On Wednesday, January 16th, a group of enthusiastic Montini Catholic students began their annual pilgrimage to the world's largest pro-life event, the March for Life in Washington D.C. The group of young Bronco activists joined hundreds of thousands as they remembered those who have been lost to abortion. The March was held on Friday, January 18, 2019 with the theme, 'Unique from Day One. Pro-Life is Pro-Science.' "This was an excellent trip. Our students are always very engaged and focused on the cause," said Miss Katie Wall. "We talked about what we learned on the bus ride home and every student shared profound statements about how much they care about this issue and what they gained from the experience." She added. "Overall, they are a very motivated group who want to bring what they have learned and experienced back to Montini. They are excellent leaders and are truly focused on creating a culture of life in our school and world." To read more about the March for Life Trip click here. Students who attended the March: Nicholas Alandy, Victoria Nicole Badillo, Ashley Baka, Lauren Bartosz (daughter of Jeannette Workman Bartosz '85, Kathleen Bukovsky (daughter of Jeff '88 & Kim Gary Bukovsky '88), Hailey Cabon, Lucas Cabon, Liam Casey (son of David Casey '79), Devin Chiaramonti (son of Nicholas Chiaramonti '84), Emma Ciaccio, Lucy D'Anca, Raquel Dorado, Stefanny Escareno, Angelina Greico, Jack Hemmersmeier, Maria Hemmersmeier, Jimmy Hubeny (son of Jim '96 and Katie Doll Hubeny '96), Ryan Hubeny (son of Jim '96 and Katie Doll Hubeny '96), Ryan Julian, Megan Kosmach, Megan Laughlin (daughter of Dan Laughlin '86), Chase Lichter, Cillian O'Flaherty (son of Peggy Batten O'Flaherty '87), Grania O'Flaherty (daughter of Peggy Batten O'Flaherty '87), Enya O'Flaherty (daughter of Peggy Batten O'Flaherty '87), Abby Petersen, Hannah Ruddy (daughter of Brian Ruddy '88), Christina Schieman, Francesca Size, Aakash Srinivasulu, Sarah Stevenson, Elaine Stribley, Josh Ulisano, Alexa Urban, Lianna Vego, and Madeline Zick,
ALUM RETURNS BACK TO HER ROOTS In 2016, Colleen Transier Bruckmann' 95 returned home to Illinois after spending several years in California as a teacher, and Principal and received her Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership. Upon returning to Illinois she began to pursue administrative positions in the areas of curriculum and instruction. She discovered the Diocese of Joliet was seeking an Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Assessment, "which was evidently God's plan for my continued mission to support Catholic education." As she began her position in August 2018, Colleen couldn't help but wonder after living in California for 14 years, "how on Earth I ended up right back in the Diocese of Joliet, where I started my educational career in 1982." "What I love most about my job is having the opportunity to work with principals and teachers to support instruction and assessment. My responsibilities include overseeing the implementation of the Catholic Curricular Standards and helping support teachers to integrate faith into all aspects of teaching and learning. As I visit the Catholic schools throughout our diocese and witness the amazing learning and faith formation opportunities provided to our students by their dedicated teachers, I feel so blessed to have received God's call to promote the mission of the church through Catholic education." To read Colleen's full bio please click here.
NHS SPONSORS BLOOD DRIVE Montini Catholic High School's National Honor Society (NHS) hosted a successful Blood Drive with LifeSource on Friday, January 25th. The group hosts the drive every school year as one of their many community service projects. NHS student volunteers were on hand to support donors and ensure a successful drive. "The kids were all fantastic, this includes volunteers as well as donors," informed NHS Moderator, Mrs. Deiber. "All were very mature and respectful of the drive and other donors." LifeSource holds thousands of mobile blood drives each year throughout the community. The drives play a vital role in the delivery of healthcare in the region and are responsible for saving tens of thousands of area lives each year. According to LIfeSource, "every two seconds, someone needs blood. Blood is needed daily for surgeries, emergencies, medical procedures and cancer treatments. The need, here in the Chicagoland area, is great." Weeks leading up to donation day, Montini Catholic NHS members conducted a sign-up drive and encouraged peers to donate blood. At day's end, 50 units of blood were donated. Due to the generosity of donating students, faculty, and community members, Montini was able to make a huge impact. In addition, students were encouraged to pursue a lifelong habit of blood donation.
POMS PLACE AND CHEER MOVES ON The Montini Catholic Broncettes ended their season by placing 3rd at the Competitive Dance State Finals this past weekend. Congratulations to the Broncettes - job well done. The Montini Catholic Cheerleaders advanced to the Competitive Cheer State Championship this coming weekend. Best of luck to the cheerleaders!
"TALE AS OLD AS TIME" VISITS MCHS Come and "Be Our Guest" and enter the enchanted world of Beauty and the Beast. Meet Belle, the Beast and other characters from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast." Our guests will be able to participate in arts and crafts activities, play games and enjoy some delicious snacks from our kitchen. $5 per child pre-registration closes at 3pm on Friday, February 1st. $10 per child at the door.
Montini Catholic High School 19W070 16th St. Lombard IL 60148 alumni@montini.org
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