In February, Fr. Bryan from the Missionaries of the Poor and Sr. Divine and Sr. Verna from the Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor visited our Peer Ministry team inviting them to sponsor a food drive for the poor in Haiti where the sisters minister to the poorest of the poor. The Peer Ministers accepted this invitation and got working immediately to organize it. Unlike the Golden Gobbler Food Drive which awards class spirit points, this food drive will not have any incentives or prizes given. The Peer Ministers believe we should do this from the heart not expecting anything in return. The food drive is called 1 - 4 HAITI LENTEN FOOD DRIVE. The food drive was introduced to the students after Ash Wednesday Mass. The Peer Ministers will also be sponsoring a bake sale during all lunches during Week 4 of the Food Drive. Students can pay for bake sale items with any of the 5 requested food items or $1.
COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER OVER TRAGEDIES In less than a year, the Athletic Program lost two coaches, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Daryl Thomas and Head Boys Lacrosse Coach, Mike Thuma. To honor their coaches, both programs dedicated their seasons to their former coaches bringing together not only their teams, but the community. Click here to read and watch the WGN story.
NOMINATE AN ALUM FOR THE HALL OF FAME Applications are being accepted through April 9th for the 2019 Alumni Hall of Fame. Alums must be at least 5 years out of Montini Catholic to qualify for the Hall of Fame ballot. Voting will take place in mid-April and the Induction Ceremony will be in the Early Fall. https://www.montini.org/cf_enotify/view.cfm?n=1777
Click here to nominate an alum.
ALUM SOX OUTING The Alumni Office is sponsoring a White Sox Outing on Saturday, June 15th at Guaranteed Rate Field. Alums and friends are invited to join us in Club Level seats to watch the White Sox battle the Yankees at 6:10pm. A limited number of tickets will go on sale in April.
SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN Do you have a grade school student or know one that is looking for something fun to do this summer? There are a variety of summer academic and athletic camps available including robotics, theater, dance and basketball and everything in between. Check out the full list of camps and register today. https://www.montini.org/cf_enotify/view.cfm?n=1777
Montini Catholic High School 19W070 16th St. Lombard IL 60148 alumni@montini.org
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