The mission of Roberta T. Smith Elementary School is to provide challenging and technologicallyfocused learning opportunities to empower students to become life-long learners.
117 Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 2 of 15, All Rights Reserved
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Cover Page School Name: R. T. Smith Elementary
School System: Clayton County Public Schools
Name of Principal: Dr. Thomasina Goodgame
School Year: 2009-2010
Title I: School-Wide Program: ________
Targeted Assistance: ____X____
Needs Improvement Status: N/A (Met) DNM (ADQ)
Year: 0
Non Title 1: _________ 1
Sanctions Implementing (Select all that apply): ____X____ School Improvement Plan (School Improvement Plans will be submitted to the LEA per system guidelines. Needs Improvement schools will submit plans to the LEA for approval.) ________
School Choice
Supplemental Services
Corrective Action (The Corrective Action Addendum will be submitted to the LEA along with the School Improvement Plan.)
Restructuring (LEA approved School Improvement Plans with the Restructuring Addendums will be submitted to the Georgia Department of Education.)
Principal’s Signature: __________________________________
Date: ________________________
Title I Director’s Signature: _____________________________
Date: ________________________
Superintendent’s Signature: _____________________________
Date: ________________________
Clayton County Public Schools School Improvement Plan School Name: Smith Elementary
School Year: 2009-2010
A 1.1 A 2.1 A 2.2 A 2.3 A 2.4 PO 2.1 C 3.1 C3.2 I 2.1 I2.3
StrandsSchool Keys
Performance1.2 Improve All Student Group 1.1 Improve Curriculum Mastery Strategic Objective
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 1): To improve Academic Achievement in the Clayton County Public Schools as reported in State and Standardized test results. School Goal 1a: In reading, the percentage of all sub-groups that meet or exceed grade level expectations on the Reading CRCT portion of the state mandated test will increase by 7% for the 2009-2010 school year. The percentage of all students will increase from 76.4% meeting or exceeding grade level expectations to 83.4%.
Actions, Strategies, and Interventions
1 2 9 1 1 1 2 1 3
1.1.1a Students will practice phonetic skills and reading fluency using the DIBELS benchmark and progress monitoring tests. 1.1.2a Students will use the Accelerated Reader program to increase comprehension skills and number of books read for each student. 1.1.3a Early Intervention program and SRA reading programs will serve identified students. 1.1.4a All teachers will maintain Classroom Profile Data Notebooks to track student data and make data driven instructional decisions. 1.1.5a Teachers will use Focus Reading comprehension books to aid in comprehension. 1.1.5 Reading consultant to give professional development sessions in using curriculum for mastery.
Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources
- Principal - EIP teachers -Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
-Principal agendas -Literacy meeting agendas -Profile Data Notebooks - Lesson plans posted on T drive
Teachers can discuss the which students are meeting targets, and write Student Learning Plans for students in need of additional instructional.
- Attendance and strategy log kept by the tutor. - Counselor’s lesson plans. - Parent attendance roster for CRCT night.
Teachers and administrators can articulate how the interventions are impacting student growth to meet smart goals.
- 1-to-1 tutor Staff volunteers
PO 3.2 I 2.6
Person(s) Responsible
Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning
1.2.1a One to one or small group tutorial: SWD and ESOL are targeted to meet with a school staff member 30 minutes two times per week. 1.2.3a Test-taking strategies: • Practice test-taking format by using bubble sheets and test administration procedures for reading theme tests. • Counselors meet with each class once each 9 weeks to focus on test-taking skills. • CRCT Parent Night
- Classroom Teachers SeptemberMay
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 4 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
- Counselors -Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
(Retention Rate)1.3 Improve the Completion Rate
I 2.6
1.3.1a Test-taking strategies: • Practice test-taking format by using bubble sheets and test administration procedures for reading theme tests. • Counselors meet with each class once each 9 weeks to focus on test-taking skills. • CRCT Parent Night 1.3.2a Identified students at risk will be invited to attend Saturday School.
Title 1 funds
- 1-to-1 tutors - Counselors - Classroom Teachers -Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
- Attendance and strategy log kept by the tutor. - Counselor’s lesson plans. - Parent attendance roster for CRCT night.
Teachers, parents, and students can identify strategies used to prepare for demonstrating standards.
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 1): To improve Academic Achievement in the Clayton County Public Schools as reported in State and Standardized test results.
School Keys Strands
School Goal 1b: In math, the percentage of all sub-groups that meet or exceed grade level expectations on the Math portion of the state mandated test will increase by 7% for the 2009-2010 school year. The percentage of all students will increase from 63.5 % meeting or exceeding grade level expectations to 70.5%. Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies Estimated and Impact on Student Learning Costs, Funding Person(s) Actions, Strategies, and Interventions Timeline Sources, Responsible Artifacts Evidence and Resources
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 5 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
1.1 Improve Curriculum Mastery
9 PO 2.2 PO 3.1 I 2.1
A 1.1 A 2.1 A 2.2
Performance1.2 Improve All Student Group
A 2.3 A 2.4
1 9 11 12 13
1.1.1b Each grade level will identify essential math skills to be mastered with 80% proficiency by all students on common grade level assessments. 1.1.2b Reteach math benchmark skills for students not achieving 80% mastery, SWD targeted. • Master teacher implements Saturday school • Utilize 1-to-1 tutors • Saturday School (Grades 3-5) 1.1.3b Students will complete math benchmark tests once a quarter 1.1.4b Students will participate in a Math-nasium. 1.1.5b “Math Boot Camp”: classes will compete against each other in tournament competition for math mastery facts (1-5) 1.1.6b Early Intervention program will serve identified students. 1.1.7b All teachers will maintain Classroom Profile Data Notebooks to track student data and make data driven instructional decisions.
Title I Volunteers
November January Math CoachMs. Swygert Title I funded Mr. Booker
Test-taking strategies: • Practice test-taking format by using bubble sheets and test administration procedures for math tests. • Counselors meet with each class once each 9 weeks to focus on test-taking skills. • CRCT Parent Night
-Principal agendas -Lead Math teacher agendas -Profile Data Notebooks - Lesson plans posted on T drive
Leadership team and administrators will demonstrate the analysis of student work and student data at quarterly staff meetings. Leadership team and teachers can identify and discuss school-wide results from benchmarks and plan /adjust strategies to meet smart goals.
EIP teachers All teachers SeptemberMay
Math CoachMs. Swygert Title I funded Select teachers
All teachers Math CoachMs. Swygert Title I funded Title I Counselors EIP teachers
- Lesson plans posted on T drive - Counselor’s lesson plans
Teachers, parents, and students can identify strategies used to prepare for demonstrating standards.
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 1): To improve Academic Achievement in the Clayton County Public Schools as reported in State and Standardized test results.
School Goal: In writing, the percentage of all sub-groups that meet or exceed grade level expectations on the state mandated Writing Assessment will increase by 7% for the 2009-2010 school year. The percentage of all students will increase from 82% meeting or exceeding grade level expectation to 89%. Actions, Strategies, and Interventions Timeline Estimated Person(s) Evaluation of Costs, Responsible Implementation of Funding Strategies and Impact on Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 6 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Keys Strands
Objective 1.1 Improve Curriculum Mastery Performance1.2 Improve All Student Group
A 1.1 A 2.1 A 2.2 A 2.3 A 2.4 PO 2.1 C 3.1 C3.2 I 2.1 I2.3
Student Learning
Sources, and Resources 1 2 9 1 1 1 2 1 3
-Students will practice the writing process during “writing” specials. -Literacy Coaches will teach an additional writing block every other week to the 4th and 5th grade students. -Students will complete the writing process by responding to the schoolwide monthly writing prompt. -Each quarter students will be administered the county’s writing prompt in order to establish baseline data and identify student needs. - Grade Level teachers will create checklists so that students can assess their own writing. -Grade level teachers will compare students writing samples to determine an exceptional writing piece in order to drive instruction. -All teachers will maintain a writing folder for each student which will be placed in each student’s permanent record. -Classroom teachers will introduce narrative, persuasive, response to literature and informational writing standards and conducts a class discussion that includes each element and provides examples. -Students will choose what they consider to be their best piece of writing and self-revise using a teacher-prepared rubric or checklist -All teachers will maintain a “Writing Notebook” to track students progress and drive instruction.
Title I
- Classroom teachers -Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
2 • PO 3.2 I 2.6
• • •
5 grade students will practice test-taking format by completing a mock writing assessment each month. Curriculum Night/CRCT Parent Night Students will compete in the “Hear Our Voices” writing and speaking contest. Students published writing will be displayed on the “ Writer’s Hall of Fame” board monthly
Title I
- Classroom Teachers -Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
-County’s writing prompt - Lesson plans posted on T drive -School’s writing prompt -County’s writing folder -Literacy Coaches lesson plans -Teacherprepared rubrics/checkli sts. -Writing Notebook -Writing sample
Teachers can discuss which students are meeting targets, and write Student Learning Plans for students in need of additional instructional.
-Mock writing assessment prompt. -“Hear our voices” writing contest. -Parent attendance roster for CRCT Night -Writer’s Hall of Fame Board
Teachers, parents, and students can identify strategies used to prepare for demonstrating standards.
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 1): To improve Academic Achievement in the Clayton County Public Schools as reported in State and Standardized test results. School Goal 1c: The percentage of all sub-groups that meet or exceed grade level expectations on the state mandated Social Studies and Science will increase by Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 7 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
1.2 Improve All Student Group Performance
1.2 Improve All Student Group Performance
1.2 Improve All Student 1.1 Improve Science Group Performance Curriculum Mastery
StrandsSchool Keys
Strategic Objective
7% for the 2009-2010 school year. The percentage of all students in social studies will increase from 51% meeting or exceeding grade level expectation to 58%. The percentage of all students in science will increase from 64% to 71%. Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning Estimated Costs, Actions, Strategies, and Person(s) Timeline Funding Sources, Interventions Responsible and Resources Artifacts Evidence
I 2.2
I 2.2
I 2.2
1.1.1cA science fair for K-5 with 4-5 students displaying in their projects from the county fair. Implement additional county resources. Grade level science resource rotation (county, FOSS, trade books). 1.1.2c Develop an Outdoor Science Classroom
Science fair in March
Supplies to replenish science kits $500
County and school funds, grant money
Science Coordinator – Ms. Campbell w/Designated Staff
Classroom teachers
Student projects - Teacher selfassessment beginning and end of the year. Outdoor classroom rotation schedule
Staff and students can discuss the new science learning activities implemented to meet the science standards. Students, staff, and community visit the outdoor classroom for learning and demonstrations.
“Science-on-the-Move” Students will participate in one full day of science experiments with an emphasis on understanding scientific inquiry by traveling to three to four different teachers each quarter.
September -May
No Cost
CoordinatorMs. Campbell
- Rotation schedule - Student exemplars - lesson plans Teacher observation
Classroom observation.
Grade K-5 will attend Science Assemblies with trainer follow up in the classroom.
October 7 3-5 October 27 K-2
Janis Striggles Assistant Principal
Assembly schedule Website- project section
Staff and students can discuss the new science learning activities implemented to meet the science standards.
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 8 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
1.1 Improve Curriculum Mastery Social Studies
Implement GPS training. Use guided reading books to supplement social studies book. Create grade level assessments and rubrics. Social Studies Fair for fifth grade students (and 4th grade SCORE students).
2 C 1.1 C 1.2
September -May Social Studies Fair Nov.
No Cost
- GPS Trainers - EIP Teachers - Fifth Grade Teachers, SCORE Teacher
-GPS course work - Lesson plans - Student projects
Grade level assessments and rubrics are created by grade levels. Student work is shared and evaluated at grade level and shared vertically. Display of social studies fair projects.
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 2): To institute a Safe and Orderly environment which supports academic success in the Clayton County Public Schools.
School Keys Strands
Engagement2.2 Improve StudentAttendance2.1 Improve Student ObjectiveStrategic
School Goal 2: Increase a safe and orderly environment to support academic success as measured by parent and student surveys. Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning Estimated Costs, Actions, Strategies, and Person(s) Timeline Funding Sources, Interventions Responsible and Resources Artifacts Evidence
Student recognition for attendance rate of 95% and above. December & May
PO 4.2 SFC 1.1
$50- General Fund
School counselor, Ms. Steedley-
- Improved Student Attendance as evidenced on the Georgia Annual Report Card - Student certificates
Ceremony and certificates seen on the school news.
2 A 1.4 SFC 1.1 I 3.3 High Expecta tions
Student recognition for A and A/B Honor Roll. Lunch with the Principal at Truetts and an A/B Honor Roll Breakfast with drawings for educational books.
$1500- Truetts $3000- General Fund
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 9 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Community partners can explain how they are supporting student achievement. Breakfast and luncheons observed by staff and community.
2.4 Improve Safety and Security Behavior2.3 Improve Student
2 PO 2.2 PO 4 PO 4.1 PO 4.3
PO 2.1 PO 3.1
Continued implementation of school-wide Effective Behavioral and Instructional Supports Program. Smith’s PAWS Program Student Handbook Teacher Handbook
General budget
2.4.1 Homeland Security Evaluation
2.4.2. Revise school emergency plan based on the GEMA report. ♦ Red/White/Blue Intruder training ♦ Install plastic folder holder in every classroom to hold emergency plans and current student roll ♦ Monthly fire drills ♦ Severe weather drills ♦ Intruder drill
Georgia Emergency Management Agency GEMA
Preplanning Fall AugustMay
Assistant Principal, Ms. Striggles
Assistant Principals
- Decreased number of conduct reports written - Monthly Discipline Data shows a decrease in incidents reported
GEMA report Monthly drill reports
Staff identify all components of the PAWS school-wide plan Students, parents, and staff can explain school rules, policies, and procedures.
Clayton police will observe intruder school-wide drill.
Administrators Administrators Principal/custodians
Site survey Evaluation Report Emergency Plan electronically posted
Principal/ Assistant Principal
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 3): To increase Parental Involvement, Community Collaboration and Business Partnership with the Clayton County Public Schools.
School Keys Strands
School Goal 3a: To increase communication pathways between school and parents. School Goal 3b: Increase Community and Business Partnerships with a focus on impacting student achievement. Actions, Strategies, and Timeline Estimated Costs, Person(s) Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Interventions Funding Sources, Responsible Impact on Student Learning and Resources Artifacts Evidence
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 10 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Engagement3.1 Improve Parent
SFC 1.2 SFC 1.4 SFC 2.1 SC 2.3 SFC 3.1
SFC 1.1 SFC 1.2
Engagement3.2 Improve Community
SFC 1.2 SFC 1.1 SFC 1.4 SFC 2.1 SFC 3.1 SC 1.5 SFC 1.3 SFC 1.4 SFC 2.1 SC 2.2
13 10 8
13 15
13 17
SFC 1.1
3.1.1 Continue and track parent participation in our Parent Education Nights: 1. Curriculum Nights 2. Saturday School for parents and students 3. CRCT Parent Night 4. Technology Night 5. Multicultural Night 6. Bridging the Gap With Academic Activities for Summer
Throughout the school year
Title I School Funds
Teachers, parents, and staff
Each Month
School Funds
Assistant Principal, Mr. Booker
Throughout the year
School Funds PTA Funds
3.1.4 Provide recognition of parent participation and involvement throughout the school year
Through out the year
PTA Funds School Funds
3.2.1 Host a Career Week to explore the world of work and also provide opportunities for students to go to workplaces
Spring (tentative)
3.1.2 Publication of a monthly newsletter, The Smithville Times, for distribution to parents Home & School Connection Newsletter distributed monthly for parent learning tips and activities. 3.1.3 Enhancement of the bilingual Parent Resource Center to include volunteer resources for parents and community members
School Funds
Ms. Steedley Ms. Owens Ms. Payton
Parent Involvement/ Community Relations committee
Counselor, Elvera Owens w/Parent Involvement/ Community Relations committee
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 11 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Sign in sheets, videos, surveys
Parents can articulate newly learned strategies from parent training to support their child’s learning needs.
Send home in Monday envelopes; Posted on website
Parents and teachers can identify multiple ways to communicate.
Sign in sheets, volunteer drop box, enhanced resources
Parents utilize resources for parenting skills and student learning.
Sign in sheets, recommendations, program from event
Parents can explain the importance of their presence and activities to increase student achievement.
Community volunteers, student projects of workplace excursions, pictures
Community stakeholders can explain the importance of career day and how it brings relevance to student learning.
Communications3.3 Improve External
SFC 1.1
SFC 1.1
5 16
SFC 1.1
3.2.2 Develop an Outdoor Science Classroom
County, school funds, grant money
Science Coordinator w/Ms. Campbell
Outdoor classroom rotation schedule
Staff and community can visit the science courtyard.
3.2.3 Participate in various partnership programs, i.e. Upromise, Earning Plus Learning, Boxtops for Education, Campbell’s Labels for Ed., & Target Red Card
Funds from various programs
Signage throughout school, flyers, labels, receipts, box tops
Increased budgets are visible in resources gained to increase student achievement.
3.3.1 School news shared with Channel 24 Podcasts of student and school events.
Each Month
Parent Involvement/ Community Relations committee/ program coordinator, parents, community members Designated Staffsecretary
-Postings on Channel 24 -surveys - Podcasts posted on school website
Staff, parents, and community stakeholders can articulate how we communicate through a variety of technologies.
Prior to 2008-09 school year
County Communication Funds
Prior to semester break October January March
School and County Funds
3.3.2 Update school website to reflect technology alignment
3.3.3 Create school brochure 3.3.4 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Technology committee and Principal Parent Involvement/ Community Relations committee
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 12 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
New website with unique technology features
New school brochure
Increase in community and parent awareness of school happenings.
Increase in community partnerships.
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 4): To institute Support Services that deliver on time, on budget, and with quality those services which support student academic success in the Clayton County Public Schools.
4.5 Improve Internal 4.4 Improve 4.3 Improve Operational Services Communications Technology Effectiveness
4.2 Improve Human Resource Efficiency
StrandsSchool Keys
Strategic Objective
School Goal 4: The mission and vision will drive all school teams to set objectives and goals aligned with the County Balanced Scorecard. Title I, Staff Development, and General fund budgets will be utilized to meet the goals of increased student achievement in all subgroups. Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning Estimated Costs, Actions, Strategies, and Person(s) Timeline Funding Sources, Interventions Responsible and Resources Artifacts Evidence 4
Identify and develop professional development strategies as part of specific targets for administrators and all support staff.
Sept – May
Professional Learning Budget
Principal / Assistant Principal
All staff development and site PLU’s available to support staff
Support staff can be seen in leadership roles. Some support staff become teachers.
Create and identify a systems review team to begin review of current systems for duties & management – playground; lunch room; textbooks
Oct – June
No Cost – BST
Assistant Principal w/BST members
-List of systems to be reviewed - Report on how to improve at least 2 systems by end of May
Increased staff satisfaction.
2 4
Staff meetings will provide differentiated instruction training that will earn 1 PLU. Literacy meetings will earn 1PLU.
August – April
Professional Learning Budget
Media Specialist, Technology Team, Staff Development Committee, Consultants
List of Courses taken Roster of courses and training taken on Smith’s moodle
Staff can articulate how the staff development supports their learning to improve classroom instruction.
No Cost – in-house staff
Principal/Leadership Team staff
Number of staff/stakeholders who use the Connect-Ed system
School staff know about school events, opportunities, staff development, and meetings.
PL 1 PL 3
PO 4
PL 1.6 PL 8 PL 2.4 PL2.5
4.5.1 The Silver Wolf - Weekly updates 4.5. Connect-Ed program will be used to increase communication between the school and parents.
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 13 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Measurable Goals (Balanced Scorecard Goal Area 5): To employ and retain Highly Qualified and Effective Staff in the Clayton County Public Schools.
Climate5.2 Improve Organizational
School Keys Strands
5.1 Increase Workforce Quality ObjectiveStrategic
School Goal 5: To attract and retain highly qualified staff that is culturally competent, diverse, experienced and effective. Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning Estimated Costs, Actions, Strategies, and Person(s) Timeline Funding Sources, Interventions Responsible and Resources Artifacts Evidence
C 1.2 C 1.3 C 2.1 C 2.2 A 1.1-4 I 1.1-3 PO 1 PO 2.1-3 PL 2.1-3 PL 2.6
3 4 7 9 11 12
A 1.4 A 3.1 C 3.1 C 3.2 A 1.3 A 1.2
3 4 7
3 SC 1.4 SC 1.5 SC 2.1 SC 2.2
5.1.1 Regularly scheduled collaboration with other teachers and administrators for professional development. ♦ Common planning periods ♦ Biweekly Principal meetings ♦ Biweekly Literacy Coach meetings ♦School wide staff development in technology, grade level standard assessments and rubrics ♦ Pre-planning/Post-planning
Principal/Assistant Principal
Agendas for all meetings
-Jackson & Johnson Literacy Coaches Title I funded
Teachers can analyze classroom data and make data driven decisions.
Monthly Nov.28 Jan. 16 Bi-monthly WebX Classes
5.1.2 New teacher support programs. ♦ TAPP mentors ♦ Mentor Support years 1-3 ♦ New teacher monthly meetings
Monthly meetings
♦ Teacher of the Year ♦ Teacher of the Month ♦ Staff Person of the Month ♦ Fantastic Friday Staff Appreciation & Breakfast
Monthly Friday after Payday
Teachers collaborate during common planning periods.
Teachers can articulate strategies for increasing student literacy. All teachers demonstrate their progress in the levels of technology integration. County Professional Learning funds
Assistant Principal – coordinates Designated Teachers
Walk throughs TAPP mentor observations Agendas
Increased teacher retention rate.
County Recognition PTA Funds Business Partners Donations
Principal/Grade level Chairs/Leadership Team- All Staff
Certificates Increased teacher retention rate Staff satisfaction survey Decrease in Staff Absenteeism Rate
Staff express a feeling of satisfaction.
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 14 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Development5.3 Improve Leadership
3 PO 1 PO 2.1-3 PL 1.1-6 PL 2.5 L 4.1-3
Identify teachers for Leadership Roles ♦ Leadership/BST Team ♦ Interview committees ♦ GPS Coaches ♦ Committee facilitators ♦ County liaison Math Lead ♦ County liaison Profess. Learning ♦ Mentors
Principal/ Assistant Principal
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Page 15 of 15, All Rights Reserved *Teachers funded by Title I
Agendas Meeting notes Increased teacher retention rate
Staff can identify opportunities for multiple leadership roles to meet their professional and educational goals.