Ophelie Marquis in CATSECRET 0h Train, Second Life.
CATSECRET@ Magazine SL - Pussycatsecret Girls (n°8) CATSECRET 0h TRAIN Part : 2.
The Part 2 of this special double-issue n°7 & n°8, featuring The 0h Train concept, is a tribute to the legendary erotic-figure girl called : OPHELIE... created by CATSECRET, in the famous Short-Novel : Ophélie ou "Le Train de 0h." (For Adults, Only.) Mysterious passenger, of The 0h Train, Ophelie only appears : in the 3 sims Adults, Domain of Catsecret in Second Life. Don't try to send her messages. She will not answer : except to her sweet Master. If you are lucky, maybe a day, eventually... you can meet her. Just look each night, for the exact departure-time, in CATSECRET 0h Train sim of : The 0h Train... at zero hour, in Second Life. For read the Erotic-Story : Ophelie & The 0h Train (Look for website www.catsecret-original.com)
For Your Eyes, Only. CATSECRET The Original@ne CATSECRET Solo, in Second Life.
Ophelie (at) The 0h Train Station-End.
Ophelie (at) The 0h Train Station-End.
Ophelie & The 0h Train (1)
Ophelie & The 0h Train (2)
Ophelie (at) The Victorian Guard-Castle.
Ophelie (at) The Victorian Guard-Castle.
Ophelie (at) The Victorian Guard-Castle.
Ophelie (at) The 0h Train Garage.
Ophelie & The 0h Train (3)
Ophelie & The 0h Train (4)
Ophelie & The 0h Train (5)
Ophelie (at) The Dog's Haunted-House
Ophelie (at) The Dog's Haunted-House
Ophelie & The 0h Train (6)
Ophelie (at) Anachronist Point.
Ophelie & The 0h Train (7)