With daffodils peeking out and Easter on its way, it’s time to enjoy the longer days with your children off school (and a break from the usual routine!) and head out to make the most of the seasonal entertainment on offer.
This March issue is packed with unmissable family activities, right on your doorstep, ripe for some Easter exploration and guaranteed to turn an ordinary weekend into something special! Entertaining children needn’t be expensive either as there are so many brilliant things to do which are low cost or even free. Check out the variety of events and things to do, catering from toddlers through to teens - we’ve featured the best museums, parks, play areas, trails and attractions to keep families entertained for hours! Even better, there’s the added bonus of chocolate treats on the horizon too! And if you are on a lucky streak, check out our competition page where you’ll find some superb prizes ready and waiting to be won!
So, whether you keep the kids sweet by staying in, or heading out for adventures, we wish you all a truly scrumptious Easter. We’ll see you again in time for the May half term.
The aim of our Widening Horizons Project is to work with local primary schools to raise aspirations of local children and to raise awareness of Kendrick School. For those students who are interested in taking our admission tests, we provide a free familiarisation programme for Year 5 pupil premium, service premium and children in care who live in the school’s designated area. The programme starts as soon as you register your child for the admission tests, and includes access to online familiarisation material, face to face and/or online sessions, and workbooks.
We also hold a virtual Inspire Club on a Tuesday after school for girls in Years 3, 4 and 5 who meet the Widening Horizons criteria. We have had such positive feedback for the Inspire Club! ‘It wasn’t boring and I had fun!’ and ‘It gave my daughter confidence that she could sit the exam because the familiarisation sessions built on her confidence’. Every Tuesday our students work online with the primary school children on a variety of topics, and once a term we invite the students into Kendrick for face-to-face activities.
Please visit our website or come along to one of the Open Day Sessions on 23rd and 24th April 2024 for more information on how to register your child for the familiarisation programme and/or Club or email admissions@kendrick.reading.sch.uk
Now in its 8th year, Reading School’s Future Stories programme continues to work with local primary schools to create a range of educational opportunities for local children. The backbone of the programme is the weekly maths mentoring sessions, run by Year 12 students, at Reading School for children in Years 4 and 5 during the school day, to increase confidence, cultural capital and maths skills. Partner schools also take part in a wide range of additional activities from sports competitions, watersports and residential programs to sessions focused on team building and character.
2024 is the 3rd year of running a bespoke science education program with Johnson Matthey offered to around 500 students
Other activities, for which parents can sign up, include holiday sports programs, summer activity camps and after school sessions. Local primary schools and parents are encouraged to get in touch for more information about the programme, particularly those who are in receipt of Pupil Premium, are Looked After or Previously Looked After Children. E: fstories@reading-school.co.uk
Tracey from Little Acorns Tutoring is an experienced Primary School teacher and literacy lead with over 23 years of experience. She offers a bespoke tutoring package in Maths and/or English (including preparation for 11+ exams and SATs exams) both in groups and on a 1:1 basis.
As part of Little Acorns Tutoring 11+ Course, Tracey teaches children to achieve the very best they can with regular MOCK tests and analysing their results, developing the most appropriate strategy, practicing improving times and using time wisely. Tutoring allows time to focus on the individual child and create a learning pathway that is personalised for their needs, targets and learning styles. All tutoring sessions are online through Zoom, using Google Classroom as a sharing portal for resources. Don’t be put off because it’s online. It is very much as if you are in the same room and the opportunities for using technology are invaluable. Why not try a short trial session and see how your child gets on? Contact Tracey for more information on 07532 194151 or email littleacornstutoring27@gmail.com
Kendrick School is a selective girls’ school for girls aged 11-18 and is acknowledged as one of the best state schools in the country. The school was judged as ‘Outstanding’ at the OFSTED inspection in November 2022.
London Road, Reading RG1 5BN 0118 901 5859
An outstanding state academy for boys aged 11 to 18 (Day and Boarding)
Erleigh Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5LW 0118 901 5600
@ReadingSch Reading School
If your daughter is in Year 5 and showing academic potential at her primary school and has an enquiring mind and a love of learning, we invite you to attend one of our Open Day sessions. Please see our website for more information and a link to book a ticket. You must be living within our designated area to attend one of these sessions. Designated area information can be found on our website.
The sessions will take place in either the morning or afternoon and will last approximately 1½ hours. There will be a tour of the school with our students, and a talk by the Headteacher, Ms Kattirtzi and our Student Leader Team.
BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Car parking is not available on the school site. Please see our website for further details or email admissions@kendrick.reading.sch.uk
Reading School is a high performing selective state school for academically able boys. We believe in excellence through intellectual curiosity and creativity. We believe in developing young men of principle, integrity and character who support each other in their quest for excellence. If your son is currently showing potential academically and has a desire to join our community, then please come along to the open evening to find out more. The CEO and Admissions department will give talks throughout the days when further information explaining the entrance test procedure will be given. Booking is required and details can be found on the school website: Open Day. Car parking is not available on the school site.
Please see our website for more details or contact admissions@reading-school.co.uk for further information.
The following information is relevant to students currently in Year 5
Admission to Year 7 in September 2025 is by entrance examination. Details of the tests for each school can be found on the individual websites. A familiarisation booklet will be available on both schools’ websites from mid-March 2024.
Testing will take place in September (date to be confirmed) for Kendrick School and on Wednesday 4th September 2024 for Reading School. Parents will be able to register their child online for the test from 1st May 2024 and no later than midnight
on 1st July 2024 for Kendrick School, and from 1st April 2024 to midday on 16th June 2024 for Reading School. Parents will receive notification of the test outcome prior to the deadline for completion of the Common Application Form.
In both schools, students who are eligible for the pupil premium or service premium or is a child in care, and living within the schools’ catchment area, will be prioritised for admission and the qualifying score will be lowered by 5 marks for these students.
Both Kendrick School and Reading School operate a catchment area as part of their respective oversubscription criteria. The address which will be used for consideration for this purpose will be the applicant’s permanent address at 31st August 2024.
For further information on all of the above, please visit the schools’ websites or contact: Kendrick School Mrs Amanda Emberson-Powney admissions@kendrick.reading.sch.uk
Reading School Miss Caroline Mole admissions@reading-school.co.uk
The Abbey has introduced a brand-new model for nursery education. This will see all families of 3–4-year-olds paying much less, with eligible families paying nothing.
During school term-time they offer 30 hours of nursery childcare for £1,866 per term. Outside the 30 hours they offer wrap-around care to nursery children from 7.30am-6pm for free.
Every child in England is entitled to receive 15 hours funded by the government, so the maximum cost to new nursery parents will be £933.
In a working household where no parent earns more than £100,000, children are eligible to have all 30 hours funded entirely by the government, so the cost to them will be zero.
Last year’s Budget announcement recognised that affordable childcare is a critical factor in supporting working families. It confirmed that the provision of 30 hours of funded childcare will become universal as of 2025.
This prompted The Abbey to consider how they can support parents considering their nursery, Little Knellies. The cost of living crisis is affecting us all, and has led to rises in their costs and fees as an independent school.
As the top independent day school in Berkshire, they want as many girls as possible to experience the potential of this kind of learning environment during their time in nursery. Wherever they go to school, The Abbey wants them to go as confident learners and owners of their own futures.
The Abbey can accept girls as soon as they turn 3 years old, and her nursery experience will carry on until she starts Reception. W: nursery.theabbey.co.uk
The number of young people catching measles has risen. Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious complications in some people, such as meningitis or sepsis. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it. Measles symptoms include high fever, sore, red, watery eyes, coughing, aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red brown rash usually appears after these initial symptoms.
If you think you or your child has measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. Stay away from GP surgeries and A&E departments. Stay off nursery, school, or work for at least four days from when the rash first appears. It’s never too late to be vaccinated. Remember, you need two doses of the MMR vaccine to be fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella. For more information visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles
Are you thinking of preparing your child for the 11+ entrance tests to the Reading grammar schools? Susan Daughtry Education (SDE) provides 11+ Courses in Earley. Their courses comprise of the topics found in the 11+ tests: verbal reasoning, numeracy, English, non-verbal reasoning and in the case of Reading School (for boys), creative writing. Their lessons have been created by Susan Daughtrey, author of the highly successful Verbal Reasoning Technique and Practice series of books. At SDE Earley they offer both Year 4 and Year 5 11+ Preparation Courses, 11+ Mock Exams and 11+ Summer Revision Courses. All their courses offer very thorough and effective preparation for your child. For more information, please visit www.susandaughtreyeducation.com or email fwyeth@sde11plus.com
TISKA (Traditional International Shotokan Karate Association) heads up clubs nationally and internationally. TISKA was established by Gursharan Sahota, the Chief Instructor (8th Dan) and founder. He achieved the high grade of 8th Dan in 2015 and was asked to accept the title of “Shihan” meaning Master Instructor. This title is given as a sign of respect for the person named. Shihan currently teaches over 40 classes per week to students in Beaconsfield, Chalfont St Peter, Amersham, Berkhamsted, Dunstable, Maidenhead, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire and has bought many hundreds of students to Black belt standard and beyond. Karate is the ultimate in self-defence and promotes fitness, self-awareness, confidence, etiquette, respect and self-discipline. Students at TISKA start from the age of four upwards, and as a family-based club, many families train together. Shihan offers all new beginners four weeks of free training upon joining TISKA. For all enquiries, please contact them directly. T: 01753 882012 E: office@tiska.com
Take part in this fantastic recycling competition! Did you know that an average household uses 182 aluminium foil trays and 144 metres of household foil each year? If you are living in Bracknell Forest, Reading, and Wokingham Boroughs we have great news. Here, recycling aluminium is easy. Simply scrunch into a ball and pop into your recycling bin! Aluminium is endlessly recyclable, and recycling it saves 95% of the energy used to make aluminium from raw materials.
To raise awareness, re3 waste partnership is launching ‘Fantastic Foil’, a new recycling competition! Pupils from schools across Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham Boroughs are invited to challenge themselves and make a sculpture purely from aluminium foil… with the theme of ‘Spring Nature’. The competition is open until 19th April 2024. Expect some great prizes for the winning school in all three areas as well as individual prizes for the pupils. Start collecting the aluminium foil now and remember it can be recycled after the competition!
How to enter: Email a photo of your entry with your name and school to: re3info@reading.gov.uk by the closing date of 19th April.
Celebrating its 20th anniversary, ABC to read is the only award-winning charity in Berkshire set up to help children gain confidence in reading and it is their mission to attract more volunteers and work with even more schools this year. They aim to provide trained, vetted and supported reading mentors across Berkshire schools to work with children who are struggling with their reading. In recent surveys, 98% of children improved in reading performance, 97% improved their attitude to read, and 100% of children’s overall achievement was raised. ABC to read have transformed children’s lives since 2004. The volunteers include teachers and a variety of people from the community who help with their time and expertise. ABC to read supports over 500 Berkshire children each week with comprehensive, quality 1-1 support. The volunteers come to school twice a week and spend half an hour with each child, playing word games, reading and boosting their confidence and skills. The charity also delivers workshops to parents, 6th form students and to older students with the aim to support children and younger peers for whom reading is a challenge. For any new volunteers wanting more information or to take part in training days, or to join the scheme as a school, please contact E: info@abctoread.org.uk T: 0118 9511336
Easter is just around the corner, and there are lots of exciting events and activities springing into action to celebrate! Look no further for great family days out or adventures for kids – we’ve rounded up plenty of options to brighten up the holidays!
The Lexicon will be raising money for The Lexicon Charity Fund throughout the Easter holidays. From Thursday 28th March until Sunday 14th April (closed Easter Sunday), The Lexicon Express will be running mini tours of the town centre! For a donation of £1, passengers can board the train at the temporary station on The Avenue between 10am and 5pm (closed between 2-2.30 pm). The Lexicon will also be hosting a fun Easter Egg Hunt with ten largerthan-life eggs to be found! Visitors that pop a correctly completed trail leaflet into The Lexicon post boxes could win one of six amazing prizes – one £250 gift card from The Lexicon and five £25 gift cards. The Lexicon Charity Fund, launched in 2018, supports charities and community groups throughout the borough and has already made donations totalling £32,500. More information can be found online, T&Cs apply. W: www.thelexiconbracknell.com
If you love Science and want to make your own discoveries, the Baylab is the place to be! Based in Green Park, Reading, they offer Free Science workshops to help inspire a lifelong passion for Science! Baylab’s very own Scientists help students explore the world around them, from plants, DNA, digestion, heart anatomy and much more. Over the Easter holidays you can head over to ‘explore the rainbow’ in one of their brilliant workshops. Get hands on with colour, splitting light, separating dyes, and even making your own rainbow slime! Visit their website to find out more and to book your place this Easter. W: www.bayer.co.uk/en/baylab
The Living Rainforest is a great place to visit. There are three zones that are dedicated to different types of rainforests and they all have great rainforest trees and massive leaved plants. It’s warm and humid, as you would expect from a rainforest, but the real pleasure is seeing the variety of animals, some of which free range throughout the largest rainforest zone. You can see giant stick insects, hissing cockroaches, goeldi monkeys, armadillo, tortoise, huge fish, a large whistling Curassow and much more. Then it’s time to relax in the café with a delicious coffee or maybe watch your children burn off more energy in their great play area. With an average year-round temperature of over 24°c, you are guaranteed a bit of summer every day! W: www.livingrainforest.org
Join the team at Reading Museum for some Easter Holiday fun (Friday 29th March – Saturday 13th April). Drop in for some free crafts at their activity cart every day and have a go at The BIG Multicoloured Easter Egg Hunt. Become a Chocolate Archaeologist and excavate a block of chocolate, do some Colourful Museum Modelling with clay and sing along at their Easter Rhymetime. Handle some real museum objects at Mini Museum Club and learn the 3R’s at the Victorian Schoolroom Experience. Go along to the Museums, My Way Craft Sessions aimed at neurodivergent visitors, use collage to help create a BIG Artwork: Arctic Mirage, make an Artic Animal Mask and a Northern Lights Lantern. For prices and to book activities, please visit their website. W: www.readingmuseum.org.uk
There’s lots to do this Easter at the Corn Exchange Newbury. On the stage is The Museum of Marvellous Things (Thursday 11th April) an interactive show for ages 3+, based on the picture book by Kristina Stephenson. Before the show, enjoy a fun-filled pre-show workshop, where children can use their creativity and imagination to make their very own glitter jar. Over at the Learning Centre, the popular Create and Make workshops return, running Monday 8th-Friday 12th April, allowing your children to take part in arts, crafts, drama activities and more. Head over to The Base, Greenham to visit the world-renowned Wildlife Photographer of the Year 59 exhibition on tour from the Natural History Museum. Follow the animal footprints, marvel at the very best nature photography, and get involved with their Club Curious sessions for little ones on 16th March, 9th April and 12th April. W: www.cornexchangenew.com
Have you ever climbed on a quad bike, made a brass rubbing or met a chicken? You can do all this and more at The Museum of English Rural Life. There’s always lots to do in the galleries and garden, including free trails and dressing up. Pick up a Family Activity Pack or, from 24th March, follow their free Spring Trail to find the decorated eggs. On 8th April, there’s also Museums, My Way, their free, bookable session for neurodivergent visitors and their families. Find out more and plan a visit online. Please check opening times as they are closed over the Easter weekend.
W: merl.reading.ac.uk/event/easter-holidays
The number of young people catching measles has risen. It’s never too late to be vaccinated. You need two doses of MMR one month apart to be fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella.
It’s time to make measles a disease of the past
Measles symptoms include: high fever; sore, red, watery eyes; coughing; aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.
If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.
For more information contact your local GP surgery or visit: www.nhs.uk/mmr
This spring, bounce along to the bespoke wooden Play Barn at Cobbs Farm Shop, Hungerford. Their space is a fun, engaging and educational environment for children and their adults alike! With two levels to discover and explore, children can really let their imagination run wild. Join them for lots of Easter activities over the holidays, and some great classes this spring. Their Play Barn is now open for bookings only! Please head to their website to book a timeslot before visiting as they cannot guarantee entry without a booking. To see opening times, entrance fees, events, and to book, please visit the website. W: www.cobbsplaybarn.co.uk
There are 10 National Trust Easter adventures to choose from across Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire this spring. Dates vary, but they take place in school holidays and over the Easter bank holiday weekend (29th March – 1st April). Jam-packed with outdoor activities, games, riddles and crafts, every single Easter celebration is different. Designed with families in mind, each National Trust Easter trail features ten activity stations, some featuring cheery signs of spring such as lambs and bunnies at Greys Court. Hughenden ventures into the world of mythical creatures with a twist on classic games – conquer Medusa’s Snakes and Ladders or enjoy Cyclops Eye Spy.
Basildon Park is at the movies, as children and families become director of their own Easter movie. Basildon Park is often on screen as a location in films and the trail action stations will guide families to create their own movie. You can also find the National Trust Easter trail at Cliveden, Claydon, Chastleton, White Horse Hill, Ascott and Waddesdon. The National Trust Easter egg trails cost £3 (plus admission) including a chocolate or vegan and Free From chocolate egg made using Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. For the first time, Stowe Gardens is not running a traditional Easter trail, but is hosting a new event - Feaster. This spring festival has activities for families including a book fair, colour run, spring wreath making, storytelling and bingo. W: www.nationaltrust.org.uk
Explore your curiosities and more, over the Easter holidays, at The Look Out Discovery Centre, a hands-on science exhibition where your family can spend a marvelous day out. Go and experience stories about the stars, planets and more in Starlab, the mobile planetarium show! The show is available in addition to science exhibition admission and is for children aged 5-11 years, but supervising adults can have fun taking part too! In the stunning location of Swinley Forest you can enhance your visit with a spring walk in the woods, followed by cosying up with a gingerbread hot chocolate and sausage roll from Woodlarks Café. Tickets are available to pre-book online. W: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk
We are delighted to inform you that the popular HAF scheme is running again over the Easter holidays across West Berkshire, and they have a wide range of both established and new providers with exciting and rewarding activities! Activities available at selected locations include rock climbing, paddle boarding, crafts, tech camps and kayaking. Plus, a nutritious meal is included each day for all bookings. HAF is free for children in full time school aged 4-16 who are in receipt of FREE SCHOOL MEALS. Bookings and additional information will be live on their HAF webpage very soon or please don’t hesitate to contact Hannah Lee, HAF coordinator if you have any queries. E: hannah.lee1@westberks.gov.uk W: www.westberks.gov.uk/HAF
Immerse your young ones in a magical Easter workshop at Reading Rep! Young participants aged 7-11, will bring their favourite fairy tales to life through singing, acting, dance, and crafts. The week concludes with a heartwarming family showing – a blend of laughter, learning, and storytelling joy. Secure a spot for your budding performer from 2nd-5th April at £150. For older participants aged 10-16, explore filmmaking in Reading Rep’s inaugural Film School! Led by industry professionals Matt Parsons and Amy Ambrose, the week covers acting for the screen, writing for film, and essential technical knowledge. The experience concludes with a Film Premier, showcasing young filmmakers’ creations and providing each participant with a professional showreel. Join them from 2nd-6th April at £200. Bursaries and Funding are available for both experiences. Find out more online or give them a call. T: 0118 370 2620 W: www.readingrep.com
Offering action-packed, Ofsted-regulated fun for children, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm over the Easter and summer holidays. With diverse sports, survival camps, art, and tech activities, kids explore creativity and build lifelong memories. Dedicated staff prioritise safety, fostering a supportive environment for growth, teamwork, and leadership. Parents can trust their child’s wellbeing, with the rigorous protocols in place. Ultimate Activity Camps provide a holiday full of adventure, laughter, and personal development, creating unforgettable moments and lasting friendships. Running in Ascot, Sonning, Reading and Newbury. Check online for more information. W: www.ultimateactivity.co.uk/locations
The Beehive Holiday Clubs return to Crown Wood and Nine Mile Ride Primary Schools for the Easter holidays!
Every day at Funtastic Kids is unique! Their Holiday Camps are full of exciting and engaging activities that build upon children’s learning, including creative crafts, science experiments, baking, and more. Plus, their fun and energetic sports sessions will keep children active throughout the school break. Children booked onto the Extended Day Session (8am-6pm) will also receive a nutritional breakfast and light afternoon tea at no extra cost! Their friendly and nurturing staff are committed to giving every child a fulfilling experience and Funded HAF places will be available to eligible families.
“Both of my children enjoyed getting involved and doing creative things each week rather than being stuck at home on electronic devices.” –Hawkedon Parent, Summer 2023. Locations: Reading, Tilehurst, Woodley, Earley, Newbury, Bracknell and Wokingham. W: www.funtastickids.co.uk
The exceptional team of swimming instructors at Madden Swim School provide a high standard of swimming tuition in a safe environment for children of all abilities: children aged from 3.5-17 years. They place great emphasis on giving swimmers water confidence and having fun, as well as learning to swim to a very high standard. The lessons are at two wonderful pools; Downe House School pool in Cold Ash and The Oratory School pool in Woodcote. During the 12-week term, swimmers make fantastic progress, and receive a complimentary Swim England certificate and badge at the end of term. They have a maximum of six swimmers in each class with two teachers. They also have a five-day intensive course during the Easter break, 8th-12th April. The 12-week term of lessons costs £155 and the Easter fiveday course costs £65 per swimmer. Their strongest Academy swimmers swim lengths, improving their stamina, stroke development, water skills, tumble turns and diving. They have four Academy sessions available per week. Please email julie@maddenswimschool.co.uk for further details and to get your child enrolled.
Looking for some entertainment this Easter holiday and beyond? Here’s a collection of family-friendly events to pop on your calendar! With so many unique experiences right on your doorstep, you won’t have to travel far to make special memories with your little ones this spring.
See the Jumps season out in style at Ascot’s springtime extravaganza, where racing favourites meet family favourites. There are animals to encounter, roaming entertainers to meet, and arts and crafts skills to learn. But that’s not all. Follow the Furlong Friends trail, sit-back and watch a cinema screening, or maybe even get your face painted. And no wondrous day would be complete without a visit from the Gruffalo himself - have your cameras at the ready for the opportunity to meetand-greet. As if that wasn’t enough to keep all ages occupied, there’s an array of delicious food outlets to explore too, with kids’ meals priced at just £5. Tickets from £30. Kids go FREE with a full paying adult. W: www.ascot.com
Take on a Quest with activities, shows and films at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts this school holiday. Navigate your way through creative adventures, bringing stories to life! Quest Family Fest is a fun packed fortnight of new experiences for children and families. Including family shows Rubbish Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Hermit, Nick Sharratt’s Drawalong, In the Dead of the Night and Olaf Falafel’s Super Stupid Show. There’s also Art Daze activity club, family films and craft sessions. On Friday 29th March, children of all ages and their families can try something new with Explore – a whole day of one-hour workshops. Workshops are £4.50 per person or buy a Pass – four workshops for £16 per person. There are over 40 workshops to choose from including Circus Skills, Special Effects Makeup, Street Dance, Screen Printing and DJ Skills! T: 01628 788997 W: www.nordenfarm.org
Broad St. Mall is inviting families to add a little extra spring to their step over the Easter weekend by joining their Easter ‘Det-egg-tives’ event. Across Friday 29th and Saturday 30th March, the centre will host a twoday interactive workshop where little ones can become detectives, enjoy some Easter crafting and an Easter trail. Little ones will have the chance to design their own ID card, dress up in all the official gear that every detective should have, complete with cloak, hat, and magnifying glass, as well as join a fantastic Easter trail around the mall. There may even be a little treat in store for everyone who takes part! The event is completely FREE and is being run on a first come, first served basis - no booking required. Sessions will start every hour on the hour. Check their website for more information. W: www.broadstreetmall.com
South Hill Park proudly invites you to ‘Be Our Guest’ as the most enchanting musical of all time, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, comes to the Wilde Theatre this Easter. The story tells of Belle, a woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, a prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love, his curse will end, and he will be transformed into his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he will be doomed for all eternity. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all the spellbinding music written by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice including Belle, Gaston, Human Again and Be Our Guest. This ‘tale as old as time’ is filled with a spectacular cast of local talent making it a must-see family show this Easter holiday. See online for details. W: www.southhillpark.org.uk
This year’s festival celebrates its 35th anniversary with three weeks of events and activities for children all over the borough.
The festival will open with the annual Forbury Fiesta event on Saturday 11 May in the Forbury Gardens celebrating the upcoming Summer Olympics and Euros 2024 with a programme of sport themed activities and performances.
Join us for a whole host of activities and events in and around Reading for kids of all ages.
Workshops, theatre, music, fundays, arts & crafts and sport will all be part of the packed programme across the three weeks.
For more information visit www.reading.gov.uk/cfest24 facebook.com/ReadingCFest https://twitter.com/ReadingCFest
Sunday 12 May
The Comedy String Quartet
Thursday 16 May
WIND IN THE WILLOWS Stories Set To Music with Dance
Saturday 18 May
Sunday 19 May
Monday 20 May
Saturday 25 May
Rushall Farm, Bradfield will once again show off its wonderful display of bluebells throughout two weekends, from 11am-5pm. Situated in the beautiful Pang Valley, it has wonderful views over the surrounding countryside. Visitors will be able to enjoy walks of varying length through this glorious ancient woodland. Children can take part in a free treasure hunt and fun activities in the 17th century, thatched barn where refreshments, including hot and cold food and homemade cakes, will be available. There are also routes that are suitable for buggies and wheelchairs. Tickets (suggested donation): adults £5; children/OAPs £3; under 3’s free. All proceeds from this event will benefit local people affected by Multiple Sclerosis. T: 07952 721015 W: www.msreading.org.uk
Make the most of your Bank Holiday on Monday 6th May with the family at Royal Windsor Racecourse’s Family Fun Day, where KIDS GO FREE! Enjoy an action-packed afternoon with seven live races and a huge amount of FREE family entertainment including live circus workshops and performances within the big top, funfair rides and facepainting.
Windsor’s Family Fun Day offers something for all ages to enjoy, as well as great-value packages for the family. Take advantage of the Family Ice Cream Package which gives you 2 x adult admission, 2 x U18 admission and two ice creams for the kids for just £35.
Combining thrilling sporting action, child-friendly entertainment, and a bustling atmosphere, you won’t want to miss Royal Windsor Racecourse’s Circus Family Fun Day! Book in advance for the best price at www.windsor-racecourse.co.uk with adult admission just £18.
At Newbury Spring Festival there is plenty for families; shows specially devised with children in mind will introduce the next generation to live music through audience participation, imagination, and plenty of fun. Set sail with groovy pirates (Saturday 25th May, Corn Exchange Newbury), explore the world from Thumbelina’s perspective (Sunday 12th May, Sheepdrove Organic Farm), or join Mr Toad on a musical journey through Wind in the Willows (Saturday 18th May, Corn Exchange Newbury) with a real ballet dancer teaching the steps. For families with older children, Flowers Band will be performing recognisable brass favourites at the Corn Exchange on Sunday 19th May, and comedy string quartet Graffiti Classics will wow audiences with their hilariously entertaining show (Thursday 16th May, Corn Exchange Newbury). Newbury Spring Festival runs from 11th-25th May. Tickets are on sale NOW via the Corn Exchange Box Office. W: www.newburyspringfestival.org.uk
Three fun-packed weeks of events and activities lie ahead for young ones across Reading as the Children’s Festival celebrates its 35th anniversary. The fun begins with the much-loved Forbury Fiesta on Saturday 11th May at 11am in the Forbury Gardens with an amazing programme of sports-themed activities and performances. It doesn’t stop there. From sport and music workshops to fun days with art and craft sessions, you can take your pick from the huge variety of exciting events taking place at venues across Reading over the following weeks. For more information and to download a copy of the festival’s diary of events visit their website. W: www.reading.gov.uk/cfest24 facebook.com/ReadingCFest twitter.com/ReadingCFest
Get ready to be doused in vibrant colours and experience pure joy at the Third Annual First Days Colour Run, happening on Sunday 12th May at 2pm at Prospect Park in Reading! This family-friendly event promises a 2.5km course bursting with colour throws, laughter, and unforgettable memories, all while raising vital funds for the First Days Children’s Charity. More than just a run, this event is a celebration of community and inclusivity with tickets available on a tiered pricing structure depending on your financial situation. This event is purely about having fun and creating memories whilst raising funds for a local charity that helps local families. Get ready to run, laugh, and be colourful! Join the First Days Colour Run and make a difference in the lives of local children. W: www.firstdays.net
Pink Dot & Curate Group, in association with Ghostwriter, are thrilled to announce that pop bands BLUE, BOYZLIFE and SCOUTING FOR GIRLS will be playing Palmer Park, Reading on Sunday 16th June 2024! So, gather your friends and family for a spectacular day of amazing music, with street food stalls offering plenty of refreshment and a VIP area on site – this will definitely be a summer day out not to be missed! Blue, Boyzlife and Scouting For Girls promise a superb night of entertainment performing all their hits. Don’t miss your chance to see them perform! Gates open at 3.30pm. See Page 41 for their competition to win tickets.
Adult Ticket price from £35 / Child – £20 (plus STBF). VIP Ticket prices from £55 / Child – £40 (plus STBF). Age Restriction - 8+, under 16’s to be accompanied by an adult. W: www.seetickets.com
See competition on page 29 for your chance to win a pair of tickets!
If you love Science and want to make your own discoveries, the Baylab is the place to be! Based in Green Park, Reading, they offer Free Science workshops to help inspire a lifelong passion for Science!
Baylab’s very own Scientists help students explore the world around them, from plants, DNA, digestion, heart anatomy and much more!
To find out more visit www.bayer.co.uk/en/baylab
Join the Baylab team this Easter and help them explore the rainbow in their “What’s in a Rainbow?” workshop.
Get hands on with colour, splitting light, separating dyes, and even making your own rainbow slime!
Session dates and times:
Wednesday 3rd April: 11:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 15:30
Thursday 4th April: 14:00 - 15:30
Thursday 11th April: 11:00 - 12:30
https://www.bayer.co.uk/en/holiday-sessions baylabinfo@bayer.com
Love art and Science, and want to win a set of lab coats and other prizes for your school?
Why not enter the Baylab Annual Lab Coat Competition and help them celebrate British Science Week #LabCoatComp24 #BSW24
@UKBayer #Baylab
Reading Museum
Go along to Reading Museum and enjoy some paper craft fun. Free, drop in.
The Look Out Discovery Centre
Go along to The Look Out Discovery Centre in the heart of Swinley Forest for some action-packed, family-friendly fun, including interactive science attractions and seasonal activities. Experience stories about the stars, planets and more in Starlab, the mobile planetarium show!
The Living Rainforest
Visit this Easter and let knowledgeable staff, who will be able to tell you about the plans and animals, guide you around the rainforest. With an average yearround-temperature of over 24 degrees Celsius, you are guaranteed a bit of summer every day!
Re3 Waste Partnership
Re3 waste partnership is launching ‘Fantastic Foil’, a new recycling competition! Pupils from schools across Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham Boroughs are invited to challenge themselves and make a sculpture purely from aluminium foil. The competition is open until 19th April 2024. Expect some great prizes for the winning school in all three areas as well as individual prizes for pupils. Start collecting the aluminium foil now and remember it can be recycled after the competition!
The Base Gallery, Greenham
The world’s most prestigious photographic event of its kind celebrates the very best nature photography and photojournalism. Book online. Running until 14th April
Saturday 16th March
Club Curious at The Base Greenham
The Base Gallery, Greenham
Follow the animal footprints, marvel at the very best nature photography, from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 59, and get involved with their Club Curious sessions for little ones. Also on 9th & 12th April.
Sunday 24th March
Spring Family Raceday
Ascot Races
The first family raceday of 2024 offers a thrilling combination of top class Jumps racing and free themed activities for racegoers of all ages. There will be plenty of action on and off the track and children can explore the racecourse in a safe environment with free fun attractions.
Monday 25th March
Tennis Camps
Peppard Tennis Club www.teachmetennis.co.uk
Teach Me Tennis begin their Tennis Camps at Peppard Tennis Club today for those children who break up from school early. Starting from age four, right up to 16-year-olds, children are split into smaller groups with great ratios (a maximum of six children per coach), and there are three time slots to choose from each day. Running on weekdays during the school holidays, until Friday 5th April.
The Lexicon, Bracknell
The Lexicon Express will be running mini tours of the town centre, with passengers donating a £1 for each trip, raising money for The Lexicon Charity Fund. Running until 14th April (closed Easter Sunday).
Corn Exchange Newbury
Batty about wombats, fanatical about foxes, crazy about Capybaras? Then this is the workshop for you.
The Lexicon, Bracknell
A fun Easter Egg Hunt with ten largerthan-life eggs to be found, and six fabulous prizes up for grabs! The Lexicon will donate £1 to their Charity Fund for each completed Easter Egg Hunt leaflet.
Broad Street Mall, Reading
Visit Broad Street Mall on 29th & 30th March to enjoy their free Easter ‘Detegg-tives’ event. Little ones can dress up as detectives, create their own ID card and join an Easter trail around the centre. The event is first come, first served – no booking required.
Easter Adventures with the National Trust
Various locations
There are 10 National Trust Easter adventures to choose from this spring. Dates vary, but they take place in school holidays and over the Easter bank holiday weekend 29th March-1st April. Jam-packed with outdoor activities, games, riddles and crafts, every single Easter celebration is different. Easter trails at selected properties cost £3 (plus admission) including a chocolate or vegan and Free From chocolate egg.
Friday 29th March
Explore! Day
Taster Workshops
Norden Farm
Part of Quest Family Fest. So many different activities to explore on Friday 29th March! £4 per person or purchase a ‘Give it a Go’ pass and pay £16 per person for four workshops. Workshops on the day include:
Pre School – Sensory Play
A sensory play session which includes inflatables, lights, colour and movement to sooth and stimulate little minds and bodies.
Pre School – Movement and Music
An energetic and creative music and movement class for babies and children under 5. This fun and funky session uses lights, puppets, parachute, instruments and music to get your little ones moving!
Circus Skills
Try tightrope walking, giant ball walking, unicycling and juggling. Age 5+.
Street Dance
Get energised and learn some amazing moves with this contemporary dance class with funky tunes.
Music – Ukulele
An introduction to the ukulele for everyone. Play fun and quirky covers and take part in a big uke jam.
Music – Djembe Drumming
Mandinka’s skilled percussionist brings an authentic djembe drum for every member of the group. You’ll build on basic sequences and traditional songs in a huge drum circle!
Music – DJ Skills
DJ Tons of Sound is back this this year with three decks, so everyone gets the chance to try DJing on bespoke mixing desks with expert tuition and some brilliant beats.
Chocolate Lollipops
Mould, decorate and package your very own chocolate lollipop to take home!
Chocolate Eggs and Lollies
Create your own chocolate eggs and lollies to give away (or eat!)
Drama – Bringing Stories to Life
An active drama session where your favourite stories come to life in dramatic new ways!
Drama – Lights Camera Actions!
Intro to TV and Film Making. Learn the basics of acting, camera operating and directing through games, tasks and film-making exercises.
Drama – Special Effects Makeup
Learn how to create realistic wounds, bruises and injuries using materials from around the house.
Magic – Become the Magician’s Assistant
Join the magician for a sneak peek into the art of magic and conjuring.
Art – Sculpture
Create fantastic upcycled animal sculptures using books and a whole load of imagination!
Art – Make and Bind a Fun and Funky Book
Join Amanda Schenk to create and decorate your own brilliant books.
Art – Silkscreen Tote Bags
Saturday 30th March
Children’s Easter Printmaking
Corn Exchange Newbury
A fun introduction to printmaking with Charlotte Adcock to make Easter-themed prints and decorations.
Monday 1st April
Spring Treat Boxes
Cobbs Play Barn near Hungerford
A fun and relaxed spring Create & Play session. Tickets include: one spring treat box to colour in, a child’s food box (sandwich, crisps & carrot sticks), one child’s drink, and time to play in the Play Barn. Also on 2nd and 6th April, 10am12noon. £15 per ticket.
The BIG Multicoloured Easter Egg Hunt
Reading Museum
Find the colourful eggs hidden throughout the Museum. When you have found them all, collect your chocolate prize! Families, £2 per trail, pay on the day or book via the website.
Say you saw it in Primary Times
9-10.30AM • 11AM-12.30PM • 9AM-12.30PM
Maximum of six children per coach to ensure quality coaching and individual attention.
Book as few or as many camps as you like and you can mix and match the time options!
If you have any questions about the camps please email info@teachmetennis.co.uk
01491 728080 • 07872 178872
Peppard Common, Colliers Lane, RG9 5LB
Funtastic Kids
Funtastic Holiday Camps are full of exciting and engaging activities that build upon children’s learning, including creative crafts, science experiments, baking, and more. The fun and energetic sports sessions will keep children active throughout the school break. Locations: Reading, Tilehurst, Woodley, Earley, Newbury, Bracknell and Wokingham. Running until 12th April.
Norden Farm
Relax in this interactive chill out space where stories come to life. Created with local schools and community groups, the Gallery will be alive with stories over the holidays. This SEND friendly exhibition is a magical space where characters jump from the pages of the book through animation, projection, storytelling and music. Tuesdays-Saturdays, free entry.
Squires Garden Centres
A planting activity and spring flower hunt. Running 2nd-12th April on weekdays, 9.30am-1.30pm. Advanced booking essential.
Crown Wood Primary School and Nine Mile Ride Primary School
The Beehive Holiday Clubs are open to all children aged between 3-11 years. Daily activities include arts and crafts, toys, games, sports, baking and lots of playtime. Running 2nd-12th April.
Museum of English Rural Life, Reading merl.reading.ac.uk
Have fun at the MERL in the Easter holidays, enjoy trails and activities in the galleries and garden. Runs until 14th April.
Reading Museum
Step into the shoes of an archaeologist and excavate a small block of chocolate, complete with edible artefacts, including chocolate eggs! Age 5+. £5 per child.
Various locations
Action-packed fun for children aged 4-14 over the school holidays. Including sports, survival camps, art and tech activities. Children can explore creativity and build great memories.
Across West Berkshire
The popular HAF scheme is running again over the Easter holidays, and they have a wide range of exciting and rewarding activities! Activities available at selected locations include rock climbing, paddle boarding, crafts, tech camps and kayaking. Plus, a nutritious meal is included each day for all bookings. HAF is free for children in full time school aged 4-16 who are in receipt of free school meals.
Reading Rep
Children will bring their favourite fairy tales to life through singing, acting, dance, and crafts. The week concludes with a family showing! £150 per child. Running until Friday 5th April.
Reading Rep
Children will explore filmmaking in Reading Rep’s inaugural Film School. Led by industry professionals Matt Parsons and Amy Ambrose, the week covers acting for the screen, writing for film, and essential technical knowledge. The experience concludes with a Film Premier, showcasing young filmmakers’ creations and providing each participant with a professional showreel. £200 per child. Running until Saturday 6th April.
The Living Rainforest
This Easter kids will have trails, crafts and activity packs to enjoy at the Rainforest.
Corn Exchange Newbury
Experiment with different art techniques and creative projects. Running until Friday 5th April.
Peppard Tennis Club
There are three weeks of popular tennis camps running at Peppard Tennis Club. Qualified coaches, great ratios to ensure quality learning… and lots of fun! Bookings are flexible with three time options each day and you can book single camps or a whole week. Running on weekdays until Friday 5th April.
Wednesday 3rd April
Make and Take: Colourful Museum Modelling
Reading Museum
Create some multicoloured models using air dry clay inspired by the collection, from animals to miniature Roman lamps. 10am-12pm and 1-3pm. £2 per child.
Free Science Holiday Workshops
Join the Baylab team this Easter and help them explore the rainbow in their “What’s in a Rainbow?” workshop. Get hands on with colour, splitting light, separating dyes, and even making your own rainbow slime! There are two workshops today (11am-12.30pm and 2-3.30pm), more running on Thursday 4th April 2-3.30pm and Thursday 11th April 10-11.30am. Visit their website to book or email baylabinfo@bayer.com
Thursday 4th April
Arts and Craft Sessions
Norden Farm
Story themed arts and crafts, bringing your favourite characters to life! Suitable for ages 4-11 years. £4 per person. Also on 5th, 9th, 10th and 13th April.
Mini Museum Club
Reading Museum
Explore and handle some fascinating objects from the Loans Box collection. Learn how to document and store your favourite toy or keepsake. Make a minimuseum display box to take home with you to store your own special artefacts. Age 5+. One-hour sessions starting at 10am, 11.15am, 1pm & 2.15pm. £4 per child, book online via the website.
Norden Farm
An energetic and creative music and movement class for babies and children. Suitable for ages 9 months – 5 years. 11am.
Reading Museum
Meet a Victorian schoolteacher and re-learn the ‘3Rs’. A 45-minute experience for adults and children in the unique Victorian classroom, in the historic Abbey Gateway. Age 5+, 11am & 2pm (meeting at the Abbey Gateway). £1 per person, pay on the day or book online via the website.
Saturday 6th April
Norden Farm www.nordenfarm.org
Visiting the market is the perfect way to spend your weekend. Shop for unusual, handmade, delicious items and then take in a film or recline with a coffee in the Café Bar where there are plenty of books and games to keep the little ones happy. 12-4pm, free entry.
Monday 8th April
Swimming Course
Madden Swim School
A five-day intensive swimming course; providing a high standard of swimming tuition in a safe environment. Running 8th-12th April. £65 per swimmer.
Fun Tennis Camps
Peppard Tennis Club
The third and final week of fun Easter Camps running at Peppard Tennis Club. Starting from age four with qualified coaches and great ratios to ensure quality learning – a maximum of six children per coach! Bookings are flexible with three time options each day and you can book single camps or a whole week. Running on weekdays until Friday 5th April, and back again for May half term.
Museums, My Way Craft Sessions
Reading Museum
Special craft sessions based on Easter events aimed at neurodivergent visitors and their families to complement the regular Saturday sessions. A breakout room, quiet areas with tents, cushions and sensory bags will be available. Please note that the Museum will be closed, except for those taking part in the sessions. Families, one-hour sessions starting at 10am, 11.15am, 1pm & 2.15pm. £4, book online via the website.
The Living Rainforest
Watch the animal keepers feeding the animals at 10am and 2pm, in a warm and inviting environment of 24 degrees Celsius.
Museums, My Way at MERL Museum of English Rural Life merl.reading.ac.uk/museums-my-way Sessions for neurodivergent visitors of all ages, developed with Autism Berkshire. Facilitated hands-on activity, reduced gallery interactive volume, sensory backpacks and ear defenders, break-out spaces with tents and sensory toys. Free. Booking required.
Tuesday 9th April
Make and Take: Arctic Animal Masks
Reading Museum
Make a polar bear, arctic fox, puffin or a walrus mask in these creative sessions inspired by the latest exhibition Arctic Mirage. Half hour sessions between 10am-12pm & 1-3pm. £1 per child, pay on the day.
Art Daze
Norden Farm
Design and create personalised 3D masks and so much more in this exciting and creative activity week. Suitable for ages 8+ years. Running until Tuesday 9th-Friday 12th April, 11am-4pm. £160 (£145 Advantage Card holder).
Nick Sharratt’s Drawalong
Norden Farm
Join much-loved children’s writer and illustrator Nick Sharratt in a familyfriendly, fun-filled drawalong. Suitable for ages 4+ years. 2pm. Also on Wednesday 10th April.
Wednesday 10th April
Create and Make
The Corn Exchange Newbury
Over at the Learning Centre the popular Create and Make workshops return allowing your children to take part in arts, crafts, drama activities and more. Running until Friday 12th April.
The BIG Artwork:
Arctic Mirage
Reading Museum
Join New Directions to celebrate Reading Museum’s Arctic Mirage exhibition. Artists from New Directions will be on hand to help you create some wonderful artwork influenced by artist Julian Grater’s work. Add your favourite artic animals into his frozen landscapes using collage and other mediums. No experience necessary, all age welcome. 10am-3pm, free, donations welcome, drop in.
Thursday 11th April
Northern Lights Lantern Reading Museum
Create a lantern using a jar and the magical colours of aurora borealis in these creative sessions. Inspired by the latest exhibition Artic Mirage. Candle included. £4 per child, booking essential.
Friday 20th April
Bluebell Walks
Rushall Farm
Enjoy a walk through the beautiful woodlands to see Rushall Farm’s wonderful display of bluebells from 11am-5pm on 20th/21st and 27th/28th April. All proceeds will benefit local people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.
Say you saw it in Primary Times
Thursday 2nd May
Performing Arts: Lionboy
Wellington College
This amazing show is open to the general public and proceeds go to the Wellington College Arts Fund to support local schools’ art projects. Also on Friday 3rd May.
Monday 6th May
BIG Bank Holiday Circus Family Fun Day
Royal Windsor Racecourse
Make the most of your Bank Holiday at Windsor’s Family Fun Day, where KIDS GO FREE! Enjoy an action-packed afternoon with seven live races and FREE entertainment including live circus workshops and performances, funfair rides and facepainting. Advance adult admission (£18) and the incrediblevalue family-of-4 ice cream package (£35) are available online.
We take great care to ensure this information is correct at the time of going to press. However, we would advise parents to phone and check details prior to making a long trip…or promise!
Venues Across Reading www.reading.gov.uk/cfest24
Three fun-packed weeks of events and activities lie ahead for young ones across Reading. The fun begins with the muchloved Forbury Fiesta on Saturday 11th May at 11am in the Forbury Gardens. From sport and music workshops, to fun days with art and craft sessions, you can take your pick from the huge variety of exciting events taking place at venues across Reading over the following weeks. Runs until 2nd June.
Colour Run
Prospect Park, Reading www.firstdays.net
First Days Colour Run returns to paint Reading in a rainbow of fun! Get ready to be doused in vibrant colours and experience pure joy at the Third Annual First Days Colour Run which starts at 2pm. This family-friendly event promises a 2.5km course bursting with colour throws, laughter, and unforgettable memories, all while raising vital funds for the First Days Children’s Charity.
Newbury Spring Festival
Two weeks of world class music and family fun!
Sound Beginnings: Thumbelina
Sunday 12th May, 11am & 2.30pm
Sheepdrove Organic Farm
Musical story-telling for the young! The story of Thumbelina, with Grieg’s music played by pianists Elena Zozina and Mikhail Kazakevich, is presented with narration by singer Richard Morris.
Tickets: Adults £10 / Over 5s £7 / Under 5s free
Graffiti Classics
Thursday 16th May, 7.30pm
Corn Exchange Newbury
16 strings, eight dancing feet and four voices with one aim: to make classical music wickedly funny and exhilarating for young and old alike. Graffiti Classics never fails to get audiences laughing, clapping, and singing along.
Tickets: £25
Wind in the Willows
Saturday 18th May, 10am & 11.30am
Corn Exchange Newbury
Can Mole, Ratty and Badger help Mr Toad after one adventure too far? Adapted from Kenneth Grahame’s novel and music by Elgar, this performance combines enchantment, humour and audience participation to captivate young imaginations.
Tickets: £7.50
Flowers Band
Sunday 19th May, 3pm
Corn Exchange Newbury
A mixed programme giving an insight into the varied sounds of the brass band world, suitable for all the family to enjoy.
Tickets: £20
Good Vibes Music Academy Showcase
Monday 20th May, 7.30pm
Corn Exchange Newbury
A jubilant performance that unites school and community music groups from across the region in a joyous celebration of musical creativity.
Tickets: £7
Grooving with Pirates
Saturday 25th May, 10.30am
Corn Exchange Newbury
Go on a swashbuckling adventure with family favourite Groove Baby as it sails the seas in this exciting, jazz and funk fueled show especially for 3-7s and their grown-up crews!
Tickets: Adult £10 / Under 16 £7
Sunday 26th May
Highclere Show
Highclere Castle
Promising lots of fun for the whole family, including main arena performances, the British Falconry and Raptor Fair, have a go features, child-friendly activities and sporting competitions. Also on 27th May.
Outdoor Concert
Palmer Park, Reading
Blue, Boyzlife, Scouting For Girls and Skinny Living will be playing at Palmer Park in Reading. A full day of amazing music, with Street food stalls and VIP area on site, this will be a summer day out not to be missed!
Say you saw it in Primary Times
WOKINGHAM stagecoach.co.uk/wokingham
day of amazing hit music, with street food stalls offering plenty of refreshments all day long.
To be in with a chance of winning two tickets to the concert, simply send in your entry marked ‘Palmer Park’ and you will be placed in the prize draw. Please note: Age Restriction: 8+ & under 16’s to be accompanied by an adult.
Berkshire’s outstanding schools take pride in delivering exceptional teach, outstanding facilities, and dedicated staff to nurture students to be the best they can be. Read on for their latest news updates to give you a flavour of what they could offer your child.
St Joseph’s F1 in Schools teams are celebrating their success at the recent London West regional finals. Every year Engineering in Motion host the international competition and the challenge was to design and manufacture a model F1 car made of card and race it against other schools. Pupils were tasked with preparing a marketing, social media and sponsorship strategy and presenting it at the finals to a panel of judges, detailing their team journey and management of the project.
Team Speed Divas took first place, winning ‘Fastest Car’, ‘Best Engineered Car’ and ‘Lightning reaction time’, earning them a place at the Nationals in Sheffield in March. Ruhi, Year 6, really enjoyed the experience commenting: “My F1 journey was incredible. I learnt how to manage, contact professional businesses and work as a team.” W: www.sjcr.org.uk
Just imagine – a school that combines the best academic progress in Berkshire, with award-winning personal development and sector-leading pastoral care Weekday Open Mornings
Fridays 10th May & 14th June
Find out more at www.leightonpark.com/imagine-better
Highfield School for Girls in Maidenhead is known for small classes, expert teachers, a nurturing environment, and access to outstanding sporting facilities. The school is co-educational from Pre-school and girls’ only from Year 3 as this setting allows girls to thrive and fulfil their potential. Highfield staff are passionate about the potential Science, Technology, Engineering, Computing and the Arts have to enrich learning across the curriculum. Visit them and discover a nurturing school that provides an inspiring education that gives pupils confidence in STEAM-related skills and their all-round academic performance. This coming September marks a significant milestone for Highfield with the inauguration of their Senior School as a natural progression in their commitment to delivering a seamless and enriching educational experience for girls. See for yourself at one of their Open Events this spring: Friday March 15th at 2pm; Friday 19th April at 2pm; Friday 17th May at 9:30am. W: www.highfieldprep.org
Leighton Park School is delighted to have won Senior School of the Year in the Independent Schools Association (ISA) Awards 2023. The ISA is the largest independent schools’ body in the UK. This success comes on the back of Leighton Park also being acknowledged as one of the country’s best independent schools in the prestigious TES Schools Awards 2023. Among the factors considered by the judges were the School’s academic success, with Sixth Formers achieving the best academic progress in Berkshire, award-winning pupil personal development programme and sectorleading pastoral care. Head, Matthew LS Judd, commented: “It is a humbling and wonderful achievement to be acknowledged as the best independent school in the country by the largest independent schools’ body. This is a phenomenal recognition of all the hard work and dedication of our entire community.” W: www.leightonpark.com
The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools consists of Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. We operate a shared 11+ entrance examination process using the same examination papers and common eligibility criteria. The 11+ examination for entry in September 2025 will be held on Saturday 21 September 2024 The full schedule for the Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools 11+ entrance examination process can be found on the schools’ websites.
This event is for parents only and will explain the 11+ entrance examination process in detail. This event is not suitable for children, as it does not provide school specific details. It is purely to provide you with information necessary for you to understand the testing and application process and will last for a maximum of one hour. This one event applies to the same 11+ process for all four schools.
The event will be held online and will comprise of a live presentation by John Constable, Headteacher of Langley Grammar School followed by a question and answer session via the chat function with the Headteachers of all four schools. Following the event a Frequently Asked Questions document will be produced and posted on the schools’ websites with a recording of the presentation. For details and joining instructions for the online meeting, please visit the websites of any of the four consortium grammar schools.
At St Bernard’s Preparatory School they develop children’s confidence and self-belief. They encourage them to have a sense of curiosity that inspires their learning. Staff stretch and challenge each pupil, celebrating achievements, pausing to reflect on progress and then guiding them to reach for more. They’re academic – the 7th best prep school in England according to the Sunday Times Parent Power Survey – and also a place where talents of every kind are nurtured. They offer children a wide range of after-school activities and leadership opportunities. The school produces well-rounded, literate conversationalists, living by Catholic values that provide a solid foundation for life. St Bernard’s believes in kindness, respect and understanding, celebrating our similarities and differences with equal vigour. W: www.stbernardsprep.org
From Nursery to Sixth Form, St Gabriel’s pupils excel and reach their true potential through a curriculum that balances learning with an extensive co-curricular offering. As a school, their responsibility is to provide each child with the right combination of opportunities and challenges to create a pathway for academic success, while at the same time unlocking and developing their talents outside of the classroom to give them the confidence and self-belief to pursue their ambitions. The school’s balanced approach provides time for the individual to grow; time to develop their interests, time to be with their friends, time to be children longer. St Gabriel’s has a strong community focus, giving it a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and teachers work very hard to ensure individuals thrive rather than survive. St Gabriel’s is a school founded on community, inspiration, understanding and balance. Open Morning: Saturday 11th May. Register online. W: www.stgabriels.co.uk/bookyourvisit
Friday March 15th at 2pm
Friday 19th April at 2pm & Friday 17th May at 9:30am
Crosfields School has welcomed its first Mental Health Practitioner. The best way to combat the pressures of the modern world is to learn how to develop skills that will allow us to cope with these pressures. Crosfields has welcomed Mrs Yadava, its first Mental Health Practitioner (MHP), to support pupils with their wellbeing and to further develop wellbeing services at the school. Schoolbased mental health support can have a significant positive impact on pupils and supporting this is vital in helping each individual to thrive. Mrs Yadava works primarily with pupils on a one-to-one basis in a designated space within the medical centre, helping them to understand their emotions and feelings. She helps pupils develop coping skills that will enable them to deal with any situations in a healthy way. Teachers and parents are also supported and guided through this to ensure a 360 degree approach. Group sessions are held daily where all pupils have a chance to explore topics such as the ‘healthy use of social media’ or ‘positive relationships’. This pro-active approach arms Crosfields’ pupils with the emotional confidence to tackle what may lie ahead. Read more on their website. W: www.crosfields.com/news/supportingmentalhealth
Upton House School is the 160th school to be accredited for the second time with the NACE Challenge Award by The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE). The award is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.
NACE CEO Rob Lightfoot said: “Upton House School has worked hard to attain reaccreditation through the NACE Challenge Award. It has displayed a continued commitment to develop an environment in which all learners are challenged and supported to be the best they can be.” NACE’s assessor reported: “The school has a culture of high expectations … where high achievement is expected and there is a culture of celebration, positive feedback, and healthy competition. There is an extremely broad balanced curriculum and … a strong culture of promoting lifelong learning and encouraging pupils to aspire to academic success alongside an emphasis on promoting wellbeing.”
To find out how your child can thrive at Upton House or to book a personal tour, get in touch. T: 01753 862610 W: www.uptonhouse.org.uk
Queen Anne’s is an inspirational day and boarding school for girls aged 11-18 just 40 minutes from London. It stands as a beacon of academic excellence and outstanding pastoral care. The school’s pioneering education and rich co-curricular offering prepares girls for the challenges of the modern world.
A broad, balanced curriculum complements the extensive range of co-curricular opportunities. Queen Anne’s boasts a state-of-the-art music centre; outstanding art, design, animation, and ceramics facilities; plus, a 250-seat theatre and a thriving dance department. Many students earn places on national sports teams and overseas sports scholarships, particularly in lacrosse.
Tradition meets modernity in all aspects of learning here, while honouring the importance of writing and dexterity, Queen Anne’s embraces innovation such as Artificial Intelligence in learning and the use of digital devices. It inspires girls to explore their individuality, free from gender stereotypes. Open Morning: Saturday 11th May. To register, go online. W: www.qas.org.uk/visit
St George’s School Windsor Castle is an award-winning day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3-13, offering extensive facilities in a truly iconic setting at the foot of Windsor Castle. The first standalone prep school in the UK to be authorised as an IB World School, St George’s prides itself on combining a pioneering, “world class” International Baccalaureate curriculum, with exciting opportunities to collaborate across the globe through Round Square and a school-wide approach which prioritises mental wellbeing, to nurture children to be kind, resilient, inquisitive, internationally minded and Real World Ready. Families are warmly invited to attend one of the school’s open mornings on Saturday 23rd March or Friday 17th May to find out more. W: www.stgwindsor.org
Dolphin School is unique. It is a school where their core values of Freedom, Discovery, Challenge, Confidence and Kindness are lived out each and every day. Whether it is through their extensive and varied trips programme, their subject specialist teaching from nursery upwards, their lack of uniform, or the first name terms between students and teachers. Dolphin is a school that is different and proudly so. If you would like to learn more about Dolphin, please contact Kate Spooner at admissions@dolphinschool.com or call 0118 978 1277
Founded in 1646, Reading Blue Coat is a school steeped in history, but with its eye very much focused on the future. With their values of aspiration, compassion, courage, integrity and service underpinning all that they do, their aim is for excellence in everything, for everyone; for the whole community to thrive because they are engaged in what they do and kind in how they do it. They are delighted to have extended the long-established co-education of the Sixth Form into Year 7, and look forward to being fully co-educational in all year groups by 2027 with all the diversity of thought and talent it will bring to this already vibrant environment. They warmly invite you to the whole school Open Morning on Saturday 11th May. Go along and discover all the academic and co-curricular opportunities Reading Blue Coat has to offer your child at their happy and progressive school. W: www.rbcs.org.uk
All the very best theatre, arts and films near you.
Arlington Arts
Mary Hare
Wednesday 10th April
Powerful storytelling, captivating puppetry, beautiful design, enchanting music and a sprinkling of magic sums up this very special show.
Saturday 20th April
This original play for young children uses a rich mix of storytelling, physical theatre, clowning, puppetry and music & song to tell the tale of a puppy’s search for friendship in the wilderness of the Alps.
Friday 26th –
Saturday 27th April
Step into the well-loved story of a girl who dreams of a better life, and the children she inspires. Root for the ‘revolting children’ who are out to teach the grown-ups a lesson in this heartwarming tale that celebrates the anarchy of childhood, the power of imagination, and the resilience of young heroes.
Corn Exchange Newbury
Saturday 6th April
The best-selling Little Mix tribute pop concert experience returns on its UK tour.
Saturday 13th April
The sensational live stage production featuring the musical journey of Ed Sheeran.
Tuesday 2nd –
Friday 5th April
A high-energy adventure featuring lively original music, this show is the perfect introduction to live theatre.
We take great care to ensure this information is correct at the time of going to press. However, we would advise parents to phone and check details prior to making a long trip…or promise!
Thursday 11th April
With giant puppets, magical effects, interactive storytelling, live original music and a chance to make your own special puppet, this is a fun-filled family show based on the picture book by Kristina Stephenson.
Norden Farm
Centre for the Arts Maidenhead www.norden.farm.org
Saturday 23rd March
Featuring iconic music from movies such as Jaws and The Little Mermaid, alongside wellknown favourites like The Sailor’s Hornpipe and more. This fun and interactive concert is the perfect way for all the family to discover great music and experience the exciting sounds of a live symphony orchestra.
Tuesday 2nd April
Three idiots perform Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, using only a box of tatty wigs, a worn floral dress, and a burst airbed they found by the bins. Described as ‘like Horrible Histories but funnier’ by Primary Times, the beloved Rubbish Shakespeare Company returns with an anarchic and joyous family friendly treat.
Wednesday 3rd April
Hermit is a silly, funny and intriguing show about a quiet, tall man living in a teeny tiny house. Ages 2-6.
Thursday 11th April
In the Dead of the Night brings to life a little girl’s imagination as she conjures fantastical monsters whilst hearing strange sounds in the middle of the night.
Friday 12th April
Join comedian and children’s author Olaf Falafel for an hour of kid’s comedy which is now 20% more stupider than ever before.
Reading Arts
Friday 5th April
A singalong to the film version of Matilda the Musical.
Saturday 6th April
Hermit is a silly, funny and intriguing show about a quiet, tall man living in a teeny tiny house. Ages 2-6.
Sunday 7th April
Brace yourselves for TV Gastronaut Stefan Gates’ hilarious, high-tech, highlyexplosive new family show, packed with science stunts and spectacular experiments. It’s a thoroughly educational science extravaganza based on the acclaimed Rude Science book.
Saturday 13th April
WiFi Wars returns with the live comedy game show where you all play along! Log in with your smartphone or tablet and compete in a range of games, puzzles and quizzes to win the show, and prizes!
Wednesday 15th –
Saturday 18th May
The award-winning company, The Sainsbury Singers, by arrangement with Cameron Mackintosh, presents Kipps: The New Half a Sixpence Musical - a fresh, fun and energetic romp set against the backdrop of a turn-ofthe-century seaside town.
Reading Rep
Wednesday 10th –
Friday 12th April
There’s something rumbling under the rug. What could it be? Is it an alien, a tiger, or a monster? Never fear - Dr. Hubbub has arrived to investigate, but they need your help!
South Hill Park, Bracknell www.southhillpark.org.uk
Saturday 23rd March
In this enchanting stage adaptation, aliens from a distant planet have crash-landed on earth and need help to get home. But there’s a problem. Their rocket runs on stories, not fuel, and only the greatest story in the universe will be enough to save them! With a captivating combination of live action, animation and puppetry, this magical re-telling of There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly is sure to surprise and delight children and nostalgic adults in equal measure.
Tuesday 9th-Sunday 14th April
Step into the timeless world of this Broadway classic, brought to life on stage with all the charm and elegance audiences know and love. 12noon and 4pm. £21.
Theatre Royal Windsor www.theatreroyalwindsor.co.uk
Tuesday 9th April
Join your favourite Milkshake! friends on Holiday with Dora, Pip and Posey, Blue from Blues Clues and You!, Milo, Milkshake! Monkey plus two of your Milkshake! presenters for an all-new adventure!
Wednesday 10th April
Featuring roaming, state-of-theart animatronic life-like dinosaurs in an interactive and exciting story-telling show, Jurassic Earth is a unique, immersive experience for all audiences.
The Watermill Theatre Newbury www.watermill.org.uk
Saturday 23rd –
Saturday 30th March
Creating a world of wonder through storytelling, puppetry, and physical theatre The Watermill Youth Ensemble invites you to join them on an unforgettable journey celebrating the enduring power of friendship.