The man behind Bord'Elle - Page 14 Saturday, June 10, 2017
Vol. 22 No. 74
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June 10, 2017 •
Vol. 22, No. 74
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Cyclists to rally on June 11 in NDG & SW They want to bring back bicycle bridge... Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard
By John Symon
his Sunday, June 11 will see a mass bike ride going from St. Jacques Street in NDG to the Southwest borough to demonstrate the need for a bicycle/pedestrian bridge linking the two
places. Advocates want to see such a bridge reinstated in the Turcot Highway reconstruction plans. “This green bridge (“Dalle-Parc” in French) was promised by former Quebec Transport Minister Sam Hamad in 2010,” says Lisa Mintz, one of the event organizers. “The front page of The Gazette in November 10, 2010 shows very clearly that it is included in the Turcot project,” she said. Cyclists on the June 11 ride, to get over Highway 20 and the CN train tracks, will have to either go through Westmount or St. Pierre with a distance of 7km. But if there were a green bridge connecting the two, the cycling or walking distance would be be reduced to less than 1km with no road cross-
ings. “After being solemnly promised by Hamad, this bridge then mysteriously disappeared from the Turcot plans,” relates Mintz. “We hope to make a statement with lots of people coming out to show that they want this bridge. Highways make it easier for motorists, but are very significant transportation barriers for cyclists and pedestrians.” Behind Mintz is a coalition of 57 community groups ranging from the Conseil régional environnement (CRE) to Velo Quebec to Equiterre to Revitalization St. Pierre to groups of architects and doctors. They point out that the $40 million bridge represents only about one percent of the total $3.8 billion Turcot
reconstruction project. Echoing this concern is Robert “Bicycle Bob” Silverman who has advocated for cycling infrastructure since the 1970s, but is not part of the coalition. Montreal city council is also pushing for the bridge; in April Southwest borough councillor Craig Sauvé presented a motion calling on the province to reinstate the bridge; that motion was passed unanimously. “I met with the current Transport Minister, Laurent Lessard last week at the National Assembly,”
said Mintz.“He did not say Ministry to something to 'no' to the bridge . I get help people who walk and the impression, however, ride bicycles.” that Mr Lessard will be watching how many people turn out for our June Sunday, June 11 Cyclist 11 event.” Gathering from “If this bridge is not NDG to the Southwest 7 built, there is basically km each way nothing else in the $3.8 Meeting at billion project for the Quilles G Plus (Rosebowl) benefit of cyclists and 6510 St Jacques St, NDG pedestrians. There is also @ 10:30 am little for the benefit of residents of the most af- • Lachine Canal near 6450 Notre-Dame St.W SW fected parts of the city: St @ 12 noon for the Henri, St. Pierre, and St. bike gathering Raymond, where many people don't even own Facebook: La dalle-parc cars. For once, let's have pour tous the Quebec Transport
Rally info:
11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale
MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn
prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.
This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016
514.684.8460 #223
• June 10, 2017
June 10, 2017 •
When the street becomes an art gallery
seum, and on many other locations easily visible for anyone to appreciate. There are also sixty-seven stations along the route featuring recent works by thirteen contemporary photographers. This spectacular exhibition is called "La Balade pour la Paix—An openair Museum" and is designed to mark three main important occasions: the 375th anniversary of By Sergio Martinez Montreal, the 50th anniversary of Expo 67, and the sesquicentennial of t first, people the Canadian Confederawere somehow tion. "This exhibition expuzzled when a presses fundamental valcouple of weeks ues of humanism and ago some big poles and their supports made of peace that are so imporconcrete were installed tant to me. Expo 67 conto opening throughout the western tributed Montreal and of Quepart of Sherbrooke St. in bec up to the all world, and, the downtown core. This fifty years later, people Monday the mystery was from around the world finally revealed: the poles live here, where they are to sustain wires from share their culture and which the flags of all their hope for peace" said countries are hanging. the Honourable Louise Along the street, strolling Arbour, former UN High from the campus of Commissioner for McGill University to the Human Rights and AmMontreal Museum of Fine bassador of La Balade Arts, one will find a num- pour la Paix, on the occaber of sculptures. Most sion of this event’s openare placed on the side- ing. Among the sculptures in walk, others in the park at the entrance of the this public art exhibition, McGill campus, also we will find Niki de Saint around the Fine Arts Mu- Phalle's "Dancing Nana"
• June 10, 2017
organized by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts with the support of McGill University and will remain open until Octo-
ber 29, 2017. It is certainly an occasion to enjoy some interesting samples of contemporary public art for free.
Balade pour la Paix-An Open-air Museum is part of the celebrations of Montreal 375 and Canada 150. Please see more images online
(1995), Robert Indiana's (born Robert Clark), "LOVE Blue Green" (1996), and Magdalena Abakanowicz's "Walking Figures" (2005). The photography exhibit includes Michel Huneault's "Boarding and Departure from Budapest, Hungary, for Germany" (detail), from the series "Occident Express" (2015), and Darren Ell's "Haitian Girls in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Cap-Haïtien, Haiti," from the series "Cap-Haï-
tien and Shada" (2008). The curators for La Balade pour la Paix are Nathalie Bondil, Director General and Chief Curator, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Diane Charbonneau, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Decorative Arts and Photography, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and Sylvie Lacerte, public art consultant and art historian. This very special public art exhibition has been
Checkout what’s in our Wednesday online edition! If you would like to receive the Montreal Times FREE via e-mail please e-mail us:
Crescent St. holds F1 music party
MONTREAL CRESCENT STREET While Montrealers are getting ready for the roaring engines of the F1 this coming Sunday, another kind of more musical roaring is taking over the downtown area. See online for more:
What’s going on Montreal
ittle Shop of Horrors - Montreal theatre goers, be warned! You are about to be devoured by the Cote St. Luc Dramatic Society’s newest production “Little Shop of Horrors”, which is about to embark upon a 23-show run from June 8 to 25 at the Harold Greenspon Auditorium, located at 5801 Cavendish Boule-
vard. “This show is like a love letter to kitschy science fiction. The music is catchy and wonderful; the lyrics are very funny,” said Anisa Cameron See online for more:
Mont-Royal street - Montreal
MONTREAL - Mont-Royal Avenue has been in existence since the 1800s. It was at its commercial peak in the 1950s. Thanks to its tramway, and many stores and venues, it was considered to be equal to SteCatherine street in terms of its commercial importance. Major street repairs occurred in 1959 and lasted long enough to cause the beginning of a twenty year period of decline and unpopularity. See online for more:
11 a.m. - 1 a.m.
June 10, 2017 •
Animal cruelty needs tougher penalties
By Bonnie Wurst
ecently, the horrific abuse of an animal, a dog, made the headlines again. Rescuers called him 'Sugar Ray', because he was fighting for his life and was also a Boxer. On Tuesday May 23rd, Sugar Ray was found buried alive in a shallow grave in a field in SaintPaul-d'Abbotsford, QC. The man who owns the land where he was discovered, was walking around when he heard a dog crying and whimpering. At first he could not see anything, but he followed the cries and to his horror, saw a paw sticking out of the ground - and immediately called the police. The Monteregie SPCA, whose care he was placed in said they believe Sugar
• June 10, 2017
Ray had been hit with a blunt object, possibly even strangled before he was left for dead. He was otherwise a perfectly healthy dog. By the next morning he was eating and drinking on his own, but still not able to walk. Unfortunately later in the day, Sugar Ray suffered a seizure and heart attack and he died. They believe his heart attack was brought on by the trauma he faced. The next day, a man in his 40's turned himself in to the police in connection with the incident. He was questioned and then released - but could be issued a summons once they receive the results from the necropsy. With the evidence, the Crown will decide what and if any charges will be laid. Until then, the identity of the suspect cannot be made public. To date, the details are not known or if the man is responsible for the incident. But if he had been under the same suspicion of abuse and murder of a human, would he have been released simply on a promise to appear in court? The abuse of an animal is a crime. One who abuses an animal is a criminal - and a convic-
tion could come with a maximum of five years behind bars. There are Federal and Provincial legislations in place which allow organizations to enforce the provisions of the respective Criminal Codes. Here are a few important elements from the much longer and detailed document of Canada's Animal Cruelty/Criminal Code Act (you can read the Act in its entirety see link below): Causing Unnecessary Suffering - 445.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who - (a) willfully causes or, being the owner, willfully permits to be caused
unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to an animal or a bird; (c) willfully, without reasonable excuse, administers a poisonous or an injurious drug or substance to a domestic animal or bird or an animal or a bird wild by nature that is kept in captivity or, being the owner of such an animal or a bird, willfully permits a poisonous or an injurious drug or substance to be administered to it. Punishment - (2) Every one who commits an offence under subsection (1) is guilty of; (a) an indictable offence and liable
to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years. Causing damage or injury - 446 (1) Every one commits an offence who - (a) by willful neglect causes damage or injury to animals or birds while they are being driven or conveyed; or (b) being the owner or the person having the custody or control of a domestic animal or a bird or an animal or a bird wild by nature that is in captivity, abandons it in distress or willfully neglects or fails to provide suitable and adequate food, water, shelter and
care for it. Order of prohibition or restitution - 447.1 (1) The court may, in addition to any other sentence that it may impose under (other subsections), (a) make an order prohibiting the accused from owning, having the custody or control of or residing in the same premises as an animal or a bird during any period that the court considers appropriate but, in the case of a second or subsequent offence, for a minimum of five years. continued on Page 10
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Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island Advertising
Melissa Levy
(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:
Tom West
• Deborah Rankin • Arturo Las Pinas Jr. •Kieron Yates • Jillian Clark • Marco Giovanetti • Dan Laxer •Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Anne McDougall • John Symon • Sharmen Yarnell
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All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.
Valérie Plante - The next Mayor of Montreal?
ontreal's next municipal elections will be held this autumn - and Équipe Denis Coderre is certain to have a challenge on their hands. The greatest challenge will come from Valérie Plante who won the Projet Montréal leadership race last December. And she is not to be taken lightly. In fact, she has been watching and lis-
By Bonnie Wurst
tening to Montrealers hopes and frustrations and she is sharp. When Mayor Coderre took office in November of 2013, his constituents had high hopes. He loved the city and had big plans for it, he was out there participating in all types of events with the people, he took action, was spontaneous and not afraid to speak his mind, he loved photo ops - and he loved the Habs. But the romance soon faded to a pale shade of… orange cone. As long as his projects were in line with what Montrealers actually wanted and needed, the romance was strong. But when it wasn't in line, and in spite of most people not agreeing with him and protesting en masse, he bulldozed forth with his plans anyhow. Projet Montréal, the official opposition party now under the leadership of Valérie Plante, might be what Montrealers want and perhaps should have. They are working as a unified team and have even changed the party's name to 'Projet Montréal Équipe Valérie Plante'. Plante appears more grounded and actually in tune with citizens real needs and desires. But is she just like any other politician? Only time will tell. She doesn’t just stop for a good photo-op, but stops and listens, taking Montrealer's concerns to heart. Coderre on the other hand appears to listen, but it seems to literally go in one ear and out the other. “The real work begins now,” Plante said when she won the leadership. "Montreal now has a chance to 'break the glass ceiling' if it chooses to elect its first female mayor next year… it’s a huge ho-
nour and I have the intention of leading the team to victory in the next election by taking on Denis Coderre… every vote was important. I took nothing for granted.” After their annual convention on May 28th, Projet Montréal revealed their election platform which included building a new metro line, dubbed the 'Pink Line Project', linking the Bonaventure station to Montreal North with connections to the Green, Blue and Orange lines.The estimated cost would be $6 billion, but their goal is to create a far more reliable system - something Montrealers would very much welcome. One of the proposals aimed at increasing ridership on public transport, is making buses and the metro free for children under the age of 12 (accompanied by an adult). As well, party members were asked to come up with solutions to the city's social housing problems. They also want to make city life a more attractive place for families to live instead of moving to the suburbs - and have proposed making it mandatory for every new housing development to include family-friendly homes of three rooms or more. Plante also wants to focus on improving road safety for cyclists and pedestrians by studying locations where the problems are and where accidents have been occurring. She also plans to address the problems facing small businesses and commercial streets something Coderre has failed badly at. The initiatives put forth by Projet Montréal seem to resonate with what Montreal really needs right now and Valérie Plante is both inspired to do so and appears sincere - but trepidation over what is said and what is actually done by any politician nowadays needs to be taken with caution. Under Mayor Denis Coderre, caution went to the wind. From his unpopular dangerous 'pit-bull type' bylaw where he ignored cries from dog owners and experts in the field, including the SPCA, telling him he got it all wrong, but he just rammed the bylaw through. There was the out of control spending on projects such as the over $700,000 Mordecai Richler gazebo and a city wide smelly garbage problem due to the new waste management program. Never mind the close to $1 billion dollars spent on a party nobody really
wanted, except him. Then came the major infrastructure work almost bringing the city to a halt. There is no doubt much of it was urgent, but not all of it at and not all at the same time. Instead we will live in permanent gridlock and noise for several more years to come. Potholes remain unfilled, people are going hungry and living on the streets but paving over a 2.75kilometre route of downtown Montreal streets for an electric Formula E race
- at an estimated cost of $24 million, seems to be more of a priority. The list could go on and on. Granite stumps anyone? “Some of the things I hear a lot when I talk to Montrealers, they’re tired of feeling like they’ve been taken for granted,” Plante said in a CTV report. “They want us, politicians, to listen to what they have to say.” Coderre's response was in line with the attitude he has taken on, “My response is, have a great
day… the most important thing for me is the people, it’s not about the adversary. The pride is back and people are fed up of people confronting each other.” It remains to be seen who is more delusional at this point. Where do you stand on these issues? Do you feel it's time for a change at City Hall? Are you willing to give 'Projet Montréal Équipe Valérie Plante' a chance?
June 10, 2017 •
• June 10, 2017
- Failing to provide a dog who lives mainly outIn Quebec, Bill 54 'An doors with a doghouse Act to improve the legal that is waterproof, raised situation of animals' off the ground, and in passed on June 5th 2015 good condition. (which you can also read - Using a collar that hamin its entirety - see link pers an animal’s breathing, below) begins with: 'Ani- or causes the animal pain mals are not things. They or injury. are sentient beings and - Failing to groom an anihave biological needs'. mal and trim his or her Here in Montreal, the claws on a regular basis. SPCA works hard to enSugar Ray was beaten force the law. Their man- and left to die. Is a five date is clear: 'Pursuant to year maximum sentence a the laws applied by Mon- strong enough penalty? treal SPCA inspectors, The Criminal Code of the following acts or Canada states that First omissions constitute in- Degree murder (of a fractions': human) 'carries an auto- Hitting, strangling, stab- matic life sentence with bing, burning, or poisoning no possibility of parole for an animal 25 years (10 years for - Training an animal to Second Degree). Offendfight. ers who are paroled re- Trapping an animal using main on parole for the a method that causes rest of their life, even pain. after their release from - Abandoning an animal prison…' without ensuring that Is the murder of an ansomeone else will prop- imal, a 'sentient being' as erly care for the animal. stated in Quebec's Bill 54, - Failing to provide an an- any different? imal with veterinary care Quebec has more than when injured, ill, or suffer- its share of animal abuse ing. incidents - from aban- Failing to provide an an- doned cats and dogs imal with food or water. found on the streets, neg- Keeping an animal in a lected and often physically place that is soiled, unsafe, abused, to our infamous or that does not provide puppy mills. sufficient space or lighting. There is also the re- Failing to provide an an- cent allegations of animal imal with protection from cruelty at a research lab in heat, cold, or weather Baie D’Urfé, when an conditions. alarming video showing continued from Page 7
the mistreatment of pigs, monkeys and dogs at the facility was released. Videos taken by people in slaughterhouses show shocking abuse of farmed animals. The Oxford online dictionary defines a 'Human Being' as 'A man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance'. Sentient animals are defined as 'beings that have a physical and psychological sensibility, which allows them, in the same way as humans, to experience pain and pleasure. The major difference in definitions is that human beings are supposed to have 'superior mental development' - yet it is humans who have been slowly destroying the planet and creating divisions. One cannot help to question if the definition of 'Human Being' needs to be updated. Should animal abusers get jail time equal to that of the Criminal Code for humans? Should they be put on a public registry similar to how sex offenders are registered? Please share your thoughts with the Montreal Times and our readers.
Links: *Criminal Code of Canada - Animal Cruelty/Criminal Code' act: *Quebec Bill 54:
June 10, 2017 •
• June 10, 2017
(Each, Purchase for the year, artwork not included, - plus taxes)
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Ste Anne de Bellevue Locks are open
All Canada Parks are FREE
First boaters of the season at the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal National Historic Site! ©Parks Canada From left to right: Paola Hawa, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Mayor, Mélanie Lottinville, Stakeholder Relations Manager at Parks Canada Quebec Waterways, Christine VanHoozer, boater, Michel Langlois, lock keeper at Parks Canada, Roger VanHoozer, boater, et Robert Lister, lock keeper at Parks Canada.
n 2017, Parks Canada is celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation by offering free entry to ALL national parks, national historic sites, and national marine conservation areas across Canada. On Quebec and Ontario’s historic canals, this means that pleasure crafts and non-motorized boats will be able to go through locks free of charge to access major cities as well as their favourite bodies of water. It’s our way of wishing you a happy 150th! The mayor of SainteAnne-de-Bellevue, Ms. Paola Hawa, as well as the Parks Canada's team were happy to welcome the first boaters of the
2017 season at the SainteAnne-de-Bellevue Canal National Historic Site, who were presented with Parks Canada brand products. This year, the navigation season will be held from June 7th to October 9th, 2017. Following the exceptionally high water levels and flooding that have delayed the opening of the navigation season on Carillon, Lachine, and SainteAnne-de-Bellevue Historic Canals, Parks Canada has done everything necessary to ensure their repair and their complete reopening as early as possible. It should be noted that the SainteAnne-de-Bellevue Canal
Park is partly closed to visitors along the banks and that some wharves will not be accessible to recreational boaters for an indefinite period. Parks Canada will inform the population of the reopening of facilities as soon as possible. Eager to take part in this wonderful experience? Visit Parks Canada Website to learn about the many opportunities offered by Canada’s historic canals, and order your free lockage permit now! Spread the word, and enjoy the 2017 boating season!
June 10, 2017 •
Sun Youth Gold
June 24, 2017
Sun Youth had the pleasure of honouring the Olympic athlete and former Sun Youth Hornets player, Lizanne Murphy, with the Excellence Award. Photo: Joseph Munro
Open Monday to Friday 11am to 10pm Sat and Sun 4pm to 11pm
484 Chemin Bord du Lac • Dorval Que H9S 2A8 • June 10, 2017
(514) 631-7074
John Jay Edward Gumbley the man behind
Bord'Elle - the hottest supper club F1 party at Bord'Elle all weekend
The second you walk into Bord'Elle, you feel like you've left Montreal and entered the scene of a Great Gatsby movie. Inspired by the roaring 1920's in New York, it holds a special charm that is only understood once you open its double doors. Since its grand opening in November, Bord'Elle has become the By Rebecca Perez go-to place for an evening out. A new all-star team was formed to run this John Jay Edward Gumbley, night club, including Moralso known as John Jay is ris Nader, Kaje Kandiah, a man of many talents. Rob Roy and John Jay. He's been operating Mon- These guys have taken it treal's night life scene for to the next level creating over a decade, has con- a space that caters to luxsulted on multiple suc- ury in an environment cessful real estate and that sells itself. Its no wonfranchise deals, is the der why it's Goss Club's owner of a social media #1 spot... agency and operates all How did you come up under his corporation, Je- with Bord'Elles' interior gantic. His new venture, design? Bord'Elle has only been This place is based on opened for six months my trips to Spain and and it's making noise all France: I was staying at Photo Credit - Francis Ward over the city. Keep read- Boutique hotels and John Jay Edward Gumbley has been operating in Montreal’s nigh tlife for over 10 years ing to find out the story slowly got the idea to do behind Bord'Elle and a boutique bar that would now I'm thinking it have turned it into rooms their money. It won't then bidding on them to what's coming up next for look like a hotel except I would've been cool to upstairs (starts laughing). cheap, but you'll get win. The goal in the end is the industry mogul. wouldn't have rooms If I would've thought of it something out of it. that we're going to sell before I think it would've I believe if you build these items - I'm going to really worked out [be- something that is special, write stories about them cause] you have every- [people] will come. You on our website and something under one roof. can't just build it and they one's going to be able to Tell us about what makes will come, but if you build buy it and we'll keep buyBord'Elle so different it with a purpose and a ing new ones at auctions.
The GrandFoyer at Bord'Elle from other clubs? The last decade in Montreal's night life, everyone was doing the "less is more" thing - but essentially people were getting less for their money. Our concept here is the opposite. We're going to go over the top, spend the money to get it done, work on the details constantly so at the end of the day when someone comes here, we're giving them an experience for
concept and a vision that's good that's what people want now - people are looking for more than they were in the past. What makes Bord'Elle so special? It's all about the details. 1. Interior Design People don't know this but, the furniture in the whiskey bar is hand made Italian furniture that I won at auctions. I was going to auctions and hand selecting specialty items and
2. The Art Work I found these pictures on the internet, our designer Deleon, took all these pictures blended it into one, made a digital version, we sent it to Vancouver and an artist in Vancouver hand painted it, sent it back to me and if you look at the bottom right corner - my signature is on each one. continued on Page 15
June 10, 2017 •
The Champagne room at Bord'Elle 3. The Swing V anessa Fournier is a Cirque du Soleil artist, who can be seen performing on the swing Saturday nights. We're also launching a "dinner show" every Thursday where we're going to have a trapeze thing on the other side of the room, we're going to have two separate Cirque du Soleil artist doing air manoeuvres as well as a burlesque show every single week performed by different artists in Montreal. People
them, without having to wait in line at the bar. 5. Special Gin & Tonics The Gin & tonics are inspired from Spain - because in Spain they've made it in art. They use hundreds of different types of tonics, hundreds of different types of gins, and each gin and each tonic have separate flavour profiles and when blended in together, it makes a specialized drink, so we're trying to bring what they do in Madrid with gin and tonics here.
will get to come for dinner, and enjoy the show. 4. Thursdays "Ladies Delight" On Thursdays, a "dames delight" will occur where every woman who walks in to Bord'Elle will get a complimentary glass of champagne at the entrance, poured directly for
Our main gins are Bombay and Hendricks but we carry up to 25 other gins. 6. The Whiskey Parlor Up in the Whiskey Parlour, you can choose 60 different from the tastiest to the most expensive scotches and whiskeys ranging from $16 to $180 an ounce. It's suppose to
• June 10, 2017
herbal blends. Biggest event coming up? Our Grand Prix weekend. We're in charge of doing the party for Renaud Williams and Martini Prosecco during Grand Prix. I'm doing two things: there's going to be a special Thursday party for the entire racing team and then on Saturday there's a party here for Grand Prix and then on Saturday afternoon, we're going to have Ace of Spades, Martini Prosecco and Grey Goose party in the day. It's going to be an outdoor party called "terrasa". What's next for Jegantic? A new Mexican fusion underground bar with a HUGE terrace in the old
look like a "rich mans cigar lounge" the tufted leathers, the dark mahogany wood, the bookcase, you're suppose to just feel like old world charm sitting in here. 7. Impeccable Service Bord'elle is the ONLY club in Montreal that offers a premium valet service every single night that they're open. A daring move to make in the heart of the Old Port, where there is literally no parking anywhere. This makes the ride that much more enjoyable. 8. Luxury at its finest "You don't need to be rich to come to Bord'elle, but Bord'elle will make you feel rich". So when you're here, you want to put on your good shoes, you want to put on your nice dress, and it fits. 9. Champagne Room The Champagne room is meant to be the complete opposite of the whiskey room.The pillar in the bar, is a gold mirror behind it lit up is meant to look like bubbles inside of a champagne bottle. That's why the colours are beige, hues - it's suppose to look bobbly and effervescent and very feminine. Pink couches are suppose to look like a ladies powder room.You can have champagne by the glass, Prosecco or Veuve Clicquot by the glass and we have 6 champagne cocktails as well we have fruit and
port. The theme is going to be two areas: a new taco joint, floral wallpaper, feminine, and then beyond that, it's like inside a castle everything is stone, rounded and everything and beyond that there's an interior court yard inside of a building, 2,000 square feet outdoor terrace. That will be opening in the near future. Stay tuned. Tell me about Orange Tree Media? In house now we have (with my wife and associates) our own social media company, website developer and designer, all under a creative agency called Orange Tree Media. The motto is: in a world
full of evergreens, we'll make you the orange tree. Essentially, we'll make you stand out. Our biggest project for Orange Tree Media was Bord'elle, we didn't hire any promoters or any external booking companies, it was mostly on social media and word of mouth. Bord'elle is now open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Follow Bord'elle on Instagram and Facebook. For reservations, visit their Website.
390 St-Jacques ouest Old Montreal
June 10, 2017 •
Men do love us
do that too. It is always your choice.We offer simple, nutritious products that cover all of your ‘ Macho Man’? ‘Metro needs. Man’? Modern Man? Not We do not offer frasure? No matter who grances, nor do we opt you are, you will love us. for chemicals that will If you like natural, subtle make all products creamy, scents, and a good clean fluffy and last forever. feel, read on. If you are We do not have hair gel concerned about your that makes your hair food choices, you are stand up. We do not have most likely concerned shaving cream per se but about your skin nutrition. we have amazing soaps This is a good thing. You that men adore. Learning will especially love us if to shave with good quality you are a ‘one stop shop’ soap is not hard to do. It sort of guy. is just different. Your skin You will love us if you will say thank you. find perfumes overOur new Charcoal Clay whelming and if sunscreen soap is a keeper. We have stings your skin. You will written about our Guinlove us if you have a dan- ness Irish Oatmeal Stout druff issue, if after shaving Soap and how wonderful your skin is overly irri- that is. tated and you have tried Our soaps can be ‘head so many different prod- to toe’ works and are ucts. time saving efficiency. Whether your lifestyle There are fewer bottles dictates you wear Sorrel and containers to recycle. work boots, Louis Vitton No chemicals going down dress shoes, Converse the drain to pollute our sneakers or comfy flip- waters. You can choose flops, feet still need nour- ESP, Shampoo regular and ishment. Whether you Shampoo Basic. Choose need to shave twice a day, from lights scents to none once or week or opt not at all. to shave at all, you still We cannot emphasize have to make that deci- how important the Apple sion and you still need Cider Vinegar Rinse is. product. Some men hate Once a week rinse the to fuss in personal ablu- head for sure and don’t tion. Yet, if you do like to forget to squirt a little on browse and take your the face as it totally time, stay with us. We can cleanses and nourishes By Martha Shannon
the skin. If you make your own hair rinse, use an organic apple cider vinegar with water (1:4). If you opt for ours, it is ready to go, with the added bonus of rosemary, parsley and sage. To moisturize men tend to love the X Cream but they also love our oils. Emu and Argan are the favs. A while back I wrote the blog about "Guys tell us why they love us.” And they keep coming back. To moisturize men tend to love the X Cream but they also love our oils. A while back I wrote the blog “Guys tell us why they love us.” And they keep coming back. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit our online store: Subscribe to our newsletter. Check out our BIOS. Meet us in person at the shop. ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1. Write to us at Stay tuned for informative product reviews and great customer stories that you can relate to. Stay tuned for informative product reviews and great customer stories that you can relate to.
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Fully Insured Climate controlled storage facilities
Local & Long Distance Moves Senior Relocation Service 45 years of Personalized Service !
514-364-6289 or 450-633-9607 • June 10, 2017 17
Jaye Portigal Hangs Artwork in NDG Restaurant
Paint-to-order with “mix of whimsy”...
sity. This followed after a recent marriage breakdown.. “I used to be a prosperous business manager, but recently had to move back to my mother's place. Mom is great, but I don't want to overstay my welcome there and would like to be paying my own rent sometime soon.” Portigal's plan is to pay the rent through painting. Much of her portfolio is By John Symon of animals, especially dogs, and she relates owning a “rescue” dog saved from here is some re- a shelter. Portigal showed freshingly colorful me a realistic-looking artwork hanging at painting of two dogs toPrime BBQ gether in a garden. Restaurant in NDG. If you “I composed this pose like some of the tableaux, from 14 photographs, you can not only buy one some showing one dog in of them, you can have a the right pose, another painting made to order. showing another dog with The artist, Jaye Portigal is the right background, etc. looking for commissions None of the photos to do paintings; she spe- showed both dogs tocializes in scenes with an- gether” Portigal credits imals, family portraits, her background in animalandscape, and in still life. tion with helping her “I've painted since I was move figures around into 22; now I am taking the the ideal position for an plunge and going full- image. children “This portrait time,” says Portigal who Another of her paintings was a surprise for the studied Cinema/Anima- is a family portrait of a fa- kids; I had to raid their tion at Concordia Univer- ther with his three adult
has you covered
Saturday and
Check it out on-line:
Jaye Portigal painting
Facebook photos to get an idea of what they looked like. There was a photo to base the painting on, but the two girls did not have makeup and one of them had wet hair. So I effectively 'tidied' the girls up for the painting. When the three kids saw it, there was only one criticism from one of them and I retouched that.” The “whimsical” aspect of paintings means that departed friends or members of the family can be included in a portrait against a background of the client's choosing. Portigal mentions recently painting someone who uses a neck rest, but por-
traying him without it. “If customers want something exactly like a photo, I recommend that they use a camera.” She also works on picture boards where customers can visualize a future that they want and have Portigal paint it. “I have a customer who loves the beach and imagined herself living in a house beside the sea with a lighthouse and sailboat in the background. After I painted her that image, she bought a waterfront house in Panama and moved into her vision.” . “I do a lot of out-oftown work, but offer some advantages for local
clients. For instance, I can do house calls in the Montreal area to meet customers at their homes,” says Portigal. “But all painting is done at my studio.” Portigal's paintings typically range in size from 12” by 16” to 30” by 48”; she can sometimes deliver a painting within a month about 6 weeks. Her prices start at $550 for a small painting. Jaye Portigal's artwork see it at: Prime BBQ Restaurant 6450 Somerled Ave (corner Cavendish) 514.482.2227
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June 10, 2017 •
Sun Youth awards 83 youths with new bikes
One of the Sun Youth’s 33rd Annual Bike Distribution recipients. Photo: Joseph Munro
initiative dating back to 1984, more than 1600 new bicycles have been distributed thanks to the exceptional generosity of Mr. Bike Man. This year, Lizanne Murphy, a former Sun Youth athlete, was the recipient of Sun Youth’s Excellence Award for her career and
outstanding work ethic in the game of basketball. She has been a member of the Canadian National Basketball Team since 2007, playing in the London 2012 Olympic Games, 2015 Pan Am Games (where her team won the gold medal!) and the Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Her career has inspired many local young basketball players to push their limits. Sun Youth would like to thank Mr. Bike Man, who has allowed the organization to reward more than a 1600 children over the last 33 years.
Monday to Friday 8 am - 5pm • Saturday 9 am - 3 pm
• June 10, 2017
or the past 33 years Mr. Bike Man through Sun Youth has celebrated his birthday by giving children new bicycles, this year he turns 92. On June 7th, 83 youngsters were rewarded with new bicycles, locks and helmets for being a positive force in the community or for being courageous in an emergency situation. Mr. Bike Man is an anonymous donor who wishes to honor these young people, so that they can serve as an example to others from their generation. Since the beginning of the year, the members of Sun Youth’s Bike Committee have received hundreds of applications for the giveaway, many of which tell wonderful stories about amazing youths. Whether they’ve saved lives, made small gestures for the environment, supported those living in difficult situations, overcome illness or helped their community through volunteerism and fundraising, these youngsters demonstrate the importance of the existence of the program. Since the beginning of this
Closed Monday • Tues - Fri 8 am - 5pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm 19
Yoga for anxiety Sponsored
2004 study shows that a regular yoga practice ameliorates the effect of stress: reduces the heart was driving home from rate, lowers blood presToronto.The day was a sure and eases the breath. bright and beautiful Yoga then acts as a selfone. Traffic was quite soothing technique. Yoga light but, as usual for that also helps increase heart highway, somewhat in- rate variability thus protense. Nothing prepared viding flexibility in one’s me or warned me of what response to stressors. was about to happen. One obscure but intriguSuddenly, there was a ing study found that there tight grip on my chest like is a correlation between someone heavy was sit- one’s ability to deal with ting on me and I had trou- stress and one’s sensitivity ble breathing. My body to pain.The non-yoga parbecame rigid and my ticipants were found to grasp on the steering be much more sensitive wheel intensified. I began to pain. The yoga practito feel hot and sweat tioners in this study, perstarted to seep into my ceived pain at a higher hairline. Suddenly I was terrified. threshold.Thus, also, were I knew I was about to die more able to deal with in a fiery crash. Knew this the physiological effects of without question; without stress. One of the crucial comdoubt. Reality had nothing ponents of yoga that has to do with it. That was my first Panic drawn particular interest Attack. Ahead of me were from the medical commuyears of hard work to nity, breathing techniques. Research has begun in the help me with this. use of yoga practice Yoga for anxiety. Recently the medical es- (breathing techniques) for tablishment has become PTSD. Current findings very interested in the are promising and reyoga community. One searchers at the Walter Reed Army Medical CenBy Julie Nadler
ter in Washington, D.C., are using yoga…both asana and pranayama…as treatment for vets showing symptoms of PTSD. Last week a young woman walked into my class and told me that her therapist has been telling her for years to ‘do yoga’ to help with her anxieties. Even my ‘old school’ GP admits that yoga may actually be having a positive effect on my general health and hence on my mind-set/energy in dealing with the day-to-day stressors we all experience. The news is spreading. So, will I be doing that drive to and from Toronto any time soon? Probably not!! But if I had to, I would not be up all the night before worrying about it. I would begin the day with a sun salutation series. I would approach the task refreshed, energized and armed with an arsenal of breathing techniques to help me through!
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June 10, 2017 •
Local Chiropractor offers effective care for back Pain and Sciatic Leg Pain Sponsored
• Poor athletic performance to no athletic activity at all. THE SOLUTION For hundreds of years, Dear Friend, people have suffered with If you have ever suffered from lower back pain that lower back and sciatic may even be to the point of pain. For hundreds of causing pain in one or both years; pills, potions, loof your legs, you are one of tions, and even surgery the unfortunate thousands have been attempted to of people in this country mask the pain. There has who experience some of the to be a better way! AS A LICENSED most intense pain on the CHIROPRACTOR, I planet. Back pain is the kind HAVE A DIFFERENT of pain that can progress to APPROACH! the point of disabling you Care starts with an acfrom getting out of bed or even out of a chair or a car curate diagnosis. Using a variety of state-of-the-art seat. Chiropractic techniques, THE CAUSE Slips, twists, lifts and falls my goal is to get to the all contribute to low back real source of your pain. shifting (subluxation) that Then I, as a Doctor of can produce lower back Chiropractic choose the pain and even intense leg right combination of care pain.The problem is, many to match your underlying people wait until the pain problem. I always take the is so intense they can time to listen to your concerns, answer your barely move. Many people will expe- questions, and explain rience lower back pain everything so you really and sciatic leg pain after understand. When a spinal vertebra injuring their lower back, but they wait until the shifts out of alignment, it pain goes away and mis- puts damaging pressure takenly think the problem on the spinal column (the has left as well.These peo- thickest nerves in the ple often experience re- body) causing an interrupcurring lower back and tion to the vital nerve sciatic leg pain throughout flow. This condition is retheir lives. The causes of ferred to as vertebral subre-aggravating such an on- luxation and can manifest going condition can vary itself in many different from heavy lifting to sit- ways. Subluxations can ting or even bending over happen to anyone in to pick up an object as everyday life via stress, light as a pencil…The gravity, falls and car accipoint is- once you have a dents. Even the birthing pinched nerve(subluxa- process can cause these tion) that can cause lower subluxations. Chiropractic back pain and sciatic leg starts the bones moving pain, the condition will back in the right direction, probably never go away which eventually realigns on its own! the spinal column. This THE EFFECT leads to the solution of If you have mild or mod- various problems such as erate back pain or sciatic headaches, fibromyalgia, leg pain, you may still func- neck and shoulder pain, tion at some level, even whiplash from car acciwhile at work. If however, dents, carpal tunnel synyou have intense lower drome, asthma, allergies, back or sciatic leg pain, multiple sclerosis, back you probably will be able pain, sciatica, sport into do little if anything at juries, arthritis, ADD, knee all. The effect of lower pain and fatigue to name a back pain or sciatic leg few. pain can vary from: Chiropractic deals with • Poor job performance the body from the back to job loss. forward, whereas in this • Short temper that can society we are so obstress your relationship sessed with the front that with the people you care we hardly realize we most about. should be working from By Sima Goel D.C.
the spinal column out.The spine holds the master nervous system, which is the most important part of the body. People experience pain they are unaware of which causes stress which in turn causes countless other symptoms (sickness, mental illness, breathing problems, heart failure, etc.). Prevention is superior to treatment. If you have pain and want to tough it out, something deeper may be at play. We must learn to treat the cause, not the symptoms. Each vertebral bone is attached to nerves which send the signals to everything else in the body. When the spine is aligned, the nervous system works better, all the internal organs perform their functions at optimum level. As a chiropractor, I cannot say I have ever healed anyone of anything. What I do is make a specific spinal adjustment to remove the nerve pressure, and the body responds by healing itself. The body is naturally capable of doing so. We get tremendous results. So pamper yourself. If you are experiencing pain and have not yet seen a chiropractor, it may be time to start considering it. Chiropractic care is affordable and fortunately covered by most major private insurance providers. DEDICATED TO ENDING YOUR PAIN AND HELPING YOU REACH YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL. “ As a doctor, I am dedicated to reducing and eliminating your pinched nerves. I have seen too many people suffer endlessly from leg and lower back pain. Enough is enough! Whether you’ve hurt yourself over the week-end or in an accident, or you’ve been suffering for years, we are here to help you find lasting relief…without drugs or surgery. My goal is to help you get back what is important to you quickly…YOUR LIFE!”
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• June 10, 2017
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• June 10, 2017
Meet Sir Wagner the Canine Clown
Sir Wagner is a seven-yearold Cockapoo, a mix between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle, who lives with François and Meyer in Lasalle. 'Wag' as they like to call him, is also somewhat of a clown. "Wag keeps us laughing since the day we brought him home as a puppy. Whenever he wanted attention, he would roll along the floor, tangling himself up in his little blanket and kind of unwinding again, giving out a little bark, then wagging his tail and staring at us until we responded. We named him Sir Wagner because of how often and how fast he wags his tail," said François. Sir Wagner is very good with kids and that is a good thing as Meyer has two children from a previous marriage who spend time with them most weekends.
his exuberance. "When we are at the park,Wag chases every ball, Frisbee or stick that is thrown - whether it was meant for him or not. If he gets the ball first, he either brings it to the dog it was thrown for or right back to And 'Wag' likes to clown the owner… and that's around with them as well. when he does his funny "When Meyer's kids are clown thing. He gets up on here Wag just loves the at- his hind legs, does a circle tention! They really like him then runs back out towards and get along well… espe- the next flying object. Peocially when he's being funny. ple just love him, but someAnd he does that a lot. He times I think he really has this toy they bought confuses the other dogs!" Sir Wagner certainly is a him, a rubber duck… and clown - but once he is tired when they arrive the first out, there is nothing more thing he does is run to get it and greets them by he likes than to cuddle up on the sofa with them and squeaking it." Everyone in the neigh- have his ears scratched. To submit your pet for 'Pet borhood loves Sir Wagner of the Week', email Bonnie at and he gets along well with or other dogs, although times they are confused by
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Montreal Times Community Calendar Things to do
FUNDRAISING CONCERT – A fundraising concert will be held on Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 2:00 pm in Resurrection of Our Lord Parish (34 – 34th Avenue, Lachine, Quebec) The Harmonie de Kirkland will present a concert in the church to help raise funds to put towards our restorations. This will be a freewill offering. All are welcome. (Please use the entrance facing the Dairy queen) D.N.A. hosts a Fatherr’s Day Dance for 40 + Juney 10th, 8PM - 1AM at Lachine legion, 3015 Henri Dunant (corber 32nd ave.), Bus 191.
“Saturday, June 10th: St. Barnabas Church’s Annual Garage Sale. Find great bargains and have lunch at our café! From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 12301 Colin St., Pierrefonds.” Ste-Geneviéve Flea Market will be celebrating their 1 year anniversary of being reopened, this Sunday May 7th. 2 Floors full of stuff. Silent Auction is in the works. Free raffle ticket with any purchase for Mother's Day gift basket. Open Sundays Only - All Year Round (9:00am-4:00pm) Table Rentals Inside/Outside. 15674 Gouin West, Ste-
Geneviéve H9H 1C4, Help Gamblers Anonymous -- Is gambling affecting you or someone you love? GA can help! 514-484-6666 or 010 - 083117 - 112591
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