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Help us to Help You
CONTACT DETAILS It is important that we have up-todate contact details for you, so we can let you know about screenings, vaccinations and appointment reminders. If you have changed your mobile, work or home number or email address recently, you can add it to your NHS record by following the guidance about managing your NHS account. Please search for ‘managing your NHS account’ on the NHS website for more information. This is especially important because our duty team use sms messaging frequently, so keeping your mobile number up to date is essential. You may also receive a text or email from the NHS asking you to do this. If you are unable to update your details online or through the NHS app, please get in touch with us and we’ll update your records for you. You can update your details via Klinik, by selecting the ‘update your details’ tile and writing what you would like to be changed in the free text box. KLINIK When you are filling in an online Klinik form – please check the prompt on the page and enter your unsuitable times for communication. Inputting the times we CANNOT contact you will enable us to correctly organise the initial triage and so patients will be contacted at an appropriate and convenient time.
DISPENSARY PRESCRIPTIONS Please ensure you leave at least 72 hours (not including weekends) for us to process your prescription. Please note: this info is exclusive to Dispensary prescriptions (Prescriptions for community pharmacy may take longer before being ready to collect.) Please continue to be patient and understanding during this busy time. REGISTERING WITH A GP SURGERY If you have recently moved to the area and have not yet registered with a local GP surgery, we would encourage you to do so, so that the practice has your records when you need them, in order to provide you with safe and effective care. CHOOSING THE RIGHT SERVICE FOR YOU AND YOUR NHS Self-care is the best choice to treat minor illnesses and injuries, like
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hangovers, coughs, colds, grazes, small cuts and sore throats. A large range of common illnesses and injuries can be treated at home simply with over-thecounter medicines and plenty of rest. Pharmacists advise and treat a range of symptoms. These include diarrhoea, earache, painful coughs, sticky eye, teething and rashes. This can avoid unnecessary trips to your GP or A&E department, and save time. No appointment is needed and most pharmacies have private consulting areas. Our GPs and multidisciplinary team, which includes paramedics, pharmacists, physician associate, advanced clinical practitioner, mental health practitioner, young persons’ health coach, mental health care coordinator, dietitian, first contact physiotherapists and nurse subscribers have an excellent understanding of general health issues and can deal with a whole range of health problems. Minor Injuries Units, Walk-in Centres and Urgent Care Centres provide non-urgent services for a range of conditions, such as, cuts, sprains, strain, bruises, itchy rashes and minor burns – and an appointment is not necessary. A&E or 999 are best used in an emergency for serious or lifethreatening situations - like severe bleeding, breathing difficulties, severe chest pain and loss of consciousness. NHS 111 - If you’re feeling unwell, unsure, or if you want health advice and guidance for non life-threatening emergencies, call NHS 111. (24/7 service) NHS website - You can also access health advice and guidance or find your nearest service online through the NHS website
A Fresh Start
This is the time of year when our minds may turn to resolutions. Often these are health related. Lose weight, get fitter, stop smoking or drinking... The depressing truth is that less than 10% of New Year’s resolutions are still in place by February. So how can we make sure that they see us through to next year and beyond?
• Make sure its something YOU want to change. Often people say they want to change something in their life because they think they “ought to” or because their family (or doctor!) have nagged them to. Motivation comes from within, so make sure it’s something that you really want to do.
• Here at Okehampton Medical Centre we do all we can to look after you. But you can help us make it easier.
Understand why you haven’t done it yet. Smoking, alcohol or eating can all give us pleasure; perhaps we haven’t changed our habits because we enjoy them. Think about other things you could do to fulfil those needs.
• Make your goals specific. Saying “I’m going to lose weight” is very vague and almost certain not to work. Instead you might say “This week I am going to sign up for a weight loss app” or “I will start keeping a food diary and will aim to lose a 1lb a week”.
• Is it manageable or realistic? Setting an unachievable goal will mean failure is far more likely. If you are someone who does no physical exercise at all, aiming to run the London
Marathon in a few months may be unrealistic. Why not set a smaller, more manageable short-term goal like completing the couch to 5K programme or going for a walk three times a week? • Avoid the all or nothing approach. I often see patients who have tried something such as giving up smoking, but as soon as they cave in and have one cigarette, they think, “That’s it,
I’ve failed” and ditch the whole idea. Accept that it may be two steps forwards and one step back. One bad day, or even several, does not mean that you should stop trying.
• Let other people know your plans. If you tell family and friends what you are planning, it makes it much less likely you will back out on your plans. It can also be helpful to have others around you willing you on. Why not get a friend or relative to do it with you? Backing out of that weekly exercise class becomes a lot more difficult if there is someone else to consider.
• Remove temptations. For example, If you are giving up smoking, make sure before you start that there are no cigarettes in the house, no ashtrays, no matches etc. If temptation strikes, this makes it much harder to fall off the wagon.
• Plan ahead. Read up on your goals and then then set a start day. Think about what you will do when you are tempted or feel like giving up. How will you manage it? How could you distract yourself? Phoning a friend, having drink of water or even walking around the block may help.
Good luck!

Dr Rachel Tyler

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There’s still a stigma surrounding HIV
February 6th marks the start of National HIV Testing Week in the UK and much has changed in the decades since we first became aware of the condition. Patient treatment and prognosis has never been better. However, people still think that it’s not a condition they could get. But whilst some groups are more likely to be affected by HIV, the key message is that HIV can affect anyone. 1 in 20 patients with HIV are unaware of their status. This means they are missing out on treatment that can keep them healthy and also are at risk of passing the virus onto others. In 2020 42% of people first diagnosed were diagnosed late. And recent statistics show it is more often heterosexual patients and those over the age of 65 who are diagnosed late, perhaps reflecting the assumption that they were not in at risk groups. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and it is the virus that can lead to AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). If left untreated HIV infection can progress to AIDS and cause serious infections. HIV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact, with smaller numbers of people being infected by intravenous drug use or from an infected mother to her unborn child Once on treatment, the vast majority of patients achieve an undetectable viral load. This means they are unlikely to pass the virus on and can live a healthy life free of symptoms, and If HIV is diagnosed early enough , life expectancy is the same as for those who are HIV negative. Testing for HIV is easier than ever. A simple fingerpick test can now give you results quickly and confidentially .As well as testing, there is also treatment for people who think they may have been exposed to HIV to reduce the likelihood of infection. If you are at all worried, then don’t hesitate to speak to your GP. Or contact these organisations which offer testing and advice: The Eddystone Trust (eddystone.org.uk; 0800 328 3508); Terrence Higgins Trust (tht.org.uk; 0808 802 1221); Devon Sexual Health (devonsexualhealth.nhs.uk; 0300 303 3989).
It is far better to be safe than sorry.
Dr Rachel Tyler
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