1 minute read
TCD is a joint effort of fourteen high school districts to provide elective career education programs which one district by itself could not afford to offer. Any Junior or Senior student residing in a supporting district may enroll in one of the TCD programs. The Technology Center of DuPage is one of the world's finest vocational training facilities.
996 TCD
Grade: 11, 12
Prerequisite: Recommendation of Staff
The Technology Center is a part of the high school curriculum just like Art, Foreign Language or Music. TCD is considered to be an "elective subject. ” Eligible Juniors and Seniors choosing the TCD "elective" spend a part of each school day at both their "home" high school (Montini Catholic) and the Technology Center. TCD attendance does not interfere with other classes or after-school activities. The Technology Center offers 21 programs which provide the instruction and experiences necessary to prepare for employment in the field of the student's choice. Training will be advanced over that which is available at the local schools, preparing students for the recommended post-secondary education required for specific career pathways. Programs are offered in areas of: Architecture/Construction/Natural Resources; Arts, A-V Technology & Communication; Business & Administration; Health Science / Public Safety; Hospitality/Human Services; Information Technology/Engineering; and Manufacturing/Transportation. Through TCD, students may earn both high school and college credit as well as available industry certifications. Students interested in TCD must contact their local public high school district during the month of March and report back to their counselor at Montini Catholic.