Dear Montini Catholic Alumni and Friends,
I have to say it has been very nice to begin our 57th school year in a normal educational environment again. Our school year is off to a great start as we have been able to focus solely on providing a Lasallian college preparatory experience to our students. It is great to see the faces of our students as they attend class together, participate in extracurriculars, socialize and attend Masses without restrictions. Unlike others schools in the area, Montini Catholic had very little faculty/staff turnover and we are one of only two high schools in the Diocese of Joliet that actually showed an increase in enrollment for the 2022-23 school year.
upcoming events

Golden Gobbler Kick-off November 7
Fashion Show December 4
Mother/Son Brunch - February 5
Christmas Girls Basketball 13th Annual Tournament December 27-30
We were delighted to host several class reunions this summer and fall – especially the 50th Anniversary celebrations for the classes of 1970, 71 and 72. We were also happy to be able to return to a public ceremony for our nine Hall of Fame inductees (pg. 15). We held our Homecoming Dance outdoors again this year (a carry-over from Covid) with over 85% of our student body attending.
Montini Catholic’s Advanced Placement program continues to be recognized as one of the best in the state of Illinois with our students’ achievements on AP exams exceeding state and national averages (pg. 5). This success is largely due to the outstanding and talented group of teachers who teach our AP classes. One AP teacher in particular, Chrissy McManus ‘88, is celebrating her 30th year at Montini this year. Mrs. McManus is recognized as one of the top AP Teachers of Mathematics in the state of Illinois (pp. 7 &14).
This school year also marks the 10th year since the emotional passing of Johnny Weiger†. He was a member of our Class of 2015 when he passed away early in his sophomore year (November 4, 2012), after battling leukemia and a blood disorder known as TTP (pp. 6-7). In a short period of time, Johnny had a tremendous impact on our school including many of his classmates. We will never forget Johnny and each year we honor him through the “Johnny Always Wins” Memorial Scholarship and the “Spirit of ’76” award.
This summer we invested over $100,000 in renovating the two cafeteria washrooms and the washrooms in the 100 and 200 corridors. In addition, we added the Kolinski Family Golf Studio and the Castaldo Family Team Huddle Room to our athletic facilities (pg. 11). All of these capital projects were made possible through donations from members of the Montini school community. Additionally, and through the generosity of our hardworking Booster Club, two scoreboards will be installed for our softball and baseball fields. Two score boards for the gymnasium are currently being installed -thanks to funds raised from the Girls Varsity Basket ball Christmas Tournament.
Barbara Dawson, Editor bdawson@montini.org
Maroon & Gold Gala April 29, 2023 instagram.com/montinicatholic
To receive your Bronco Express electronically please contact Michelle Ptak O’Connor ‘88 at: moconnor@montini.org

And, finally, due to several very generous donations, the grass infield of the baseball field is being replaced with an athletic synthetic surface. This improvement will provide more opportunities to play games despite weather conditions. The new turf will also allow our lower level baseball teams more use of the field for practice and games and will be provide more opportunities for our physical education classes and intramurals to use the field for PE and intramural activities.
As many of you know in early September, I announced that I would be retiring at the end of this school year. I cannot thank the Montini Catholic school community enough for the generosity and support that you have provided me and our school community for the past 26 years through our annual fund, special events and do nations to capital improvements and campaigns.
During the months of November and December I ask that you give strong consideration to providing a gift to Montini Catholic’s ‘Be the One’ Annual Fund (pp. 12-13). The Annual Fund is our most important fundraiser. Our school’s success is due to a large part to the funds raised through the Annual Fund. Your support will help us continue to advance the Lasallian mission of education at Montini Catholic.

As always, my sincere appreciation for all the support and generosity that you have provided our school community and “May Jesus Live In Our Hearts...Forever!”

Sincerely, Jim Segredo President

In every issue of Bronco Express, an asterisk (*) follows the names of our legacy students (students of alumni).

“It is great to see the faces of our students as they attend class together, participate in extracurriculars, socialize and attend Masses without restrictions.”
- Jim Segredo
The St. Pius X graduate is constantly on the search for ways to donate her time. She finds working with the Special Olympics extremely fulfilling. “I have 2 uncles and an aunt who are athletes involved in Special Olympics. When I was in grade school (St. Pius X), we had an event, Food Wars, and we were able to donate the profits from our food booth to Special Olympics of Illinois.”
“I really like to find volunteer opportunities that I can fit into my schedule.” She is currently tutoring a student from Ukraine over Zoom. “I do this every Sunday morning. He has a general understanding of English so I help him improve so one day he could possibly move or travel here.”
In addition to being a member of Peer Ministry’s Core Team, Hailey is also a member of the Volleyball Team (and club volley ball), Student Government (executive board), Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society and Math Team. “Becoming a Peer Minister has changed me in a very positive way. I get to do a lot of volunteer work and I get to help others with their faith journey. This is very important to me because I am big on religion and being a follower of God. The thing I like most is helping the community with my fellow classmates. This truly makes me feel like I am making an impact on others and it’s always fun to do these sorts of things with your friends.”
“My mom (Jill) inspires me to help others. She does so much for others. She will go out of her way to make anyone's day better and to help others. She makes everything possible for me and she really inspires me.”
“Hailey did a phenomenal job initiating the shoe drive,” said Assistant Campus Minister, Katie Miller. “She demon strated incredible leader ship and care for others throughout the entire process and was instrumental in making this awesome event happen. It was so wonderful to see our school community respond so well to the drive with 3,000 pairs donated!”

Junior Hailey Goetz is proof that one person can make a difference! She is responsible for getting Peer Ministry’s September Soles4Souls Shoe Drive up and running!

After her mom donated their shoes to the Salvation Army, Hailey decided to find out how she could help others by providing them with much needed shoes. She began researching different organizations and settled on Soles4Souls, a not-for-profit organization that collects shoes to either donate to people in need or repurpose.
“I took my idea to our core Peer Ministry team and got final approval from Principal (Kevin) Beirne,” Hailey explained. “Beyond that it was simple – I contacted the organization to determine their specifications. Then, our great group of people, Ms Miller, and the Peer Ministry team, made it happen! “I had hoped it would be successful, but had no idea it would take on the life that it did.”
“As a high schooler, I don’t have any money, so I like to find other ways I can contribute. This was a great way to make use of old shoes. Instead of taking up space or going to landfills, they will go to someone who needs them and can use the money saved to take care of their family.”
“The shoe
would not have been the success it was without the buy-in of all my fellow peer ministers,” adds Hailey. “I proposed the idea and everyone ran with it. From printing and posting flyers, collecting, counting and rubber banding shoes, we spent countless hours together to make this a success.”
How one afternoon spent cleaning her mudroom led to a little curiosity and a lot of initiative to do good for others.
Music Honor society
Congratulations to the most recent members of our Tri-M (Music) Honor Society, inducted on October 18th during the Fall Music Concert. (From top l to r:) Maddy Aguilar '26, Maya Alikpala '23, Vanessa Badillo '23, Nathan Camba '23, Thomas Cyze '23 , Payton Cullum '24, Cameron Fountain '26 , Ava Rose Giannini '23 and Jalena Smith '23 (and Viktor Boiko '26 - not pictured);
17 OF‘26
Congratulations to the 17 recipients of our Class of 2026 Academic Scholarships - awarded to incoming freshmen excelling on our Placement Exam!
Isaac Alexander, Laddie Asay, Julia Ciaccio, Sofia Flores, Savannah Gutierrez, Henry Herold*, Blake Heyer, Abigail Kimball, Brian Kuratko, Ashlynn Lindt, Malin McGivern*, Brendan O'Connor, Drake Palmer, Mary Gabrielle Paulino, Brendan Pully, Audrey Ruddy* and Andrew Sparke
Each year, the Kazma Family Foundation, in conjunction with the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF), awards scholarships to 8th graders actively attending a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Joliet and who are interested in attending a Catholic High School. Kazma Foundation Scholarship recipients honored this year are: Giuliana D'Argento ‘26, Henry Dawson ‘25, Aliana Hrdina ‘26, Michael Anthony May ‘26, Charles Paciga ‘26 and Andrew Schmith ‘26; A special Mass, celebrated by Bishop Ronald A. Hicks, was held on Saturday, August 27th.

"Each of us have unique talents and gifts we've been given from God," said Bishop Hicks in his homily. "The Kazma family are the epitome of those living the gospel by sharing what they have unselfishly with others. They are an example to us all."
The Kazma Family Foundation proudly supports Catholic education by providing scholarships to the seven Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Joliet. The Class of 2026 represents the 19th class of high school students that the foundation supports and mentors through their generosity.
Brighid Barratt ‘23
John L. Duffy Memorial Scholarship
Senior Brighid Barratt is the 1st recipient of the scholarship established by Mr. Stephen McParltan, step brother of former MCHS student, John L. Duffy†, a member of Montini's inaugural Class of 1970, Montini's first athletic manager, and whom Montini's John L. Duffy Memorial Stadium was named after in 1968. The scholarship was established to honor John's life and specifically supports a current student who has served or is serving as a manager of one of our athletic teams. Brighid is currently the man ager of the Varsity Football Team.

Montini Catholic congratulates six new Kazma Scholarship award recipients from our 2025 and 2026 classes.
Twenty-ONE Broncos Excel on Spring Exams!
Percentage of exams taken that scored a 3+ resulting in college credit earned!
Twenty-one outstanding students are honored as AP Scholars this fall. The AP Scholar Awards recognize high school students who have demonstrated exemplary collegelevel achievement on AP Exams. The AP Scholar academic distinction provides the opportunity for students to cite among their credentials on applications and resumes. Congratulations to the following Bronco AP Scholars:
Scholars with Distinction

(Scores of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores a 3+ on five or more of these exams) Sarah Ernat '22, Justin Gergen '22, Guadalupe Herrmann '22, Gwendolyn Jones '22, Audrey Kekstadt '22, Charles Nielsen '22*, Carla Osorio Palomino '23, Alexander Silveyra '23

Scholars with Honor
(Score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3+ on four or more of these exams) Angela Banov '23, Julia Moran '22*, Joshua Tolefree Scholars
(Score of 3+ on 3 or more AP Exams) Maddalena Biondo '22, Shannon Blacher '23, Michael Crowley, Annabella D’Anca '23, Isabelle Juda '22, John McNamara '22*, Amanda Mrazek ‘23, Kathryn Peters, Erin Slaten ‘22, Grace Tierney ‘23

Jonathan Kosinski ‘26 Johnathan Weiger Memorial Scholarship
On behalf of the Karl Weiger Family, Montini Catholic awarded the 9th annual Johnathan Weiger "Johnny Always Wins" Memorial Scholarship to Jonathan Kosinski. The Weiger Family selects a student displaying high moral character, a deep commit ment to their faith, and achieving academic excellence at the grade school level.

Savannah Gutierrez ‘26 Frederick & Ann Smith Memorial Scholarship

The $2,500 renewable scholarship is sponsored by the Ryan Smith Foundation. The scholarship is presented to a student from St. Pius X who demonstrates a commitment to involvement as well as a devotion to community service..
Frederick was very involved in St. Pius X activities including their basketball program. His wife, Ann, taught 1st grade at St. Pius X for 25 years.
Montini Catholic Bronco Express

Homecoming 2022 BRONCO PRIDE
It was Broncos vs. Everybody during Homecoming Week (9/25-10/1)! The week began in pandemonium with all classes competing in a fierce hall decorating competition before taking to the field for their annual Powderpuff games. (Seniors and sophomores were the victors.)

Tuesday night was the annual Volley for a Cure to support the fight for the end to breast cancer through research.
Throughout the week, students were encouraged to dress up/down on designated theme days..

The week culminated with Friday after noon pep rally and the crowning of Home coming King and Queen (Jordan Heatherly and Christian Clarke) . Alumni were invited back to enjoy Friday Night Lights featuring the Broncos vs. the Providence Celtics. Saturday night was the grand finale with record numbers

gathering for the Homecoming Dance held outdoors at John L. Duffy Memorial Stadium and complete with dancing, pizza, cupcakes and an amazing fireworks show.
"It was a spirited week," said President Jim Segredo. "Thank you to our Student Government moderator, Ms. Alexxis Johnson and president, Sara Severin, for organizing this celebration of school spirit. It's always a fun time for our students and a great week to be a Bronco!"

Congratulations to junior Peer Minister, Angelica Gatling, for earning her Girl Scout Gold Award. She is a member of Girl Scout Troop No. 51582 (Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana). The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest and most prestigious award in Girl Scouts, comparable to the Boy Scouts of America's Eagle Scout merit.
Angelica chose to create a "Little Free Library" for her gold award project. "We built, painted and provided books for the library located at St. Scholastica Church in Woodridge." The concept of Angelica's library is a “take a book, return a book,” free book exchange. "They come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common version is a small wooden box of books. Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share."
Her project was called “The New Kind of Adventure through Reading.” "The focus of my Gold Award is increasing children’s literacy," she says. "I am trying to make getting a book easy and accessible for children of all ages."
"Girl Scouts is important to me because of all the skills I have learned over the years. I have learned how to be collaborative, to plan activi ties, and to have an open mind to new ideas. I am also a problem solver and have learned how to become a leader. Most importantly, I have learned how to apply these skills in the real world."
30th Chri y McManus '88happy
Chrissy graduated from Sacred Heart and is a proud member of our Class of 1988. She was active in the Fall Play, Spring Musicals, Peer Ministry, Math in the Fast Lane and was a Eucharistic Minister. Chrissy earned her BS from Northern Illinois University and was the recipient of the Margari ette Montague Wheeler Teaching Award. She earned a fellowship teaching underprivileged students at Northern Illinois University while completing the first year of her Masters Degree. It was in 1993 when Chrissy began teaching at Montini (while completing her MA at DePaul University). Throughout her 30 years she has chaperoned Junior Retreats, was a class moderator, and, of course, coached our award winning Bronco Math Team. In 1999 Chrissy cut back to part time teaching in order to raise her three children; Rebecca ‘17, Johnny’20, and Tommy ‘22. She returned to full time in 2009 and assumed department chair duties in 2012.
“All of my achievements and the awards I have been given can be attributed to the hard work and success of my students,” she says. “I feel pride walking the math wing halls lined with the plaques and trophies from the State ranked math team. The college credit earned while at Montini as well as the success earned at prestigious Universities and beyond by my students is humbling. It is such an achievement to be part of their stories.”

“Mrs. McManus’ enthusiasm and passion for math, accompanied by her thorough explanations on tricky concepts, allowed me to view the subject from a different lens,” said 2022 valedicto rian, Audrey Kekstadt, one of many alumni who sing her praises. “I began to appreciate math to the extent that I now aspire to be an engineer and use its concepts in everyday life!”
Over her 30 years at Montini, Chrissy has taught everything from Algebra I part I to Calculus and even a few Spanish classes! She carved out her niche with AP Calculus classes and Math Team. Among her favorite memories as a teacher at Montini are State Math Meets, chaperoning the senior class trip to Europe, going to Chi Chi’s on Fridays with fellow teachers, Santa Bob Huntoon and watching (Paul) Kaefer ‘09 and (Pat) Slattery ‘09 compete in the State finals 2-person event in front of hundreds of people. She will also always cherish the feeling of hearing students applaud and cheer when she was named LaSallian Educator of the Year (in 1998). “I loved watching my own children take the court/ field as Broncos, especially when both boys were on the field together, and watching my son, Johnny ’20, be the only student in MCHS history to start on 2 regional championship soccer teams!”

Chrissy is also the recipient of the Brother George Wagner Master Teacher award, Teacher of the Month sponsored by STAR 96.7 and St. Francis University, and won 1st Place in the DuPage Credit Union Teacher Appreciation Contest. She was awarded Montini’s Faculty Dedication Award in 2021.
We are so proud to have had Chrissy as a member of our faculty for 30 years!
Students can’t sing her praises enough - when asked “what teacher has inspired you’ - time and time again, the answer isMrs. McManus!
“Wow, I have never been asked to put it in writing before.” Those were the words of Bronco parent, Fran Weiger, when we asked her to share her reflections on the year her family’s entire world was turned upside downthe year her son, Johnny, a sophomore at Montini Catholic, lost his battle with leukemia.

Johnny began his Montini career with great optimism in 2011, traveling from Plainfield every day in order to fulfill his dream of being a Bronco. He was an outstanding student, academically, as well as a young man of deep faith and of the highest moral character. He was passionate about Montini football and couldn’t wait to be a member of the team. His dream, after graduating, was to attend the University of Notre Dame and play for the Irish.

“Johnny was someone who got along with just about everyone,” remem bers Fran when asked ‘who was Johnny?’ “He would be the first one to sit with the kid who was sitting by themselves. He was determined and com petitive, but also humble. His order at McDonalds was always two plain double cheeseburgers. He loved camping and fishing. He loved playing chess and poker. He loved sour candy, especially War Heads! He loved watching paranormal TV shows like Ghost Adventures, but his #1 favorite show was Avatar the Last Airbender. He loved rollercoasters. He loved math and science, and was thinking of becoming an engineer one day. He was the happiest when spending time with his family, being outside enjoying nature, or playing video games all weekend with his friends. He found joy in the little things in life.”
“I just want to say that I really can’t believe how many wonderful people care about me. It really means a lot to me and my family that people care and pray for me. Sometimes I get cards and gifts from people I don’t even know. People have had a Mass said for me and send me prayers in the mail. It is times like this that I know God is sending me support and love through them. I just wanted to say THANK YOU.“
Johnny’s journal entry (June 10, 2012)
Tragically, during Johnny's freshman year, he was diagnosed with leukemia. “When he was first diagnosed, I truly believed the Lord would see him through. I was sure of it,” said Fran. “I mean, Johnny was the greatest kid, with the brightest future ahead. So how could he not?”
“He continued his school work while at home during the summer and while undergoing chemo in the hospital, and managed to have a GPA of 4.0!” Throughout his battle Johnny inspired many by displaying the “spirit of a champion” - showing great courage and a deep commitment to his faith which never wavered. His Montini family adopted the saying “Johnny Always Wins,” as words of encouragement. The saying was born out of a friend’s words to Fran that her son always seemed to come out on top throughout his childhood in competitions and games. These words were displayed on orange wrist bands, candy wrappers, t-shirts and football stadium banners.
Johnny Weiger’s story is a true testament to the promise that God always has a plan.Montini Catholic Bronco Express
After undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and a bone marrow transplant, his leukemia was cured. Johnny was preparing to begin his sophomore year at Montini Catholic when he was hospitalized in August of 2012 with a rare blood disorder (one that can be caused by a bone marrow transplant, which also damaged his lung tissue), commonly referred to as TTP (Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura).

When he was hospitalized for the second time the Weigers knew their faith was being tested. “We felt once again the Lord would see him through. So many prayers going up from so many people including his Montini family.” When Johnny was getting ready to rehab, the family witnessed improvement and rejoiced. His positive attitude and winning spirit were also with our Broncos throughout their journey towards their 4th consecutive IHSA State 5A Football Championship.
that night, we felt our journey, and Johnny’s purpose in life, had just begun. I think we said ‘we are not sure where this road is going to take us, but this is part of God’s plan.’”
Montini quickly set up the Johnathan Weiger “Johnny Always Wins” Scholarship as well as the ‘Spirit of 76’ Award to honor Johnny’s memory along with his character, faith and sportsmanship. “This award came to be because ‘76’ was Johnny’s jersey number, but not too many people know that it was also the amount of days he was in the hospital from August to November, mostly on a ventilator, to help heal his lungs,” informs Fran. “When we found out, through Montini students, that 11-4-12 @ 9:40 (time of death) also added up to 76 - that was our sign from Johnny that told us, ‘My spirit will always be with you.’ It really kind of blew our minds.”
Since that fateful year, the Weigers have remained a huge part of our Montini family. Standing on the 50-yard line each fall, facing a crowd dressed in orange and honoring their son has become a treasured tradition. Johnny’s dad, Karl, expressed his feelings at our most recent ‘Johnny Game’ on October 14th - “it’s my favorite night of the year.”
Johnny Lives ON THROUGH the PEOPLE he touched.
Psalms 112:7
Sadly, God had other plans, Johnny’s condition regressed and he lost his long battle, passing away on Sunday, November 4, 2012. “We sadly realized that our plan wasn’t God’s plan. Our faith was shaken to the core! How could He take our Johnny? Why would He take a boy with such a bright future? We were numb and I’m not really sure how we functioned for quite some time.” Fran admits that they truly felt abandoned by God. “We quickly realized, however, that God most definitely had not abandoned us! He put all his love for us into the Montini Catholic community.”
Johnny was laid to rest two days prior to the Broncos’ quarter finals playoff game. “We felt God urge us to attend the game on November 10th. That day changed us. We felt God lift us! Every hug from students and teachers, coaches and parents we hardly knew - words can not describe the feeling. They cried with us, they prayed for us, and still today, they are lifting us up. There is a photo of me on the field that night with a smile - imagine that. When we went home
The family’s courage, faith and resiliency are beyond inspirational and it’s quite easy to see where Johnny got his strength. “When someone is experiencing grief, there is nothing anyone can say that will make you feel better or take the pain away. Just being there to listen to someone who is grieving helps more than you think. We feel the happiest when people share stories and memories they have of Johnny. Don’t be nervous that you won’t say the “right” thing because there is no right thing to say. Just being there to listen or give a loving hug is enough.”
“It means so much to us that Montini has done so much to honor Johnny and keep his memory alive. It gives us peace knowing that he will never be forgotten in this wonderful community that he loved being a part of. It feels like we have a second family at Montini and we will always be grateful of that.”
To support the Johnathan Weiger ‘Johnny Always Wins’ Memorial Scholarship please visit: montini.org/support/scholarship/weiger (Donations of $100+ will receive a 10th Anniversary ‘Johnny Game’ t-shirt.)
My first year at Montini I decided I was going to be a doctor. This wasn’t a gradual realization through exploring science classes and learning about the human body; it was a painful experi ence that many members of the Class of 2015, some much more than others, can understand all too well. Johnny Weiger was an academically gifted and talented student-athlete. I can still clearly visualize the picture of him kneeling down in his maroon football uniform wearing a bright smile and the number 76. I never knew Johnny well. We only spoke a handful of times in our biology class, but the impact of his life completely altered mine. He was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away during my time in high school. I was able to witness first-hand the destruction that cancer could cause, but also the potential it had in bringing a community to gether. I knew definitively that this was a cause I wanted to work towards and humbly try to minimize these sorts of tragedies in the future.
God called Johnny's name suddenly and gently held his hand, He led him to a place above the clouds a place far beyond this land.
A place of eternal happiness Where all good souls can rest. Johnny asked, "why me?"
God answered, "I only take the best." Johnny's life on earth may be over, but trust me he's not gone.
He's living in eternal harmony and because of that, he's won.
Johnny's in heaven now The place where new life begins. He'll always have a place in our hearts, and remember, Johnny Always Wins!
Sam Asta ‘15, Recipient of the 2015 “Spirit of 76’ Award
Montini Catholic Bronco Express Albert Holler ‘15, MPH, M.D. Candidate Johns Hopkins School of Medicine '24“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.”
The Boys Cross Country team has had another successful season. Nolan Ferris ‘25* earned all conference honors in the CCL. The boys team qualified for the IHSA Sectional finals for the 7th consecutive season and Nolan and Hugh Flannery ‘24 qualified for State with Nolan finishing in 35th place, Hugh, 109th. Awesome season!
Our Girls Cross Country advanced as a team to the Sectional meet with Sydney Gertsen ‘26 and Ashlynn Lindt ‘26 qualifying individually for State. Both fought through the rain, wind and mud and in the end it was Sydney who made All State, coming in 21st place with a time of 18:25.90 (Ashlynn placed 75th)! The team finished 5th overall out of 18 teams at the Lisle Re gional and Sydney Gertsen was regional champ, Montini's 2nd ever and first since 2011! At the GCAC conference meet, Sydney and Ashlynn earned All-Conference honors, placing 3rd and 21st, respectively.

During the regular season, the team secured top-half finishes in the Harvest Christian Academy Midseason Classic (9th/21) and Niles West Pat Savage Invitational (7th/22). Individually, Sydney won the HCA Midseason Classic and placed in the top 10 at the Lewis University Connelly Invitational, Niles West, and the Elmwood Park Tiger Invitational. Ashlynn placed in the top 10 at Lewis, HCA, and Niles West. Way to go, Broncos!
Our boys finished their season (3-6) on October 21st with All-Conference athletes announced late October - congratulations to Luke Cushing ‘23, Michael Wind ‘23, Jonathan Goff ‘23, Mingo Nixon ‘23, Cole Teschner ‘23, Alex Marre ‘24, George Asay ‘24 and Caden Phengkeokaisone
Our 2022 'Bumber's Corner Locker' recipient (named after football standout, Brad Bumber ‘89†) is senior Luke Cushing. "Luke embodies the toughness, character, and "Team First" attitude that Brad Bumber exhibited everyday as a Bronco Football Player," said Coach Mike Bukovsky. "He is an outstanding choice to represent Brad's legacy to future generations of players. I know that Brad's fellow 1989 classmates had a guy like Luke in mind when they wanted to create an award to honor the best attributes of their friend who loved Montini Football, and gave his best day in and day out!" Congratulations, Luke!

In conjunction with the Johnny Always Wins Charity Game on October 14th, the Weiger Family presented their 10th ‘Spirit of '76’ Award to senior Michael Wind. In Johnathan's memory, the Weiger Family presents this special award each year to a unique member of the varsity football team who best embodies that of great character, faith and sportsmanship.
Photos above: Luke Cushing with Brad’s team mate Brian Forde ‘89 (who initiated the Bumber’s Locker idea); Michael Wind with the Weiger Family (l to r: Johnny's cousin Michael, Karl, Lauren and Fran Weiger, and cousin Violet)

This year Boys Golf accomplished something no Montini Golf Team has accomplished since 2013 when they finished 2nd in the IHSA Regional and qualified for the Sectional as a team! They completed their season with an overall record of 4-5.
Our Lady Broncos came in 6th place at the IHSA 1A Regionals with sophomores, Annika Bartell (AllConference) and Lily Spanos* advancing to sectionals! Awesome seasons, Bronco golfers!
BRONCO PRIDE in action!
Bronco golf team members, coaches, administration and athletic staff members gathered on September 23rd to dedicate the new Kolinski Family Golf Studio The studio was donated by the Kolinski siblingsall Montini Catholic alumni, Marty '71, Carol DeSimone '73, Larry '75 and Ellen Rehm '77 in honor of their parents Norbert and Mary Ellen Kolinski. It includes an indoor putting room, a golf instructional simulator as well as an office area for properly analyzing swings, stance, grips, etc. The Kolinskis also graciously provided funding for seven indoor hitting matts which will allow the golf program to better utilize the school's Field House as an indoor driving range.
On September 30th, before the big Homecoming game, we were so excited to dedicate the Castaldo Family Team Huddle Room The team room, located to the west of the field, includes two huge whiteboards and two large screen TVs, was donated by Nick and Christy Castaldo and family. The room will be utilized by all Montini athletic (outdoor sports) teams.

Both the Kolinski Family Golf Studio and the Castaldo Family Huddle Room are wonderful additions to our facilities. Our sincerest thanks to the Kolinski and Castaldo families for their generosity to Montini Catholic athletes.

Our boys finished their season (6-10) with a loss to Timothy Christian at Round 2 Regionals on October12th. Achieving All-Conference this season were Christan Clarke ‘23, Adam Garza ‘23, Joshua Ugorji ‘23 and Peter Vreeland ‘23
While our season came to an end sooner than we had a goal for, we are still proud of what we accomplished this season with one of the hardest schedules in the state. Our senior captain, Jordan Heatherly, is the first in school history to reach 1000 kills and 1000 assists. She earned her AllConference honors as well as Sophia Boumans ‘24 and Sienna Skarda ‘25.

We will miss our seniors as they brought a lot to this program, we look forward to the next season with our many returners to make another statement as Montini volleyball.

ontini Catholic’s Annual Fund provides financial support for a wide range of programs, helping us to continue with our mission of educating, inspiring and encouraging tomorrow’s leaders.

Your gift provides for appropriate educational technology being available to all our faculty and students; continuous enhancement of our retreat and pastoral ministry programs; competitive faculty salaries to attract and retain top teachers in addition to providing professional development opportunities; and financial aid for families in need of assistance.

Please consider stepping forward to ‘be the one’ who understands the importance of a Lasallian education at Montini Catholic. By giving, you can ‘be the one’ to positively affect the future of our students, our school, our community . . . . our world.

o er ways to give . . .
The Legacy Society
Planned Gifts for Future Broncos
For over 50 years, committed alumni, parents, and friends have supported our mission to advance Montini Catholic and provide for its future. Planned Gifts provide many different opportunities for you to support Montini Catholic High School while also receiving tax and other financial benefits. Bequests through wills are the easiest and most popular way to make a “Legacy Gift” to Montini Catholic. With the assistance of an advisor, you can include language in your will specifying the type and amount of gift to be received by Montini Catholic as part of your estate plan. You can specify a specific amount, percentage or a specific asset be designated to Montini Catholic. Bequests through wills can lessen the tax burden on your family and your estate may receive tax savings. If you have decided to include Montini Catholic in your Estate Plans please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by the School, and include you as a member of the Montini Catholic Legacy Society. For more information please email President Jim Segredo at: jsegredo@montini.org.
The James F. Segredo Scholarship Fund

To commemorate President Jim Segredo’s 25 years of service to Montini Catholic, his friends established the James F. Segredo Scholarship Fund in his honor. With the announcement of Jim’s retirement at the end of the year, there’s no better time to show your support for Jim and his 26 years of service to Montini Catholic students with a donation to this fund.
Those wishing to donate to this fund can visit: www.montini.org/segredoscholarship, donate via Venmo: @montinicatholic or send a check to Montini Catholic, Attn: Segredo Scholarship Fund, 19W070 16 th Street, Lombard, IL 60148.

How to Give to our 2022 ‘BE THE ONE’ campaign
MAIL Check to Montini Catholic High School, Attn: Annual Fund, 19W070 16th St., Lombard IL 60148.
ONLINE (Via credit card: American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
Visit: www.montini.org/betheone
VENMO @montinicatholic
Pope Paul VI Society

$50,000 $99,999 Signum Fidei Society
$25,000 $49,999 Founder Society
$10,000 $24,999 Christian Brothers Society
$5,000 $9,999 LaSallian Society
$2,500 $4,999 San Miguel Society
$1,000 $2,499 President’s Council
Over 15,000 companies match charitable donations, including 65% of the Fortune 500 companies. You can double the impact of your gift with a matching gift from your company. Visit www.montini.org/ support/matching-gifts or your own Human Resources Department to see if your company has a Matching Gift Program.
$500 $999 De La Salle Club
$250 $499 Maroon and Gold Club
$100 $249 Bronco Pride Club
$1 $99 Friend of Montini Catholic

and tidbits you didn’t know you didn’t know about our awesome Math Department Chair, Chrissy McManus ‘88


For me, one of the saddest moments at Montini was walking the empty corridors during the pandemic to get footage for the virtual Math Awards Ceremony.
9. One of my most emotional moments at Montini was watching my boys (Johnny ’20 and Tommy ‘22) control the midfield during games for the regional champion Soccer Team.
10. I have told hundreds of students that they are “my favorite” and truly meant it in that instant.
11. In high school I had several jobs; one of which was a skating guard at the Lombard Roller Rink.
12. I love to cook and garden!! My favorite pastime is playing board/ card games with my family.
13. I have lived in Lombard since I was 2 years old. 14. I had lightning bolts shaved in the side of my head during my punk phase in high school. 15. I have taught students from at least 11 different countries and learned phrases to use in class from each of them. 16. My husband and I began dating while I was at Montini.
1. There are 12 Montini alums in my family.
I am the 2nd of 4 children (yes 2nd child syndrome is definitely a thing).
3. I did not get a drivers license until I was 20.
4. I have traveled to seven different countries.
5. My first year teaching at Montini, I taught Algebra I part 1, AP BC Calculus, and 3 Spanish classes.
6. As a student, I participated in the fall dramas and the spring musicals. My senior year I earned a role as a Puerto Rican singer and dancer, yes dancer, in West Side Story.
7. I take pride in knowing every name of my students by the 2nd day of classes. Of course, forget most of them over the summer.
Ms. Filipiak would give me grief about spending my lunch period using the pay phone to chat with him. 17. Seven different teachers came to visit me in the hospital when my daughter, Rebecca ’17, was born. 18. Since I began at Montini I have had 8 different classrooms. 19. My son Johnny ’20 was used by Math Team members to meet girls at away meets when he was just a baby.
I was accepted in a program to complete my student teaching in Spain, when I realized I did not know any math vocabulary in Spanish, I chickened out.
I have never had a job interview in my life.
While a student at Montini, my favorite teachers were Sister Pat Rowland and Brother Tony .
am truly humbled by the accomplishments of my students. One of them will buy me a car or house some day.
I cannot help but laugh every time I tell my hilarious math jokes or puns.
LOVE my students and cannot imagine a more fulfilling career!
Montini Catholic Alumni Hall of Fame.
hall of fame
Jake Ciarrachi '98
Recognized for outstanding academic and athletic excellence at Montini Catholic as well as achievements in the field of professional baseball and as a Major League Baseball scout.
Frank Conforti, Jr. '86
Recognized for excellence in the restaurant and catering industry as well as his dedication and generous support to Montini Catholic and the local community.
John Gavin '91
Recognized for exceptional dedication and service to Montini Catholic as well as professional excellence in business.
Lindsay Bava Leeberg '96
Recognized for outstanding academic and athletic achievement at Montini Catholic and Loras College and for excellence in the field of elementary education.
Julie McGivern Maddox '99
Recognized for outstanding academic and leadership excellence at Montini Catholic as well as professional achievements in the television and entertainment industry.

Joe Norton '06
Recognized for athletic achievement in wrestling at Montini Catholic and as a coach at North Central College.
Joe Rondinelli '02
Recognized for outstanding academic and athletic achievements while at Montini Catholic as well as professional excellence in the field of finance.

Chris Andriano
Lifetime Achievement Award for his continued service, dedication and support of Montini Catholic.
Maryann O’Neill
Lifetime Achievement Award for her continued service, dedication and support of Montini Catholic.
Following the ceremony, the honorees joined Bronco fans at John L. Duffy Memorial Stadium where they were ushered onto the field during half-time festivities for the official induction and one last round of applause from Bronco fans. Their plaques will be placed in our Hall of Fame Hall along with 136 fellow Bronco Hall of Famers. To read an extended article on our 2022 Alumni Hall of Famers visit: montini.org/blog/welcome-newest-members-our-alumni-hall-fame
It was a memorable night for Montini Catholic alumni members as they were honored for their dedication, achievement and service & inducted into the
1. Ben Snukst ‘21 returned to say ‘hello’ during our August Bronco Jamboree. 2. ‘Spirit of 76’ Award past recipients gathered at our annual “Johnny Game” on October 14th - l to r: AJ Melarkey '14, Sam Asta '15, Sam Detmers '16, Brendan Rauen ‘17, Fran Weiger, Karl Weiger, Frank Conforti '19, Patrick Peters '20, Cooper Petersen '21 and Mario Florio '22

3. Bronco Classic Golf Outing attendees - l to r: Shelly Stadtler Doohan ‘89, Denise Rockwood Kovas ‘89, Kelli Barron Devlin ‘89, Keeley King Dooley ‘89, Shannon Mullins Smith ‘89, Jenny Laughlin Mazur ‘89;

4. Montini was proud to host the Maack family and their ‘Walk for Justin’ on August 6th. The walk was a fundraiser for alumnus Justin Maack ‘03 (with wife Amber Julian Maack ‘03 and family). Friends may still make a donation by visiting: www.gofund.me/339a3d60 5. Alumni, Jenny Doll Gedraitis ‘94, Katie Doll Hubeny ‘96, Ed Deichmiller ‘98, Kelly Deichmiller Barcal ‘01, and Megan Muscia Tuma ‘01 and families held a birthday party at our 3rd Annual Drive-In Movie Night on September 24th;

6. Our 2012 Championship 5A Football Team reunited on October 14th at our 10th Annual “Johnny Game; 7. Class of 1970 got together on October 8th for their 50th Reunion celebration.;

One Ha y Soul
Inspired by her parents, and huge Montini supporters, Ray and Betty Batten, Peggy said ‘yes’ to international mission work in 2017 when she traveled with Montini’s Campus Ministry team, and daughters Grania and Enya, to Nicaragua’s Garbage Dump area to help build homes for impoverished families. Peggy was deeply moved by the experience, especially by the extreme poverty she witnessed, and vowed to do more.
“I've wanted to do this trip for years, you will never have the right time or money,” said Peggy. “I planned this trip in two weeks! No shots or special visas. So many people donated to help with the cost of the lights I brought with me.” (Each person who travels with Watts of Love commits to bringing $3,000 worth the of lights.)
Economou ‘84 and joining the Watts of Love mission.

This past July, Peggy traveled to Malawi Africa with Nancy and Watts of Love, a non-profit, founded by Nancy, that provides solar light and education to empower people to raise themselves out of poverty and onto a path of prosperity. (Nancy and Watts of Love were featured in the Fall 2017 issue of Bronco Express.)

Peggy was thrilled to be able to join in their mission with the goal of distributing solar lights to women and young girls and to show them a path toward economic freedom. This was Peggy’s first trip with Watts of Love, however, the experience was overwhelming and very impactful. She is already making plans to travel with Nancy again and hopes to bring her children (Grania'19, Enya '20, Cillian '22, Liadan ‘23 and Orla O'Flaherty '27) along.
She encourages others to put a trip with Watts of Love on their bucket list. “Many of us have a safari on our bucket list, and traveling with Watts of Love is the ideal way to check that one off. The Malawi people are filled with joy, music, dance, and laughter, even though they don't have electricity, plumbing, heating, or air conditioning. Taking time to serve them by bringing the power of light to extend their days, their opportunity to learn and create a craft can change lives. Serving their peo ple should be the prerequisite for anyone who wants to enjoy the land's beauty and animals.”
“My soul is happier when I step away from the day-to-day and take time to serve. Taking off my sunglasses to look into the eyes of a child or a mother-inneed was a connection that caused me to fall in love with the people of Malawi.
Regardless of our language barrier, we connected on a heart level.”
We are honored to have inspiring women like Peggy and Nancy to look up to. “Montini believes in educating the entire person. That is what Nancy and I have done as our lifes’ work. Starting companies* that help others is an extension of what we learned at Montini. Anything is possible, it all starts with God placing an idea on our hearts and then we live in faith by taking that first step.”
Peggy is the Co-Founder and Chief Community Officer of Mavely, an industry leading technology company empowering social sellers to earn income by joining the sales teams of their favorite brands.
To travel with Watts of Love’s global team visit: wattsoflove.org
and business leader, Peggy O’Flaherty ‘87 is a happier soul after connecting with fellow alumna, Nancy (Kuster)With Chief Theresa Kachindamoto, who reversed the Malawi constitution to return girls sold as child brides back to their families.
Please e-mail your Bronco updates and/or photos to alumni@montini.org.
To the Goebel Family on the passing of Robert Goebel, father of Kurt Goebel ’72, Janis (Goebel) Williams ’74, Joyce (Goebel) Vechiola ’78 and Jill Goebel ’81; mother-in-law of Patrick Williams ’74.
To the Tharp Family on the passing of Judith Curtin, mother of Barry Tharp ’78, Gene Tharp ’79, Laura (Tharp) Henkel ’80, the late Paul Tharp ’82, Amy Tharp Georgitsis ’84, Julie (Tharp) Hendricks ’85 and Ted Tharp ’88; mother-in-law to Tim Hendricks ’85; grandmother to the late Barry Francis Tharp ’09, Manny Georgitsis ’13, Ryley Georgitsis ’15 and Ted Georgitsis ’17.
To the Barry Family on the passing of Peggy Barry, mother of Elaine Barry ’80, Maureen (Barry) VanScoit ’81, Eileen Barry ’82 and Larry Barry ’94.
To the Reedy-Baren Family on the passing of Michael Baren, husband of Jean (Reedy)Baren ‘76; brother-in-law of John Reedy ‘71, Mary (Reedy) O’Connor ‘73, Susan (Reedy) Williams ‘78, Gregg Williams ‘79, Louise (Reedy) Horan ‘81; and uncle to Conor Williams ‘17.
To the Dietschweiler Family on the passing of Karen Dietschweiler, mother of David Dietschweiler ’90.
To the Joachim Family on the passing of Lester Joachim, father of Cynthia (Joachim) Wagner ‘75 and Katherine (Joachim) Godoy ‘77.
To the Jones-McBride Family on the passing of Monique Jones, mother of Jalen McBride ’21.
To the Mandeville-Karnick Family on the passing of James Karnick, father-in-law of Gina Mandeville ’95.
To the McCann Family on the passing of Caden McCann, brother of Connor McCann ’20.
To the Do Family on the passing of Maria Lita Medina, mother-in-law of David Do ’94.
To the Tauscher-Ward Family on the passing of Mark Ward, husband of Diane (Tauscher) Ward ’70; brother-in-law of Barbara (Tauscher) High tower ’73, Debra (Tauscher) Goff ’75 and John Tauscher ’77.
To the Motsch Family on the passing of James Motsch, father of Andrea (Motsch) Heeg ‘85, Jim Motsch ‘86 and Nick Motsch ‘89.
To the Saunders Family on the passing of Barbara Saunders, mother of Eileen (Saunders) Backman ‘80, Michelle (Saunders) Duffy ‘82, Mark Saun ders ‘82, Patricia (Saunders) Donato ‘84, Corinne (Saunders) Miller ‘87 and Colette (Saunders) Hudson ‘88; aunt of Maggie (Signer) VanderLeest ‘84, Shannon (Signer) Landry ‘85, Julie (Signer) Riley ‘87, James Shannon ‘87, Keith Shannon ‘89, Meghan (Signer) Hunter ‘89, Stephanie (Signer) Lear ‘90, Mary Ellen Signer ‘92, Katherine (Signer) Main ‘92 and Tim Shannon ‘97.
To the Wing Family on the passing of Geraldine Wing, mother of Laura Wing ’74, Karen (Wing) Emard ’75, Mark Wing ’77, Joan Wing ’78, Ellen (Wing) Jaros ’81 and mother-in-law to Joe Jaros ’82.
The Westerkamp Family on the passing of Joyce Westerkamp, mother of John Westerkamp ‘76, Thomas ‘77, Cathy (Westerkamp) Payne ‘78, James Westerkamp ‘79, Julia (Westerkamp) Ri naldi ‘81, Robert Westerkamp ‘83, Anne West erkamp ‘84, Laura (Westerkamp) Senese ‘87, Christopher Westerkamp ‘90 and Theresa (Westerkamp) Birmingham ‘94; mother-in-law to Donna (Botel) Westerkamp ‘80 and Joe Senese ‘87; grandmother to many Bronco grandchildren.
The Gilmartin Family on the passing of Marian Moody, sister of Brian Gilmartin ‘78 and Mike Gilmartin ‘86.
The DiNella Family on the passing of Gerald “Jerry” DiNella, father of Anna Marie (DiNella) Atchley ‘81.
To the Badalamenti-Knudtson Family on the passing of Nunzio Badalamenti, father of Lia (Badalamenti) Knudtson ‘89 and grandfather of Joe Knudtson ‘20 and Vinny Knudtson ‘25.
To the Kunzler Family on the passing of Ray Kunzler, father of father of Jeffrey Kunzler ‘80, Ann (Kunzler) Radecki ‘81, Matthew Kunzler ‘82 and Carolyn Kunzler ‘86; father-in-law of Jim Radecki ‘81.
To the Eckman Family on the passing of Rolland Eckman. Mr. Eckman was an educator at Montini Catholic from 2003 to 2014.
To the Commare Family on the passing of Juliana Commare, mother of Kevin Commare ‘70, Mary (Commare) Tinnon ‘73, Charleen (Commare) ‘75, Donald Commare ‘79 and Barbara Commare ‘85; mother-in-law of Mary Ellen (Powell) Commare ‘70 and Joan (Palm) Commare ‘72; aunt to many Bronco nieces and nephews.
in memoriAm
Sally Rudins ’70, sister of the late Nancy Rudins ’71, the late Judy Rudins ’72, David Rudins ’75, James Rudins ’76, Carolyn (Rudins) Kasper ’77 and Mark Rudins ’79.
Paul McHone
Lee Boden ’81, brother of James Boden ’75 and Mary (Boden) Lietz ’76.
Paul Tharp ’82, brother of Barry Tharp ’78, Gene Tharp ’79, Laura (Tharp) Henkel ’80, Amy Tharp Georgitsis ’84, Julie (Tharp) Hendricks ’85 and Ted Tharp ’88; brother-in-law to Tim Hendricks ’85; uncle to the late Barry Francis Tharp ’09, Manny Georgitsis ’13, Ryley Georgitsis ’15 and Ted Georgitsis ’17. Mary Carol (Ambrose) Vanchieri ‘84
Mike Smith ’95, brother of Kristy Smith ‘97 Emily “Amy” (Domke) Synness '70
Susan (McComb) Youhn ’70 is retired from Northrop Grumman’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Division. She is working on a book about Ham mond Hospital during the Civil War.
Richard Bodee ’12 is an investigative journalist for ABC57 News out of South Bend, Indiana. He was nominated for an Emmy Award and won a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for hiscoverage of a BLM protest in May of 2020.

Sandy (Mason) Jacobson ’89 was married on May 14, 2022. Sandy, her husband Heath and their family live in Papillion, NE. She has worked for Caesars Entertainment for 27 years 25 of which were as Casino Supervisor/Manager.
Katie Bukovsky ’20 and the Adrian College Women’s Golf Team were Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association Conference Champions. The first time in the program’s history.
Lynn Kummerer ’90 is a senior broker with Luxury Living Chicago Real Estate and was recently featured in Traded Chicago/Instagram.
Chukwuemeka Nkuku ’18 graduated from Knox College in Galesburg, IL with a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science and a minor in Business and Management.

Ryan Laughlin ’18 graduated from St. Louis University magna cum laude this past May. He will be teaching high school in Osuna, Spain for a year.

Frank Conforti III ’19 was a biomedical engineering intern this past summer at Lupagen, a biotech company.
Abby Wolf ’18 graduated from the University of Dayton with a Bachelors of Science in Engineering this past May and is pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Dayton in computer engineering. She is currently working as a graduate assistant developing novelsoftware algorithms for event cameras which are applicable to the autonomous vehicle field.
Tony Payne ’06 and Megan Steiner ’10 are engaged to be married this coming July. A Chicago wedding is being planned.
Michael Catalano ’13 and Colleen Weber ’13 became engaged on October 15, 2022. A 2023 wedding is being planned.
Julianna Walsh ’12 and Mitch Hoem’12 were married on July 10, 2022.
Chris Bartosz ’13 married Miryea Herman on July 16, 2022. Members of the wedding party included Ben Dobosenski ’13, Nicole Bartosz ’15, Sam Asta ’15 and Lauren Bartosz ’19. Chris is the son of Jeannette (Workman) Bartosz ’85.

Connor Fahey ’13 married Megan Zajac on August 6, 2022.
John Embrey ’16 married Megan Krohn on September 10, 2022. Members of the wedding party included Frank Vosicky ’14 and Anthony Vosicky ’15.
Nicole Bartosz ’15 and Sam Asta ’15 were married on October 1, 2022. Members of the wedding party included Chris Bartosz ’13, Alexander Arrich ’15, Liam Rauen ’15, Ryley Georgitsis ‘15 and Lauren Bartosz ’19. Nicole is the daughter of Jeanette (Workman) Bartosz ’85
future broncos
Frances (Meyer) Scott ’13 and her husband Charles welcomed Mia Kathleen on August 9, 2022.
Taylor DeSanto ’12 and his wife Alina reside in Elmhurst and welcomed Fiona Natalia DeSanto on September 5, 2022. Fiona weighed 61bs., 15 oz. and was 19.5” long.
Meagan (Benes) Dovidio ’13 and her husband Joey welcomed Michael Joseph on October 15, 2022. He weighed 9lbs., 2oz. and was 21” long.
Sam Vlahos '07 and Justine (Gershak) Vlahos '07 welcomed daughter Sophia Josephine this past August.
The Class of 1970 held their 50th reunion celebration on October 8th at Montini Catholic.
The Class of 1972 celebrated their 50th reunion on October 22nd with a Mass at Montini Catholic followed by a celebration at Crazy Pour in Villa Park.
The Class of 1977 celebrated their 45th reunion on November 5th at Emmett’s Brewing Co. in Downers Grove.
The Classes of 1981 and 1982 celebrated their 41st and 40th reunions on October 15th at Anyways in Oakbrook Terrace.
Joe Spivak ’17 started a new adventure this summer as a WWE NXT Superstar.
Ralphy Ortiz ’20 is an honors student at Arizona State University studying astrophysics and working as an Undergraduate Researcher with the James Webb Space Telescope PEARLS Project to study galaxy formation and the cosmology of the early universe.
Albert Holler ’15 is currently in medical school at Johns Hopkins University studying oncology.
Justin Chenski ’13 married Cate Koziol on October 1, 2022.
Lauren Mikolajczak ’17 married Jacob Rasawehr on October 8, 2022. Both are graduates of Val paraiso University and work in the healthcare in dustry as a physical therapist (Lauren) and a nurse (Jacob). Members of the wedding party included Autumn Albreski ’17, Samantha Mikolajczak ’20 and Mary Mikolajczak ’21. Lauren is the daughter of Montini teacher, Colleen Marks.

The Class of 1992 celebrated their 30th reunion on October 15th at Harvest Moon Howl held at Montini Catholic.
The Class of 2002 celebrated their 20th reunion on November 12th at O’Neill’s Irish Pub in Lombard.
The Class of 2007 celebrated their 15th reunion on November 19th at Pierce Tavern in Downers Grove.
The Class of 2011 celebrated their 11th reunion on October 22nd at Emmett’s Brewing Co. in Downers Grove.
The Class of 2017 celebrated their 5th reunion on October 15th at O’Neill’s Irish Pub, Lombard.
Montini Catholic High School 19W070 16th Street Lombard, IL 60148