Into All The World

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For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the L ord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

God has a wonderful plan to see all things come together under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

In our ever-changing world, the gospel continues to address people’s deepest needs. Healthy churches, where the gospel is preached and followers of Jesus Christ are built up in their faith, serve as beacons of hope in their communities, but they need welltrained leaders.

Today’s Global Church

God’s church continues to grow.

The world’s Christian population is expected to grow from 2.6 billion in 2024 to 3.3 billion in 2050, by which time nearly one in three people worldwide are expected to be Christian.

Meanwhile, the demographic of Christianity is shifting from the Global North (Europe and North America) to the Global South (predominately Africa, Asia, Latin America).

A Global Snapshot

By 2060, Sub-Saharan Africa will be home to more than 4 out of every 10 Christians in the world (42% up from 26% in 2015); the Asian church is growing at a steady 1.5% pa and the Chinese church is predicted to reach a quarter of a billion members by 2050.

Christians are expected to remain the largest religious group in Latin America and the Caribbean in the decades ahead.


The shift in the Global Church is reflected within the demography of the Anglican Church today, as most Anglicans lie in the Global South where support and resources are scarcer.

Unlike in Australia, where most church ministers have a relevant bachelor’s degree or higher qualification, it is estimated that 95% of pastors of all denominations worldwide have no academic theological training for their work.

This lack of well-trained leaders leaves churches vulnerable to error and false teaching. Our partners in these areas want their ministers equipped to lead them well in increasingly complex times.



The Centre for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) estimates:

• 5 million pastors (all Christian traditions) currently serve worldwide.

• 5% (250,000) have academic theological training.


• That means 95% have little or no training for their work!

Academic theological training = certified theological training

Source: Global Pastor Training

Moore College and the Global Church


men and women to live for and proclaim Jesus Christ

For more than 165 years, Moore College’s primary function has been to train believers for a lifetime of vocational word ministry, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and growing people in faith.

Students deepen their knowledge of God by studying the Bible and theology together and are therefore encouraged to be faithful and effective leaders of God’s people.

This learning is done together in a community of faith and discipleship. Instruction and research go hand in hand with mentoring, pastoral care, and the practice of ministry.

The core of the ministry preparation is full-time and face-to-face to allow our students to reflect, discuss, and pray through what they are learning with others so that they may be transformed by God’s Spirit. Each year students and faculty go out on mission together. Working together in evangelism sets a tone for the overall program and is an integral part of students’ formation. As they head out into ministry, they do so with a network of friendships formed at College which provide support and encouragement.

Resourcing and Supporting Theological Education in the Global Church

Moore College provides ongoing support in the lives of our graduates and friends in their ministry across Australia and the world, growing and resourcing them in their kingdom work.

College graduates have access to theological and professional development as well as pastoral care, through the Moore College Centre for Ministry Development.

Ongoing theological resourcing for College networks is also available in over 50 countries and in more than 20 languages. Moore College’s Centre for Global Mission provides high-quality Bible-based theological training resources to churches and ministries around the world to equip people for Christian ministry.

Our impact so far

Today we have thousands of graduates serving long term in a great variety of Christian ministries in every state of Australia and every continent in the world (except Antarctica).

Moore College theological resources are being used to train God’s people across the globe.

United Kingdom


Moore College graduates’ locations

Moore College networks for theological resourcing

Madagascar Malaysia

Increasingly Global

Increasingly, Moore College is known around the world for its faithfulness to the word of God and the effectiveness of its graduates in ministry and mission.

Thanks to the prayers of many, our student body is growing. Over the past five years, we have seen a 70% increase in full-time students and a 90% increase in our student numbers overall.

Within our student body, we have also experienced a shift in demography, reflecting the changes in evangelical Christianity and the Anglican Communion. We currently have students training for vocational ministry from Uganda, Zambia, Mauritius, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, India and the UK.

In 2023 and 2024 almost 50% of students at the Sydney campus moved from regional Australia, interstate, and overseas (20%). On completing their studies, they are prepared to be sent out into the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Within Sub-Saharan Africa

Moore College’s Preliminary Theological Certificate (PTC) has been used by African Enterprise in countries such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania as the backbone of ministry training for its partner churches. In 2023, African Enterprise recorded 135,000 prayers of commitment. These new believers need following up but the local leaders have little or no training. Moore College graduates are now being sent to train local leaders in Zimbabwe and Kenya, with the PTC forming the foundation of theological training for both ministers and lay parishioners.

Another region of remarkable gospel growth the College has witnessed has been across the Anglican province of the Indian Ocean. Over the last 10 years, graduates of Moore College have impacted the growth of theological education within the Seychelles, Madagascar and Mauritius with significant out comes. Local church leaders have consequently been trained by Moore College both in Sydney and online in their region.

These local graduates have encouraged 1000s of Christians to grow in their theological understanding through their study of the PTC, and over 2000 new Christians and 20 new churches have recently been established. As a result of the growth of theological education, the church in Mauritius has a strategic vision to resource the French speaking church in Africa. These rapidly growing Anglican dioceses continue to be supported by Moore graduates who have been sent by the Church Missionary Society to support the local clergy.

“Over 1000 people [in Mauritius] have been trained in the PTC in English and French. As a result, people are becoming more Biblically literate and the word of God transforms their lives.”

The Venerable Eric Ma Fat, Graduate 2011, Archdeacon of the Anglican Diocese of Mauritius


Within Asia

“Moore College is very biblically and academically rigorous but also pastorally relevant not only for Sydney churches but also for global churches. I am very much looking forward to going back to Malaysia with all this great training and equipping that I received at Moore Theological College.”

2024, Minister in the Malaysian Anglican Church

Moore College has a long history of ministry in greater China and numbers of graduates in ministry there continue to impact their communities. Moore College has partnered with Mi Mai Gong Fang, a translation and publishing ministry in Australia. Mi Mai Gong Fang publishes evangelical resources, including the PTC, in Chinese, with the aim of building up and equipping Chinese speaking Christians.

In Southeast Asia Moore College graduates have been involved in founding theological training institutions in Cambodia, Singapore and across Malaysia, with College graduates additionally working in ministries in the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia. The College also has partnerships supporting theological education in India, Nepal and Pakistan as well as in Oceania.

There are currently students studying at Moore College from China, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, India and the Pacific Islands.


Within Latin America

Moore College’s Centre for Global Mission has partnered with MOCLAM, a Spanish language theological training ministry, to offer accessible, yet high-quality theological education to Spanish speakers. Moore College has provided both the teachers (all current MOCLAM workers are, with one exception Moore College graduates) and teaching resources.

Moore College’s impact in South America has extended through the Ibero-American nations of Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Peru, with notable recent increases in connection in Bolivia and Cuba.

Enrolments in MOCLAM-run PTC courses in Cuba are growing and local partnerships in Bolivia are currently being explored by MOCLAM leaders. MOCLAM is also developing strong relationships in Chile with the Anglican Church and with the GBU (IFES groups) in both Chile and Argentina.

Over the last 10 years over 3,800 students have completed the PTC based, MOCLAM courses.

“It is exciting to see lay leaders, pastors and university student leaders from across Latin America with a thirst to understand the Bible, signing up to study the Bible through MOCLAM courses which are based on Moore’s PTC.”

Rt Rev Malcolm Richards, Graduate 1986/1996, Bishop for International Relations and Director for the Centre for Global Mission

Our Challenge

Whilst the Moore College student body has grown quickly, the resources to train them have not. The College is praying for all the required resources to help us continue to provide excellent theological education and ministry development, but we need help from gospel hearted individuals.

Goals for 2030

As the College looks to the future our goals are:

To faithfully resource and prepare all those that the Lord sends us for a lifetime of ministry in his service.

To proactively train students from the fastest growing Christian areas of the world (i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and South America), where the need for well-trained leaders is greatest.

To provide on-campus accommodation for 270 students that will enhance community life with plenty of open space.

To support the increase in the numbers of faithful, skilled, parish-oriented full-time Faculty Members .

Will you support Moore College as we prepare men and women for ministry in Christ’s Global Church? Will you partner with us in this vital ministry? By supporting Moore College you are supporting God’s mission into all the world.




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