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Charity Focus
RNID: Royal National Institute for Deaf People
RNID is here for the 12 million people in the UK who are deaf, or have hearing loss or tinnitus. We’ve been here for more than 100 years, and changed the lives of millions since we started. Our key achievements include successfully lobbying the NHS to provide free hearing aids and hearing-screening for new-born babies. Within the last ten years we’ve also successfully lobbied to change the law on subtitles, and improve rights for BSL users. Our four key areas of work are focussed on inclusion, health, employment and research. We want deaf people and people with hearing loss and tinnitus to enjoy access to the same information, spaces and services as anyone else. We want people to look after their hearing, and remove barriers to accessing all areas of healthcare. We want business leaders to understand how to recruit and support people with hearing loss, and we want to help more medical researchers discover and develop new treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus. We have lots of information about hearing loss, deafness and tinnitus on our website at www.rnid.org.uk – but we know that many people really value information face to face. We run free support sessions for NHS hearing aid users throughout Devon and Cornwall, funded by the Big Lottery, where you can drop in to receive new hearing aid batteries, ear mould retubing and information on how to get the most out of your hearing aids. Our amazing team of local volunteers lead these sessions, many of whom have hearing loss themselves. Someone who recently attended one of our drop-in sessions said: “To visit people who understand my issues and HEARD me was so wonderful I was actually in tears at one point. They renewed
Photo credit Louise Haywood-Schiefer

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Photo credit Louise Haywood-Schiefer
my batteries, got my hearing aid working, took all my details to help me further, gave me advice about the doctors’ referral and generally just made me feel that someone was really listening to me and glad to be of assistance. Today was such a positive experience I just can’t put it into words.”
Hearing aid drop-in sessions
Our hearing aid drop-in sessions take place on the second Thursday in the month at Oak Tree Surgery in Liskeard from 2.00pm-4.00pm. The next sessions will take place on Thursday 13 October, and 10 November. We will also be starting a session in Ivybridge very soon.
Local information sessions
Our volunteers also run information stands around Devon and Cornwall, where you can drop in for a chat, pick up information, and find out more about assistive equipment which might help you at home or in the workplace. We’d love to see you at one of these stalls and have a chat. For more information about drop-in support sessions and information stands contact Rose Hindmarsh at heartohelp. devonandcornwall.org.uk or phone/ text 07552 988691. You can find us at:
Tavistock Library foyer from 10.00am-12.00pm every 3rd Thursday of the month

Photo credit Louise Haywood-Schiefer
Callington Town Hall from 10.30am-12.30pm every 3rd Thursday of the month St Austell Library from 10.00am–12.00pm every 3rd Monday of the month
Volunteering with RNID
Volunteers are integral to our work in Devon and Cornwall, and if you would like to find out about becoming a volunteer and making a difference to people with hearing loss in your area, we’d love to hear from you. We’ll provide you with full training, and opportunities to meet other volunteers in your area. If this interests you, contact: volunteering@rnid.org.uk There are lots of ways to stay in touch with RNID’s work and find out more – you can take our free online hearing check on our website which takes just three minutes, or sign up to our campaigns network to stay in the know. We campaign on big issues that affect deaf people and people with hearing loss, such as access to earwax removal services, and subtitles on On-demand television. You can follow RNID on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, or get in touch with our contact centre by phone, email, live chat, text or BSL video. Visit www.rnid.org.uk/contact to find out more, or phone 0808 808 0123, text 07360 268 988, or email contact@rnid.org.uk

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