Makan ratecard

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‫ﻣﺮﺣﺒﺎ‬ Welcome

‍اďť&#x;ďť”ďťœﺎ؊‏ Ů‹ â€ŤďťłďťŒﺪ  ďťœďşŽŮ† ŘŻďť&#x;‏ ‍ Ůˆ ﺎďş—ďş’ďť‚ ďş‘ﺨﺎاďş‹ďť‚ ďş&#x;ďş&#x;ďťž اďť&#x;ďş˜ďť° ďş—ﺿﺢ ا اďť&#x;ďş˜ﺴŮ‚ Ůˆاďť&#x;ﺨﺪﺎت Ůˆا ﺎâ€ŹŘŒ ‍ ﺎ ﺒﺴ‏ .‍ ŮˆŮˆďť—ďş˜ﺎ ﺡďşŒďş–â€ŹŘŒâ€ŤŘ§ďť&#x;ďş˜ﺎďť“ďş” Ůˆاďť&#x;ďş´ďťœďş” ďş‘ďťœďťž ﺣ ďť“ďť° اďť&#x;ﺪďş” ŘŁŮˆ ďş‘ﺸďťœďťž ﺎم ďť&#x;ďş˜ďť˜ﺎďş‘ďťš  أى ďťœďşŽŮ† أﺎ ďť›ﺖ‏ ‍ﺪ٠اďť&#x; ŘĽďť&#x;ďť° ŘĽďş‘ﺎاز أ اďť&#x;ďşŽďťƒďť– اďť&#x;ﺴﺎﺣďş” Ůˆاďť&#x;ﺤت اďť&#x;ďş˜ďş ďşŽŘąďťłďş” Ůˆ اďť&#x;ﺨﺪﺎت اďť&#x;ďş˜ďť‹ďş” اďť&#x;ďş˜ ﺤďş˜ďşŽďş&#x;ﺎ ďť“ ﺣﺎﺗﺎ‏ ‍ ďť›ﺎ ﺴďťŒďť° ďť&#x;ďş˜ﺤﺪﺪ اďť—ďťŒďťœ ďť‹ďť ďť° ﺡďş’ďťœďş” اďş˜ﺎďş– ŮˆŘąďş‘ďť„ﺎ ďş‘ﺨﺎاďş‹ďť‚ ďş&#x;ďş&#x;ďťž ďť&#x;ďťŒﺎ؜ أﺎ اďť&#x;ďş˜ﺴق‏.‍اďť&#x;ﺔ‏ ‍ Ůˆďş—ﺴďťž ďť‹ďť¤ďť ďť´ďş” ŘĽďşżďşŽďť“ďş˜ﺎ ŘĽďť&#x;ďť° ďşťďť”ﺤďş˜ďťš اďť&#x;ﺨﺎﺝﺔ ďť‹ďť ďť° اďť&#x;ﺴﺒŮƒ Ůˆ ďş—ďş˜ﺎâ€ŹŘŒâ€ŤŮˆاďť&#x;ﺨﺪﺎت Ůˆاďť&#x;ďť”ﺎدق Ůˆاďť&#x;ďş˜ﺎďť“‏ .â€ŤŮˆاŠﺴďş˜ďş ďşŽŘ§Ů…â€Ź

About us Makan website is considered as a simple public guide that is linked to Google maps, on which you can easily find locations for shopping areas, services, entertainment and residential areas in each district in the city or anywhere in general to get closer to any place wherever you are and whenever you want. Our site highlights the most important touristic attractions, retail stores, and different services that we need in our daily life. We also aims at determining your location on the internet and connecting them to Google maps to help you finding shopping malls, services, hotels, entertainments and linking it to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account.

Festivals & Special Events

:‫اﻟﻤﻬﺮﺟﺎﻧﺎت و اﻟﻔﻌﺎﻟﻴﺎت‬

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