44th Montgomery Art Guild Musuem Exhibition

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CONTENTS Welcome Page 1 From the President

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From the Juror Sponsors + Acknowledgments

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Award Donors Page 5 Award Winners Artists + Entries

Page 6

Also On View

Back Inside Cover

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Left to right: Phoebe Burns, Ain’t I a Woman, 2021; Steve Spencer, If You Bought It in Memphis, 2020; Steve Spencer, After Jazzfest Lets Out, 2019

WELCOME Angie Dodson

Director Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Each Montgomery Art Guild exhibition provides an opportunity for the Museum to celebrate both its origin story—we were founded by a group of area artists and arts educators—and, at the same time, the ever-deepening creativity and capacity of today’s regional artists. Of the 133 artists who submitted 443 works for inclusion, 74 works by 57 artists constitute this year’s exhibition. We thank juror Wendy Castenell for so generously bringing her head and heart to the selection of works which—individually and collectively—seem to speak to the diversity of experiences and perspectives the artists bring to their works. And, we applaud all of the entrants for their commitment to their craft…and for their courage in bringing it forward for public consideration. This exhibition is the product of the juror and artists, yes, but also the team of MMFA staff and MAG leaders whose coordination underpins it. MMFA contributors include: Jennifer Jankauskas, Pam Bransford, Sarah Elizabeth Kelly, Sarah Graves, Brad Echols, Christen Napp, and Stephen Hayes. And, on the MAG side of the equation: co-chairs Sandra Polizos and Carol Ballard along with Alisa Koch, Bob Corley, and Warren Simons. Finally, we thank our sponsors, without whom we could not bring this biennial exhibition to the River Region: AlaCOMP, Elizabeth Crump, Laura and Barrie Harmon, Lucy and Hans Luquire, Paula and Nelson Smith, Renasant Bank, Ann Hubbert, and Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Harris. Here, we also express our gratitude for the generosity of the many award donors for their support of this exhibition and its artists. Clearly, it has taken a village to realize this 44TH Montgomery Art Guild Exhibition as well the attendant exhibition of works by featured artist Marguerite Edwards. Again, we applaud all the people of our “village” for their investment in and devotion to this longstanding cooperative effort of the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts and the Montgomery Art Guild. 1


President Montgomery Art Guild This 44TH Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition would not be possible without the support of the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, the City of Montgomery, and all the organizations and individuals who support the museum. A deep heartfelt thanks to all of you. Thank you, Angie Dodson, director of the museum, and all the MMFA staff that made this exhibit happen, especially Jennifer Jankauskas and Sarah Graves. You are awesome! To the sponsors of this event and to the cash award donors: your financial support and love of the arts helps feed and sustain the artistic sparks of creativity that are present in the works submitted to this exhibit. A big thanks to Dr. Wendy Castenell, our juror, for selecting this strong grouping of art for our exhibition. It was no small task to review and assess the large body of accomplished artwork in order to choose the work for display. To all the artists who submitted artwork to this show: you rock! Thank you for creating your work and for entering the juried process of the exhibit. Now consider taking the next important step: keep working! The Montgomery Art Guild work committee of Sandra Polizos, Carol Ballard, Alisa Koch, and Bob Corley were key to making this exhibit a success. Thank you for your efforts! Lastly, thanks to all the viewing public who come see this exhibit. We hope this art inspires you to look—and to look again.


FROM THE JUROR Wendy Castenell

Assistant Professor of African American Art in the Department of Art and Art History The University of Alabama It was a great pleasure to work as a juror for the 44TH Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. There were 443 submissions this year, of which I selected 74 for the exhibition. It was incredible to see the eclectic and interesting works by local artists. I was especially impressed with the breadth of media, subject, and style amongst the submissions. In selecting works for the show, I deliberately tried to showcase the diversity of the submissions by choosing examples from a wide variety of media that included a large number of 2-D and 3-D pieces and that were a mix of abstract and naturalistic. The result, I think, is an eclectic show that showcases the range and variety of the talented local artists who submitted to the show. That said, after walking through the exhibition, a few prominent interests and themes emerged from the selected pieces. I was drawn to several works that used nontraditional media, such as textiles, paper, found objects, and mixed media. I was also deeply interested in artworks that evoked a sense of the local and the Southern because of the way they seemed to be rooted in Alabama. Finally, I was moved by the number of works that were related to the collective experiences and challenges facing the local and national communities over the past year due to the pandemic anxiety and the spotlight shone on racial injustice. Ultimately, I hope this exhibition will inspire the public as well as the participants to continue to be creative while displaying their personal experiences.


EXHIBITION SPONSORS Thank You The relationship between the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts and the Montgomery Art Guild has flourished for more than fifty years due to the generous patronage by sponsors of both organizations. The sponsors who support the Museum exhibitions and programming and fund the awards received by MAG artists represent the overall support of the Montgomery community for local art, artists, and art scholarship. We are tremendously grateful to the sponsors below and on the following page for their support this year and every year that we enjoy this fruitful collaboration.



AlaCOMP Elizabeth Crump Laura and Barrie Harmon

Dan Harris, Montgomery County Commission Ann Hubbert Lucy and Hans Luquire Renasant Bank Paula and Nelson Smith

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2020–2021 Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition Committee Leadership for the 44TH Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition and the accompanying featured artist exhibition was provided in part by the following Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition Committee:


Committee Members

Carol Ballard Sandra Polizos

Warren Simons Alisa Koch Bob Corley

The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, a department of the city of Montgomery, is supported by funds from the city of Montgomery, with support from the Montgomery County Commission and the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Association. Programs are made possible, in part, by grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. 4

AWARD DONORS Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Awards $2,500


Director’s Award

Foy Gilmore Goodwyn Memorial Award

Donated by the J.K. Lowder Family Foundation

Donated by the MMFA

Montgomery Art Guild Awards $1,000 DiLaura Award

Halvorson Award

Edward Robbins Memorial Award

Jimmie Lee Sabel Award

Donated by Chuck and Joan DiLaura

Donated by Chrys Robbins in memory of her husband, a past president of MAG

Donated by Dr. Melanie Halvorson

Donated by Keith Sabel in memory of his father, Jimmie Sabel

$500 Alabama Steel Supply 3-D Artist Award Donated by Alabama Steel Supply

Montgomery Art Guild Award Donated by MAG

Montgomery Art Guild Award Donated by MAG

Nancy Mims Hartsfield Award

Rouse-Gates Student Award

Donated by Martha Rouse Gates in memory of Emma Lou Rouse

Southern Art and Makers Collective Award Donated by the Southern Art and Makers Collective shop

Stonehenge Gallery Award Donated by Rusty Gregory

Donated by Janice Prescott and Warren Simons in honor of Montgomery artist Nancy Mims Hartsfield

Watercolor Artist Award

Oil Artist Award

Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald Award

Donated anonymously

Donated anonymously

Donated by the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum

$250 BOOM! River Region’s 50+ Lifestyle Magazine Award

Donated by Jim Watson at BOOM! Magazine

Crump and Gober Award

Donated by Elizabeth Crump and Patricia Gober

Hodges Logistics Award

Donated by Hodges Logistics

Nelson, Kelly, and Brod Award

Donated by Svetlana Nelson, Laurel Kelly, and Walt Brod


AWARD WINNERS Director’s Award Ryan Akers


Foy Gilmore Goodwyn Memorial Award Leanna Leithauser-Lesley Ne Me Quitte Pas, 2020


DiLaura Award Pamela Venz

Through the Looking Glass, Vermont, 2020

Edward Robbins Memorial Award Okkyu (Mina) Duffie

Ssea-Reum (A Korean Wrestling Match), 2021


Halvorson Award Mary Ann Casey

Mothers and Children I, 2019

Jimmie Lee Sabel Award Richard Mills Covid Escape Portico, 2021

8 Award Winners

Alabama Steel Supply 3-D Artist Award Meredith Knight

A Brief History of Inequality in America, 2019

Montgomery Art Guild Award Phoebe Burns

Grin and Bear It, 2020


Montgomery Art Guild Award Nancy Jones Overlooked: Ida B. Wells, 2019

Nancy Mims Hartsfield Award Elana Hagler Her Skin, Her Rules, 2019

10 Award Winners

Oil Artist Award Jamie Harris

Aunt Jemima and Kin, 2021

Rouse-Gates Student Award Kelsey Meadows

Beneath the Fabric, 2020


Southern Art and Makers Collective Award Chie Hitchner

Spring Garden Pathway, 2020

Stonehenge Gallery Award Kole Nichols

A Road with No End in Sight, 2021

12 Award Winners

Watercolor Artist Award Margie McInarnay

Marina in the Morning, 2021

Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald Award Carol Pugsley Jones

Wide Open Spaces I and II, 2020


BOOM! Magazine Award Winfred Hawkins

The Walls Have Feelings, 2021

Crump and Gober Award Enid Probst

Thread of Life, 2019

14 Award Winners

Hodges Logistics Award Christopher Greenman Zendo, 2021

Nelson, Kelly, and Brod Award Vincent Buwalda

Truth, 2021


ARTISTS + ENTRIES About Purchasing Most of the art in this exhibition is available for purchase directly from the artist. All art will remain on display until the end of the exhibition. For information or assistance in contacting the artists, please contact the exhibition co-chair at artguildmontgomery@gmail.com. Lorna Aho Waiting for a Train

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 21 1/2 x 35 $450


2019 Ink, acrylic, oil pastel, graphite, and charcoal on canvas 63 x 80 $500


2020 Mixed media on canvas 72 x 107 $1,000

Jeffrey Babine Tucson #3

2020 Graphite on paper 26 3/4 x 17 1/2 (sight) $2,250

Madelyn Carr Bonnett Reflecting on The Scream

2021 Digital inkjet print on paper 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 (sight) $100


Dori Boyd Final Jubilee, John Lewis

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 14 x 11 (image) $300

Neal Brantley Dauphine St., New Orleans 2021 Oil on canvas 18 x 24 NFS

Kay Alkire Brummal Geometric Glow 2019 Digital inkjet print on metallic paper 10 1/4 x 13 1/4 (sight) $195

Inside Out I

2019 Digital inkjet print on metallic paper 13 1/2 x 10 1/2 (sight) $195

Andrea Buchmann The Pressure Is On 2021 Cyanotype on paper 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 (sight) $95

Phoebe Burns Grin and Bear It

2020 Pastel and acrylic on paper 44 x 88 1/2 $7,500

Ain't I a Woman

2021 Charcoal, acrylic, and newspaper on canvas 48 x 36 $2,500

Vincent Buwalda Truth

2021 Welded steel, motors, and electronics 75 x 120 x 48 $12,500

Mary Ann Casey Mothers and Children I 2019 Acrylic on canvas 48 x 60 $2,600

Okkyu (Mina) Duffie Ssea-Reum (A Korean Wrestling Match) 2021 Hanji (Korean traditional paper) 35 x 55 x 84 NFS

Ray Dugas Moonlight in the Garden

Christopher Greenman Rock Top Kurinuki Jar

2021 Mixed media on Masonite 9 3/4 x 23 1/4 (sight) NFS

2021 Kurinuki stoneware (Japanese hollowing out process) 8 1/4 x 8 x 7 $150

DaNeal Eberly Trip


2021 Charcoal and acrylic on paper 11 1/2 x 8 3/4 (sight) $200

2021 Shino glazed and stained stoneware 14 x 13 x 8 $160

R. Keith Farrar Club Capri

Elana Hagler Her Skin, Her Rules

Windy Valley Shrine


2020 Screen print on paper 19 x 13 (image) NFS 2021 Gum dichromate print on paper 13 1/2 x 10 1/2 (sight) NFS

2019 Pastel and charcoal on paper 29 1/2 x 22 (sight) $2,600 2020 Oil on canvas 20 x 16 $5,400

Jamie Harris Textured Vessel

2019 Glazed earthenware 11 x 9 1/2 x 9 1/2 $90

Aunt Jemima and Kin 2021 Oil on Masonite 16 x 20 $500

Winfred Hawkins The Walls Have Feelings

2021 Acrylic and spray paint on wood panel 48 x 48 $2,500

Chie Hitchner Crisp Twilight

2019 Handwoven, naturally handdyed silk 98 x 33 NFS

Christine Freeman Selma Alley, October 2020

Andrew Hairstans Western Approach (Land of Hope and Glory)

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 (sight) NFS

2021 Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 18 1/4 x 24 NFS

2020 Handwoven, naturally handdyed silk 105 x 29 NFS

Alexandra Giannell Deep into Death: When Souls Collide

Mike Handley The Wizening

Cecily Hulett Forgotten Tango

2019 From the series, Fallacy of Structure Graphite on paper 89 x 60 $12,000

NFS: Not for Sale. Dimensions are in inches, height before width before depth.

2019 Digital inkjet print on paper 13 1/2 x 10 1/2 (sight) $175

Spring Garden Pathway

2020 Mixed media on canvas 20 x 16 NFS

Carol Pugsley Jones Wide Open Spaces I and II

2020 Oil and cold wax on canvas 48 x 72 $1,800


Left to right: Sarah Marshall, Fits and Starts, 2020; Sarah Marshall, Constantly Conciliatory, 2021; Jamie Harris, Textured Vessel, 2019 Back inside cover: Marguerite Edwards, Telluride, 2007, oil on linen, Lent by the artist 18

Fred Jones Another Fairhope Sunset

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 11 1/2 x 17 1/2 (sight) $150

Nancy Jones Overlooked: Ida B. Wells 2019 Mixed media 11 x 11 x 1 1/2 NFS

Meredith Knight A Brief History of Inequality in America

2019 Ceramic, Lucite, metal, and acrylic ink 76 x 140 x 8 $675

Molly Lay Rooftops

2019 Wire, recycled saris, and brazing material 16 x 24 x 14 $150

Leanna Leithauser-Lesley Ne Me Quitte Pas 2020 Mixed media 60 x 31 $6,000

No Blacks, No Whites, Just the Blues 2020 Mixed media 34 x 25 1/4 $6,000

Tim Lennox A Second Talk

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 11 x 13 1/2 (sight) $250

Union on Guard

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 10 3/4 x 17 (sight) $250

Nyaradzai Mahachi I Hear You...

2020 Mixed media on paper 41 x 23 (sight) $2,500

Sarah Marshall Fits and Starts

2020 Screen print, relief, resist dye, rust dye, and machine quilting 22 3/4 x 23 $950

Constantly Conciliatory 2021 Screen print, relief, resist dye, rust dye, and machine quilting 25 x 28 $950

Margie McInarnay Marina in the Morning 2021 Watercolor and ink on academy board 15 x 19 (sight) $1,550

Kelsey Meadows Beneath the Fabric

2020 Stoneware, epoxy, latex paint, and steel cables 132 x 120 x 60 $5,000

Ted Metz Master/Apprentice: The Offer, Pipe Fitting 2019 Steel, cast bronze, brass, and vintage tools 56 x 41 1/2 x 20 $12,000

Richard Mills Covid Timeshare 3

2020 Watercolor on illustration board 38 1/2 x 27 3/4 (sight) $2,500

Covid Escape Portico 2021 Watercolor on illustration board 38 1/2 x 28 1/2 (sight) $2,500

Svetlana Nelson Today With Hope (3) Lord Have Mercy 2021 Oil on canvas 16 x 20 $250

Kole Nichols A Road with No End in Sight 2021 Mixed media 14 x 16 NFS

Sunny Paulk Stay Focused (and Mind Your Own Business) 2019 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 $700

Artists + Entries 19

Lindanne Phillips Flushed Covey 2021 Stoneware 8 1/4 x 10 x 10 $250

Donna Pickens Through the Unknown, Unremembered Gate 2021 Encaustic and impasto wax, encaustic paint, and wood 11 x 14 $450

Sandra Polizos Signs of the Time

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 14 7/8 x 14 7⁄8 (image) $275

Janice Prescott The Stability of 4 2020 Glazed ceramic 9 3/4 x 9 3/4 $295

Enid Probst Thread of Life

2019 Marble, glass, minerals, and slate 12 1/4 x 28 $1,400

Tara Sartorius Turbulence

2020 Marigolds, gouache, and watercolor on hand-dyed paper 7 1/2 x 7 1/2 $400

Steve Spencer After Jazzfest Lets Out 2019 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 36 $1,790

If You Bought It in Memphis 2020 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 15 $900

Joanne Staley Heart Felt

2021 Alabama plant dyed handmade wool felt 12 1/2 x 16 1/4 x 2 $300

Liphus Swindall Sanctuary Trees

2019 Mixed media on canvas 30 x 24 NFS

Clearing Skies

2020 Mixed media on canvas 16 x 20 $500

Sarah Tanner Singing Poppies

2021 Acrylic and pen on canvas 20 x 10 $150

Emily Thomas Untitled (Napoleonville, LA)

2019 Digital inkjet print on paper 14 x 14 (sight) $400

Gleaning II

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 12 1/4 x 10 (sight) $200 20 Artists + Entries

Pamela Venz Clouds and Cushions, Vermont 2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 32 3/4 x 22 (image) $1,000

Kitchen Abstraction, Alabama

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 21 3/4 x 32 3/4 (image) $1,000

Through the Looking Glass, Vermont

2020 Digital inkjet print on paper 22 x 31 1/4 (image) $1,000

Julia Washburn Flight Plan

2019 Digital inkjet print on paper 17 1/2 x 12 (sight) $225

Cleve Webber Lambada 11

2020 Watercolor on paper 19 1/4 x 23 3/4 (sight) $2,400

Lynda Wool Note to Flower

2020 Cold wax on paper 7 x 11 (sight) $90

Jason Tanner Young Hoppin' Curbs is Fun Son

2021 Steel, copper, cast iron, cast bronze, and enamel paint 63 1/2 x 93 x 46 $3,500



PUBLIC FACES AND PRIVATE SPACES 44TH Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition Featured Artist

Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts One Museum Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 mmfa.org | @MontgomeryMFA 22

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