Montreal Times 22 50 March 18 2017

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A community vision for the former Montreal Children’s Hospital- Page 5


Saturday, March 18, 2017

345 Rue Saint-Jacques, Lachine H8R 1E6


Vol. 22 No. 50

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March 18, 2017 •


Vol. 22, No. 50

Saturday, March 18, 2017


Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard


'Worried About Visiting the US?

n the past Canadians never really thought twice about visiting the US, whether it was for a day trip to Vermont, a shopping trip in Plattsburgh or heading down south to the beaches during winter.Things changed after the September 11th attacks in 2001, we now need passports and the waiting times at border crossings can become excruciatingly long. Because of airport security we have to arrive hours before boarding. It has really been more of an inconvenience than anything else - but that is the past. A revised US travel ban signed by Donald Trump on March 6th and the recent incidents reported at border crossings have Canadians very concerned - and even questioning whether it is safe enough or not to cross

over the border. Since Donald Trump became President of the US earlier this year, turning the White House upside

By Bonnie Wurst

down, it has become uncertain. When Trump issued the first version of his controversial 'Travel Ban' in January it was a disordered mess, the wrong people were being detained by border security

and even some fathers away on business trips couldn't get back home to their families. The hastily enacted order caused chaos at airports as immigrants were literally pulled off planes. It prompted huge protests and a ruling by a US appeals court that deemed it unlawful. We were assured Canadian citizens would have no problems entering and leaving the country - but that too is the past. The first order, discriminated against travelers from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iran and the new order is much like the first one, just Iraq is now excluded and different words are used to disguise pretty much the same intents continued on Page 8

11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale

MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn

prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016

Day : March 27 and April 24 Evening : May 1st Teen : English: April 1st Teen : Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese: May 6th


• March 18, 2017



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Two Irish Montreal Excursion Walking Tours


rish Montreal Excursions Walking Tours - Montrealers are in for a new treat this St. Patrick's Day! Irish Montreal Excursions Walking Tours is run by Irish Montreal Excursions a new tour company that visits Irish sites of interest... See online for more:

Time to put an end to Daylight Saving Time?


ast weekend it was time to 'Spring Forward' once again. Daylight Saving Time (DST) began on Sunday March 12th at 2:00 am, when clocks were turned forward one hour to 3:00 am local time across most of North America, Europe and even parts of the Middle East. Only about 70% percent of countries follow DST - and it is possible the other 30%, with their clocks unchanged, are actually See online for more: healthier and happier for it.

Sun Youth Basketball Camp a hit

St. Patrick’s Parade in S Montreal this Sunday


ince its foundation Sun Youth has been committed to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and school retention in order to encourage the physical, social and intellectual development of young people. Over Spring break, Sun Youth once again held its basketball camp and it was huge success! This year, more than thirty kids, a record number compared to previous years, participated in the camp. Boys and girls, aged Start time: 12pm - Corner of Fort & St. 8 to15, were able to improve their play Catherine, Under the direction of The skills through activities such as drills, passUnited Irish Societies of Montreal, Inc. ing, shooting and dribbling. See online for more: See online for more:

March 18, 2017 •

A community vision for the former Montreal Children's Hospital


ne can say like in those old serials: "The story so far‌" regarding the fate of the former Montreal Children's Hospital. The institution, a landmark in the west end of downtown just across of Cabot Square, closed its doors after it moved to its new quarters in the MUHC Super Hospital at the

been some proposals made by the community, and a public hearing will be held on March 20 at 7 p.m. at the Office de consultation publique de MontrĂŠal (OCPM). The deadline to submit opinions in writing or to register for a verbal intervention was this past March 16. The Peter McGill Community Council expects that many neighbours have taken the time to register for this hearing and that much more will attend the session to support its demands. The Peter-McGill district, part of the Ville Marie borough, is home to 34,154 residents, including 2,355 families and 4,300 seniors. Between 2006 and 2011 it has seen a16.4% increase in the number of residents however the green space By Sergio Martinez ratio is six times lower than environmental norms. There is no public elementary school, nor a Glen site. A period of un- community centre for the certainty and expectation sector (there are some followed, with various private schools, while calls from the neighbour- community organizations hood that the public that wish to hold meetservice vocation of the ings or other activities site is preserved, convert- have to rent rooms in ing the building into a hub some of the local univerfor multiple community sities, churches or facilities: a community CEGEPs, usually not centre, an elementary cheap). school, a library, and At this time one of the some affordable housing. top priorities is to have a In the end, nothing of that community centre (I happened, in 2015 the should add: hopefully, site was sold to a private managed by the commudeveloper although nity itself, or at least with Mayor Denis Coderre of- its input, and not run by fered some compromise city-appointed people under which the pro- with a bureaucratic menmoter must devote part tality). There are conof the new real estate cerns that given that the project to a community centre would be located centre and affordable in what ultimately will be housing. private property, the There have been some input by the community meetings between the will not be taken into acdeveloper and members count. Some are also of the Peter McGill Com- afraid of what happens munity Council which when public spaces are represents the residents managed by private of the west-end sector of groups. Even by those the city. Now there have that claim to have a com-

Local residents mobilized when the Children's Hospital was vacated: they wanted to keep its public service vocation

munity-oriented vocation (Montreal Arts Interculturel is a case that comes to my mind, it occupies what used to be the Strathearn Community Centre but is managed as a private corporation charging high fees to other community groups that want to use its facilities.That is a model that I wouldn't like for this hybrid public facility on private land). The Community Council also has some proposals regarding the housing segment of the development. Among them, a majority of social housing units be designed for families, including the integration of the former nurses' residence into social housing for families. It also proposes that 15% of housing in buildings of 100 units or more must be dedicated to social housing and a greater number of large units for

families be included within the 15% of affordable housing. The Peter-McGill Community Council also proposes that the

Commission takes into account in its recommendations: issues of air and sound pollution, access to sunlight, winds and traffic flows; and the provision

of activities in the community centre that respond to the needs expressed by the homeless population.

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• March 18, 2017

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March 18, 2017 •

crossing the US border

senior Muslim students denied entry into to but it also states that 'per- being the US, Westmount High manent residents of Canada with citizenship School's annual graduation from any of the six Mus- trip was changed from a lim-majority countries can planned visit to Washingbe denied entry to the ton D.C. to Toronto and Niagara Falls. United States'. Even those with valid With the first version passports born to parents we were told by the who immigrated to White House that permaCanada generations ago, nent residents of Canada could come and go as al- or those who hold dual ways - but the second ver- citizenship with the US sion is contradictory. Parts have cause for worry - not of it like 'a landed immi- just about being refused grant from Canada needs entry, but because of the to apply for a waiver, that violence and acts of racial may be granted, on a case- hatred running rampant by-case basis, at the dis- across the border. The cretion of a consular surge in Anti-Semitism is officer or another official unprecedented with over hundred bomb from U.S. Customs and one Border Protection' are threats forcing Jewish sure to cancel some travel community centers and even schools to evacuate plans. Even more alarming are buildings, Swastikas are events reported by sev- being painted on synaeral Canadians, with valid gogue doors, headstones passports, who were de- are being turned over and nied entry at some border broken desecrating Jewish crossings. Most recently, cemeteries. There are known highManpreet Kooner, a 30 profile fascists in the year old Montrealer and a Canadian citizen born White House. Neo-Nazis here to Indian parents was and white nationalists are turned away at a Quebec- rubbing shoulders with Vermont border and told members of Trump's team by a border guard she - a very disconcerting needed 'a valid immigrant thought to anyone of a difvisa' to enter the US. It ferent ethnic background was supposed to be a day or skin color. On February 22nd two trip to a Vermont SPA with two of her friends. Indian men were shot in a Not only was she denied Kansas bar by a man, hurlentry, but was first de- ing racial slurs at them and tained for six hours. On January 19th, McGill University physics student Joseph Decunha tried to cross the border at Lacolle, Quebec. He was asked whether he was 'anti or pro' Trump Decunha wanted to attend Trumps' inauguration, but he too was denied entry. Also on the day before the inauguration a Sudbury, Ontario couple who told CBC News she and her husband were trying to cross the U.S. border in Niagara Falls with plans to attend the Women's March - were detained and questioned for more than an hour before reluctantly being allowed through. Because of the uncertainty about some of their continued from Page 3

yelling "get out of my country" and one of them died. The shooter thought he had killed two Iranian men. Women, after decades of fighting for their rights, once again find themselves having to organize and protest against the ultraright wing policy makers in the White House, who are trying to tear down much of what was accomplished. LGBT people who have fought so hard for their rights and equality are finding themselves preparing for battles in court again - and on the streets. What is most alarming is a President and his team who are not really doing anything significant about the incidents. Except for a couple of scripted speeches and hastily written tweets with little impact - no direct actions have taken place. There are areas in the US I never really felt comfortable visiting, now I'm not sure how comfortable I feel at all crossing the border. I never imagined that in my lifetime I would actually hear of people from the US seeking asylum in Canada. Are the fears real? Do you worry about visiting the US now, or do you think it is just business as usual?

39. /



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• March 18, 2017



An update on the bike sharing service...

Bixi to open April 15 for 2017

3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4



Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island Advertising

Melissa Levy


(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Deborah Rankin • Arturo Las Pinas Jr. • Karina Thevenin •Kieron Yates • Jillian Clark • Marco Giovanetti • Dan Laxer •Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • John Symon • Sharmen Yarnell • Yonaye Gondje

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he Bixi bicycle sharing service is gearing up to open April 15 for the 2017 season, Bixi's ninth year of operations. The program was launched in Montreal with great fanfare in 2009 before quickly spreading to foreign cities such as London, New York City, and Melbourne. But, rapid growth is not always a good thing and Bixi declared bankruptcy in

(80 more than 2016).” For the uninitiated, Bixis are robust 3-speed bicycles designed to fit a wide range of body sizes. “Bixi is Montreal's public bike system. It’s the bike that’s really an alternative means of urban transport. By John Symon Accessible to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, three seasons of 2013. A restructured Bixi the year, from April to bike sharing service now November,” explains the services just the Montreal Bixi website. Bixi docking stations are area. The Times reached found between Langelier out to Bixi to find out more about the coming Blvd in the east and Concordia U.'s Loyola campus season. The popularity of Bixis to the west. Bikes can be is attested by the annual unlocked with a key or ridership according to using a credit card. Prices Bixi spokesman Pierre start at $2.95 for a 30Parent. “Since 2014 we minute, 1-way trip. An anhave grown from 3.2 mil- nual membership costs lion rides to 4.1 million $89 in 2017 and members rides per year. In 2017, are given a key for an infiour fleet includes 6200 nite number of 45-minute bikes (1000 more than trips.Various other pricing 2016) and 540 stations packages are available in-

Bixi bikes often feature corporate logos. Courtesy: Bixi

cluding an 24-hour rental advertized for $5. Previously, there have been complaints about confusing signage regarding Bixi prices and also about hidden charges. There is an anecdote from 2012 about a Montreal man renting a Bixi for 24 hours to receive a whopping $101.50 bill. “That cannot happen anymore,” insists Parent. “All prices are now clearly marked on the docking stations. And, if customers return the bikes after the

allotted time period, we have capped additional charges at $30.” As like in 2016, free rentals will be offered on certain Sundays. Parent specifies this applies, “Starting May 28 and on every last Sunday of the month through October.” The name “Bixi” is a portmanteau, combining "Bicycle" and "Taxi." The concept for the “made in Canada” aluminum Bixi bikes won international accolades when the service was launched by Public

Bike System Company (PBSC) in 2009. As noted, the company filed for bankruptcy in 2013. The City of Montreal bought PBSC's assets for $11.9 million in February 2014 to create Bixi Montreal, a non-profit entity to run bike sharing operations here. Foreign Bixi operations were spun off and sold to local businessmen Bruno Rodi who now operates these as PBSC Urban Solutions, a private company.

Bill Burr tickets for sale now


austic superstar American comic Bill Burr will give Montreal comedy fans a taste of what to expect at this summer’s 35th edition of the Just For Laughs festival, as it presents Burr for two performances on June 10 at the L’Olympia Theatre, located on St. Catherine Street East; show times are at 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Burr, who first gained recognition for his role in season two of “Chappelle’s Show”, has been performing to sold out crowds across North America thanks to his wide variety of opinions that are filled with his brand of uninformed logic, tackling such sub-

jects as organized religion and the economy, especially how American currency should go back to the gold standard. As well, Burr is a regular on both Jimmy Fallon and Conan O’Brien’s late night chat shows, has a popular podcast (called the “Monday Morning Podcast”) that has recorded over 400 episodes, has a new Netflix comedy special that aired this past January, and will present the second season of his Netflix animated series “F is For Family” later this year. Tickets for Bill Burr’s two Montreal shows on June 10 are now on sale, and cost $45.50, $55.50 and $65.50. For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to

March 18, 2017 •

Montréal en Lumière: it was the worst of temperatures, but the best of times


Montréal en Lumière was an artistic success nart" presented by the s Jacques-André ter festival. Dupont, DirecThe edition that Casino de Montreal had tor General of ended this past Satur- a high visual impact. "IlMontréal en Lu- day was the 18th edi- luminart" consisted of mière pointed out dur- tion of this unique 25 projects of lighting ing the wrap-up press festival that combines with spectacular visual conference this past indoor concerts and effects using the façades gastronomical events of many buildings covwith a series of out- ering 3.6 km. in the area door activities, which of the Quartier des run from February 23 Spectacles. to March 11. The fact As usual, the gastronthat this is the year omy section was one of marking the 375th an- the greatest attractions niversary of Montreal this year: the highlight provided an additional was the French city of occasion for celebra- Lyon considered a tion. hotspot of France's cuiSome of the artists sine. Also, the gastrofeatured during this nomical achievements By Sergio Martinez year's edition were of other places were Daniel Lavoie, who also part of this year's was the honorary pres- entation. In total 29 ident of the festival, guest chefs participated Monday; the weather Matt Holubowski, in the Finest Tables prowas the worst in many Charlotte Cardin, gram. There also were years. However, Mon- Champion et ses G- chefs from 14 different trealers and the good number of tourists who Strings, Valaire, Peter countries, and—as in made it to the city dur- Peter, Bobby Bazini, previous years—70 difing the 17-day-festival Alexandre Da Costa, ferent Quebec kinds of didn't feel intimidated and also a remarkable cheese from 19 producby the cold and con- tribute show called "Piaf ers were also featured verged on the streets a 100 ans. Vive la attracting a large numaround the Quartier Môme!" ber of tasters. Among des Spectacles in the Regarding innovation the many gastronomical eastern part of down- using multimedia, the events 4,500 Lyonnais town, to enjoy this win- project called "Illumi- soups concocted by (photo Montréal en Lumière)

Installations in the Quartier des Spectacles Joseph Viola, were ters long, always kept at (ITHQ) which will be served up free of -15º C), and the Zip-line celebrating its 50th ancharge on the outdoor (an 180 metres descent niversary, for a unique site and in community from a height of 15 me- gastronomical section organizations. tres). of high quality. He also Many other favourite Director-General unveiled the name of features of Montréal en Dupont, very happy next year's honorary Lumière were back at- with the artistic balance president, no other tracting a variety of of the event, also took than the renowned people. Among them the occasion to an- singer Isabelle Boulay. the Ferris Wheel (20 nounce that for 2018 The 19th edition of metres high, with 16 Montréal en Lumière Montréal en Lumière gondolas), the Urban will join forces with the will be held from FebruSlide in the middle of Institut de Tourism et ary 22 to March 4, the esplanade (110 me- Hotellerie du Québec 2018. (photo Montréal en Lumière)


Open Monday to Friday 11am to 10pm Sat and Sun 4pm to 11pm

484 Chemin Bord du Lac • Dorval Que H9S 2A8

For next year Montréal en Lumière will join forces with the ITHQ which will turn 50

• March 18, 2017

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Canada 1937 Issue of Paper Money By Michael Joffre

n 1937 when King George VI became King of England, and the British Empire, it was decided that a new issue of Canadian paper money be created. It was only 2 years before, in 1935 that a whole series of notes were created by the Bank of Canada, and now these were to be retired (resulting in many scarce notes). The 1937 issue is special, and groundbreaking in many ways. Firstly, it was the first bilingual notes. The previous series had separate English and French notes...which proved expensive to produce, and obviously made little sense. Secondly, beforehand the lower denomination notes all had different members of the monarchy on them, and this was the first time

that the king appeared on more than one note of a series. Usually other family members would be on different bills. Also, a new numbering system was devised where a 2 letter prefix, written as a fraction was put before the serial number. The lower letter was for the denomination, the upper for the series. This was also the first time all notes had different numbers, before notes printed on the same sheet had the same number, and a check letter showing the position on the sheet. $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 (issued with George VI portrait), $100 (Sir John A. Macdonald), and $1,000 (Sir Wilfrid Laurier) notes are part of this series. Most notes were released on July 21, 1937, but the $1,000 was not needed until 1952, and therefore few actually circulated since a

new issue was again created in 1954 with Queen Elizabeth II. The backs of the bills are stunning allegorical vignettes copied from the 1935 series. (see picture) Despite the series continuing until 1954, all notes issued have the 1937 date on them, and it

The Montreal Times is proud to introduce our new weekly edition


is safe to say most surviving examples are actually ones that were printed in the early 1950’s. Fortunately collectors have an easy way to tell the earliest notes from the latter ones. Since all notes are signed on the bottom by the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, and these positions changed a few times during this period we can use this as a guide to when they were printed. The first part of the series issued July 1937 to November 1938 are signed on the left by JAC general

these are quite scarce and highly sought after by collectors, as few were saved, and very few are known in new condition. Next, again signed on the left; Donald Gordon, November 1938 to January 1950..most of the circulating life of this series an signed by Gordon so these are in general quite easy to find. Lastly notes signed on the left by James E. Coyne were issued from January 1950 until this series was replaced with the Elizabeth II notes in 1954. It is common for collectors to only save notes when they know a series is

ending, and this is why notes signed JE Coyne from the 1937 series are plentiful. If you have questions about older Canadian paper money please do not hesitate to call or contact us through our website. Michael Joffre is President of Carsley Whetstone & Company Inc. Canada’s oldest Coin Dealers, with a history dating back to 1928. They are always looking to buy collections of rare coins, paper money and related collectables. He can be reached directly at 514-289-9761, or by visiting

March 18, 2017 •

April 1, 2017

• March 18, 2017


Pizzalini- Make sure its on your list to try


wouldn’t call myself a breakfast enthusiast by any stretch, but leave it to a restaurant named Pizzalini to provide me with the best breakfast in recent memory. My friend and I went to Pizzalini for a lunch time breakfast on an early Saturday afternoon, and we are both now breakfast fans. They stop taking breakfast orders at 1:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays, and 11pm Monday to Friday – so make sure you get there on time, and go

Pizzalini Crepes

with an empty stomach! Newly renovated in August, Pizzalini offers a unique stylish bright spot, located in the renovated strip mall on Saint Charles. With 15 new parking spots outside, even more hungry patrons can come and enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although I’ve enjoyed their lunch and dinner in the past, their breakfast options are inevitably going to lure me back. Comfortably seating 60 guests at a time, this

breakfast haven offers a great selection of meats, omelettes, home fries, crepes and a perfect French toast you have to taste to believe. On Sunday mornings, Pizzalini is the place to be for many church groups. The place fills up, and the atmosphere is as warm and unique as their chocolate banana crepe. My friend and I tried that as well – in addition to three other breakfast meals. I assure you that our plates were empty by

the end of our time there, and I may need to start going to church more often if that gives me another excuse to keep coming back for more. Similar to their lunch and dinner menu, breakfast prices are beyond reasonable – which can easily help one indulge. In addition to sharing the crepe and French toast, my friend had the Eggs Benedict, and I went to town on The West Islander, which included sausage, bacon, ham, eggs and their home fries. By the time I attacked home fries, I was completely hooked, and already began plotting my next visit. The sausages physically glistened and were easily a cut above the average awesome tasting breakfast sausage. Have I told you about the French toast? I believe I have – but I’ll happily reiterate just how good it was. I would typically skip French toast, but not at Pizzalini’s, as it is practically a food group on it’s own. It easily became one of those culinary discoveries that will lead to many subsequent revisits


in the remaining winter days to come, and I believe French toast is traditionally meant to be enjoyed in the summer as well. Right?

with a side crepe. I suppose I could throw in some fresh fruit as well, and some of the glistening sausage for nostalgia. Of course if you go to Pizza-

Top off my entire experience with warm and friendly staff, great coffee and the perfect glass of orange juice – I am now a man that loves his breakfast. I think one of their specialty omelets are awaiting my next visit,

lini, and you see Frank the owner, tell him Adam says hi, and save some of your French toast for me. Pizzalini 3626 St. Charles Blvd., Kirkland, Quebec 514-630-6666

11 a.m. - 1 a.m.


March 18, 2017 •

Toronto born and raised K Trevor Wilson T une into Comedy Network this Saturday, March 18, at 10pm to see Canadian K Trevor Wilson’s special: Bigger in Person. Born and Raised in Toronto, K Trevor Wilson always loved the stage. “I started out as a kid actor at 14. My first job was on Goosebumps playing bullies,” he said. “But I always had a love for stand-up comedy.” After graduating from high school, K Trevor followed his passion to Humber College where he completed their comedy writing and performance program. “I started doing comedy around then and just plugged away at it.” Now, he’s gathered quite the following through his stand-up performances and his Ontario-based comedy show, LetterKenny. LetterKenny just received Best Comedy Series at the Canadian Screen Awards in Toronto. “You always hope that you’re going to hear your name called, but you never actually expect it,” Wilson said. “When they said ‘the winner is LetterKenny,’ we all jumped out of our seats.” LetterKenny was the only show nominated that is not on a channel. Viewers tune in on CraveTV. The first and second season

• March 18, 2017

only have six episodes each. “We were the little show that could—and we did.” The cast is currently working on season three of LetterKenny. Saturday’s special is K Trevor Wilson’s first stand up special. It was taped last summer at Just for Laughs in Montreal. “It’s a solid half hour of comedy,” he promised. “Filming it was awesome.”

highlights from recent months include opening for Louis C.K. at the Sony Centre, and performing at the Molson Amphitheatre in front of 16 000 people. “That was an incredible feeling,” he said. “When you look out and see a sea of people. That’s a lot of people to look at and tell your jokes to.” You might have also seen him perform on Jimmy Kimmel Live! K Trevor Wilson draws a lot of his content from his own life. “I’m a storyteller,” he said. “I do a lot of strange but true aspects of my own life.” He thanks his family for a lot of his jokes.“My family has always been a good source of comedy for me. They’re the butt of a lot of my jokes.” By Jillian Clark Coming up next for Wilson is the Just for Laughs Road Show, as well When asked what he as creative development loves about performing on new shows. “I’m hopstand up comedy, it’s clear ing to continue to do that K Trevor Wilson stand up,” he said. “And loves to see his crowd I’m hoping to start creatreact. “It’s a great rush,” ing more with other peohe said. “You write it. You ple.” perform it. You’re the di“The only way we will rector and star all at the get stand-up comedy on same time. If it goes well, TV in Canada is if we supit’s on you; if it goes port stand-up comedy on poorly, it’s on you. There’s TV in Canada.” Support a real adrenaline rush get- local talent. Tune into Bigting a response from the ger in Person this Saturcrowd on something you day on Comedy Network created.” to see K Trevor Wilson in A couple of K Trevor’s action.

Two leaders in Canadian comedy received a Screen Award ~ Just For Laughs received the prestigious Icon Award, presented by legendary comic Dave Chappelle. (Right): Actor, K.Trevor Wilson took home an award when his Comedy show "LetterKenny" won Best Comedy Series. This coming Sunday, JFL & K.Trevor Wilson come together again when the Comedy Network premieres K.Trevor Wilson's first JFL standup TV special filmed at the festival last July. He has been a staple at the JFL festival for the last few years, competing in Comedy Central's Roast Battle, to performing at JFL Montreal, JFL42 and JFL NorthWest. Tune in this Sunday March 18, 10pm ET on Comedy


Nutrition & Fitness


hether it is playing football, swimming, jogging or walking, active people and athletes need to eat a nutritious, balanced diet to fuel their body. Good nutrition has basic rules. Following these rules will help active people and athletes feel great ! What diet is best for active people ? All active people need a diet that provides enough energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats as well as essential proteins, vitamins and minerals.This means a diet containing 55-60 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 1015% from sugar and the rest from starches, no more that 30% of calories from fat and the remaining (about 10-15%) from protein. That translates into eating a variety of foods every day – grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats and low fat dairy products. The base of the diet should come from carbohydrates in the form of sugar and starches. Fluids, especially water, are also important. Dehydration can stop even the most fit individual from playing his or her best game.


Are carbohydrates important for active people? When starches or sugar are eaten, the body changes them all to glucose, the only form of carbs used directly by muscles for energy. The carbs are digested and ultimately changed to glucose. The body uses this glucose in blood for energy. Most glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. During exercise, glucogen is broken down in the muscles to provide fuel for exercise. Get enough protein but not too much Protein doesn’t provide a lot of fuel for energy. But you need it to maintain your muscles. The average person needs 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight a day. That’s about 88 grams of protein for a 150lbs. Person. A strength athlete may need up to 1.7 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. That’s about 150 grams of protein for a 200 pound athlete. Fat intake is crucial to burn bodyfat. Fat is a necessary nutrient for optimal well being. In short, our bodies need fat to function properly

and without a sufficient intake many of our body’s processes would fail to function. Fat not only serves as an energy source, especially effective over a longer period, but is also responsible for the construction of energy cell in our body and the regulation of most of our bodily processes. Finally water ( H2O) The body is approximately 60% water.We are constantly losing water from our bodies, primarily via urine and sweat. We need to sip on water constantly throughout the day even when we’re not thirsty. Also know that if we don’t stay hydrated throughout the day, our energy levels and brain function can start to suffer. If you think that eating right is hard or time consuming, come and visit your neighbourhood fitness centre, centrally located on 6585 Mackle (corner Cavendish). It has a highend bistro with variety of salads, sandwiches, smoothies etc…It is extremely healthy and mostly organic. Come and see us as the staff is eagerly waiting to serve you. Please see ad page 15

IN THE bathro oo om NEXT STO OP: THE BIN. Recycle your toilet paper rolls, drug containers, and tissue boxes.

A d v e r t i s i n g p l a c e m e n t f o r t h i s c a m p a i g n i s s e t o u t i n t h e E n v i ro n m e n t Q u a l i t y A c t (c h a pte r Q -2) a n d re l ate d re g u l at i o n s . N e w s p a p e r s s u b j e c t to t h e a c t a re re q u i re d to c o n t r i b u te t h e i r f a i r s h a re o f a d v e r t i s i n g s p a c e .


March 18, 2017 •

• March 18, 2017


Pet of the Week 'Meet Jack the Wonder Dog'

Jack is a Shih Tzu who is about 16 years old - and an adorable bundle of wonder. Right from the start, when he was adopted from the SPCA, this little canine was a phenomenon unto himself. He lives with his 'forever Mommy' Dawn and her son Wyatt in Westmount. "We adopted him on 9/11… September 11, 2001. We were called the evening before and told we could pick him up at 9:00 the next morning," explained Dawn. "I dreamed that we might call him Jack.Then my son Wyatt woke up and said 'Mum, I think we should call him Jack'… a fun coincidence? He was such a sweetie when I arrived at the SPCA… I said 'Hi Jack' and he melted into my arms and licked my face from top to bottom." When they arrived home with him around 9:30, news of the planes hitting the Twin

Towers had just broken. It occurred to Dawn his name might have a special significance - 'Hijack' and 'Hi Jack', another coincidence?

"He's really Wyatt's dog and loves him so much. Jack waits for him when he goes out by the door." Jack is complimented daily by strangers when he is out for his walks because 'he has a wiggle and light bounce and is mistaken for a puppy all the time'. "His favourite

hobby is eating and he loves to sleep, a lot. His favourite toys are his stuffed dolphins, each one he uses as pillows." Dawn has a Reiki practice in her home and Jack's bed is under the massage table - with his dolphins. When her clients come over he remains there until the session is over and they leave. "He is part of the process and in fact, clients prefer not to come if he is away at his Aunty Dars in the country. Instead, they will wait until he is back for their appointment!" Jack recently went through some major surgery and with a heart condition it was very risky for him to go under anesthesia, but he miraculously came through, with flying colors, and bounced back in a couple of days. To submit your pet for 'Pet of the Week', email Bonnie:


granite or quartz counters with the purchase of kitchen cabinets


March 18, 2017 •

Bordeaux - Beyond Museum wines


ordeaux has what’s known as a high-class problem: People think of it as a snobby French region making great, if unapproachable, wine. People are in awe of it—and intimidated by it—before they even open a bottle.

those elite wines from fairy châteaux like Margaux, Lafite, and Latour, preside over Bordeaux’s classification system, which was created by brokers in 1855 for the Bordeaux Center of Commerce as a reference of the top selling wines in a fashion of descending order, and still apply At their epitome, Bor- price today, with little changes. deaux bottles are like art The Bordeaux art wines pieces, selling for hun- I referred to above dreds to thousand of dol- normally cost abovewhich lars at auction, often well a bottle--make up $200 in advance of being bot- than two percent of less the tled, or as futures—some- roughly 700 million bottimes bought with the tles of Bordeaux prointention never to be duced annually. You can opened. First growths, find tons of red Bordeaux

Bordeaux, Mascaron par Ginestet. SAQ Depot # 10754527 $17.20

Perfumed with vibrant blueberry fruit, licorice and star anise.On the mouth, round with a velvety palate. Beautiful layers of texture like a mille feuille. Pleasant acidity and smooth tannins. Mid range finale. Complementing well a magret de canard.

Bordeaux, La Grange Clinet 2014. SAQ # 10258937 $17.85 Lovely nose expressing red berry character with earthy animal nuances. In addition, roasted herbs as well. On the mouth, very structured with a classic Bordeaux palate. Long in the mouth with black fruit and bell pepper flavors with attractive rugged tannins. A nice bottle to have with steak & frites. Carafe for 1 hour or cellar for the next 5 years.

Bordeaux, Rauzan Despagne 2014 SAQ # 12074648 $19.05

Sweet red berry fruit on the nose with red licorice and dry rose petals. A hint of smoke and graphite as well.On the mouth, rich yet elegant with a good acidity. Flavors bring to mind red bell pepper and toasty oak notes.Great quality price ratio. A good choice with braised beef or Coq au vin.

at decent, competitive prices. In fact, the SAQ has over 150 references of Bordeaux in the price bracket of $20-$30. In contrast the LCBO much less, only 34 references at that interval, making Quebec the Canadian province with the most offer

creased their prices over the last vintages, losing important market share. Add to this the simple fact that the French themselves are drinking less wine than ever, and Bordeaux, along with all French winemakers, are having a tough time selling their wines.

Why should you buy Bordeaux at all, you might ask. Bordeaux is one of the last wine regions where you can still find elegant, balanced red wines made with 12.5 to 14 percent alcohol. These wines are made to go with food. After I while, it gets very boring drinking only fruity and over extracted red wines that have alcohol contents ranging from 14 to 15.8 percent, and that do not complement the food that I am eating. Bordeaux producers got very accustomed to their worldwide respect for their wines abroad that they forgot about global competition creeping in their toes. Because of this complacency, Bordeaux significantly in-

like Bordeaux Oxygen, or BO2, composed largely of the region’s next generation, whose sense of community extends to the ultimate winemaking gesture of faith and cooperation. The latest social media initiative by the Bordeaux Wine Council is a new video series on YouTube to make its varietals more accessible to younger drinkers. The strategy was to present Bordeaux to anyone who express an interest to drink wine, even with limited budgets. The campaign present a language that is easy to understand by regular wine drinkers and demonstrate that it doesn't require a formal occasion and you don't have to spend a small fortune. Basically

But it seems that this era of sleepy times is now being break in Bordeaux, pushed by its Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin Bordeaux (CIVB), which is letting fresh air and new ideas into the marketing of their wines. A great time is spent to grab the attention of millennials,via social media. Transparency, trust, and friendship is the face of the new Bordeaux, made reflected by groups such

Bordeaux It's a wine to have fun with. It also doesn't need a fancy steak, you can have it with a burger, or vegetarian food, or spicy food, or fried chicken.

Bordeaux, Médoc AOC, Cru Bourgeois, Château La Branne 2014. SAQ # 11975532. $22.75

By Marco Giovanetti

If you would like your business written up in the Montreal Times and to be first page Google please send as an e-mail to find all the options -

Tar with lots of leather and spices such as paprika. In addition, coffee bean with cassis jelly. Deep with a mysterious minerality. Elegant with a fresh acidity. Long and very harmonious in the palate. Very fine tannins like cashmere. Charming. A enticing finale bringing to mind dark praline dark chocolate. Long finale. Risotto with porcini mushrooms and ris de veau.

Bordeaux, Haut-Médoc AOC, Moulins de Citran 2009 SAQ # 00737882 $29.55

Lovely bouquet of mocha, green bell pepper jelly, mint and cilantro. On the mouth, full body with a streamlined texture.Round and chunky with a finale that seems supple but powerful in disguise. An aftertaste that brings to mind ripe black prunes. Will complement well grilled lamb chops.

Bordeaux, Margaux AOC, Les Remparts de Ferrière 2012 SAQ # 12194463 $42.25

A fine nose with an amazing grace. A fine layer of minerality with black cherry, Thai basil, bay leaves and gunpowder tea. A dark paradise to be discovered with time in the glass. On the mouth, rich with the classic feminine margaux elegance. Outstanding mineral and earthy finale.

• March 18, 2017


Finding the right senior community for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or Dementia Sponsored


By Matt DelVecchio Montreal Times

he heartbreaking effects of Alzheimer’s or dementia can be challenging for both the individual and their respective caregivers. Eventually, families have little choice but to adapt to their loved one’s failing condition and they must try to find the best solutions for them. One option is to approach your local CLSC and pursue the route of the public system by placing your loved one into long term care. Although long term care nursing homes in the public system are doing the best they can with limited resources, some families choose to go the private route to avoid long waiting lists; to have the luxury of selecting a senior residence of their choice as opposed to the public selection; and to offer their loved one premium levels of care. Here are some helpful hints and recommendations to find the ideal private senior community for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Community Specialized for Alzheimer’s or Dementia Choose a retirement home or senior community that specializes in “memory care”. Memory care goes beyond what is traditionally offered in an autonomous or assisted

living setting. Often these communities incorporate design elements that research has shown to lower stress in individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia. These elements include increased natural lighting, memory boxes outside the room and a neighborhood design that allows for safe wandering. Amenities in a Memory Care Community The amenities found at a memory care community may not be as glamorous as those found in an independent living or assisted living community. This is done by design rather than oversight. Research has shown that seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia can become easily stressed and disoriented, thereby memory care communities are designed to create a relaxing atmosphere and environment. Security in Memory Care Communities Because an estimated six in 10 people with Alzheimer’s will wander, communities are designed to minimize the risk of leaving or elopement, whether employing security alarms on doors or performing more frequent safety checks. Specialized Activities Activities are specially designed around a resident’s past interests so they may reconnect with their memories. Art classes, music and games are usually offered, along with ex-

ercise classes. Some communities may also provide escorted outings. At a memory care community, staff typically handle all the responsibilities of life—from housekeeping and laundry to meal preparation and transportation. Assistance with activities of daily living is also a standard service offering. Research It is also important to do your homework and to visit the memory care residence to see if it is a good fit for your loved one. Touring at different times of the day is recommended, as this way you can view residents and staff throughout the day, rather than just at lunch or during activities Once you have selected a community, try to take measures for a smooth transition. One of these steps could be as simple as having your loved one’s room already decorated with items or belongings that are familiar to them. This will also help with the transition and reduce the stress of moving. Feel free to seek out or ask for professional services from advisors specializing in senior care. They can offer added insight and experience during this challenging transition period. Please see ads on page 19.

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• March 18, 2017




Is Guinness is good for you? By Martha Shannon

ook closely at a glass of Guinness beer. It is not black, but a very dark shade of ruby. Precious like the gemstone. Celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a pint of Guinness and yes, you will feel good. Proud drinkers of this fine brew attest to that. So much so, that the slogan ‘Guinness is good for you’ was born. Today, however, claiming that an alcoholic drink improves one’s health is illegal in Ireland. So we just have to remember the slogan ourselves and pretend otherwise. But we know. Guinness keeps the artery walls cleaner and free of harmful cholesterol. It is high in iron and low cal. It is a fact that Guinness keeps you younger. Shhhh. Guinness is the best selling alcoholic drink in Ireland. The founder, Alex, started brewing this stout 258 years ago, back in 1759. If you are of Irish decent perhaps your ancestors did imbibe, but today Guinness can be found worldwide. Bitter, (English) extra smooth (Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon), Anniversary Stout (Down Under) and more. Guinness is often used in culinary recipes. In Ireland, Guinness and Steak


pie is a favourite. Here in North America you might find it in everything from beef stew to chipotle ribs to chocolate cake. But as a skin care company we promote Guinness on the skin! Guinness contains antioxidants, providing you with B vitamins and preventing free radical damage. We made our Irish Stout Oatmeal Soap (Guinness) a couple of years ago to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. We had so many accolades it became a permanent Earth to Body product. One of our first ‘other than family' testimonials came from Monsieur Eau, the Water Guy. Many of you may know Monsieur Eau. He delivers water all over the island and is a regular water source at Earth to Body. It was two years ago, on a Saturday morning before St. Patrick's Day, that Monsieur Eau delivered his usual 5 large jugs. His strength he claims is not just that he totes water jugs all over, it is also because he drinks it. Of course. Pure and good water is hard to find. Mousieur Eau water rocks! We thanked him with a couple of bars of our new Irish Oatmeal Stout soap and wished him a Happy St Patrick’s Day. Three days later I was surprised to see Monsieur Eau scurrying up our front path, jugless.

“Bonjour Monsieur Eau!” Did you forget something? You were just here a few days ago. O Mon Dieu. Le savon. Extraordinaire. I love it. My sister loves it too. Look at my hair. I need more. I want three cases. It is parfait.” He beamed under his thick mane of white hair, always impressive, but now even more so. Freshly coifed with Irish Oatmeal Stout soap, now reigning as a shampoo too! “Merci, Monsieur Eau.” We call our Guinness soap Irish Stout Oatmeal Soap’ . It is Castile based with Guinness, organic oatmeal and a very subtle touch of bergamot. If you have Guinness beer, you can use the actual brew to nourish the skin. * Mix flat Guinness (let it sit for an hour or so), and add warm water to a couple of tablespoons of the beer. Let sit for a few minutes and rinse off. * Guinness beer contains brewer’s yeast and this kills bacteria. You can rinse your skin with Guinness and reap the benefits, especially for acne prone skin. Or just use our soap! Enjoy your Guinness this St Patty’s Day weekend. Or any day Cheers or ‘Sláinte’ as the Irish say. If you are reading this after St. Patty’s Day, ‘Sláinte encore’!

March 18, 2017 •




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• March 18, 2017


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sential to prove the exis-

but will also help protect your legal rights. This is especially important for agreements. If the agree- small businesses and solewho any people and ments are not written, or proprietorships businesses who at least confirmed in writ- often have the most to are faced with ing, testimony may be in- gain from proper doculegal issues delay admissible or given little mentation. consulting a lawyer or weight by the court. ConIn conclusion, it is often forego hiring a lawyer al- sulting with a lawyer early more efficient to seek together because of the on in the dispute allows legal advice preventatively high costs. In many cases you to know what kinds rather than curatively. Get that we handle, clients of documents and proof to know your legal rights that retain us have already will be necessary should and potential pitfalls in the prepared contracts, for- the matter end up in early stages of a dispute mal letters or demands court. rather than after proceedSecondly, clients may in- ings have been instituted. before the courts on their own and begin seeking advertently make admis- If you are running a small in exchanging business, getting help crehelp from a lawyer only sions when their legal problems correspondence with an- ating quality models of seem insurmountable. other party. We have contracts, invoices and While this approach may often handled cases other documents can help be attractive in the short- where a client sabotaged prevent costly disputes in term, it often ends up himself by writing an off- the future. being more costly in long the-cuff email that could run. be construed against him. Please contact our firm if Even if you do not in- Consulting a lawyer also you would like to book a tend to hire a lawyer to help you figure out what legal consultation or discuss the legal needs of draft legal documents or and when not to write. handle your entire case, Thirdly, even when writ- your small business. The present article is for an initial consult can be a ten documentation exists information purposes powerful tool to get legal clients who do not propinformation, strategy tips erly draft, organize and only and does not constiand insight from someone preserve their documen- tute a legal opinion. We with legal expertise. A tation put themselves at a strongly encourage anylegal consult can also be disadvantage when it one who feels their rights helpful to obtain refer- comes to preventing and have been breached to seek independent legal ences to additional pub- resolving legal disputes. licly available sources of Agreements, invoices, re- counsel. This article was written by legal information. ceipts, requests and comWhen we consult with plaints can all be essential Adam Eidelmann, Attorney. people who have started to a case and when they Me Eidelmann’s profesthe legal process on their are not well drafted or sional fee for a thirty own, we run into many of well organized can cause minute legal consultation is the same problems again delays and expense in $100 plus tax. To schedule and again, a few of which solving legal problems. an appointment for a legal we have outlined below. Creating quality models of consultation, please contact Firstly, many clients fail common documents and us at : to keep adequate records developing a system of and proof. In court, writ- document organization is or call our office at 514ten documentation is es- not only more efficient, 538-6966. By Me Adam Eidelmann tence of agreements and any modifications to

Montreal Times Community Calendar Things to do

D.N.A. hosts a Spring Dance for 40 + April 15th, 8PM - 1AM at Lachine legion, 3015 Henri Dunant (corber 32nd ave.), Bus 191.

Concert: Rodrigo Simões The City of Dollarddes-Ormeaux presents Rodrigo Simões and his musicians on Sunday February 19 at 2 p.m. in the Banquet Hall of the Dollard-des-Ormeaux Community Centre, 12001 De Salaberry boul., DDO. They will take you on a journey across Brazil with a repertoire of bossa classics, sambas and other traditional Brazilian music. Admission is free. No registrations or passes are necessary. For information: 514-6841496. West Island Citizen

Advocacy receives four to five new requests for servicers every week on behalf of residents in need. WICA is in need of volunteers to meet the growing demand of our vulnerable West Islanders.There are many seniors, intellectually and physically challenged as well as those experiencing mental health issues who are looking for practical, emotional and social support. It could be something as simple as accompanying them on errands or sharing a cup of coffee with them. Every match WICA makes is unique depending on availability, compatibility, language, location, and interests. You can make a difference in someone`s life! Please call 514-694-5850 for more info on how to make an invaluable impact in your community. Help

Boundaries Course When to say yes; how to say no; to take control of your life, 8-week course. Begins Tuesday April 18, 7pm. Pre-Registration required $35 for materials. St. George’s Church, 23 Perrault Ave. Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC. 514-4576934, . 010 - 041817 - 112601 Gamblers Anonymous - Is gambling affecting you or someone you love? GA can help! 514484-6666 or 010 - 083117 - 112591 Please e-mail your event or notice to: The notice must be pharagrapgh form all lower case. There is a $7.50 charge per week (21 words) each additional word .35¢. Deadline wednesday at 12.

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hemiah 66. Le ___, city in Switzerland 67. Sticky sweetener: Var. 68. 2002 Robbie Williams single 69. Earth barrier 70. Puff ___, old Combs nickname Down 1. Merely 2. "Law ___ oneself" 3. Make-or-break time 4. Brainiac 5. Combine 6. Pirogue 7. Ice cream thickener 8. Bath sponge 9. Bulgarian cash 10. Habiliments 11. Mouthful of tobacco 12. ___ reflection 13. Isn't wrong? 18. Italian ___ 19. Yemeni city 24. Proceed 25. Scale 26. Capital of Pas-deCalais 27. Hamlet's father, e.g. 28. Put into service again


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• March 18, 2017



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.