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We’ll miss you, Jim.
Dr. Janis M. Orlowski ‘74, announced Jim’s retirement - after a dedicated 26 years at Montini Catholic, 46 years total, in Catholic education. "Jim has led our school through many wonderful opportunities," said Dr. Orlowski. "He has seen us through many school years, campus renovations and growth and he has also had his share of crisis with the recent pandemic. He has set an example of how much work it takes to lead a school. We have all been very fortunate to have such a dedicated leader."
"Jim, this school community has changed dramatically and radically since you arrived," said Principal Kevin Beirne. "Though you won’t take credit for all that the school has accomplished in those ensuing years, your thumbprints are all over this place. Thumbprints not least of which are on the hearts of the many people - students, colleagues, parents, friends of Montini - whom you've touched over the years. Very few people are able to leave an indelible mark that fundamentally shapes the soul of the place. Jim - you’ve done just that - and though your presence will never go unfelt here, you will be missed."
"So much of what we do as educators comes down to how we treat each other," said Montini teacher/dean and alumnus, Andrew Weisenburger '05. "Jim, you have always said it was the people that make a school. In 46 years I am sure that you don’t remember every meeting, email, or parent phone call, but I know that you must hold close those moments that can’t quite be quantified. The energy on the first (or last) day of school, beating Driscoll or Mt. Carmel, the positive conversations with kids who needed an ally, being there for a student, player, or colleague when they needed help. I leave you with a quote from De La Salle, “Fulfill your ministry with all the affection of your heart.” There is no doubt in my mind that you have done this. Enjoy retirement. You have earned it."
Jim's last day as president of Montini Catholic was June 30th. Kevin Beirne will be Montini’s new president and Chris Tiritilli will be stepping into his new role as principal. (Story on pages 6-7.)