Montreal Times 23 10 October 14 2017

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Spiders on the Rampage - Page 8 Saturday, October 14, 2017

Vol. 23 No. 10

Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas



Photo: Avril Franco Chems Diouri, Amanda Valois, Estera Kostardjian, Rebecca Perez, Sirarpi Thorossian

117 avenue Vincent Lachine, Québec H8R 1H8

514-364-5740 Fax: 364-5890

Are you driving with your lights off?


hen you start your car, the daytime running lights (DRL) automatically light up in front - at least since December of 1989 when it became mandatory for all new cars sold. But are you aware your daytime rear and side lights do not necessarily come on with a turn of the ignition key? If you aren't, you should be. It can pose a danger during the day, especially in bad weather like pouring rain or fog - but even more so during early evening and morning light before the sun has completely risen. Before the automatic lighting systems, one not only had to turn on their headlights manually, but the dashboard lights as well, which was a clear indication that all the lights were on. Now, because the dashboard lights come on automatically, many assume the full lighting system is on with the DRL's - but you might be getting left in the dark and making yourself almost invisi-

ble to other drivers on the road. Some cars have an 'auto' position on the lighting switch or indicator stick - and as long as it remains in that position, your rear lights should also come on.

ing or having someone else verify what is on or off in the front and back of your vehicle. If you are stopped safely in front of a store window, you might also be able to check the lights in the reflection. Still confused? Try turning the switch from 'auto' to 'lights on' or other positions to see if there is a difference. Or you could just stop by your dealer or garage and have them check it out for you. Transport Canada, according to CBC News (from a memo they obtained under the Access Information Act) is By Bonnie Wurst to planning to set new standards for auto turers sometime this At night, the system de- autumn, which will adtects when it’s dark and dress these issues and reyour full headlights auto- quire new lighting systems matically come on, direct- in vehicles by 2020. In the meantime, it is ing a beam forward and down towards the road - certainly worth the effort and the rear red lights to verify your system, esshould also come on with pecially when your life and it. the life of others is at If you are unsure, take stake. It is important to the time to check it out. realize not only how well Start your car and see you can see the road, but what lights up by getting how well your car is seen out of the car and check- by other drivers.


Celebrate Halloween at the Museum


By Elsa Maret

elebrate Halloween – Each year, the city of Montreal is the host to many different halloween themed events all throughout the month of October.This year, both the museum McCord and the Stewart museum, are hosting a special halloween night. These two events are perfect for curious children and if you want to change your halloween traditions a little. McCord Museum – Art & Illusions The McCord Museum is creating a unique and special program just for hal-


loween week. There will be cinema installations, music, story telling and much more. On Friday October 27th from 7 pm, there will be a projection of Rupert Julian’s silent film, The Phantom of the Opera. On Saturday October 28th, from 10 a.m until 5 p.m, you will be able to discover a selection of films about magic and illusions.The films are suitable for all ages. On Sunday October 29th, from 10 a.m until 5 p.m, the museum is organising a “family day” with lots of games and activities to take part in. For tickets to the three day event, click here. The entrance to the McCord museum is FREE for children under 12 years old. Click here for the Facebook event (

m/museemccord/ ).

Stewart Museum – Halloween Night The Stewart Museum is hosting two events on Saturday October 28th and Sunday October 29th from 10 a.m until 5 p.m. Plunged into darkness, you will have to explore the “History and Memory” exhibition and search for the mysterious halloween creatures that will have entered the museum. From 1 p.m until 3 p.m, there will also be stories read by Renée Robitaille for the young children taking part in the event. For more details, visit their website by clicking here ( ). October 14, 2017 •


Vol. 23, No. 10

Saturday, October 14, 2017

New Pink Metro line by 2028

The End of an Era Sears Canada to Pull the Plug

Hudson, St. Lazare, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Chateauguay, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, Pierrefonds, D.D.O., Dorval, Lachine, NDG, CSL, Ville St-Laurent, Mtl-West, Hampstead, Westmount, Montreal, Lasalle, Verdun, Nun’s Island, Laval, St. Leonard


n a press release on Tuesday October 10th, Sears Canada announced its plans to seek court approval in order to begin liquidating all of its remaining stores and assets. Approximately 130 stores will be closed - and close to 12,000 employees across Canada will lose their jobs. Last June 22nd, they were granted protection from their creditors by an Ontario court - all part of their restructuring plan. Before filing with the courts, Sears began making changes to its stores across the country, trying to keep up with the trends their customers were being drawn to and it required time for those changes to have an impact. Their plans were to emerge from bankruptcy later this year - but appears it was too much of a challenge for them. In 1952 Sears Canada, then known as SimpsonSears, started out as mailorder company with a partnership between Sears Roebuck based in Chicago and the Robert Simpson Company of Toronto. Their iconic catalogues were found in homes everywhere across Canada - and even a lifeline for those living in rural areas away from cities. Then in 1984, the 'Simpson-Sears' name would no longer be when

• October 14, 2017

The next few years saw senior officers of the company stepping down, replaced by new management. It was the beginning of the end. After being granted court protection last June and announcing the planned closure of 59 stores across Canada, with almost 2,900 employees to be laid off, the news this past week did not come as a surprise to many. In their press release they said, "Sears Canada, with the recommendation of its advisers and approval of the monitor, FTI Consulting Inc., is seeking an order to commence a By Bonnie Wurst liquidation that would result in a wind-down of its business following court approval… the company store, but by 2009 they deeply regrets this pendbegan to face challenges ing outcome and the reand up to 300 employees sulting loss of jobs and lost their jobs. By 2012, store closures." Once they get the facing even more struggles, they started selling court approval, they will the leases of their stores hold final liquidation sales of their stores across located in key areas. According to the Na- Canada, expected to start tional Apparel Bureau of towards the end of OctoCanada, which provides ber until sometime early credit information and in the New Year. It certainly is the end tracks retail clothing stores across the country, of an era for many, but rumors were coming competition from trendfrom Sears Holdings Cor- ing stores and online poration, the US parent websites have forced company, that they were them to close the last looking to sell the Cana- chapter in their long catdian end of the business alogue - of ups and then as early as spring of 2014. downs. the Hudson Bay Company bought Simpsons - and Sears officially became known as 'Sears Canada'. In 1995, they opened their first home furniture store, which later on became known as 'Sears Home'. There is much more history behind the iconic


Valérie Plante is seeking elelction as Montreal Mayor this November By Elsa Maret

ink Metro Line – Candidate Valérie Plante is running for Mayor of Montreal this year, and one of her promises and plans for our city is to create a brand new pink metro line that would pass through some of the island’s most populated neighbourhoods. Her party claims that the new line could be completely functional by 2028, linking the island from Lachine up to Montreal North. The project would amount to at least 5.9 billion dollars.

Although the project might seem “ambitious” and “bold”, Plante and her party claim that the new metro line would considerably reduce car traffic and cut travels time for daily commuters. The line would also open up more neighbourhoods and areas to economic, cultural and social development. Recently, both levels of government have taken measures in order to reduce and fight climate change to improve the quality of life in major cites. According to Plante, a project like the “Pink Line”, would be well received amongst future infrastructure projects for funding by the govern-

ment. The “Pink Line” would start in Montreal North and move down through the following neighbourhoods: St-Léonard, Villeray-St.Michel, Parc.Extension, Rosemont, Plateau Mont Royal and Downtown. The line would then go overground to join up Notre Dame de Grâce neighbourhood and finally Lachine. This ambitious project would therefor cross eight boroughs and would link up around 520,000 people across the city to a metro station. Let us know your thoughts on a “Pink Line”.

11 Critical home inspection traps to be aware of weeks before listing your home for sale

MONTREAL - According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That's why it's critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn

prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre- inspection yourself if you know what you're looking for, and knowing what you're looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help home sellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled "11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit: Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn't cost you the sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino Real estate broker(s) Kw Prestige Real estate Agency. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright ©2016


Promoting entrepreneurship Once Upon a in the medical profession Time… The Western—at the Fine Arts Museum (Left): The panel discussing entrepreneurship in the medical profession

T By Sergio Martinez

hese were some of the many questions and issues that were heard this past Wednesday at the first medical networking conference organized by the Goss Club at the W Hotel in Montreal. What transpired from the debate was the fact that doctors at the time when they start their practices have little knowledge of the many financial aspects involved in starting and running their offices. Questions about what

BLOOD DONOR DRIVE at The West End Cavendish Athletic Club and Tuesday, October 24, 2017 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE Unlimited\Free Parking

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kind of training would be necessary were put forward during the conference. One key aspect that was mentioned was the location of the office and the

cussion were Dr. Jonathan Assayag (General Practitioner, Owner of Clinic Reference MD) Dr. Karl Schwarz, Plastic Surgeon Owner of Espace MD, Dr. Gabrielle Landry of Clinic Actual A, Physiatrist Patrick Benhaim Owner of Clinic Douleur MD, and Dr. Saoussen Tantawi, Radiologist. Rebecca Perez, from The Goss Club, moderated the discussion. During a short conversation with Rebecca Perez, we learned that the Goss Club is planning to organize similar networking sessions shortly for young people in other professions, such as the case of lawyers. These events aim to help young

-"I didn't have any experience in the business aspect of the medical profession." -"Is it better to rent or to own an office?" -"In setting a clinic, you have to be ready to deal with conditions —set by the government—that may change unexpectedly." -"Flexibility is essential when thinking of a clinic."

factors that may lead a doctor to choose one place over another, and what difference that could make to be successful.The management aspect was also highlighted as an important one especially when planning to start a clinic. Participants in the dis-

professionals and students in the last semesters of their academic work in making the right decisions when the time to establish themselves as independent professionals come. For more information about the Goss Club visit

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onquering the could be seen as the great West, the fron- epical event of the United tier, expanding States and of Canada too. the territory… As an epic event, it has Despite certain colonial also been exalted in its own art stench that f o r m — t he such conWe s t e r n . cepts may This film produce genre already these days, appeared in the historical one of the fact is that first movies such events made in the took place. U.S. (The For the Great Train U n i t e d R o b b e r y, States, and 1903) and it for Canada would contoo although tinue to with less flourish until noise, the ex- By Sergio Martinez its time of pansion of major glory their territobetween the ries toward the west was 1940s and 1950s. There a formidable task where would even be some Eumen and women who en- ropean filmmakers vengaged in the venture cre- turing into the genre, ated a new sort of society especially in Italy where and contributed to shape the "spaghetti western" their respective countries was created in the 1960s. too. continued on Page 11 This vast enterprise

October 14, 2017 •

• October 14, 2017


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Best Food Tours in Montreal

Please see details in our last Wednesday edition October 11, 2017 on our website:

Fashion Networking Event LORI x GOSS.


ashion Networking Event (Entrepreneurship in all its Glory): LORI x GOSS., the women's entrepreneurship platform collaborated with GOSS Club magazine for its 3rd edition of the non-profit Fashion Networking Event at Time Supper Club on September 28th 2017. Its goal was to showcase and encourage young female Montreal designers and entrepreneurs who stand out for their creative talent. See online for more:


October 14, 2017 •


The Rocky Horror Show

n what is now regarded as a highly-anticipated Montreal Halloween tradition, the MainLine Theatre, located at 3997 St. Laurent Boulevard, will be presenting their production of Richard O’Brien’s “The Rocky Horror Show” for the 6th year. This time, it will run for eight performances from October 19 – 31. Helmed under the direction of the MainLine’s Artistic and Executive Director Amy Blackmore, along with the help of Patrick Lloyd Brennan and Holly Greco, “The Rocky Horror Show” tells that cult classic horrific story of newlyweds Brad and Janet, who spend a dark

and stormy night in a rather freakishly haunted castle inhabited by a group of haunted freaks led by the always irre-

By Stuart Nulman

Rocky Horror Show” will feature many of the performers who have done this show during its previous Halloween runs at the MainLine, along with some new additions to the cast, as well as a fivepiece live band, fullfledged choreographed dance routines, and of course, the audience is encouraged to shout out their favorite call back remarks and responses that are part of the Rocky Horror experience. Show time for all performances (October 19 – 21, 2529 and 31) start at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door and $18 for seniors and students. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call 514-8493378.

Matthew Salsa 4th Memorial Golf Tournament gives to Sun Youth pressible Frank N Furter. The all-Montreal cast of this production of “The


Fatima and George Salsa surrounded by Sun Youth's Kara De La Perralle and Sid Stevens as the organization's representatives accept their share of the profits from the 4th Matthew Salsa Memorial Golf Tournament. Photo : Joseph Munro. un Youth recently ents have chosen to physical, social and intelhad the great pleas- pledge the funds raised lec¬tual development of ure of welcoming from their son’s tourna- young people is at the Fatima and George ment to helping others, core of both the departSalsa who brought in the following in his footsteps, ment and the organizaprofits from the 4th as he was known for his tion. Over 600 children Matthew Salsa Memorial generosity and selflessTournament, held on Au- ness throughout his short and young people annually gust 21st at the Rosemère life. Thanks to the gen- benefit from the departGolf Club. The tourna- erosity of all those in at- ment’s programs including ment was created to hon- tendance, $ 74,816 were football, basketball, hockey our their late son raised to profit Sun Youth and day camp. Sun Youth Matthew who suddenly Organization and Golf would like to thank first passed away in 2012 while Québec. and foremost the Salsa he was playing his family, as well as the mulSports and recreation favourite sport. At 18 tiple spon¬sors and all the hold a special place at Sun years of age, Matthew was considered to be one of Youth as the organization golfers who took part in the best junior golfers in was built on athletics ac- the event: their support the province and most tivities for children and for the sports and recreimpor¬tantly a great indi- has grown tremendously ation program and their vidual and a model citizen. from that starting point. contributions are imAdmirably, Matthew’s par- The promotion of the mensely appreciated. • October 14, 2017



Mattresses from




Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Little Italy Nuns’ Island Advertising

Melissa Levy


(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-457-7656 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Deborah Rankin •Kieron Yates • Jillian Clark • Marco Giovanetti • Dan Laxer •Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Anne McDougall • John Symon • Sharmen Yarnell

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Spiders on the Rampage! Wolf Spider


ome love them, most fear them. People in Montreal and especially the West Island, have been encountering an unusual number of spiders this season, a lot of them larger than they've ever seen. The weather created the perfect conditions for the little Arachnids to flourish and food was in abundance, so more of their offspring survived. And now with the season changing and it getting cooler, they're looking for their winter abodes… insides our homes. Humans might be hundreds of times bigger than the eight legged, air-breathing arthropods, but face-toface, the spider morphs into something much larger for the fearful, especially when they come inside. They suddenly appear big enough to make the toughest of the tough run screaming for their lives and in some cases, the best of warriors to don armor, baseball bats and shovels (with flame throwers at the ready) in the battle against the itsy-bitsy menace. As for those who love them, they either leave them tend to their webs in peace or take the utmost care to carefully remove them from the house and set them free outdoors. Those noble people become the heroes I call upon when in need of valiant action - action to rid my humble abode of a spider taking up a corner on my living room ceiling. It may only be the size of a dime, but it can’t fool me. I know from the look in its eight eyes that it's clearly a direct descendant of Shelob from Tolkien's Middle Earth. And bordering on arachnophobia, a Buddhist monk I am not. As the lyrics to a popular nursey rhyme goes; "The itsy bitsy spider, Climbed up the waterspout / Down came the

rain,And washed the spider out / Out came the sun And dried up all the rain… And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again". In other words, the spider just keeps coming back! There has certainly

By Bonnie Wurst

been enough arachnids around the island this summer, quite worthy of the cry 'SPIDER!' - but do we really need to fear them? Well, here's a few examples of what people have reported seeing this summer: WOLF SPIDER: They are native to Canada and actually quite harmless to humans. Most wolf spiders only bite if they feel threatened and their bites only produce a mild redness or swelling. Their 'wolf' name comes from the fact they do not use their webs to catch food and instead chase and catch their prey on the ground, like a wolf does. ORB WEAVER: Also known as the Cross Orb weaver and other names. They are non-aggressive and rarely bite - but if they do, their venom is of low risk to humans. Still, they can grow well over an inch in size (just the body) so you don't want one crawling over you. Other spiders that seem to be creeping around more this season include: LONG-LEGGED SAC SPIDER - They are mostly

found indoors and come out typically at night, crawling on ceilings and walls and are actually native to southern Europe, but slowly made their way to North America. They do bite and it could be painful like a bee sting, but their venom is non-lethal. ZEBRA JUMPER - You've seen them on rocks, window sills, cement or brick walls and around the exterior of buildings.They seem to blend into cement, but are easily identifiable by their zebra-like color pattern. When trying to catch one you have to be quick, as they have the ability to rapidly jump away. Their bite is also very low risk to humans. GRASS SPIDER - Mostly found outdoors they build their webs in grass, often around shrubs, steps and foundations. Their webs have a funnel spun into them, which they use for a quick retreat inside. They do bite when threatened, but their venom is also of low risk. On the other hand - although spiders bring out the fear in many people, they are actually very important to our ecosystem. As predators, they help control insect populations both outside and inside, including the diseases carried by mosquitoes. For gardeners and farmers, they keep unwanted insects under control. They are also food for other predators. Scientists are even studying their venom for use in medicine - and spider silk is so strong it is being used in engineering. The benefits are clear and you might want to think twice before you squish the next arachnid into oblivion. I promise… to at least try. Do you have a fear of spiders? Or are you spiderfriendly and go to any lengths to keep them alive and spinning their webs?



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October 14, 2017 •

• October 14, 2017



October 14, 2017 •

Why you need a Bra-Fit Specialist I



f you have tooth problems, you see a dentist. If you have bra problems, you see a bra fit specialist. Right? Straps that slip, wires that pinch, breasts that spill out of the cup, bands that ride up your back, the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, women often find themselves in inexperienced hands and end up walking away without a solution to their bra problems. A Bra-Fit Specialist is a trained professional who understands how a bra should fit your body. When a bra fits properly, all those “bra-blems” should disappear. You might be asking yourself, “Why is it so hard to find a bra that fits?” Well, the answer lies in two primary misconceptions women have about their bras: 1) That there is one bra size for every woman, and 2) That a woman will have the same bra size for life. Believing in these “myths” has led to a lot of dressing room heartache. Your bra size is determined by measuring your ribcage and the volume of


1: Scene from The Gun Fighter (1917) 2: Charles Schreyvogel (18611912), Breaking Through the Line, n.d., oil on canvas. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Gilcrease Museum, gift of the Thomas Gilcrease Foundation. Photo © Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma 3”Charles Schreyvogel (18611912), Breaking Through the Line, n.d., oil on canvas. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Gilcrease Museum, gift of the Thomas Gilcrease Foundation. Photo © Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma 4: Justus D. Barnes in the film The Great Train Robbery by Edwin S. Porter, 1903


General of the MMFA explained that she always Of course in the con- wanted to present a mulquest of this land, there tidisciplinary exhibition were winners and losers, about the Western. "Since the territory wasn't the Buffalo Bill circus empty. The white settlers shows until the socio-pothat moved to occupy the litical scenario of today, area had to displace the the legend of the hero of occupants of that land or the west has marked the at least reduce them to a American identity. The incondition of sub- vention of the Western is servience. Nothing of that that of a cultural history was easy, the Indians (the at a time when the hisnatives) opposed resist- tory of the conquest of ance and therefore in this the west is indeed finepic account of history ished" said Ms. Bondil. She many times they were de- then reiterated her intenpicted as the "bad guys." tion to present a show That's why the new exhi- with many facets. "To bition at the Montreal show how the production Museum of Fine Arts, "Il of images is fed by history, était une fois… Le West- the visual arts, and films ern"/ "Once Upon a to crystallize a mythology Time… The Western" of the American West and which opens this Satur- how artists can also recuday, Oct. 14, "exposes the perate those sources to beauty of the Western as denounce male chauvinist well as its more somber values, racist stereotypes, aspects." Issues such as territorial annexation, and the culture of violence, a culture of violence, all of stereotypes about the them still endemic in our role of women, and the civilization." "Once Upon the prejudiced view of the natives are all examined too. Time…The Western" will At the opening of the ex- be open at the MMFA hibition, Nathalie Bondil, from October 14, 2017, Director and Curator to February 4, 2018. For continued from Page 4

• October 14, 2017

your breast tissue.Where it gets tricky is translating these numbers into bra “fit.” In essence, your bra should fit your body like a glove.The brand, the style, the material and of course the size can all affect how a particular bra will fit you. In fact, a well-fitting bra should meet ALL of the following 4 criteria: • The center gore of the bra rests up against your ribs. • The underwires do not touch any of your breast tissue. • The bra band is snug enough to stay parallel to the floor. • Your breasts completely fill but do not overflow, the bra cups. Since women are made in all shapes and sizes, it makes sense that their bra sizes are equally diverse. A petite woman may need a 28-band and a larger-breasted woman may need a J-cup. The problem is that these sizes are not readily available at most bra stores. Confusing, right? This is where a Bra-Fit Specialist really comes in handy. It’s also important to re-

member that your bra size will change. Fluctuations in your weight due to pregnancy, menopause, medication and lifestyle changes may require a different bra size. You may also require different types of bras such as a strapless bra for a special event, a sports bra for exercising, and a comfortable seamless bra for a polished look at work. A bra-fit professional knows how to choose a bra that will meet your needs, fits you properly and gives you the look you desire. At DEBra Lingerie we are a team of Bra-Fit Specialists, specially trained to find your “perfect fit.” We have a new location in PointeClaire Village along with our flagship store in NDG.While we specialize in cup sizes D-O, we offer fitting sessions to women of all sizes. To ensure that a Bra-Fit Specialist is available to assist you, we recommend that you make an appointment online: or by phone: PointeClaire: 514-505-9040; NDG: 438-380-8323.

Reach potential clients a week with For as low as $5 per day

detailed information about opening hours, prices, and other activities related to this exhibition visit:


The Fountain of Youth - What is QiGong ? By Jessica Romano Montreal Times

by increasing stamina, strengthen the heart, boosting circulation and lowering stress. 2. LOWERS RISK OF FALLING A study published in the Journal of Gerontology found that a 6 month program effectively improved overall functional balance and physical performance, even when patients were physically inactive and limited in their abilities before the study. 3. REDUCES NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF STRESS Reviews published in the International Journal of


"Qi " pronounced Chee means Energy and Gong means Cultivation. Qi is invisible you cannot see it directly but you can feel it as it travels through your meridians which are energy highways within your body. Qi gives rise to conscious activity and nourishes your being on all levels. It's a simple yet potent self-healing practice that is gaining popularity because of it's many benefits in health and longevity. It's

over 4, 000 years old and consists of gentle flowing and mindful movements to restore and increase vital life force.This ancient Chinese healing practice is essential now more than ever for our modern world. It is proven to reduce stress improve flexibility and inner focus. FOUR Proven QiGong Benefits 1. IMPROVES HEART HEALTH Studies out of the National Taiwan University Hospital show that QiGong can often help improve blood pressure

Behavioral Medicine found beneficial effects for various population on a range of psychological measures, including depression, anxiety, general stress. Because stress and digestion are closely linked, QiGong can also help with digestive issues. It is said that QiGong helps to reestablish the body/mind/soul connection. It this way it goes beyond what other types of exercises do, often impacting on a deeper, emotional level. Some of the mental benefits associated include deeper spiritual development, body confidence, improved attention span and a deeper sense of connection to others. 4. REDUCES CHRONIC PAIN In 2008 a review of data from controlled clinical trials tested effectiveness

of QiGong for treating degenerative joints found significant pain reduction in participants practicing QiGong compared to non participants. Researchers also found improvement in physical activities of daily living in the QiGong group. Who Can Benefit Most From Qigong? According to the National Qigong Association, QiGong practices can be classified as "martial, medical, and/or spiritual . From an alternative/complementary medicine perspective, qigong is an exercise that is medical because it can help reduce stress, increase joint flexibility, build strength and stamina and enhance the immune system, increase mental focus, the people who can benefit most are the ones who

experience : • High levels of anxiety and stress • Muscle aches and pains • Joint pain, osteoarthritis or tendonitis • Fatigue , low energy and trouble sleeping • ADHD and learning disabilities - Mental Fog • Low immune system function • Circulatory, lymphatic and digestive problems • Older adults who cannot perform intense exercise Qi Gong is the Art of Healing by aligning body, breath and mind for optimum well being. If you are interested in learning more consider attending a free QiGong trail trial class at 7:30 on Monday October 16th,2017 in Pointe Claire Village. Please call to RSVP (514) 231-5513

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October 14, 2017 •

• October 14, 2017


The Best November wines This year, I had the opportunity to be part of the judging panel to taste the sparkling and still white wines natural style under $40. For many Montreal wine lovers, Raspipav is the happening place to taste natural wines. If you need an incentive to go, is that during the festival you can buy wines by the unit instead of the case. The winners of the judgment of Montreal for this year were:

In White: 1er - Riesling "HollenNovember is my favorite Raspipav, La Grande Deburger" 2015, Christophe month of the year. For us, gustation and others Hoch, $28, Allemagne the wine writers and more reserved to the 2e - Mâcon bray, bloggers, some of the trade such as the Italian Chardonnay franc de pied wine trade tasting. 2015, Sébastien Boisseau, Raspipav ( Le Salon de $39,60 Vins D’Importation 3e - Fleurs 2015, Philippe Privée) kicks off the brand, $35.91. merry month of NovemThen there is la grande ber. On its 10 edition, it is dégustation. Happening the “event” not to be from November 3rd to missed for the private November 4th, during the wine and spirit market in two days, visitors can Quebec. On the event, taste more than 1000 salon goers have the wines and spirits from chance to taste more than 200 visitors. In 2017, 2000 wines in the pres- In Sparkling: Champagne takes the ence of close to 150 1st - Crémant de limoux scene for the 375th anproducers. To buy 2015, monsieur S, 28,46$ niversary of the city of By Marco Giovanetti wines tickets, please visit the 2nd - Kalkspitz 2015, Montreal and Riesling is ( christophe Holz, 30.82$ the feature grape variety. ). Raspipav will take place 3rd - Blanquette de Riesling is one of the biggest and most impor- from the 28th to the 30th limoux 2015, monsieur S, noblest white wine grape tant wine events occur in October in the Bonsec- $25.33 varieties. It has an intense this month. These include ours market. perfume and pronounced acidity which it is able to maintain despite high ripeness levels.An important grape in Germany, Riesling comprises around 20% of total plantings,and it is the protagonist for some its greatest wines. It is planted widely on well-drained, south-facing slate-rich slopes, with the greatest wines coming from the best slopes in the best villages. German rieslings are delicate, racy, elegant and high couture wines that are made in many styles that from bone dry to highly aromatic bringing to mind apples,apricots, and other orchard fruit. German Rieslings also produce some great sweet wines. Riesling is also an important grape in Alsace where it rounder and fuller wines than its German neighbor. Their dry Rieslings can be austere and quite mineral with exotic nuances while the Vendanges Tardives and Sélection de Grains Nobles are some of the greatest sweet wines in the world. It is thank to the new world that Riesling is enjoying again a Renaissance. Nowadays Riesling is grown from Australia to Canada through the US ( Think Washington!!) and New Zealand. Each region bringing out its own version. At the latest AQAVBS tasting, as well as Washington state wines, I also had to taste a representa14

tive sample of Riesling wines both Old and New World. Here are my favorite picks to give you a preview for la Grande Degustation: From Alsace, the cuvée

Riesling Jupiter 2016 ( SAQ # 00914424, $17.45) from La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim was fleshy, fruity and balanced displaying notes of lime and white orchard fruit. It has enough substance to handle a pan fried salmon with a lightly cream tarragon sauce. Marvelous as well, was

Believe it or not, it is still possible to find cellar

worthy wines at the SAQ for under $20. Recently, I had the chance to taste the wines from Château de Carolle in Graves, Bordeaux. Chateau de Carolle is listed on the regular catalog of the SAQ which means is widely available and is also good to know that they have been listed at the Quebec monopole for more than 30 years. The domaine produces red bordeaux blends from Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Its terroir is comprised of argyle and gravelly soils which favors complex, profound, elegant and above all age worthy wines. Too good to be true, their Bordeaux can be had for a song at $19.95 In a special tasting led by Pascal Guignard, one of

the Riesling Grand Cru Kirchberg de Barr 2014 from Willm ( SAQ # 11034581, $25.95). A excellent value for money, it had more depth than the Jupiter with particular notes of gunflint and white pepper. Dryer and more linear, definitely it will a great partner with lobster based asian dishes. A favourite among Quebec wine lovers is the

the co owners of the domaine, I had the chance many vintages going back to the 80’s. It is worth noting that the Guignard family is one the biggest and most important wine families in Bordeaux. The trio of 1985-1990-1995 were my favorite wines. The 1985 that i tasted was in pristine condition seducing with its cigar box and complex tertiary notes recalling nuances nuances of dry morels and saddle leather. Despite its 32 years, its fruit was still going strong bringing to mind redcurrants and prunes. Balanced and harmonious, the wine still has good tannic structure to keep it going for another decade Charles Smith Kung Fu or so. Girl 2015 ( SAQ # In contrast the 1990 11629787, $18.75). From was richer with alluring Washington, this Ameri- nuances of black cherry, can Riesling has an entic- mocha and bittersweet ing nose of lime, vanilla chocolate. It had a marbean and tangerines. velous structure, round Zesty in the mouth, it is with a good acidity and easy going with sweet and delightful with a point of sour apple candy. A wine graphite and gunpowder. to consider, next time you To see more of this article are having a thai seafood and wines of the week, green curry, please visit our website: Cellaring wine under $20? October 14, 2017 •

Rebel in the Rye: the reclusive author Movie Reviews

certainly accentuated after his war experience and his unhappy love life. Salinger (Nicholas Hoult) from a well-to-do J.D. Salinger was famous came family, father (Victor for his novel "The Garber)hiswanted to Catcher in the Rye" which get into business tohim evenwas also his most signifi- tually lead his company. cant work, one that still Salinger hadn't fit yet in today captivates the pub- any college, and when he lic, especially young read- finally gets into Literary ers. "Rebel in the Rye" Studies at Columbia, he directed by Danny Strong will meet professor Whit attempts to capture Burnett (Kevin Spacey) Salinger's struggle with his who would eventually beown internal conflicts, come his mentor, critic,

and the one who would push Salinger into a career as a writer. It is during that time that Salinger also meets who would become the great love of his life, Oona O'Neill (Zoey Deutch), the daughter of Eugene O'Neill, who despite being a minor at the time, would frequently be present at the many social functions attended by artists and literary celebrities of the day. Salinger wasn't yet pub-

lished when the two met, but eventually, there would be a love relation, one that would carry sad memories to Salinger. The U.S. finally enters the war and Salinger enrolls in the army. It was during his stay in England waiting to be sent to action when he would learn by reading the paper that his beloved Oona had married Charlie Chaplin, then 54. The war, on the other hand, would provide material for his novel and his short

stories. Eventually, he would publish his book, would marry another beautiful lady, had a daughter, and decided to move to the countryside. That house, at first a place for a quiet stay far from the city, would eventually become his ultimate home and place of reclusion, refusing to give interviews and isolating himself from almost everyone. "Rebel in the Rye" provides a good insight into

what is known of the life of J.D. Salinger. It re-creates the period accurately and also gives some interesting views about the literary world of that time in the United States. This is a film that may interest people who like literature and those who want to know about the life of this reclusive author which until now continues to be one of the most celebrated American authors of all times. Length: 116 min.

which he had worked for thirty years. Felt did something that would eventually have enormous consequences in American politics: he leaked essential information which ultimately implicated then-President Richard Nixon to the Watergate fiasco. The political outcome of these revelations is well known, Nixon resigned the presidency to avoid the humiliation of impeachment. Using the nickname of "Deep Throat" Felt passed the information to a Washington Post reporter who eventually made it public

and with that action brought down the Nixon administration. The movie could be regarded as a tribute to a man who sacrificed his career, his own freedom, and put his family at risk to reveal something that implicated the U.S. president and somehow caused a tremendous political commotion at the time. The movie presents Felt as a man entirely dedicated to his job in the FBI and that devotion to the institution makes his whistleblowing a difficult decision. He is also facing

a complex situation in his own family after losing contact with his daughter—politically very distant from her father. One has to remember that the unpopular Vietnam War that deeply divided the American society was on at the time, and Felt's family was not alone in experiencing that divide within. What motivated Felt, other than the search for truth and justice, is not necessarily evident in the film, but it is probable that the whole atmosphere of discontent with what the U.S. as a society was doing

at the time could have influenced his decision. In any case, Felt's whistleblowing is archetypical because it set the parameters for future similar behaviours which we have seen in recent years: Snowden, Assange, and others who have taken risks to expose torture, human rights violations, and other illegal actions by American security agencies or the military. Felt was brave enough to do it in search of justice and truth, regardless of the personal consequences of his ac-

tions. He set an example followed by others today. The film may also be seen as an interesting commentary on recent events in the U.S. in which some potentially illegal actions could even end up compromising the White House. "Mark Felt..." is a movie that should interest especially those who follow political events and may be fascinated by historical characters such as Felt who with one determined move may alter the course of history. Length: 103 min.

By Sergio Martinez


Mark Felt—The Man Who Brought Down the White House: the relevance of an old event

By Sergio Martinez

ark Felt (Liam Neeson) was an unlikely whistleblower but at the same time an archetypical one. The predicament of the man is well presented by director Peter Landesman in this film: Felt was a deputy director of the FBI at the time of the Watergate scandal, a veteran of the force, proud of his work and the institution for





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A Fish Called Wand Sponsored


By Martha Shannon

anda had a sex change. The name is now Wand. Our fish are not happy campers. We are pouring silent killers down the drain. Our poor fish are undergoing sex changes and it is not out of choice. If pouring our shampoos and soaps down the drain can make a fish do an about face in the sex department we should be concerned. The culprit is triclosan, a PPCP (polychlorinated phenoxy phenols) which is used as a preservative and antibacterial agent. It does NOT easily degrade and is building up and building up and building up in our environment. This questionable

chemical is found in soaps, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving creams and mouthwashes, all of which eventually end up swirling down our sewer pipes, entering the water world below. It is even in facial tissues. There is concern that triclosan forms other chemicals when combined with the chlorine in our waters. There is a link to it affecting our metabolism through our thyroid gland. Something bad is going on. Health Canada does dictate a limit as to how much can go into a mouthwash or cosmetic, but unfortunately they ADD UP and contribute to our body and the water around us becoming polluted. Read more about it from David Suzuki Back to the fish with

no voice. Triclosan and aquatic life do not go well together. So that is why natural soaps like Earth To Body's are a global eco necessity. Use our soaps (eg. Shampoo bar) and help Wanda keep her name. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit our online store: Subscribe to our newsletter. Check out our BIOS. Meet us in person at the shop. ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9R 2V1. Write to us at: Stay tuned for informative product reviews and great customer stories that you can relate to.

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October 14, 2017 •

• October 14, 2017


Couples Yoga Sponsored


11 a.m. - 1 a.m.


ouples yoga is for any two people who identify themselves as a couple and would like to work together to strengthen this bond. Working with a partner requires trust, patience, and tolerance. If that partner is also one’s sexual partner the work itself invites a new approach to problem solving: to communication, connection and cooperation. Couples yoga by definition demands cooperation.When we do balance postures, for example,

they are possible but they can happen only when both contribute. This cooperation gets past competition: each brings essential components for balance. The practice of Couples Yoga builds and strengthens partnership. Something sometimes best done without words: through steady eye contact, breath awareness, movement and intelligent touch. From this, self-confidence; and a solid foundation for mutual support and trust.

A couples practice means undistracted time together, to reconnect. A healthy workout, stress relief, quieter mind. The practice is for all, with scaleable postures. Have fun together! RE-IGNITE THE FIRE: A Couples Yoga Workshop with Malcolm McLean and Julie Nadler October 21, 2 PM to 4:30 PM Yoga on the Park Studio 5582 Sherbrooke Street West 514-712-9642

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• October 14, 2017



October 14, 2017 •

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