38 minute read
What’s On
Autumn colour, fairy tale toadstools, pumpkins and spooky trails – all at The Garden House
There are days in early October when it can still seem like summer at The Garden House, with much of the garden still in full bloom. But October also brings several highlights of the season…
A much-awaited crop of fly agaric mushrooms under the birches becomes evident throughout October – a sight beloved by photographers and garden enthusiasts alike. These fly agarics are the typical fairy tale toadstools, definitely not to be eaten (highly toxic) but delightful to admire. The Garden House is also famous for its wonderful autumn colour, seen with early starters such as Prunus ‘Okame’. The New England colours build during the month to culminate in the multi-coloured red, orange and gold display of the Acer Glade, before the leaves fall to produce a bright November carpet. October also brings with it a glut of pumpkins (all home grown from our pumpkin patch) and the fun of Halloween. This year during October half-term (22nd to 30th October), we are looking forward to entertaining lots of families and children with a hunt around the garden for pumpkins and ‘spooky’ things! Trail packs will be available at Visitor Reception on arrival and our café will be serving Halloween treats and pumpkin soup. Don’t forget if you’re a member, up to three children or grandchildren can come along for FREE. Our summer opening hours (Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 am to 5:00pm) finish at the end of October and winter opening hours then begin (Friday, Saturday & Sunday). For full details of this, membership (from just £35 per person) and our winter and Christmas events programmes check the website at www.thegardenhouse.org.uk or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Friday 7 October Songs of Dartmoor
Jim Causley and Bill Murray, two of the best known and well-loved musical entertainers on Dartmoor tell the story of the old songs, sung around Dartmoor hearths and in village halls in days gone by, with special guests Val and Graham Lobb from Whitchurch Down. Jim Causely is well known on the folk scene nationally, but his real contribution to Dartmoor is his dedication to singing and reviving local songs. Bill Murray is now chair of the Dartmoor Society, which is hosting the event. Back in 2011 he won the Dartmoor Society Award for keeping alive the tradition of unaccompanied singing on Dartmoor and this is quite something to witness. 7:30pm at Two Bridges Hotel, Princetown, PL20 6SW. For tickets and more details go to dartmoorsociety.com
One of the finest gardens in Britain... and autumn colour at its best.
Half Term Pumpkin & Halloween Trail
Trail: 22nd October to 30th October
See website for opening times
www.thegardenhouse.org.uk Buckland Monachorum, Yelverton PL20 7LQ Reg Charity: 203722
Wednesday 12 October Tavistock Goose Fair 2022
Tavistock Goose Fair is back this year – the annual event, steeped in history and tradition, dates back to the 12th Century, when a Michaelmas fair was held every 29 September, providing the opportunity for businesses and animal trading, as well as a social event for wives and daughters. Today’s open-air event welcomes a variety of exhibitors, market traders and community groups, offering a wide range of purchasing opportunities and lots of entertainment. The more traditional side of Goose Fair takes place at Tavistock Livestock Centre, where there is usually an open day to see cattle, sheep and Dartmoor ponies, as well as an auction of live geese and poultry. While the Artisan Market showcases local artisans and their products in Butchers’ Hall. Free entry from 9am to 8pm. Bedford Car Park will shut for Goose Fair week while members of the Showmen’s Guild put on funfair rides and amusements.

12 November Tamar Energy Fest
Tamar Energy Community (TEC) looks forward to welcoming you to the Tamar Energy Fest in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock (which can be accessed via the Pannier Market). Doors will be open from 10:00am until 3:00pm. The theme of this year’s event is ‘Retrofit & energy efficiency matters’. Our TEC team of experienced and qualified home energy advisors and volunteers will be on hand to provide energy and retrofit advice; and we’ll be supported by exhibitors from a number of fields including retrofit assessment, renewable energy (heat and power), energy efficient appliances, insulation, ventilation, heating systems, controls and more. We’ll also have our smart meter demonstrator. There will be
just the ticket for a great day out
information displays that you can browse with case studies, energy saving tips and hints and our Open Homes displays. This is a free, family-friendly event including a number of energy themed activities such as ‘What is Watt?’ and ‘How Energetic are You?’, together with our Energy Café serving a range of delicious cakes. You’ll find something of interest whether you’re ‘able to pay’ or need support, as well as if you’re looking at new build, improving existing homes/businesses or want some ideas on how you could make your bills more manageable. We’d also love to see you if you’ve got any time to get more involved with us (e.g. engineers, marketing/ social media specialists), as we work to support our community through this energy crisis. TEC is a not-forprofit community energy organisation providing energy and retrofit advice and support, and developing community owned renewables, across West Devon and SE Cornwall (part of a network of organisations across Devon and Cornwall). Contact us on 0800-233-5414, email hello@tamarenergycommunity. com, or visit tamarenergycommunity. com
Come and visit the South Devon Railway for a 14-mile round trip steam train ride along the beautiful valley of the River Dart. We’d love to see you!
Buckfastleigh • Staverton • Totnes Riverside
Pudsey Day of Morris
Over 250 Morris dancers and musicians from all over the South West will be performing in Tavistock for the 7th Pudsey Day of Morris, hosted by Meavy-based Dartmoor Border Morris. The plucky Morris sides will be out and about collecting for the BBC Children in Need appeal - Dartmoor Border Morris has collected around £9000 for the appeal at the six previous events. Morris dancing might be centuries old, and noone really knows how or why it started, but it’s a popular pastime and dancing to live music is good for the heart, soul and mind whether you are a dancer or a musician. In today’s Morris world you find both men and women, young and old, happily dancing and waving big sticks around. Pudsey Day is a colourful event with sides wearing shirts, baldricks, blouses, dresses, tatter jackets or even fishnets and designer boots. There will be the sound of bells, maybe some clogs, and plenty of stick bashing, as well as hankie waving and the occasional flower garland. You might even get to meet the real Mr Pudsey Bear! The day starts around 10am with three different dance areas in and around Tavistock market. Each hour, two Morris groups perform in each area, then they stop for a rest and new Morris groups take over. The event finishes about 4pm, when everyone retires to the Stannary Arms in King Street, for a well-earned rest and a proper Morris music session until about 5pm, or when the beer runs out! We love members of the public to turn up and support this great cause, and there will be plenty of opportunities to pick up a stick and have a go at an easy dance so you can see how much fun it is. It`s all free to attend so please put a small contribution into the buckets for the BBC Children in Need appeal. Dartmoor Border Morris meets every Wednesday in Meavy Parish Hall from 7.30pm throughout the winter. They dance in the traditional Border style, wearing tatter jackets reflecting the wonderful colours of Dartmoor. For more details see dartmoorbordermorris.com or Facebook.

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Thursday 24 November Trees of Light
At 7pm on the last Thursday in November, Paul Blowey, president of the Lions Club of Tavistock, will switch on the lights of the three Trees of Light on the front of Tavistock Town Hall. Bulbs on the trees are sponsored by individuals or families in remembrance of a special person, occasion or memory, with all the proceeds going to local charities which this year is Children’s Hospice South West, St Luke’s Hospice and Plymouth & Cornwall Cancer Fund. Please complete the attached form if you wish to sponsor a light and post it to the address shown or alternately donate online through Just Giving. All sponsors will receive a commemorative card and will be listed in the Tavistock Times Gazette in its post-Christmas issue. Around £138,000 has been raised and distributed to local charities since the start of Trees of Light with a single tree in 1999. For the 19th year, local funeral company Morris Bros. (Tavistock) Ltd. will be the main sponsor covering all administration costs which ensures all money donated goes to the nominated charities. Lions Club of Tavistock TREES OF LIGHT SPONSOR FORM 2022
Special name(s) or cause(s) or memories to be remembered 1. 2. 3.
Number to be remembered at a suggested minimum of £10 each. Total amount of sponsorship
My name
Address Alternatively, donate online through Just Giving link to: www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/tavilionstol2022 I wish to gift aid my payment (please tick the box)
Name of tax payer (including Title & First Name)
Address of tax payer (if different to above, with post code)
Post code Please send cheque in favour of ‘Lions Club of Tavistock’ to Lions Trees of Light, 3, Edgcumbe Drive, Tavistock, PL19 0ET Signature of tax payer
Charity Number 1193186

For an extensive range of beds, mattresses and frames.
Delivered and set up in your bedroom. We can also take away your old bed!
8 October
Stylish Homes Market
We all love decorating our homes, right? Think stylish… think sophisticated… think OMG that’s just perfect for that empty corner in my living room! We’ll bring you the very best from local crafters and traders with an emphasis on style from chic, classy, trendy, modish, nifty, luxurious to minimalist. Free entry, open from 10am in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock.
8 & 15 October
Heritage Introduction Walk
Discover Tavistock with this gentle overview of the colourful history and heritage of this 1,000-year-old World Heritage town. A 90-minute, 1-mile, predominantly flat walk takes you through ten centuries, revealing abbey and churches, mineral mining, the Industrial Revolution, the building of the canal and railways, and the influence of the Dukes of Bedford. 2pm from the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) in Guildhall Square, Tavistock. Please wear suitable footwear and outer clothing. Tickets available on eventbrite.co.uk - search Tavistock Guildhall.
8 - 22 October
Totally Locally Fiver Fest
Grab some amazing £5 deals from independent businesses in Tavistock. 9 October
Tour de Moor
Join us for the region’s boldest cycling challenge on iconic Dartmoor and raise sponsorship and donations to help St Luke’s Hospice provide vital end-of-life care. Choose the 52km or 30km mixed terrain routes, or a family-friendly, shorter tour of the moor. For details see www.stlukes-hospice.org.uk/tourdemoor
12 October
Goose Fair & Artisan Market
Traditional all-day market and fair in Tavistock, plus Artisan Market in Butchers’ Hall, 9am – 8pm, free entry.
15 October
NSPCC coffee & lunch
Come and join NSPCC Yelverton fundraising committee for coffee and home-made biscuits or home-made soup, sausage rolls & sandwiches from 11am to 2pm St Paul’s Church Hall, Yelverton. There will also be NSPCC Christmas cards, home-made preserves, cakes, crafts, books, bric-a-brac to buy plus a raffle. All welcome.
15 October
Autumn Quiz
The quiz is for teams of up to 6 people in Coronation Hall, Mary Tavy. Bring your own food & drink. Doors open at 7pm and quiz starts at 7.30pm. Tickets are £2 per person from Mary Tavy Post Office.
20 - 22 October Autumn Fair
If you are looking for something a little different, visit the award-winning Butchers’ Hall Tavistock, for the best of the region’s wares. Open from 9am to 4pm each day; free entry.
22 October
Tavistock by Twilight
Join Simon Dell on one of his much sought-after ‘Tavistock by Twilight’ walks where he ambles around the dark streets and back alleyways of the town. Legends, myths, facts and history intermingle on this twilight stroll. Tickets will sell fast. 7:30pm at Tavistock Visitor Information Centre (VIC). Tickets £5 available on eventbrite.co.uk - search Tavistock Guildhall – or from VIC Tues to Sat 10am-4pm.
22 - 29 October
Halloween Trail
Have some fangtastic fun on our annual spooky trail around Tavistock to claim your sweet reward. See visit-tavistock. co.uk/town-trails
24 October
Garden Chat
Friends of the Library have afternoon tea or coffee and swap seeds, plants and ideas from 2.30pm to 4pm.
25 October & 22 November
Courtroom Coffee & Cakes
Tavistock Guildhall will be hosting a regular coffee and cake event in the courtroom on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 10:30am till 12pm. £3 for a drink and a cake, and at each session Tavistock Guildhall and THT will make
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a few donations available to view, including gifts of personal history artefacts donated by the community and many photos dating from the 1940s all the way to the present day.
27 October
Shake the Shelves
Tavistock Library’s popular all-age music event showcasing the talent of the Youth Cafe Zephyr Project and local musicians. From 7pm, entrance £2 on the door.
28,29 & 30 October Craft and Art Fair
Browse a range of high quality, affordable art and craft works in a variety of media at Walkhampton Memorial Hall, PL20 6JX. Friday to Sunday 10:30am – 5pm. Free entry, refreshments and raffle available. Proceeds for the village hall and Walkhampton church. Enquiries to Isobel Parris on 01822 855041 or parris67@ btinternet.com 29 October
Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir
There will be a concert by Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir at 7.30pm in St John’s Church, Horrabridge. Tickets: adults £10, children £5, from Andy Stewart at astewart@rivercot.co.uk, or on the door. There will be refreshments and a raffle, with proceeds in aid of the Friends of St John’s Church.
5 November
Tavistock Arts Market
Tavistock Arts Market features a diverse group of local artists and craftspeople who fill Butchers’ Hall with a range of handmade art and handcrafted items. You’ll find many different styles of art for sale, as well as a range of jewellery, wood and textile goods, artisan soaps, pottery and much more. Market on 6 Aug is in Bedford Square, 3 Sep and 1 Oct markets are in Butchers’ Hall from 5 November
Tavistock Grand Firework Display
The Lions Club of Tavistock firework display starts at 7pm at Tavistock Football Club. Gates open at 6.15pm so come early and enjoy the Lions’ barbecue. Tickets available from Shields DIY, Ron’s Pets, Tavistock Visitor Information Centre and Fairway Furniture - advance prices: adult £5, under-16 £1.50; admission on the night (pay by card or cash): adult £6, under-16 £2, family ticket £15 (2 adults, 2 under16s). Enter through Tavistock Football Club main gate or from the Brook Lane to Crowndale cycle track. Parking is available at Tavistock College.
5 November
Plymouth Bonfire Night
Remember, remember the fifth of November! Plymouth’s spectacular Bonfire Night celebration on 5 November
Located in the heart of Tavistock, within the market complex, Butchers Hall is home to a fantastic array of vibrant themed markets and events

3 Sept Tavistock Arts Market
15 - 16 Sept
Makers Market 1 Oct Tavistock Arts Market 12 Oct Goose Fair Artisan Market 20 - 22 Oct Autumn Fair 5 Nov Tavistock arts Market 10 - 11 Nov Makers Market 2 Dec Magic of Christmas Market 3 Dec Tavistock arts Market 4 Dec Magic of Christmas Market 14 - 23 Dec Magic of Christmas Market
All events are free to enter All dates correct at time of press, check our website for further events throughout the year
Tavistock Town Council
Visit our website WWW.TAVISTOCK.GOV.UK & follow us at:
is a safe and free way to spend the most explosive night of the year. Watch as the huge bonfire is lit, then gaze in awe at the brilliant firework display, have a go on the fairground rides or warm up with a bite to eat from one of the food stalls. Find out more at.visitplymouth.co.uk
7 - 18 November
Creating Cotehele’s garland
Meet the gardeners in the Great Hall at Cotehele as they start to insert over 30,000 dried flowers into the pittosporum to create this year’s garland. 11am to 3pm; booking not needed, normal admission charges, event free.
9 - 12 November
Old Actors Never Die
… They Simply Lose the Plot - Milton Abbot Players present a farce by Lynn Brittney set in The Mount Home for Retired Theatricals. Its plot of eccentric luvvies clashing with unhinged Russian gangsters will have you in stitches. See www.miltonabbotplayers.co.uk.
10-11 November Makers Market
Celebrating the very best our region has to offer in the award-winning Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock. Open from 9am to 4pm each day; free entry.
12 November - 31 January
Winter Sculpture Exhibition
RHS Garden Rosemoor’s landscaping provides the perfect backdrop for the annual Winter Sculpture trail. Each year, we select a number of sculptors to create inspirational pieces which add to the beauty of our gardens. All the pieces exhibited are for sale.
17 November - 30 December
RHS Glow
Bring all the family for a magical evening at RHS Garden Rosemoor. See the garden in breathtaking beauty and follow our longest Glow trail yet, with spectacular new light displays. 17 November - 17 December, Thur - Sat 4.40pm - 8.30pm; 20 - 30 December, Tues - Fri 4.40pm – 8.30pm
19 November - 6 January
Cotehele Garland
See the beautiful Christmas garland decorating Cotehele Great Hall. For over 65 years our garden team have created a 60-ft long garland using thousands of flowers grown on the estate, and this year we are celebrating 75 years of caring for Cotehele with a special garland. Normal admission charges, open daily 10:30am to 4 pm, closed 2526 December.
19 November
Festive Love Local Gift Market
Support local businesses this Christmastime at our ever-popular festive market at Butchers’ Hall in Tavistock, the first of our Christmastide markets, featuring an array of Yuletide themed local gift and food & drink exhibitors - just perfect for that special treat! 10:00am to 4:00pm, entry is free. 20 November
Festive Upcycled Gift Market
This is a festive celebration of upcycled, eco and gift products from talented local producers. If you care about our environment and want to support local communities, then come along to this fun, fascinating market, for inspiration for this year’s gifts. Butcher’s Hall in Tavistock from 10:00am, entry is free.
20 November
Peter Tavy Christmas Fair
Come and browse a range of Christmas gifts and crafts available to buy, alongside refreshments and plenty of festive cheer! 2-5 pm at Peter Tavy Village Hall. Contact Abi at petertavypictures@outlook.com for more information or to book a table.
24 November
Shake the Shelves
Tavistock Library’s popular all-age music event showcasing the talent of the Youth Cafe Zephyr Project and local musicians. From 7pm, entrance £2 on the door.
24 - 26 November
Who Did You Say You Were?
The Brentorians present an awardwinning play by Giles Scott. It’s supposed to be a murder mystery weekend at a guest house, but one of the guests is psychic and has discovered the ghost of a REAL murder victim. Brentor Village Hall: doors open 7pm, curtain up 7:30pm, bar available. Tickets £5 on 01822 810412.
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Walter C. Parson celebrates 180 years of service in Devon and Cornwall Walter C. Parson celebrates 180 years of service in Devon and Cornwall Walter C. Parson celebrates 180 years of service in Devon and CornwallTwo of the staff gained the award for achieving the highest marks in Walter C. Parson celebrates 180 years of service in Devon and Cornwall Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors is proudly celebrating 180 years Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors is proudly celebrating 180 years of dedicated service to local communities throughout Devon and Cornwall. Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors is proudly celebrating 180 years of dedicated service to local communities throughout Devon and Cornwall. Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors is proudly celebrating 180 years of dedicated service to local communities throughout Devon and Cornwall. of dedicated service to local communities throughout Devon and Cornwall. Little could Richard Walter Parson have imagined in 1842 when he Two of the staff gained the award for achieving the highest marks in the country in their particular exam. The next generation of qualified staff were to be needed very quickly. Two of the staff gained the award for achieving the highest marks in the country in their particular exam. The next generation of qualified staff were to be needed very quickly. Two of the staff gained the award for achieving the highest marks in the country in their particular exam. The next generation of qualified staff were to be needed very quickly. the country in their particular exam. The next generation of qualified staff were to be needed very quickly. Walter C. Parson were on the acquisition trail, buying Pidgen & Son Walter C. Parson were on the acquisition trail, buying Pidgen & Son in Torpoint in 2003, Hugh Mills & Gaye with offices in Newton Abbot and Torquay in 2006, Pengelly Funeral Service in Saltash in 2007 and Tavistock & District in 2010. Premises in Exeter were purchased in late 2013 which opened in March 2015 after a complete refurbishment. The Old Police Station, Callington opened in April 2019 and an extension was added to the garage at Torpoint to accommodate the growing fleet of vehicles in 2020. Finally, the old Barton Surgery, Plymstock was opened in June 2021. The firm had grown from 4 offices in 1999 to 12 offices by the end of 2021. At an event held at The New Continental Hotel, Plymouth, on 2nd July 2022 to mark this momentous occasion, Stephen Ware, Managing Director gave a speech, saying “We have invested in people, facilities and premises. Today we have 12 offices, 18 funeral vehicles included in the total of 40 vehicles in our fleet and conduct nearly 1,300 funerals annually across the South West Peninsula.” “In today’s cut and thrust business world - there are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations and I am very proud that Walter C. Parson has managed to reach that rare milestone.” Little could Richard Walter Parson have imagined in 1842 when he set up business in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, that some 180 years later the enterprise would still be running under the same family name. The succeeding generations consisted of his son - John Walter - and his son - Oscar Walter - and his son - Walter Cyril - and his son and daughter - Wally and Sylvia Parson (known as Pat). Today the business is under the custodianship of Pat’s son - Stephen Ware, her husband - Graham May and her Grandson - John Ware. From the family home at St. Judes, Plymouth, the business expanded during the 70’s and 80’s at first to Plympton, then Crownhill and Ivybridge, so there were four offices in and around Plymouth. In 1999 Wally wanted to retire and Pat, Graham and Stephen bought the business from Wally to make sure it stayed in the family and continued to run as a family owned business. Pat, Graham and Stephen made a conscious decision to continue their predecessors ethos but knew they had to do more than this to move forward, so made a plan to expand the business whilst at the same time making a determined effort to recruit quality staff and train them to the exacting standards of WCP. The Company set up a school which to date has produced many qualified funeral directors and embalmers. “There are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations” Walter C. Parson were on the acquisition trail, buying Pidgen & Son in Torpoint in 2003, Hugh Mills & Gaye with offices in Newton Abbot and Torquay in 2006, Pengelly Funeral Service in Saltash in 2007 and Tavistock & District in 2010. Premises in Exeter were purchased in late 2013 which opened in March 2015 after a complete refurbishment. The Old Police Station, Callington opened in April 2019 and an extension was added to the garage at Torpoint to accommodate the growing fleet of vehicles in 2020. Finally, the old Barton Surgery, Plymstock was opened in June 2021. The firm had grown from 4 offices in 1999 to 12 offices by the end of 2021. At an event held at The New Continental Hotel, Plymouth, on 2nd July 2022 to mark this momentous occasion, Stephen Ware, Managing Director gave a speech, saying “We have invested in people, facilities and premises. Today we have 12 offices, 18 funeral vehicles included in the total of 40 vehicles in our fleet and conduct nearly 1,300 funerals annually across the South West Peninsula.” “In today’s cut and thrust business world - there are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations and I am very proud that Walter C. Parson has managed to reach that rare milestone.” Little could Richard Walter Parson have imagined in 1842 when he set up business in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, that some 180 years later the enterprise would still be running under the same family name. The succeeding generations consisted of his son - John Walter - and his son - Oscar Walter - and his son - Walter Cyril - and his son and daughter - Wally and Sylvia Parson (known as Pat). Today the business is under the custodianship of Pat’s son - Stephen Ware, her husband - Graham May and her Grandson - John Ware. From the family home at St. Judes, Plymouth, the business expanded during the 70’s and 80’s at first to Plympton, then Crownhill and Ivybridge, so there were four offices in and around Plymouth. In 1999 Wally wanted to retire and Pat, Graham and Stephen bought the business from Wally to make sure it stayed in the family and continued to run as a family owned business. Pat, Graham and Stephen made a conscious decision to continue their predecessors ethos but knew they had to do more than this to move forward, so made a plan to expand the business whilst at the same time making a determined effort to recruit quality staff and train them to the exacting standards of WCP. The Company set up a school which to date has produced many qualified funeral directors and embalmers. “There are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations” Walter C. Parson were on the acquisition trail, buying Pidgen & Son in Torpoint in 2003, Hugh Mills & Gaye with offices in Newton Abbot and Torquay in 2006, Pengelly Funeral Service in Saltash in 2007 and Tavistock & District in 2010. Premises in Exeter were purchased in late 2013 which opened in March 2015 after a complete refurbishment. The Old Police Station, Callington opened in April 2019 and an extension was added to the garage at Torpoint to accommodate the growing fleet of vehicles in 2020. Finally, the old Barton Surgery, Plymstock was opened in June 2021. The firm had grown from 4 offices in 1999 to 12 offices by the end of 2021. At an event held at The New Continental Hotel, Plymouth, on 2nd July 2022 to mark this momentous occasion, Stephen Ware, Managing Director gave a speech, saying “We have invested in people, facilities and premises. Today we have 12 offices, 18 funeral vehicles included in the total of 40 vehicles in our fleet and conduct nearly 1,300 funerals annually across the South West Peninsula.” “In today’s cut and thrust business world - there are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations and I am very proud that Walter C. Parson has managed to reach that rare milestone.” Little could Richard Walter Parson have imagined in 1842 when he set up business in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, that some 180 years later the enterprise would still be running under the same family name. The succeeding generations consisted of his son - John Walter - and his son - Oscar Walter - and his son - Walter Cyril - and his son and daughter - Wally and Sylvia Parson (known as Pat). Today the business is under the custodianship of Pat’s son - Stephen Ware, her husband - Graham May and her Grandson - John Ware. From the family home at St. Judes, Plymouth, the business expanded during the 70’s and 80’s at first to Plympton, then Crownhill and Ivybridge, so there were four offices in and around Plymouth. In 1999 Wally wanted to retire and Pat, Graham and Stephen bought the business from Wally to make sure it stayed in the family and continued to run as a family owned business. Pat, Graham and Stephen made a conscious decision to continue their predecessors ethos but knew they had to do more than this to move forward, so made a plan to expand the business whilst at the same time making a determined effort to recruit quality staff and train them to the exacting standards of WCP. The Company set up a school which to date has produced many qualified funeral directors and embalmers. “There are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations” in Torpoint in 2003, Hugh Mills & Gaye with offices in Newton Abbot and Torquay in 2006, Pengelly Funeral Service in Saltash in 2007 and Tavistock & District in 2010. Premises in Exeter were purchased in late 2013 which opened in March 2015 after a complete refurbishment. The Old Police Station, Callington opened in April 2019 and an extension was added to the garage at Torpoint to accommodate the growing fleet of vehicles in 2020. Finally, the old Barton Surgery, Plymstock was opened in June 2021. The firm had grown from 4 offices in 1999 to 12 offices by the end of 2021. At an event held at The New Continental Hotel, Plymouth, on 2nd July 2022 to mark this momentous occasion, Stephen Ware, Managing Director gave a speech, saying “We have invested in people, facilities and premises. Today we have 12 offices, 18 funeral vehicles included in the total of 40 vehicles in our fleet and conduct nearly 1,300 funerals annually across the South West Peninsula.” “In today’s cut and thrust business world - there are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations and I am very proud that Walter C. Parson has managed to reach that rare milestone.” set up business in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, that some 180 years later the enterprise would still be running under the same family name. The succeeding generations consisted of his son - John Walter - and his son - Oscar Walter - and his son - Walter Cyril - and his son and daughter - Wally and Sylvia Parson (known as Pat). Today the business is under the custodianship of Pat’s son - Stephen Ware, her husband - Graham May and her Grandson - John Ware. From the family home at St. Judes, Plymouth, the business expanded during the 70’s and 80’s at first to Plympton, then Crownhill and Ivybridge, so there were four offices in and around Plymouth. In 1999 Wally wanted to retire and Pat, Graham and Stephen bought the business from Wally to make sure it stayed in the family and continued to run as a family owned business. Pat, Graham and Stephen made a conscious decision to continue their predecessors ethos but knew they had to do more than this to move forward, so made a plan to expand the business whilst at the same time making a determined effort to recruit quality staff and train them to the exacting standards of WCP. The Company set up a school which to date has produced many qualified funeral directors and embalmers. “There are few companies left who can look back on a history of more than a century and three quarters. Fewer still whose business has stayed in the same family for seven generations”

25 November
Christmas Cheer flower arranging
NSPCC Yelverton fundraising committee invites you to Christmas Cheer, a flower arranging demonstration by Mrs Vivienne Thompson of NAFAS, followed by a cream team. 2pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, Yelverton; tickets £15, available from committee members and Sonja Cheadle on (01822) 854710.
25 November Winter Quiz
Friends of the Library winter quiz at 7pm. Tickets available from the library.
26 November
Mary Tavy Christmas Fair
With craft stalls, musical entertainment from Mary Tavy & Brentor School and delicious mulled wine and mince pies. Opens at 5.00pm in Coronation Hall, entry £1 at the door. Contact whatsonmarytavy@gmail.com for more information.
28 November
Garden Chat
Friends of the Library have afternoon tea or coffee and swap seeds, plants and ideas from 2.30pm to 4pm.
2 December
Dickensian Evening
The annual spectacle is back for 2022. Join us for traditional late-night shopping, food and entertainment in Tavistock, with the Christmas light switch-on this year as well.
3 December
Christmas with Phoenix Chorale
Enjoy a choral medley of music for Christmas with carols old and new, works by Eric Whitacre, John Rutter, Mack Wilberg, Billy Joel and rounded off with Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus. 7.30pm at St Peter and The Holy Apostles, Plymouth, PL1 5EG. For details visit plymouthphoenixchorale.org 10 - 18 December
Horrabridge Festival of Nativity Scenes
Nativity scenes created by the local community will be on display 10.30am to 4.30pm each day. Tea/coffee and cake will be available plus a hamper raffle. Free craft sessions for children on Tues 13 and Thurs 15 Dec, 3.00pm – 4.30pm. Entry is by donation with proceeds in aid of the porch and roof restoration. The festival concludes on Sun 18 Dec with a service of Advent carols at 4.30pm.
Until March
Tavistock Library Winter Offer
Our Winter Offer aims to introduce the ways that Tavistock Library can support people with a range of potential areas of concern, including: the cost of living; food; loneliness; health and wellbeing; digital access and support; employment, skills and business. We will be highlighting information, online and in-library services, as well as the range of activities, events and space the library provides. The library space has been changing inside and out to provide a place where everyone is welcome to spend time reading, playing and meeting others around shared interests. For information about regular activities and meetings by groups see our Facebook page, and posters and leaflets in the library.
Until 17 November
As Heath Flowers Bloom
This photography exhibition by Jake Tebbutt at the National Park Visitor Centre, Princetown explores the subtle changes in the landscape of Dartmoor. Jake’s work focuses on natural landscapes, and how humans interact with them, informed by natural and human history.
Until 31 October
Judo, The Avengers and Me
Chris Gallie, (stage name Cyd Child), was a stunt girl and European judo champion. She was the stunt double for Diana Rigg and Linda Thorsen in the Avengers, personal trainer for Joanna Lumley in the New Avengers and stunt double in numerous films. Exhibition at Tavistock Museum Wednesday to Saturday, 11am to 3pm – her biography can also be purchased at the museum.
Until 31 October
Sir Edwin Lutyens exhibition
‘Ned’ Lutyens (1869-1944) was a highly respected architect, famed for his ability to adapt traditional architectural styles. He played a key role in designing and building New Delhi, and was responsible for many famous buildings and monuments here in the UK, including the Cenotaph in London’s Whitehall, and Devon’s own Castle Drogo. But did you know he also designed a gentleman’s residence right here in Tavistock? Tavistock Museum, Wednesday to Saturday 11am to 3pm
Yelverton Bridge Club
We meet 1.45-4.15pm on Wednesday afternoons to play Rubber Bridge at St Paul’s Church Hall in Yelverton. A friendly and welcoming club, we encourage all abilities, from inexperienced to rusty, who want to progress their bridge game. Come along and try with no obligation. £35 annual membership. More Info: jane. whitehead@outlook.com
Monday & Wednesday
Tavistock Area Men in Sheds
(TAMIS for short) meets every Monday from 10am until 12ish, and Wednesday from 2pm until 4ish at the Shed - we share the King’s facilities and car park off Pixon Lane. For full details of our group’s purpose, objectives, activities and contacts see tavistockmeninsheds.uk or email info@tavistockmeninsheds.uk
1st Tues of month
Tavistock Peace Action Group
TPAG meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the United Reformed Church, 1 Russell Street, Tavistock, PL19 8BD.
Doors open at 7:30pm and all are welcome.
Last Wed of month
Tavistock Flower Club
Would you like to join a warm and friendly group? We meet at 2pm in the Church Hall, United Reformed Church, Russell Street, Tavistock PL19 8BD for various activities: flower arranging, workshops, watching talented demonstrators, visiting the Devon & Cornwall Area Show and gardens. For more information contact 01822 487202 or junecote629@btinternet.com; or visit devonandcornwallfloralart.org
3rd Monday of month
Tavy Turners and Carvers Club
We meet on 3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 to 9.30pm at the Scout Den, Pixon Lane, Tavistock. New members most welcome - see tavistockwoodturners. org for details.
1st Saturday of month
Tidy Tavi Litter Pick-Up
Meet outside Meadowlands Leisure Centre. No need to register - just turn up! 10:00am to midday. All necessary equipment provided, but please bring your own gloves and wear stout footwear.
Talks are from 7 to 8pm in Tavistock Guildhall. Tickets are £5, available on eventbrite.co.uk - search Tavistock Guildhall - or from Visitor Information Centre Tues to Sat 10am-4pm.
06 October: Peter Burkill
Why bother understanding the Indian Ocean?
Peter Burkill started an international programme of research on the Indian Ocean 7 years ago. The Indian Ocean may be remote, but it is warming extremely fast with significant consequences. His talk covers what we currently know of the Indian Ocean and what we need to know in the very near future.
03 November: Brian Freeland
George Bernard Shaw: ‘Playing the Clown’
Shaw’s play ‘Man and Superman’ encouraged Brian to consider the theatre as a potential career: three weeks after demobilisation he started work at the London Palladium. Large chunks of the next twenty years were spent touring abroad, usually for the British Council, often with plays by or about G.B. Shaw. Shaw called the clown ‘the best part of the circus’ and wrote ‘all my life I have been merely playing the clown’. In this presentation, Brian is both narrator and player, adding memories of his overseas tours to light-hearted chronicles of the life, works, correspondence and complicated personal relationships of the ‘best playwright since Shakespeare’, telling Shaw’s story with respect, admiration and - as Shaw himself always told it - with humour.
1 December: Simon Dell
Tavistock Canal Poetry Trail
The Poetry Trail along Tavistock Canal was little known; with its plaques broken, lost, stolen and faded, it fell into disrepair and was forgotten. The first poetry workshops along the
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whole length of the Tavistock Canal took place in 2002 and involved poet James Crowden and Tavistock Primary School. In 2017, the 200th anniversary of the opening of the canal, a group of like-minded souls decided to reinstate the trail. Eventually in 2021 their four-year project came to fruition and all the poetry was restored in timber from Tavistock to Lumburn. Take a virtual journey to look at the poetry and hopefully inspire you to put your boots on and enjoy it for yourselves.
YDLHS meets on the third Tuesday of the month in Meavy Parish Hall at 7.30pm.
18 October: Rick Stewart
Arsenic in the Tamar Valley 15 November: Andrew Thompson
The Tavistock Trendle (+ raffle)
From September to May, the club meets at Princetown Community Centre at 19:00 for 19:30 start, on the first Tuesday of each month. In June, July and August, there are outdoor visits, usually involving a short walk - meet at 18:30 for 19:00 start. princetownhistoryclub. weebly.com/programme.html.
4 October: Emma Cunis
Dartmoor Women Through the Ages 1 November: Ann Pulsford
A talk on Mary Anning, paleontologist
Meetings normally start at 7.30pm in Meavy Parish Hall. Refreshments, time to chat and often plants for sale from 7pm. Visitors (£3) and new members always welcome. Enquiries 01822 852672 and 01822 852984. More details at www.meavy. org.uk/mgs
17 October: Jonathan Sutton
Twelve bulbs 21 November: Daiga Ose
Trendy Houseplants with Daiga Ose of M and D Plants
We have a wide range of groups on offer, as well as a speaker each month. If you are retired or semi-retired you are welcome to attend two monthly meetings before joining, so why not give us a try! Monthly meetings take place at 2.30pm at the Woolwell Centre. For more details visit u3asites.org.uk/ moorsedge/events 26 November, 2pm: Professor John Mather
Talk followed by the AGM 16 December, 7.30pm: Professor Ian Bateman
SWEEP: the South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity (ZOOM only)
11 October: AGM and Glen Bird
The Bootneck Baker - Glen was in the final selection for The Great British Baker. 8 November: Chris Robinson
Plymouth History - the rich history of Plymouth and the surrounding area.
(Princetown Group)
If you are retired, no matter what your previous career was, you are very welcome to join us. Meetings take place in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales, Princetown at 12.30pm on the first Thursday of the month. For details contact Mike on 01822 890799 or mikeandkate132@gmail.com.
6 October: Joyce Reith
Wartime Memories in Devon 3 November: Mark Pellow
Devon Dialect 1 December: Guest Speaker (tba)
Our winter series of monthly talks take place in the Parish Centre, Tavistock (members £2, others £3). For further information contact tavistock@ devonassoc.org.uk or check on our website www.devonassoc.org.uk.
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18 November, 7.30pm: John Walters