2022 McBee Cattle Co Fall Selection Day

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Doesn’t seem possible that it has been about 6 months since our Spring SELECTION DAY Sale. Since then, we have had a pretty dry summer and hoping we get some fall rains to help us stockpile for winter feed. I think we have some of the best bred heifers, both Purebred and halfblood we have ever offered.

On August 12, our McBee Genetic Advantage Calf sale was one of the best ones since 2015 prices. Everything seems to be pointing towards really good prices in the near future and we think our January sale will be even better. If you have questions about our calf sale, please let us know. Co-mingling calves of similar genetics into larger groups by size, and reducing the discounts, is really helping the producer with 20 to 50 cows market his calves like the larger producers. Many repeat buyers are buying our calves every sale and we have some interest from producers looking for larger groups of Braunvieh cross open heifers to take home.

One of the things that I don’t think we talk enough about is how our cattle are bred, raised and developed on fescue. When you purchase a bull or female from us, they are definitely fescue tolerant. That may not sound like much unless you bring in some cattle that are not used to fescue and you suffer the consequences. We have been there and done that, as they say, and realize the value in fescue raised cattle. You can take them anywhere in the country and they will do well on any forage that is available, but you cannot do the opposite and bring cattle that are not fescue tolerant to fescue country without it costing you. Very big believer in fescue, we use it, we abuse it, we graze it all seasons of the year, and it comes back for more. Not many forages you can say that about.

We continue to add the information of each dam and sire that we think is important, to our information on each bull and Purebred heifer. BR (birth ratio), WR (weaning ratio) and CI (calving interval) on each dam, should help you evaluate what kind of a job that bull or heifer’s mother has done over her lifetime. We also added Sire Info to the bulls and PB heifers information that should show you how their sires are producing and how much they are being used.

We hope you can join us on October 22, 2022, and as always, if you have a conflict with the date, we would invite you to come anytime prior to the sale to view the cattle. There is a good chance that we can help you on the telephone sale day. Whether you are looking for a bull or bred heifer, just want to visit about cattle or just want to enjoy a McBeef lunch, we would like to have you.

Ron and Teri McBee 221 State Route H • Fayette, Missouri 65248 Cell 573-228-2517 • mcbcattle@aol.com McBEECATTLECOMPANY.COM
- Ron
Grandkids... AUDREY (4) LACY (10) COOPER (6 MOS.)


7th Annual McBee Fall SELECTION DAY will be held at McBee Cattle Company, one mile east of Fayette, MO, at the intersection of Highways 124 and H.


Comfort Inn, Boonville 660-882-5317 Days Inn, Boonville 660-882-8624 Holiday Inn Express, Boonville 660-882-6882

VETERINARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY Howard County Vet Services Dr. Ben Potter, 660-248-3382


See the Bid Procedure Outline on page 4. This sale format has been designed for you, the buyer. There is no pressure to make a quick decision as there is in an auction. This procedure allows you to have a soda, evaluate all the animals in the offering and then place bids on those animals that meet your buying specifications. Later you can return to the pens where you have placed bids on animals to see if anyone else has bid on those animals you want. We definitely do not want any confusion over the bidding and buying procedure. If you have questions or need help, don’t hesitate to ask.


If you have any questions or need assistance in bidding, please let us know. We will have people available to assist you in any way possible. Although we would rather have you attend the sale, if you cannot make it on SELECTION DAY, feel free to call us and make arrangements to look the offering over prior to SELECTION DAY. There will be NO bulls or females sold from the offering prior to SELECTION DAY. However, feel certain that bids left with us, including Sight Unseen Bids, will be handled with the strictest confidence. All Sight Unseen purchases are fully guaranteed to the buyer’s complete satisfaction. If you don’t like the animal when you see it, you don’t own it. We can also help you place your bids over the phone between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm on SELECTION DAY. If you wish to bid over the phone, please contact either Ron McBee (573) 228-2517 or Evan Diehls (573) 999-0651 ahead of the sale.


All bulls are grown and developed on a total mixed ration with hay. A ration of DDGs, corn and ground hay has been used since weaning. No more than 2 lb. of corn per day has been used during the winter. The bull ration is designed to allow the bulls to show their genetic potential for growth. These bulls are hard and will go out and breed cows without melting. We will have the bulls penned in small groups according to base price. The




Ron McBee 573-228-2517


Cuppy 573-263-1850

base price is determined on each animal’s MGR (McBee Growth Ratio), REA ratio, IMF ratio and other additional value we feel the bull will contribute to a set of crossbred calves. If you need any other information on a bull to help you make a decision, don’t hesitate to ask. We want you to be completely comfortable on any bull that you bid on or purchase. A McBee Performance Certificate and a satisfactory BSE and semen test will be furnished on each bull. It is still recommended that each bull be semen checked closer to turn out time to avoid any potential disasters. Any bull that does not sell between 10:00 and 2:00 on SELECTION DAY, will be available to purchase by private treaty after the sale for the average of their base price group.


The truly great performance sires of any breed are often discovered later in life after proving themselves through their progeny. Mistakes are often made when trying to decide whether a bull is worthy of semen collection prior to having progeny. We obviously want to participate in the semen sales from McBee bulls that prove worthy, so we will retain a semen interest in each bull sold. On SELECTION DAY bulls, as well as private treaty bulls, we sell full possession, full salvage value and 1/2 semen interest for all bulls. This means the buyer has full control of the bull, however, McBee Cattle Company will be a 50% partner in any future semen sales. If you sell the bull to another producer or breeder, McBee Cattle Company’s semen interest will be retained. The buyer may purchase 100% semen marketing rights by paying twice the final sale price at the time of purchase. In the event 100% semen rights are purchased in this manner, McBee Cattle Company will retain the right to not more than 100 units of semen for within herd use only. In either instance, we are not retaining the right to collect a bull without the purchaser’s permission and at a time that is convenient for them. Realistically, we expect this to be exercised on only 1% to 2% of the bulls sold.

Please note the bulls in which we are only selling 1/2 possession interest. These bulls will be used naturally by both the buyer and McBee Cattle Company. The initial breeding season will be the choice of the buyer and McBee has the right to use him the other season for two years. After two years, the bull can stay in the buyer’s possession and be used naturally, solely by the buyer. McBee will have the right to collect semen on the bull, at our expense, for our own use. Transportation, semen collection for sale and salvage value and any semen sold on the bull will be divided equally.

22, 2022
• FAYETTE, MISSOURI 9 am......... Bulls & Females Available to View 10 am ...... Base Prices & Bid Sheets Posted 11:30 am .. Teri’s Free Lunch Served 2 pm Bid-Off Begins
Evan Diehls ............


All McBee heifers are grown from weaning on a high fiber, low starch ration on grass. They are rigidly culled on how they perform on our fescue based pastures so those that make the cut will be able to adapt and perform in their new owners’ environment.

All bred heifers in the sale have been pregnancy examined two times. Once 70 days after the first breeding date and once close to sale day. They are guaranteed bred on sale day and up to 30 days after they leave. The new buyer is welcome to have the bred heifers pregnancy examined at their place within 30 days from the sale date.

All of the females are offered to you after they have gone through several culling periods. We have no problem guaranteeing our heifers, FB, PB, HY or BU Influ, to make good cows.

So confident in fact, that we have implemented the McBee Female Milk Guarantee for all of the females we sell. Any female that you purchase from McBee Cattle Company is guaranteed to milk adequately to raise a calf well and to the buyer’s satisfaction. If you purchase a female that does not milk to satisfy you, you contact us and agree to return the heifer or sell her. A credit will be issued to you for the difference of salvage value and the purchase price as a credit towards another purchase.

The heifers will be priced individually and penned according to category and price. Any females that have an * in front of their numbers are being sold as non-recorded females only. All other females will be sold with a McBee Performance Certificate furnished to the new buyer.


Health papers, if necessary, will be provided for the animals to go anywhere in the continental U.S. Necessary TB testing and Trich testing will be performed after the sale, if required. All animals have had proper vaccinations for Blackleg, IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, Lepto and Vibrio. All animals have been dewormed within 60 days of the sale.


We guarantee that all breeding cattle we sell are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If a bull is injured at any time during the first breeding season following the sale, that being defined as 90 days after the first turnout of the bull, so as to make them functionally infertile or unable to breed, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement (if available), or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. All bred heifers carry their own breeding guarantee. Any injured bull needs to be examined and certified by a veterinarian. All credit is good until it is used and does not expire. We would simply ask you to contact us before you cull your infertile or injured animal. This is not a life insurance policy, however. We cannot replace a dead bull or heifer or one that becomes incapacitated resulting from negligence.


Every Fullblood and Purebred bull and female is out of registered parents and are eligible for registration and transfer with the Braunvieh Association of America unless they have an * in front of their number. All eligible animals, Fullblood, Purebred and McBEEF BUILDER Hybrids will be sold with a McBee Performance Certificate (MPC) furnished to the new buyer at no cost. The MPC has all the necessary performance information on that animal. If requested, a BAA registration paper will be transferred at no cost to the buyer on all eligible Fullblood and Purebred bulls and females. BAA registration papers can be provided on eligible McBEEF BUILDER Hybrid cattle, at an additional cost to the buyer, if requested.


1. Register at desk and receive a Buyer’s Number

2. When you want to bid on an animal, put your Buyer Number on the line across from your $ bid on the bid sheet provided on each animal.

3. The first bidder on each animal can make his bid at the base price that is preprinted on each bid sheet.

4. You can record your bid on the bid sheets at any time and as many times as you want between 10 am to 2 pm.

5. On bulls, bids will be taken in $50 increments until the bidding on pens are closed about 2 pm.

On heifers, bids will be taken in $25 increments until the bidding on pens are closed.

6. We will begin closing the bidding on the bull pens starting around 2 pm with Pen 1. Subsequent pens will be closed as we move sequentially through the offering. Any buyers and only those buyers that have bid on an animal in that pen before closing, can then participate in the bid-off after the pen has closed. If needed, additional time will be taken to raise the bid at $100 increments for bulls and $50 increments for heifers. When the bidding stops, the high bidder on each animal is the new owner.

7. After the sales are completed in Pen 1, bidding will close on Pen 2 and the procedure will be repeated. This should allow you to select another animal if you don’t get your first choice.

8. If you were a bidder in any pen, but were not a successful buyer, you may place a bid on an animal in one of the other pens below that before the bidding closes on those. As mentioned above, we will move in numerical order until all bull pens are closed and then the same procedure will apply to the female pens.

9. When the bid sheet on a pen is removed and sent to the clerk’s table, you may settle up for your purchase with the clerk and be ready to load out as soon as an alleyway is cleared.

10. Both Buyer Number and $ Bid must be on corresponding lines on the bid sheet to be counted as a bid.


The reason we use ratios and EPD’s on our bulls is because we feel these are the best available indicators of genetic merit. Actual weights and some other actual performance measurements can tell more about management than genetic value. We have listed actual birth weights because we feel they have some importance as to the size and type of cow the bulls need to be used on. In our program, we have tried to keep birth weights at a moderate level while continuing to improve the growth of our cattle.

We have included as many measures as we believe best describes the genetic differences in our offering. The bulls have been ratioed in two contemporary groups: Purebreds and McBEEF BUILDER HYBRIDS. Obviously, when you ratio a group, half of the group are below the average of the group and half are above the average of the group. We think it more accurately rewards the better half in a larger group than a smaller one. None of our contemporary groups are very big, so some with below average ratios are still pretty good bulls. Please ask if you need other measures or additional information to help you make your selection.



We have listed most of the sires that have a big influence on the genetic base of this offering. Most of the Braunvieh and McBeef Builder Hybrid bulls that we use in our breeding program today, in fact, 85% of them we produced and offered through our SELECTION DAY sales since 2004. Some 1/2 interest bulls have sired calves both in our herd and our customers’. Other bulls that were not selected sale day have been retained in our program and we are now offering their offspring to you after they have gone through our rigid development and culling program, just like their sires did. We think this is proof that the way we measure and select bulls to offer you is working. We also think that they have to be good enough for us to use in our program for us to want to offer them to you. We use what we sell...


MCB MR 5003




trait leader in BW, WW, CEM, STAY, MARB, API



MCBEEF BUILDER F2 3564 6982 F2 HY 49% BC93695 POLLED


16 MAT. 50 API. 125.59

• Breed trait leader in WW, YW, MK, MAT, STAY, CW, MARB, API

• SEL DAY 2018 - MGR 121, REA 105, IMF 116

• Sire F2 3564 SEL DAY - MGR 123, REA 97, IMF 101


trait leader


MCBEEF BUILDER F2 2901 6607 F2 HY 49% P91290 PLD/SCR

CED. 11.7

Breed trait leader in YW, MK, MAT, CEM, STAY, MARB





MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8384 6664 F2 HY 48%


CED. 15.6 BW. -2.3 WW. 48 YW. 70 MK. 13 MAT. 37 API. 126.27

• Breed Trait Leader in CED, BW, CEM, CW, MARB, API

• SEL DAY 2019 - MGR 96, REA 102, IMF 103

Sire F1 558R SEL DAY 2006 - MGR 105, REA 127, IMF 86

PGS F2 2637 SEL DAY 2014 - MGR 112, REA 101, IMF 125 MGS PB 396N SEL DAY 2005 - MGR 104, REA 98, IMF 101


CED. 13.2 BW. -0.3 WW. 54 YW. 74 MK. 8 MAT. 34 API. 129.99

• Breed Trait Leader in CED, BW, CEM, STAY, CW, MARB, API

• Spring SEL DAY 2018 - MGR 105, REA 105, IMF 96 Sire F2 3629 SEL DAY 2015 - MGR 97, REA 100, IMF 105

PGS F1 474P SEL DAY 2005 - MGR 110, REA 107, IMF 115

MGS F1 8521 SEL DAY 2009 - MGR 109, REA 124, IMF 112

119 @ 98


MCBEEF BUILDER F3 4663 7712 F3 HY 54% P93387 POLLED

CED. 10.8

MS HY Service sire group on Hybrid & BUINFLU bred heifers • Made up of Ref. Sire bulls F2 6607 and F2 6664. Used as a multiple sire HY breeding group MSP GROUP Sire of BU INFL Bred Heifers • 5 half brothers, all MCB PB sons of PB 304W • Used in multiple sire breeding pastures MCB FF MR C102 6219 PB 98% PB60854 PLD/SCR CED. 16.7 BW. -1.7 WW. 32 YW. 30 MK. 11 MAT. 28 API 115.22 • Deceased, Breed trait leader in CED, BW, CEM, STAY, API • SEL DAY 2008 - MGR 114, REA 118, IMF 85 Deceased. DAM INFO BR 6 @ 98 WR 5 @ 96 CI 6 @NA SIRE INFO BR 311 @ 99 WR 272 @ 100 MCB MR 304W 2041 8111 PB 94% PB95839 POLLED CED. 9.8 BW. -0.8 WW. 46 YW. 66 MK. 12 MAT. 35 API. 119.75 • Breed trait leader in WW, YW, MAT, STAY, CW, REA, API • Sp SEL DAY 2020 - MRG 108, REA 102, IMF 115 DAM INFO BR 7 @ 105 WR 6 @ 104 CI 7 @ 429 SIRE INFO BR 177 @ 99 WR 172 @ 99
F2 474P 3629 F2 HY 60% BC84147 POLLED CED. 11.6 BW. -0.8 WW. 56 YW. 70 MK. 6 MAT. 34 API. 124.28 • Breed
• SEL DAY 2015
MGR 97, REA 100, IMF 105; Sire F1 474P, SEL DAY 2005
MGR 110, REA 107, IMF 115 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 95 WR 6 @ 100 CI 6 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 131 @ 98 WR 116 @ 99
10.8 BW. 0.9 WW. 67 YW. 96 MK.
DAM INFO BR 5 @ 103 WR 4 @ 108 CI 5 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 24 @ 100 WR 22 @ 103
BW. 0.2 WW. 55 YW. 82 MK. 20 MAT. 48 API.136.66 •
86, REA 101, IMF 117 Sire F1 2901,
DAY 2013
140, REA 103, IMF 100 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 103 WR 4 @ 112 CI 5 @ 383 DA SIRE INFO BR 14 @ 100 WR 11 @ 105
P91249 POLLED CED. 15.2 BW. -2.2 WW. 58 YW. 88 MK. 16 MAT. 45 API. 143.38 • Breed trait leader in CED, BW, WW, YW, MK, MAT, CEM, STAY, CW, MARB • SEL DAY 2018 - MGR 95, REA 100, IMF 128 DAM INFO BR 11 @ 90 WR 11 @ 100 CI 11 @ 477 DA SIRE INFO BR 77 @ 98 WR 73 @ 101 4Z MR 310Z F1 HY 72% BC81289 POLLED CED. 9.0 BW. 2.6 WW. 81 YW. 107 MK. 8 MAT. 48 API. 112.30 • Breed trait leader in WW, YW, MAT, CW, REA • Owned with Bean Cattle Co., AL DAM INFO BR 7 @ 106 WR 6 @ 105 CI 8 @ 360 DA SIRE INFO BR 217 @ 99 WR 176 @ 99 MCB MR 310Z 3150 7126 7/8 84% BC93416 POLLED CED. 11.4 BW. 1.4 WW. 66 YW. 84 MK. 14 MAT. 47 API. 106.98 • Breed trait leader in WW, YW, MAT, REA • SEL DAY 2019 - MGR 115, REA 127, IMF 100 • Owned with Bean Cattle Co, AL DAM INFO BR 6 @ 99 WR 5 @ 104 CI 6 @ 374 DA SIRE INFO BR 190 @ 102 WR 158 @ 101 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET PB 95% PB42127 POLLED CED. 15.5 BW. 0.9 WW. 50 YW. 62 MK. -1 MAT. 24 API. 99.00 • Deceased, Breed trait leader in CED, CEM REA DAM INFO BR 17 @ 100 WR 16 @ 99 CI ET DONOR SIRE INFO BR 286 @ 100 WR 277 @ 99
2129 7013 PB 92% PB93309
CED. 14.8 BW. -0.8 WW. 46 YW. 66 MK. 12 MAT. 35 API. 119.75 • Breed trait leader in CED, BW, API • SEL DAY 2018 - MRG 122, REA 100, IMF 104 • Owned with Bean Cattle Co, AL DAM INFO BR 4 @ 100 WR 2 @ 99 CI 4 @NA SIRE INFO BR 457 @ 97 WR 366 @ 99 ANGUS SIRES DCA TEN X 623 18648965 CED. 8.0 BW. 1.1 WW. 64 YW. 125 MK. 34 $EN. -31 $C. 276 CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 17031465 CED. 17.0 BW. -3.5 WW. 46 YW. 90 MK. 29 $EN. 9.0 $C. 226
310Z 4655 F2 HY 60%
CED. 10.6 BW. 0.6 WW. 57 YW. 82 MK. 10 MAT. 38 API. 123.06 • Breed
in YW, MK, MAT, CEM, STAY, MARB • SEL DAY 2016 - MGR 117, REA 113, IMF 82 Owned with Swanson Farms, Mo DAM INFO BR 14 @ 100 WR 15 @ 100 CI 15 @ 365 SIRE INFO BR 206 @ 101 WR 176 @ 101
DAM INFO BR 2 @ 92 WR 2 @ 97 CI 2 @ 623 DA SIRE INFO BR 80 @ 99 WR 71 @ 98
DAM INFO BR 6 @ 100 WR 6 @ 97 CI 6 @ 401 DA SIRE INFO BR
WR 107 @
BW. -0.2 WW. 62 YW. 91 MK. 17 MAT. 48 API. 128.80 • Breed Trait Leader in BW, WW, YW, MK, MAT, STAY, CW, MARB, API • Fall 2018 SEL DAY - MGR 119, REA 119, IMF 100 • Owned by Swanson Farms, Mo Sire F2 4663 SEL DAY 2016 - MGR 105, REA 127, IMF 89 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 98 WR 5 @ 102 CI 5 @ 364 DA SIRE INFO BR 46 @ 101 WR 43 @ 100 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 Z29 8541 F1 HY 43% BC95483 POLLED CED. 8.0 BW. 1.7 WW. 75 YW. 122 MK. 17 MAT. 55 API. 134.43 • Breed Trait Leader in WW, YW, MK, MAT, CW, REA, MARB, API • Fall SEL DAY 2019 - MGR 126, REA 114, IMF 109 • Owned with Double L Braunvieh, Mo MGS FB 7205 SEL DAY 2008 -- MGR 117, REA 102, IMF 122 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 109 WR 3 @ 112 CI 5 @ 586 DA SIRE INFO BR 3 @ 104 WR 3 @ 111


Being involved in the beef business in one way or another all of our lives, we have had experience with two other purebred breeds, commercial cow/calf production, fed cattle in the feedlots and backgrounding stocker cattle for ourselves and others. We have had experience since 1982 with cell grazing, and our operation now consists of 2750 acres of fescue based pasture in over 230 paddocks with 8 miles of underground waterline and 80 tire water tanks. All of this to manage 600 cows and to develop 200 heifers and around 120 bulls every year. Our registered and commercial cattle are all handled and culled the same way. The McBee program is based on a balanced approach to genetic selection, not chasing maximum production for a single trait. Our cattle are measured and ratioed in contemporary groups for genetic progress, instead of actual weights and measures to see how good of a feeding job we do.

We have never been accused of not thinking outside the box and for all of these reasons, in 1992 we selected Braunvieh to advance our beef production program. Most breeds of cattle give us the benefit of either/or, either maternal performance with good females OR feedlot/carcass quality with above average cutability. Braunvieh cattle have proven themselves to offer the best of both worlds. They have unmatched female performance (from halfbloods to fullbloods); the best cows we have ever had. Unchallenged feedlot and carcass quality has been proven time and time again. For those that are still selling pounds, Braunvieh bulls have shown unequalled total pound of calf per cow exposed.

From the very beginning of our Braunvieh program, we knew we had the right cattle. We were also aware that the marketing process, through traditional marketing channels, would pose a challenge to maximize dollars for our calves as well as our customers’ calves. Thus, the McBee Calf Roundup was born in 1992 and we began grouping and marketing our customers’ production in truck load lots, regardless of color. In 2010, we introduced the McBee Genetic Advantage Program (MGAP), a genetic source verified program to continue to increase the potential for additional dollars to our customers’ bottom line.

Of all the cattle that we have experienced over the years, Braunvieh is the breed with the fewest faults and the one that is poised to help producers maximize their hybrid vigor on their black commercial cows. With our many Customer Service programs, there leaves you very little reason not to try a Braunvieh bull or female. We are continuing to look for ways to help our customers maximize profit. Go to www.McBeeCattleCompany.com for more information.

* Animal is out of at least one undocumented parent

% Actual percentage Braunvieh blood in the bull or female

H,P,S Horned, Polled or Scurred status

BW Actual birth wt.

REA% Average ratio for the bull’s total ribeye area and his ribeye per CW

IMF% Intramuscular fat (marbling) ratio

MGR McBee Growth Ratio: indexing ratio to compare the growth potential of the bulls during the grow-out phase from weaning to a year of age.

SC Scrotal circumference in centimeters; a good indicator of fertility and early maturity.

FR Frame Score. Too many bulls are discriminated against because of a .5” mistake in the hip measurement. Our frame indications are (S)Small, (M)Medium and (L)Large.

Wt. Projected Sale Day weight

CE Calving ease score assigned to each birth on the ranch.

1= no assistance, 2 = a little help, 3 = a lot of help, 4 = c-section

AI Bred by artificial insemination

API Multi breed index made up of 11 traits balanced for a $ value

NA Naturally bred by a bull

MS Could be sired by multiple sires

FB Fullblood Braunvieh

PB Purebred Braunvieh

HY F1, F2 or F3

BUInfl Halfblood heifers born from crossbred cows and MS PB bulls

PBMS Multiple PB sires used in one pasture

PBAN Multiple PB and AN sires used in one pasture

HYMS Multiple HY sires used in one pasture

F1 In our case, is a hybrid resulting from mating PB Braunvieh and PB Angus

F2 In our case, is a hybrid resulting from mating F1 Hybrid and F1 Hybrid

F3 In our case, is a hybrid resulting from mating F2 Hybrid and F2 Hybrid

BR Birth ratio, how many births from a dam and how their birth wts compare to the rest of the herd

WR Wean ratio, how many calves weaned and how their weaning wts compare to the rest of the herd

CI Calving interval, number of days between calving



SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 FAYETTE, MO 7PUREBREDS 100 102 101 103 Selling 1/2 interest, 1/2 possession. Purebred polled son of PB 3111, SEL DAY 2015, MGR 128, REA 108, IMF 92, selling to Tim Lipke in MN., then to Daniel Roberts, KY. This bull is 19.58% linebred back to both grandsires being out of PB 304W and both granddams out of FB C102. Top 15% WW, 25% YW, CEM, 20% MAT, 10% STAY, REA This bull looks the part and has the background to make serious progress. 100 MCB MR 3111 2131 1024 BD. 3/5/21 • REG. P102938 • TATTOO. 1024 VISTA 4Z 304W ET MCB MR 304W 105P 3111 MCB MS C102 105P VISTA 4Z 304W ET MCB MS 304W 5110 2131 MCB MS C102 5110 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 97 P 82 106 98 122 40 M+ 1400 $3500 CED 11.3 BW 1.6 WW 63 YW 86 CEM 5.4 MILK 12 MAT 11.5 API 119 DAM INFO BR 7 @ 99 WR 6 @ 99 CI 7 @ 399 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 34 @ 99 WR 23 @ 101 PB polled son of PB 8111, SEL DAY Spring 2020, MGR 108, REA 102, IMF 115 This bull’s dam, PB 4643, is a rare combo of HY 310Z and PB Polled Precision 7L and is top 1% for both WW and YW. Top 1% WW, 3% YW, MAT, REA, 20% STAY, CW. Top performing growth bull here with lots of top maternal in his background. 101 MCB MR 8111 4643 1027 BD. 3/2/21 • REG. P102949 • TATTOO. 1027 VISTA 4Z 304W ET MCB MR 304W 2041 8111 MCB MS 573R 03L 2041 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCB MS 310Z 4008P 4643 MCB MS 7L 4008P % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 88 P 88 107 110 113 38.5 M+ 1400 $3500 CED 8.2 BW 3.4 WW 79 YW 109 CEM 3.1 MILK 13 MAT 9.6 API 117 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 108 WR 3 @ 108 CI 5 @ 415 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 15 @ 102 WR 15 @ 99 Another Purebred son of PB 8111, half brother to Lot 101. His dam, PB 4034, is by our heifer bull PB 6219 and has been a top producer of F1 offspring in our Hybrid program. This bull is top 10% WW, MK, REA, 20% YW, 5% MAT, 25% CEM.
MCB MR 8111 4034 1026 BD. 3/19/21 • REG. P102948 • TATTOO. 1026 VISTA 4Z 304W ET MCB MR 304W 2041 8111 MCB MS 573R 03L 2041 MCB FF MR C102 6219 MCB MS 6219 1015 4034 MCB MS 573R 7131 1015 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 95 H 84 110 129 100 39.5 M+ 1270 $3500 CED 10.4 BW 2.2 WW 66 YW 88 CEM 5.6 MILK 18 MAT 11.0 API 118 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 102 WR 5 @ 107 CI 5 @ 371 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 15 @ 102 WR 15 @ 99 PB son of PB Basic Beef 11L, a mainstay of our PB polled program, he is the sire of our herd sires HY 310Z, PB 304W and PB 0104, SEL DAY Fall 2021, MGR 141, REA 107, IMF 90. This bull’s dam, PB 9402, is out of our heifer bull, PB 6219, and will have a useable calf no matter what the sire. Top 15% CED, 10% CEM. Good ratios across the board. Several half brothers in the offering. 103 MCB MR 11L 9402 1034 BD. 2/25/21 • REG. P103006 • TATTOO. 1034 SILVER BULLET 5549 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z CHLOE PLD ET MCB FF MR C102 6219 TEB MS 6219 9402 MCB MS 5003 A504R % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 96 S 84 101 105 115 39.5 M+ 1320 $3500 CED 13.6 BW 0.4 WW 43 YW 56 CEM 7.5 MILK 8 MAT 9.4 API 111 DAM INFO BR 8 @ 99 WR 8 @ 103 CI 10 @ 432 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 217 @ 99 WR 176 @ 99


McBEE CATTLE COMPANY ANNUAL FALL SELECTION DAY8 105 107 106 Another PB polled son of PB Basic Beef 11L, half brother to Lots 103, 108, 109, 110 and 113. He is top 25% CED, 15% CEM, REA, 20% STAY. His dam, PB 3103 is one of our top producing PB Polled Plus daughters out of a FB C102 cow. Good maternal combo on this polled, good growth bull. 106 MCB MR 11L 3103 1025 BD. 3/1/21 • REG. P102939 • TATTOO. 1025 SILVER BULLET 5549 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z CHLOE PLD ET GLB POLLED PLUS 5003 (NC) ET MCB MS 5003 03L 3103 FF MISS 03L % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 95 P 80 102 94 105 39 M 1308 $3250 CED 13.3 BW 0.9 WW 53 YW 72 CEM 6.7 MILK 7 MAT 10.4 API 117 DAM INFO BR 6 @ 97 WR 5 @ 101 CI 6 @ 403 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 217 @ 99 WR 176 @ 99 Another PB polled son of PB Basic Beef 11L who has had 233 head of recorded offspring since 2004. Out of PB 2017, a PB 573R x Depthcharge cow that has done the right job for a ten year old. Longevity and heterosis in a double polled package. 107 MCB MR 11L 2017 1022 BD. 2/27/21 • REG. P102934 • TATTOO. 1022 SILVER BULLET 5549 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z CHLOE PLD ET MCB MR F6193 573R MCB MS 573R 141N 2017 MCB MISS 141N % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 97 P 84 95 100 98 33 M 1220 $3000 CED 11.4 BW 1.4 WW 55 YW 74 CEM 6.1 MILK 6 MAT 8.8 API 109 DAM INFO BR 6 @ 95 WR 6 @ 97 CI 8 @ 419 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 217 @ 99 WR 176 @ 99 PB polled/scurred son of our heifer bull PB 7013. Out of a first calf heifer, PB 8114, daughter of PB 5119. Top 25% CED, CEM, 20% REA. Potential heifer bull here with some grow in him. 105 MCB MR 7013 8114 1029 BD. 2/15/21 • REG. P103029 • TATTOO. 1029 GLB POLLED PLUS 5003 (NC) ET MCB MR 5003 2129 7013 MCB MS 304W 4036P 2129 MCB MR 304W 4044P 5119 MCB MS 5119 2133 8114 MCB MS 6219 6116 2133 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 94 S 78 94 116 96 36 M+ 1220 $3250 CED 12.8 BW 0.7 WW 55 YW 76 CEM 6.0 MILK 13 MAT 9.3 API 116 DAM INFO BR 1 @ 101 WR 1 @ 106 CI 1 @ 1ST CALF SIRE INFO BR 32 @ 97 WR 23 @ 99 PB polled son of 7/8 7126, SEL DAY 2019, MGR 115, REA 127, IMF 100. His dam is PB 7014 who is by PB 314Z, sired by PB 11L. Good ratios on this bull. Top 10% WW, REA, 15% YW, 5% MK, 4% MAT. Good growth, moderate birth wt. Will add lots of pounds in a crossbreeding program.
MCB MR 7126 7014 1021 BD. 3/15/21 • REG. P102966 • TATTOO. 1021 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCB MR 310Z 3150 7126 MCB MS 304W 9020 3150 4Z MR 314Z PLD ET MCB MS 314Z 1015 7014 MCB MS 573R 7131 1015 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 89 P 78 122 112 109 37 M 1300 $3250 CED 10.4 BW 1.8 WW 66 YW 88 CEM 5.2 MILK 19 MAT 8.9 API 113 DAM INFO BR 2 @ 102 WR 2 @ 112 CI 2 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 21 @ 101 WR 18 @ 100


Crossbreeding has long been proven that it will make commercial cow/calf operations more efficient and thereby more profitable. By crossing two pure breeds, making an F1 hybrid, an additive effect takes place to increase weaning weights by 10 to 15%. There are also other benefits that add to the bottom line including cow longevity, breed back ability and total pounds of calf weaned per cow.

Although there are definite, measureable benefits to the 3 way terminal cross system (making F1 females and breeding them to a bull of a 3rd breed) the planning and implementing of this program can be very difficult and cumbersome for the cow/calf operation. How many management groups you have to have and which breed of bull to put in what pasture with which cows to keep the 3 way cross going are just a few of the decisions that have to be made.

There is a much simpler way. Documented research shows the use of two hybrid animals in a breeding program producing 2nd generation F1 calves (called F2’s in our program) to be similar in maintaining the same level of hybrid vigor as 1st generation F1 calves. This simply means that using Hybrid bulls on a set of crossbred or hybrid cows will generally produce as much hybrid vigor as the crossing of two straight bred animals without the complications of a 3 breed rotation system.

Since 2002, we at McBee Cattle Company have been producing a Braunvieh/Angus Hybrid animal to help our commercial customers simplify their breeding and production programs. Called the McBEEF BUILDER Hybrid, they are made from our best Purebred and Fullblood Braunvieh cows mated to some of the best Angus genetics we can find that fit our specs, through both natural breeding and artificial insemination. In fact, we have some Purebred cows in the herd that have produced the top indexing bull in the Purebred group one year and the top McBEEF BUILDER Hybrid bull the next year. In our Hybrid program, we feel it is important to continue to make our cattle more uniform and consistent in the good traits. From our experience so far, we think we are on the right track by using our best F1 bulls on our F1 females to make 2nd generation F1 hybrids ( we call F2’s). We are now getting more 3rd generation hybrid calves to compare and they are certainly uniform and consistent enough to make us want to continue.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 FAYETTE, MO 9HYBRIDS 108 Polled PB son of polled PB Basic Beef 11L. His dam is another PB 573R x FB C102 cow that has been her for a long time. He is top 15% CED, 10% STAY. One of the better sets of uniform ratios on this bull with the #2 IMF. 108 MCB MR 11L 8147 1033 BD. 2/27/21 • REG. P102993 • TATTOO. 1033 SILVER BULLET 5549 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z CHLOE PLD ET MCB MR F6193 573R MCB MS 573R 8147 MCB MISS 398N % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 96 S 74 107 120 109 36 M+ 1350 $3000 CED 13.5 BW -0.1 WW 50 YW 66 CEM 7.6 MILK 6 MAT 7.9 API 111 DAM INFO BR 8 @ 98 WR 8 @ 100 CI 8 @ 544 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 217 @ 99 WR 176 @ 99 7/8 son of polled PB 8111. Half brother to Lots 101 and 102. His dam, HY F1 2124, is by HY F1 8384 out of a FB DepthCharge cow. This bull is top 5% WW, 10% YW, 25% MAT, CW, REA, 15% STAY. 109 MCB MR 8111 2124 1023 BD. 3/10/21 • REG. P102936 • TATTOO. 1023 VISTA 4Z 304W ET MCB MR 304W 2041 8111 MCB MS 573R 03L 2041 VB F1 481M H420 8384 MCB MS 8018 376N 2124 MCB MISS 376N % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE 83 H 95 108 119 110 41 M+ 1360 $3000 CED 6.6 BW 4.2 WW 69 YW 98 CEM 1.4 MILK 9 MAT 11.1 API 115 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 109 WR 6 @ 93 CI 6 @ 479 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 15 @ 102 WR 15 @ 99
McBEE CATTLE COMPANY ANNUAL FALL SELECTION DAY10 150 152 151 153 Selling 1/2 interest, 1/2 possession. Polled/scurred F3 son of F2 1518. One of the last Hybrid bulls we purchased from the Vista program, he has really put some cattle on the ground with depth, volume, thickness and doability. This bull is top 1% WW, 3% YW, 4% MAT, 25% CEM, REA, 5% CW, 15% MARB, 25% API. His dam is by F1 310Z out of the F1 2245 cow, the dam of herd bulls. Possession can be negotiated 150 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 1518 1529 BD. 2/26/21 • REG. P102956 • TATTOO. 1529 VISTA 4Z MR 309U VISTA F2 NB U309 9393 1518 VB F1 481M G543 9393 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 5646 MCBEEF BUILDER 3 2245 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 53 S 88 111 109 122 39.5 L- 1660 $3500 CED 10.5 BW 1.8 WW 77 YW 108 CEM 6.3 MILK 14 MAT 7.0 API 125 DAM INFO BR 4 @ 108 WR 4 @ 111 CI 4 @ 423 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 108 @ 98 WR 100 @ 102 Polled F2 son of F1 310Z. He is top 4% WW, 10% YW, REA, 25% CEM, 20% STAY, CW, API. His dam, F2 5514, has a calf every 360 days and is sired by F1 474P, SEL DAY 2005, MGR 110, REA 107, IMF 115. Top ratios across the board in this highly predictable, pound maker F2. 151 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 1530 BD. 2/24/21 • REG. P102953 • TATTOO. 1530 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z MR 310Z PLD 4Z MISS 1N ET MCBEEF BUILDER F1 474P MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 5514 MCBEEF BUILDER 375N % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 66 P 84 105 106 124 39 M+ 1584 $3500 CED 10.4 BW 1.0 WW 70 YW 98 CEM 5.7 MILK 7 MAT 9.8 API 125 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 101 WR 3 @ 98 CI 5 @ 360 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 206 @ 101 WR 176 @ 101 Another polled F3 son of F2 1518, half brother to Lot 150. He is top 20% WW, API, 15% YW, 25% CEM, 10% CW, MARB. Look at this bull for pounds, consistency and longevity bred in. 152 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 1518 1531 BD. 3/1/21 • REG. P102965 • TATTOO. 1531 VISTA 4Z MR 309U VISTA F2 NB U309 9393 1518 VB F1 481M G543 9393 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 6647 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8384 1606 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 53 P 80 111 102 118 36 M+ 1416 $3500 CED 11.3 BW 0.5 WW 61 YW 93 CEM 6.0 MILK 8 MAT 7.8 API 126 DAM INFO BR 2 @ 102 WW 2 @ 84 CI 3 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 108 @ 98 WW 100 @ 102 A lower percentage F1 polled/scurred son of AN 623. This bull is top 25% CED, 15% BW, 10% WW, 3% YW, MK, MAT, API, 10% CEM, 1% CW, MARB. Good numbers and top ratios. His dam MARB, 10% CEM, 5% STAY. His sire is top 25% WW, 20% STAY, MARB. Growth with moderate birth in a larger frame package. 153 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 623 2602 1708 BD. 3/22/21 • REG. P103018 • TATTOO. 1708 A A R TEN X 7008 S A DCA TEN X 623 CHAIR ROCK G A R 9055 BRAUNVIEH BULL MCBEEF BUILDER F1 MS 2602 COMMERCIAL COW % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F1 25 S 82 103 107 119 32 L- 1580 $3500 CED 13.3 BW -0.9 WW 66 YW 107 CEM 8.4 MILK 21 MAT 5.4 API 142 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 93 WR 4 @ 100 CI 5 @ 367 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 17 @ 102 WR 15 @ 104


F2 son of F1 8541, Fall SELECTION DAY 2019, MGR 126, REA 114, IMF 109.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 FAYETTE, MO 11HYBRIDS 154 156 155 157 F2 polled son of F2 4655, Sp SEL DAY 2016, MGR 117, REA 113, IMF 82. He is top 25% WW, 15% YW, CW, API, 20% STAY, 10% MARB. His dam, F1 7428, is a top CED and BW dam and is top 3% API. Very nice ratios on this bull. 154 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 4655 7428 1710 BD. 3/31/21 • REG. P104252 • TATTOO. 1710 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 4655 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 5176 RAB 1407-481M VB F1 481M K417 7428 VISTA U400 H427 K417 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 55 P 90 104 109 117 39 M+ 1512 $3500 CED 10.7 BW 0.4 WW 60 YW 90 CEM 5.2 MILK 7 MAT 10.5 API 130 DAM INFO BR 6 @ 95 WR 5 @ 96 CI NA SIRE INFO BR 47 @ 99 WR 43 @ 99 Polled F3 son of F2 3629, SEL DAY 2005, MGR 97, REA 100, IMF 105. He has been used AI on several hundred heifers very successfully, that have been marketed in past SELEC TION DAYS. This bull has been a standout since birth and is top 4% WW, 10% YW, 15% MAT, STAY, MARB, API. Good one. 155 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 3629 1527 BD. 2/26/21 • REG. P102978 • TATTOO. 1527 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 474P MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 3629 MCB MISS R457 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 4663 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 4663 7702 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 0509 3526 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 57 P 86 117 101 97 37 M+ 1454 $3500 CED 10.0 BW 1.4 WW 70 YW 96 CEM 5.7 MILK 13 MAT 11.4 API 131 DAM INFO BR 3 @ 110 WR 3 @ 113 CI 3 @ 369 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 119 @ 98 WR 107 @ 99 Polled/scur
This bull is top 4% WW, MAT, MARB, API, 3% YW, CW, 10% MK, 20% STAY, DOC, REA. His dam, F2 8802, is a top producing daughter of F2 1518. Look at the numbers on this one.
MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8541 1526 BD. 3/9/21 • REG. P104248 • TATTOO. 1526 S S NIAGARA Z29 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 Z29 8541 MCB MS 7205 8522 1084 VISTA F2 NB U309 9393 1518 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 1518 8802 VISTA F1 AD T2022 N05 1430 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 45 S 75 96 118 101 37 M+ 1432 $3500 CED 11.5 BW -0.1 WW 70 YW 108 CEM 4.5 MILK 18 MAT 10.4 API 140 DAM INFO BR 2 @ 92 WR 2 @ 107 CI 2 @ 388 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 13 @ 104 WR 13 @ 103 Another polled/scur F3 son of the F2 3629 bull. This bull is top 25% BW,YW,CEM, 3% STAY, 15% MARB, 10% API and is a doublebred F1 474P son, SEL DAY 2005, MGR 110, REA 107, IMF 115. This bull is in the top half of the sale for a reason. 157 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 3629 1533 BD. 2/27/21 • REG. P102954 • TATTOO. 1533 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 474P MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 3629 MCB MISS R457 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 474P MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 5520 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 7610 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 59 S 78 103 93 96 42 M+ 1378 $3500 CED 11.3 BW -0.3 WW 59 YW 80 CEM 6.4 MILK 6 MAT 12.7 API 133 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 102 WR 5 @ 96 CI 5 @ 369 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 119 @ 98 WR 107 @ 99
McBEE CATTLE COMPANY ANNUAL FALL SELECTION DAY12 158 160 159 161 Another polled/scur F1 son of F1 8541. A half brother to Lot 156, this bull is top 20% WW,15% YW,REA, 4% CW, 3% MARB, 25% API. His dam, PB 7132, is on track to be one of our good PB 306Z daughters. Good growth numbers on this one. 158 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8541 1525 BD. 3/8/21 • REG. P102970 • TATTOO. 1525 S S NIAGARA Z29 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 Z29 8541 MCB MS 7205 8522 1084 4Z MR 306Z PLD ET MCB MS 306Z 6207 7132 MCB MS M-S 6207 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F1 45 S 90 102 98 114 36.5 M+ 1446 $3250 CED 7.9 BW 2.1 WW 62 YW 94 CEM 1.9 MILK 10 MAT 7.3 API 124 DAM INFO BR 2 @ 105 WR 2 @ 9 CI 2 @ 372 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 13 @ 104 WR 13 @ 103 Another polled/scur F3 son of F2 3629. Good ratios across the board and in the top 15% STAY, and API. His dam, F2 4702, is top 10% WW, YW, MARB, 15% STAY, CW and 5% API. She is also having a calf every 356 days. Dollar producer here. 159 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 3629 4702 1725 BD. 2/25/21 • REG. P103014 • TATTOO. 1725 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 474P MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 3629 MCB MISS R457 MCB TEB MR F1 4407M 2901 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 2901 4702 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 0632 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 57 S 84 112 110 102 35.5 M+ 1370 $3250 CED 11.2 BW 0.4 WW 58 YW 80 CEM 6.3 MILK 7 MAT 10.8 API 130 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 98 WR 4 @ 98 CI 5 @ 356 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 119 @ 98 WR 107 @ 99 Polled/scur F1 son of AN 623, he is top 2% WW,CW, 1% YW, 10% MK, API, 3% MAT, MARB. His dam, PB 0208, is an own daughter of PB Polled Plus, the sire of lots of good producing females in the breed. Ratios that point to growth on this bull, MGR and REA. 160 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 623 0208 1830 BD. 3/6/21 • REG. P104362 • TATTOO. 1830 A A R TEN X 7008 S A DCA TEN X 623 CHAIR ROCK G A R 9055 GLB POLLED PLUS 5003 (NC) ET MCB MS 8121 5003 0208 MCB MS 28P 8121 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F1 48 S 96 115 95 106 35.5 M+ 1454 $3250 CED 9.7 BW 3.3 WW 74 YW 122 CEM 5.2 MILK 17 MAT 9.3 API 134 DAM INFO BR 4 @ 105 WR 4 @ 100 CI NA SIRE INFO BR 17 @ 102 WR 15 @ 104 Another F2 polled/scur F2 310Z son that is top 10% WW, MAT, CW, REA, 15% YW, MK. His dam F1 2609, is top 20% BW, 2% MK, 5% CW, 10% MARB. Good growth numbers here sired by one of our top growth Hybrid bulls. 161 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 2609 1709 BD. 2/24/21 • REG. P103020 • TATTOO. 1709 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z MR 310Z PLD 4Z MISS 1N ET BRAUNVIEH BULL MCBEEF BUILDER F1 MS 2609A COMMERCIAL COW % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 61 S 96 120 117 103 41 M+ 1492 $3250 CED 8.1 BW 2.5 WW 66 YW 91 CEM 4.0 MILK 16 MAT 5.3 API 110 DAM INFO BR 4 @ 100 WR 4 @ 101 CI 4 @ 490 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 206 @ 101 WR 176 @ 101
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 FAYETTE, MO 13HYBRIDS 162 164 165 Polled son of F2 4655, half brother to Lots 154 and 164. This bull is top 25% CED, 20% BW, CW, 10% STAY, API, 15% MARB. His dam, F2 2635, is top in 8 EPD traits including top 4% API. She is also the dam of half interest bull, F3 0742, Lot 150 in Fall SEL DAY 2021, MGR 123, REA 107, IMF 102. 162 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 4655 2635 1726 BD. 3/19/21 • REG. P104251 • TATTOO. 1726 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 4655 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 5176 VB F1 481M H420 8384 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8384 2635 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 5176 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 54 P 74 103 93 90 35 M 1260 $3000 CED 12.6 BW -0.6 WW 56 YW 83 CEM 5.1 MILK 12 MAT 11.7 API 133 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 101 WR 5 @ 99 CI 5 @ 415 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 47 @ 99 WR 43 @ 99 Polled/scurred F1 bull sired by AN 623. Half brother to Lots 153 and 160. He is top 3% WW, 2% YW, MAT, CW, 4% MK, 10% CEM, API, 5% MARB. His dam, FB 9020, has had a calf every 387 days since she was a 2 yr old. She is now in our embryo program and is being flushed to both FB and PB polled bulls. 163 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 623 1528 BD. 3/16/21 • REG. P103001 • TATTOO. 1528 A A R TEN X 7008 S A DCA TEN X 623 CHAIR ROCK G A R 9055 FF MR 126L MCB MS 126L 9020 MCB MISS 151N % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F1 50 S 80 105 98 99 35 M 1386 $3000 CED 11.7 BW 1.4 WW 71 YW 111 CEM 7.4 MILK 19 MAT 8.8 API 134 DAM INFO BR 10 @ 105 WR 9 @ 105 CI 10 @ 387 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 17 @ 102 WR 15 @ 104 F2 polled son of F2 4655 who is top 25% CED, CEM, 15% BW, MARB, 10% STAY, 20% API. His dam, F1 5164, is a daughter of our original Angus bull we used in our F1 program. He left us many good daughters including this cow. Moderate birth wt in this F2 polled bull. 164 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 4655 1532 BD. 3/24/21 • REG. P104240 • TATTOO. 1532 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 4655 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 5176 O C C MAJOR LEAGUE 650M MCBEEF BUILDER F1 5164 MCB MISS 268M % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 52 P 75 104 100 95 36.5 M+ 1272 $3000 CED 13.1 BW -0.8 WW 44 YW 62 CEM 6.1 MILK 14 MAT 11.5 API 128 DAM INFO BR 10 @ 101 WR 10 @ 101 CI 10 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 47 @ 99 WR 43 @ 99 Polled/scur son of F1 8384, who has produced some of the top selling HY bulls in past SEL DAYs. This bull is top 15% CED, 10% BW, 20% STAY, MARB, API. His dam, F1 3515, is by AN 650H, a bull that we used on heifers and she is top 4% CED, 2% BW. This bull could be a bonifide heifer bull. 165 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8384 3515 1727 BD. 2/19/21 • REG. P103010 • TATTOO. 1727 RAB 1407-481M VB F1 481M H420 8384 VISTA CONCHITA C313 H420 ET O C C HOMER 650H MCBEEF BUILDER F1 650H 3515 MCB MS 7135 7205 0221 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 50 S 75 91 108 111 36 M+ 1370 $3000 CED 14.0 BW -1.8 WW 42 YW 66 CEM 3.8 MILK 11 MAT 10.4 API 128 DAM INFO BR 5 @ 98 WR 5 @ 94 CI 5 @ 359 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 84 @ 98 WR 80 @ 100 We Use What We Sell... 85% OF THE PB AND HY REFERENCE SIRES ON PAGE 5 WERE TESTED, MEASURED, CULLED AND OFFERED IN PREVIOUS SELECTION DAY SALES.



There are close to 300 bull calves born at McBee Cattle Company every year. After growing, developing, measuring and ratioing 100 to 120 of them, then and only then do we market 70 to 80 of them as breeding bulls to our customers and are proud to help some of them market their calves from these bulls.

The extra 20 to 40 of them that don’t measure up, get culled. That is around 25% of our bull crop that get used as breeding bulls. Not every boy calf should grow up to be a bull.

McBEE CATTLE COMPANY ANNUAL FALL SELECTION DAY14 Another polled/scur F3 son of F3 6640, Spring SEL DAY 2018, MGR 105, REA 105, IMF 96. Half brother to Lot 167. His dam, F2 8822, is a young F1 310Z daughter that is on track to be a good one. 166
BUILDER F3 6640 8822 1820 BD. 3/22/21 • REG. P103030 • TATTOO. 1820 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 3629 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 3629 6640 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8521 0641 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 8822 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 MS 2618A % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 58 S 76 106 117 95 39 M 1280 $3000 CED 12.1 BW -0.3 WW 52 YW 72 CEM 6.3 MILK 11 MAT 9.0 API 122 DAM INFO BR 2 @ 91 WR 2 @ 103 CI 2 @ 366 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 58 @ 98 WR 52 @ 99 Polled/scurred son of F3 6640, half brother to Lot 166. This bull is above average in 7 out of 11 traits compared to all non-parent bulls in the breed. His dam, F2 7615, has proven herself many times. She is 15 years old and has one of our better calving intervals. Longev ity and maternal bred in. 167 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 6640 1535 BD. 3/27/21 • REG. P102976 • TATTOO. 1535 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 474P 3629 MCBEEF BUILDER F3 3629 6640 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 8521 0641 MR RIVER HILLS M2323 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 7615 MCB MS 013K % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F3 50 S 80 94 132 96 38 M+ 1380 $3000 CED 12.2 BW -0.2 WW 57 YW 75 CEM 6.5 MILK 9 MAT 9.1 API 129 DAM INFO BR 10 @ 96 WR 10 @ 100 CI 11 @ 384 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 58 @ 98 WR 52 @ 99 Polled son of F1 310Z, and half brother to Lots 151 and 161. This bull is top 20% WW, STAY, CW, 25% YW, CEM, API, 15% MK, MAT. His dam, F1 5681, is above average in 10 out of 12 EPD traits and top 10% API. 168 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 310Z 1534 BD. 2/20/21 • REG. P102957 • TATTOO. 1534 VISTA BASIC BEEF ET 4Z MR 310Z PLD 4Z MISS 1N ET MEAD IMAGE MAKER J593 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 J593 5681 MCB MS 28P 9130 % HPS BW REA% IMF% MGR SC FR SALE WT BASE PRICE F2 61 P 78 106 91 96 39 M 1404 $3000 CED 11.6 BW 0.3 WW 62 YW 87 CEM 6.4 MILK 15 MAT 9.9 API 123 DAM INFO BR 3 @ 99 WR 3 @ 103 CI 3 @ 447 DAYS SIRE INFO BR 206 @ 101 WR 176 @ 101 166 168 167


strive to offer you some top Purebred bred females. Most of the heifers are direct offspring of bulls and cows that we are using to improve and grow our polled Purebred herd. Our continuing effort to use our base Fullblood and Purebred genetics mated to sons and grandsons of Basic Beef 11L sure seems to be putting the right


on the ground. Look at these heifers and

you have any questions. See our McBee

page 4.

let us
Female Milk Guarantee on
200 201 PB polled daughter of our polled herdsire 7/8 7126 and PB cow 4118 by PB 306Z. She is top 15% WW, MAT, 20% STAY, 10%. AI bred to PB 6219 on 5/12/22. Pasture exposed to PB 7013 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 117 days to NA PB 7013 by sale day. 200 MCB MS 7126 4118 0220 BD. 10/6/20 • REG. PB99875 • TATTOO. 0220 4Z MR 310Z PLD MCB MR 310Z 3150 7126 MCB MS 304W 9020 3150 4Z MR 306Z PLD ET MCB MS 306Z 5110 4118 MCB MS C102 5110 % HPS BW BASE PRICE 91 P 74 $2000 DAM INFO BR 6 @ 99 WR 6 @ 99 CI 6 @ 374 days SIRE INFO BR 21 @ 101 WR 18 @ 100 CED 9.6 BW 1.5 WW 64 YW 84 CEM 3.1 MILK 14 MAT 10.3 API 113 PB polled heifer by F2 8516, Fall SEL DAY 2019, MGR 102, REA 122, IMF 104, and PB 7152 cow by our heifer bull PB 4134. AI bred to PB 6219 on 5/11/22. Pasture exposed to PB 7013 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 117 days to NA PB 7013 by sale day. 201 MCB MS 8516 7152 0234 BD. 9/16/20 • REG. PB99924 • TATTOO. 0234 MCBEEF BUILDER F1 410 3640 MCBEEF BUILDER F2 3640 8516 MCB MS 310Z 6016 4656 MCB MR 6219 2129 4134 MCB MS 4134 5030 7152 MCB MS 3020 A501R 5030 % HPS BW BASE PRICE 80 P 80 $2000 DAM INFO BR 3 @ 103 WR 3 @ 96 CI 3 @ 352 days SIRE INFO BR 25 @ 99 WR 24 @ 98 CED 9.6 BW 2.6 WW 59 YW 80 CEM 5.2 MILK 9 MAT 12.5 API 120 PB polled daughter of PB 7013, Fall SEL DAY 2018, MGR 122, REA 100, IMF 104. Her dam is by PB 5003, Polled Plus, making this heifer 24.7% linebred. She is top 10% CED, BW, 20% STAY. AI bred to PB 6219 on 5/12/22. Pasture exposed to PB 9150 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 142 days to NA PB 9150 by sale day. 202 MCB MS 7013 8139 0243 BD. 8/23/20 • REG. PB99950 • TATTOO. 0243 GLB POLLED PLUS 5003 (NC) ET MCB MR 5003 2129 7013 MCB MS 304W 4036P 2129 GLB POLLED PLUS 5003 (NC) ET MCB MS 5003 6102 8139 MCB MS 5003 4118 6102 % HPS BW BASE PRICE 94 P 56 $2000 DAM INFO BR 1 @ 83 WR 1 @ 98 CI 2 @ 369 days SIRE INFO BR 32 @ 97 WR 23 @ 99 CED 15.0 BW -1.5 WW 43 YW 61 CEM 4.7 MILK 13 MAT 10.3 API 122


MCB MS 8111 0114 1000

BD. 2/26/21 • REG. PB102914 • TATTOO. 1000



MCB MR 304W 2041 8111

MCB MS 573R 03L 2041

MCB FF MR C102 106P

MCB MS 106P 0114

MCB FF MS F020 566R


96 H 80


BR 15 @ 102

WR 15 @ 99

DAM INFO BR 9 @ 103

WR 7 @ 103

9 @ 390 d

CED 9.2

BW 2.5

WW 64 YW 85 CEM 4.4 MILK 15 MAT 10.1 API 112



PB polled daughter of polled PB 8111, Sp SEL DAY 2020, MGR 108, REA 102, IMF 115, and PB cow 0114. This heifer is top 15% CED, WW, MAT, REA, 25% YW, 20% MK, STAY. AI bred to AN Comrade 1385 on 5/12/22. Pasture exposed to PB 7013 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22.

Preg 162 days to AN Comrade 1385 by sale day.


MCB MS 8111 2126 1006

BD. 3/11/21 • REG. PB102937 • TATTOO. 1006


MCB MR 304W 2041 8111

MCB MS 573R 03L 2041

MCB FF MR C102 6219

MCB MS 6219 566R 2126

MCB FF MS F020 566R



15 @ 102

15 @ 99

DAM INFO BR 6 @ 104

6 @ 97

6 @ 478 days

CED 10.2 BW 2.1 WW 63 YW 84 CEM 5.5 MILK 13 MAT 9.2 API 112


95 P 80 $2000

PB polled daughter of polled PB 8111 and the PB polled cow 2126. She is top 15% WW, REA, 20% MAT, 25% CEM. AI to PB 6219 on 5/11/22. Pasture exposed to PB 7013 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 162 days to AI PB 6219 by sale day.


MCB MS 2132 7113 1011

BD. 2/22/21


REG. PB102969


MCB MR 304W 6016 2132

MCB MS 474P 6016


MCB MS 306Z 2056 7113

MCB MS C102 D123 2056

TATTOO. 1011


P 80 $2000

PB double polled daughter of polled PB 2132, Sp SEL DAY 2014, MGR 132, REA 114, IMF 110. Her dam, PB polled 7113, is a polled combo of PB 306Z and FB C102. NA to PB 7013 on 5/10/22. Pasture exposed to PB 7013 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 162 days to NA PB 7013 by sale day.

MCB MS 7013 9009 1014

3/13/21 • REG. PB104250




MCB MR 5003 2129 7013

MCB MS 304W 4036P 2129


MS 5003 7014 9009

MS 314Z 1015 7014


PB daughter of polled PB 7013, our go to bull on Purebred heifers. Her dam, PB 9009, was a 1st calf heifer, also sired by PB 5003, Polled Plus. AI to PB 6219 on 5/10/22. Pasture exposed to PB 9150 from 5/26/22 – 7/22/22. Preg 162 days to AI PB 6219 by sale day.

DAM INFO BR 2 @ 107 WR 2 @ 99 CI 2 @ NA SIRE INFO BR 77 @ 100 WR 66 @ 99 CED 9.2 BW 2.4 WW 64 YW 86 CEM 3.7 MILK 5 MAT 9.6 API 111
BASE PRICE 93 H 74 $2000 DAM INFO BR 1 @ 105 WR 1 @ 114 CI 1 @ 1st calf SIRE INFO BR 32 @ 97 WR 23 @ 99 CED 12.7 BW 1.3 WW 57 YW 81 CEM 4.4 MILK 16 MAT 9.3 API 117

Calf Roundup

The McBee Genetic Advantage Program is a genetic source program designed to add more value to calves that are of McBee influenced genetics. This program is designed to help McBee customers maximize their return on their investment in McBee seedstock. We have seen since the inception of our Calf Roundup program in 1992, that grouping calves that are consistent in their make-up and produced from similar genetics into larger groups to merchandise to buyers adds value over and above marketing them the traditional way.

We have been grouping and marketing our customers’ calves since 1992 in an effort to help maximize our bull customers’ profit. After marketing our customers’ calves by private treaty, two times per year for 21 years we moved the sale of our calves to the Missouri Valley Commission Company in January 2013. After seeing a renewed interest in our calves and the ability to take advantage of a more competitive bidding atmosphere at a livestock market, in August of 2020, we moved our sale to the Eastern Missouri Commission Company in Bowling Green, Mo.

The ability to market hundreds of calves, owned by multiple customers from several states, is a customer service that we are proud to offer. Selling in volume is not rocket science. The power of selling in volume allows our customers to eliminate a lot of the discounts that they have experienced through traditional marketing channels. By sorting and grouping the calves into groups by weight and sex, we are able to offer load lots of calves to multiple buyers that have been consistently bred, handled and vaccinated.

The McBee Genetic Advantage Program Calf Roundup Sale has always been a grouping and marketing program for our customers of pre-conditioned, Vac 45 calves. It gives our customers an alternative way to sell their production.


1. Customers qualify to participate in the MGAP/ McBee Calf Roundup program with the purchase of a McBee Cattle Company Braunvieh or Hybrid bull.

2. Eligible cattle must be sired by a McBee bull or out of a female purchased from McBee Cattle Company.

3. After a producer qualifies by purchasing a McBee bull, he is allowed to bring one calf crop to the Roundup that are not all sired by a McBee bull. After this one exception, all calves to be grouped and sold through the MGAP program by this customer, must be sired by a McBee bull or out of a female purchased from McBee Cattle Company.

4. All calves that are brought to the program will be Vac 45, including castrated, dehorned, and bunk broke and weaned for a minimum of 45 days. Everyone in the program uses the same brand of vaccine and furnishes a Verification form that it has been done.

5. Participants must furnish an email address to receive dates and information on the Roundup days. If they do not have an email address, the participant is responsible for checking with McBee Cattle Company for updates.

6. All cattle enrolled must be owned by the producer participant.


Contact Ron McBee, 573-228-2517

mcbcattle@aol.com McBee Genetic Advantage Program(MGAP) Grouping and Marketing Customers’ Calves Every January and August 27,960 HEAD MARKETED THROUGH THE PROGRAM FOR OUR CUSTOMERS McBEE GENETIC ADVANTAGE PROGRAM

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