Blessings summer 2014

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Blessings - SUMMER - 2014_Updated_August11_Cover.pdf



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Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina Staff

Blessings - SUMMER - 2014_Updated_August11

Board of Directors




4:37 PM

Russell Bogans Kieron Bourne David Brown Kay Carter William Clary Bill Cole Dave Coles Wesley Croft Steve Cross Terri Davis Ramont Dudley Max Enriquez Linda Estep Alice Gallagher Sherman Hager Kathy Helms Habslee Hernandez Myra Jones Jessica Livingston Jeffrey Longwell Todd McCorbin Troy McCoy Joe McKinney Antonio McMillion John Meighan Shay Merritt Ronald Miller Anthony Morgan Jerry Natier Lisa Marie Nisely Matt Nooe Wendy Nyberg Mike Oberle Trudy Peterson Linda Petros Jose Ramirez Steve Renner Hector Renteria Vonda Richey Delilah Roseborough Jan Schabort Ulises Solis Victor Strayhorn Eric Worthington

Pee Dee Branch Driver Food Sourcing Spartanburg Branch Driver Driver Warehouse Assistant Food Drives / Volunteers Agency Monitoring Warehouse Assistant Warehouse Assistant Administrative Assistant Capital Campaign Assistant Administrative Assistant Finance Director Agency Relations Manager Agency Services & Programs SNAP Outreach Driver Driver Warehouse Assistant Transportation & Logistics Warehouse Assistant Transportation Volunteers / Grants / Hunger Education Spartanburg Branch Processing Warehouse Assistant Receptionist Creative Development Executive Assistant Child Hunger Programs Pee Dee Branch Warehouse Assistant Driver Hickory / Dallas Branches Driver Donor Relations / PR Inventory Control Warehouse Assistant Driver Driver

OFFICERS Karin McGinnis Gale Pendergraph Tommy Franklin George Hechtel Dan Harris ADVISORY MEMBERS Rod Antolock Peter Fulton Gov. James Martin Paula Vincent WORKING MEMBERS Grace Bednarcik Eric Chapman Gabby Fritz Lois Ingland Steve Marlier Christy Phillips-Brown Michelle Swindells

Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past Chair

Rob Ferentz Dennis Pittman

Riley Fields Tom Marcham Calvin Rash

Patrick Brady Elizabeth Clagon Cliff Hemingway Herb Jeans Greg Morris Kiley Rawlins Mark Teague

Warren Brown Kieth Cockrell Kevin Hyrams Vivian Lavaty Evan Nash Sascha Struckmeyer Bill Tripet


message from kay

I"have"a"really"great"job.""In"fact,"I"o4en"tell"folks"I"have"the"best"job"in"the"world.""I"work"at"a" place"that"helps"people"every"single"day." "We"know"we"don’t"help"everyone"in"need"every" single"day"and"some>mes"the"sheer"volume"of"those"needing"help"is"overwhelming.""But"the" boAom"line"is"we"help"lots"of"people"every"day." One"of"the"things"that"never"ceases"to"amaze"me"about"my"job"is"how"impacDul"the"liAle" things"you"do"for"folks"can"be"in"their"lives."""Take"for"instance"the"child"at"the"school"mobile" pantry"who"is"delighted"when"they"get"an"extra"jar"of"peanut"buAer"and"an"extra"jar"of"jelly" because"“that’s"my"favorite.”" Or"the"senior"ci>zen"who"rejoices"over"a"bag"of"fresh"fruit"because"they"love"the"produce" but"cannot"afford"it.""Or"the"pet"owner"who"tells"you"that"if"it"were"not"for"the"pet"food"you" just"gave"them"they"might"have"to"give"up"their"animal,"a"beloved"member"of"their"family." Or" the" kids" who" cheer" for" you" when" you" roll" up" in" the" truck" with" backpacks" for" the" weekend.""Or"the"parent"who"cries"because"the"box"of"food"you"just"gave"them"means"they" can"feed"their"children"for"another"week." Or" my" new" friend" Johnny." " I" met" Johnny" at" the" Food" Bank" –" he" hangs" out" around" the" building"and"some>mes"sleeps"under"our"porch.""He"is"in"his"upper"60’s"and"not"in"very"good" health." "He"has"had"some"challenges"in"his"life." "He"has"been"in"some"trouble"and"a"whole" set"of"circumstances"led"him"to"our"doorstep." Johnny"and"I"have"become"friends.""It"started"with"me"offering"to"help"him"with"some"food," the" kinds" of" things" that" he" could" eat" from" cans" and" boxes" and" then" it" moved" to" fresh" produce"like"oranges,"apples,"watermelons"and"cantaloupes.""Then"we"started"chaPng"and"I" started"bringing"him"meals"from"home"when"I"would"come"up"on"the"weekends"to"work." "I" give"him"Gatorade,"cranberry"juice"and"other"things"that"are"good"for"him." I"worry"when"I"don’t"see"him"every"day." "I"say"to"him,"where"have"you"been,"I"was"worried" about"you.""And"Johnny"always"responds,"well"I"was"worried"about"you"too.""" PreAy"soon"the"whole"staff"here"had"goAen"to"know"Johnny.""Every"day"someone"gives"him" something"that"makes"his"life"a">ny"bit"beAer,"pillows,"bags"to"keep"his"clothes"dry,"wipes" and"napkins"and"plates,"a"can"opener,"an"insulated"cooler"that"we"fill"with"ice." "LiAle"things" that"we"would"take"for"granted"mean"the"world"to"Johnny." "He"helps"us"out"by"keeping"an" eye"on"the"place"and"making"sure"no"one"leaves"any"trash"or"causes"any"problems." We"are"working"on"finding"Johnny"a"permanent"home"and"hopefully"by"the">me"you"read" this" he" will" be" in" a" much" beAer" and" safer" place." " In" the" mean>me" we" are" trying" to" make" things"a"liAle"beAer"for"him"every"day.""" It"occurs"to"me"that"if"we"all"realized"the"impact"we"can"make"by"just"doing"small"things"for" people"every"day,"we"would"perform"many"more"acts"of"kindness"on"a"more"regular"basis."" There"are"a"lot"of"people"out"there"who"need"us"to"be"kind"and"just"do"liAle"things"to"help" them.""A"good"deed"can"brighten"a"dark"day.


INTRODUCING TOGETHER WE FEED Second Harvest believes that the key to a stronger community is to take care of our greatest resource- our children. !


Together We Feed is a new program designed to bring about real change through community involvement. For thousands of children who live in hunger, we bring hope through food. For children who are not hungry, we teach and encourage them to love and connect with those who are. !


To h e l p S e c o n d H a r v e s t w i t h o u r commitment to end child hunger, we are inviting everyone in our community to join us. Together We Feed will help us expand our existing backpack programs and school based mobile pantry programs with a special emphasis on feeding our children during the summer months when school meals are often not available. !

Hendrick employees bag fresh corn! at a school pantry at Highland! Renaissance Academy.


Second Harvest will be expanding our already existing relationships with CMS and our hundreds of partner agencies that already work every day with children in need in our community. School teachers, principals, counselors and nurses know our children best. They also know what it will take to feed every child that needs our help every day. Together We Feed intends to systematically identify the needs school by school and implement individualized programs for each high-poverty elementary school in Charlotte and beyond. !


Together We Feed has been purposely designed to provide opportunities for children to help other children. There will be many opportunities for parents and children to volunteer together. This summer we have piloted several new ways to get food to children when school is not in session. The lessons learned from the pilot program are guiding our plans for expanding the program this fall. !

Children providing food to families at Albemarle Road Elementary school pantry.


At press time we were continuing to build the Together We Feed website pages and to plan upcoming fundraisers. Second Harvest will be reaching out to our community partners over the next several months with more information about this exciting new effort to effect the social change needed to end child hunger once and for all. !


We look forward to working with you and remember - Together We Feed!


Together We Feed Backpacks loaded and ready to go to hungry kids at Devonshire and JH Gunn Elementary.

On June 9, 2014, at the Food Lion headquarters in Salisbury, NC, Food Lion President, Beth Newlands Campbell, made an important announcement. “We believe no one should have to choose between dinner and rent, or gasoline and groceries. That’s why today, we are embarking on a new commitment to eliminate the choices by ending the hunger.” !


Beth told the crowd that “starting today, our company is incredibly proud to unveil our piece of the solution: Food Lion Feeds.” The Food Lion Feeds initiative plans to provide five-hundred million meals to individuals and families in need by the end of 2020. !


The announcement event in Salisbury was the first event in a week of giving that covered five cities in five days. Following the press event, 2500 food boxes were packed by attendees and sent to the food banks in Charlotte and Winston-Salem. !


Food Lion has several additional instore promotions planned throughout 2014 that will help feed thousands of people throughout the nine states where their stores are located. !


Thank you to Food Lion for setting the standard in corporate philanthropy.

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On April 3, 2014, the Charlotte Bobcats (Hornets) and Wells Fargo helped Second Harvest kick-off the public portion of our capital campaign to 75 community leaders. Attendees heard a presentation on how the food bank plans to double our existing dry storage space, capacity to store fresh produce and freezer capacity with the ultimate goal of feeding more hungry people in our 19 county region. Many thanks to our friends at the Bobcats (Hornets) and Wells Fargo for their support in ending hunger in our community.

DAY OF CARING Saturday, June 7, 2014

On June 7, Wells Fargo sponsored their fourth annual Day of Caring supporting ten non-profit partners including Second Harvest Food Bank. Employees from Wells Fargo sponsored a food drive raising almost 12,500 pounds to help feed those in need in our region. !


In addition, 106 employees sorted food and other items at Second Harvest as part of the Day of Caring. The group sorted over 24,000 pounds. Many thanks to our friends from Wells Fargo for their amazing support.


The new Publix at McKee Farms Shopping Center in Matthews was the site for a Smithfield Helping Hungry Homes donation on April 29, 2014. Smithfield and Publix partnered with Richard Petty Motorsports to donate 40,000 pounds of protein to Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina as part of the “Helping Hungry Homes” tour. !


Racing legend Richard Petty was on site to help raise awareness about the necessity of providing assistance to our neighbors in need. “ The No. 43 Richard Petty Motorsports Team is honored to participate in this donation with our sponsor, Smithfield,” said No. 43 team owner, Richard Petty. “ So many race fans are loyal customers of Smithfield and shop at Publix, so it’s great to see them giving back to communities that support them, and our race team, throughout the year.”!


“Smithfield has been one of our strongest partners in helping feed hungry families in North Carolina, and is known for supporting food banks across the country through their Helping Hungry Homes program”, said Kay Carter. CEO of Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina, and chair of the North Carolina Association of Feeding America Food Banks. “ We appreciate the partnership and commitment of Smithfield and Publix to bring this substantial donation to our area.”


On May 6, 2014, Harris Teeter and Cargill Meat Solutions hosted a private ceremony at the Ballantyne Commons Harris Teeter, to present Second Harvest with a donation of both protein and cash. The donation was made in celebration of Harris Teeter becoming the first retailer in the country to meet the requirements ! of the USDA Certified Very Tender program. !


This program guarantees consumers the highest quality tender eating experience. Harris Teeter has partnered with Second Harvest for decades, providing both food and financial donations.

harris teeter golf tournament Every spring, Harris Teeter and dozens of their vendors host a golf tournament with proceeds benefitting food banks throughout the states where Harris Teeter stores are located. Thanks to Harris Teeter and the vendors listed below, Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina received $35,000 from the 2014 tournament.


From July 25 to August 1, Elevation Church hosted their fifth annual LOVE Week, an initiative to make the name of Jesus famous through love and service. During this annual event thousands of service hours and dollars are donated to non-profits throughout the community. In addition to volunteering at Second Harvest, members donated over 5,300 pounds of food at a special food drive at Time Warner Cable Arena on August 1, 2014.



LETTER CARRIERS The annual Letter Carriers Food Drive was held on May 10, 2014. Since the drive began in 1992, more than 1.3 billion pounds have been collected in the nation’s largest single-day food drive. !


Here in the Charlotte area, more than 260,000 pounds were collected to help Second Harvest and our partner agencies end hunger in the metrolina region.

The 9th annual WSOC Food Drive was held on June 18, 2014. This year's drive was one of the most successful yet, collecting over 16,000 pounds of people and pet food. !


Special thanks to our friends from Showmars and Ashley Furniture for collecting at 36 of their sites. Our friends from Walgreens were also on site, offering free health screenings. !


Most of all thanks to the amazing WSOC viewers who took the time to stop by and donate.



Thanks to our great partners at Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat for sponsoring a golf tournament benefitting Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina. Representatives above presented the Food Bank with a check for $35,000 from tournament proceeds. Imagine how many hungry children and seniors will be fed thanks to their generosity. !


The sixteen practices are also collecting a different food item each month. As of press time, they had collected over 5,500 pounds. Collections will continue through the holidays.

For the past several years, members of Mecklenburg Community Church have sponsored bi-annual food drives for Second Harvest. During their most recent drive on May 18, they collected 8,362 pounds.!

Our friends at Standard Pacific Homes sponsored a food drive from June 19 - July 21 benefitting Second Harvest. In food and dollars they collected the equivalent of almost 13,000 pounds. !

Thanks to all of the members for your ongoing support in helping us end hunger in our community.

Thank you for helping us feed hungry families in our region.


For the third consecutive year, Dixon Hughes Goodman has hosted a firm-wide food drive in June. The friendly competition and fun activities have helped the firm donate over 2.9 million pounds to food banks within their footprint. !


This year ’s Count-the-Cans Charlotte, provided over 19,000 pounds to our food bank. Great job!


For the past several years, local Curves have hosted food drives on behalf of Second Harvest. This year’s drive, which kicked off in March, raised over 11,000 pounds to help us feed hungry children and seniors. !


We’re grateful to all of our friends at Curves for their ongoing support.



SURPRISE INSIDE In honor of Older Americans Month, Second Harvest delivered fresh produce on May 29 and May 30 to three of our partner agencies that serve seniors. Thanks to Food Lion, we were able to provide an open-air produce market to seniors throughout York County South Carolina. Seniors were able to select from about a dozen different produce items including, carrots, corn, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupes, cabbage, salad mix, and apples. Approximately 300 seniors were served. !


On May 30, 800 bags of mixed fruit were delivered to Union County Council on Aging and Cherokee Meals on Wheels, in South Carolina. The bags were distributed to homebound seniors served by our two partner agencies. Thanks to Food Lion, over 1,000 seniors were provided with fresh produce over a two-day period.


2013 - 2014 Report Card The Food Bank’s most recent

l year ended on June 30, 2014. The end of the year is always a time

for us to t and see how well we did on achieving our primary goals. This year we went a step further and reviewed our progress since 2004. The chart below shows our performance in several key categories for the 2013-2014 year, and for the past 11 years. We hope this information shows our donors the good faith effort we are making to spend every dollar donated wisely. We also hope it shows our commitment to the entire region as we work to end hunger in all 19 counties assigned to us. Should you have any questions or comments, or desire additional information about our progress, please contact Kay Carter at

Performance in 2013-2014


% Increase over last 11 years

Average increase per year

Pounds Distributed








Volunteer Hours




Programs to End




Backpacks Distributed


3,149% **


Pounds from Food Drives




Mobile Pantries





264% ***


Pounds *

Child Hunger


Senior Programs

* Refrigerated Pounds includes fresh produce, meat and dairy. ** Represents 8 Years of Growth *** Represents 9 Years of Growth


One of Charlotte’s favorite events, this year’s Taste of the Nation raised over $102,000 for organizations to help combat child hunger. The 2014 event was held at the Wells Fargo Atrium on April 16, 2014. !


Second Harvest Food Bank is proud to be the local beneficiary for this outstanding event. Thanks to all of the chefs, restaurants and sponsors for helping us end child hunger in the Charlotte region.


Thanks to our friends at Vanguard for hosting their fifth annual “All Cans on Deck” food drive. Each year they become more and more creative at raising food and funds for Second Harvest.!


This year’s drive featured a 5K race with runners wearing Campbell’s Soup Cans and an opportunity to make a donation and put your manager in ‘Time Out’ (photo right). Vanguard has also expanded the drive to include large donations of fresh produce. Employees are pictured above bagging potatoes that were purchased as part of the drive.!


The company collected 230,000 pounds this year, bringing their five-year total to almost 750,000 pounds. Thank you for feeding so many hungry children and seniors!


FOOD DRIVES As part of the 19th Annual North Carolina General Assembly Legislative Food Drive, the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association joined with Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and House Speaker Thom Tillis to declare June “ Stop Summer Hunger Month” in North Carolina. The group made a presentation to the North Carolina Association of Feeding America Food Banks, continuing a tradition that began in 1995.!

T h i s y e a r, N C R M A m e m b e r s : C V S Caremark, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Lowes Foods, Publix, Sheetz and Walmart participated in the event. In 2013, this group of retailers collectively provided over 52 million pounds of food and almost 1.5 million in cash donations to North Carolina food banks.


North Carolina retailers are the largest supporters of the state’s food banks, providing cash donations to purchase equipment and vehicles, holding store-wide food drives throughout the year, and providing in-kind donations.

Our friends from Spearhead BREW Ruck sponsored the most unique food drive ever for Second Harvest. The group collected cans over a two-month period at four Charlotte breweries. !


They placed all the cans into long tubes provided by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry and carried the tubes from Olde Mecklenburg Brewery to the Food Bank, approximately 9 miles. !


This event was held on May 17, and the group is already planning their next BREW

Ruck where they plan to try and triple the almost 2000 pounds they carried in May. !


Many thanks to all the members and the breweries for helping to feed so many hungry children and seniors.


On April 19, our favorite rock-n-roller, Bruce Springsteen, roared into Time Warner Cable Arena to help Second Harvest end child hunger in our region. Bruce provided tickets to raffle, invited food bank volunteers to collect funds at the concert and made a personal donation. At the end of the night, almost $20,000 had been raised to benefit our Kids Cafe and backpack programs. Bruce has been a major supporter of food banks throughout his career, helping to feed hundreds of thousands of people in need.

For many years, our friends at Simpson’s Eggs, located in Union County, North Carolina have provided an annual egg donation each April to Second Harvest. This year’s donation, on April 11, provided the food bank with 7,600 pounds of eggs. !


Eggs are a nutritious food packed with protein to help keep our children and seniors healthy. Each egg provides 6 grams of protein, 13% of the recommended daily value.!


We are grateful to Simpson’s for their long standing commitment to helping those in need in our community by providing essential protein.



Thanks to our great friends at Bissell for hosting another food drive on behalf of Second Harvest. David Brown from the Food Bank is pictured on the right, loading almost 3,000 pounds of food into the van that Bissell donated this past December. !


We are truly grateful for your ongoing support.

Thanks to the students at SouthLake Christian Academy for sponsoring a 5k race called “ Will Run for Food.� The students raised $1,600 to help Second Harvest with our child hunger programs. Thanks for your support!

Thanks to our friends at Hewlett Packard for their donation of $5,000 at their special event in Charlotte on May 8, 2014. Your generosity will help us feed hungry children and seniors in our region.

Thanks to all of the Bi-Lo customers in our region who made $1 donations during July and August to help Feeding America Food Banks fill backpacks. Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina received over $15,000 to help support the 110 backpack programs we sponsor in our 19 counties of North and South Carolina. !


Each year, Second Harvest fills 105,000 backpacks with nutritious food for children to take home on weekends and holidays when school meals are not available. !


For more information, contact Mike Oberle at .



Thanks to our friends at Morgan Stanley, Second Harvest will be able to provide school mobile pantries each month during the upcoming school year at Thomasboro Elementary and Druid Hills Elementary. Both of these schools have free and reduced lunch rates exceeding 90% of their student population.!

Walmart is the largest product donor for Second Harvest Food Bank. In addition to donating millions of pounds of food and non-food products, Walmart recently provided a grant that will enable us to provide additional school mobile pantries for the 2014-2015 school year. !

School based mobiles provide all types of staple food items, fresh produce, meat, dairy and non-food items such as, diapers, toilet paper and hygiene products. Each pantry serves approximately 250 families with up to 50 pounds of food per family. !

The Food Bank plans to use the Walmart grant to expand school mobiles into elementary schools in inner-city Charlotte that have free and reduced lunch rates of 90% and up. We are very grateful to our friends at Walmart for their amazing work in eliminating hunger throughout the nation.

! !

Because of the generosity of Morgan Stanley, students will receive nutritious food and come to school prepared to learn.


Former Hornet, Muggsy Bogues and his MB1 team “buzzed� by the Food Bank recently to volunteer. Thanks to Muggsy and all the kids for helping feed hungry people.


Featuring !

! ! ! !

Chef Bruce Moffet & Chef Ashley Quick! Barrington’s Restaurant | Stagioni! Chef Tom Condron & Chef Gene Briggs! The Liberty & Lumiere | Blue & Osso! Chef Chris Coleman! The Asbury Restaurant & The Dunhill Hotel ! Chef Bill Cahill & Front Porch Creamery! Charlotte Convention Center!



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Together We CAN End Hunger

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