Montreal Times 22 38 Feb 4 2017

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Shriners Hospital overrun by Teddy Bears - Page 3


Saturday, February 4, 2017

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Vol. 22 No. 38

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February 4, 2017 •


Vol. 22, No. 38

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Shriners Hospital over run by Teddy Bears and childrens hearts Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard

bring happiness and joy to sick kids." Shriners Hospitals for Children is one of the largest pediatric sub-specialty health care systems in the world, providing specialized care to children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. It's motto is, "Love to the rescue". The Shriners colorful ChooChoo trains and funny little cars driven by grown men wearing Shriners hats have long been a staple of the Montreal Santa

These teddy bears were scooped up fast with a huge hug

Just about every kid has a favorite teddy bear. There is something wonderfully comforting about these adorable plush make-believe creatures. Why, they're almost real! The love that is communicated through them is surely very real. With this is mind, Les Cours Mont Royal has just donated 800 customized teddy bears from its Teddy Bear Christmas Tree to the Shriners Hospital for Children, much to the delight of children who received them at a special presentation on January 30th at the Shriners Hospital for Children Canada at the Glen site McGill University Health Centre in NDG.

• February 4, 2017

Valerie Law, V.P. of Marketing & Communications for Soltron Realty LP

By Deborah Rankin

which owns Les Cours Mont Royal Shopping Centre downtown, came to the Shriners to personally give away the teddy

bears to children recovering from surgery or receiving care in the ambulatory clinic. If you've ever been to Les Cours Mont-Royal Shopping Centre during the holiday season, then you've seen the giant 30 foot high Christmas tree made of teddy bears. The magnificent tree is the star attraction at Yuletide in the luxury building featuring high-end fashion retail stores. "We decided to give the Teddy Bears to the Shriners Hospital for Children," Law said. "Before building the tree, we already had in mind: "What will be the best way to give the Bears a new home after ours?" My answer was easy: Let's

Claus Parade. Emmanuelle Rondeau, Communications and Marketing Manager for the Shriners Hospital said, "This is the gift that keeps on giving." While about 100 children received their teddy bears on the day of the giveaway - after the bears had been cleaned and processed about another 700 children will receive theirs over the course of the upcoming year. The remainder will be given to sick kids in the cast room, recovery ward, rehabilita-

tion services, and to longterm in-patients. In the last 2 years the bears were simply delivered by to the hospital to be given out by healthcare personnel rather than presented to the children by Les Cours Mont Royal. However, Emmanuelle and Valerie got to talking and came up with the idea to do a special event for the children. Emmanuelle said, "Why not meet the kids and give the bears directly to them?"

11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale

MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn

continued on Page 5 & 9

prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016


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Snow-mobile jumping

Free of charge. Opening hours Saturday Feb 4th from 6 pm Saturday Feb 4th from 7 pm to 7:45 pm Demonstration # 1 Sunday February 5th from noon to 12:45 pm - Demonstration # 2 Sunday February 5th from 2 pm - Animation on site Sunday Feb 5th from 3 pm to 3:45 pm - Demonstration # 3 See online for more:

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Quebec’s Ice Hotel - sleeping in ice


he world-renowned Quebec Ice Hotel opened earlier in January, and we have to admit: it’s pretty cool. All puns aside, the annually sculpted hotel is a sight to see for anyone vacationing in snow Quebec City this winter season. See online for more:

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In the Footsteps of our Sisters

t began with one step, as far back as the mid-1800's when the first women's rights conventions took place. By the turn of the century it grew into the steady, strong stride of the Suffragette movement - onwards to 1920 when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, granting American women the right to vote. In Canada, the process was different amongst the provinces. It was 1916 in Manitoba when women were first given the right to vote, with Nelly McClung one of the 'Famous Five' at the forefront of that fight. Most of the other provinces came on board board between 1916 and 1925... See online for more:

#WRGClassic Gentlemen’s Hockey


n Saturday, February 18th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, WRG Magazine will once again be paying homage to Canada’s official sport by running its 4th annual WRG Classic. Taking inspiration from early 20th century fashion, this year’s invitational hockey game is set to be WRG’s most anticipated and stylish edition yet. Like previous years, players and guests will take inspiration from the eras’ attire, sporting bowties, tuxedos, sequin dresses, and of course, the iconic Sher-Wood 5030 wood sticks... See online for more: February 4, 2017 •

Teddy Bears at Shriners Hospital

• February 4, 2017



February 4, 2017 •

“Vaccination: Fame, Fear and Controversy” exhibit at McGill


a contemporary medical By Stuart Nulman issue and controversy; this time it deals with cinations, especially in light of the debate ast Wednesday, I whether one should take checked out the a flu shot every winter, new exhibit “Vacci- and how effective the vacnation: Fame, Fear cinations really are. and Controversy”, which Through artifacts such is on display from now as medical books, pamuntil April at the Osler Li- phlets, photos and even brary of the History of actual vaccine vials, the Medicine, located 3rd exhibition examines how floor of McGill’s McIntyre vaccines have been such a Medical Building (3655 contentious issue with Promenade Sir William the medical community Osler). and the public. The focus Curated by Cynthia is the smallpox vaccine Tang and Rob Boddice, that was developed by the exhibit manages to Edward Jenner, which put a historical context to helped to finally eradicate

the disease in 1980. My favorite part of the exhibit deals with the smallpox epidemic that hit Montreal in 1885 and was responsible for the deaths of over 3000 people. One artifact that stood out in that part of the exhibit was a fear mongering pamphlet written by Montreal doctor Alexander Milton Ross, who was an vehement opponent of a smallpox vaccine, and boldly stated that vaccination was a violation of one’s rights. Admission to the exhibition is free, and it’s open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

he Crowley Arts Centre, located at 5325 Crowley Avenue, will be holding a special 40+ singles party in honour of Valentine’s Day called “All You Need Is Love” on February 18 from 7 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Special guests at the event is “Replay – A Tribute to the Beatles”, the Montreal-based Beatles tribute band who will play a selection of the Fab Four’s greatest hits that

bonus, drinks will be free of charge for ladies between 7 and 9:30 p.m. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call 514-6565672.

Crowley Arts Centre


1/8 of a Page every week

forever changed the face of rock music.Tickets for the party is $25 in advance, $35 at the door, with free parking at the rear of the building. And as an added


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• February 4, 2017


* Expires Feb. 15, 2017


Sun Youth Alumni - Where are they now? S 3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4



Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island Advertising

Melissa Levy


(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:

Tom West

ince its foundation, Sun Youth has been committed to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and school retention. Thus, to promote the physical, social and intellectual development of young people, Sun Youth offers children from 5 to 17 years old basketball, football and SLAP Hockey. In today’s environment with an infinite number of activities, good old fashioned exercise can offer an alternative for youth to channel their energy positively. Over the past decade, heaps of athletes have passed through Sun Youth, and while we are providing athletics to thousands of young Montrealers, only a small number of them have been gifted enough to take their talents to the highest levels. Sun Youth has given numerous people a start or a chance to compete. Maurice Joseph Maurice played Sun Youth basketball during the early 2000’s and eventually gained a scholarship to Michigan State University which made it twice to the NCAA tournament during his time as a player there. Eventually Maurice transferred to Vermont where his efforts once again helped his team reach the NCAA Tournament in 2010 for only the fourth time in their school’s history. Today Maurice is currently the Interim Head Coach of George Washington University Colonials who are a Division I (NCAA) program. Lizanne Murphy Lizanne is an Alumna of the Sun Youth Hornets

where she played from 12 to 17 years old. She then went on to play for Dawson college and received an athletic scholarship to Hofstra University, where she recorded 988 rebounds, the second most all-time at Hofstra. Her amazing results and work ethics attracted the Canadian National Team’s attention. From 2007 on, she’s played for Canada’s women national basketball team competing in notable events such as the London 2012 Olympics, the 2015 Pan AM Games and the Rio 2016 Olympics. Justin Senior While only playing for Sun Youth for the one season in 2009, but Sun Youth gave Justin his first taste for the sport. Justin went on to attend Hargrave Military Academy in Virginia where he his efforts yielded him a 32 Division I (NCAA) program scholarship offers ultimately leading him to select the Mississippi State Bulldogs (MSST). Once Justin began his tenure at MSST they subsequently have 4 bowl game appearances and have won 3 of them. In 2016 Justin was awarded the Kent Hull Trophy; which is given annually to the best offensive lineman at MSST, he was also named Second-Team AllSEC, and is Senior Bowl Invitee where he hopes to up his already high NFL draft profile. As for the CFL he is currently the number one ranked prospect for 2017. Regis Cibasu Regis first started his football career at Sun Youth and it quickly became apparent that he

was a special athlete. He was recruited to play on the Junior National Team in 2012. After notoriety in the Quebec football scene he chose to attend University of Montreal (UdM) where he quickly became one of the nation’s top receivers. In 2014 he helped UdM to win their first ever Vanier Cup, and was awarded the game’s MVP for top offensive performance. Regis has also twice been named a RESQ All-Star in 2014 & 2016. Raphaël RobidouxBouchard Robidoux-Bouchard played a major role in the victory of Rouge & Or. He soared through the air, blocking the punt. Laval recovered the ball and ran

it to the 15-yard line. Richard and the Rouge & Or took advantage, with the Laval QB scoring a rushing touchdown shortly later to make the score 31-26. It was a lead Laval wouldn’t relinquish allowing them to go on to win the 2016 Vanier Cup. Mike Dubuisson Mike started his football career at Sun Youth and joined the afterwards CJFL where he earn a spot on the Junior National Team and as afterwards selected to be a member of the IFAF Team World in 2010 because of his exceptional performance in the tournament. In 2011 he also joined University of Montreal then transferred to the Windsor Lancers in 2013. From

there he was selected 2014 CFL Supplemental Draft by the Edmonton Eskimos. In 2015 the Eskimos won the Grey Cup against Ottawa. Ryan White Ryan first got his start with Sun Youth in the early 2000’s as a young teenager; Ryan went on to play at Vanier College and then Bishops University. During Ryan tenure at Bishops Ryan became a highly recruited offensive lineman and was ultimately selected in the 6th round of the 2012 CFL Draft by the Montreal Alouettes. Despite being plagued with injuries Ryan continues remain on the team and will hopefully bring home the Grey Cup in 2017.


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February 4, 2017 •

Teddy Bears at Shriners Hospital

iting the Shriners on Monday to do some rehab for The kids loved the meet- her leg which she had up as much as the bears! broken on the previous Michael Andan has been a Tuesday. Her bear has yet patient at the hospital for to receive a name, but this 2 years. This little boy confidant nine year old from Ghana is wheelchair- will no doubt come up bound because of a con- with just the right one. dition he developed in the "I have no words to dewomb, resulting in stiff scribe the joy of giving joints. But this fact doesn't and seeing the smiles on dampen his spirits one bit. the kids' faces from our "He's our star patient," an visit, it's a feeling I can't assistant to Rondeau says. describe, Law says. "We Michael was thrilled to re- are very proud to ceive his new bear, but brighten their day by this hasn't decided on a name little gesture." As part of yet. Oh well, "Teddy" will its fund-raising effort to have to do for the time aid the Shriners Hospital, being. Chloe Youwakim - Les Cours Mont-Royal that's 'Chloe' without the encouraged shoppers to accent, she informs me in write well wishes to sick flawless French - was vis- children that were precontinued on Page 3

• February 4, 2017

sented to them along with the bears and donations collected by volunteers. "We collected $1,000 for the Shriners during the short period of time- between Christmas and New Year's Day," she says. Rondeau took the time to thank all the doctors for their ongoing care of patients, as well as volunteers and the management from Les Cours Mont Royal for making this special day possible for the children. "It definitely helps to have somebody provide this kind of aid," she says, "all the more so, because it is happening after the holiday season is over."

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DIY (Do-It-Yourself) this Valentine’s Day


our everyday distractions

By Felicia Di Palma and appreciate those we love. But, how can you

alentine’s Day is a hit or miss holiday. Some see it as a commercial holiday filled with pressure to organize the best love fest ever. Others see it for what it is; a day that forces us to forget about


veryone loves to receive homemade goodies. Making a pesto or a jam is not as difficult as it may seem. But, how could jars of jam or pesto be considered a Valentine’s Day gift? It’s all about the label. If you’re not savvy with programs like Photoshop, there are many different websites that will allow you to create your own jar label.Your custom label could include the date, your sweetie’s name and the type of jam. Sweet labels are not limited to jarred goods. If

Love It and Label It

show your love? There’s no need to buy teddy bears at ridiculous February 14th prices or generic cards. This Valentine’s Day try making a gift that speaks from the heart.We are not talking about elementary school arts and crafts. These are modern

twists on arts and crafts. Love It and Label It

your Valentine is a beer or wine aficionado, you could have custom labels made for beer and wine bottles. Gift your love with more than one wine bottle made with your personalized label. You could drink one on Valentine’s Day this year and save the other for the following year. Mason jar gifts are all the rage right now and for Valentine’s Day, the trend is picking up even more steam. Pick up some jars and fill them up with candies and chocolates. Hershey’s kisses or pink and red M&Ms look exceptionally festive in jars. Red is the primary color of love. Mix chocolate and the color red and you have yourself a Valentine delight. Red velvet desserts are perfect for February 14th –and the best part is they are not

limited to cake alone. Cupcakes, brownies, cookies and even waffle versions of red velvet do exist. You can put all the dry ingredients into a jar and create a jar tag that has the recipe written on it. Your Valentine will bake away with a smile on their face especially when the aroma of baked goods fills the kitchen. If your lover isn’t a baker, you could put the baked red velvet cake or brownies inside the Mason jar and layer away. If you’ve baked a red velvet cake, make a cream cheese frosting to add in between the layers of cake. If you’ve baked red velvet brownies, you could make fudge for the layers.

Christmas, one Reddit user decided to take romance to the next level for his gift. He wrote 365 love notes for his girlfriend and put them in a jar. She was told that for the next year she had to take one note out and read it every day. Notes on yellow paper were about special moments they’ve shared over the course of their eight relationship. Green paper notes were love quotes and lyrics to romantic songs. Pink notes were reasons why he loves her. While Reddit user TheOnlyOne87 created this gift for Christmas it is

the perfect Valentine gift. Write down why you love your partner and reminisce about memories you’ve made. How else could you make the jar even more romantic? Handwrite your notes. There’s something about taking the time to handwrite your love notes that is touching and classically romantic. This Valentine’s Day, be romantic, creative and thoughtful. Anyone could buy a box of chocolates but nothing says thoughtful and loving like DIY gifts.

Mason Jars Romance

365 Love notes in a Jars


nstead of adding treats to Mason jars, you could do something more expressive. Last


February 4, 2017 •

• February 4, 2017


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WICS 13 annual Red & White Benefit Evening th


By Stuart Nulman

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of sporty Ray Ban sunglasses. During the fourcourse gourmet meal, more money was raised by volunteers selling raffle tickets – in which the grand prize was a trip for two to any Club Med destination in North America – and a live auction in which several once-in-a-lifetime experiences were on the block, including a go karting experience with rac car driver Alex Tagliani, a “chef at home” experience with 40 Westt’s Chef Stefanos, and a day at Parliament Hill with MP Francis Scarpaleggia. For more information about West Island Community Shares, go to:

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ver 300 people attended West Island Community Shares’ (WICS) 13th annual Red & White Benefit Evening on January 30 at the 40 Westt Steakhouse in Dollard des Ormeaux. A record $200,000 was raised at the event, which benefits the 40 community groups across the West Island under the WICS umbrella, and aids residents with such issues and matters as cancer, troubled youth, substance abuse and mental illness. The money raised is part of WICS’ annual fundraising campaign, which runs until March 31.

Hosted by Global News anchor Jamie Orchard, the Red & White Benefit Evening started with a lavish cocktail party, in which the guests enjoyed a wide array of tasty hors d’oeuvres that were prepared by the chefs at 40 Westt, including filet mignon sausages, burger sliders, spring rolls, mini crab cakes, fried cod and the always popular raw oyster bar. There was also a silent auction with a large assortment of prizes that were up for grabs such as a private photo portrait session, gift certificates to many of Montreal’s fine restaurants, VIP hockey and hotel packages, a Keurig Hot coffee machine, gift baskets, jewellery, an HP smart phone, and a pair

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• February 4, 2017



Canadian Maple Leaf Coins 1947-1948

Mint faced a big problem. They needed to produce By Michael Joffre coins...but could not, as they did not yet receive the new design from Engn August of 1947 India land. In early 1948 they was granted inde- came up with a clever pendence from Eng- idea. They continued to land. Since all mint coins with the 1947 Canadian coins of so they could keep George VI had the legend date the same obverse, but to “GEORGIVS VI D: G: differentiate these coins REX ET IND: from the ones actually IMP:”...roughly translated minted in 1947, they put as “George VI by the grace of God, King, and a small maple leaf just emperor of India”, the after the date. This coinage all needed some would avoid confusion modification. No longer with actual 1947 coins. This is not the first time could any coins claim the Royal Canadian Mint that George VI was em(RCM) has applied this peror of India. After World War II, the solution. In 1937 the Canadian economy was RCM was waiting for the improving, the population master tools from Lonwas growing rapidly, and don to produce the first there was a need for a coins of George VI after larger output of coinage the passing of George V to meet this. During the and abdication of Edward war certain coins...espe- VIII. Since they did not cially the silver dollar, ei- arrive on time, an emerther had reduced gency issue of 1936 25 mintages, or were sus- cents was made with a dot on the bottom of the pended. Since a new obverse coin showing that it was die would be required to actually coined in 1937. strike the 1948 coins, and Although scarce, many the matrices and punches 1936 dot 25 cents surdid not arrive in time vive and it is an interestfrom the Royal Mint in ing collectible. 1936 1 London for minting and 10 cents were also them, the Royal Canadian made with a dot, but only


a handful of specimen coins survive, as the whole mintage was remelted in mid 1937. In mid 1948 with the new design received, coins with the actual 1948 date were struck...but by this time much of the required coins were already made with the 47 maples. This explains why most Canadian coins with the 1948 date are much rarer than other years. For example a much used coin like the 10 cent...10 million were struck in 1948...but only about 4% of them with the 1948 date...the others are all 47 maples. For collectors this has created two classic rarities of the Canadian coin series. The first and most popular is the 1948 dollar of which only 18,780 were struck (consider the 1949 mintage was 672,218). Second rarity...and an extreme one at that, is the 1947 maple leaf 50 cent with the 7 curved right. As discussed in a previous article, very few survive (likely less the a couple hundred), and the coin is worth thousands of dollars in nice condition.

Michael Joffre is President of Carsley Whetstone & Company Inc. Canada’s oldest Coin Dealers with a history dating back to

1928. They are always at 514-289-9761, or by looking to buy collections of visiting: rare coins, paper money and related collectables. Comment on this article at: He can be reached directly

February 4, 2017 •

Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage by Robert S. Bader


By Stuart Nulman

have been a fan of the Marx Brothers (in its threeand fourbrother incarnations) for over 40 years. I have seen all of their movies, watched countless reruns of Groucho’s TV game show “You Bet Your Life”, and on the book front, have read practically every book written by them and about them, from such memoirs as Groucho and Me and Harpo Speaks!, to oral histories like The Marx Brothers Scrapbook, to collective biographies such as Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Sometimes, Zeppo. …At least that what I thought, until I got my hands on the latest addition to the Marx Brothers canon, Robert S. Bader’s Four of the Three Musketeers. Practically every book written about the brothers always had a chief focus on the 13 movies they did as a quartet and trio between 1929 and 1949, including such classics as “Animal Crackers”, “Duck Soup” and “A Night at the Opera”. A lesser portion of those books (starting with the first published collective biography by Kyle Crichton in 1950) mentioned the fact that the Marxes got their start in show business on the stage, first in vaudeville, then on Broadway (which was encouraged and engineered by their devoted, sassy mom Minnie Marx). With Four of the Three Musketeers (the title is taken from one of the songs that was performed in the Marxes’ third and final hit Broadway show “Animal Crackers” in 1928), Bader has given this well-known, but not widely written, aspect of the Marx Brothers story the biographical spotlight that is quite long overdue;

• February 4, 2017

and after reading this exhaustively researched and factually thorough account, it’s a book that no devoted Marx Brothers fan should be without. Bader, who edited an anthology of Groucho’s newspaper and magazine articles nearly 25 years ago called Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales, has now earned the right to the

pantheon of being an official Marx Brothers expert with this book. With plenty of meticulous research, he has chronicled the 40-year period between 1905 and 1945 when the Marx Brothers polished their comedy act and developed their respective, unique personas on the vaudeville and Broadway stages, and during the latter part of their careers, returned to the stage to preview select scenes from several of their later motion pictures, including “A Night at the Opera”, “A Day at the Races” and “Go West”. Being an avid Marx Brothers fan in particular – and a show business history buff in general – what I particularly enjoyed about the book is how Bader used his penchant for thorough research to re-examine the many stories of the brothers’ vaudeville and Broadway years that have attained legendary status amongst the multitude of their fans past and present. Utilizing many of the books that have been published since

1950, not to mention contemporary newspaper and magazine articles and trade paper reviews, Bader examines the many sides to these stories and tries to draw a conclusion of which story (and whose side of it) was the more legitimate one, whether it dealt with the defining moment in 1909 in Nacogdoches, Texas when the Marx Brothers transformed from a singing act to a comedy act; how Harpo’s persona really went silent; the circumstances that lead to the brothers getting their famous stage names; and how Groucho went from wearing a false moustache to his famous greasepaint moustache in 1921. As well, the reader gets treated to some unknown stories about their years trodding the boards from one small town to another, such as how Groucho was the only brother who has show business aspirations, and the rest of his brothers joined him onstage rather reluctantly (and mainly to the prodding encouragement of their mother Minnie, especially with the case of younger brother Zeppo, in which Minnie got him to join the act in 1918 as a way of getting him away from the street gangs that he was hanging out with); and because the brothers toured on smaller, renegade vaudeville circuits, they were blacklisted several times from performing at some of the best theatres in the more prestigious Keith and Orpheum circuits. And Bader paints a portrait of the show business world – particularly the vaudeville world – that deftly sets the background of how the Marx Brothers developed their act on so many stages across North America, whether it be the widespread, yet abusive powers of the United Booking Office agency that determined which vaudeville acts performed

in the best venues along the most prestigious circuits, the greed and tyranny of vaudeville theatre managers and owners, or the popularity of “tabloid”-type productions (which were basically two small scale shows that were combined as a double bill), which were the type of shows the Marx Brothers performed as they became the toast of vaudeville between 1910 and 1922. As an added bonus, Bader includes a detailed,

annotated chronology of every Marx Brother stage appearance between 1905 and 1945, whether it be as a group or as a solo act, the dates, cities and theatres, and any interesting – if necessary -- facts or details about a certain stop on a certain tour (on a local angle, the Marx Brothers performed in Montreal at the Princess Theatre in September of 1919 with their revue show “’N Everything”, and performed several times in Toronto between 1916

and 1922). Four of the Three Musketeers is a fascinating, indispensible book that details the evolution of one of the greatest comedy teams as they went through a long, bumpy trial by fire through the world of live stage shows, and through that trial by fire, struggling vaudevillians Julius, Adolph, Leonard and Herbert became legendary comedians Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo. (Northwestern University Press, $40)


Portuguse wine - An oddisey into value & diversity


he world of wine is extremely varied and diverse and nowhere is this more evident than in Portuguese wines. In Canada, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia are the biggest consumer. In 2015, Portugal was in the top 10 wine importers in Canada.

national palates. Portugal spent many years under the dictatorship of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, from 1932 to 1974. After Salazar’s death, the country began to modernize and in 1986, it joined the European Union which eventually provided funding to improve Portugal’s vineyards. There are more than 260 grape varieties indigenous to Portugal, and the country has a very long tradition of winemaking, separated into different segments.One very important part of Portugal’s history is the Port trade. Port is a fortified wine. In another segment are the sweet wines made on the island of Madeira, and the sweet wines of Setubal. has been famous for By Marco Giovanetti Port centuries, thanks to the relationship between the Portuguese and the EngPortugal has been mak- lish, who signed the Treaty ing wine for , even going of Windsor in 1386. back as far as the PhoeniPortugal has both white cians who introduced the and red varieties that are vine to Portugal in the 7th made into interesting century. Portuguese wine wines. The whites can be traditions are still quite light and floral, and are evident in its winemaking. made with Alvarinho, EnIn some areas grapes are cruzado and other varistill pressed by stomping eties. The reds tend to be on them in bare feet in more full-bodied.The preLagares. However in re- mier red variety in Portucent years, a lot of pro- gal is Touriga Nacional. ducers are making wines Baga, another indigenous in a more modern style, variety, makes some of the trying to appeal to inter- most heavily tannic still

wines in the world, rivaling Italy’s Amarone, according to Weiss. International varieties are also grown in Portugal and some producers are experimenting with blends of both. Most Portuguese wines are sold in the SAQ and LCBO from somewhere between $10 and $140 dollars.These latter wines are more expensive and some are of them are worth the money, but you can get a great bottle of

wine in the lower spectrum as well. Garrafeira is a useful term to know when reading a Portuguese wine label. It is used for red wines mostly and means that the wine has been aged for at least two years before bottling, and has spent at least a year in the bottle. White wines that use the term are aged for at least six months before bottling and then have to spend at least six months in the bottle thereafter.

Portugal has a number of wine regions but some of the most famous are the Douro Valley, the Minho, the Dão, Beiras, Bairrada, Ribatejo and the Alentejo. The wines from the Minho are just on the border with Spain and share a lot in common with their Spanish counterpart. The Douro Valley is undoubtedly one of the finest regions for making not just Port wines but also still red wines in Por-

tugal. That is due to the rocky schist soil, which helps to produce great wines the world over, and to the Douro River, which runs through it, creating the perfect microclimates for grape growing. Still wines are made from the same combinations of grape varieties that can be found in Port wines such as Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz (known as Tempranillo in Spain), Tinta Barroca, Tinta Cao and Touriga Francesca.


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February 4, 2017 •

Portuguese wines to try: J.M. Fonseca Albis 2015 (Setubal) SAQ# 00319905 $12.05

A light and delicate white made with indigenous varieties such as Moscatel de Setubal and Arinto. On the floral aromas and tropical fruits such as pineapple and passion fruit. Fresh with a nice acidity. Perfect for baked white fish such as flounder in sauce.

Meia Encosta Dao blanc 2015 SAQ# 12332301 $10.95

Made with Malvasia Fina, Encruzado, Bical, Fernão Pires, this is another stunning white wine from the Dao. Fruity, elegant and mineral. It is voluminous in the mouth, with a marked herbal character, in perfect balance with the acidity. Try it with penne al pesto with tuna.

Vila Regia 2015 (Douro Valley) SAQ# 00464388 $9.80

Made by the Sogrape Coop in Portugal. The 2015 is better than ever and the best value at the SAQ at the moment. Terrific with notes of licorice, sandalwood , black cherry jam. Good body with plenty of vinous and spice black fruit flavors. Perfect for a Monday night hearty supper.

Pet of the Week

Harry the Humble Hamster


arry is barely a year and a half old, but he could eat on his own, is potty trained and can literally run in circles for hours upon hours - because Harry is a hamster. He has lived in Lachine with Sandi and her family since the day he was born and that is a story in itself. "We were babysitting his cousin's hamster in late summer of 2015. They thought it was a male hamster, when to our surprise it gave birth to 6 hamsters while in our care… it was a female who had shared a cage with another hamster, a male obviously… and they clearly had some fun together!" said Sandi. "Harry was the one we kept." Harry is a humble hamster, he eats his carrots and demands very little, and does makes them laugh a lot. "My son has always been a very shy boy and

Duque de Viseu 2015 ( Beiras, Dao) SAQ# 00546309 $14.05

has some challenges. He's kept mostly to himself, but Harry somehow brought him out of his shell. He invites his friends over now and Harry is always doing something, like hanging upside down in his cage, swinging away and making them laugh." Harry has also offered them a bit of excitement. "One night we had an aunt visiting from California and Malcolm left the cage door open. Harry decided to go for a walk... into the bathroom. We heard a scream in the middle of the night and rushed to the scene. Our cousin was standing on the toilet

screaming at Harry who was simply sitting in a corner of the bathroom tearing at a kleenex. She was screaming 'A rat! There's a rat! We all laughed so hard and explained to her that it was my son's pet hamster. For the rest of her visit we made sure the cage was securely closed!" For a little creature, who at first was not particularly a pet Sandi would have chosen, he has brought them so much joy! To submit your pet for 'Pet of the Week', email Bonnie at or


An absolute steal for the price .This wine opens with a little time. Big bold black fruit with a medium body. Dark cherry and a little tobacco on the finish. Great value for the price that it has

Animus 2015 ( Douro Valley) SAQ # 11133239 $12.95

Cedar wood tones with wild tart black raspberry and licorice. This full-bodied Portuguese red wine is smooth and supple with a great price. Excellent choice for weekday suppers.


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• February 4, 2017

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What is long term care insurance? Sponsored


minished quality of life. • the average life expectancy of a Canadian felients have asked male is 83 years. Just over me about long 14 of those are expected term insurance. I to be with a diminished reached out to quality of life.* our friends at Sunlife to * Source: Statistics Canada, provide us a little insight. 2012 Jay Lafave, a Sunlife FinanLong term care insurcial Security Advisor, was ance helps to pay for care kind enough to provide services that other plans the following information. don't provide, bridging the Long term care services gap between what is proaddress the health, social vided and the extra care and personal care needs or services your client of individuals who have might want to access. lost the ability to care for Long term care insurance themselves. While a cer- helps to cover the costs tain degree of public sup- of care, meaning: port is available, • Clients have more government programs are choices around the kind not comprehensive and of care and amount of long term care services care they'll receive. can be costly. Clients' savings and inThe level of health care •vestments can be preand personal assistance served. we need, and the cost to As you build and review meet these needs, will inretirement income plans crease with age with the for clients, it's important average Canadian experiencing 9 to 14 of the final to help them recognize years of their life in dimin- and consider their future health care needs and the ished health.* impact their choices and At birth... • the average life ex- expectations will have on pectancy of a Canadian their plans. Long term male is 78 years. Over care insurance can help nine of those years are with financial protection expected to be with a di- for their plans and the means to pay for the level By Matt DelVecchio Montreal Times


of care they want and expect. Sun Long Term Care Insurance provides your clients with: • Freedom, to enjoy their money now and in retirement because they're prepared. Having a plan that helps protect their savings means living retirement to its fullest. • Choice, from a product that can be tailored to their needs and which provided features and options that will allow for more choice when needed in their retirement years. • Flexibility, from a benefit that can be used to pay for the type of care that's right for their needs and their situation whether it's purchasing private home care or compensating a child who provides assistance. Thank you Jay and the Sunlife team for this quick overview. I’m sure our readers will benefit from this information should they be considering this valuable insurance option. Please see ad Lianas on the next page.

February 4, 2017 •

• February 4, 2017




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The Power in Avocado


16625 boul. Pierrefonds

( just east of boul. St-Charles )

By Martha Shannon

Avocado. Also known as the alligator pear. Green in colour and full of adventure. Can be both eaten and worn. Rich in antioxidants, protein and essential oils. A fruit not to be taken for granted. Did you know that avocado • Helps protect your skin against the sun and weather? • Has anti-wrinkling properties? • Reduces dry scalp and dandruff? • Is your skin’s BFF? There are some really good ideas on the Internet extolling the virtues of avocado on the skin. Of course, eating avocado is always wise and in doing so it will work on your skin from the inside out. But feeding your skin from the outside in truly extols the power of this fruit. There are wonderful

recipe ideas and hints for avocado facial masks, hair treatments, shaving creams, hand scrubs, body lotions and nutritious consuming health benefits. If you are going to try some of these recipes, make sure you use a ripe fruit (avocado is not a vegetable). The fruit should be dark in colour and feel heavy. To speed up the ripening process pop it into a brown paper bag for 23 days. For even faster ripening, toss a banana or an apple into the bag. Superbowl is just around the corner. Superbowl and guacamole (the famed avocado mix of the mashed fruit, lemon or lime, cilantro, salt and pepper) play well together. Imagine the size of a football field covered in guacamole 20 feet thick . That represents the 53.5 million pounds of guacamole that are consumed every Super-

bowl. People do love their avocado. And so do we. While we do not actually mash this alligator pear, we do use its oil. In our Emu and Argan lip balms, 3 of our best selling soaps, Emuneem, Nori-neem and Argan tamanu, our Spoil Me body oil and Zinc Oxide. Whether you choose to feed your skin the actual fresh fruit or experience the oil through natural skin care, you will reap the power of this incredible gift from nature. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit our online store: Subscribe to our newsletter. Check out our BIOS. Meet us in person at the shop. Write to us at: Stay tuned for informative product reviews and great customer stories that you can relate to.


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Avis de demande de changement de nom Prenez avis que Moon-Hye Chang dont l’adresse de domicille est le 296 Marsh, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5Y5, présenera au Directeur de i’état civil une demande pour changer son nom en celui de Cathy Moon-Hye Chang. Cet avis a été rempli et signé à pointe-claire, le 12-0-2017

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Roasted vegetable soup Wine & Dining

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By Chef Peter Webster of Bouquet Garni Catering Call Monica 514-830-9156

• 6 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped • 3 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped • 2 potatoes, washed and roughly chopped • 1/2 head of cauliflower, roughly chopped • 2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped • 1/3 cup canola oil • Salt and pepper • 3 litres of stock ( I used chicken stock) Put all the chopped vegetables in a roasting pan and drizzle with the canola oil, salt and pepper. Roast in a preheated 375ºF oven for at least thirty minutes,

Things to do

thony Licursi at 514-7758272 or

stirring occasionally. When the vegetables start to turn colour and the tips have a brown tinge, they are ready. Pour the vegetables into a pot along with the stock. Simmer for 30 minutes. Using a blender, blend the soup in batches and pass through a sieve. Reheat the soup, adjust the seasoning and serve in bowls or decorative mini cups. Thank you Beaconsfield Ladies – you were a great audience! Comment on this article at:

Chefs Karen & Peter Webster

Montreal Times Community Calendar

Montreal's King of Comedy, Joey Elias will be hosting the first annual "Night for the Future Gala" on Feb. 3rd 2017 starting at 6 PM, to be held at Buffet Marina 14379 boul. Denis Papin, Leonard. All profits will be for the Montreal Children's Hospital Oncology department. Organizer of the event is 20 year old Anthony Licursi, who has been wanting to organize this fundraiser for the last couple of years. Says he wants to give back. The evening will include a five-course meal, drinks, music dance, door prizes etc, and of course Montreal's own Joey Elias. Anthony is a graduate of Loyola High, Dawson, and at present at Concordia. On top of this e-mail is the "Night for the Future Gala" website, and on the bottom of the website is a writeup from the Loyola newspaper. For all information, please call An22

7 Collège, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec H9X 1W9 514-457-“BRIE” (2743) /

D.N.A. hosts a Valentine dance party for 40 + Feb. 25th, 8PM - 1AM at Lachine legion, 3015 Henri Dunant (corber 32nd ave.), Bus 191.

West Island Citizen Advocacy receives four to five new requests for servicers every week on behalf of residents in need. WICA is in need of volunteers to meet the growing demand of our vulnerable West Islanders. There are many seniors, intellectually and physically challenged as well as those experiencing mental health issues who are looking for practical, emotional and social support. It could be something as simple as accompanying them on errands or sharing a cup of coffee with them. Every match WICA makes is unique depending on availability, compatibility,

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Across 1. Dovetail 5. Ankh feature 9. Sweetly, in music 14. Montreal player 15. Retin-A treats it 16. New Jersey county 17. Turturro and Bacon, e.g. 20. Ancient horn 21. Horse handler 22. Dance, e.g. 23. Elephant grp. 25. Bivalve shells 29. "Enter" and "left" 33. Can you dig it? 34. Clumsy boats 35. Tags 36. Legal org. 38. Govt. agency 39. Layer 40. Back 41. Berry 43. Gasteyer of "Mean Girls" 45. Camera chief 51. Synagogue singer 52. Cousin of an ostrich 53. Bar order 54. Encourage 57. Cameos, e.g. 59. Hollywood honcho 63. Havens



Gamblers Anonymous -- Is gambling affecting you or someone you love? GA can help! 514-484-6666 or 010 - 013117 - 112416 Please e-mail your event or notice to: The notice must be pharagrapgh form all lower case. There is a $7.50 charge per week (21 words) each additional word .35¢. Deadline wednesday at 12.

64. Prefix for scoliosis 65. Intention 66. "We're #1!" e.g. 67. Hose woe 68. Copper Down 1. Centers of activity 2. Give a pep talk 3. Ancient military hub 4. Phone, slangily 5. Fond du ___ 6. Marine mollusks 7. Addition column 8. Chipper 9. Lecturers 10. Sovereign's privilege 11. "Seinfeld" uncle 12. One for the road 13. Dash widths 18. Bit 19. "Wellaway!" 24. Catullus composition 26. Churn 27. May event, for short 28. Bubblehead 30. ___ few rounds 31. Call 32. It's full of periods 36. "Tosca" tune 37. Beethoven's birthplace 38. Blubber 39. Twaddle

40. TV monitor? 41. Love devotee 42. Freight 43. Coat part 44. Pacific island 46. Short musical pieces 47. Swiss canton 48. Binary compound 49. Big roll 50. Move audience members 55. Fish caught in pots 56. Beasts of burden 58. Suffix with psych59. Blubber 60. Central truth 61. Can. neighbor 62. Minor player 65. Like some humor (This week’s answer on Page 21)





was asked to speak to the Beaconsfield Ladies Group this week. The topic for the talk was left up to me. I decided to speak about the current trends in food. One of the most prominent is the trend toward small. A cocktail dinatoire is the current buzz word. Essentially, you are serving a dinner without the dinner plate, cutlery, table and chairs. The courses are served by means of hors d’oeuvres. The first course is usually soup. I decided to prepare a roasted vegetable soup and serve it in a demi- tasse espresso cup. Ingredients ( for 40 hors d’oeuvre size servings) • 2 onions, peeled and roughly chopped • 1 head of garlic, halved




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