Montreal Times 23 06 September 30 2017

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Oliver Jones life and music celebrated- Page 2 Saturday, September 30, 2017

Vol. 23 No. 06

Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

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BACHELOR PARTY S From left to right: Giuseppe D’Asti, Ihab Kandil, Gianni Giancaspro, Jeff Petruzzi, groom-to-be Antonio Di Cintio, Eric Violante et Jean-François Sigouin

erving 600 nutritious meals to homeless men and women isn’t your usual bachelor party celebration. But then again, Antonio Di Cintio isn’t your usual bachelor. “Spending hundreds of dollars on a typical bachelor party isn’t my style,” says Antonio. “All I want is to be with my friends and make a difference in the lives of others.” On Saturday Sept 16, the groom-to-be gathered his best friends to take part in the Mission’s Supper Experience. Held at our Saint-Laurent Campus cafeteria, this hands-on activity requires a donation of $2,000,

which can be collected through fundraising efforts or personal donation. “I chose the Mission because it offers sustainable solutions to end homelessness through its transition programs, which help people reintegrate into society,” explains Antonio. “So, the idea of having my friends chip in maybe half of what a wild party would cost for a good cause was a nobrainer to me.” “We’re used to hosting groups that range from work colleagues who come for team-building exercises to friends and families who come for the experience of

serving supper to our clients, but this is a first!” notes Kim Nguyen, Director of Development,Annual Gifts and Administration at the Old Brewery Mission. “I was very excited to learn about this initiative, not only because it’s a great idea but it can also be an inspiration to other like-minded individuals. Through their actions, they are saying that there’s no event too big or too small where people can make a difference in the lives of homeless men and women. I applaud them for it.” continued on Page 6


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Oliver Jones life and music celebrated in new documentary


By Stuart Nulman


hen veteran Montreal journalist Rosey Ugo Edeh decided to make a full-length documentary on the life and music of Montreal-born legendary jazz pianist Oliver Jones, her motivation to chronicle his life on film –oddly enough – was when she viewed a TV news item about Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot. “I saw this report on Gordon Lightfoot, and it was only five minutes in length. I thought it was way too short. And for someone with a lengthy career in music like Gordon, he deserved a more in-depth piece about him. And as I saw that interview with him, I thought about Oliver Jones and his complete, steadfast career in music, and that I was going to make a film about him,” said Edeh in a recent phone interview. The end result was the documentary “Oliver Jones: Mind Hands Heart”, which will have its world premiere today (September 30), 3 p.m., at the Cinema du Parc, as part of the 13th edition of the Montreal International Black Film Festival (MIBFF). This documentary is one of the many honours bestowed upon the 83-year-old Jones, who recently retired from performing after a career that has spanned seven decades. Recently, alongside the two Juno Awards and several Felix Awards, Orders of Canada and Quebec and the Gover-

nor General’s Performing Arts Award, Jones was recognized for his contributions to jazz music and Montreal culture with a large painted mural and a community centre named in his honour. At the screening of the documentary, Jones will be given the MIBFF’s Lifetime Achievement Award. “The platform of film lives on for many years after it is made. It makes its subject still relevant and impactful, and I want Oliver’s legacy to still have that impact for many Montrealers for years to come,” she said. “This film is not just a homage to Oliver Jones, but also for his hometown of Montreal, because he not only has done a lot for this city, he shows a lot of love for it, too.” Edeh said that the choice of the documentary’s title “Mind Hands Heart” was as a tribute to the elements that has made Oliver Jones an extraordinary person and much-respected jazz music pianist. “Oliver has an intellectual dexterity, along with a heart and spirit that is unrelenting,” she said. “And yet he continues at his craft. He still practices at the piano and that makes him a better musician. And it is with those hands that he created all that great music. You put all those elements together and you get a great musician, and it helps make the film shine, too.” The documentary, which took Edeh two years to film and edit, tells the story of Jones’ life and career in music within the premise of his final live performance at the Montreal International Jazz

Festival, where he performed on a semi-regular basis since the festival began in 1980. However, Edeh hopes that whoever views the film –whether they are familiar with Jones and his music, or are being introduced to Oliver Jones and his world for the first time – will have something to take home about Oliver Jones the musician and the man. “For those people who know him, they will take away several tidbits that they were not aware about him, such as his strength of character, and that he was so much more than a person who is no nice and humble. He is a person who knows what he wants and is true to his art form,” she said. “For those who are unfamiliar with him, they will be struck by his warmth, generosity and the sheer love he has for his friends, colleagues and fellow band mates, and the love they have for him.” Although Jones has seen parts of the documentary, he will be seeing the completed product for the first time at the screening at the Cinema du Parc, which Edeh admits will be a little nerve-wracking for her. “It will be the first time we will be sitting down together and seeing the finished film,” she said. “He saw the effort it took to create this film, and I am sure he is going to be more inclined to give the production team a pat on the back and give them due credit. I know he will be very pleased with it.” For more information about the Montreal International Black Film Festival, which concludes tomorrow (October 1), go to:

September 30, 2017 •


Vol. 23, No. 06

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Downtown— the neglected infrastructure and amenities

Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard


A large part of Cabot Square has been inaccessible during the summer because of works in the metro exit

unicipal elec- ects and exciting ventures tions are set for designed for a media imNovember 5, pact. His style has already and Mayor been compared to that of Drapeau's— Denis Coderre aspires to Jean be re-elected, Valerie grandiosity is the name of Plante the leader of Projet the game! Projet MonMontréal for her part, tréal for its part still has hopes to make history to prove itself as a worthwhile alterand become native. And the first fethe party male mayor also needs to of this city. recover its Coderre, of credibility course, has after its forbeen acmer leader— tive—espeRichard cially this Bergeron— year— with decided to the celebraapply for his tion of the own benefit town's 375th a n n i ve r s a r y. By Sergio Martinez the saying "if you can't beat But it is not them, join necessary to get into much detail to be them" and a few months able to characterize after the past election Coderre's style as one of opted to become Mayor the promotion of big proj- Coderre's right-hand man

• September 30, 2017

For more than a year now this is what the corner of Percy Walter Park looks like

in the Ville Marie borough. But politicians—and I'm not trying to make excuses for them—cannot do much if the bureaucratic apparatus is not up to the task of providing the citizens the kind of urban amenities and infrastructure they need. It is sometimes hard to distinguish where there is just bad work on the part of the political leaders who have promised something that they might—or

should—know the city cannot provide; or whether the problem lies with a bureaucracy which in many cases is inefficient or simply incompetent. Some cases in point: Atwater Ave. up from Sherbrooke St. was twice subjected to road works in 12 months, works on

Sherbrooke St. between University and Peel took more time than the previously announced. Pedestrians and motorists were inconvenienced by roadworks that seem to go forever. It remains to be seen how the already scheduled renovation of the water and sewage

pipelines under Sainte Catherine is going to impact businesses, residents, and workers in the area. Judging by the way these public works have been handled in the past one just has to be prepared for the worse.

11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale

MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn

continued on Page 4

prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016



11 a.m. - 1 a.m.


A bad choice of trees? this one was planted in the spring, now it is dead, similar cases around Sherbrooke and Simpson streets

trees planted just this spring, have died. There If major roadworks have are many possible reasons been a nightmare for for that. Maybe the trees everyone living or work- were not appropriate for ing in the downtown that type of soil, perhaps core, what about rela- they were in poor health tively minor urban issues when they were planted such as park maintenance (indeed some of them and tree planting? The an- looked weak), maybe they swer is not very encour- were not the appropriate aging either. Let's forget species (why don't they about the disgraceful de- plant maples, oaks or cision to put artificial turf other species that are on Rutherford Park, de- more suitable for this spite the objections from weather?), perhaps they the people who work at were not watered the water reservoir be- enough.Whatever the anneath. In this newspaper, swers to these questions I have been writing about are, there is one thing the lack of trees in many clear: whoever decided to of the streets in the plant the wrong species, downtown area. I at- or sickly trees was an intended a couple of bor- competent bureaucrat or ough meetings to an ignorant gardening complain about this prob- technician. Would they be lem without having a sat- held accountable for their isfactory answer for more incompetence? than two years now! To Finally, what happens add insult to injury, one when some works are left can see how some of the unfinished or half-fincontinued from Page 3

ished? For more than a year the south-east corner of the Percy Walter Park has been left with some temporary fences while part of its wall has fallen. The park's main entrance at the corner of Dr. Penfield and McGregor used to have an iron gate which was removed to be fixed. For more than a year some temporary concrete blocks took its place, what was temporary now seems to be definitive. If the iron gate broke beyond repair, then the logical thing to do on the part of the Ville Marie bureaucrats would have been to replace it with something else, something appropriately aesthetic for a park that is. But if it is impossible to expect from the city bureaucrats some efficiency, asking for some sense of aesthetics would be too much I guess.

If you would like your business written up in the Montreal Times and to be first page Google please send as an e-mail to find all the options - September 30, 2017 •

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• September 30, 2017


Bachelor Party serves Checkout what’s in our over 600 meals at Wednesday online the Old Brewery Mission edition! continued from Front Page

Antonio’s actions make a statement on their own, and his message is clear. “For anybody, for any reason, be it a bachelor or bachelorette party, a birthday party—even if it isn’t a party!—I think there’s no better opportunity to get a group of your closest friends and family together to help someone get through their day. It only takes a

few small hours to serve supper and it’s easy to raise $2,000. At school, for example, if you get 100 people to donate just $10 each, you already have $1,000. It is do-able. It’s just a matter of being persistent and people will support you. And it’s fun! This is a beautiful place with beautiful people.” When Antonio asked his fiancée what she thought of his idea, she wasn’t surprised. “She said to me,

’This is what makes you, you! You encourage those around you to step out of their comfort zone, and that brings out the greatest learning in all of us.’” The Old Brewery Mission would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to Antonio Di Cintio and his friends who participated in the Supper Experience. And of course, we wish him and his bride-to-be, a lifetime of happiness!

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UBER calls it quits in Quebec


Welcomes Rebecca Perez as our Video Reporter Send us an E-mail and have Rebecca interview you! Get with the Times and watch your business grow


Please see details in our last Wednesday edition September 27, 2017 on our website:

English Quebecers wanted to come home


t Quebec's Liberal Party youth wing convention last August, Premier Philippe Couillard reached out to English-speaking Ex-Quebecers, those who fled the province since the 'Quiet Revolution' and its subsequent upheavals. Over the years, especially with Bill 101 - the Trans Canada Hwy 401 West slowly became an 'Anglo In Exile' route. And now Couillard has a dream, he wants them to come back. See online for more:

September 30, 2017 •

What’s going on in Montreal of the Opera” start at $38.25 each (limit of 8 tickets per person), and can be purchased by calling 1-866-842-2112 or online at:


overs of great Broadway musicals still have a chance to experience the

By Stuart Nulman

music of the night, as Cameron Mackintosh’s

• September 30, 2017

new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s blockbuster musical “The Phantom of the Opera” is set to haunt the stage of Salle Wilfrid Pelletier of Place des Arts from October 4 – 15 for 16 performances. Based on Gaston Leroux’s 1911 novel, which became a classic silent film in 1925 that starred Lon Chaney in the title role, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of “The Phantom of the Opera” is about to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its spectacular Broadway debut. Since it was first performed on Broadway, “Phantom” has grossed

over $1 billion and has played to over 17 million people in New York, who can’t get enough of the tragic love story of aspiring French opera singer Christine Daae (Eva Tavares), who falls under the spell of Erik the Phantom (Derrick Davis), a mysterious figure who haunts the catacombs beneath the Paris Opera House, and whose unrequited love for Christine compels him to make her a more accomplished opera singer, and will suppress those individuals who try to interfere with his plans for her. Tickets for this new production of “The Phantom

Tickets to the Italian Bad Boyz of Comedy XIV are $95 each, which includes a pre-dinner Italian style buffet from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., with the show starting at 8:45 p.m. There will be dancing following the *** show, with music provided by the Ti Amo EnComedy fans, get ready tertainment Group. For for the 14th edition of the more information, or to always popular “Italian purchase tickets, cal 514Bad Boyz of Comedy” se- 707-9836, or go online to ries. This edition, which www.vmgentertainment.c will be staged under the om or www.italianbadtheme “Greek Invasion”, is set to take place on November 11 at the Plaza *** CentreVille, located at 777 Robert-Bourassa. Montreal Walks for MenHosted by Cousin Vinny tal Health is an event orfrom 92.5 The Beat, the ganized by the Montreal Greek invasion of this Walks for Mental Health year’s Italian Bad Boyz of Foundation whose misComedy show will be sion is to increase public spearheaded by headliner awareness about mental Angelo Tsarouchas, a na- health and eliminate tive Montrealer who stigma and discrimination hosted Just For Laugh’s towards people living with popular Ethnic Show and mental illness and those was seen on such TV se- who support them. Since ries as “Mad Men” and its launch in 2009, the an“Sullivan and Son”. He will nual Montreal Walks for be joined by New York Mental Health has grown City’s Ellen Karis (aka the exponentially in number “Greek Goddess of Comedy”) and Efthimios Nasiopoulos from Vancouver. And to add the Italian element to the evening (and live up to the show’s title), the line-up will feature sets by Montreal comics Gino Durante and Pino Pirillo.

of participants and monies raised for charitable organizations that provide mental health services in Montreal. We kindly request that your publication post the upcoming Walk’s information in any upcoming events calendars. On Sunday October the 15th, we invite all of Montreal to join us as we walk towards a world without stigma! Where: Phillips Square (across from The Bay and McGill metro) When: Sunday, October 15th 2017 • Registration is between 10:00 -10:45 • The walk itself starts at 11:00 a.m., rain or shine. This year, we are delighted to welcome Montreal singer-songwriter Ian Kelly as our spokesperson. Ian has graciously offered to perform a miniconcert on site at 10:30 a.m. For more information and to register online and/or raise monies:


Mayor or Mayoress of Montreal - Race is on!

Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island Advertising

Melissa Levy


(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Deborah Rankin •Kieron Yates • Jillian Clark • Marco Giovanetti • Dan Laxer •Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Anne McDougall • John Symon • Sharmen Yarnell

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Denis Coderre. Her interest in politics goes back to her early 20's. She has worked as a project and communications coordinator in cultural community and unionized sectors - where her interest in social justice, fighting against poverty and citizen participation greatly increased. Plante also sat on various boards such as the nonpartisan Groupe Femmes Politique et Démocratie and has been involved with the Broadbent InstiBy Bonnie Wurst tute. Her journey might have been different, but she is far from treated the very citizens enced. As for where she and who voted for him in the the party stand on the last election. Montrealers are now same issues: BREED SPECIFIC paying serious attention to Valérie Plante and Pro- BYLAW (BSL) where they jet Montréal. They have will repeal the bylaw.They been a growing force on believe it is very wrong the political scene. Plante and will seek expert opinis very well-versed on all ion. Together they will the issues Montrealers look at the best models are concerned with and already out there, such as has been doing the what is place in Calgary groundwork - literally. She and Laval - where the knows what she is up onus is put on the pet against, but that has not owner. deterred her. Using public - $1 BILLION SPENT ON transit, cycling and walk- 375TH Anniversary Celeing, she and her team have brations is something been on the streets, visit- Plante considers outraing all 19 boroughs and geous. 'Let's have a party' meeting with people she said, but they would where they live, listening have consulted Montrealto them and coming up ers on what they envision with concrete solutions for the city and would and plans to address their have created projects that problems and concerns. speak to those wishes. She may have first been - PUBLIC TRANSIT and perceived as an 'unknown' CYCLISTS - She uses with less political experi- public transit and is very ence - but that couldn't aware of the problems be farther from the truth. commuters face, including Coderre has more expe- constant delays and rience as 'politician'. He breakdowns, which would had 16 years under his belt as a Liberal MP and be addressed, and air-concabinet minister with the ditioning would be put in Federal government, be- buses. As for cyclists, they fore being elected as would greatly improve the Mayor in 2013 - but given infrastructure, with a bethis track record and how ter circuit and divided people feel about politi- bike lanes - and not the cians today, it might not painted ones which have proven to be very dangerbe a plus for him. Plante on the other ous. hand comes from a grass- - TRUST AND TRANSroots movement. She is a PARENCY is something downtown resident and Valerie takes very seriofficially got into munici- ously and realizes in the pal politics in 2013, when present political climate, elected the party's coun- she will have to earn cilor for Sainte-Marie, de- Montrealers trust. As for feating former provincial transparency, the party is minister Louise Harel. She already looking into many became the opposition areas needing to be adcritic for downtown dressed - and concrete tourism as well as measures will be put into women's affairs - and was place. also named vice-president November 5th will of City Council and sub- soon arrive - and with it a stitute mayor for the Ville- chance to create change. Marie borough. In Will you take the time to December of 2016 she vote? And who do you was chosen to lead Projet see running City Hall for Montréal into the munici- the next four years… a pal election against Mayor Mayor or a Mayoress? ple can become complacent. But in the end, Coderre might regret his 'my way or no way' attitude and how he has


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he official municipal election campaigns have begun in municipalities across Quebec - and in Montreal it is already proving itself to be one of the hottest matches between the present Mayor Denis Coderre and official opposition leader Valérie Plante of Projet Montréal. From now until November 5th political candidates will be wooing Montrealers for their votes. And for the main seat at City Hall, it is really going to be a two-way race. On social media, Montrealers have clearly been voicing their ever-growing discontent with Coderre's performance and decisions he made over his four year tenure, decisions made which he alone thought were right, regardless of expert opinion and what his constituents felt and wanted even some of his own party members. A few of the more prevalent issues many Montrealers feel he ignored them on include: BREED SPECIFIC BYLAW (BSL) where he showed his true colors. Not only did he ignore the experts and protesters - at a council meeting when a citizen was criticizing him for the bylaw, he simply ordered the person's microphone to be turned off, uttering 'cut the mic'. It was caught on video. - $1 BILLION SPENT ON THE 375TH Anniversary Celebrations, including the Urban Rodeo event and the re-lighting of the Jacques Cartier bridge while 25% of children live in poverty. - PUBLIC TRANSIT AND CYCLISTS where there are many issues - and only band-aid solutions offered. Coderre does not use public transit. - TRUST AND TRANSPARENCY: Well, you just have to look at the Formula E Race as an example, a race the majority of people did NOT want and put many businesses on the brink of bankruptcy. He still refuses to divulge the numbers before the November 5th municipal elections, claiming it is 'complicated' - but any one of us could have stood there and counted the people who attended. It would appear Montrealers are ready to vote him out, but Mayor Coderre is part of an 'old boys club'. And let's face it, he knows how to play the 'Habs' card very well. Peo-

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September 30, 2017 •

he Festival of New Cinema (FNC) at 46 is now into mid-age, but without signs of any anxieties about getting old. In fact, the emphasis is still on the new, as it was many years ago when it also added to its name "and of Video"— that was at the time when

cinematic cultures has been enlarged. OPENING AND CLOSING The FNC will start on October 4 at Theatre Maisonneuve with a film that has created big expectations: "Blade Runner 2049" directed by Denis Villeneuve. This movie is, of course, the sequel to the already classic film of 1982 directed by Ridley Scott. Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford are starring in this new production. For its closing night, the FNC has chosen "Loving Vincent" by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, an animation feature that has the particularity of reproducing in its characters and the background By Sergio Martinez the painting style of Vincent Van Gogh, whose life is, of course, the subject of the story. video cameras started to THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION open new possibilities esA total of 17 films are pecially to people who wanted to do some ex- competing for Louve perimental work.Then the d'Or, the main prize given FNC was also the first to by the FNC. Among showcase what now is the them, "Ava" (Léa Mysius, "Avant la fin de standard feature of any TV France), l'été" (Maryam Goorset: high-definition. On maghtigh, France-Switzerthis occasion, the new land), "Cocote" (Nelson technology is virtual real- Carlo de los Santos Arias, ity (VR) which although Argentina-Germany-Donot entirely a novelty, it minican Republic), "Holy has started to attract Air" (Shady Srour, Israel), more people interested in "La part du diable" (Luc making movies for this Bourdon, Canada), "Meplatform as well. VR will teorlar" (Gürkan Keltek, be the focus of the FNC's Netherlands-Turkey), Explore category, which "Sexy Durga" (Sanal will run between October Kumar Sashidaran, India), 6 and 15 and will be com- and "Women of the Weeping River" (Sheron pletely free. But of course, it is Dayoc, Philippines). THE OTHER movies what is the priSECTIONS mary focus of the FNC. The competition is only This year with 383 films from 68 countries it also one part of this festival, attempts to reach a real what is the most appealinternational scope (in the ing are the other sections. past the FNC had focused There is one covering mostly on the so-called new productions in this cinema d'auteur and non- country (Focus Quebecconventional productions Canada section with 18 that were coming mostly films to be screened). Les from North America and incontournables a section Europe), this year the devoted to the works of spectrum of nations and acclaimed directors which

• September 30, 2017

tion will include the cult film "India Song" by Marguerite Duras, and fans of Italian soccer should enjoy "Black and White Stripes: The Juventus Story" by Marco and Maura La Villa. This one is not the only film with a sport as a subject; a great tennis matchup is the main story in "Borg vs. McEnroe" directed by Janus Metz. A cine-concert is also programmed for Friday, Oct. 13, featuring the silent horror movie "The Golem" by Paul Wegener and Henrik Galeen (Germany, 1915) which will be accompanied by the music of Montreal artist Josh "Socalled" Dolgin and his guests. The FNC also has a section for children, Les P'tits Loups" and another for young people the RenLes Prédatrices is announced as one of the daring films at this edition contres pancanadiennes will show 28 movies. tion "Ghost Haunting" Seijun Suzuki (Japan), du cinéma étudiant. And if Among them "Wonder- (Raed Andoni, Palestine- Denis Coté (Canada), and after seeing too many struck" by Todd Haynes F r a n c e - S w i t z e r l a n d - the renowned Polish di- movies you feel like doing (USA), "The Florida Proj- Qatar), "Last days in rector Andrzej Wajda, something else, some ect" by Sean Baker (USA), Havana" (Fernando Perez, who passed away in 2016, other events, including "Sea Sorrow" by Vanessa Cuba), and "The Nothing among others directors many parties, are set for Redgrave (UK). Here we Factory" (Pedro Pinho, to be highlighted. In con- the whole duration of the will find a special celebra- Portugal). junction with the Mon- event. For detailed information tion of the 40th anniverThe section Histoire(s) treal Museum of Fine sary of "Saturday Night du Cinema will include Arts, there will be a Spot- about the FNC including Fever" by John Badham, tributes to Hélène Cattet light on the Western. The ticket prices, schedule, featuring John Travolta, a and Bruno Forzani (Italy, Special Presentations sec- and film descriptions visit: film that will certainly bring fond memories and some disco nostalgia. Temps Ø is a section that showcases daring works, among them the Quebec film "Les affamés" by Robin Aubert which recently won the prize for best Canadian film at the Toronto Festival (are you ready for zombies in Quebec?). Another film that may not leave anyone indifferent is the French production directed by a former porn star known as Ovidie titled "Les prédatrices." International Panorama should provide a dose of "socially engaged films from around the world." Out of the 14 films in this section, we should menS-092317-26


FNC 2017, not only movies: VR and a cine-concert too


The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts adds a bronze masterpiece


he Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal (MMFA) and CIBC are pleased to announce the gifting of Three Piece Reclining Figure No 1 (1961-1962), a key work of art by Henry Moore, to the Museum’s collection. Originally installed near Dominion Square, in the forecourt of the Montreal CIBC Tower, the artwork is now on permanent display in the Museum’s newly expanded Sculpture Garden, in front of the Liliane and David M. Stewart Pavilion. The donation of this large-scale bronze sculpture is a major contribution to the MMFA’s extensive holding of the artist’s works, and marks the artist’s significance in the history of Montreal. Purchased from the artist by CIBC in 1962, Three Piece Reclining Figure No 1 was the first large- scale outdoor sculpture by Henry Moore to be installed anywhere in Canada. It exemplifies the English artist’s well-known talent for blending human and natural forms. The gift to the MMFA is a fitting addition


to the major collection of 40 works by Moore, including six smaller bronze sculptures of reclining figures, held by the Museum. It also highlights both institutions’ commitment to preserving Montreal’s public art. Nathalie Bondil, Director General and Curator in Chief, MMFA, said, “A huge thank-you to CIBC! Thanks to this major gift, the biggest ever made to its modern collection, the MMFA will enhance the life of our citizens with a spectacular addition to public art in Montreal.We are very happy to add this masterpiece to our Sculpture Garden. For now, this abstract Odalisque is happily nestled within the modern architecture designed by Lebensold in 1976. Once the exhibition La Balade pour la Paix has ended on October 29, the sculpture will be prominently displayed on Sherbrooke St. West, close to Du Musée Avenue, and not far from Crescent Street.’’ CIBC has been a major donor to the MMFA, particularly during the Museum’s fund-raising

campaigns between 2008 and 2012. It has also gifted two important artworks by Jean-Paul Riopelle: a painting, Homage to Grey Owl (1970), in 2001 (on loan this fall as part of the exhibition Mitchell / Riopelle: Nothing in Moderation at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec), and another bronze sculpture, Owl II (1970) in 2002. “We’ve had the great privilege of showcasing this Henry Moore sculpture at our Montreal office and we credit our predecessors with having the foresight to acquire this masterpiece from one of the 20th century’s greatest sculptors,” said Sylvain Vinet, Senior VicePresident and Region Head, Eastern Canada, CIBC.“And now, in recognition of CIBC’s 150th birthday, and Montreal’s 375th, we are honoured to donate it to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, where it can be enjoyed by everyone while preserving its cultural legacy.” Timeline of the Sculpture’s History • 1961-62: Henry

Moore’s Three Piece Reclining Figure No 1 was created at the request of CIBC.The financial institution sought the advice of Canadian artist and art consultant Cleeve Horne on the purchase of a sculptural piece to put in the outdoor plaza in front of the new office tower at 1155 Dorchester Blvd (now René-Lévesque Blvd West). • October 30, 1962: It was unveiled by Mayor Jean Drapeau. Unfortunately, during the official unveiling ceremony, it snowed so much that photographers could not get any good pictures before the piece became covered in snow. Moore’s work was hailed as a masterpiece. Dr. Evan Turner, then the Director of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts said, “Not in one hundred years has Montreal seen such a distinguished new work of public sculpture. [CIBC’s] new Moore is, easily, the most important single work of contemporary public sculpture on exhibit anywhere in Canada.” • January 19, 1963:

Photo Sébastien Roy

Henry Moore, (1898-1986),Three Piece Reclining Figure N° 1, 1961-1962, bronze, 1/7, cast Hermann Noack, Berlin. MMFA, Gift of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. © The Henry Moore Foundation. All Rights Reserved, DACS / SODRAC (2017)

Dorothy Pfeiffer of The Gazette stated, “I consider the sculpture a marvel of invention, dignity and artistic integrity. I think of it as a contemporary masterpiece… I believe it to be a magnificent art asset not only to the Province of Quebec, but to the whole of Canada.” • Early 1990s: Following

renovations to the building, the sculpture was moved indoors, to the building’s atrium. • 2017: CIBC celebrates its 150th birthday and Montreal its 375th – thus providing an ideal opportunity to offer the work a new home at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

September 30, 2017 •

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• September 30, 2017


The LFA, a strong ally!


(From left to right) The CEO of the LFA, Jean-François DesBois with Helio Galego from Sun Youth and Jacob Poliquin, the Director of Communications of the league, during the check presentation. Photo Credit: Joseph Munro. or another year nization’s SLAP hockey 7,349 for Sun Youth’s the Ligue Fédérale program. For another emergency food bank. des As (LFA) and year, more than a hun- This service is also offerSun Youth teamed dred people gathered on ing food supplement inup to fight hunger. On August 27th and offered tended to help a August 27th, the LFA their support to Sun vulnerable clientele with hosted its first Inter-Di- Youth’s food bank. Devisional Championship in signed to meet emer- specific needs such as needs, the the elderly (including collaboration with the gency Brotherhood Hockey organization's food bank those requiring kosher Association to benefit provides, on a monthly food), pregnant women the organization's food basis, assistance to some and HIV positive individbank. The finale featured 2,400 low income indi- uals. the Montreal Division's viduals and families facSun Youth would like emergency or to thank the organizers seasonal champions, the ing SimWell Torpedoes, who precarious situations. To of the event and its many defeated the South fulfill its mission of feed- sponsors and donors, as Shore Division's Meteo- ing people living in well as all of the volunpoverty, Sun Youth can res. Over the years, the count on the support of teers, the players and the LFA and the Hockey partners such as the hockey enthusiasts for Brotherhood Associa- LFA, but also on the gen- their support. Special tion have supported var- erosity of the popula- thanks go out to the LFA ious programs of Sun tion. People attending for the positive role it Youth such as the orga- the game helped raise $ plays in the community.

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September 30, 2017 •

Bâtimo announces the construction of a second Lib complex in Pointe-Claire A new multi-residential project designed for an active clientele aged 55 and over looking for freedom and user-friendliness


A look at the state of the art indoor pool and rec area

ointe-Claire Mayor Morris Trudeau joined Bâtimo, a major Québecbased real estate developer and manager, as well as its partner, Capital Property Development (CPD) inc., to present today Lib Pointe-Claire, a

new multi-residential complex of 204 apartments, representing a total investment of $43.6 million dollars and an economic impact of approximately $130M. This project replicates Lib’s concept: a complex designed with user-friendli-

ness and serenity in mind for an active clientele aged 55 and over, providing them with a friendly, Zen-like atmosphere that features several common areas. Lib Pointe-Claire will welcome its first residents as of September 2018.

“On behalf of City Council, we are pleased that you have chosen Pointe-Claire, knowing that nearly 40% of our residents are aged 55 and over. Our active senior community will be able to enjoy this new project and its apartments, which are even more adapted to today’s needs and realities,” stated Morris Trudeau, Mayor of PointeClaire. EMD Construction began erecting this sevenstory, 204-unit complex last August and plans to finish by August 2018 to welcome the first wave of residents late next summer. Using Lib’s concept and motto — More freedom… better living — that made this type of residence a huge hit in Boisbriand, Lib Pointe-Claire will offer its future ten-

ants several carefully designed indoor areas, such as a cozy bistro, a welcoming all-purpose room and terraces.The complex will also feature a gym, a swimming pool, a pool room and pétanque grounds, so that residents can engage in their favourite hobbies and physical activities. Located at the corner of Hymus Boulevard and Stillview Avenue, Lib Pointe-Claire is within walking distance of the Beaconsfield and Cedar Park train stations, and near several grocery stores, shopping malls, parks (William Crosgrove Park, Olympia Park, Cap– Saint-Jacques Nature Park) and entertainment venues (Pointe-Claire Aquatic Centre, Excellence sur glace arena, Beaconsfield and Dorval golf

courses, and Economuseum Zoo). “We are particularly thrilled to build our second Lib complex right here, in Pointe-Claire, and offer future tenants an exceptional living conditions, with several common areas they are free to enjoy,” said Francis Charron, President of Bâtimo.

The first Lib complex, opened in Boisbriand in 2017, won the People’s Choice award and Best Lighting Design, Furnished Unit Category (under $325,000) award at the Prix Habitat et Design 2017.

Oct. 14, 2017

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• September 30, 2017



September 30, 2017 •

The Coinage of 1858: Canada’s first decimal coins


e tend take their coinage for granted today, giving little thought to the origins of our money. Most people would be surprised to learn that there was no such thing as a Canadian dime or quarter 160 years ago. Instead of the nickels and dollars that now occupy our pockets, Canada’s money consisted of a hodgepodge of foreign coins and privately issued tokens from E n g l a n d , France, Spain, the U.S., and local merchants. It was not until 1857 that a decimal system was adopted for the Province of Canada, introduced to facilitate trade with our Southern neighbours. The new system was based on the dollar and denominated in cents, five cents, ten cents, and twenty cents. There were no twenty five cents, fifty cents, or silver dollars issued back then. Quarters and half dollars were first struck in 1870, while silver dollars made their first appearance in circulation in 1935. Province of Canada officials ordered new coins from London’s Royal Mint in 1858. The head side (obverse) of all four denominations featured the

By Michael Joffre

portrait of a young Queen Victoria with CANADA below and VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA around the borders. The reverses of the five, ten, and twenty cent coins displayed the denomination and date

centred below a crown and between a wreath of maple. The cent had a slightly different design with a serpentine motif of 16 maple leaves encircling the entire reverse. Mintages for the 1858 coins ranged from 730,000 twenty cent pieces to 1.5 million cents. The coins were issued through banks, but the totals supplied were insufficient to fully meet the commercial demands of all Canadians. Still, it was a start. The coins of 1858 are all moderately available today. A well-worn five cent can be obtained for as little as $15. The cents and twenty cents coins are scarcer, but can still be found for around $50. Of course, mint condition 1858 specimens or interesting varieties can command far greater prices, reaching into the thousands of dollars. As might reasonably be expected, the 1858 Province of Canada coins are highly collectible and always in demand. Anyone trying to put together a first-year set will require an example of each 1858 coin, ensuring their continued popularity.

Michael Joffre is an avid Numismatist, and President of Carsley Whetstone & Company Inc. a Montreal coin dealer with a history dating back to 1928. He can be reached at:,, or 514-289-9761

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The Benefits of Qi Gong for Health and Healing Sponsored


By Jessica Romano Montreal Times

of your health. It is an amazing experience to know that each and every one of us is our own best healer. The process of “getting healthy” doesn’t always sound so exciting: healthy food, healthy choices, and a healthy lifestyle can seem limiting and boring. But health really isn’t about being limited; it’s about being full of energy

and vitality . Health isn’t a destination, but an journey we don't just arrive at health and then stop; rather, it’s an ongoing process during which you are either getting healthier and livelier, or less healthy and full of tension. When we look at health from this perspective, it’s a lot more exciting. Energy is the fuel to get you where you want to go in life. Whatever you want requires life force, and the more energy you have, the more alive you feel. In fact, when you are full of energy, you feel happy for no reason and grateful for the gift of life. Prevention begins with stress management and alleviating excess mental and physical tension. The practice of Qi Gong is to strengthen the environment of the body: build the life-force energy, improve the immune system, clear stress and tension, and increase circulation throughout the body. We all want to be selfsufficient when it comes to our health. Who wouldn’t want to be able to heal his or her own body or rebalance nega-

tive emotional energies? The goal of Qi Gong is to prevent disease and live long, healthy lives. As the ancient maxim goes, “Add not only years to your life, but life to your years. Qigong is a form of gentle yet powerful exercise that is composed of movements that a strengthen and stretch the body, increasing fluid movement (blood, synovial, and lymph), enhancing balance and proprioception, and improving the awareness of how the body moves through space.This gentle exercise is good for people of all ages in all condi-

tions. I’ve created this program because I personally have benefited so much from this practice. It's something that I'm very passionate about. When something works, you want to share it so come and try your first class on ..... rsvp (514) 231-5513 Jessica Romano, Naturopath, Fitness Instructor, Yoga , Qi Gong & Meditation . The benefits of this course will astound you it begins on October 15th, 2017 Tuesday and Thursday nights, for 8 classes In Pointe Claire Village 173A#3 Cartier, Pointe Claire.


magine having the resources within you to start each day full of energy and vitality, and to end each day without stress or emotional tension. What’s more, imagine how amazing it would be to have the power to heal and strengthen yourself, and feel connected to

the universal energy all around you. With just a little commitment you will soon see what the power of Qi can do for you. At this particular time in history, with health-care costs going through the roof, and medical system taxed and depleted, it’s reassuring to have the tools and resources to heal your own body and take charge

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Great pre-Fall wines to drink for the changing weather


The 7e ciel e started off the fall in September feeling like it was July. In my mind, I was all set to start drinking bolder and comforting reds but continue the summer drill of crisps reds, roses and whites. By the end of this week, tem-

L’Impromptu 2015 this appellation well. Stock set up shop at the small up some bottles for fall village of Saint Etienne la entertaining and thanks- Varenne at the Southern giving dinner. You will not tip of Brouilly. His small be disappointed estate sits in just over From Cotes d’Auvergne three hectares of old I tasted the wines from Vi- gamay vines with perfect gnobles Saint Verny. First, a Southern orientations pure Gamay rose that The vineyards are comprovided me solace from prised of pink granite and the scorching heat.The 7e sand with a smattering of ciel ( SAQ # 13343248, quartz. A magnificent ter$17.40) was a fine thirst roir for this appellation. quencher for a much Clotaire works organiwanted aperitivo with its cally, harvest manually and citrus and red berries un- employs just the right dertones and refreshing amount of sulphur for his acidity. Later on with a im- wines. provised supper of whole His Beaujolais-Villages wheat spaghetti and Vignes Centenaires 2015 breaded pangasius, I enjoyed L’ I m p r o m p t u 2015 ( SAQ # 13343264, $20.55). A very By Marco Giovanetti exciting red wine, gamay as well, with bright aromas of black peratures will be back for and red berries seasonal values. I will have and packed with plenty of recommenda- granite dust, tions to keep you happily licorice and drinking this fall. spice. On the Loire Gamay was my palate, similar to best antidote wine for the a Fleurie Beaujoheatwave that we are lais, I enjoyed its passed through. Côtes flavors of roses d’Auvergne is an appella- and violets with tion that produces a easy going tanrange of white, rosé and nins. red wines. The varieties Speaking of permitted are Chardon- Gamay, It renay, Gamay and Pinot cently came to Noir. The high altitude of my attention, the the vineyards combined Beaujolais artisan with the volcanic soil of p r o d u c e r the slopes of the allier Clotaire Michal. river banks, produces After 5 years of fresh and crisp wines with working with subtle mineral nuances. If l e g e n d a r y you are a Beaujolais fan, Thierry Allemand you will like the wines of in the Rhone, he • September 30, 2017

Beaujolais-Villages 2015 Centine Toscana IGT Rosso 2014 is a magnificent Gamay meat these days and even Centine was, since I did with a Rhonish attitude. A less when is it 40 C out- not taste for a long time. seductive crunchy black side. This week, I also A blend of Sangiovese, fruit nose with nuances of whipped up a quick sup- Cabernet Sauvignon and peppercorns, dusted per of tuna croquettes Merlot with black cherry, quartz and granite. On the served with a lightly spices and leather aromas. palate, it is quite struc- spiced passata di po- Elegant with savoury red tured and racy. Mineral modoro with a side dish fruit aromas and fine soft driven with a distin- of roasted peppers and tannins, elevating the dish guished floral side bring- edamame fettuccine. Deing to mind dry violet fying wine conventions, I to a gentile status. Who petals and morel mush- had the Centine Toscana says that you cannot red rooms. An intriguing IGT Rosso 2014 from wine with fish? Next week, Bordeaux, meaty. Grippy tannins Banfi ( SAQ # 00908285, Rieslings and Planet with a gracious finale. $18.05).Love or hate Available in the private Banfi, they have done a Rhone. Ciao for now and enjoy import channel ($36) via great deal for Italian wine, the cool temperature, a Jack Jacob of Glou Agency specially for Tuscany ( I forgot how good the much relief for the heat I don't eat too much red that we passed through.



Business & Personal Profile

What is Bodylicious™? Victoria Park’s Bodylicious™ class combines hip hop dance with cardio, and muscle-building moves. “I love this class,” Samantha said. It aligns with her health and wellness focus, and promotes female body positivity. “It embraces the female body and power.” Not just girl power, but physical strength. Finding a healthy balance When your primary platform is online, it’s difficult to disconnect. “If I’m not doing anything, I have a habit of always checking because I feel like I need to stay on top of it,” Samantha said. “It’s exciting when you have your By Jillian Clark own passion project. You want to dive into it, but you have to realize that your health does come been a priority in her life. first.” Now, Samantha is a Samantha sets aside a wellness blogger, health few quiet moments in her coach in training, and the day for herself. Her daily motivational force behind morning spin classes at The Fit Fatale: her blog Victoria Park are the first and online tribe. 45 minutes of dedicated Silver Linings by S self-care time. She also “I started blogging on takes a breather while the side as my own outwalking her dog, or visitlet,” Samantha said. “I ing with her family. “I find started it as a general idea a walk is amazing,” she of how to find happiness said. in your daily life.” Silver Make a change with The Linings by S covered little Fit Fatale moments of joy, must-try Samantha inspires and restaurants, a wellness-incoaches in a way that spired lifestyle, and finding leaves the ultimate deciyour own happiness. “I sion to change to her Fit didn’t expect anyone to Fatale women. “If you look at it,” she said. She don’t want to make the continued blogging, writchange, you aren’t going ing posts before full days to make the change,” she at work. Her following— said. and her inspirational The positive reactions reach—grew organically. she receives from women After a while, Silver Linwho decide to change inings by S noticeably She is currently training to are working through what they are eating and possible. spire Samantha to keep Promoting positive breakups and eating dis- their habits,” Samantha shifted to focus on health become a health coach. helping others. “The most body image A major part of health orders, while others are said. Some even arrange and wellness. The shift led Recently, Samantha rewarding is the messages to a major change in coaching is mental health looking for a health-fo- to meet up in person. Samantha’s own life. In and habit change. “Before cused, supportive com- “The community it is cre- posted an article on The I get, hands down,” she January 2017, Samantha to I worked in business, I munity. “They all have the ating is very cool to see.” Fit Fatale blog talking said. Some choose to join Samantha prefers group about her own struggles her online tribe, try The quit her day job to run studied psychology, so I same goals at the end.” The Fit Fatale full-time: love that side of it,” she Samantha offers The Fit coaching to one-on-one. with body image. “We Fit Fatale Challenge, or the rebrand of her pas- said. “It’s more about your Fatale Challenge on her It allows her to simultane- don’t really talk about it. drop into of her Bodylision project. habits in your daily life. website through three ously impact a larger fol- There is talk about eating cious™ classes. Samantha is currently “I want to dive deep What those are, and tiers of cleanse packages. lowing of Fit Fatale disorders, but not so into the health and well- what’s around you.” A fourth option is joining women. “I have so many much body image and the working on a way to be ness world,” she said. “It Health coaching includes her online Fit Fatale com- people reaching out to negativity around it,” she even more accessible to the Fit Fatale women. “I already took that shift balancing stress, overcom- munity. me to talk about body said. The big question is: want to be able to be content wise because I ing anxieties, and creating image,” she said. “I like the The Fit Fatale had taken that shift.” The a positive self-image. It’s group aspect. My focus is What is healthy? “It’s not reached more or less on community rebrand clarified Saman- problem solving from a Anyone can join The Fit on long term drastic just about eating healthy demand,” she said. Her tha’s message for her health perspective. Fatale, Samantha’s Face- change, and habit change, to be skinny.” Samantha long-term goal is to conreaders, followers, and A Fit Fatale woman is a book tribe of women but reaching a larger audi- guides her Fit Fatale tribe tinue to expand her reach through a refocusing of through her online comcollaborators. woman who cares about looking for inspiration, ence.” Inspiring Fit Fatale Opting into her cleanse what healthy means, while munity. her health, family, career, support, or new likewomen Connect with Samantha and social life—and find- minded friends. “I see a packages, however, does drawing from her own exAlready a Bodylicious™ ing balance between micro community has include up to three brief periences.“I went through online, or drop into one of trainer at Victoria Park in these. Fit Fatale women grown from it,” she said. one-on-one calls. Saman- it. I’ve had a lot of people her Bodylicious™ classes at Montreal, Samantha may be at different life These women ask ques- tha also makes herself reaching out to me. I’ve Victoria Park. wanted more knowledge stages, but they all want to tions, chat about their available to answer ques- been speaking about it to support her passion. refocus their health. Some days. “They all talk about tions online wherever more as well.” @thefitfatale amantha Cutler first started spreading happiness while working in corporate fashion through her passion project blog: Silver Linings by S. She loved the vibe and hustle of the fashion world, but health and wellness has always

Samantha Cutler - Health coach and wellness blogger


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Maison Hamilton Appartements – Your new home Sponsored


f you’re looking for the perfect community environment in a quiet neighbourhood, Maison Hamilton Appartments in Côte Saint-Luc might just be exactly what you’re looking for. Maison Hamilton is nestled into Côte Saint-Luc and provides scenic views from your private balcony. Find yourself at home in a spacious 1, 2 or 3 bedroom suite with large windows that bring in a great amount of natural light. The newly updated suites feature stainless steel appliances, modern kitchens and bathrooms and plenty of space for you to entertain or to accommodate your family. The pet friendly building welcomes your furry friends and offers plenty of green space outside for them to run around and explore. At Maison Hamilton, you'll get the quiet life you crave with all the amenities you deserve. Our beautifully-maintained building offers a

brand new indoor pool and sauna, on-site laundry facilities, indoor and outdoor parking and much more. Rest easy knowing that the building has a secure entrance and 24 hour emergency service available if needed. Residents who live at Maison Hamilton soon find that our location is second to none. With easy access to shopping, dining, entertainment and even golfing and tennis activities, there is no shortage of things to do when you live in our community. Nearby you can find Parc Earle, Parc Donald Fletcher and many more, all of which provide the perfect location to take in the scenic views and spend some time outdoors taking a walk with your pet or relaxing with friends and family.With all the amenities to offer and an ideal location with access to Highways 15, 20 and 40 and public transportation, it’s the perfect place to call home.

Along with the amenities within the building, you are just minutes away from Côte Saint-Luc Shopping Centre, Cavendish Mall, Aquatic and Community Centre, Mount Sinai Hospital and more.Visit Cavendish Mall for a variety of shops, fitness centre and IGA – a one stop shop for all your needs. Families and students find this an ideal location given its close proximity to a variety of schools including Mountain View Elementary, Loyola High School along with Dawson College and Concordia University to name a few. Whether you’re a family, young professional, student or senior, Maison Hamilton offers something for everyone. The quiet and friendly community is one that you are sure to love. Maison Hamilton Appartements 5501 Avenue Adalbert Côte Saint-Luc, QC 438-806-0084





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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition praying for an order approving and allowing the adoption of an adoptive child whose name is LUIS who is alleged to be your son, together with an agreement to adopt and consents to the adoption pursuant to the Domestic Relations Law, has been filed with the Family Court of the State of New York, Suffolk County, located at Arthur M. Cromarty Court Complex, 210 Center Drive, Riverhead, New York, and a hearing thereon** will be held at that Court on the 1st day of November, 2017, at 10:00 o'clock in the morning, of that day, before the Hon. George F. Harkin, Part 9 of this Court , at which time and place all persons having any interest therein will be heard. *PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that your failure to appear may constitute a denial of your interest in the child which may result in the adoption or other disposition of the custody of the child, without further notice to you.

**PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the purpose of the aforesaid hearing is to determine whether you have abandoned your child within the meaning of DRL 111 (2) (a). DATED:



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September 30, 2017 •

• September 30, 2017





September 30, 2017 •

• September 30, 2017


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Answers for September 30, 2017

• September 30, 2017



September 30, 2017 •

• September 30, 2017



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September 30, 2017 •

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