Production Sale
Sunday, March 30, 2014 1 PM • At the Ranch • Rio Vista, Texas SATURDAY, MARCH 29
GARY & PAM STEVENSON FAMILY Gary. 979-277-2762 • Ashley. 979-251-1138 Ty Williams. 806-729-7602 SALE DAY PHONES
GARY STEVENSON.......................................................................... 979-277-2762 TY WILLIAMS................................................................................ 806-729-7602 CLAYTON STEVENSON.......................................................................979-251-1020 MATT MACFARLANE.........................................................................916-803-3113 SALE MANAGER
MATT MACFARLANE MARKETING PO Box 346 • Sheridan, CA 95681 Cell. 916-803-3113 • Office. 530-633-4184 AUCTIONEER
STEVE DORRAN.................................................... 760-972-7736 ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES
RADALE TINER, Regional Manager, American Angus Association RAYFORD PULLEN, President, Texas Angus Association ALFORD ECHOLS, President Elect, Texas Angus Association JAMES BIRK, Vice President, Texas Angus Association MARK AHEARN, Past President, Texas Angus Association
Cattle available for viewing from 12 PM to dark. 5 PM Zoetis Presentation 6 PM Dinner and Fellowship
Cattle will be available for inspection beginning at 1:00 pm Friday, March 28th at the sale site. All cattle will carry identity tags corresponding to sale lot numbers in the sale book.
Your cattle may be insured at the time of settlement.
Trucking will be available through Lathrop Trucking, Randy Lathrop, 847-426-5009.
All cattle sell under the terms and conditions as recommended by the American Angus Association.
A supplemental update sheet will be available sale day with up-to-date information, including updated pregnancy status and calf information. All supplemental information and announcements
Breakfast at the Ranch Pre-Sale Lunch Flying G Ranch Production Sale
made from the sale block take precedence over printed matter in this sale book.
Cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate interstate shipment.
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) in the sale book are current as of 2/21/2014. Updated EPDs can always be viewed online at
All persons attending the sale and related functions do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety or the behavior of the animals. The Flying G Ranch, sale management and sale facility, assume no liability for loss or damages however so caused.
NO LOADOUT will occur until the conclusion of the sale.
RADALE TINER, Angus Journal....................................................... 979-492-2663 RALPH MEANS, Weekly Livestock Reporter....................................... 817-235-9708 CHISOLM KINDER, Oklahoma Cowman.............................................405-235-4391 SCOTT FARMER, Livestock Nutrition Center.........................................817-597-1731 SALE CONSULTANTS
RICK BLANCHARD............................................................................ 559-217-1502 GUY LAFLIN...................................................................................970-396-7302 TOM DALBY.................................................................................. 404-372-0973 Buyers unable to attend the sale may send their bids to the Sale Manager, Sale Consultants, Regional Manager, Ringmen or Auctioneer.
SALE LOCATION 220 Hill County Road 1130 North Blum, Texas 76093
ACCOMMODATIONS Hampton Inn & Suites Cleburne, 817-641-7770 1996 W Henderson St, Cleburne, TX 76033
Best Western Smithfield Inn, 817-556-3330 1707 W Henderson St, Cleburne, TX 76033
Best Way Inn, 817-774-2452 2110 Katherine P. Raines, Cleburne, TX 76033
AIR TRANSPORTATION The Dallas-Forth Worth Airport is served by all major airlines.
We would like to personally invite y’all to our female production sale on March 30, 2014 at 1 P.M. at the Rio Vista ranch. We have two passions here at Flying G ranch - family and Angus cattle. Springtime is one of our favorite seasons at Flying G, although we fly under the colors black and gold, green and black have a special place in our hearts! Nothing is better than a green pasture covered with black Angus calves! This year is an exceptional year for us, as some of our best calves to date have hit the ground in the early fall and early spring. We have an intense E.T. program and have held nothing back; we are offering you a selection from the heart of our program. It has been a tough decision to let these genetics go, as we are confident they are going to carry on their Angus lineage and become great ones as they have been bred to do. We are very pleased to offer what we think is a strong balance between phenotype and performance cattle that will work in today’s market. We strive to provide personal service and rock solid work ethics that are second to none. With the addition of Ty and Nikolyn Williams to our operation in 2012, things have blossomed for our ranch. We have experienced great success from our crew promoting our cattle throughout the country at the livestock shows and sales events and hope to continue on this path. We appreciate your interest in our program, and our customer service will not stop with the drop of the gavel!
THE STEVENSON FAMILY Gary, Pam, Ashley & Clayton
Please join us at the Flying G Ranch on Segar Farms location in Rio Vista, Texas Saturday, March 29 at 5 p.m. for a Zoetis program and dinner with some good ‘ole Texas hospitality. The Stevenson Family
Dear Angus Breeders, On behalf of Gary and Pam Stevenson and the rest of the Flying G crew, I would like to welcome you to their first production sale! I’ve had the privilege to get to know this family over the past few years as they have added some extremely good cattle to build their herd. The Flying G will continue to build their program emphasizing phenotypically correct cattle that are balanced in their pedigree and measurable traits. This philosophy will allow them to produce cattle that will be profitable in every segment of the industry. I’m very excited about the opportunity to flush the Lot 1 donor, “Liz” as she is affectionately known around the Stevenson household. She was as dominant as any heifer before or after her and she will produce that way, as the “Elba” cattle have bred true for many generations! I have been through the cow herd, if you have any questions please call me anytime! I look forward to meeting you sale day! Matt Macfarlane
PO Box 346 • Sheridan, CA 95681 Cell. 916-803-3113 Office. 530-633-4184
Watch and bid LIVE with LiveAuctions.TV
If you wish to follow the sale on the computer and bid by telephone, please call the sale day phone numbers or one of the consultants listed in our sale book.
CALDWELL, TX • RIO VISTA, TX GARY & PAM STEVENSON FAMILY Gary Stevenson. 979-277-2762 Ashley Stevenson. 979-251-1138 Ty Williams. 806-729-7602
Over the years, many people have wondered where the Flying G Ranch name came from so I am here to answer that question. My dad’s first name is Gary so the Flying Gary has been a common guess, but this is not the case. Gary actually married into the family and brought the Flying G Ranch back to life. Our story dates back to the early 1920’s when my great-grandfather, Adolph Gold, settled in Texas with his new bride. Adolph and Mary Gold started the Flying G Ranch in 1925 in the rural community of Caldwell, Texas. The couple bought 210 acres and built a house that still stands on the property today. They had three children, Henry, Lillian and Mildred. According to my grandmother, Lillian Gold Piwonka, they “had to walk to school uphill three miles both ways in the snow,” which sounds fishy considering it is south central Texas!
Bob and Lillian Piwonka,, 2nd Generation of Flying G Ranch
As Lillian tells the story, Adolph and Mary bought 600 additional acres in 1930. The family lived and worked farming cotton, growing row crops, chopping wood and raising animals. The Gold’s owned 2 horses, 20 mules, 50 sheep and 100 head of cattle. When the depression hit in the 1930’s, Adolph had to take out loans from friends to keep the land and animals that he and his family worked hard to obtain. By the start of World War II in 1941, Adolph had worked off the loans and saved enough money to buy a total of 352
more acres. The family decided to start raising chickens as a new source of income. The Gold’s bought 3000 chickens from Tennessee and had them delivered in boxes by the rural mail system. The family sold the eggs for $1 a dozen and by the end of 1941, they had enough money to buy their first gas-powered vehicle for a total of $800. Lillian described the truck as “a one seater, but it had room for two if you were skinny!” When Aldoph died in 1953 the land was divided between the three children. My grandmother Lillian received 332 acres where her and my grandfather, Bob Piwonka, started their venture into cattle. The young couple bought 20 cows and 1 bull. Bob and Lillian had two children, Pam and Lisa, and made the move to Bryan, Texas to raise them. During this time they kept up their cattle business eventually buying 50 registered Hereford cows and two registered Hereford bulls.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Built in 1925, the ranch’s original home still stands on the property.
We focus on balanced genetics and producing cattle with a look about them. Calves that will not only make you proud to drive through your pastures, but ones that will perform in show rings across the country. Bob passed away in 1978 but Lillian kept up the commercial cattle business. By the late 1980’s she had acquired 226 cows and five bulls. My father, Gary Stevenson, was born in Fort Worth, Texas. His parents, Charles and Stanley Stevenson, were part of a farming community in Stamford, Texas. Growing up, Gary spent time in the panhandle around the farming and ranching industries. When Gary Stevenson married Pam Piwonka, they settled in Brenham, Texas, and Angus cattle were brought onto the Flying G Ranch property for the first time. Gary bought the beginning of his herd at a dispersal sale, and Lillian allowed her new son-in-law to use the family land. In 1989, one of Gary’s bulls was selected to be in the movie “The Fulfillment of Mary Gray,” staring Cheryl Ladd. Gary and Pam have two children; my brother, Clayton, and myself. At the age of 8, I started showing cattle in the local county show. This continued until I was 10 and my family did not have to ability the keep showing due to the demands of my father’s job in the oil and gas industry. Our family maintained our cattle operations and when Clayton reached the age to start showing, he and I got the chance to start again. Since 2000, Clayton and I have been active in the Texas Junior Angus Association and National Junior Angus Association and my father has been active in the Texas Angus Association and is currently serving on their board of directors.
1st generation Flying G rancher, Adolph Gold
In 2002, my family bought 75 acres of land that originally belonged to the Flying G Ranch. This piece of property is where the current Flying G Ranch headquarters lie. As we have grown over the years, we have extended our ranch north in 2011 to Rio Vista, Texas. We are currently ranching over 4000 acres, maintaining over 300 registered Angus cows, and running 100 commercial cattle. We are very thankful for all of the blessings the Lord has given us and we hope to continue growing and improving the Angus industry. Written by Ashley Stevenson, 4th Generation of Flying G
Flying G Ranch entrance
SILVEIRAS ELBA 0521 A flush and progeny sell as Lots 1 and 1A.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Silveiras Elba 0521 DOB: 10/21/10
REG: 16869495
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS ELBA 6546 15614215 Silveiras Elba 2520
HD 50K
WEPD +52
in recent times. Silveiras Elba 0521, more affectionately know as “Liz”, was the 2011- 2012 R.O.V. Show Heifer of the Year for
YEPD +88
SC -.19
DOC +5 $W +34.79 Maternal
CEM +7 $F +31.37
MILK +17 $G +29.42
CW +28 MARB +.4 RE +.47 FAT +.008 $EN +6.42 $B +73.78
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 74 80 60 77 96 52 74 32 59 97 78 77 85 97 78 35 64 79 52
Grand Champion Grand Champion Junior Heifer Grand Champion Grand Champion Angus Heifer Grand Champion Grand Champion Grand Champion Owned Heifer Grand Champion Angus Heifer 2011-2012 ROV Show Heifer of the Year
PVF Insight 0129 The powerful sire of Lot 1A.
2011 Washington County Fair 2011 American Royal ROV Angus Show 2011 Texas State Fair Junior and Open Shows 2011 Belt Buckle Bonanza 2012 Fort Worth ROV Angus Show 2012 Dixie National ROV Angus Show 2012 Texas Junior Angus State Show 2012 San Antonio Open & Junior Shows Reserve Supreme Heifer Junior Show
Clayton Stevenson. As you can see by her show record, she consistently won due to the quality, structural integrity, mass, length, broodiness, femininity and power she held together for a very long time under a variety of judges who all agreed... she is flat awesome! Her flush brother, Silveiras Watchout 0514, was the 2nd Place Show Bull of the Year during the 2012-2103 season, and his first calves will be winning shortly. Her dam is a flush sister to the $202,000-valued Silveiras Style 9303, who has been many time R.O.V. Get of Sire and Show Sire of the Year contender. He sired 10 class winners at the 2014 NJAS! Two maternal sisters to “Liz” were recently featured at Silveiras Bros. and each brought $25,000 apiece for ½ interest. There is proven power in this cow family. This cow can be mated a variety of different ways, she will produce the right kind! Selling guarantee of six (6) embryos and three (3) pregnancies. She is currently bred to Apex Windy 078 and flushing will be done I.V.F. in April 2014. Cost of semen is the buyer’s responsibility.
FGR Elba 4305 DOB: 2/1/14
REG: 17757905
BC Lookout 7024 SILVEIRAS ELBA 0521 Silveiras Elba 6546
BEPD I+1.5
CW I+33 MARB I+.36 RE I+.72 FAT I-.002
SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Blackcap May 5270 PVF New Horizon 001 PVF Miss Raptor 024 OCC Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520
SAV Brilliance 8077 PVF INSIGHT 0129 16805884 PVF Missie 790
CED I+10
TATTOO: 4305
YEPD I+101
Silveiras Style 9303 The flush brother to the dam of Lots 1, 2 and 3.
SC I+.08
DOC I+10 $W +40.88
CEM I+9 $F +46.41
MILK I+22 $G +30.83
$EN -1.49 $B +81.39
Talk about a blend of champion genetics! This heifer calf is sired by the Prairie View Farms and Express Ranches herd sire, PVF Insight 0129, whose first three offspring at Prairie View resulted in two class winners and a second at the 2013 National Western Stock Show. Seven daughters of this Genex sire were exhibited at the National Junior Angus Show and resulted in five class winners and two seconds, including the Division 2 Champion. Insight is siring tremendous mass and dimension in an eye appealing, low birth weight package. Couple the powerful PVF Insight 0129 with Silveiras Elba 0521 and her can not go wrong. This heifer calf sells alongside a registered Angus recipient #15887856.
Silveiras Watchout 0514 The flush brother to Silveiras Elba 0521.
BEPD +2.1
What an opportunity to put you on the map! You are getting the opportunity to flush one of the most dominant show heifers
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J Papa Equator 2928 Gibbet Hill Mignonne TR 29 Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55
OCC Legend 616L BC LOOKOUT 7024 14791623 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37
CED +7
Selling a flush to the bull of the buyer’s choice on the 2011-2012 R.O.V. Show Heifer of the Year
Lot 3 - FGR Elba 3757
Lot 2 - Maddy’s Elba 1002
Maddy’s Elba 1002 DOB: 3/7/10
REG: 16700353
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS ELBA 6546 15614215 Silveiras Elba 2520 CED +9
WEPD +47
TATTOO: 1002
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J Papa Equator 2928 Gibbet Hill Mignonne TR 29 Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55
OCC Legend 616L BC LOOKOUT 7024 14791623 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37
Silveiras Elba 9315 This proven winner is the dam of Lot 3.
YEPD +85
SC -.06
DOC +14 $W +30.87
CEM +9 $F +30.01
MILK +17 $G +33.37
CW +20 MARB +.46 RE +.43 FAT +.002 $EN +5.46 $B +67.68
FGR Elba 3757 DOB: 11/2/13
REG: 17709761
OCC Legend 616L BC LOOKOUT 7024 14791623 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS ELBA 9315 16388695 Silveiras Elba 2520 CED I+9
BEPD I+2.6
TATTOO: 3757
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J Papa Equator 2928 Gibbet Hill Mignonne TR 29 Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 YEPD I+86
SC I+.31
DOC I+11 $W +26.92
CEM I+8 $F +29.81
MILK I+16 $G +33.45
CW I+26 MARB I+.40 RE I+.57 FAT I-.020 $EN +3.61 $B +75.28
LVS Elba 1115 This maternal sister to Lot 1 and 2 was Champion Bred and Owned Female at the 2013 WNAF Junior Show.
CED BW WW ADG YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 6 4 3 6 8 5 6 4 7 5 4 6 3 5 4 7 6 6 6 5
This full sister to the Feature Lot 1 donor has the same, look and quality as her sister. She is square-hipped, big-bodied and attractive. The dam of these females was a many-time champion, including Supreme Champion Female at the 2007 California State Fair. She is a full sister to the many-time ROV sire of champions and $202,000-valued sire, Silveiras Style 9303. His progeny and the progeny of his sisters dominated the 2013 NJAS. Couple that with her full brother, Silveiras Watchout 0514, and you have one potent set of siblings. Maternal siblings were also features in the 2013 Silveiras Bros. Female Sale and earned $25,000 apiece for 1/2 embryo interest. A full sister was the Champion Female at the 2011 National Western Junior Show in Denver and another maternal sister was the 2013 Champion Bred and Owned Female at the Western National Angus Futurity Junior Show in Reno. She sells bred A.I. 11/26/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
This heifer calf has winner written all over her! She is fancy, stout and correct in her design and structure. She is a full blood sister to Silveiras Elba 0521 and Silveiras Watchout 0514, being by Lookout out of a powerful full sister to the $202,000 valued Style. The dam of this female was a feature female in the 2009 Silveira Bros. Partners for Performance Female Sale and was the Junior Heifer Calf Champion at the 2009 California State Fair and Reserve Champion Female at the 2011 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Junior Show. Take a close look here juniors, the work is already done! She sells open.
LVS Elba 0918 This full sister to Lot 1 and 2 and full blood sister to Lot 3 was the Reserve Champion Female at the 2011 NWSS Junior Show.
>> Silveiras LVS Elba 3317 The $25,000 maternal sister to Lot 1 and 2.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
FFF Primrose E6 DOB: 1/8/05
REG: 15051610
Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] KF PRECISION 361 13955434 KF Evergreen Erica 1069 Krugerrand of Donamere 490 WCC PRIMROSE I500 13304313 N Bar Primrose 2424 BEPD +3.5
WEPD +44
YEPD +78
SC +1.1
DOC +3 $W +24.1
CEM +7 $F +22.68 Maternal
MILK +17 $G +31.12
CW +26 MARB +.38 RE +.43 FAT -.019 $EN +7.77 $B +72.75
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 82 92 84 88 8 52 20 41 81 32 86 32 39 99 56 27 68 73 51
HD 50K
CED +5
GAR Precision 1680 [AMC-NHC] WCC Blackcap C9 [RDC] Bushs Flashback 880 KF Evergreen Erica 973 Cavalier of Donamere 978 Donamere Bachel Beauty 288 Emulation 31 [DWF-RDF] Primrose N Bar 9962
Here is a cow the Angus Association could use for the ideal Angus female. She is so attractive, sound, level made and stout, with a real nice front end and broodiness all over her. She will make great ones, and her history is just starting to be written. She is a granddaughter of Primrose 2424, best known for being the dam of N Bar Emulation EXT, the greatest female sire the breed has known. Her dam has a REA Ratio of 29 @ 103, with added muscle in this pedigree. You can mate her any way you want, she will carry the look into her progeny regardless of who they are by. Selling guarantee of six (6) embryos and three (3) pregnancies. She is open and ready to flush. Costs of semen is the buyer’s responsibility.
Lot 4 - FFF Primrose E6 The powerful and perfectly constructed Lot 4 donor and the dam of 4A, 4B and 4C.
Selling Choice of Either Lot or 50% of Both Heifers
4C FGR Primrose 2619
FGR Primrose 4303
4A FGR Primrose 4304 4B REG: 17756110
TATTOO: 4303
DOB: 1/22/14
REG: 17756111
TATTOO: 4304
KF Precision 361 FFF PRIMROSE E6 15051610 WCC Primrose I500 BEPD I+2.5
YEPD I+103
SC I+1.14
DOC I+11 $W +37.91
CEM I+11 $F +47.54
REG: 17503709
MILK I+27 $G +37.80
CW I+41 MARB I+.60 RE I+.74 FAT I+.006 $EN -13.02 $B +96.24
These two heifer calves are a combination of just what you are looking for. Their sire is none other than the 1/3 interest for $340,000 lead bull of the 2013 NWSS grand champion carload, EXAR Denver 2002B. Reports across the country are that the calves are phenomenal. He not only is he phenotypically flawless, he has an EPD profile ranking him in the top 2% for CED, 1% for WEPD, 1% for YEPD, 2% for Milk, 3% for $W, 1% for $F, 15% for $G and 1% for $B among current sires. The dam is flawless in her design, structure and composition. These two heifer calves will be competitive show heifers and valuable donor cows when they are done winning.
KF Precision 361 FFF PRIMROSE E6 15051610 WCC Primrose I500 CED +5
BEPD +3.9
WEPD +49
TATTOO: 2619
SAF 598 Bando 5175 [CAC] JKS Miss Cheyenne 196 TC Freedom 104 HF Blackbird 61H Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] KF Evergreen Erica 1069 Krugerrand of Donamere 490 N Bar Primrose 2424
HSAF Bando 1961 CJ PRESTIGE 25T 15818519 CJ Blackbird 11P [CAC]
Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020 EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] KF Evergreen Erica 1069 Krugerrand of Donamere 490 N Bar Primrose 2424
EXAR Upshot 0562b EXAR DENVER 2002B 17160560 EXAR Royal Lass 1067
CED I+10
DOB: 9/27/12
HD 50K
YEPD +90
SC +.67
DOC +8 $W +29.38
CEM +8 $F +35.45
MILK +22 $G +20.87
CW +41 MARB +.19 RE +.51 FAT -.016 $EN +.61 $B +78.29
EXAR Denver 2002B - AAA 17160560 The $340,000 for 1/3 interest sire of Lot 4A and 4B.
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 83 91 77 74 11 66 55 32 63 38 78 56 55 91 33 24 61 92 7
This female is sired by the 2009 Reserve Champion Bull at the NWSS R.O.V. Show, CJ Prestige 25T. He has sired tremendous look, coupled with breedleading performance. Her dam is the featured Lot 4 donor cow, with the dam of N Bar Emulation EXT right on her pedigree. This young cow has a balanced set of EPDs along with the look and power of her parents. She sells bred A.I. 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
CJ Prestige 25T- AAA 15818519 The 2009 Denver Reserve Champion and sire of Lot 4C.
Connealy Consensus 7229 BUSHS CLEAN SWEEP 417 17357377 Bushs Maternal Line 486 AAR Ten X 7008 SA AAR PRIMROSE 1052 17034377 AAR Primrose 3127 +11
+3 +.9
DUE: 1/2015 CW +53 +45 MARB +.67 +.80
Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Vermillion Dateline 7078 Bushs Maternal Delight 405 Mytty In Focus AAR Lady Kelton 5551 AAR Really Windy 481 AAR Primrose 981
RE +.69 +.47 FAT +.011 +.016
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +1.5 +66 +50 +105 +107 +.98 +.97 +16 +14 +14 +5 +30 +29 -14.26 -10.99
HD 50K
$W $F $G $B +51.90 +36.50 +46.58 +57.84 +36.79 +38.38 +104.40 +101.26 Production
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 66 25 40 11 61 88 77 43 67 20 39 64 83 43 41 73 64 49 15
Here is the first opportunity to get a guaranteed heifer calf by the exciting new Flying G herd sire Bush’s Clean Sweep and the great AAR Primrose 1052 donor. The dam of these embryos is one of the older 10X daughters in production and comes straight from the Keith Arntzen herd in Montana as a feature lot in the 2013 Colorado Angus Association Foundation Female Sale. She is a maternal sister to the 2006 top-selling bull at Arntzen Angus for $12,000 and her dam is in the ET program of that great outfit. The Pathfinder “3127” cow has a WR of 3@114, YR of 3@115, IMF Ratio of 9@105 and REA Ratio of 9@103. Take a look at the big-spread genetics in this cow, as well as the $ values. She has a pedigree that is an outcross to a lot of bloodlines. Bush’s Clean Sweep is the 7th herd sire produced by his dam. She a BR of 9@90, WR of 9@114 and YR of 7@111. He is a more attractive, stouter-made version of his sire. If you want added look and dimension and not give up any EPD power, then this bull will work. Numbers, power, look and cow family on both sides of Lot 5 will work for anyone! Recipient dam is a registered Angus female.
5A FGR Primrose 3303 DOB: 2/1/13
REG: 17640667
Connealy Tobin CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 16761479 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 AAR Ten X 7008 SA AAR PRIMROSE 1052 17034377 AAR Primrose 3127
HD 50K
CED +12
BEPD -1.4
WEPD +48
YEPD +95
TATTOO: 3303
Bon View New Design 208 [CAC] Delia of Conanga 667 [AMCF] Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37 Mytty In Focus AAR Lady Kelton 5551 AAR Really Windy 481 AAR Primrose 981 SC +.17
Lot 5A - FGR Primrose 3303
DOC +15 $W +44.90
CEM +12 $F +42.53
MILK +29 $G +43.43
CW +35 MARB +.78 RE +.99 FAT +.039 $EN -4.04 $B +96.02
Bushs Clean Sweep 417 - AAA 17357377 Sire of the Lot 5 pregnancy, as well as service sire on females throughout the offering.
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 18 2 67 45 92 93 86 66 42 67 34 38 34 31 66 72 19 50 38
Here is great young female that has the pedigree that is going to be hard to beat for current genetics. She is the first calf out of the Lot 5 donor. Take a look at her numbers if you want big-spread genetics with high $B. Her sire is probably the leading bull at Select Sires, and definitely has been extremely popular with his combination of calving ease and phenotype. Not many bulls deliver extreme calving ease genetics in such a desirable package. Confidence continually sires substance, muscle shape and structural correctness. His progeny have been and will be sale features around the country, with 19 sons averaging $14,750 at Connealy’s 2013 bull sale. This yearling heifer is going to be special. Take her home and breed her to the bull of your choice! She sells open.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Lot 5 - AAR Primrose 1052 Donor dam of Lot 5 pregnancy and dam of Lot 5A heifer.
Connealy Confidence - AAA 16761479 Sire of the Lot 5A heifer featured at Select Sires.
Champion Hill Blossom 5599 DOB: 6/14/06
REG: 15392151
Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 #13512009 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV 5175 Bando 0699 CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 3483 14435177 Champion Hill Blossom 2088
HD 50K
BEPD +3.9
WEPD +55
YEPD +97
SC +.77
DOC -5 $W +30.56
CEM +8 $F +41.58
MILK +23 $G +18.73
CW +46 MARB +.42 RE +.35 FAT +.058 $EN -6.03 $B +80.87
CED +1
TATTOO: 5599
GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 AAR New Trend SVF Forever Lady 57D SAF 598 Bando 5175 [CAC] LLA Georgina 419 Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Jacs Blossom 5357
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 91 97 38 49 19 27 18 65 3 35 97 16 59 67 31 99 80 87 51
This donor cow is powerful from one end to the other. Extremely stout in her design with major rib, capacity and volume with a big hip and plenty of bone. She is from the famed Blossom cow family that has done plenty of winning for many years on a national level. 5599 herself was second in a strong class at the 2007 NJAS. She has powerful growth numbers and comes from a productive dam with a BR of 6@97, WR of 6@101, YR of 2@106, IMF ratio of 4@102 and RE ratio of 4@102. She sells open and ready to flush. CHOICE
Lot 6A - FGR Blossom
FGR Blossom DOB: 10/15/11
REG: 17220358
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 5599 15392151 CHAMPION HILL Blossom 3483 CED I+6
Lot 6 - Champion Hill Blossom 5599
BEPD I+2.3
TATTOO: 1504
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV 5175 Bando 0699 Champion Hill Blossom 2088 SC I+.14
DOC I-1 $W +27.06
CEM I+10 $F +36.75
MILK I+20 $G +21.43
CW I+33 MARB I+.30 RE I+.36 FAT I+.023 $EN -2.71 $B +71.73
This stout female will get your attention on sale day. She has a superior look and class that will be a valuable asset to any junior or progressive program. Her sire is a full brother to the $202,000-valued Silveiras Style 9303, as well as the dams of Lot 1, 2 and 3. She is big-bodied, long-sided, really square in her hip and very sound. If you are looking for one that will make a powerful cow like her dam, take a close look here! Take the donor cow or her daughter, either way you can not go wrong. She sells open and ready to flush.
FGR Blossom 3761 DOB: 9/15/13
REG: 17758115
Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 #13592905 SAV Emulous 8145 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 5599 15392151 Champion Hill Blossom 3483 CED I+7
BEPD I+1.5
YEPD I+100
TATTOO: 3761
GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV 5175 Bando 0699 Champion Hill Blossom 2088 SC I+1.10
DOC I+7 $W +43.61
CEM I+11 $F +43.51
MILK I+24 $G +27.18
CW I+28 MARB I+.48 RE I+.44 FAT I+.052 $EN -5.07 $B +72.11
This daughter of the breed leader in registrations for the past few years has a pedigree to make a donor cow. Her sire sires outstanding low-birth, high-growth, moderate females with outstanding udders. Her dam can be described by one word, POWERFUL! This young heifer will show and make an even better cow. She sells open.
Lot 6B - FGR Blossom 3761
SAV Final Answer 0035 >> This breed leader is the sire of Lot 6B
Birks Forever Lady 168
DOB: 5/2/08
REG: 16216723
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAF 598 Bando 5175 [CAC] SAV May 6269 Traveler 124 GDAR GDAR Forever Lady 718 GAR Precision 1680 [AMC-NHC] B&M Forever Lady 92
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV NET WORTH 4200 #14739204 SAV May 2410 GDAR SVF Traveler 234D BIRKS FOREVER LADY 110 13580705 B&M Forever Lady 294
HD 50K
CED -3
BEPD +5.8
WEPD +63
YEPD +110
SC +.69
DOC +16 $W +32.1
CEM +5 $F +55.01
MILK +33 $G +37.81 Carcass
CW +46 MARB +.59 RE +.89 FAT +.012 $EN -23.01 $B +101.33
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 99 100 20 25 25 18 48 53 83 47 66 77 96 24 9 73 18 67 14 t
Dolly of Plattemere 364
DOB: 2/27/06
REG: 15786042
DHD Traveler 6807 SS Miss Hi Spade A114 SS Rito Rito R76 R011 SS Miss Ultress U56 SAF Fame GDAR Forever Lady 246 Bon View Emulation Ext 473 Dolly of Plattemere 205
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 #13776378 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 SAF Focus of ER DOLLY OF PLATTEMERE 284 14042291 Dolly of Plattemere 230 CED +13
WEPD +49
YEPD +88
DOB: 1/10/14
Sitz Upward 307R SITZ DASH 10277 15656868 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 Silveiras Conversion 8064 SILVEIRAS ELBA 1328 16976421 Silveiras Elba 7303 CED
SC +.4
DOC +6 $W +34.51
FGR Elba 4302
I+7 -.3
CEM +11 $F +32.86
MILK +21 $G +46.41
CW +11 MARB +.75 RE +.39 FAT -.031 $EN -.87 $B +68.54
TATTOO: 4302
Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M OCC Emblazon 854E Sitz Everelda Entense 4948 BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520
+34 I+41 MARB +.46 I+.57 +.82
FAT +.027 I-.022
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN I+2.5 +51 I+62 +84 I+115 +1.15 I+.60 +18 I+8 +16 I+11 +27 I+20 +10.89 -9.29
This donor is one powerfully constructed, stout made daughter of SAV Net Worth 4200. She is big-boned and with a huge rib-shape with the volume, length, muscle and stoutness needed to build competitive cattle. She has growth to burn, ranking in the top 1% of the breed for WEPD, YEPD and $F. She comes from a very prolific donor dam with a BR of 5@92, WR of 5@105, YR of 4@106, IMF Ratio of 27@110, RE Ratio of 28@103. She sells P.E. 3/15/13 to 6/16/13 to S A V 004 Traveler 6055.
This really stout and square made daughter of Objective has a lot of capacity, stoutness and correctness. She is a moderate BEPD female with a great producing cow family behind her. Her individual IMF Ratio of 112 and RE Ratio of 115 add tremendous carcass value. The prolific dam of Lot 8 has a BR of 4@97, WR of 4@102, YR of 4@101, IMF 4@119 and RE Ratio of 4@105. Her bull calf by Sitz Upward 307R will be kept by Flying G.
Lot 7 - This stout donor by Net Worth sells.
She has been recently flushed and will be bred back by sale day to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
This heifer calf is bound to be great. Her sire is the popular Accelerated Genetics sire, Sitz Wisdom 481T. He has big spread genetics and is as balanced as any bull in their lineup. His calves are thick, bigmiddled and attractive. He sires cattle that are moderate in frame and muscular. His $F and $B are near the top of the breed. The dam has unbeatable numbers and her grand dam is a full sister to the $202,000 Silveiras Style 9303.
Lot 8 - One of the stouter and better made Objective daughters to sell.
$W $F $G $B +58.45 +33.28 +26.79 +62.56 +32.97 +39.21 +83.54 +98.96
Silveiras Elba 7303 >> Full sister to Style and Grand dam of Lot 9.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Silveiras Elba 1328 Donor Dam of Lot 9.
Sitz Wisdom 481T The powerful sire of Lot 9.
FGR Annie K 4306 DOB: 1/12/14
REG: 17760792
SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Blackcap May 5270 PVF New Horizon 001 PVF Miss Raptor 024 Vermillion Yellowstone Stevenson Enchantress 425F Geis Maximum 26 95 Geis Annie K 230 97
SAV Brilliance 8077 PVF INSIGHT 0129 16805884 PVF Missie 790 HF Kodiak 5R SOO LINE ANNIE K 0163 16424727 Soo Line Annie K 6271 CED I+12
Connealy Consensus 7229 BUSHS CLEAN SWEEP 417 17357377 Bushs Maternal Line 486
Soo Line Annie K 6271 The $100,000 grand dam of Lot 10 and 10A.
DOC I+8 $W +37.70
CEM I+10 $F +35.15
MILK I+25 $G +28.46
This heifer calf is sired by the Prairie View Farms and Express Ranches herd sire, PVF Insight 0129, whose first three offspring at Prairie View resulted in two class winners and a second at the 2013 National Western Stock Show. Seven daughters of this Genex sire were exhibited at the National Junior Angus Show resulted in five class winners and two seconds, including the Division 2 Champion. Insight is siring tremendous mass and dimension in an eye appealing, low birth weight package. The dam of this female is a full sister to the $12,000 SooLine North Country. Soo Line Annie K was the Champion Female at the World Angus Forum in 2009. She sold for $100,000 and HF Kodiak sold for $150,000. She was a feature in a past Bases Loaded Sale in Denver and is a tremendous egg producer. Annie K 6271 was the Grand Champion at the 2008, where her paternal brother was Grand Champion Bull, making it the first time a brother and sister reigned as Champions at that historic event. She also went undefeated in her division from 2007-2009.
10A Bushs Clean Sweep 417 - AAA 17357377 Sire of the Lot 10A pregnancy.
SC I+85
CW I+23 MARB I+.40 RE I+.29 FAT I+.005 $EN -.57 $B +66.98
HF Kodiak 5R SOO LINE ANNIE K 0163 16424727 Soo Line Annie K 6271 +11
+12 +.9
DUE: 1/2015
Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Vermillion Dateline 7078 Bushs Maternal Delight 405 Vermillion Yellowstone Stevenson Enchantress 425F Geis Maximum 26 95 Geis Annie K 230 97
CW +53 +8 MARB +.67 +.48 RE +.69 -.37 FAT +.011 +.021
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +1.7 +66 +34 +105 +62 +.98 +1.34 +16 +0 +14 +8 +30 +22 -14.26 +9.19 $W $F $G $B +51.90 +28.05 +46.58 +8.11 +36.79 +23.82 +104.40 +40.41
This pregnancy will be very attractive to someone wanting quality genetics. Her sire, Bush’s Clean Sweep, is the 7th herd sire produced by his dam. She has a BR of 9@90, WR of 9@114 and YR of 7@111. He is a more attractive, stouter-made version of his sire. You want to add look and dimension and not give up any EPD power, then this bull will work. He is the newest herd sire addition to Flying G and will have quite of few progeny hitting the ground this year. Her dam is a full sister to SooLine North Country and out of SooLine Annie K 6271, who was the Champion Female at the World Angus Forum in 2009. She sold for $100,000 and the sire HF Kodiak sold for $150,000.
Soo Line North Country The $12,000 full brother to the dam of Lot 10 and 10A.
PVF Insight 0129 The powerful sire of Lot 10.
Soo Line Annie K 0163 Dam of Lot 10 and 10A, pictured as a calf.
BEPD I+1.3
TATTOO: 4306
T Bar N Rita 1425 DOB: 1/7/14
REG: 17748687
AAR Really Windy 1205 VDAR REALLY WINDY 4097 15776681 VDAR Blackbird 2031 BR Midland MYTTYS RITA R193 +15126928 Rita 934 of 2TX1 BRND 036 BEPD I+1.5
DOB: 3/8/12
DOC I+20 $W +31.70
BEPD +4.7
WEPD +59
YEPD +98
CEM I+9 $F +32.94
MILK I+22 $G +20.95
TATTOO: 2103
CA Future Direction 5321 [AMC-NHC] BT Royal Pride 237G BR Midland Exar Saras Dream 9809 Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 BCC Bushwacker 41-93 Diablo Echo 504 SC +.94
CW I+25 MARB I+.20 RE I+.39 FAT I+.002 $EN -8.59 $B +61.70
Myttys Rita R193 A daughter sells as Lot 11.
REG: 17294666
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS ECHO 8558 16379155 Silveiras Echo 5309 CED +4
SC I+.63
FGR Echo 2103
BT Crossover 758N [AMC-NHC] SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 16262077 EXG Saras Dream S609 R3
HD 50K
TATTOO: 1425
AAR Windy Ridge 362 AAR Lady Kelton 2170 VDAR Enterprise 2059 VDAR Envious Blackbird 6060 Twin Valley Precision E161 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 B/R New Design 036 Rita 2TX1 of 8A4 Xray
If you sell commercial bulls then you know the first question always asked is what is their birth weight? And their first complaint...wish Angus cattle had more muscle!!! So here is the combination heifer, a daughter of the proven calving ease sire VDAR Really Windy 4097 one of the breeds most consistently sought after sires for this trait. In fact Accelerated Genetics reported that in March and April of 2013 “4097” semen sales outpaced all sires in their lineup, including dairy bulls to top the list. Couple that with the proven genetics of Rita 1425’s dam, a foundation donor for T Bar N and a female, with VDAR Really Windy 4097 The sire of Lot 11. progeny records that point toward her “more muscle” genetics, with 4 calves @ 112 for ribeye giving her a RE EPD of .69, placing her in the top 10% of current dams for this trait. It’s not often you get to purchase a female with such marketing potential in an attractive package.
DOC +11 $W +33.72
CEM +7 $F +40.85
MILK +20 $G +37.77
CW +27 MARB +.51 RE +.69 FAT -.008 $EN +.24 $B +81.42
This Conversion daughter was campaigned successfully and is by Silveiras Conversion 8064 out of the Echo cow family that has had so much success in California. The grand dam is a past California State Fair Supreme Champion Female. The growth numbers are hard to beat on this one! Take a look at this female for mass, body, power, correctness in a fancy package. Retaining 1/2 embryo interest. She sells PE to Silveiras Iron Man 7542 5/25/13-7/1/13.
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 67 95 56 46 50 53 53 1 2 54 42 38 57 92 89 35 53 51 18
FGR Miss Rowene 2102 DOB: 2/10/12
REG: 17293722
KF Precision 361 WCC EXACT T53 15689507 WCC Mignonne F34 CJ Prestige 25T WCC MISS ROWENA X64 16706609 WCC Miss Rowena T122 CED +2
BEPD +4.4
WEPD +48
TATTOO: 2102
Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] KF Evergreen Erica 1069 OSU Precision 679B Gibb Mignonne 7159 HSAF Bando 1961 CJ Blackbird 11P [CAC] SAV Masterpiece 5289 WCC Miss Rowena R113 YEPD +78
SC I+.48
DOC I+9 $W +26.98
CEM +4 $F +20.77
MILK +19 $G +25.94
CW I+28 MARB I+.34 RE I+.30 FAT I-.001 $EN +5.63 $B +69.83
Another young female that was campaigned and now will go on and make a powerful donor. She has the power and performance to produce those powerful show heifers. She is long and feminine up from with a great top and is very correct. She sells PE to Silveiras Iron Man 7542 5/25/13-7/1/13.
Lot 12 - FGR Echo 2103 Division Champion Female 2014 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Lot 12 - FGR Echo 2103
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
FGR Blackcap 3354 DOB: 4/26/13
REG: 17543320
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319 WCC Extra Stout N7 WCC BLACKCAP W258 16613829 WCC Blackcap R205
HD 50K
BEPD I+2.3
TATTOO: 3354
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 TC Extra 9140 Twin Valley Blackcap 2819 KF Precision 361 WCC Blackcap F162 [RDC] YEPD I+84
SC I+.04
DOC I+17 $W +29.31
CEM I+6 $F +27.27
MILK I+16 $G +25.54
CW I+32 MARB I+.27 RE I+.43 FAT I-.019 $EN +5.22 $B +74.01
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 90 94 76 70 33 89 67 65 32 12 53 41 65 87 52 64 62 91 1
An extremely sharp made, fancy female with a lot of top and thickness. She will work as a brood cow when she is done showing.
FGR Miss Emulous 3398 [CAF] DOB: 8/6/13
SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV MISS EMULOUS 5716 15108122 SAV Miss Emulous 0164 CED
TATTOO: 3398
CW +43 I+41 MARB +.23 I+.57
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55 Bon View Bando 598 SAF Royal Lass 1002 Leachman Right Time SAV Miss Emulous 6372
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS IRON MAN 7542 15973020 Silveiras Elba 1513
Lot 14 - FGR Blackcap 3354
RE +.34 I+.73 FAT -.038 I-.022
Lot 16 - FGR Rita 3352
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +5 +2.3 +2.8 +61 +39 +93 +74 -.29 I+.80 +15 I+5 +4 +9 +10 +19 +10.98 +5.47 $W $F $G $B +35.99 +21.79 +33.31 +20.14 +22.57 +23.79 +82.17 +71.33
Another solid Ironman daughter that will show and win in the summer division.
Lot 17 - FGR Elba 3393
FGR Rita 3352 DOB: 5/5/13
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 GAR Precision 2536 Hyline Right Time 338 GAR Precision 1489
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS IRON MAN 7542 15973020 Silveiras Elba 1513 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 HBAR RITIA 1506 17037031 Whitestone Rita U134 CED I+3
BEPD I+2.3
TATTOO: 3352
SC I+.04
DOC I+17 $W +29.31
CEM I+6 $F +27.27
MILK I+16 $G +25.54
A powerfully constructed, bold sprung female with added length and thickness.
CW I+32 MARB I+.27 RE I+.43 FAT I-.019 $EN +5.22 $B +74.01
FGR Elba 3393 DOB: 7/4/13
NSF Director N4 NSF MINNESOTA FATS R140 15398483 NSF Miss Bando M92 P D 827 16284896
Dyna Mag 3953 RWL&CA Elba Design 2415
TATTOO: 3393
CA Future Direction 5321 NSF Miss Bando G10 SAF 598 Bando 5175 NSF Miss Emulation EXT J12 Jones Dynamite 876 Princess Magnum 620 G 13 New Design 1025 Star Elba 1236
CW +35 -MARB +.64 -+.41
FAT +.004 --
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +1 +3.9 +2.3 +51 +22 +99 +40 I+.52 -- --- +8 +4 +26 +15 -10.51 +24.02 $W $F $G $B +26.81 +16.66 +34.44 -11.20 +36.45 -- +88.57 --
Silveiras Iron Man 7542 His service and progeny are featured in this sale.
This young July female is thick-topped, square-hipped and correct.
FGR Dorcas 3396 DOB: 7/21/13
CA Future Direction 5321 NSF Miss Bando G10 SAF 598 Bando 5175 NSF Miss Emulation EXT J12 Jones Dynamite 876 Princess Magnum 620 GARLD Commitment 9021 RWL&C Maxene 651
NSF Director N4 NSF MINNESOTA FATS R140 15398483 NSF Miss Bando M92 P D 834 16284903 +2
TATTOO: 3396
Dyna Mag 3953 RWL&C Commitment 2085
CW +35 -MARB +.64 -+.41
FAT +.004 --
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +7 +3.9 +.5 +51 +30 +99 +46 I+.52 +.31 --- +8 +8 +26 +15 -10.51 +21.54 $W $F $G $B +26.81 +26.19 +34.44 -8.10 +36.45 -- +88.57 --
This female is really fancy up front with lots of top, thickness, and squareness to her hip to be competitive.
Lot 18 - FGR Dorcas 3396
FGR Elba 3357 DOB: 3/20/13
REG: 17543321
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319 BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS ELBA 8310 16067581 Silveiras Elba 1515 CED I+6
BEPD I+2.6
Lot 20 - FGR Elba 3762
TATTOO: 3357
SC I+.59
DOC I+9 $W +35.74
CEM I+9 $F +29.31
MILK I+21 $G +12.22
CW I+39 MARB I+.15 RE I+.15 FAT I+.007 $EN +3.02 $B +67.75
This female is bold sprung and full of performance and red meat. Her dam comes from a long line of winners.
Lot 19 - FGR Elba 3357
FGR Elba 3762 DOB: 9/14/13
REG: 17712409
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 4836 14798616 CHAMPION HILL Lady 2245 Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS ELBA 8554 16319082 Silveiras Elba 2520 CED I+7
BEPD I+2.6
TATTOO: 3762
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Champion Hill Lady 391 [NHC] Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 SC I-.27
DOC I+5 $W +28.65
CEM I+11 $F +42.1
MILK I+20 $G +21.03
CW I+34 MARB I+.29 RE I+.34 FAT I+.019 $EN -5.49 $B +72.27
This September female is out of a full sister to Silveiras Style 9303, the premier sire of cattle that win, with extra hair, thickness, depth!
FGR Eldina 3750 DOB: 9/20/13
REG: 17712411
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 4836 14798616 CHAMPION HILL Lady 2245 EXAR New Look 2971 EXG ELDINA T219 R3 15715021 JR Miss Midland 3078 CED I+8
HD 50K
BEPD I+2.1
SC I+.18
DOC I+4 $W +29.19
CEM I+11 $F +34.94
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
MILK I+19 $G +27.95
CW I+29 MARB I+.43 RE I+.38 FAT I+.022 $EN -.48 $B +73.63
Silveiras Style 9303
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 52 71 61 36 8 13 24 36 5 75 27 18 32 74 46 72 44 44 15
This powerful heifer has a super look and is ready to win.
Lot 21 - FGR Eldina 3750
TATTOO: 3750
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Champion Hill Lady 391 [NHC] Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] N Bar Primrose 2424 BR Midland Vermilion Eldina 8134
SAV 004 Traveler 4836
FGR Susie 3752 [DDP-CAF] DOB: 10/1/13
REG: 17767433
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Champion Hill Lady 391 [NHC] Basin Prime Cut 354K Lady of Peak Dot 623F SAV Saugahatchee 9374 Cedar Creek Lady 54B
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 4836 14798616 CHAMPION HILL Lady 2245 Peak Dot Prime Cut 152P SUSIE OF PEAK DOT 402T 16028199 Susie of Peak Dot 557N CED --
BEPD I+4.2
TATTOO: 3752
SC --
DOC -$W +25.46
CEM -$F +22.76
MILK I+18 $G +14.28
CW I+27 MARB I+.21 RE I+.20 FAT I+.039 $EN +4.19 $B +57.34
An October heifer going back to the great 004 with added dimension and class.
Lot 22 - FGR Susie 3752
FGR Blackcap 3760 DOB: 10/5/13
REG: 17709764
Connealy Onward SITZ WISDOM 481T 15636992 Sitz Elluna Elite 94P EXAR 263C EXAR BLACKCAP 7058 15670180 EXAR Blackcap 2851 BEPD I+1.5
YEPD I+109
SC I+1.07
DOC I+7 $W +39.31
CEM I+6 $F +57.39
MILK I+25 $G +38.94
CW I+32 MARB I+.63 RE I+.56 FAT I-.001 $EN -7.95 $B +90
Lot 25 - FGR Echo 3754
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 52 39 83 73 66 63 77 33 24 20 70 27 49 89 87 31 81 61 9
This female has a great pedigree for look, quality and numbers. She is longbodied, level hipped and square on her corners. Her dam has produced many R.O.V. champions and is a powerhouse donor.
FGR Watchout 3356 DOB: 4/29/13
REG: 17542627
BC Lookout 7024 SILVEIRAS WATCHOUT 0514 16869498 Silveiras Elba 6546 EXAR Midland 4133 RWL&C MIDLAND T542 15917544 RWL&C Gypsy Fortune 2730 CED I+4
BEPD I+1.4
TATTOO: 3356
OCC Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520 BR Midland MF OSC3 Queen B 8EX5 Double Fortune of RWL&C 2285 Wendy Revolution 879 SC --
DOC -$W +24.59
CEM I+6 $F +20.89
MILK I+16 $G --
CW -MARB -RE -FAT -$EN +8.71 $B --
One of the first daughters of Watchout to sell in Texas. She has the same power, style and look of her sire that earned him a 2nd place finish in the 2012-2013 R.O.V. standings.
Lot 23 - FGR Blackcap 3760
FGR Echo 3754 DOB: 10/10/13
REG: 17709760
SS Objective T510 0T26 SILVEIRAS ECHO 9424 16562530 Silveiras Echo 7595 CED I+3
BEPD I+3.6
Silveiras Watchout 0514 His first daughter sells as Lot 24.
TATTOO: 3754
KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Silveiras New Design 0324 [DDC] Deep Well Echo 963
Connealy Consensus CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16
HD 50K
HD 50K
TATTOO: 3760
Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 Sitz New Design 349M Sitz Elluna Elite 163M Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] Exar June C 3577 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Leachman Blackcap 8261
YEPD I+102
SC I+.75
DOC I+10 $W +45.41 Maternal
CEM I+4 $F +42.56
MILK I+33 $G +47.43
CW I+31 MARB I+.86 RE I+.65 FAT I-.015 $EN -19.04 $B +95.83
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 12 15 14 35 69 43 34 10 35 48 59 86 49 83 65 37 27 40 58
This one has a pedigree and EPDs to make a front pasture donor with the clean and sharp front end with plenty of rib and muscle to win some shows.
EXAR Blackcap 7058 Donor dam of Lot 23.
FGR Pride 3755 DOB: 10/18/13
REG: 17705867
SA Boxcar 539 SA PRIDE 4578 15061064 SA Pride 118 +5
TATTOO: 3755 CW +40 +20 MARB +.11 +.24
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 Connealy Forefront SA Pride 713 Schurrtop Supreme SA Pride 667
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319
RE -.04 +.14 FAT +.030 +.011
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN -2 +2.9 +4.5 +50 +40 +87 +72 +1.48 +.94 +9 -5 +10 +3 +25 +19 +3.91 +12.08 $W $F $G $B +41.39 +17.23 +31.08 +17.23 +4.22 +19.74 +61.18 +53.74
This first of two daughters selling by VDAR Really Windy 4097 will be extremely competitive. She is extremely good-haired is very shaley, up headed and attractive on the profile. Definitely worth looking at sale day!
FGR Elba 3758 DOB: 11/10/13
REG: 17705868
TATTOO: 3758
AAR Windy Ridge 362 AAR Really Windy 1205 AAR Lady Kelton 2170 VDAR REALLY WINDY 4097 VDAR Enterprise 2059 15776681 VDAR Blackbird 2031 VDAR Envious Blackbird 6060 B/R New Design 036 [DDC] Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] Bon View Pride 664 SILVEIRAS ELBA 5503 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] 15242846 Silveiras Elba 1515 DAR Elba 55 CED I+14
HD 50K
BEPD I-1.1
SC I+.20
DOC I+22 $W +33.36
CEM I+14 $F +34.23
MILK I+19 $G +22.11
CW I+26 MARB I+.29 RE I+.16 FAT I+.002 $EN -5.14 $B +64.41
Lot 27 - FGR Elba 3758
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 6 1 77 82 62 5 17 16 8 65 9 21 17 86 96 13 98 70 3
This second daughter of VDAR Really 4097 is a younger version of Lot 27 and stems from the same great cow family that produced the Lot 1 donor. She has extra length, femininity and levelness in her design.
FGR Entense 3753 [NHC]
DOB: 10/3/13
REG: 17767592
TATTOO: 3753
BT Right Time 24J N Bar Primrose Y3051 N Bar Prime Time D806 Sinclair Lady 3M18 4465 GAR Precision 1680 WCC Blackcap C9 Sitz Alliance 6595 Sitz Everelda Entense 023
CW I+30 MARB I+.48 RE Twin Valley Precision E161 I+.34 PAWS UP ENTENSE 412N FAT +14408065 Paws Up 9155 E Entense I+.052 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +5 I+3 +1.9 I+2.7 +52 I+41 +98 I+82 +1.17 I+1.02 +20 I+6 +6 I+9 +26 I+18 -3.60 +4.15
Sinclair Grass Master SINCLAIR BOSS 16650219 Sinclair Lady 6P69 3M18
$W $F $G $B +40.18 +21.17 +44.46 +29.16 +21.56 +28.21 +63.35 +81.07
This female is really long, deep-sided, broody in her make up and full of power. She is an outcross pedigree for many breeders.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Lot 26 - FGR Pride 3755
Lot 28 - FGR Entense 3753
Any show heifer prospects purchased with scramble certificates received in the state of Texas will receive 10% off their purchase. You may take possession of these younger females after warning, if you so desire. We will deliver them to the state junior show if needed.
FGR Erica 3756 DOB: 10/25/13
REG: 17742622
BR Midland J&J DIXIE ERICA 593 15288577 J&J Dixie Erica 227 +8
TATTOO: 3756 CW +52 I+13 MARB +.45 I+.62
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAF 598 Bando 5175 [CAC] SAV May 6269 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] BR Royal Lass 7036-19 B/R New Design 323 [DDC] Dixie Erica of RR 7530
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 MF NET RETURN 8197 16036822 SAV May 2436 [CAC]
RE +.60 I+.40 FAT +.061 I-.014
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN I+10 +1.7 I+1.6 +52 I+38 +88 I+71 +1.34 I+.75 +9 -- +10 I+10 +29 I+15 -11.74 +11.57 $W $F $G $B +37.26 +23.20 +31.37 +16.96 +21.91 +41.04 +88.04 +65.31
MF Net Return will add muscle and style to his progeny and he certainly did here.
FGR Eileenmere Lady 3759 DOB: 12/10/13
REG: 17709763
SAV 004 Traveler 4836 COPPER CRK TRAILRIDER 1102 16969478 Greens Princess 3318 Connealy Dateline BALDRIDGE EILEENMERE LADY 604 14992886 PB Eileenmere Lady 2000 CED I+8
BEPD I+1.9
TATTOO: 3759
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 CHAMPION HILL Lady 2245 [NHC] Northern Express 0424 Greens Princess 7418 DHD Traveler 6807 Eila Eila of Conanga GDAR 711 Computer Eileenmere Lady 83 GDAR SC --
DOC -$W +19.58
CEM I+9 $F +12.1
MILK I+15 $G +23.57
CW I+26 MARB I+.36 RE I+.18 FAT I+.017 $EN +14.03 $B +65.05
Lot 29 - FGR Erica 3756
This December heifer is the youngest in the offering but certainly can hold her own if you want to compete.
Lot 30 - FGR Eileenmere Lady 3759
Copper Crk Trailrider 1102
MF Net Return 8197
Fall born show heifers or donor prospects Flying G Ranch will retain and have those lots ready for exhibit at the Texas State Junior Angus Show in Belton, or will deliver them within 250 miles on June 1st-5th at no cost to buyer.
This pertains to Lots 3 - 6B - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
FGR Elba 2810 [DDF] REG: 17742264
Tehama Total M811 [DDC] Silveiras Elba 1515 B/R New Design 036 [DDC] VAR Hi Elba 3432 OCC Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520
Silveiras Total 5076 [DDC] SILVEIRAS 5076 TOTAL 7456 16062768 Silveiras Elba 0342
HD 50K
CED +17
BEPD -2.5
WEPD +45
YEPD +83
SC -.27
DOC +15 $W +38.93
CEM +14 $F +28.46
MILK +18 $G +37.69
REG: 17309937
CED +6
BT Crossover 758N [AMC-NHC] SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 16262077 EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 GAR Predestined [DDC] RTR BLACKBIRD 0106 16781299 BT Blackbird 3N CED +6
BEPD +2.5
WEPD +53
YEPD +98
SC +.73
DOC +11 $W +34.33
CEM +8 $F +43.95
MILK +30 $G +44.13
CW +40 MARB +.83 RE +.71 FAT +.005 $EN -15.2 $B +101.45
BEPD +1.4
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 56 75 70 48 47 32 28 45 62 73 70 78 57 39 38 64 44 15 63
YEPD +90
DOB: 10/1/12
REG: 17499247
WCC Special Design L309 FGR QUEEN 5107 15133964 Thomas Queen 6607 CED -1
BEPD +2.5
WEPD +54
YEPD +85
SC --
Dyna Mag 3953
2 Bar 338 Right Time 5528
RWL&C Designer 2525 YEPD +70
Silveiras Elba 0521 A full sister to the dam of Lot 31.
TATTOO: 2604
DOC -$W +31.69
CEM +3 $F +26.58
PD 830 16284905
HD 50K
MILK +15 $G +27.99
CW I+36 MARB I+.43 RE I+.17 FAT I-.015 $EN +5.7 $B +80.59
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 50 33 79 65 56 39 38 51 41 66 69 50 47 96 37 58 82 74 83
SS Objective T510 0T26
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Hyline Right Time 338 2 Bar Ambush 2224 Jones Dynamite 876 Princess Magnum 620 G 13 New Design 1025 Miss Ty Revolution 3535 SC +0.63
AAR Ten X 7008 SA His service is featured in these bred females.
TATTOO: 2306
DOC +22 $W +20.38 Maternal
CEM +3 $F +14.36
MILK +19 $G +32.4
CW +18 MARB +.39 RE +.35 FAT -.024 $EN +2.21 $B +63.54
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 89 76 54 71 36 7 17 9 38 38 16 55 82 65 55 8 52 61 30
She sells bred A.I. 12/21/2013 to Sitz Dash 10277.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
MILK +18 $G +29.30
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 Bon View New Design 878 N Bar Primrose 2424 Thomas Latigo Thomas Trendy Queen 9188
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520
REG: 17435393
CEM +7 $F +31.95
FGR Queen 2604 [DDF]
PD 803 16273547
DOB: 3/16/12
WEPD +41
DOC +21 $W +45.50 Maternal
FGR Black Bess 2306 [DDF]
BEPD +2.9
SC -.07
CW +33 MARB +.39 RE +.32 FAT -.021 $EN +9.59 $B +79.05
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 64 45 28 46 75 87 61 25 91 92 20 55 85 78 62 21 64 72 8
35 CED +0
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55 N Bar Emulation EXT Princess 4007 of Dalebanks B/R New Design 036 [DDC] MA 9508 of 847 Mat Power
Another moderate and stout made daughter of Iron Man. She sells bred A.I. 12/20/2013 to Sitz Dash 10277.
Tremendous growth and $B genetics in this stylish daughter of Silveiras Conversion 8064. She sells bred 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
WEPD +56
TATTOO: 1115
Sired by the stout made Ironman out of a daughter of the cow maker, Extender. She sells bred 12/21/2013 to Bushs Clean Sweep 417.
TATTOO: 2013
CA Future Direction 5321 [AMC-NHC] BT Royal Pride 237G BR Midland Exar Saras Dream 9809 B/R New Design 036 [DDC] GAR Ext 4206 Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 Sitz Blackbird 3317
REG: 17497798
Dalebanks Extender 6012 MA D005 OF A207 EXTENDER MA A207 of 9508 New Design
RTR Blackbird 2013 [DDF] DOB: 9/11/12
DOB: 11/11/11
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 11 3 91 91 79 60 60 16 71 99 44 64 38 93 70 14 45 63 32
FGR Shoshone Rito 1115 [DDF]
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS IRON MAN 7542 15973020 Silveiras Elba 1513
CW +34 MARB +.54 RE +.67 FAT -.01 $EN +9.91 $B +88.4
This female is out of another great full sister to the featured Lot 1 donor as well as Silveiras Watchout 0514. She is square made and level. She has the added calving and carcass quality of her sire as well. She sells bred A.I. 12/22/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
HD 50K
BC Lookout 7024 LVS ELBA 1005 16645206 Silveiras Elba 6546
TATTOO: 2810
HD 50K
DOB: 3/15/12
HD 50K
Sitz Dash 10277 Service sire on many of the bred females.
FGR Pride 2605 DOB: 10/18/12
REG: 17612542
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 Connealy Forefront SA Pride 713 Schurrtop Supreme SA Pride 667
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319 SA Boxcar 539 SA PRIDE 4578 15061064 SA Pride 118
HD 50K
BEPD +2.8
WEPD +44
YEPD +82
SC +1.19
DOC -3 $W +33.9
CEM +9 $F +27.68
MILK +21 $G +21.32
CW +28 MARB +.31 RE +.05 FAT +0 $EN +8.96 $B +65.32
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 88 94 70 50 31 89 39 25 62 17 96 44 35 74 69 57 85 85 41
She sells bred 12/22/2013 to Bushs Clean Sweep 417.
FGR Erica 2642 DOB: 11/6/12
REG: 17613395
Vermilion Dateline 7078 THOMAS ERICA 3512 14395867 Thomas Erica 9192
HD 50K
CED +2
BEPD +3.6
WEPD +51
YEPD +92
SC +1.32
CEM +7 $F +37.04
MILK +23 $G +12.9
CW +34 MARB +.24 RE +.16 FAT +.044 $EN +.66 $B +64.02
DOB: 10/15/12
REG: 17521062
Bon View New Design 878 SR ELINE ERICA 5863 15287549 SAV Eline Erica 5016 CED +6
BEPD +1.6
WEPD +40
TATTOO: 2607
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 B/R New Design 036 [DDC] Bon View Gammer 85 [CAC] Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] SAV Sky Erica 2470
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520
YEPD +78
SC +.05
DOC +4 $W +23.19
CEM +10 $F +24.61
CW +20 MARB +.32 RE -.1 FAT -.004 $EN +6.05 $B +55.92
MILK +17 $G +21.76 Carcass
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 58 59 92 83 48 29 4 46 17 84 66 47 8 92 83 25 97 65 47
40 FGR Wendy 2631 DOB: 10/26/12
TATTOO: 2642
DOC +18 $W +33.98
FGR Eline Erica 2607
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 88 87 58 35 18 62 30 84 80 12 26 70 80 74 43 96 72 95 20
REG: 17612539
Connealy Consensus [DDF] CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Bon View New Design 878 A PLUS WENDY 14835930 HR Wendy 618 CED +4
WEPD +55
YEPD +92
SC --
DOC -$W +36.12
CEM +8 $F +35.02
CW -MARB -RE -FAT -$EN -13.61 $B +
MILK +28 $G +
She sells bred 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
Connealy Consensus 7229 A daughter sells as Lot 40.
REG: 17612541
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520 Vermilion Dateline 7078 FGR PRINCESS 4200 14966477 Twin Eagles Princess 8320 CED +8
BEPD +1.9
WEPD +44
YEPD +87
TATTOO: 2606
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 Connealy Dateline Vermilion Blackbird 5044 N Bar Emulation EXT Princess 4007 of Dalebanks SC --
DOC -$W +23.49
She sells bred 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
CEM +12 $F +34.07
MILK +18 $G --
CW -MARB -RE -FAT -$EN +1.23 $B --
FGR Georgina 2640 DOB: 10/20/12
REG: 17612538
CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 PF R189 BEXTOR 9082 16414381 Baldridge Rita R189 BR Midland KB MIDLANDS GEORGINA 742 ET Sedgwicks Georgina 5216
CED +11
HD 50K
FGR Princess 2606 DOB: 10/19/12
Dinner and fellowship will follow at 6 PM
TATTOO: 2631
KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 B/R New Design 036 [DDC] Bon View Gammer 85 [CAC] Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] HR Wendy 402
She sells bred 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
Join us Saturday, March 29 at 5 PM for a Zoetis informational session.
She sells bred A.I. 12/19/2013 to Sitz Dash 10277.
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 Connealy Dateline Vermilion Blackbird 5044 Emulation N Bar 5522 Thomas Erica 7401
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319
BEPD +1.3
WEPD +46
YEPD +81
TATTOO: 2640
BAR Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] GAR Prime Time 2409 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] BR Royal Lass 7036-19 RR 9440 Scotch Cap 1483 Sedgwicks Georgina 6282 SC +.72
DOC +7 $W +35.1
CEM +12 $F +25.45 Maternal
MILK +21 $G +33.51
CW +20 MARB +.52 RE +.56 FAT +.036 $EN +4.42 $B +67.74
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 12 18 73 79 62 65 62 69 18 57 85 27 9 73 75 86 35 46 31
Bushs Clean Sweep 417 Service sire on many of the bred females.
She sells bred 11/28/2013 to AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
CED +6
TATTOO: 2605
HD 50K
FGR Dream Girl 2408 DOB: 3/11/12
REG: 17435400
TATTOO: 2408
CA Future Direction 5321 [AMC-NHC] BT Royal Pride 237G BR Midland Exar Saras Dream 9809 CA Future Direction 5321 [AMC-NHC] Bruin Future Direction 5151 [AMC] BAAR USA Forever Lady 3066 SILVEIRAS DREAM GIRL 9085 Silveiras Way Out West 3527 16321766 Silveiras Dream Girl 7111 Silveiras Dream Girl 0015 CED +6
HD 50K
BT Crossover 758N [AMC-NHC] SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 16262077 EXG Saras Dream S609 R3
BEPD +2.4
WEPD +65
YEPD +113
SC +1.37
DOC +15 $W +41.46
CEM +9 $F +58.11
MILK +20 $G +49.14 Carcass
CW +38 MARB +.89 RE +.9 FAT -.007 $EN -4.42 $B +105.7
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 58 88 48 38 19 60 44 2 8 38 44 73 47 79 38 42 38 16 11
<< Lot 42 FGR Dream Girl 2408
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4117, calved 2/15/14, sired by HAF Consensus 1211.
FGR Pride Dent 2407 DOB: 4/19/12
REG: 17613261
BT Crossover 758N [AMC-NHC] SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 16262077 EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Silveiras M811 Total 6103 [DDC] SILVEIRAS PRIDE DENT 9003 16292513 Silveiras Pride Dent 6020 CED I+8
BEPD I+2.4
YEPD I+118
TATTOO: 2407
CA Future Direction 5321 [AMC-NHC] BT Royal Pride 237G BR Midland Exar Saras Dream 9809 Tehama Total M811 [DDC] Silveira Elba 3309 [CAC] Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] Silveiras Pride Dent 1013 SC I+.80
DOC I+12 $W +36.73
CEM I+10 $F +64.07
MILK I+31 $G +46.21
CW I+42 MARB I+.83 RE I+.75 FAT I-.016 $EN -28.84 $B +107.44
She sells with a bull calf, AAA reg. 17746923, tattoo 4108, calved 1/1/14 sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097.
VDAR Really Windy 4097 His service is featured in the offering.
44 FGR Northern Miss 1160 [DDF] 45 REG: 17624993
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 N Bar Emulation EXT BAR Queen Traveler 3015 Bon View New Design 878 Finks Miss 3095 1109 416
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 16427563 Silveiras Elba 2520 BAR Ext Traveler 205 HA MISS 9998 16898823 Fink Miss 7443 3095 878
HD 50K
CED +5
BEPD +3.3
WEPD +33
TATTOO: 1160
YEPD +68
SC +.28
DOC -1 $W +16.35
CEM +9 $F +15.68
MILK +21 $G +24.03
CW +15 MARB +.3 RE +.29 FAT +.022 $EN +4.43 $B +51.15
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 82 91 97 94 50 39 58 7 31 84 78 54 74 90 89 56 85 76 16
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4119, calved 1/1/14, sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097.
20 Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
FGR Ruby 1180 [DDF] DOB: 10/1/11
REG: 17743473
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520 B/R BAAR Fast Forward1193 B/R RUBY 4229 B/R Ruby 66
CED +2
HD 50K
DOB: 2/24/12
Silveiras Swagger Daughters of this flush brother to the $202,000 Silveiras Style 9303 sell.
BEPD +.42
WEPD +43
YEPD +79
TATTOO: 1180
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 B/R New Design 323 [DDC] HR Wendy 618 VDAR Lucys Boy B/R Ruby 7104 SC +.81
DOC +19 $W +21.46 Maternal
CEM +7 $F +24.41
MILK +19 $G +30.52
CW +28 MARB +.42 RE +.46 FAT +.005 $EN +1.73 $B +74.69
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 88 89 80 87 30 16 17 51 28 38 16 58 63 80 63 34 64 56 44
Bull calf by VDAR Really Windy 4097 will be retained. She sells bred back to AAR Ten X 7008 SA by sale day.
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If you wish to follow the sale on the computer and bid by telephone, please call the sale day phone numbers or one of the consultants listed in our sale book.
46 FGR Blackbird 1502 DOB: 10/2/11
REG: 17218594
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 16427564 Silveiras Elba 2520 Hyline Right Time 338 RODEN BLACKBIRD 55P 14915917 Twin Eagles Blackbird 703L BEPD +3.4
WEPD +45
YEPD +88
SC +.07
DOC +1 $W +20.71
HD 50K
CEM +8 $F +34.86
MILK +19 $G +27.47
CW +29 MARB +.34 RE +.46 FAT +.001 $EN -.29 $B +73.14
CED +3
TATTOO: 1502
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] DAR Elba 55 Leachman Right Time Hyline Pride 265 Sitz Traveler 8180 OCC Blackbird 796D
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 93 97 67 54 75 16 16 36 52 79 81 56 62 75 74 48 61 84 52
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4102, calved 1/22/14, sired by HAF Consensus 1211.
FGR Lucy 2110 DOB: 1/18/12
REG: 17497799
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS IRON MAN 7542 15973020 Silveiras Elba 1513 B/R BAAR Fast Forward1193 FGR LUCY 5115 15109962 Thomas Lucy 9614
HD 50K
CED -7
BEPD +4.2
WEPD +50
TATTOO: 2110
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55 B/R New Design 323 [DDC] HR Wendy 618 AAR New Trend Thomas Lucy 1041
YEPD +79
SC +.07
DOC -4 $W +24.19
CEM +1 $F +21.05
MILK +13 $G +21.08
CW +31 MARB +.15 RE +.38 FAT -.038 $EN +10.4 $B +68.67
Lot 47 - FGR Lucy 2110
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 95 94 58 81 64 47 59 57 51 83 93 16 97 92 63 8 51 85 13
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4110, calved 1/26/14. PE 4/17/13 to 7/1/13 to HAF Regis 1207 and HAF Consensus 1211. Calf is being blood typed for parentage.
DOB: 2/20/12
REG: 17497800
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS IRON MAN 7542 15973020 Silveiras Elba 1513 Vermilion Dateline 7078 TWIN EAGLES KRUGERRANDS 302M 14347298 Tecc Krugerrandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gal 35J
HD 50K
CED +6
BEPD +2.0
WEPD +52
YEPD +83
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55 Connealy Dateline Vermilion Blackbird 5044 Krugerrand of Donamere 490 OCC Dixie Erica 824B SC +0
DOC +16 $W +26.90 Maternal
CEM +7 $F +25.05
49 FGR Lady 1170 DOB: 9/10/11
TATTOO: 2119
MILK +11 $G +26.48 Carcass
CW +33 MARB +.29 RE +.37 FAT -.029 $EN +8.56 $B +76.09
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 68 71 28 57 59 12 22 55 98 84 35 87 75 95 66 13 82 89 27
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4105, calved 1/2/14, sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097.
REG: 17625337
SAV Final Answer 0035 HA LADY 9641 17523576 JSK Lady 7710 CED +5
BEPD +1.4
WEPD +52
TATTOO: 1170
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B EXAR New Look 2971 Three Trees Everelda 1995 Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 Boyd New Day 8005 Sinclair Lady 2P61 4465
OCC Jupiter 671J LIMESTONE JUPITER U449 16195227 Limestone Everelda R187
HD 50K
48 FGR Erica 2119
Lot 49 - FGR Lady 1170
YEPD +90
SC +.24
DOC -5 $W +37.16 Maternal
CEM +7 $F +33.94
MILK +24 $G +28.72
CW +19 MARB +.36 RE +.59 FAT +.028 $EN -4.52 $B +61.95
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 29 30 66 68 87 54 76 68 15 79 65 35 59 65 96 77 79 85 34
Silveiras Conversion 8064
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4115, calved 2/14/14. PE 4/17/13 to 7/1/13 His daughters and service are featured in the spring pairs. to HAF Regis 1207 and HAF Consensus 1211. Calf is being blood typed for parentage.
Barbara of Plattemere 358 [DDC] DOB: 2/26/12
REG: 17490980
Connealy Reflection CONNEALY IMPRESSION #15543702 Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194
HD 50K
CED +11
BEPD +1.8
WEPD +56
YEPD +98
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Vermilion Dateline 7078 Pearl Jam of Conanga 6114 GAR Precision 1680 [AMC-NHC] GAR Ext 4526 B/R Destination 727-928 Barbara of Plattemere 306 SC +1.28
DOC +2 $W +40.22
CEM +13 $F +42.39
MILK +25 $G +27.63
CW +45 MARB +.39 RE +.58 FAT +.006 $EN -6.27 $B +89.4
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 7 11 29 22 7 50 36 73 62 17 89 66 3 50 6 52 41 67 38
She sells with a heifer calf, AAA reg. 17746923, tattoo 4107, calved 1/2/14, sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097.
FGR Lady 2402 [DDF] DOB: 3/13/12
REG: 17435398
Silveiras M811 Total 7120 SILVEIRAS FIRST LADY 0093 16591983 O&M First Lady 8105 of 1032 BEPD +2.7
WEPD +61
YEPD +108
SC +1.36
DOC +25 $W +40.99
CEM +8 $F +53.31
MILK +19 $G +44.35
CW +30 MARB +.73 RE +.6 FAT -.022 $EN +1.58 $B +92.56
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 38 56 26 9 35 77 36 50 23 27 9 73 30 90 39 16 51 36 50
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4123, calved 2/25/14. PE 4/17/13 to 7/1/13 to HAF Regis 1207 and HAF Consensus 1211. Calf is being blood typed for parentage.
FGR Elba 2405 [DDF] DOB: 3/15/12
REG: 17435408
GT Expo DAAR Heroine LT 108 B/R New Frontier 095 GAR 1407 New Design H134 OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55
DAAR Infinity 313 SILVEIRAS INFINITY 0026 16593882 Chase H134 Queen 855 BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS ELBA 8307 16206342 Silveiras Elba 1515 CED +12
BEPD +.9
WEPD +50
TATTOO: 2405
YEPD +88
SC +.08
DOC +5 $W +33.44
CEM +12 $F +32.36
MILK +27 $G +30.21 Carcass
CW +19 MARB +.43 RE +.28 FAT +.006 $EN -11.63 $B +63.6
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 26 22 88 89 25 25 9 51 26 90 74 63 75 72 92 33 89 51 92
She sells P.E. 12/27/13 to 2/14/14 to HAF Consensus 1211.
Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
Lot 53 - FGR Elba 2406
FGR Elba 2406 DOB: 3/11/12
REG: 17435409
BC Marathon 7022 SILVEIRAS ELBA 8310 16067581 Silveiras Elba 1515 CED +6
BEPD +2.6
WEPD +63
TATTOO: 2406
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 WAR Alliance 9126 6006 Silveiras Elba 2540 OCC Kirby 633K Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Bon View Bando 598 [CAC] DAR Elba 55
SS Objective T510 0T26 SILVEIRAS INSPIRATION 9418 16562537 Silveiras Elba 6441 [DDC]
HD 50K
HD 50K
CED +5
TATTOO: 2402
GAR Retail Product DR Dobra 3453 [CAC] Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DR Kindness Princess 107 Tehama Total M811 [DDC] Silveiras Forever Lady 4095 N Bar Emulation EXT GAR Bando 1032
DR Sierra Cut 7404 DR COWBOY CUT 9222 16612775 DR Kindness Princess 2311
HD 50K
GAR Yield Grade BARBARA OF PLATTEMERE 345 16595906 Barbara of Plattemere 323
TATTOO: 2335
YEPD +104
SC +.65
DOC +15 $W +37.39 Maternal
CEM +8 $F +46.8
MILK +21 $G +36.18 Carcass
CW +38 MARB +.54 RE +.65 FAT -.003 $EN -7.57 $B +92.05
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 35 57 24 52 66 13 15 70 30 70 42 93 63 82 57 27 41 47 39
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4112, calved 2/3/14, sired by HAF Regis 1207.
Silveiras Iron Man 7452 His daughters are featured in the spring pairs.
DOB: 4/21/12
REG: 17625036
Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] KF Evergreen Erica 1069 OSU Precision 679B Gibb Mignonne 7159 TC Extra 9140 Twin Valley Blackcap 2819 KF Precision 361 WCC Blackcap F162 [RDC]
KF Precision 361 WCC EXACT II 16519295 WCC Mignonne F34 WCC Extra Stout N7 WCC BLACKCAP W258 16613829 WCC Blackcap R205
HD 50K
BEPD +2.9
WEPD +38
YEPD +69
SC +.36
DOC +18 $W +21.57
CEM +8 $F +14.55
MILK +19 $G +27.67 Carcass
CW +19 MARB +.28 RE +.46 FAT -.01 $EN +6.58 $B +60.35
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 70 79 90 92 6 49 22 73 81 62 56 28 60 89 54 33 38 80 34
She sells with a bull calf, AAA reg 17746912, tattoo 4109, calved 1/21/14, sired by Sitz Dash 10277.
FGR Pride 2301 [DDF]
PD 803 16273547
SS Objective T510 0T26
PD 821 16284895
Dyna Mag 3953
HD 50K
CED +12
DOB: 3/5/12
REG: 17435397
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Hyline Right Time 338 2 Bar Ambush 2224 Jones Dynamite 876 Princess Magnum 620 G 13 New Design 1025 Scotch Cap Erica 866
2 Bar 338 Right Time 5528
RWL&C Erica Design 2395 BEPD -0.3
WEPD +42
TATTOO: 2301
YEPD +70
SC +.69
DOC +12 $W +36.21
CEM +10 $F +13.9
MILK +21 $G +36.9
CW +9 MARB +.59 RE +.17 FAT +0 $EN +7.78 $B +54.96
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 29 21 80 93 36 61 12 33 36 38 56 57 37 73 90 21 84 45 73
FGR Erica 2315
PD 803 16273547
SS Objective T510 0T26
PD 826 16273564
ALH Commitment Contact 2185
HD 50K
CED +12
DOB: 3/10/12
REG: 17435394
2 Bar 338 Right Time 5528
RWL&C CMT MY Elba S292 BEPD +.4
WEPD +48
YEPD +82
PD 803 16273547
SS Objective T510 0T26
PD 841 16285788
NT New Design 514
CED +6
DOB: 3/17/12
REG: 17435383
2 Bar 338 Right Time 5528
NT Lady GAR Commitment 220 BEPD +2.4
WEPD +49
YEPD +85
TATTOO: 2318
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Hyline Right Time 338 2 Bar Ambush 2224 Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] NT Lady Committment 317 NT GAR Commitment 011 B&J Enchantress 8489 SC +.24
DOC -1 $W +23.32
CEM +8 $F +29.03
MILK +25 $G +27.72
CW +30 MARB +.38 RE +.48 FAT +.015 $EN -14.41 $B +74.13
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 40 51 19 18 10 1 12 70 70 78 92 41 66 40 32 50 52 57 34
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4125, calved 3/2/14. PE 4/17/13 to 7/1/13 to HAF Regis 1207 and HAF Consensus 1211. Calf is being blood typed for parentage.
FGR Ruby 2324 [DDF]
PD 025 16753318
Lust Gridmaker 300
PD 829 16273560
ALH Commitment Contact 2185
CED +14
DOB: 5/25/12
REG: 17435406
RWL&C Designer 2525
CR Lucky Streak 97 BEPD -0.3
WEPD +42
YEPD +72
TATTOO: 2324
GAR Grid Maker VP Ext 7131 G 13 New Design 1025 Miss Ty Revolution 3535 GARLD Commitment 9021 Maxene Miss 961 PAR GDAR Rainmaker 340 0162 CR Blackjack 21 SC +.25
DOC +1 $W +32.22
CEM +13 $F +16.3
MILK +20 $G +31.38
CW +10 MARB +.47 RE +.04 FAT -.003 $EN +5.44 $B +50.99
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 31 35 84 86 22 31 51 10 50 68 85 65 41 73 70 24 85 68 17
TATTOO: 2315
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Hyline Right Time 338 2 Bar Ambush 2224 GARLD Commitment 9021 Maxene Miss 961 GARLD Commitment 9021 My Elba 1446 SC +.33
FGR Enchantress 2318 [DDF]
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4106, calved 1/27/14, sired by HAF Regis 1207.
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4114, calved 2/7/14, sired by HAF Consensus 1211.
CED +7
TATTOO: 2719
HD 50K
FGR Blackcap 2719
HD 50K
DOC +10 $W +34.82 Maternal
CEM +9 $F +25.73
MILK +20 $G +34.5 Carcass
CW +23 MARB +.62 RE +.36 FAT +.03 $EN +2.61 $B +72.46
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 29 43 48 49 26 28 17 56 55 63 61 91 63 60 38 51 56 52 11
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4111, calved 1/24/14, sired by HAF Consensus 1211.
Flying G Ranch website and print advertising proudly managed by Monti West Design
Flying G Ranch is proud to use Livestock Nutrition Center for all of our feed and nutrition needs
CONTACT LACY SHORT, 563-920-8287
Plattemere Daisy 407 [DDF] DOB: 1/24/12
REG: 17492217
SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 SAF Focus J30 Inniway Ms New Design 201 Connealy Forefront TC Ruby 9095 Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] Plattemere Daisy 213
SS Objective T510 0T26 SYDGEN MANDATE 6079 15337433 SydGen Gina 4235
HD 50K
BEPD +.2
WEPD +54
YEPD +108
SC +1.4
DOC +12 $W +29.51
CEM +12 $F +57.08
MILK +28 $G +17.87
CW +37 MARB +.28 RE +.16 FAT +.016 $EN -22.13 $B +73.61
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 22 35 14 4 9 1 4 50 31 15 61 54 49 24 22 49 90 62 88
FGR MS Design 1501 DOB: 10/12/11
REG: 17218596
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 6269 B/R New Design 036 Bon View Gammer 85 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DCC Rita 670 of 3S3 3410
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV NET WORTH 4200 14739204 SAV May 2410 Bon View New Design 878 FGR MS DESIGN 2012 14461541 DCC Rita 0I6 of 6I6 670 CED +10
BEPD +1.3
WEPD +47
TATTOO: 1501
YEPD +89
SC +1.00
DOC -1 $W +37.13
CEM +12 $F +35.15
MILK +26 $G +24.63
CW +41 MARB +.41 RE +.50 FAT +.037 $EN -2.75 $B +82.65
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 45 54 81 74 55 63 60 68 43 31 94 65 20 51 51 93 58 76 92
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4122, calved 2/24/14. PE 4/17/13 to 7/1/13 to HAF Regis 1207 and HAF Consensus 1211. Calf is being blood typed for parentage.
What a powerful and solid maternal pedigree... Net Worth, 878, 6I6. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bred to be a top producer and has a balanced set of numbers to boot. She would work in any program!
60 FGR Erica 1126 [DDF]
REG: 17622858
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 B/R New Design 323 [DDC] B/R Primrose 154 Twin Valley Precision E161 [NHC] Twin Eagles Erica 668K
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319 B/R New Design 323-319 FGR ERICA 5151 15344042 Twin Eagles Erica 959M CED I+7
BEPD I+2.2
TATTOO: 1126
SC --
DOC -$W +26.34
CEM I+10 $F +24.41
MILK I+21 $G +21.80
CW I+29 MARB I+.27 RE I+.36 FAT I+.015 $EN -0.90 $B +66.90
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4101, calved 1/21/14, sired by HAF Consensus 1211.
REG: 17506782
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV 004 TRAVELER 6055 15465417 SAV Emblynette 7319 N Bar Emulation EXT DCC RITA 785 OF EXT 380 13777132 DCC Ideal 380 of 2RT2 6100 CED +4
BEPD +2.6
WEPD +44
YEPD +76
TATTOO: 1119
Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 SAV EXT Emulation 5040 SAV Emblynette Diamond 5369 Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Primrose 2424 Rito 2RT2 of 0B5 RR Traveler Eldorado 6100 Ideal 5108 156 SC +.71
DOC +5 $W +37.07 Maternal
CEM +10 $F +20.22
MILK +19 $G +.37
CW +29 MARB -.04 RE -.06 FAT +.014 $EN +14.91 $B +45.61
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 90 88 74 78 68 97 75 75 68 55 85 50 90 78 55 81 86 99 2
With 004 and EXT as the grandsires, this female has a bright and long future as a productive front pasture cow. Balanced and broody, this one could be an outcross to many current sires with New Design and Precision bloodlines.
24 Flying G Ranch Production Sale | 3.30.14
DOB: 11/2/11
REG: 17220357
MF Desroyer 093 TBARN LADY DI 6010 15409167 T Bar N Gold Band 006 CED +6
BEPD +1.6
WEPD +40
TATTOO: 1505
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 DAR Elba 55 EXAR Sudden Impact 1537 MF Cherry 115 AAR New Trend 35 TN Lady Traveler 707 YEPD 75
SC -.56
DOC +7 $W +28.45
CEM +9 $F +20.89
MILK +28 $G +18.31
CW +17 MARB +.13 RE +.27 FAT -.006 $EN -6.71 $B +48.28
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 74 73 92 89 77 31 21 30 34 98 71 54 44 45 83 27 77 87 97
She sells with a heifer calf, tattoo 4103, calved 1/2/14, sired by Sitz Dash 10277.
FGR Rita 1119 DOB: 4/11/12
FGR Lady Di 1505
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 +16427564 Silvieras Elba 2520
HD 50K
DOB: 12/5/11
HD 50K
TC Freedom 104 PLATTEMERE DAISY 349 16274861 Plattemere Daisy 249 CED +12
TATTOO: 2803
HD 50K
64 FGR Blackcap 2722 DOB: 3/10/12
REG: +17763255
Bon View New Design 208 TC TOTAL 410 #14844711 TC Erica Eileen 2047 B/R New Design 323 A PLUS BLACKCAP 1154 GAR Scotch Cap 867
BEPD I+2.2
TATTOO: 2722
B/R New Design 036 Bon View Erica 443 Twin Valley Precision E161 TC Erica Eileen 5116 B/R New Design 036 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 155 Scotch Cap Blackcap GAR 51 SC I+.72
DOC I+18 $W +34.54
CEM I+8 $F +35.82
MILK I+27 $G +45.32
CW I+23 MARB I+.72 RE I+.73 FAT I-.007 $EN -14.11 $B +83.92
This high carcass female is by the high-performance sire TC Total 410 and goes back to one of the high $ producing females the breed has known, The Pathfinder GAR Scotch Cap 867. Performance, maternal and carcass in a solid package.
Plattemere Up-1 Z012-B12 DOB: 4/1/12
REG: 17490979
Sitz Upward 307R PLATTEMERE UP 6000-B10 16692580 Erica Lady of Plattemere 216 SS Objective T510 0T26 PLATTEMERE QUEEN W 900 16427370 Plattemere Queen W 877
HD 50K
BEPD +.7
WEPD +54
YEPD +93
SC +.26
DOC +17 $W +42.59
CEM +10 $F +36.83
MILK +26 $G +38.16
CW +41 MARB +.74 RE +.48 FAT +.012 $EN -5.26 $B +95.75
CED BW WW YW YH MW MH DMI RFI SC DOC HP CEM MA CW FAT REA MS TND 16 22 42 60 46 50 39 91 98 62 27 66 52 44 35 39 64 36 98
She sells with a bull calf, tattoo 4118, calved 1/20/14, sired by HAF Regis 1207.
66 FGR Primrose 2111 DOB: 4/8/12
Gambles Hot Rod SILVEIRAS SWAGGER 9309 +16427564 Silvieras Elba 2520 CA Future Direction 5321 THOMAS PRIMROSE 31137 #+12730113 Thomas Primrose 6628 +10
+3 +.6
TATTOO: 2111
Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 DAR Elba 55 GAR Precision 1680 CA Miss Power Fix 308 GDAR Traveler 71 Thomas Primrose 3098
CW +23 +14 MARB +.17 +.48 RE +.36 -.30 FAT -.012 +.044
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC CEM MILK $EN +2.4 +43 +40 +85 +65 -.40 +.85 +5 -5 +12 +9 +17 +28 +.53 +1.76 $W $F $G $B +22.26 +34.86 +31.99 +8.90 +20.81 +20.34 +59.38 +45.91
Here is a female by Swagger, who is the full brother to the $202,000 Style as well as the dam of lots 1-3. Her dam is a low birth, high carcass female from the famed Primrose cow family.
Selling 20 First Calf Heifer Pairs & 10 Fall Bred Heifers F1 Baldie Angus X Hereford Cross and Purebred Angus - Selling in Groups of Two Head per Lot
20 Commercial First Calf Heifer Pairs
67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76
10 Commercial Fall Bred Heifers
77 78 79 80 81
CED +11
TATTOO: 2802
Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Plattemere Database Erica Lady of Plattemere 187 SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Plattemere H6 3375-B05 Plattemere Queen W762