Grief Without Guilt Rhiannon Spurgeon’s conversational approach to her first book ‘Grief Without Guilt’, makes it hugely readable, as she guides people through grieving the loss of a loved one in the aftermath of a difficult relationship. With courageous honesty, Rhiannon reveals the story of her life with and without Oliver, exposing emotional turmoil and challenges with demons, interwoven with touches of humour and practical advice on rebuilding your life step by step. This is the book she wishes she could have read to help her through the process, but whether you relate to the whole experience or elements of it, it offers a compelling insight into dealing with grief and might even prompt a re-examination of your existing relationships. As you can tell from the title, Rhiannon and Oliver’s life together wasn’t a traditional fairy tale or even a crossed-wires romcom with a happy ending. Nobody sets out to have a complicated relationship, but when one partner
dies and the other is left with a 10-day-old baby, everyday life becomes challenging in the extreme. Rhiannon started drafting Grief Without Guilt three years ago, putting it aside during the hands-on requirements of pandemic home-schooling. When
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