What Angular 13 Will Bring To The Table?

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Angular 13 Will Bring To The Table?

Table Of Contents 1. 2. 3.


More about it Understanding Ivy The changes 3.1. Rxjs 3.2. Typescript 4.4 3.3. Inbuilt validators 3.4. Error messaging improvement 3.5. Creating components dynamically 3.6. Package format 3.7. Persistent capability 3.8. Internalization 3.9. Custom additions 3.10. Replacing browser URL 3.11. No support for “wrappedValue” class 3.12. Matching browser behavior 3.13. Pure annotations 3.14. Service worker 3.15. Platform browser 3.16. A new form 3.17. A proposed change 3.18. No support for IE11 3.19. Another proposed fix 3.20. Skipping the analysis Conclusion

Introduction Angular 13 is a pre-planned upgrade to the most recognized and widely-used typescript-style web framework called Angular. Google, the owner of this framework, has already created and released eight beta versions as of 24th September. Angular 13 is a pre-planned upgrade for the most recognized and widely-used typescript-style web framework from the house of Google – Angular. By 24th September, the creators of Angular already designed and released eight different beta versions of Angular 13. Every angular app development company that doesn’t hesitate to upgrade the platform as soon as an update pops up has been testing the beta versions. The experts working with such agencies say that the latest version is taking shape. They also say how the beta versions affected areas, including the core, service workers, and router. Code for the same is available on the official website of GitHub.

More About It As already mentioned above, Angular is a web framework developed by Google, and every angular app development company has been using it for some time to cater to the requirements of its clients. According to tech experts, Angular 13 claims to be “100% Ivy.” However, it’s something only time will tell. The production release of the platform will take place on 3rd November. This latest version will come with error message improvements, deployment providers, pure annotations, better integration, and more. While Angular 12 came out on 12th May, introducing an enhanced version of the service of Ivy language to offer better type checking and getting rid of the testing module and associated environment after each test significantly increasing the speed of testing. Some of the changes that every angular web development company will experience in Angular 13 have already been mentioned earlier. These include the core, the service workers, and the router. As the release date approaches, speculations about several other changes are also popping up. One of the changes proposed by users and developers is a situation where the basic serializer of the URL drops everything later, even the question marks in the query parameters.

Understanding lvy So, what is Ivy? It’s the next-gen rendering and compilation engine from Angular that the creators of the framework have been supporting in the most recent versions. At the same time, they’re also maintaining support for the predecessor of Ivy called the View Engine. Providers of angular development services believe that the Ivy library will be ready and available in Angular 13. However, they also have a reason to think that they’ll remove support for the View Engine. Performance-related updates are also getting highlighted in Angular 13. They’ll affect specific areas, including the ESBuild JavaScript bundler and Adobe Fonts. ESBuild supports the sourcemaps of CSS by enabling optimized worldwide CSS.

The Changes Here are some of the changes you should consider before you think about working with the providers of angular development services.



Rxjs is the abbreviated term for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript. Angular 13 will support version 7 of the reactive programming library.


Typescript 4.4

From 5th October, Angular stopped supporting all the versions of Typescript below 4.4.2. With the latest version of Angular, users and developers will receive Typescript 4.4 support.


Inbuilt Validator

Regular users and providers of angular development services will be able to disable or enable the inbuilt validators, such as “min,” “max,” and “minLength” dynamically.


Error Messaging Improvement

Indeed, the error messaging system will undergo significant enhancements in Angular13.


Creating Components Dynamically

The simplified API ViewContainerRef.createComponent will facilitate the creation of components dynamically.

6. Package format The simplified API ViewContainerRef.createComponent will facilitate the creation of components dynamically.

7. Persistent capability Angular 13 will come with a persistent capability of building cache by default. This feature led to the improvement of the builds.



With Angular 13, $localize will be a stable API that you can use for internalization if you hire angular app developers from Moon Technolabs.


Custom additions

You can set custom additions via the “ng_package.”

10. Replacing browser URL The router won’t replace the URL of the browser whenever new navigation will cancel an ongoing one. This new system causes URL flickering, apart from supporting specific AngularJS hybrid applications. Hybrid applications used to rely on “navigationId” earlier, but now, it has to subscribe to the events of “NavigationCancel” and conduct the “replaceState” without external support to include “navigationId” to the router state.

11. No support for “wrappedValue” class The class called “wrappedValue” won’t receive support from @angular/core. It may result in errors during compiling or failures at runtime, especially if the libraries use “wrappedValue.” Therefore, Angular 13 should remove “wrappedValue” entirely.

12. Matching browser behavior The creators of Angular 13 will change the way the “SpyLocation” behaves when used by the “RouterTestingModule” to match the browser behavior.

13. Pure annotations Angular 13 will have pure annotations included in the static property initializers for the core. Even if you hire angular app developers, the class properties that come with the initializers causing code execution may have specific side effects while evaluating the module. The only way to allow classes with these static property types is to optimize the same or remove them if they remain unused. Developers can annotate the initializer expressions for the static properties as pure.

14. Service worker Angular 13 will clear the cache of the service worker in the safety worker to ensure it doesn’t serve broken or stale contents against requests made in the future.

15. Platform browser In the platform-browser, the creators of Angular 13 changed the error message. Basically, they’ve improved it to trigger a missing animation.

16. A new form In terms of the forms, Angular 13 will bring a new type called “FormControlStatus.” It’s a combination of all the possible strings of statuses for form controls. They’ve also narrowed the “AbstractControl.status” from “string” to “FormControlStatus” and “StatusChanges” from “Observable<any>” to “Observable<FormControlStatus>.”

17. A proposed change In terms of the router, developers and users of Angular have proposed changes to fix the situation where the default URL serializer drops everything afterwards, even the question mark in all query parameters. It results in an inappropriate parsing for navigating to “/path?q=hello?&other=123.”

18. No support for IE11 If you’re going to hire angular app developers from Moon Technolabs, then you mustn’t expect them to create anything for Internet Explorer. Angular 13 won’t have IE11 support.

19. Another proposed fix Experts have another proposal for the creators of Angular 13. They want a fix for the compiler-CLI to use the right module resolution context for absolute imports in d.ts files.

20. Skipping the analysis Again, for the compiler-CLI, Angular 13 will skip the analysis for incremental builds for files with the behavior of Angular. When it comes to incremental builds, the compiler attempts to reuse as much analysis data from a previous compilation as possible. In doing so, it can avoid re-conducting the analysis. However, source files lacking Angular behavior won’t record analysis data. Instead, it will reanalyze the source file even if no one changes anything.

Conclusion Angular attempts to bring every new version within six months of the previous one. As Angular 12 came out on 12th May, most people believe Angular 13 will be available on 13th November. A production release of the framework, however, will arrive on 3rd November. Now, Angular 13 is still in a pre-release condition. That’s why it’s better for you to update to the latest version available. So, if you’re using something older than Angular 12, you should update to Angular 12 before moving on to Angular 13.

Source: https://www.moontechnolabs.com/blog/what-angular-13-will-bring-to-the-table/#12_Matching_browser_behavior

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