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RATIONALE I intend to create primarily type-based work for the culture sector, with a particular focus on handdrawn lettering/artwork.


All work must be clearly presented and labelled with the brief title, your name and any other appropriate information. Please include a printed version of each brief and separate the work appropriately. Your end of module evaluation should be posted to your Final Major Project blog. by the stated Deadline

Brief 1

Maz Marzec – Visual Artist

Brief 2

Harmonie Park Records

Brief 3

Film Posters

Brief 4

Nice 'n' Ripe

Brief 5

Photography zines (Here & There)

Brief 6 Design Context Title Statement of intent Project File Evaluation

It Is What It Is

Title and Brief Summary – include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. Design Context

It Is What It Is: A 50 page flip book containing a number of people/places/methods of working which particularly inspire me. Rather than being a book focusing in on one theme, such as a series of studios or a specific set of processes, it acts as more of a scrapbook of my favourite bits and pieces which I have stumbled across over recent times. There is also a couple of insightful interviews with a couple of people who produce the work that excites me the most. In terms of production time, making the book did not take long; however the contents have been collected (in some cases) over a long period of time, and work on layout and structure took a significant amount of work.


Maz Marzec – Visual Artist: A branding/identity design project for an up-and-coming graduate artist based in Huddersfield. Maz has recently completed a Fine Art degree and now regularly takes on commissions for portrait work, amongst other things. As a result of this a professional and friendly identity is required in order to enable her to reach a wider audience at both a local and national level, and potentially an international one. The focus was to create something aesthetically and systematically consistent that can translate across to digital formats so that her work can be viewed outside the constraints of social networking sites. As a brief it allowed me to further my branding skills developed in previous modules, and begin to extend this across to digital formats as well – soon it will become the first website I have designed that will go live, which is of course good experience and

beneficial for my portfolio. It was also enjoyable to work with a good friend outside of college on a project that will hopefully benefit both of us in the long run. BRIEF 2

Harmonie Park Records: A semi – art direction type of project with a focus on hand-drawn type work. Harmonie Park is a small record label that I have had a keen interest in for a significant amount of time, releasing a number of house records throughout the 90's and 00's. It has always been somewhat noticeable that there was a lack of a strong aesthetic style across the range of releases, which is perhaps not always strictly necessary but always a nice touch. Therefore, as I have been looking for opportunities to work on this kind of project, I developed a few ideas into a brief to propose a series of re-issues. This provided me with the opportunity to work on some detailed lettering art and consequently apply it to a range of potential releases along with some artwork. The brief took around 3 or 4 weeks from start to finish, picking up on it every couple of days as opposed to a constant stream of progression.


Film Posters: A semi – art direction type of project with a focus on hand-drawn type work. After watching a number of these Jim Jarmusch films, I felt a little bit inspired to make some film posters, once again utilising handdrawn type skills. As opposed to Brief 2 which allowed me to apply my work to my personal preference of product, this brief provided me with an interesting context within which I have not worked before – prior to this, I have almost solely made posters for club nights. As well as this, it was also an opportunity for me to continue developing type skills which I have neglected in the first two years of the degree programme. Once again progression on this brief was not the most consistent, some time was dedicated towards it nearer the beginning of the module but was only picked up again a few weeks prior to the deadline. However this break allowed me to view the project with a fresh perspective and may well have been beneficial overall.


Nice 'n' Ripe: A semi – art direction type of project with a focus on hand-drawn type work.

Nice 'n' Ripe is another record label which I have been very keen on for quite some time, again releasing records since the early 90's. In effect this brief follows a very similar structure to brief 2 (Harmonie Park) – their aesthetic style looks incredibly dated for a label that still sounds fresh and relevant. Once again this brief provided me with the opportunity to further develop my type skills in a context that I find highly enjoyable. Unlike brief 2 which resulted in an additional focus on artwork, this brief enabled me to explore the possibilities of exclusively using type and colour to create interesting outcomes and deliverables. This brief took place later on in the module and took a number of weeks to carry out research and develop ideas. BRIEF 5

Photography Zines: An editorial/layout project involving the collection and organisation of images. Having spent a number of weeks on two occasions visiting various places in Europe, it seemed that this was as good a time as any to begin organising various images collected along the way on these journeys. This brief provided me with the opportunity to work with material that was completely self-generated, and in effect became a project that could be built completely from scratch, without any existing material that would guide my judgements and provide a readymade foundation for working upon. The themes and context of this brief are also new to me; previously I have struggled to initiate projects that do not involve aspects and variables that are beyond my control, and therefore this brief provided the opportunity to overcome that particular obstacle. I have touched on this project every once in a while, and progression happened at quite a slow rate compared to the other briefs.


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