborhood, provided with guns and powder, before darknesswouldsetin.The watchwordfortheevening waswhisky!”

Happyin possession of a means for bringing human company together, we set return journey Stoner after being initiated into our intentions by drink, was ordered to immediate steps for around me the neighborhood, with guns and powder, before darknesswouldsetin.The watchwordfortheevening waswhisky!”

“The prospect of a little glassfulofthelongmissed, though unspeakably bad, liquor acted like a charm. When we were together in sufficientnumbers,Imade the jug go round Their frame of mind became favorable. I disclosed my intentions, and they met withapproval.

“The prospect a little glassful thelongmissed, though unspeakably bad, liquor charm. When we together in sufficientnumbers,Imade the jug go Their frame of mind became favorable. disclosed my intentions, and they met withapproval.

Whenever it of frolic a

Whenever it is a matter of organizing a frolic a

spree, the Texians not found wanting was about eleven o clock at night when we decamped, afterhavingdischargedour guns. We went from farm to farm, and each time we greeted with platoon fire, so that the dogs howled, and the inhabitants took frightand theirarms to ward off a night attack. As a token of peace I handed head of the surprised family the jug and explained in honor of the sublime moment cannonade took place It was difficult, however, to make unbelieving conceive that this custom due to the warlike of the Germans.”

spree, the Texians are not found wanting It was about eleven o’clock at night when we decamped, afterhavingdischargedour guns. We went from farm to farm, and each time we greeted with platoon fire, so that the dogs howled, and the inhabitants took frightandseizedtheirarms to ward off a night attack. As a token of peace I handed the head of the surprised family the jug and explained in honor of the sublime moment this cannonade took place It was difficult, however, to make these unbelieving souls conceive that this custom was due to the warlike spirit of the Germans.”

“Thelastcall,foritwas tobe rightlongduration, if possible, was intended for the former gunsmith and for his pretty, shy, and amiable young daughter

“Thelastcall,foritwas tobeofrightlongduration, if possible, was intended for the former gunsmith and for his pretty, shy, and amiable young daughter

Thefarmlaybetweentrees on a little elevation in the acute angle of the Montgomery and Houston roads It was already midnight when we approached the quiet homestead and took our stand below the trees. No pinewood was lighting up the dim flame of the chimney fire anymore, a sign the inhabitants had gone to Something specialwastohappenhere. I proposed three volleys. Our had increased, since from every we visited, some had joined. The first volley raised a general uproar in the interior of the cabin: the children cried, dogs barked, the Colonel, with his in wasinthe courtyard in no time A hurrah, twice repeated, quieted him who already suspected Indians or Mexicans. Twice more we interrupted the stillness of the night by the report of ourguns.”

Thefarmlaybetweentrees on a little elevation in the acute angle of the Montgomery and Houston roads It was already midnight when we approached the quiet homestead and took our stand below the trees. No pinewood was lighting up the dim flame of the chimney fire anymore, a sign the inhabitants had gone to rest Something specialwastohappenhere. I proposed three volleys. Our troop had increased, since from every farm we visited, some had joined. The first volley raised a general uproar in the interior of the cabin: the children cried, the dogs the barked, the Colonel, with hisguninhand,wasinthe courtyard in no time A hurrah, twice repeated, quieted him who already suspected Indians or Mexicans. Twice more we interrupted the stillness of the night by the report of ourguns.”

“We accepted his invitation and under his hospitable roof, fifteen of us. The fire was stirred, and by the glare of the pinewood, the gathering somotley,wild, and romantic we were placed into merrily enthusiastic mood The housewife stag’s ham, the young daughter baked a maize cake., and we contribut d the remaining jugfuls of whisky Afterhavingtaken a draught to the welfare of the we to the weshould neither budge nor withdrawuntilthelastdrophad wetted our lips that case, I know to do boys! he commenced “We have eggs; water will be let us brew an eggnog that the ladies will not despise either! No sooner said thandone;adozenbeatenup eggs, sugar, the necessary and our bad liquorfurnisheda by whichwe thenightin the merriest moods. We returned by daybreak only to scattered homesteads. were with the execution of my queer notion and declared that I was “a of a Dutchman.”

“We then accepted his invitation and stood under his hospitable roof, fifteen of us. The fire was stirred, and really, by the glare of the pinewood, the gatheringlookedsomotley,wild, and romantic that we were placed into a merrily enthusiastic mood The housewife fetched a stag’s ham, the young daughter baked a maize cake., and we contributed the remaining two jugfuls of whisky Afterhavingtaken a draught to the welfare of the ladies, we declared to theColonelthatweshould neither budge nor withdrawuntilthelastdrophad wetted our lips “In that case, I know what to do boys! he commenced “We have eggs; hot water will soon be ready; let us brew an eggnog that the ladies will not despise either! No sooner said thandone;adozenbeatenup eggs, sugar, the necessary water and our bad liquorfurnishedadrinkby whichwespentthenightin the merriest of moods. We returned by daybreak only to our scattered homesteads. All were satisfied with the execution of my queer notion and declared that I was “a hell of a hell Dutchman.”

into the earliest history of the town and the county

into the earliest history town and county

As seen in several of my recent articles,Montgomerytown founder, W W Shepperd, alwaysseemedtobe to finda toinserthimself

As we have seen in several of my recent articles,Montgomerytown founder, W W Shepperd, alwaysseemedtobeableto findawaytoinserthimself

Here he sold the whisky thatmadeDresel’sbandof colonists and settlers evening excursion and merriment possible The absence of Shepperd’s “most wretched bad spirits” may have robbed us of the details of this early Christmas celebration in Montgomery County

Here he sold the whisky thatmadeDresel’sband and settlers merriment possible The “most wretched bad may have the details early Christmas celebration in Montgomer

K. Searle is a member of the MontgomCommission, to The book of Online, TheEarlyHistory Montgomery, He alsoserved thehistorian the Texas Historical marker Lake Creek Settlement” located at the Ha t D Pioneer ComplexandMuseum.

member of the Montgomery County Historical Commission, a regular contributor to The Handbook of Texas Online, and authorofTheEarlyHistory ofMontgomery,Texas.He alsoservedasthehistorian for the Texas Historical the Commission marker for marker the Lake Creek Settlement” located at the Nat Hart Davis Pioneer r ComplexandMuseum.

Kameron K. Searle is a
ApictureofGustavDreselfromthe1830’sinGermany DreselvisitedhisfriendLouisStonerinMontgomeryin 1839,andcelebratedChristmasherethatyear

MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’-H.C.Driver

This week’s Veteran is H.C.Driver,whoservedin the U.S.Army from 19531956. H.C. was in the Transportation Corps, and with a name like Driver, what do you expect


H.C. Transportation with Driver, Motor a company the assist for in Gap, point

Besides Motor Transport operations, H C was a Dispatcher with a service company during the tail endoftheKoreanWar His

job was important to see that his unit was able to deploy or assist other commandsforsupportand re-supply Driverwasalso stationedinGermany,near theFuldaGap,whichwasa hotspot during the Cold War in Europe, because it was an anticipated attack pointofSovietandWarsaw Pact forces because of the lowlandsthatallowedtank access on the way to

President Robert Woodson W Chapter The Robert Woodson Chapter Colonial Dames

Frankfurt, Germany H.C. alsoservedatthePentagon driving high profile military officers, from Colonels to 4 Star Generals. After his service, Driver, now 90, spent a career as a cabinet maker, loving every day, because we all need cabinets to put stuff in. Good Luck H.C., and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of theWeek’.

H.C. at Pentagon profile from 4 Generservice, a as maker, day, because all put H.C., on ‘Veteran of

Preceding and Following theBirthofPaulRevere,by John Kenton Thompson whowasdressedincolonial attire. There are a number ofmisconceptionsconcerning Paul Revere's famous April 18, 1775 ride which gavealerttotheMinutemen in the Massachusetts Bay area. He would not have said “The British are coming” because the residents of that time were allBritish. Heactuallysaid “The Regulars are coming out”. Veteranresidentsof the Carriage Inn were invitedtohearMr Thompson'sprogram. Mr &Mrs. Thompson joined the members for lunch at the HonorCafé. President Colonial their the Carriage treated s Following the Paul by Thompson incolonial Bay are the were said coming of were Thompprogram. Mrs. the for the

XVII Century held their December meeting at the CarriageInninConroeand wastreatedtoaninteresting

MembersofThomasJeffersonStubbs 2523,ConroeChapterattend Conr ChristmasLunchattheWhistleStop

RebelJoanOfArcParticipates AtMontgomeryChristmas CelebrationEvent!

Dodging the pouring rain, the Rebel Joan Of Arc Belles, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, retained their beauty,smiles,andfestive moods as they protected their Vendors Booth, and greeted the public at the Christmas festival at the MontgomeryCommunity Center The RJOA were dawned in their Period Dresses and their custom

Red RJOA Personalized Aprons, and Christmas Finery They had many amazing treasurers at their Booth, from Christmas decorations and Crystal, to Confederate memorabilia. The Rebel Joan Of Arc is proud to support



Montgomery Christmas Event as they also honored every Veteran theycameincontactwith thatday,-RainorShine!

RJOA Veterans

Chairman, CYNTHIA

CONNORS and her Veterans Committee of ANITA STEVENS, CHARLOTTE BELIN ELAINE COLLINGS, PRESIDENT JENNY LEHR, and all the RJOA Belles circled each of the Veterans being honored. They Thanked them for their Service they had giventotheircountry,but also for their Service that theVeteran’sFamilymay had given in any Wars

OnSaturday, the "weather outside was the Stop Room in was "delightful"

OnSaturday,December 7, 2024, the "weather outside was frightful" but insidetheWhistleStopTea Room in Tomball, the aroma of the coffee and coffee food was "delightful" Members of the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523 Conroe Chapter, Texas Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy met for their monthly meeting,which includeda luncheon.

The owner of the Whistle Stop (Cindy Vincik) made up a special menuforustoselectfrom,

Division, United of the Confederacy for their included The of Stop up menu to

sincethebeginningofour Country,andespeciallyif theyhadanyConfederate Family who gave Service to the Cause they so believed in for Southern Rights.OneVeteranbeing honoredwassomoved,he purchased a Christmas remembrance for the RJOA Table, then returned it as a Gift in appreciationtoThankthe RJOA Veteran’s Chairman!

even providing a lengthy dessertlist. Shewasavery gracious hostess and her her wait staff were most helpful We had our meetingandendedwiththe singingofDIXIE. Once everyone was back in place, a door prize game was started and nice giftsweregivenout. Next our chapter president Beckie Endebrock gave us some history about Christmas during the War Between the States, which wasveryinteresting. Then our fabulous, delicious food was served, which everyoneenjoyed. Finally, we had the exchange of

gifts (commonly called White Elephant exchange) but these were nice gifts. Themostpopular giftwas stolen the allowed three times and then went silent it was a freshly baked PECAN PIE, made by Carolyn Jamail. There was a lot of laughter, conversation and picture taking during our time together and a pleasant time washadbyall.

ss and questions were ask about theUDC. Therewerelots of goodbyes, hugs and wishes for a good holiday given as we all started to leave.

TheWhistleStopTea RoominTomballislocated in the antique area in historic downtown at 107 Commerce If you are interestedinfamilyhistory and you know of your

The Stop inTomballislocated in at If you interested family


for the

even lengthy dessert wasavery gracious wait most helpful We had meetingand with singingofDIXIE. everyone back in place, game gifts given our Beckie so or ou Christmas during the Between wasvery our fabulous, food served, enjoyed. the exchange called these were popular stolen the freshly and our together a

Beckie Endebrock at


article by Eva Rains Publicity chairman
Pictured:Frontrow-Mrs.MaryThomson,Shirley Slawson,JudyWeidner.Secondrow-PatSheridan,Sue Hereford,KayeStone,JenniferWhite.ThirdRow-John KentonThompson,MaureenChegin,LauraDahlberg, TammyMouliere,JanisHoag.
Standinglefttorightintheback...SherryMcKey, DebbieChance,IvaGilliam,RebaTaylor(perspective member),SchelleTaylor,seatedinmiddlelefttoright.. NeldaShippey-McGuire,BetteGarland,Jackie Barkmann,seatedinfront(circle)MicheleScanlin, CarolynJamail,EvaRains,LindaBrillstandingtothe right...CindyVincik,owneroftheWhistleStop(dark blueoutfit),DeliseHenryandBeckieEndebrock
LefttoRt:ElaineCollings,ChrissyBarton,MaryLeeMalek,KarenDeBerry,Jenny Lehr,KellyHall,CynthiaConnors,EvelynMiller,HannahMeadows,Charlotte Belin,AnitaStevens.

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