5 minute read
The Theology Department exists to help students arrive at a mature, living, and vital faith. The Theology program at Montini Catholic High School attempts to integrate the message of the Gospel of Jesus with the lifestyle of the students. It tries to make clear the significance of this message and gives the students the tools to make the Gospel of Jesus a living reality in today's world.
Grade: 9
Since students come to Montini with a variety of religious backgrounds and experiences, this course introduces them to the fundamentals of Catholicism. This course seeks to deepen our understanding of who God is and how He reveals Himself. They will be asked to deepen their understanding of grace, prayer, sacraments, and church and how these are lived out in their lives. This course will provide background on the Lasallian charism, the founder St. John Baptist De La Salle, and how it is applicable to our lives. As maturing Christians, the students will be encouraged to consider their concern for, and acceptance of others. The goal is to understand Catholic Christian beliefs and rituals as well as to integrate faith into daily life.
1 Credit
Grade: 10
The purpose of this course is to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through their study of the Bible they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. In the course they will learn about the Bible, authored by God through Inspiration, and its value to people throughout the world. They will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. The students will pay particular attention to the Gospels, where they may grow to know and love Jesus Christ more personally. The second semester of this course is to introduce students to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course students will understand that Jesus Christ is the ultimate Revelation to us from God. In learning about who He is, the students will also learn who He calls them to be.
1 Credit
Grade: 11
This semester course is designed to focus on the moral development of the high school student. A prime question posed throughout the course is "What kind of person am I becoming, and what kind of person do I want to become?" The content of this course teaches students as free and faithful members of the Church that they can make good moral choices while examining the more complex moral and spiritual theological concepts of the Catholic Faith. This course will provide the formation necessary to contemplate a moral life. Along with a foundation to pursue deeper meaning in the student's life. The course will look at the virtues, and what it means to live a truly virtuous life. It will examine some moral questions, including some of the many moral issues found in culture today: Is morality subjective, what is right, what is wrong, and why? How important is personal happiness, and to what extent are we morally obliged to respect the rights and needs of others? What do we owe the poor, the oppressed and our loved ones?
(Semester Course) ½ Credit
Grade: 12
This course supports the American bishops’ call for “a renewed commitment to integrate and to share the riches of the Church’s social teaching in Catholic Education and formation at every level. ” This course will expose students to the essential principles of Catholic social justice so they know what the virtue of justice entails. This course will assist the students to integrate their religious education into a young adult Christian spirituality. By understanding faith with our heart and mind, the student will be equipped to begin college with a faith life that is his/her faith to others. This course serves as a blueprint for fostering a lifelong commitment to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Grade: 11, 12
Students will spend the semester learning about various religions of the world such as Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. Students will discuss the various beliefs, rituals, history and important people of these religions. Students will visit different religious centers and will have opportunities to compare and contrast religions in a variety of ways. The goal is to have young people who better understand their own beliefs and the beliefs of others in our world. They will come to recognize elements that all religions have in common and will be able to appreciate the perspective of those who hold religious traditions different from their own.
(Semester Course) ½ Credit
Grade: 11, 12
This course aims to teach the purpose and methods of philosophy, which seeks to understand the truth about the deepest questions with respect to the world and the human person. We will examine the fundamental problems that philosophers have dealt with, as well as the various approaches and arguments they have used.
(Semester Course) ½ Credit
051 FAITH IN MEDIA--BLENDED SUMMER COURSE (Semester Course) ½ Credit
Grade: 11, 12
This course is offered to students who are interested in completing a Theology credit over the summer in order to have additional room in their schedule to take electives and/or advanced academic courses. The course will include three two-week modules with a blended approach. The students will be assigned 1-1.5 hours of online work per day for the online sessions (9 per module) and one three hour in-person session at the end of each module. The course will begin on June 13 and end on July 22nd. The goal of this course will be to give students the skills to think, write and speak critically about faith and its connection to film, the fine arts, and literature. As an upper level course, the student will be expected to read and critically analyze written works, film and the fine arts, and recognize in them the Divine characteristics of truth, goodness, and beauty. This course will help the students make clear connections to their own lived experiences and the world.
Grade: 11, 12
This course will present an authentic view of the human person. It introduces the student to the truth that life is not, in fact, all about them; it is about going out of themselves to be a sincere gift for others in and through relationships. This course will explore the theology of personal identity, personhood and relationships, in light of Christian theological and scriptural traditions, as well as reason and contemporary human experience. We will examine relational patterns including friendship with self and others, dating with the ultimate goal of integrating our best insights into a creative, constructive, and fulfilling personal ethic for soon to be college students.