Montreal Times 22 92 August 19 2017

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Researchers find marijuana contaminated - Page 7 Saturday, August 19, 2017

Vol. 22 No. 92

Covering MontrĂŠal & Surrounding Areas

A little help from Sun Youth Sid Stevens and Eric Kingsley during the clothing giveaway

Photo: Sergio Martinez

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August 19, 2017 •


Vol. 22, No. 92

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Should legal alcohol limit for drivers be lowered? Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard

Another aspect to the potential changes is how it might affect the restaurant industry. Martin Vezina of the Quebec Restaurant Association, said he fears the changes would discourage people from going out to restaurants and bars and would like to see other measures put in place instead. He believes it wouldn't simply affect alcohol sales alone, but food as well. People who live in areas outside the city core need their cars to get there - and taking a taxi or public transportation is not always easy. As little as two glasses


A random alcohol test in a CBC news report he believes much of the work needs to be done on the provincial level, including increasing the perception that drunk

t is controversial to a degree and has its proponents and opponents. Federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould recently proposed lowering the legal alcohol limit for drivers. The current limit is 80 milligrams (per 100 milliliters of blood) and she proposed lowering the limit to 50 milligrams of alcohol. She maintained the change would help the fight against drunk driving - and lowering the limit to 50mg would By Bonnie Wurst send a strong message to drivers. The director of Éduc'alcool, Hubert Sacy, drivers will be caught does not agree with the and that more road Justice Minister and said checks were needed. As • August 19, 2017

well, he said restaurant and bar servers should have the power to stop their drunk customers from driving. In a news release, the director of CAA-Quebec, Marco Harrison stated that if the limit is reduced to 50 mg 'the government would be biting off more than they can chew, and the pill for motorists would be too hard to swallow'. The association would prefer to see the authorities do more in preventing drunk driving, and have the Quebec government allocate additional funds towards helping the police enforce the rules and also set up more road checks.

of wine with a meal can put some people over the limit, depending on their weight and if they are male or female. If they are stopped for a random breathalyzer test, they could face charges which could have very serious consequences. The Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec states that if an offence is committed, upon arrest your driver's license will be suspended and in some cases your vehicle could be seized. And after a trial, if you are convicted under the Criminal Code, your driver's license will be revoked as well as your

right to obtain one - and depending on the situation, you may be obliged to drive a vehicle equipped with an alcohol ignition interlock device. Some people weighed in on the announcement saying there should actually be zero tolerance for getting behind the wheel of a car while having consumed any amount of alcohol at all. Quite frankly, although highly unrealistic, it is the best solution so far. What do you think? Should the legal limit remain the same in Quebec at 80 milligrams or should it be lowered to 50 milligrams - or perhaps even lower?

11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale

MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn

prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016

DIRECTIONS: from Mercier Bridge on 138 Road turn 3rd light at right



Projet Montréal Promises to Plant 30,000 Trees

ity Hall's official opposition party Projet Montréal, under the leadership of Valérie Plante, con-

By Bonnie Wurst

tinue to forge ahead with their determination to make a difference - a difference aimed towards the betterment of the


city. They are on the ground and running, months before the next Municipal elections to be held on November 5th 2017. At a news conference on August 8th, the party made a campaign promise to plant 30,000 trees on Mount Royal over the next 10 years. Our mountain, an oasis and the 'green' heart of the city, has a serious problem thousands of its ash trees have been invaded by the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle which eats them up and destroys them. It has become a growing problem all over the island.The only line of defense is spraying the ash trees with the pesticide 'Tree Azin', which is

Projet Montréal made a campaign promise to planet 30,000 trees on Mount Royal over the next 10 years actually 'a bio-pesticide 27,000 ash trees.' "The administration of risks making the same meant to curb the emer"Mount Royal is the Denis Coderre has been mistake… there is still ald ash borer population symbol and lungs of Mon- so slow to act that a ma- time to act save Mount and limit its spread' - but treal. We will not allow jority of the ash trees on Royal, but we are at one if the tree is already in- the Mountain to regain its Mount Royal are now at minute to midnight…if fested and showing signs nickname of Bald Moun- risk of being infested by the emerald ash borer of decay, it could be tain, which it acquired 60 the borer and ultimately implants itself, we will deemed irreversible and years ago after extensive being slaughtered.Waiting have to institute massive would have to be cut cuts in its undergrowth. by crossing your fingers is clear cutting and it will down. There is still time to take the worst strategy. Acting disfigure Mount Royal. In April 2016, TVA re- action to protect the veg- now avoids disfiguring the The city is attempting to ported that close to etation cover of Mount mountain, erosion prob- have Mount Royal recog30,000 trees were being Royal, but it must be done lems and the spread of in- nized as a UNESCO infested and the city World Heritage site, a bid might have to eventually that would be quashed if cut them down - and if large swaths of its forest they didn't it could spread cover, mostly situated on exponentially. They the flanks of the mountain claimed the problem highly visible from downmight have already gone town and Plateau-Monttoo far. The City of MonRoyal, are clear-cut." treal was aware of the If elected, the party problem for years, but promises to start updathad yet to take any real ing Mount Royal’s tree inconcrete action. Only ventory and replacing after the report and The party stated that by planting the new trees, 'the those decimated by the warnings from experts action would help mitigate the effects of emerald ash insects as quickly as posborers that are threatening about 27,000 ash trees did Mayor Coderre and sible, in order to maintain his team begin to serithe mountain’s green ously address the issue. quickly," Valérie Plante vasive species." canopy and prevent the Perhaps too little and late posted on the party's Sylvain Ouellet, Projet propagation of invasive - but now Projet Mon- website. Montréal’s spokesman on species. tréal is stepping in. Sue Montgomery, the the environment, said to Do you feel the city The party stated that former Montreal Gazette the Montreal Gazette this should have addressed by planting the new trees, journalist and now Projet past June. "The city was the problem sooner? Do 'the action would help Montréal's candidate for 'caught with its pants you have an ash tree on mitigate the effects of Mayor of Côte-des- down' in its initial re- your property? If so, has it emerald ash borers that Neiges-Notre-Dame-de- sponse to the emerald been infested or treated? are threatening about Grâce also weighed in, ash borer invasion, and Please let us know!

August 19, 2017 •

• August 19, 2017


Checkout what’s in our Wednesday online edition!


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11 a.m. - 1 a.m.

What is the deal with the Blue wall?

Please see details in our last Wednesday edition August 16, 2017 on our website:

Sept. 9, 2017

Rediscover Montreal on La Grande Roue


here is something new in Montreal and it will soon have you turning around and around - literally. Great views of Montreal can be found on Mount Royal's lookouts and inbound on the bridges, as well as from boats on the river and some of the city's highest buildings - but not much can compare to being close to 20 stories high in the air and having a 360 degree panoramic view, while on See online for more: the largest observation wheel in Canada.


August 19, 2017 •

Researchers find marijuana contaminated

Lead, fungus, and pesticides present...


s the countdown continues toward legalization of marijuana in Canada, presumably by mid 2018, new health concerns are surfacing about marijuana, also called cannabis. Re-

By John Symon

searchers in both Colorado (where marijuana is legalized) and Germany (where it is not) are finding contaminants--such as lead--in marijuana samples analyzed according to the New England Journal of Medicine and SmithsonianMag. Researchers were initially baffled by some cases of lead intoxication in Germany until they real-

• August 19, 2017

ized that the patients were heavy cannabis users. Samples of marijuana tested averaged about 10 percent lead by weight. Symptoms of lead poisoning can include: high blood pressure, anemia, learning difficulties, irritability, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Speculation is that lead is deliberately added to marijuana by unscrupulous drug dealers to increase their revenues by $1500 USD per kilogram. Other contaminants, including fungus and pesticides, have been reported in the USA. Cannabis seems to be commonly perceived as a “healthy” or “natural” drug among its users; these new findings might alter that perception. But there also is some truth to these beliefs: The Times has previously reported how a McGill University professor, Dr Mark Ware, has documented that cannabis can have health benefits, especially for palliative care and for appetite gain. Meanwhile, The Times has heard many local anecdotes of houses and apartments being converted into clandestine “grow ops” to cultivate marijuana, commonly with ille-

gal and dangerous connections to Hydro Quebec. Not only does this expose neighbours to fire risks, but residences are often rendered unfit to live in by the heat and humidity needed to quickly grow marijuana. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected to office in 2015, promising to legalize marijuana across Canada. Proponents of such plans often talk about taking the marijuana busi-

ness away from organized crime and regulating it under government control. Currently, no details seem to be publicly available about what Ottawa's plans might be for quality controls with marijuana sales. Various other food and drug products are subject to quality controls by Agriculture Canada and Health Canada. Parents discussing marijuana use with their ado-

lescent children should realize that marijuana today is often three times more potent than it was 30 years ago according to SmithsonianMag. Canada has the highest use of marijuana among adolescents among developed countries with some 28 percent of 15-year-olds reporting to have tried it within the past year according to international comparisons conducted by the World Health Or-

ganization. Despite Ottawa's stated intentions to legalize marijuana, it currently remains illegal except for special exemptions such as medicinal use as authorized by Health Canada. But being illegal is not a major barrier for growers who reportedly have already made marijuana Quebec's most lucrative agricultural crop.


Digital music on stage 3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4



Melissa Levy


(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Deborah Rankin •Kieron Yates • Jillian Clark • Marco Giovanetti • Dan Laxer •Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Anne McDougall • John Symon • Sharmen Yarnell


Bambooman, one of the artists at MUTEK

utek, the festival of digital creativity and electronic music is ready to launch its 18th edition which will run from August 22 to 27. For this year, organizers of the event are quite excited about the quantity and quality of the fest: more than 120 artists performing in 92 shows distributed throughout 20 programs are scheduled for this year's edition. The festival starts this




Single Mattresse


Kara_Lis Coverdale, another of the MUTEK attractions

Cooper has created pieces from abstract concepts, scientific facts, weather sounds, and contemporary classical By Sergio Martinez melodies. This opening event takes place at the Société des Arts Techcoming Tuesday, August nologiques (SAT), and it 22 at 10:00 p.m., with will be preceded by the "Emergence" a spectacu- live audio-visual show lar audio-visual show on Timbre at 9:00 p.m. the theme of biodiversity Another event that created by the British promises to captivate the artist Max Cooper. followers of this musical Throughout his work genre is "Drone Activity

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America: 1 year $250 US

All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.

between 12 p.m. and 9 p.m. This exhibition presents works by artists participating in the residence projects alt.barbican and alt.MUTEK brought to Montreal by Mutek and the Milieux Institute for the Arts of Concordia University with the support of the City of Montreal. Visitors to the exhibit will also be able

Bambooman, one of the artists at MUTEK

that will transform it into a true sound chamber where waves of tonalities and noises will flow, both, densely and delicately." This show takes place on August 24 at 9 p.m. Mutek also presents a series of conferences, workshops, and exhibitions featuring some of the most prominent producers and artists in the fields of digital and electronic music. The workshops are free but require prior registration online. There is also a Music Cities Symposium set for August 22, at 1 p.m. at the Monument National, which will "explore the relationship between the cultural milieu, the music industry, and their local urban context." This symposium is a joint project with Sound Diplomacy and is primarily addressed to promoters, producers, event organizers, political decision-makers, local cultural agents, and engaged citizens. The exhibition "Réalités subversives" ("Subversive Realities") at the Espace Culturel Georges-ÉmileLapalme of the Place des Arts will be open during all the days of the festival



Queen Size Mattress


to see the works of an artist in residence at the Somerset House Studios, a partner of Mutek 2017 in the InterConnect London Festival. For detailed information, including the complete list of artists, schedules, venues, and admission prices, visit the website:

“Everyone deserves a great sleep”


Double Mattresse



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Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island

in Progress". The show is to take place at the Metropolis, which—according to the organizers-- on that occasion will experience "a metamorphosis



MUTEK, the digital and electronic music fest starts on August 22

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• August 19, 2017



August 19, 2017 •

Cote St. Luc’s first sit-down storefront coffeehouse is now open to the community

called “Carol Burnett: An Evening of Laughter and Reflection Where the Audience Asks the Questions”. Presented by Just For Laughs and Northwest Comedy, the evening will have the 84-year-old Burnett share memorable



Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather, Cote St. Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and members of the city council at the opening or the very first official opening. time, the City of Ms. SIdel, who managed Cote St. Luc now to put the whole venture has a sit-down, together in a short period storefront coffeehouse of only seven weeks, that it can call its own, as added that it will cater to the Café de l’Avenue offi- the dietary needs of the cially opened its doors on community who reside August 16 at the Quartier within the vicinity of the Cavendish shopping cen- café, including kosher tre, facing The Avenue. food products, a simple, understated décor, comfortable seating arrangements, free wifi, and a six-seat counter area with Cafe's owner USB outlets for students Marissa Sidel to work and study at while enjoying the café’s enue also has their own variety of coffees, teas, loyalty punch card prodesserts, soups and sandwiches, and cold drinks. As well, Ms. Sidel announced that there will be future partnerships with several food and bevBy Stuart Nulman erage companies that will offer their wares at the café, and to attract more “The residents of Cote members of the Cote St. St. Luc have discussed the Luc community, there will need for a a local place be a regular schedule of where people can have a events and activities, such coffee and kick back. Now as live music, painting and with Café de l’Avenue, Mommy & Me. “And we they can have have their invite anyone to submit coffee and drink it too,” their ideas to us for future said Cote St. Luc resident programming at the café,” and café owner Marissa she said.“We also hope to Sidel at a special VIP re- sponsor a local school’s ception, which took place sports team in the near the day before the café’s future.” And Café de l’Av-

gram, in which after the purchase of six coffees, the seventh cup is free. In attendance at the VIP reception of Café de l’Avenue included Cote St. Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and members of his city council, Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather, and mayoral candidate Robert Libman. For more information about the newly-opened Café de l’Avenue, go to: *** Longtime fans of comedy legend Carol Burnett and her iconic CBS variety series (which ran from 1967 to 1978 and won a total of 25 Emmy Awards) will be glad that they will have the chance to spend some time together with her on November 4, as she comes to the St. Denis Theatre for a special once-in-a-lifetime event

moments from her illustrious career in television through numerous video clips and personal reminiscences.And as a throwback to the familiar Q&A sessions that were a trademark of the opening of each broadcast of “The Carol Burnett Show”, Carol will take questions from members of the audience in an unfiltered, laughter-filled and nostalgic night of looking back at a beloved TV comedy series and the legend who anchored it. Tickets for this special evening with Carol Burnett cost $79, $99, $159 and $199 each and go on sale as of Monday, August 21. For more information, go to:

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August 19, 2017 •

Back to school in style at Sun Youth U nder the title "Back to School in Style at Sun Youth!" this wellknown Montreal institution launched a two-day giveaway campaign aimed at the people in need of clothing for the new school year. The campaign took place Tuesday and Wednesday this week during which Sun Youth distributed new clothing in adult sizes as well as for kids. The campaign was open to everyone in need in the whole city; eligible families had to come to Sun Youth headquarters at 4251 St. Urbain Street, on one of these two dates with proof of income,

proof of address and identification papers for each of the household mem-

By Sergio Martinez

bers.The giveaway was on a first-come, first-served basis as quantities were

limited. "Yesterday (for Tuesday, August 15) we had about 400 people, and we expect a similar number today," tells us Eric Kingsley, one of the executives of Sun Youth with whom we talked this Wednesday while volunteers were handing the pieces of clothes out to those who lined up in the yard of Sun Youth. He also pointed out that for this giveaway families didn't have to register, "they just have to come to our location, unlike the Christmas giveaway for which they need to register in advance. On that occasion Sun Youth gives away a basket containing some food and

Eclipse on the Oval at John Abbott College


Youth counted on the generous donations of clothing from Modern Eternity Maternity Coats and Apparel, VF Imagewear Canada Inc., and L'équipe Spectra. "For Sun Youth, taking care of parents means contributing to a better future for the whole family" the organization "Back to School in Style stated in its press release, at Sun Youth!" was the and there is no question motto of this campaign that their role at these difficult times for many toys" he said. families in Montreal is of Regarding the type of great importance.The unclothing, he tells us that employed or people with they are all brand new. low-paid jobs, single-parFor this giveaway, Sun ents with little children

forced to stay home and live on welfare, and some seniors with small pensions are now a growing segment of our population.The fact that as many as 800 hundred would have attended the twoday giveaway should also be a call for attention to the authorities because poverty is a problem that cannot be ignored.Thanks to Sun Youth there is some immediate relief for people which obviously need assistance, but longterm measures are also necessary to tackle the issue of poverty in the city.

Jared Tritt, Aaron Bensmihen, Samuel Henle, Katherine Dulong, Émilie Laflèche, Finn Petrovic

xperience the partial solar eclipse on campus at John Abbott College this Monday, August 21 from 13:20 – 15:50. Join the student astronomy group Stars & Stuff who are planning activities around the eclipse, as well as streaming NASA coverage live for the duration. Sky gazers are welcome to join students

and staff on the Oval, the front lawn of the College. However, they should bring their own protective eyewear. states: To protect your eyes, wear special eclipse glasses, which you can get at many local museums, [public libraries] and science centres, or order through websites like the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. NASA says to

make sure the glasses have certification information, with a designated ISO 12312-2 international standard. Don’t use them if they’re bent, damaged or more than three years old. Parking is difficult during the day on campus so we strongly recommend that visitors take public transit.

Day : August 28th and September 25th 2017 Evening : September 5th 2017 Teen : English, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese: September 9th 2017


• August 19, 2017


ext: #1400


Ride to Fight ALS next week

The Ride to Fight ALS celebrates its 10th anniversary

RIDE TO FIGHT ALS – For the tenth year running, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Society of Quebec presents its annual Ride to Fight ALS Challenge sponsored by TELUS Health from August 25-27. Located at the renowned Château Vaudreuil, participants will travel the winding roads of Vaudreuil-Dorion during a period of 1 to 3 days, riding from 70 to 300 kilometers in support of families touched by ALS. A Magical Evening themed benefit dinner will be held on Saturday, August 26th. Destined to be unforgettable, the evening features special guests, entertainment of all kinds, a silent auction and a live auction hosted by legendary Montreal Canadiens’ Yvon Lambert. On Sunday August 27th, a diverse group of bike lovers, families and friends, are invited to close the event in a festive setting! Here are a few facts about our Ride to Fight ALS


The 10th Edition of the Ride to Fight ALS will take place August 25-27 at Château Vaudreuil; 200 volunteers and cyclists of all levels will participate; The Ride to Fight ALS is made up of four events: a two and three-day cycling challenge, a one-day cycling challenge for all ages, and the Magical Evening benefit dinner on Saturday evening; The Ride to Fight ALS raises awareness for ALS and collects money to support research and maintain the quality of services offered to patients and their loved ones across the province; Since 2008, the Ride to Fight ALS has been the Society’s flagship event, with cyclists of all backgrounds participating and raising over $1.6 million during this past decade. Luc Vilandré’s story, co-founder of the Ride to Fight ALS


Luc Vilandré’s

brother Pierre was diagnosed with ALS in 2004, Luc realized the devastation caused by this disease. Despite Pierre’s fierce 4-year fight against ALS, he succumbed to the disease. “Upon learning his diagnosis, I was appalled to see that there was no cure or treatment,” Luc said. “I resolved to do everything in my power to defeat this disease, in the name of my brother and in the name of all of those he has touched.” Luc then created and spearheaded the first Ride to Fight ALS in 2008.Ten years later, he and his team at TELUS Health are still faithful participants in this event, cycling valiantly to win against ALS. Starting line

Friday August 25th. Press conference at 9 a.m., cyclists depart at 9:30 a.m. Château Vaudreuil, 21700 Route Transcanadienne, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, J7V 8P3

August 19, 2017 •

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August 19, 2017 •

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• August 19, 2017

explore and enjoy with your furry friends or family members. With a variety of one bedroom and two bedroom floor plans to choose from, you’re sure to find the layout and space that will meet your needs. Step into one of our available suites and find spacious and bright rooms, updated kitchens and functional living spaces. Large windows allow for plenty of natural light, as well as scenic views of the surrounding greenspace. Whether you’re a young family looking for a place to call

home, or simply looking for a peaceful location just outside the city, Le Mistral has something for all residents. Enjoy sought after amenities such as an outdoor pool, fitness centre, outdoor play area for kids and covered parking, all located within the building complex. Le Mistral is minutes from everything you need. Pick up all your grocery supplies at the IGA on the corner or grab a meal at one of the many restaurants down Rue Jarry. Take a stroll down Ave Christophe-

Colomb and enjoy a day at Parc Villeray, plan a picnic in the grass or play a small game of soccer. Le Mistral is centrally located in Villeray for you to easily access public transit. A few steps from your front door is bus route 13, along with route 193. Down the street is the Jarry Metro Station, great for those commuting into the downtown core or looking to travel to different areas of the city. With public transit located so close, your daily commute is made easy and stress free.

Surrounding Le Mistral is a variety of schools including École VictorDoré, École Henry-Julien, École Georges-Vanier and École Gadbois. With schools and parks so close by, Le Mistral offers the perfect space for young families to settle in and call home. During the winter months, enjoy the indoor public pool at Piscine Joseph-Charbonneau. A great way to spend an afternoon with the family. Regardless of what you’re looking for in your next apartment, Le Mis-

tral has suites and amenities that are sure to meet your needs. Make Le Mistral your home! Call today to book your private tour and see what Le Mistral has to offer. Le Mistral 1111 & 1121 Rue Mistral Montreal, QC 438-476-4902

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Sun Youth’s14th Annual Mordy Gordon Golf Tournament


In this photo: (left to right) Comedians Lawrence Corber and Joey Elias with long time Sun Youth volunteer football coach Frank Kociper Jr.

or the past 14 years, the Sun Youth Annual Mordy Gordon Memorial Golf Tournament has been a special day where everyone gathers for a great cause. This year’s golf tournament was held at one of Canada’s most renowned golf course, the Elm Ridge Country Club. In addition, Sun Youth hosted, in collaboration with Burovision, its very first Bike-A-Thon which was a great success. On August 10th, 140 golfers and 30 cyclists, including the Mayor of Pierrefonds, Dimitrios Jim Beis, gathered to support Sun Youth’s Sports and Recreation Programs for children. During this special day, the guests had the opportunity to play golf on the magnificent Elm Ridge golf course or enjoy the picturesque landscape of Île-Bizard by bike. Golfers were treated all day with food from Roma Foods, Emma Boutique Gourmande, Recette en Pots, Les Service de Traiteur M. Gérard, EuroMarché, Importations L. Mara Inc. and gifts from Stokes Inc. Bikers were provided with energy

bars by Noble Foods Inc, a bicycle tune-up by Bicycles McW. After the ride, they were invited to take a dip in the pool, and refreshments by Les Brasseurs RJ. Sponsors also included BMW. After this beautiful summer day, cyclists and golfers both joined for cocktails and were treated to a delicious supper. As is now the tradition, guests could bet on an array of items at a silent auction while a few selected prizes were offered in a live auction. Both auctions featured various interesting items including sports memorabilia such as an autographed football helmet by former Montreal Alouettes quarterback, Anthony Calvillo, a framed Jackie Robinson autographed photo and a Wayne Gretzky signed Jofa helmet.Thanks to the generosity of all those in attendance, the preliminary financial results indicate that more than $100,000 were raised, which brings the total of collected funds to over $900,000 since the first edition of the tournament.

Special thanks to the tournament partners Des Sources Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Fiat and Burovision for once again renewing their support, as well as the tournaments major sponsors Herzing College, CLV Group, RBC Dominion Securities, Fabricland Distributors Inc., Pipe & Piling Supplies Ltd., Scotiabank, the National Bank of Canada. The event concluded with a raffle featuring this year’s grand prize, a trip for two to Switzerland, courtesy of Lufthansa Group. Our sincere thanks to the organizing committee, sponsors, all golfers and cyclists for their enthusiasm and generosity, special guests Anthony Calvillo and his wife Alexia Calvillo, Hornets alumni Lizanne Murphy, Montreal Alouettes’ coach, Jacques Chapdelaine and his wife Kim Chapdelaine, and the spouses of the Montreal Alouettes’ players who all helped make this event a success. Special thanks to Montreal comedian Joey Elias and Jacques Bernard for hosting the evening.

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• August 19, 2017



Itchy eye Connections?


By Martha Shannon

ave you ever related swollen or itchy eyes to something you applied to the skin? Perhaps eye make-up? A cream? A soap or shampoo? Lipstick or lip balm? A shaving gel? It was several years ago that I met a friend, June, I had not seen in quite awhile. Her eyes were swollen. I knew she was embarrassed as she immediately made reference, “My eyes are also itchy. It has been 2 days now and I do not know why?" I then asked if she had changed her lipstick brand by any chance? “Lipstick affecting my eyes? How bizarre.” She exclaimed. Sure enough, when June stopped using that particular brand of lipstick, her eyes returned to normal. Some lipsticks, when full of chemicals, are not your lips best friends. But can they inadvertently affect the eye area? I have met several people who believe that their lipstick or balm caused their eyes to become itchy and puffy eyes. How does this


happen? People with an allergic reaction to certain chemicals in food, medication, and cosmetics can experience lip and eye swelling. This ‘angioedema’ is swelling under the skin, often appearing around the eyes and lips. Some of the most common causes of Skin Allergies:

He did not have a particular favourite, but did mention several familiar commercial brands I suggested he research carefully the ingredients in his soaps, creams etc and his lip balm, as it could possibly be something he was allergic too. He did buy one of our natural lips balms and was quite excited to see if that might eliminate his issue. Our fingers are crossed that his problem is solved. We should all question our daily ‘cosmetic’ routine. “WHAT, exactly, am I feeding my skin?”

• Chemicals in hair dye and other hair products • Preservatives/ antibacterial used extend shelf life • Ingredients added to lubricate, thicken, colour a product We stand behind • Added chemical sunour products. screen found in moisturWe give great customer izers, balms, makeup service. foundations • Formaldehyde Stay tuned for informative • Fragrances that are product reviews and great found in most body care creams, deodorants, customer stories that you colognes, cleansers, and can relate to. even facial tissues Visit our online store: www. Recently I had a male Subscribe to our newsletter. customer who was experiencing itchiness around Check out our BIOS. the eyes. I observed that Write to us at: he definitely was not into lipstick, so I asked him if Meet us in person at the he used any lip balm? He shop. pocket pulled one out, La Boutique Earth to Body 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, claiming he never travQuebec, H9R 2V1 elled without his balms.

August 19, 2017 •




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