Camp Director
Welcome to the My Camp Director Online Registration Portal My Camp Director online registration system is available to all volunteers and is where you come to register for all council activities. Once you have created your profile, or your unit profile, you can login to register for events/activities as they become available. You can also administer your user profile or unit profile (*if you are an APPROVED unit leader). There are two types of membership to the site. Please read and choose carfully. Unit Leader / Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, etc.If you are a unit leader, you will be approved by the council before your have full access to the site. This is to protect the confidential info about your Scouts available to the unit leader. You will be notified via email once your account is authorized. Your unit leader account will allow you to create a unit roster, register your unit for events as well as individual scouts for events. Your unit leader account will also be where you manager your personal registration for events (IE – you can register your troop for a Camporee and also register yourself for Outdoor Leader Training). Individual / Volunteer An Individual / Volunteer account is for adults only who are not approved unit leaders. Volunteer accounts will only have access to their personal info and can only register themselves for events. DO NOT create accounts for scouts. Scout accounts will be created and administered by the unit leader. The following walk-through will take you through the steps of creating a unit roster (for unit leaders) and registering for events. If you need technical support, please email rather than calling the council office. Support requests will be handled by the team, not council personnel.
Hello Scouts and Scouters! Welcome to the My Camp Director registration website. This walk-through will take you through the steps to get your scouts signed up for council events. Visit the website above. You should have received your login info (username, password, etc.) from the Camp Director. Before logging in, there is useful information you can review. There are 2 main tabs that you should review. CAMPS – a listing of all the active camp weeks for 2010. COURSES – a listing of all the courses with details on available weeks and “open seats”. Open seats is the number of Scouts that can be assigned before the class is full.
You are now ready to register your Scouts and sign them up for merit badge classes. There are a few easy steps for you to follow:
1. Login 2. Add your Scouts to your Troop Roster 3. Add classes to each Scouts camp schedule
Logging In
Be sure you have your login information and click on the login tab in the main menu. You will be taken to a screen with the login boxes below. Login using the Email address you provided the Camp Director during registration. Enter the information then click login. Click login. You are then asked for your password.
Group Menu
The Group Menu will provide you the tools you need to complete the registration process. The Group Menu provides access to: Group Dashboard – a dashboard screen that allows the leader to quickly see all weeks they’ve signed up for, all campers’ registered, quick links to report export, etc. Group Week – allows you to pick a week(s) for signup/registration. This step has already been completed for you! Campers – submit each camper, all camper’s levels/prerequisites met (as needed for course signup), contact and medical info Group Profile – submit contact info for the troop Group Reporting –full reporting / export abilities to create quick charts for the troop, patrols and campers. Reporting features will not be available until April 9th.
Adding Campers
To add campers click on Campers in the Group Admin Functions Menu. You will be taken to the Campers / Troop Roster page (see first screen shot below). Here you will add your new campers by clicking the Add NEW Campers button. After clicking the Add NEW Campers button, enter in the contact info for the new camper. Required information is marked with an asterisks (*). The form will not submit your new camper info unless all required information is provided. After you have enter the information for the new camper click Save. Repeat this process for each camper in your Troop.
The screenshot above shows an example of how the Troop Roster will look after Campers have been added. “Camper Levels” can be set for each camper. Levels refer to Rank, Swimming Ability (Non-Swimmer, Beginner, Swimmer), etc. Campers’ Course Count shows the number of merit badge courses a Scout has been assigned.
Assigning Merit Badge Classes
To assign merit badge classes for a camper, click on the Courses link in the Troop Roster window. As you can see on the screen shot below, you have Time Blocks in which classes are offered. To assign a camper merit badge classes for a particular time block click the Edit link for that block.
The Course Enrollment Form allows you to select from the available courses for the time selected. Use the available courses dropdown to select a course then click Save.
Since not all classes start and end on the hour, there is some overlap of when classes are offered. In this example, 9am Rifle ends at 10:30am. Therefore, classes that start at 10am are not available for this camper. This is done to avoid registering campers for conflicting classes.
After you have completed the Campers Schedule, click the Back button at the bottom of the page. There is no Save button as the schedule is saved each time a class is added. Complete these steps for each Camper to complete your Troop Schedule. Once all Campers schedules are complete you can print your Troop Roster by clicking on the Print Button.
Other Reporting Features
Once all classes have been finalized, the Camp Director will enable the reporting features for your Group. You can come back to the site to print the following:
1. Master Troop Roster 2. Master Troop Schedule 3. Individual Camper Schedules
Camp Director |