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Future School Capital
Total Project Cost: $11.8M
Project Status: Continuing
The Future School Capital program funds are earmarked to be used by Montgomery County Public Schools in the future for new school capital projects. Two and half (2.5) cents of the real estate tax rate was previously earmarked for future school capital needs and was reduced to two (2.0) cents for FY 24. These funds are held in a special Capital Fund account separate from the School Operating Fund and may be used only with future Board of Supervisors approval.
• Cash-to-Capital – $11.8M
FY 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Program / Comprehensive Plan Alignment
SFY 1.3 Future Capital Facilities: Use the response performance goals, the future land use policies/map from the Comprehensive Plan, projections for future traffic and road improvements from the MPO, and other pertinent data to develop a plan to locate and fund future law enforcement and emergency services facilities that are necessitated by a growing County population.
SFY 1.3.3. Animal Shelter: Provide adequate, humane animal control services and facilities.
PRC 1.2.1 Sports Needs: Determine the needs and desires of existing sport leagues in the county and the appropriate role of the county in meeting these needs.
PRC 2.0 Recreational Facilities and Programs. To provide a broad variety of recreational opportunities and traditional and special use facilities for all citizens of Montgomery County, with special attention to the recreational needs of youth, young adults, and senior citizens.
PRC 2.1.3 Operational and maintenance needs: Broaden the OFMP to better address indoor facilities as well as operational and maintenance needs.
SFY 1.3 Future Capital Facilities: Use the response performance goals, the future land use policies/map from the Comprehensive Plan, projections for future traffic and road improvements from the MPO, and other pertinent data to develop a plan to locate and fund future law enforcement and emergency services facilities that are necessitated by a growing County population.
SFY 1.3.2 Capital Facilities and Funding: Continue to work, annually, through Capital Improvements Program to identify future capital facility needs and the means for funding them.
SFY 1.3 Future Capital Facilities: Use the response performance goals, the future land use policies/map from the Comprehensive Plan, projections for future traffic and road improvements from the MPO, and other pertinent data to develop a plan to locate and fund future law enforcement and emergency services facilities that are necessitated by a growing County population.
SFY 1.3.2 Capital Facilities and Funding: Continue to work, annually, through Capital Improvements Program to identify future capital facility needs and the means for funding them.
FY 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Program / Comprehensive Plan Alignment
SFY 1.0 Public Safety Goal: Promote and facilitate the provision of superior law enforcement and emergency services (fire and rescue) in order to ensure that people have a safe and secure community in which to live, work and raise their families.
SFY 1.3 Future Capital Facilities: Use the response performance goals, the future land use policies/map from the Comprehensive Plan, projections for future traffic and road improvements from the MPO, and other pertinent data to develop a plan to locate and fund future law enforcement and emergency services facilities that are necessitated by a growing County population.
SFY 1.3.2 Capital Facilities and Funding: Continue to work, annually, through Capital Improvements Program to identify future capital facility needs and the means for funding them.
SFY 1.0 Public Safety Goal: Promote and facilitate the provision of superior law enforcement and emergency services (fire and rescue) in order to ensure that people have a safe and secure community in which to live, work and raise their families.
SFY 1.2 Public Involvement: Recognize and support the role of citizen volunteers in the delivery of law enforcement and emergency services throughout Montgomery County. Moreover, promote a better understanding of law enforcement and emergency services issues by all County residents.
SFY 1.2.1 Fire and Rescue Involvement: Support the vital role of volunteers in the delivery of emergency services (fire and rescue) throughout Montgomery County.
PRC 2.0 Recreational Facilities and Programs. To provide a broad variety of recreational opportunities and traditional and special use facilities for all citizens of Montgomery County, with special attention to the recreational needs of youth, young adults, and senior citizens.
PRC 2.1 Outdoor Facility Master Plan (OFMP): Revise, formally adopt, and use the Outdoor Facility Master Plan as a guide for the development of new parks and recreational facilities, including pocket, neighborhood, village, and regional parks, as well as special use facilities, trails, and heritage parks.
PRC 2.1.1 Recreational Priorities and Funding: Decide on the top projects in the OFMP and develop funding strategies for them including incorporation into the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP), use of grant funds and other sources of funding.
PRC 2.2 Accessibility: Make existing recreational facilities accessible to all county residents, both in terms of how the facilities are accessed and used.
PRC 2.2.1 Facility Location: Develop major facilities in areas that are accessible by major roads thereby providing the opportunity for existing and/or future bus services.