Motor Club Magazine - Volume 1

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T h e

M a g a z i n e


A 2 0 1 3


E x c l u s i v e l y


F o r





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Executive Publishers

Ari Straus Josh Sommers Vice President of Marketing

Matt Gottlieb Editor-In-Chief

Shannon McSweeney-LeMay Creative Director

Kathryn Houghtaling Design Squad

Kathryn Houghtaling Emily Garozzo Kevin Green Contributors

Michael Bloom Debra Conway John Conway Josh Coen Adam Cultraro Matt Gottlieb Elliott Landy Ashley Novack Justin Piscitell


J.S. McCarthy Printers Augusta | Portland | Boston | Hartford | New York

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Focus Media, Inc. 10 Matthews Street | Goshen | NY | 10924 ADVERTISINGANDPR.COM









The Magazine Exclusively For Monticello Motor Club


M ONTICELLO MOTOR CLUB 6 7 C a n t re l l R o a d , M o n t i c e l l o | N Y 1 2 7 0 1 m o n t i c e l l o m o t o rc l u b . c o m


Table of Contents The Driver’s Seat........................................................... 5 Save the Dates.............................................................. 6 Through the Rear-View Mirror . . ....................................... 7 A Little Taste............................................................... 11 Spied at Monticello . . .................................................... 12 Hidden Gems.............................................................. 15 Hallowed Ground. . ....................................................... 18 Radical: A Love Story.................................................. 20 MMC Pro Shop............................................................ 24 Race Programs. . .......................................................... 26 Pro Tips...................................................................... 28 Driven to Help............................................................. 30 Relative Success......................................................... 32 Life in the Country....................................................... 34 Member Profile............................................................ 35 Radical Cup................................................................ 36 Social Circuit.. ............................................................. 38




and Persistence Welcome to the inaugural edition of the MMC magazine. As we enter MMC's fifth full season, some historical perspective seems in order. My partners and I had a vision dating back to 2004, when we purchased the land that our beautiful club now rests upon. That vision was to bring a world class motorsports experience to the lower Catskills region that would enable automotive enthusiasts of all sorts to live their dream. As with all "visions" and "dreams," obstacles and naysayers lay in waiting. In 2004, I was told that no one cared about Monticello and was asked, "Why would you buy land there?" In 2005, I was told, "Your motorsports idea is crazy," and "That will never be approved." After we gained our approvals in 2006 and presented our plans for an exclusive club model for auto enthusiasts looking to live a dream and perfect long-hidden talents and skills, I was asked, "Who would join a club like that 90 miles away?" In 2007, I was told, "You'll never get this project off the ground;

By now, you get my point. Somewhere out there today, there are those who are saying, "You'll never see residences built there, it's unlikely the grand plan for pro-pits, expanded member car storage, corporate offices, bridges, and a karting track will get done and really unlikely that professional racing will ever come to Monticello - they just don't have the 'History'." In our opinion, "History," with time and persistence, follows a well-executed "Vision." For the nearly 300 of you, now counted as our members and friends, that have been along for the ride, I'm sure you'll agree that we are nothing if not persistent.

it's too expensive, too hard to execute, and too few people

As we race off into this wonderful future today, I would like

would support it." In 2008, I was told, "Well, you found great

to thank you - our members - for you are the true believers.

partners and built it, but who will ever join this club? And,

Also, I would like to thank my partners - Paul Queally, Bill

by the way, Lehman just collapsed and so may the world."

McMichael, Ari Straus, Paul Orwicz, Dan Rosenblatt, Tony

After we opened and started delivering service to a small

Borcich, and Chris Hooper - and our employees who have

but growing list of member/believers, we were told, "This

dedicated themselves to our members. Finally, I would like

model won't work because there aren't enough people out

to thank the visionaries and believers in Sullivan County

there who want to do this," and at the same time, "You'll

whose support made all of this possible.

never get a clubhouse built; it's way too expensive for the member base that exists." After we opened a stunning glass and aluminum clubhouse in 2010, we were told, "You know that to pay for this, you're going to have to break the model and allow public access through car 'clubs' to use the facility - your private member model can't support it." In 2011, as we crossed over 150 members who had near-exclusive

John J Barker

property use, we were told, "You’ll never attract real racers,

Co-Founder and Chairman of Jefferson Development

instructors, sponsors, and partners because you have

Partners, parent of the Monticello Motor Club

no history."



Member Race Series Schedule Round #1 – Sat M ay 18 Round #2 – Sat June 22 Round #3 – Sat July 20 Round # 4 – Sat Sep t emb er 21 Round #5 – Sat O ct o b er 5 – Awards Ceremo ny and E nd o f Seaso n Dinner

Stuttguart and Coventry Classic Dates Round #1 – Wed June 12 Round #2 – Wed July 10 Round #3 – Wed Aug ust 14 Round #4 – Wed Sep t emb er 25

Radical Driving Experience Wed -T hur s June 5-6 Wed-T hur s June 26-27 Wed -T hur s July 17-18 Wed-T hur s Aug ust 7-8 Tues- Wed Sep t emb er 3-4

Father's Day Time Trial and Kart Race Sun June 16

Teen Driving Challenge Sun June 23 Sun O ct o b er 6

Porsche World Road Show Thu r s-Sun July 25-28

Radical Cup and NARRA Viper Cup Race Fri-Sun Sep t emb er 6-8

International Motor Press Association Wed-Thur s Sep t emb er 18-19

4th Annual Cops for Kids Charity Event Su n Sep t emb er 22



Monticello Motor Club

onticello Motor Club is a fairly new

hotels, and places like Monticello’s Palatine

passed right through the village of the same

addition to the Sullivan County scene,

and Liberty’s Mansion House served as

name in the heart of Sullivan County, and was

but in many ways, it is simply carrying on a

temporary headquarters for groups from

touted as “the most picturesque motor route

long standing tradition linking the region

Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Jersey City, who

between New York City and the Midwest.”

to the automobile.

were touring the scenic county by day, and

Soon, thousands of motorists per year were

spending money in local shops, taverns, and

using the Liberty Highway, and by 1928, it had

eateries by night.

become the most popular route from the New

That tradition dates back to at least 1908, before cars were regularly seen on Sullivan

York metropolitan area to Niagara Falls.

County roads. By then, autos were being

And in 1918, at a time when 1 in every

manufactured in nearby Goshen, Kingston,

14 Sullivan County residents owned an

Still, when Monticello Motor Club opened its

Newburgh and Walden, and Martin Hermann

automobile, the region acquired its most

4.1 mile race-grade road course in 2008, the

was building wooden bodies for Buicks in

famous link to the industry. The White Motor

county’s only real experience with automobile

Callicoon. By 1909, what were then known

Car Company of Cleveland began a nationwide

racing was the June, 1953 Sullivan County

as “automobile parties” had become

promotional campaign for what it had

Sports Car Race in Callicoon. This exciting

commonplace at Sullivan County’s many

christened the Liberty Highway. The roadway

race along a road course, which one

Continued on page 10

Automobiles are still rare on Sullivan County roads, but are being manufactured in neighboring Orange County. “Automobile Parties” become commonplace at many Sullivan County hotels, such as Liberty’s Mansion House.

The White Motor Car Company promotes Liberty Highway, named after Liberty, N.Y., as the ‘most picturesque motor route between NYC and the Midwest.’ Today, it is known as Old Route 17.



Sullivan County Sports Car Race, a road race in Callicoon, is the first automobile race to be held in the county.

N37, later to be known as Monticello Airport is established as a 700-acre, public-use airport featuring two asphalt-paved runways 1,545 ft above sea level: 1/19 measuring 2,595 ft x 40 ft and 15/33 measuring 2,072 ft x 24 ft.

Drive and Race Club site plan approved in May. Groundbreaking and construction begin.

TML Aircraft begins a thriving flight school, including Piper Warriors and a Comanche. It also hosted twin engine Navajo’s, offered sightseeing rides on weekends, served as a UPS hub, and included a fuel station.

First annual Fall Classic Members' Race held on October 4.

South Pavillion opens in June. Renamed Monticello Motor Club, the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting are held on July 27.


Monticello Motor Club

Continued from page 7

participant later said “could have become the

Catskills in his youth and had fond memories

these days are a Toyota Prius and a Honda Pilot,

finest in the country,” featured some of the top

of the area.

and with a wife and three kids—aged 8, 10 and

sports car racing drivers in the country. But despite the fact that nearly everyone involved called it a huge success, it did not become an annual event.

boys, he grew up loving fast cars and became a devoted fan of motorsports. “Teenagers always have dream cars, and mine was a Lotus

The world-class Monticello Motor Club circuit

Esprit,” he explains. “After some early business

was designed by the team of Brian Redman, a

ventures, I was lucky enough to purchase one.”

former British Formula One racing driver, and

He notes that most people know the Esprit as

Bruce Hawkins, noted racecourse designer.

“the Bond car,” since it was featured in both

The track takes full advantage of the area’s

The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only,

undulating topography to produce what the New

or as the car from the Julia Roberts movie,

York Times called “a challenging combination of

Pretty Woman.

rising corners, blind crests, and swerving dips.” Redman has described the layout as “among the best in the world.”

Straus was living on the West Coast at that point, and he joined a high-performance car club that rented time at various tracks. It was

The Motor Club evolved from an effort begun in

while he was attending a High-Performance

2006 to create a private fly-in “drive and race”

Driving Education Event, or “DE,” at one of those

country club for upscale clientele on the former

tracks, that he had what Straus terms “a life

site of the Monticello Airport. The once-busy

changing experience.”

air strip had been struggling for years, and the buildings and runway were deteriorating when rescued by developers with a vision of using the facilities as the linchpin of a private racecourse where club members could fly in, drive their super-fast cars stored at the site, and enjoy amenities such as a luxury clubhouse, private storage garages, and service facilities. The present-day operation began to take shape in 2007 when current operating partner Ari Straus, already a member, joined the team of owners: Bill McMichael, Paul Queally, and the club’s co-founder, John Barker. Straus,


Straus says that like most teenage American

“An instructor takes you out and gives you a lesson in your own car, demonstrating things you had no idea the car was capable of doing,” Straus explains. “Now, you’re hooked and obsessed with mastering the same skills so you can push your own car – and yourself – to new limits.” That’s the kind of passion Straus and his partners have fashioned the Monticello Motor Club to stir in its members, and the driving experience at the Club includes plenty of opportunities to learn from professionals.

14—he jokes that all it takes to make him happy with a highway car is “a satellite radio and a bunch of cup holders.” As for his collection of fast cars, these are mostly performance exotics modified for the track. “Performance cars should be experienced in their natural habitat, on a private racetrack. Safety is essential, and with proper equipment in the car and on the driver, members can push cars to the limit in a controlled environment with less risk than we accept on everyday roads.” Monticello Motor Club has reached an incredible 250 members within five years. Many of those members visit MMC in their own helicopters – landing at the on-site heliport - or land fixedwing aircraft on the racetrack’s long straight, with advance notice so the racecars can clear the track first. The Club recently announced plans for a $40-60 million expansion to be phased in over the next several years. The expansion, including redesigned pit and paddock areas, a second clubhouse, and additional storage garages for members’ automobiles, would help the Motor Club track qualify for professional races. “We’re following the Augusta model,” Straus says, referring to the home of professional golf’s Masters Tournament. “A few times each year, we will host a professional race open to the public, the press, and various VIPs to accelerate the club’s notoriety and to bring more people to the

an entrepreneur who launched and sold a

Straus says that like most drivers who undergo

area. But other than these few events, MMC will

few technology companies in the retail and

that kind of training, he’s a better driver on the

remain an exclusive country club automotive

healthcare industries, was a hard-core exotic

street now, especially when rain, sleet, ice or

resort with access limited to its private

car enthusiast who had vacationed in the

snow diminishes control. His everyday vehicles

members and their guests.”


Taste a little

Avocado On The Half Shell Makes 4 servings

Ingredients • 2 large Hass avocados, ripe but firm

• • • • • • • • • • •

1 small lemon 8 large shrimp (peeled and deveined) Handful of fresh cilantro (chopped) (Save a few leaves for garnish) 1 tsp of sea salt Fresh ground pepper 2 limes 2 cloves of fresh garlic (crushed and minced) 10 grape tomatoes 1 head of radicchio ¼ cup of almonds (toasted and coarsely chopped) ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

Preparation • • • • • • • • • • •

In a stainless steel bowl, combine cilantro, sea salt, pepper, lime juice, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil. Reserve half of the marinade for dressing. Toss shrimp in the remaining marinade. Place in zip lock bag and refrigerate for 2-4 hours. Carefully cut avocado in half, without removing the peel. Gently twist to separate the halves. Insert a sharp knife into the pit and pop it out. Immediately squeeze lemon juice over the exposed avocado flesh. Place avocado halves on a plate of radicchio leaves. Garnish with grape tomato and toasted almonds. Grill shrimp for 6-8 minutes until orange in color. Arrange shrimp in avocado cavities, drizzle with remaining marinade and serve.

*Every Day Adaptation: Slice avocado, tomatoes, radicchio leaves and shrimp into ½ inch pieces and toss in a salad bowl. Drizzle extra marinade over salad as dressing.

Dietary information, per serving • 10g fat • 1g polyunsaturated • 7g monounsaturated • 1g saturated

• 212 calories • 9g protein • 3g dietary fiber

Chef MMC Bar & Grill Chef John Perruna shares one of his favorite recipes, Avocado on the Half Shell. Equally beautiful and delectable, this light summer hors d’oeuvre can also be prepared at home as a healthy and delicious salad. A resident of Spring Valley, N.Y., and graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, John joined MMC last year. His previous successes include a decade as general manager and executive chef for Otterkill Country Club, and his own restaurant, Villa Fratelli. 11

Spied at


Beautiful cars are meant to be taken out, not hidden away from the world.



introductions to no fewer than three James Bonds. Daniel Craig and

he rumors racing through the Club are enough to leave

Timothy Dalton were followed by Sean Connery, whom Arscott met during

even the most seasoned drivers shaken, if not stirred. The

the recent Bahamas Speed Week. Arscott says he narrowly missed a fourth

story goes something like this: you’re out on the track,

Bond meetup when Roger Moore visited New York not long ago. Not bad

perhaps on some crisp Sunday morning, taking corners

for having owned "Hot Lips" — the car’s unofficial fan-given nickname,

like never before. You punch it when you hit the straightaway,

due to its front-end paint — for just two and a half years. Arscott first hit

and settle in to enjoy the adrenaline that comes with hitting the

the race track with his DB5 about a year ago, and since has competed in

day’s top speed, when a bluish glint appears in your rear-view

some 20 races. Is he making up for lost time? The car may be. Prior to this

mirror. It's fast and is upon you in just a blink. Except you don’t

purchase, it had been race-modified, then promptly garaged by a collector

dare blink as it passes, because the sight of the most famous

for nine years in Japan.

car in the world — right here at Monticello Motor Club — is

nothing short of thrilling.

Though he already owned several other Aston Martins, Arscott snapped up the car and brought it to the U.S. for some outdoor fun, because

Though the paint job may differ, there’s no mistaking that this car is the

"beautiful cars are meant to be taken out, not hidden away from the

same model Aston Martin DB5 that debuted in the first 007 film, Goldfinger,

world," he declares.

in 1964. And while the Hollywood version featured a bullet-proof shield, a radar screen, revolving number plates, and a gun tray under the seat, this

The car turned out to be pristine. In 1990, prior to its transformation into a

Sierra Blue beauty blazes past without so much as an oil sprayer or tire

race car, it was restored to its original factory state. So after enlisting the

slasher in sight.

team that makes Honda Formula Ones to rebuild the DB5‘s engine, Arscott needed only upgrade the brakes, seatbelts, and fuel cell to run his first

At rally's end, the dashing driver who steps out from the driver's seat

race. He says it drives so well now, that the only thing he's had to do over

doesn’t introduce himself as Bond, but rather Arscott — Simon Arscott —

the past year was change the oil.

British expat, Manhattan automobile enthusiast, collector, entrepreneur, racer, and new Monticello Motor Club member.

Before you run out looking for your very own DB5 racer, you should know that while they are prized for their engines and horsepower, DB5s tend to

The rumors may have

be heavy and slow because

embellished a bit on that chase

of their aluminum bodies.

scene on the straight, but Simon

(DB4s are actually quicker

and his Bondmobile do have

due to a shorter wheel base.)

three first-place wins under

Oh yeah, there's also the fact

their belts in the last year alone:

that there are only three or

the Bahamas Speed Race, the

four race-modified DB5s in

Aston Martin Owner's Club

the world, out of 886 original

Fastest Lap, and the Brian

street models that rolled off

Redman International Challenge

the production line.

at MMC. It was here at the Club that the 46-year-old from

On the plus side, the DB5

Plymouth, just steps from where

still packs enough power to

the Mayflower launched, also

be a formidable competitor,

chalked up his personal speed

especially since it is often

record in the car at 142 mph. Of

classed 1953-1965, putting it

course, that also happens to be

at the forefront of technology

the car's maximum speed, he

for the time.

admits with frustration. What really makes Arscott's car unique — aside from the "hot lips" — is It's just one reason the DB5 isn't a "proper race car" — yet it is one that

that while most typical racing modifications permanently alter the cars,

Arscott and thousands of other kids have grown up dreaming about since

preventing them from ever returning to their factory condition, Arscott’s

the Bond film franchise debuted. And the franchise has kept that dream

racer is still mostly original.

alive by featuring the DB5, or versions of it, in numerous installations of the spy franchise ever since. It appeared again in Thunderball in 1965, followed

"It has all its original doors and windows," he explains. "The interior has

by The Spy Who Loved Me, GoldenEye, Never Say Never Again, Tomorrow

been stripped out and the engine and brakes upgraded. But structurally,

Never Dies, Casino Royale, and most recently, in Skyfall.

it’s the same as it was originally, so it’s possible to restore it one day.”

So when Arscott got the rare chance to snag this car, he did so, sight

And actually, that is the plan. With his recent purchase of a Lotus 26R,

unseen. You might say the purchase has opened some doors. In one fell

labeled "the giant killer" because of its 1,594cc twin cam engine, Arscott

swoop, Arscott fulfilled his childhood dream, got a vehicle that launched

aims to retire the DB5 soon from racing and use it for less death-defying

him into the world of racing, and acquired the key that unlocked personal

excursions that don't begin with his short prayer, "Don’t crash it." He said Continued on page 16




Planning to spend a weekend at MMC, but not sure where to eat, sleep and have some fun

MMC’s VP of Marketing and local Sullivan County resident, Matt Gottlieb shares a few local secrets.

when you’re not at the track?

When a friend of mine is in town and needs a place to stay, I always recommend The Sullivan in Rock Hill. Our newly renovated version of a chic boutique hotel is close to some great restaurants and bars and just 15 minutes from the track. visit:

If it's date night with my wife, or if I’m in the mood for something more upscale, I’ll head down to Bernie’s Holiday Restaurant in Rock Hill, right next door to The Sullivan. They have great sushi, a “killer” meatloaf, and their famous “Dodge Inn Steak” and source their ingredients locally whenever possible. visit:

A great spot to meet up with friends for a cocktail or a delicious meal and some great live music is The Dancing Cat Saloon, across the street from Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. Their Catskill Distillery’s award-winning Peace Vodka is made with pure Catskill Mountain water and the finest locally grown whole wheat, and they’ve also won acclaim for their Most Righteous Bourbon and Wicked White Whiskey. Tempted? visit:

If it is a nice summer night and I feel like being outside, I'll head over to White Lake, about 20 minutes from MMC on Rte. 17B past the horse racing track. There’s a little place called Benji and Jakes, with a great deck overlooking the lake, where many locals drive their boats right to the dock. The highlight of the menu is creating your own custom specialty brick oven pizza. visit:



THE STOCK DB5 Continued from page 14

he will also add it to his lineup of vintage Aston Martins, Ferraris, Jaguars, Land Rovers, and Cobras, which he makes available for photo shoots through his

Production Dates:

July 1963 - September 1965

DB Series Namesake: David Brown, head of Aston Martin from 1947 to 1972 Price New:



DOHC Straight six, 3995 cc, 282 bhp @ 5500 rpm 280 lbs-ft @ 4500 rpm


5-speed ZF box or optional Borg-Warner 3-speed automatic


Front: Telescopic shock absorbers Rear: Double acting lever arm shock absorbers


Girling Twin servo assisted brakes with front and rear solid discs

DIMENSIONS (LxW): Weight: Top Speed: 0 – 60 mph:


15'0" x 5'6" 1468 kg 142 mph 7.1 sec


company, Churchill Classic Cars. While Bond creator Ian Fleming never drove an Aston Martin, it was the only choice for an international spy in 1959, when the first 007 novel hit the bookstores. At the time, the DB series was simply the fastest, highestperforming sports car in England. Sure, other sportsters eventually overtook it in performance, as Arscott has discovered first-hand. But the car's style and mystique has endured even 50 years later, demonstrated by its dramatic role in the 2012 release, Skyfall.

Connery, Sean Connery introduces himself to Simon Arscott at Bahamas Speed Week.

A a d i c al E x pe r i en c e

The best two days of my life!

Monticello Motor Club, North America’s Premier Private Race

You’ll be challenged and entertained as you test the limits

Track, offers a private 2-day Radical Driving Experience.

around our course featuring 450 feet of elevation changes,

Learn to pilot the Radical SR3, a lightweight racecar built for

fast straights and unique turns.

performance and to meet stringent FIA safety standards. Our 2-Day All-Inclusive Program includes hours of private Driving a Radical is like nothing you’ve ever experienced:

and semi-private instruction for $4,900. Availability for

immediate, powerful acceleration, coupled with cornering

non-members is extremely limited with space for just

like it’s on rails and brakes that stop on a dime. Whether a

eight participants.

complete novice or a seasoned track enthusiast, our program will show you how to extract every bit of performance out of this purpose built racecar.

For more information:

At Monticello Motor Club, you’ll enjoy the privileged access

visit: call: 888.409.1145 email:

to luxury typically reserved for our private club members.



The music plays on at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts

t was just another Friday morning as the August sun rose high above the farms that dot the Sullivan County countryside. But as the first rays of light crept across the landscape from the once-sleepy hamlets to the traffic backing up on the New York State Thruway, it was clear that this would be unlike any weekend before or since. Half-a-million strong, they made their way to White Lake, New York, by car, by foot, or by thumb. Some had read about it or heard on the radio, rumors passed from one to another, but all were drawn by the promise of Three Days of Peace and Music. It was 1969 and this was the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. Nixon was in the White House, war raged in Vietnam, the Stonewall Riots marked the beginning of the gay rights movement, and with one small step, Neil Armstrong took a giant leap for mankind. At a time when Americans were deeply divided, young people from across the country, together with performers including Arlo Guthrie, Santana, the Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Joe Cocker, The Band, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and Jimi Hendrix created something legendary in the mud of Max Yasgur’s alfalfa pasture. This


site, considered hallowed ground by millions and a symbol of an entire generation, is today Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. Visitors to Bethel Woods cannot help but be affected by the history of the lush 800-acre site. Looking out across the preserved festival field, one can almost hear Richie Havens’ cries of “Motherless Child” or see an ocean of tie-dyed humanity stretched as far as the eye can see. Step inside the award-winning Museum at Bethel Woods to be immersed in the sights, sounds, and feel of the 1960s. The key ideals of the era and experience of the Woodstock festival itself come to life. Climb aboard a faithful reproduction of the Merry Pranksters' bus and journey down that road to Woodstock, or lie back on a beanbag and listen to the music and the thunder as the lightning flashes overhead. Can’t you almost feel the rain on your skin? This season, the museum offers a special exhibit, On Assignment: Woodstock, Photographs by Rolling Stone photographer Baron Wolman. Wolman’s photos helped to create the idealized myth of the festival, focusing on the attendees and behind-the-scenes action, rather than the performers.


Bethel Woods proudly continues the site’s storied musical tradition, having become one of the top outdoor amphitheaters in the world. A beautifully appointed 15,000seat performing arts venue, Bethel Woods benefits from exceptional natural acoustics and breathtaking views of the countryside. Since 2006, legends including Elton John, Sting, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Dave Matthews Band, Phish, Bob Dylan, and the New York Philharmonic have graced the Pavilion stage. This summer, DMB returns along with country superstar Tim McGraw, 60s legend Joan Baez, the Eagles, and many more of yesterday's and today’s favorite artists. A pivotal cultural cornerstone for the region, Bethel Woods also offers more intimate, culturally-rich Event Gallery performances, educational, and community programs. Annual events celebrate the bounty, talent, and beauty of the region, including Sunday Harvest Festivals in September, a Wine Festival, and a Holiday Market. All this can be found just 20 minutes from Monticello Motor Club. Visit for more information or to view the full event schedule.

Bethel Woods :


Celtic Woman

June 22:

Joan Baez and the Indigo Girls

June 29:

Heart and Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience

July 2:

Dave Matthews Band with special guest Fitz and the Tantrums

July 12:

Big Time Rush and Victoria Justice, with special guest Max Schneider

July 19:

Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

July 20:

Natalie Merchant with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic

July 25:


July 26:

Tim McGraw with Brantley Gilbert, and Love and Theft

July 27:

Bad Company and Lynyrd Skynyrd

August 8:

George Thorogood & the Destroyers and Buddy Guy, with special guest The James Hunter Six

August 11:

Blake Shelton with Easton Corbin, and Jana Kramer

August 16:

Goat Rodeo Sessions with Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile, and guest vocalist Aoife O’Donovan

August 17:

Zac Brown Band

August 20:

John Mayer with special guest Phillip Phillips

August 23:

Luke Bryan with Thompson Square, and Florida Georgia Line

September 6:

Kid Rock, ZZ Top, and Uncle Kracker



"It was an instant love affair, like when I met my wife — you knew it was right for you."


a love story



f you think strapping into a 1,500 pound, open cockpit, fire breathing racecar doesn’t sound like the makings of a family outing, then you haven’t experienced the Radicals at Monticello Motor Club.

6-year-old boys in tow. The family nature of the place was a big draw. "My kids love it there. They’ve got a lounge where they can watch TV and use the simulator, and they can also go karting all day if they want," says Ehrlich.

Arguably one of the finest private race tracks and automotive country clubs in the country, Monticello Motor Club is located in an upstate New York town of the same name, just ninety minutes north of Manhattan - and it's here that NYC real estate developer Justin Ehrlich and his wife Nicole had their first “radical experiences.”

Initially a casual track user, Ehrlich says things changed when he discovered the Radicals – high horsepower, lightweight, open cockpit race cars that are very appropriately named. Introduced to the cars via MMC’s two day "Radical Experience" drive school in July of 2012, husband and wife were immediately hooked. After some classroom training, the Ehrlichs strapped themselves into their cars for some lead-follow training laps. "It was an instant love affair, like when I met my wife - you just knew it was right for you," Ehrlich asserts. Starting out with the Radical SR3, a 1,254 pound car oozing 210 horsepower, Ehrlich was blown away. "The first time I hit the gas, my only thought was I had to buy one," he says. The Radical’s grip, acceleration, and sheer speed was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before — and Ehrlich is no stranger to performance cars.

Ehrlich is a soft-spoken New Yorker (yes, it is possible) who is a self-admitted automotive aficionado, having been raised on high-octane supercars from his youth. "My father was always into cars. I grew up around Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Porsches," he states. His father apparently passed the car gene onto his son, since it wasn’t long before Ehrlich purchased a Porsche or three of his own. One of his cars, a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Targa, came with a free day pass to MMC, a place then unknown to Ehrlich. As it turns out, Ehrlich left MMC even more thrilled with the facility than with his new car. "After seeing the quality of the track and the ownership, I was sold," he explains. To understand the lure of MMC is to glimpse inside the mind of the supercar owner — there are some things that money just can’t buy. Buying the machine is the easy part; storied builders such as Porsche, Lamborghini, and Ferrari will sell a car to anyone who can pay for one. The crux lies in where to actually drive a racecar that weighs half of what your average commuter car does, but packs five times the horsepower. Driving a car like this on the street is cool for getting looks now and again, but you really can’t use the car to its full potential.

After toying with the SR3 for a while (and buying his and hers models, Ehrlich fell in love yet again. MMC’s Straus offered to let Ehrlich take his Radical SR8 out for a spin. An order of magnitude more powerful than the SR3, the SR8 is a V8 powered Radical that pumps out an asphalt-melting 460 horsepower, but doesn’t weigh a whole heck of a lot more than its little brother. To put

Some car clubs, like the Porsche and Ferrari clubs, will rent racetracks to hold 'track days,' but the rub is that you can't use the track whenever you want, and since the club doesn’t own the track, they can't necessarily vouch for its condition or its staff. That isn’t the ideal position to be in for a car owner whose vehicle may cost as much as the average American home, or more. Enter Monticello Motor Club – 4.1 gorgeous miles of professionally designed, race-grade asphalt sitting on 175 of its own impeccably manicured acres. MMC is far more than just a race track. It's a veritable automotive country club complete with clubhouse facilities and an array of membership options. "I'd heard about these kinds of places in the past, but not good things," explained Ehrlich. "They always seemed to have financial issues,” he continues, referring to the capital required to keep a professional-grade track like MMC staying, well, professional. After spending some time with MMC Founder and President Ari Straus, however, Ehrlich not only came away quite comforted, he came away an enthusiastic new member. "Ari is just so passionate about the track and what he does. They’re all such professionals and so absolutely dedicated to MMC," Ehrlich adds, plugging the staff as well. At first, Ehrlich rented a relatively tame Porsche Boxster to whet his appetite, taking lessons here and there and building up his comfort level. Soon his wife Nicole got behind the wheel as well, renting a spec Mazda Miata. No stranger to auto racing herself, her father long involved in professional motorsports, Nicole and Justin began spending quite a bit of time at MMC with their twin

it into perspective, consider that the Lamborghini Gallardo LP560 (no slug) laps the world-famous Nürburgring Nordschleife in a blistering 7 minutes 52 seconds. By contrast, the Radical SR8 does it in 6 minutes 55 seconds, a world record for a production car. Ehrlich could literally finish his lap and have time for refreshments before the Lambo even showed at the finish. The SR8 is a serious, serious car, which prompted Ehrlich and his wife to enroll in another Radical training session, the one-day Advanced Class, in September 2012. Justin and Nicole Ehrlich are hooked on amateur car racing, largely due to the remarkable environment that MMC provides — a family experience like no other. When asked if he still finds time to avail himself of his golf club membership, Ehrlich simply answers, "It’s boring. It just doesn’t have the energy that MMC has." Could any staid country club hold a candle to a private race track, a stable of high-performance vehicles, a place to meet and enjoy your passion with friends, and a truly family-friendly environment? We don’t think so.

"The first time I hit the gas my only thought was I had to have one." MOTOR CLUB MAGAZINE | SPRING 2013 | INAUGURAL ISSUE


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One of the most popular new items in MMC’s Pro Shop is the Stilo ST4W race helmet. Stilo’s have also become a pro favorite, worn by NASCAR’s Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kyle Busch, World Rally Championship’s Sebastian Loeb, and many United Sports Car Racing, British Touring Car Championship, and Formula One racers.

The ST4W is designed to satisfy those closed cockpit drivers who yearn for flexibility, style, integration, and comfort. The W stands for "wide" and features an eye port that is taller than the standard Formula version, and has a special visor to accommodate the larger opening. Available in both a Carbon Fiber and Kevlar Composite shell, the Stilo is available at several price points for everyday or racing use. The slightly heavier composite version is made from a Kevlar Multi-Sandwich Fiber composite formed in an autoclave. It carries the same Snell 2010 certification as the Carbon helmet, but the different material yields a slightly heavier helmet at a



reduced cost. Both the Carbon and Composite versions of the ST4W carry a Snell 2010 certification, which satisfies almost all racing sanctioning bodies’ requirements for helmet certifications. Also available with integrated communication electronics, air supply, and hydration, or any combination of the three, this helmet offers flexibility while maintaining a clean cabin. There are no wires or hoses hanging below the helmet – everything integrates seamlessly with the shell. The Stilo comes with an M6 nut integrated into the shell that makes using a head and neck restraint, like the Hans Device, a no brainer.

Hold Your Next Corporate Event At Monticello Motor Club N O RTH AME RICA’S P RE MIER AUT O M O T I VE RE SO RT & P RI VAT E RACE T R A C K

Let’s face it. Relationships matter. In today’s hectic world, it's difficult to get quality face-to-face time with colleagues and clients. What better way to strengthen those bonds than with a shared experience that will be remembered for a lifetime?

Plan your next corporate event at Monticello Motor Club and put those business relationships into high gear. • Experience the pure exhilaration of driving 556HP Cadillac CTS-V Coupes, Ferrari Challenge Racecars, or Mazda Miata Racecars on a professional race track. • No experience necessary. Professional instruction provided in a structured and safer environment. • Five-star amenities and services include our luxurious clubhouse with event space for 5 to 150 guests, catering, vehicles, safety equipment, fuel, and instruction. •

Dates now available for April - October.


For more information: visit: call: 888.409.1145 CLUB MAGAZINE | SPRING 2013 | INAUGURAL ISSUE email:


Join your fellow members and their families for some fun and friendly competition. This gentlemen's series consists of five rounds throughout the season, each complete with an awards ceremony. To participate you’ll need to have successfully completed MMC’s 2-Day Race School or have approval from our Track Director and hold a valid competition license. In 2012, the Stuttgart Classic resulted in some of the most exciting races in MMC history, so we’re bringing back this Porsche-only race, open to all race-prepared Porsches classified under PCA Mark your calendar for the return of the popular Members' Race Series, which returns to Monticello on

Saturday, May 18th

regulations. The first of four rounds will take place on Wednesday, June 12. The Coventry Classic races will follow the Stuttgart Classic schedule, with the first of four rounds starting on Wednesday, June 12.



Member Race Series Schedule Round #1 – Sat May 18 Round #2 – Sat June 22 Round #3 – Sat July 20 Round #4 – Sat September 21 Round #5 – Sat October 5

Stuttguart and Coventry Classic Dates

It's time to get

Round #1 – Wed June 12 Round #2 – Wed July 10 Round #3 – Wed August 14 Round #4 – Wed September 25

2013 Radical Driving Experience Wed-Thurs June 5-6 Wed-Thurs June 26-27 Wed-Thurs July 17-18 Wed-Thurs August 7-8 Tues-Wed September 3-4

If you’ve never driven a Radical, it’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you first climb behind the wheel of this

For more information visit,, or contact your Member Concierge. For group and class information, please contact Aaron Weiss at

purpose-built track car. It stops on a dime, corners like it's on rails, and acceleration is immediate and oh, so powerful. If you are curious to find out what all the fuss is about, the 2-day Radical Driving Experience simply has to be on your bucket list. For those who’ve already completed the 2-day school and are considering competing in the Radical Cup Series or the MMC Member Race Series, MMC’s private 1-day advanced instruction is just what you need to prepare. No experience is required to enroll in the 2-day Radical Driving Experience, which is designed to accommodate the seasoned track enthusiast or a complete novice. You’ll learn how to pilot the Radical SR3 racecar at speeds you previously thought impossible, while extracting every bit of performance out of the car. You’ll be challenged and entertained as you test the limits around the track in this lightweight racecar built with both performance and FIA’s stringent safety standards in mind.

So What Are You Waiting For? There are just eight spots available for each of the five scheduled programs this year, and they’re sure to go as fast as the Radical itself. Contact your Member Concierge at or call 888.409.1145 today.

"As the track starts to fall, you bend the car gently d o w n t o w a rd t h e a p e x . "

MMC's Pro Instructor


Justin Piscitell and Operations Manager Ashley Novack show you how to tackle the

Hangar Turn is a basic 90-degree corner on flat ground. Braking for Hangar Turn is around the two marker for most cars. The “braking markers” are strategically placed signs with large numbers that indicate how many feet you are from the “turn in” point of the corner. This gives you a point of reference typically on longer straightaways where speeds are high and you will need to slow the car substantially to make the next corner. Hanger Turn is a typical trail braking corner, where the brakes are used beyond the turn-in point and gradually released as you approach the apex and attempt to get on top of the easily visible two-piece apex curb. A vibrating hum will let you know that you have used the proper amount of curbing. A key aspect of Hangar Turn is that it leads to one of the longest and most beautiful straightaways in the country and the longest straightaway at MMC, which means it is the most important corner to get right on the track. It is imperative to be full throttle at or before the apex. When working towards this be wary of the exit curbing. It appears that there is a nice amount of curbing at the track out, but since all drivers get greedy, the curbing always runs out sooner than we would like. Once on this straightaway you can’t actually see the next corner because in the distance the track starts to rise. Beyond the rise, one cannot help but notice the beautiful scenery, from mountain ranges and multicolored trees, to cloud-filled skylines and the setting sun. It can be intoxicating. And then it hits you: you are approaching speeds in excess of 140 mph, cresting a hill and realizing that there is a big kink bending toward the right that needs your full attention. As the track starts to fall, you bend the car gently down toward the apex. When the kink is taken correctly, you should be overwhelmed with a feeling of satisfaction and pumping adrenaline, as you realize the next corner is still quite a distance away and you get to keep your foot on the accelerator even longer. The kink is flat out in (almost) anything.

track like a pro. We are going to guide you through about 40 seconds on Monticello Motor Club’s 3.6 mile full course. Forty seconds may not seem like much time, but the intensity level and situational awareness required to attack this short interval is second to none. We will start at Hangar Turn, named after the hangar adjacent to the corner, that dates back to when MMC was an airport. Instead of storing airplanes, it is now home to a unique assortment of our members' cars.



As you bend through this kink, you can now see the entrance of the Switchback. It may look a long way away, but the corner comes up fast - considering the outrageous speed you are carrying at this point. There are six braking markers (we mentioned before how they work), and when in a car with exceptional braking capability, it is always fun to see your passenger’s face as you stay full throttle until deep in the braking zone. When approaching the braking zone, it is very clear that there is significant elevation change in the Switchback. At the end of the braking markers, the track begins to rise up and to the right. What isn’t visible is the extremely technical chicane at the crest of the hill. The track comes back to the left as the hill flattens out and then again to the right, falling downhill and off camber as you leave the chicane. A well-disciplined driver will be able to maximize braking capability by using the compression of the hill and steering input to bleed off the last bit of speed, while also attempting to late apex the right hander, as it is crucial to set up properly for the left part of the chicane. A second touch of the brake is necessary at the top of the hill to put some weight on the nose of the car, then a relatively quick turn in to the left, aiming for the second half of the apex curbing. Using the loaded springs, flick the car back to the right, again aiming for the second half of the apex curbing and then some, trying to keep the car tight to the right. If the car starts going wide it will pick up an understeer, which is only compounded as the track falls off camber. This understeer can become extremely exciting if you try to maintain the steering input while making throttle adjustments as the nose of the car hits the compression at the bottom of the hill. This can send the car into an overly exciting loose condition. Anything but a clean exit from the Switchback will be detrimental to your lap time, as the right hand turn entering Kryptos is close to flat or flat if almost anything, thus extending the straightaway.








Even after thousands of laps, MMC's track remains a satisfying challenge. It is ideal for a members’ track, because there is no one trick to mastering it. The full course challenges both novice and experienced drivers, whether they have 50 laps on the course or 500.


Kryptos is considered by many to be the most exhilarating, intimidating and challenging part of the track. As such, many drivers have been bested by this section. Be sure to use caution and take your time, gradually increasing your speed as you master it. When approaching turn 16, before Kryptos, a slightly earlier than expected turn into the right with precise and slow hands is key. This is mainly due to the compression just after the apex. Attempt to bind the car as little as possible while aiming at the apex curb and opening your hands up as you hit the compression, maintaining as close to full throttle as possible. This is an extremely satisfying corner when done right, especially if you are a g-force junkie. As the compression softens, your breath starts to come back and then instantly is lost again. As you exit the right hander, you are now pointed uphill on the left side of the track with no sense of direction and reminding yourself to stay full throttle.


As you blindly fly up the hill towards Kryptos, work your way back to the right side of the track, getting as close to the edge of the road as possible. Just as you crest the hill it will immediately start to fall back down, getting steeper and steeper all while falling further off-camber and sharply bending to the left. It is imperative to turn in earlier, rather than later, due to the off camber nature of this corner. Again, listen for the hum that confidently lets you know you’re using all of the curbing. There is a lot of throttle commitment in this corner. Once power is added it cannot be taken away, especially when approaching the bottom of the hill. At the bottom of the hill, not only does the car have to deal with the compression due to the track flattening and becoming level again, all while the track narrows. If you lift at this point it is almost a guaranteed spin, even with the best stability control system. Turn in early, commit to throttle, and look as far ahead as you can — which unfortunately isn’t as far as you want. By the time you get the car gathered up again, it is hard on the brakes for the hairpin, slowing the car from approximately 120 mph down to about 35 mph. MOTOR CLUB MAGAZINE | SPRING 2013 | INAUGURAL ISSUE


Last year, 27 children from Sullivan County gathered at the Sheriff’s Office in Monticello to say goodbye to their parents. No, they weren’t in trouble. They were on their way to the New York State Sheriff’s Institute Camp Iroquois on Lake Keuka. Each year the Sheriff’s Office sends deserving children from Sullivan County to summer camp in the Finger Lakes, and MMC is proud to be a part of supporting that initiative. The week-long summer camp hosts underprivileged boys and girls between the ages of nine and twelve who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend camp or enjoy a summer vacation. The counselors, as well as a half dozen or so deputy sheriffs, serve as mentors dedicated to helping these young people find the right path to a meaningful and productive life. Other deputy sheriffs visit the camp daily, demonstrating law enforcement techniques and equipment, such as K-9 or scuba diving. Each week a deputy sheriff also makes a presentation regarding illicit drugs and alcohol use. For three years, proceeds from MMC’s Cops for Kids fundraiser have supported the Sheriffs' Summer Camp, among other charities selected by local law enforcement. Mark your calendar for this year’s event on Sunday, September 22. In 2012, the event raised over $40,000, with the Sullivan County Sheriff’s PBA team earning first place honors. Three



teams competed in time trials in Spec Miatas on behalf of their selected not-for-profit groups. The money raised by MMC members was donated on behalf of the Police Benevolent Associations of the NY State Troopers, Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, and the Monticello Police Department. Their chosen not-for-profit groups included the NYS Troopers Signal 30 Fund, Sheriff’s Institute Summer Camp, and Monticello Boy Scouts Troop 101. Another important, member-driven event is the Guardian Angel Motorsports (GAM)/MMC Charity Gala and Performance Driving Experience, which raised over $100,000 last year to support GAM’s Kids In Need, Saving Teens Collaborative, and Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. This year’s event will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12. In 2012, MMC and its members donated more than $279,000 to local charitable organizations in Sullivan County. These organizations included those dedicated to children, healthcare, and the arts, including the Boys and Girls Club, Center for Discovery, Hospice of Orange and Sullivan, Forestburgh Playhouse, and the Monticello High School Academy of Finance, among many others. Thanks to the commitment and generosity of its members, Monticello Motor Club is helping to improve the lives of those less fortunate in the local community.

GET COVERED TODAY! About HWI Motorsports HWI Motorsports is the Motorsports & Collector Auto Division of the Hayden Wood Insurance Agency – a family owned and operated agency. Morgan Duffy, third-generation owner and president of Hayden Wood Insurance, created HWI to introduce more comprehensive insurance solutions to the motorsports community. In particular, he wanted fellow MMC members to have access to coverage for on-track physical damage for Member Days, High Performance Driving Events (HPDE) and Club Racing.

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s his son’s 16th birthday approached, physician Joe Catania knew the lure of his extensive car collection

would eventually prove too much for a teenage boy to resist. Like a scene out of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, a joy ride would surely be too tempting for young Lucas. To keep his son — and his racecars – safe, Joe preemptively took Lucas for a ride to get the novelty out of the way, but instead ignited a shared passion that has brought the two closer than ever. Soon, with a freshly printed driver’s license in hand, Lucas and his father enrolled at Skip Barber Racing School, which only served to fuel their hunger for speed and appetite for the excitement of being behind the wheel. Joe explained, “We couldn’t let that be the end of so much fun, so we quickly found a home at Monticello Motor Club. The Club offers so many options geared toward enthusiasts.” What began as a hobby has grown into a promising racing career for the Catanias — not to mention a lifetime of memories for father and son. This year, CR Motorsport, the Catania’s Porsche and Mazda road racing team, will advance beyond national club-level racing to compete in the Pirelli World Challenge Professional Racing Series. “Racing together is the ultimate ride. If you like structure, but enjoy high-speed adventure, this is like Disneyland,” said Joe. “Nothing can replace the fun and excitement, or the thrill and nerve, in determining how deep to go into a corner at 137 MPH.” As they began their first season, the Catanias worked with MMC instructors in a shared Lotus Exige. But as the hobby developed into a passion, they quickly realized sharing a car wasn’t enough and ordered two identically prepared Porsche Boxters from Deman Motorsports. Now the two could really enjoy all that MMC had to offer as a private race track, and Joe never again had to ask Lucas twice to get up in the morning. On days they headed out to MMC, Lucas would be ready and waiting in the kitchen by 5:30 a.m.

A father & son discover racing is in their blood

Learning from MMC Pros Sam Schultz and Jason Holehouse, as well as each other, they entered the racing circuit, finding their first podium in the Citation Air Challenge when Lucas was just 17. “The support we’ve received from MMC has been absolutely critical to our love of the sport and our success,” explained Joe. “A lot of effort and hard work has gone into our education, growth and development,” continued Lucas, “from Rick Deman, DSA Motorsport, Spencer Cox, Speedsport Tuning and of course, our MMC instructors.” In Joe’s second racing season, he took an interest in the technical aspects of driving, improving on his already consistent and aggressive-when-necessary style. Lucas, a former championship hockey and lacrosse player, has always been a top-notch competitor and is developing into a serious contender on the asphalt. He applies the same drive and determination equally to his racing and his studies in pre-med at Hobart College. In the past year, they have gotten heavily involved with spec Miatas, SCCA, and PCA Club Racing, and even moved the cars to Florida for the winter. Their shared dedication to the sport has led them to form CR Motorsport. The pair has found success, taking first and second in the 2012 Sprint Race G Class at Watkins Glen, and the GT1 Class at MMC, with Joe taking third place overall for the 2012 season G Class PCA Zone 1. In 2013, Joe has also already placed fifth in GTB1 class at PCA 48 Hours of Sebring. Lucas takes great pride in what he and his father have accomplished together, but has not lost sight of those who helped along the way. “Look what we’ve accomplished together,” he says. “We’re going to the 2013 Pirelli World Challenge this year, which couldn’t have happened without all of the track time, experience and support we’ve enjoyed at MMC.” Joe not only takes pride in their racing results, but cherishes the time with his son. “As a father, the opportunity and privilege to work this closely with my son is priceless. Racing has given us the opportunity to spend time together and do battle in the trenches, working together to formulate a plan, work on the cars, and on the track. Every bit of it is so fulfilling and fun from a father’s perspective.”



Dreams of Life in the Country Brought to Life by Woodstone Development or those looking to build a truly magnificent vacation or second home in Sullivan County, Woodstone Development has become known as the go-to source for highly customized solutions that take clients’ very specific needs into account. Over the past decade, the company has built more than 100 homes in the region, and its portfolio continues to grow. The company, based in Bethel, N.Y., builds each of its homes from scratch. Its team leverages CAD software to create customized designs, working closely with each family to create a truly unique dream property. In some cases, it all starts with a hand sketch, which is fine-tuned before the true design process begins. “We deliver uniquely handcrafted custom homes that are above and beyond the traditional-built home,” said Mike Watkins, owner of Woodstone Development. “We create homes for families that are custom-designed for their individual needs and dreams, and then custom-built by hand with our talented in-house craftsmen.” Woodstone Development’s design and purchasing team works closely with soon-to-be homeowners, guiding the selection process for cabinetry, flooring, plumbing fixtures, and various other aspects of the home. Once a home is under construction, the company welcomes its clients to make regular site visits to watch their project come to life. The Woodstone Development team includes stonemasons, carpenters, artisans, and other skilled professionals who work to create homes

with great levels of detail. Throughout its process, the company carefully addresses and inspects every aspect of the home it’s building, leaving nothing overlooked. This has led Woodstone Development to become one of the most trusted firms in the region for families looking to build second homes, something in which its team takes a great deal of pride. “The quality of the materials we use is of the highest degree,” Watkins says. “We over-engineer our homes and use only the best materials available, from the backfill to the lumber, granite, and concrete. We’ve also been known to warranty homes that are many years out of warranty, and really go beyond the norm in that regard.” Always aiming to add value to its white gloveservices for its discerning clientele, Woodstone Development can even arrange for private helicopter service. Leaving no detail to chance, the company will fly customers via helicopter to hand-pick woods and other materials to be used in their homes. Woodstone Development has received a number of awards over the years, and was recently published in Rustic Living by Ralph Kylloe, a leading authority on rustic design, and a respected author and photographer with numerous books on the style. However, it’s the response from clients that really counts. “Every home that we build becomes a retreat for family and friends,” Watkins says. “We take pride in delivering these homes, and watching them become a central part of the fabric of people’s lives.”


A century ago, when the automobile was in its infancy, few would have envisioned the sheer passion that this machine would impart to its owners. Initially invented as a more efficient horse, the automobile ate less, required less care, and took its owner and his cargo farther. Yet somewhere along the way, this instrument, this machine became an inseparable part of America. in 1907 Steven Kwiat’s ancestors founded Kwiat, now a leading diamond jeweler based in Manhattan’s diamond district. Today Steven, a third-generation jeweler, manages the family business, which happens to share a similar birthdate with the modern automobile. Kwiat’s interest in all things automotive began in his youth. While his father wasn’t an automobile aficionado (alas, cars were mere transportation for the elder Kwiat), Steven spent many youthful hours at a neighbor’s house, where the jewels of a magnificent 20-odd car collection captured his imagination. “It started with Matchbox cars, then radio-controlled cars, and finally the real thing,” Kwiat begins. “As a kid I could identify all the different makes and models of cars.” And so, his journey as a “car guy” began. For the uninitiated, it is a lifelong affliction. Kwiat’s automotive adventure began with a humble, but still respectable, Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. The car he really wanted was a Firebird with the WS6 package, but that dream was quickly crushed when his parents extolled the safety virtues of the all-wheel-drive Eclipse. When the Mitsubishi began to fall apart in college, Kwiat eased himself into a BMW M3, the E36 iteration. “It was the first time I was really in love with a car,” he reminisces. But soon he found his true passion.

AUTOCROSSERS ANONYMOUS If he was smitten with his E36, then he was absolutely head-over-heels with autocross, that ubiquitous parking lot adventure put on by car

clubs throughout the United States. In the absence of a track, racing aficionados set up short, but extremely challenging, tracks. They simply arrange to use a vacant piece of asphalt, throw out some cones, and the race is on. There are hardcore autocrossers, and then there is Kwiat. “I autocrossed my M3 for over five years, every weekend, twice per week,” he says. “I always had to be behind the wheel.” Seized by an insatiable urge to run his street car to the limit — the whole point of autocross — Kwiat was soon overtaken by the ultimate automotive bug, racing. The next logical progression for autocrossers is the racetrack, but it’s a leap that few make, since racetracks are clearly less plentiful than parking lots. Once Kwiat learned he could take his street car out on racetracks, there was no looking back. “I didn’t know the average guy could do that,” he recalls. But once his wheels hit the track, “it was the ultimate experience, ever.” Kwiat first visited Monticello Motor Club for a National Auto Sport Association event, which proved to be an eye opener for the diamond retailer. “Monticello had so much variation, such amazing elevation changes,” starts Kwiat. “Other tracks I’ve been to, like Pocono, are flat and that’s boring to me.” Kwiat finds MMC to be anything but boring. Today, he is no stranger to professional racetracks, an avid user of his MMC membership and the four miles of pristine, race-grade asphalt that await him at MMC. “I’ve been going to Monticello since they opened, racing in various club events,” says Kwiat. “But the most fun I’ve ever had behind the wheel was at MMC’s Winter Driving Series. It's a race on a snowy track that consists of lots of sideways sliding and drifting.” Even in-season when there isn’t a snowflake to be found, Kwiat is captivated by the majesty of the course, and the challenge it gives him every time he drives it. “There’s a huge level of self-satisfaction

when I do a really good lap time at Monticello, because it’s so challenging,” adds Kwiat, a veteran of every major race track within 200 miles of NYC. This man clearly knows his way around a track.

CONTROLLED RELEASE Since his halcyon days of autocross overdose, Kwiat has slowed down some, thanks to the demands of a century-old business, a wife, and a set of 3-year-old twins to deal with. Not having the free time he did in his youth, Kwiat now uses MMC as a convenient form of release, one that isn’t easily found elsewhere. “If I can’t drive something at ten-tenths, I go crazy,” says Kwiat, who often breaks away from work to lap at MMC and blow off some steam. Almost any time during the season, members can simply pop in when it’s a nice day, and hit the asphalt. This flexibility is one of the things Kwiat loves most about his membership at MMC. “I use it as a release. It’s always ready and waiting when I need it,” he says. Besides his ’97 Porsche Boxster with a 3.4 liter Carrera motor under the hood, Kwiat likes to drive his C5 Corvette Z06 at MMC. “It’s a street car. I can drive it to the track, drive it around the track, and then drive it home,” he explains. As a self-professed gearhead, Kwiat adjusts his own suspension settings, and is constantly fiddling with his ‘Vette, to squeeze every last drop of performance out of it. MMC holds a special place in Kwiat’s heart, because it’s always there for him when the road calls. He anticipates his usage will continue to change over the years. “I can see my relationship with Monticello morphing as my kids grow up. I look forward to spending time with them there. I’d like to introduce them to karting, then racing,” he states. It’s unlikely that a hundred years ago, Kwiat’s greatgrandfather would have imagined his progeny, lapping Monticello Motor Club in a horseless carriage at triple-digit speeds, but when the day is just right, that’s where you’ll find Steven Kwiat.

Cup Finale



Comes to MMC September 6-8, 2013 This September, Monticello Motor Club will host the 2013 Radical Cup Series Finale, which will be televised. The conclusion of the 12-round championship, with stops at Miller Motorsports Park, Road Atlanta, Laguna Seca, VIR, and Autobahn Country Club, will roar into Monticello September 6 through 8. Aimed at the serious gentleman driver, as well as up-and-coming talent looking to prove themselves on the world stage, the 2013 Radical Cup USA, sanctioned by NARRA, is open to all SR3 and SR8 drivers with prior race experience and a current racing license. The series prepares drivers for the multi-class racing of Le Mans and the Rolex 24 of Daytona. Both SR3 and SR8 race simultaneously in separate classes. Unique to the Radical Cup, however, the overall champion is determined by the highest point score from either class. The overall 2013 Radical Cup USA champion will receive an LMP2 test with a top European Le Mans team, while each of the class champions will be entered into a race in the FIA-sanctioned Radical Masters Euroseries. The three-day weekend will begin with a Friday test day, followed by practice, qualifying, and races on both Saturday and Sunday.

For more information or to register, please visit, and for series inquiries and ‘arrive and drive’ reservations, contact



Shannon Sharp, Boomer Esiason, Bill McMichael, James Brown, Dan Marino, and Bill Cowher

Ralph Gilles, CEO of SRT and VP of Dodge

Mario Andretti

Orange County Choppers' Paul Teutul, Sr.


Brian Redman, Bobby Rahal, Bill McMichael, Jerry Seinfeld, and Mario Andretti


Rick Deman

Father & Son, John and Jason



Matt and Bill

Brian and Doug

Bob and John Brothers, Nicholas and Peter at race meeting Rick

Lewis Carlos

Ari Straus, Denis, and Rob after the Radical Cup Race in August

Kenneth and Jack

Ron Rob and Doug discuss strategy before the race



Justin completes Race School

Wife and Husband, Lisa and Adam

Lisa and Instructor Kyle Connery

Graduating Class of the 5th Radical Experience, held in August '12

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Pastry chef Caryn Stabinsky compliments the savory program with her surprising spin on quintessential, seasonal desserts. The wine and


Brian Lewis

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Every Great Country Club Has A Driving Range WELCOME TO OURS 4.1-MILES OF FLAWLESS ASPHALT, 22 CHALLENGING TURNS, 450 FEET OF ELEVATION CHANGE AND NO SPEED LIMIT! Welcome to the ultimate country club for people who love to drive. Located only 90 minutes from New York City, Monticello Motor Club offers members nearly unlimited use of our critically acclaimed road course. • • • • •

Flexible membership plans Private garages Professional driver coaching Corporate and private events On-site service center and member concierge

• • • •

Luxurious new clubhouse Exotic and racecar rental fleet Karting and teen driving programs Race School

Road and Track called MMC, “An extraordinary circuit for the discerning driving enthusiast.” If that describes you, it’s time to experience your car the way it was meant to be driven.

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