MOOR LINKS August/September 2019 | Issue 41
events & activities
Interviews with Baz Gray, Antarctic explorer & Heather Chapman of Princetown Library DELIVERED FREE BY YOUR POSTMAN TO ALL PL20 6 & PL20 7 POSTCODES Guaranteed circulation of more than 6000 homes and businesses
The Santa Rosa Fund
The benefits of yoga, tai chi and Pilates
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Summertime… The deadline date for any inclusions in the October/ November issue of Moor Links will be 4th September 2019. For all editorial enquiries please contact Rosemary via email: rosemary.best@linksmagazines.co.uk
THE LINKS TEAM: Publisher: Tim Randell Editor: Rosemary Best Writers: Nichola Williams, Kaye Rogers Design: Sara Venner, Julian Rees Customer Services: Rachel Rees Advertising: Jane Daniel, Olivia Breyley, Joanne Mallard, Claire Pearce
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Whether you’re snatching a weekend, or have a week or more set aside for relaxation this summer, there’s a wealth of activities and entertainment lined up in the local area. If you’re looking for culture there are two series of open art studios in August and September - Drawn to the Valley and Devon Open Studios, as well as outdoor theatre productions, and the first heritage craft weekend in Tavistock with live demonstrations of traditional crafts, followed by the annual Heritage Open Days, England’s largest festival of history and culture, when numerous local venues will be opening their doors. It’s also food fair season and our food section has details of upcoming Tavistock events with the ‘Real’ Cheese Fair, Foodies’ Delight Fair, and Street Food Festivals, as well as Bovey Tracey’s Nourish Festival. If you prefer something more active there’s a whole week of guided walks with the Dartmoor Walking Festival, while our feature pages detail some of the best beaches for snorkelling, surfing, sailing and other watersports. Nichola has also been out and about meeting some inspiring local people: Baz Gray has recently completed phase one of ‘Challenge Antarctica’, a solo expedition to cross the Antarctic unaided and unsupported; while Heather Chapman is responsible for revitalising Princetown Library and redefining its place in the local community. Have a good summer!
Rosemary Best Editor
you spot him too?
16 26
4 Local People
23 Farming Diary
56 National Trust
8 Feature
24 Community News
59 Food & Drink
10 Charity
30 Kids’ What’s On
62 Outdoors & Active
13 Health & Wellbeing
36 What’s On
64 History
16 Gardening
46 What’s On Extra
66 Tech Help
21 Naturalist
52 Music & Art
67 Business
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@moorlinks Disclaimer: Whilst every reasonable care is taken with all material submitted to Olijam Communications Ltd the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by such material. The opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. All content is fully covered by copyright laws and reproduction in part or whole is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Battling the odds with ‘Challenge Antarctica’ One of the privileges of this job is that I get to meet interesting people who are passionate about what they do. Baz Gray is no exception; indeed, he is an extreme example of the brave few who take their passion to another level entirely. The son of an army fusilier, he moved with his family every two years to new bases both in the UK and abroad. For some a daunting upheaval, but Baz embraced the new challenges and enjoyed reconnecting with other army children who were also regularly uprooted. With an older brother in the army it was expected that Baz would follow in the family footsteps, but at a Royal Marine roadshow in Cyprus, fourteen-year-old Baz watched a video on extreme survival – a skill in which the Marines specialise, and from that moment his life was diverted on a different path. One of the youngest Royal Marine recruits, Baz excelled and by the end of his 26-year career he had risen through the ranks to become a Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM). Early in this career he completed the Novice Winter Warfare Survival Course (NWWSC) in Norway, run by the Mountain Leader branch. He loved every minute of it and only a few years later found himself applying for the extremely arduous 8-month course to join their ranks. Mountain Leaders have a reputation in the Marines as the fittest, most motivated, professionals. Baz proudly reached the standard required and took his place amongst this band of elite leaders, teaching military tactical survival under extreme conditions all over the globe. In 2007 Baz was promoted to chief instructor of the Mountain Leaders and delivered cold
weather training for all of the military services. He felt like he had come full circle, from that day in Cyprus when he was first inspired to become a Royal Marine. He applied for the role of advisor to the captain of HMS Endurance (latterly HMS Protector), the UK’s Atlantic presence, jointly tasked by the Royal Navy and the Foreign Office. Baz’s knowledge was invaluable and he became ever more passionate about the Antarctic. In 2013 he heard about ‘The Shackleton Epic’, an expedition to recreate Shackleton’s doomed attempt to cross the whole Antarctic continent between January 1914 to 1916, resulting in 28 men being stranded on the ice after their ship, The Endurance became trapped. After struggling for 15 months, six men set out on a 23-foot open lifeboat (The James Caird), using celestial navigation in the hope of landing on South Georgia, some 800 nautical miles away. Truly an epic survival story, three men, one of whom was Shackleton, reached South Georgia, traversed the island, and raised the alarm for a rescue party. The re-enactment was to be as true to the original expedition as possible, right down to authentic clothing, navigation and diet. Made into a documentary the trip was filmed using hidden cameras and Baz’s role was to lead the team across South Georgia. Baz describes it as both horrific, and a dream come true. As his career in the Royal Marines came to an end after 26 years of service
in places such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Northern Ireland and Kosovo, Baz knew he wanted to continue to experience life on the edge, but it was the Antarctic that really appealed. In 2015 he began planning and preparing for a solo expedition to cross the Antarctic unaided and unsupported. Others have crossed using sleds pulled by dogs or kites, but Baz hoped to be the first to cross the 1600 miles of permanent ice, pulling all of his equipment himself. With years of Royal Marine training behind him, he had the requisite skill and expertise, but needed to test his mental resilience for such a demanding trip. He set up phase one of ‘Challenge Antarctica’, an expedition that would cover half of his journey in order to trial his kit and himself. On January 6th 2019 he completed the distance after 38 days of treacherous solo walking through one of the roughest weather seasons on record. Covering an average of 18 miles a day, Baz became the 3rd fastest, coming in ten days earlier than previous attempts using support; he smashed his planned time and succeeded phase one in good spirits, confident in his ability and ready to prepare for the full attempt this November. Baz is a prolific supporter of forces charities, especially those concerned with mental health. Whilst serving he worked for the charity ‘Speaker for Schools’ and enjoyed talking with children. As RSM, Baz has seen the effects of trauma and understands the
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importance of maintaining positive working relationships under stress. He is a trustee for the charity ‘The Baton’ which raises awareness of the effects of conflict - the batons themselves are the handles of an emergency rescue stretcher used in Afghanistan, and Baz is proud to say that one of the batons was carried on his Shackleton Epic voyage, his phase one Antarctic expedition, as well as by Prince Harry on his Walking Wounded expedition to the North Pole. Baz’s experiences in extreme weather have enhanced his understanding of the nature of robust mental and physical health which he now shares with businesses and corporate clients, some of whom have sponsored his expeditions. Baz is currently in training for phase two of Challenge Antarctica so you may see him pulling tyres across the moor. He is also trying to put on some weight, since he lost over two stone during phase one, and in order to complete his expedition he will be out on the ice for twice as long. As a child he was obsessed with polar exploration and the great pioneers of the heroic age. His is possibly one of the last great expeditions on our planet, and it would seem that his whole life has been leading up to this momentous voyage - I fully expect his name will soon be added to the illustrious list of great explorers. Nichola Williams
Twitter: @soloantarctica, Facebook: Challenge Antarctica, Instagram: @barryjohngray, Email: baz@challengeantarctica
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Inspiring a new generation of readers There is a distinct atmospheric shift as you approach Princetown. In the shadow of its prison, nestled between the two Hessary tors, there is so much more sky, and the community are independent, hardy folk who are becoming bookworms, thanks in part to Heather Chapman. I met Heather in the library; it’s a bright, welcoming space, decorated with cheerful artwork and quirky thank-you cards extolling Heather’s virtues. Heather is immediately charming, exuding positivity, and passionate about the benefits of libraries – especially those in isolated villages. Heather moved from her family home in Derby in 1981 to read English and history at Marjons, where she met her future husband, Russell, who was studying to be a PE teacher. They moved to Cambridgeshire after their marriage and Heather began working in HR while Russell taught at a local private school. Two years later they took over the beautiful Victorian boarding house of the Duchy Grammar School, and then in 1994 moved into one of the Plymouth College boarding houses with their
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three young children. As a houseparent, Heather was on call 24/7 and admits they had to work hard to balance working life with the needs of their growing family but her natural affinity with children meant she enjoyed the pastoral, nurturing role. In 1999 Heather’s middle child, Lydia, was diagnosed with leukaemia. She had just turned eight. Two and a half years of treatment at Bristol and Plymouth followed, including a bone marrow transplant. Tragically though, Lydia died in April 2002 aged only ten. Words cannot fully convey how this experience affected, and affects, the family and their friends,
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but Heather explains, you have to come to terms with living with what happened. Later that year, having left the boarding house, Heather returned to Plymouth College as librarian and enjoyed the responsibility of inspiring the next generation of readers. The school was very supportive and understanding during this difficult time. As her career progressed at Plymouth College, Heather became head of careers, head of year 9 and then senior tutor, as well as continuing as a boarding tutor. However, she felt that she wanted to do other things and when a part-time position came up at Princetown Library in 2017, it was an ideal opportunity. Princetown Library is part of the purpose-built community centre which also houses a pre-school, a large sports and function hall, a meeting hall, kitchen and bar. Heather is now on the centre’s board of trustees and feels such facilities are the heart of a community, offering essential opportunities to bring people together. The library is visited by the pre-school children every week and Heather enjoys introducing new ideas and fostering their imagination through storytelling. She also hosts craft and activity events at the library once a month as well as a book club and visits from local authors. The library has an active ‘Friends’ group who support Heather and the various initiatives to encourage more people into the library. There are also regular and occasional volunteers who help with day-to-day tasks, providing Heather with invaluable support and allowing her time to organise events and the many other activities which have helped to develop the library. Last October she took up the ‘Fun Palaces’ concept, originally a Victorian idea of sharing local skills through workshops, and was delighted by the response. Monthly activity afternoons have grown from this, including floristry workshops, jewellerymaking and other crafts. Heather also works in Tavistock library and enjoys the mutual support and exchange of ideas this encourages. With many libraries nationwide closing as a result of reduced funding, those that remain need to justify their budget by increasing appeal and usage, and Heather has done just that at Princetown Library; it is now a busy space with increased footfall and inclusive events alongside more flexible book lending. A library is a place to share a love of reading and
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access information, but Heather hopes Princetown Library is much more, and is keen for this important facility to be used rather than risk losing it. With Heather at the helm I feel the library is in good hands. Nichola Williams
Princetown Library opens 2-4pm, Mondays & 10am-12 noon Wednesdays, Saturdays. Devon’s 50 libraries and 4 mobile libraries are run by Libraries Unlimited, an independent, community-owned social enterprise. For details see librariesunlimited.org.uk or Princetown Library Facebook & Twitter. More volunteers would help to increase opening hours - please get in touch if you can help. Heather is running a dynamic programme of summer holiday activities, including a visit from Boo to a Goose Theatre on Wednesday 21 August. She is also a member of Dartmoor Border Morris (8:00pm Wednesdays from September at Meavy Hall), as well as tower captain of the Sheepstor Bell Ringers (7:30pm Mondays) and encourages people to try either or both activities! 7
photo by Phil Hemsley
Dawlish Warren
Summer days by the sea
If you’re thinking about a trip to the coast this summer, here’s a reminder of some of our local beauty spots, all linked by the South West Coast Path which was originally created by coastguards on the look-out for smugglers.
Best for rockpooling
One of Cornwall’s longest beaches
Wembury Beach is one of the best locations in the country to try your hand at rockpooling, with a host of sea life to find from crabs and sea anemones to starfish, pipe fish and blennies. Visit Wembury Marine Centre, before going on a guided rockpool safari, or just explore the rockpools by yourself, but check out the seashore code to keep yourself and wildlife safe at .nationaltrust.org.uk/wembury. As well as rockpool safaris you can also book a snorkel safari around Wembury Bay looking at underwater marine life – see wemburymarinecentre.org/events.
Whitsand Bay is a beautiful 3-mile sandy beach with superb views from Rame Head to Looe. All the access paths are steep but it’s worth the walk as you always find an uncrowded stretch of beach. It’s also popular for surfers but dangerous rip currents mean caution is necessary.
Wembury Beach facilities & access: National Trust car park, toilets, seasonal café, access not suitable for wheelchairs, no dogs 1st May - 30th Sep, PL9 0JG Activities: rockpooling, kayaking, sailing, surfing, coastal walks (seasonal foot-ferry at Yealm Estuary)
Nice and close Bovisand Bay is a great beach for families, with room to play games or enjoy swimming and snorkelling. At neighbouring Crownhill Bay there is a pleasant, grassed picnic area above the picturesque cove. Bovisand facilities & access: car park, steep path with steps, no dogs 1st May - 30th Sep, PL9 0AD Crownhill Bay facilities & access: car park, toilets, beach shop/ café, short steep paths, no dogs Activities: swimming, suitable for beach games, coastal walks, regular beach cleans (see plymouthbeachclean.co.uk) 8
Whitsand Bay facilities & access: parking at Tregantle, Sharrow Point & Tregonhawke, clifftop cafés at Tregonhawke and Eddystone Café (with customer toilets) on the beach, lifeguards May – Sep, steep access paths from Tregantle, Sharrow Point, Freathy and Tregonhawke, dogs allowed all year, PL10 1JT Activities: surfing, swimming, walking, suitable for beach games, monthly beach clean (see ramepbc.org) Events: 20-22 September Looe Live! – a whole town music festival with 5 stages, see visitcornwall.com/whats-on
Old smuggling haunts The sheltered beaches of Cawsand and Kingsand are great for swimming, snorkelling and boating, and you can even arrive by boat if you catch the seasonal Cawsand Ferry from the Barbican in Plymouth. The quaint fishing villages were a key smuggling centre for the region in the 1700s and early 1800s, when Cawsand was located in Cornwall and Kingsand in Devon – a sign still marks the dividing line. Cawsand facilities & access: car park, toilets, pubs, cafés, shops, beach suitable for wheelchairs, no dogs Easter - 30th Sep, PL10 1PJ
photo courtesy of Visit South Devon
Rame Head
Kingsand facilities & access: car park, toilets, pubs, cafés, shops, no beach access for wheelchairs, dogs allowed all year, PL10 1NF Activities: swimming, snorkelling, sailing, canoeing, coastal walks Events: 13 – 15 September Cawsand Bay Guitar Fest 2019 an exciting weekend of classical guitar plus coastal walks, surfing lessons, coasteering, paddle boarding cawsandbayguitarfest.co.uk
Author’s paradise The beach at Bigbury on Sea has everything – a wide expanse of sand, views across to Bantham and Burgh Island, with the eye-catching Art Deco hotel which inspired two of Agatha Christie’s novels, rockpools, watersports and an easy stroll from the car park. The tidal causeway to Burgh Island adds another exciting element and if you get cut off you can always take a ride on the sea tractor. Bigbury on Sea facilities & access: car park, toilets, café, shop, pub on Burgh Island, lifeguard May – Sep, disabled access to the beach & wheelchair hire from the café, dogs allowed on part of beach, TQ7 4AS
Haven for nature The one and a half mile long sandy beach at Dawlish Warren is not only beautiful but also has one of the most important locations in the South West for rare species of wildfowl, wading birds and plants at the National Nature Reserve. There are also plenty of amusements and activities to keep everyone occupied and it has retained its Blue Flag award for an impressive 21 consecutive years. Dawlish Warren facilities & access: car parks, toilets, cafés, shops, pubs, lifeguards May – Sep, disabled access to all areas, dogs allowed on beach, groynes 4 - 9 all year (restrictions apply elsewhere), EX7 0NF Activities: wildlife visitor centre, swimming, surfing, go karts, rides, amusements, coastal walks Events: August 10-16 Dawlish Carnival Week, see dawlishcelebratescarnival.co.uk For more information see .visitsouthdevon.co.uk; visitcornwall.co.uk; nationaltrust.org.uk; .southwestcoastpath. org.uk; cornwall-aonb.gov.uk; southdevonaonb.org.uk Rosemary Best
Activities: swimming, bodyboarding, surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing (hire facilities on beach), coastal walks 9
Santa Rosa Fund Now based in Tavistock, the Santa Rosa Fund has been supporting educational initiatives and projects in Nicaragua for over 30 years. In 1988, Tavistock residents June and Martin Mowforth visited Nicaragua. At that time, Martin was a researcher in the Transport Studies Group at University College London, a research organisation that had excellent relations and links with all the Latin American countries apart from Nicaragua. So he arranged a meeting with Rigoberto Silva Corea, the external relations secretary in the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education. After the meeting, Rigoberto asked Martin about June and her work; when Rigoberto learned that June was a headteacher at a secondary school in Plymouth, he asked if her school would like to develop a twinning link with a school in Managua. No promises were made, but Rigoberto immediately drove June and Martin to what was then the Escuela Ernesto Ché Guevara in the Barrio Santa Rosa of the capital city
Managua, where they met with the headteacher, Virginia Gómez Hernández and Modesto Flores, one of the teachers. On their return to England, June organised pupils at her school to collect pens, pencils, rulers, exercise books and other items of educational stationery that were lacking in the school in Managua, at first one box every three months, eventually increasing to one box per month. The Managua school also lacked many other items, for instance there were 700 pupils in attendance at the school, 350 in the morning and 350 in the afternoon with a number of adults and children attending at night for literacy classes. However, there were only just over 100 chairs and no desks, so most of the pupils had to sit on the floor during classes, while the seven classrooms had various windows and bits of roof missing.
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When June retired from teaching in 1994, the Santa Rosa Fund was established as a registered charity (number 1028058) in order to continue the link. For the purpose of decision-making, 14 Tavistock-based trustees were appointed, meeting every three months. A couple of years later, the twin school in Southway, was closed, but the charity was able to continue the link by means of individual donations from a growing number of supporters and through fundraising events. At the end of the 1990s, the decision was made to hire the services of a Nicaraguan to make the monthly purchases in Managua, rather than spend valuable funds on airmail. So, for the last fifteen years René Zamora, a Managua resident, has consulted with the teaching staff at the Santa Rosa School, purchased the necessary items and then delivered them. In 2001 the government of Nicaragua decreed that within five years every school should have a library - but gave no extra resources for schools to achieve this. At the same time however, the Santa Rosa Fund received a donation of around $2,500 (USD). This sum was about half of the amount required to build a library at the school, so the charity applied to the British Embassy in Managua for funds to match the donation. The application was successful and the Ben Dalton library was built, named after the British doctor who died crossing a border in Africa, who was also the late husband of Diana Dalton, the donor of the first $2,500. Some years later, the government of Nicaragua issued another decree, in this case that all schools should offer pupils the opportunity to use computers, but once again no resources were forthcoming. In 2006, the Santa Rosa Fund applied to the British Embassy, this time in Costa Rica, as the embassy in Managua had closed. The embassy could not provide the funds required for this initiative, but instead offered several of their own machines which had been replaced. So in 2006, through the help of the British Embassy in Costa Rica, the Santa Rosa Fund provided five computers and two printers to the Santa Rosa School. Today the Santa Rosa Fund sustains its commitment to the
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Santa Rosa School through an annual grant, covering the maintenance costs for the computing equipment, the monthly purchases of materials, as well as a yearly donation by Bill Dalton (Ben’s father) for the upkeep of the Ben Dalton Library, and a small annual sum to be used at the headteacher’s discretion. With the help of the Berriz Sisters in El Viejo, and the Friends of Holland Foundation, the Santa Rosa Fund has also given funds to many other educational initiatives and projects in Nicaragua, including support for youth centres, libraries, schools, and in particular for the provision of education to the children of a very small and remote community called Los Pozitos. The link with Los Pozitos was initiated by Jacky Rushall, a Plymouth teacher, when she visited the families in the village in 2004. Jacky is now one of the Santa Rosa Fund trustees. The Fund also provides annual support to the Quincho Barrilete Association which initially provided care and protection for street children in Managua, but whose focus is now on care and protection of abused children. Additionally, we have supported an amazingly active library called Little Cob in the city of Matagalpa, a series of educational workshops run by a Nicaraguan Women’s Organisation and a similar series run by a medical clinic that treats the families of plantation workers. Following various natural disasters that have struck Nicaragua, the Fund has also provided relief funds for recovery efforts. Martin Mowforth
If you wish to support the Santa Rosa Fund please send donations to Membership Secretary, Martin Mowforth, 51 West Street, Tavistock, Devon PL19 8JZ.For more information see www.santarosafund.org 11
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The benefits of yoga, tai chi and Pilates It’s well known that we are all recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise during the week - this is often promoted as 5 x 30-minute sessions. Less publicised are the Department of Health’s recommendations that we should all be incorporating muscle strengthening activities on two days per week, and in addition for older adults (over 65) balance improving activities on two days per week. Although there are many ways to achieve improvements in muscle strength and balance, in this article I’m going to focus on three activities which have been shown in studies to improve physical health, specifically through muscle and balance conditioning.
Yoga Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has been adapted in many other countries as a way of improving both physical and mental health. Although all forms of yoga focus on moving between different postures and incorporating breathing there are a huge variety of forms of practice. Some are very calm and meditative, focussing primarily on the mental health benefits, while others are physical and dynamic putting the emphasis more on muscle conditioning and flexibility. Yoga has been shown to increase flexibility and strength which can reduce falls and help reduce chronic joint pain. It has also been shown to mitigate stress and low mood, and lower blood pressure. Again, anyone can do yoga – but choosing a class aimed at your level of fitness is important. There is even ‘chair yoga’ for the very frail.
Tai Chi Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art, but it is now mainly practiced for its health benefits rather than combat. There are a number of different styles but all are characterised by slow, graceful, continuous movements that are gentle on the joints and muscles and are linked to controlled breathing and focus of the mind. Although tai chi is undoubtedly good for us at any age, most studies have focussed on the benefits for older people where it’s been shown to improve balance and muscle strength, thereby reducing falls. There are also studies that show it decreases stress. You are never too old to do tai chi and it is recommended by the NHS falls clinic to anyone who may be at risk. If you are older and more frail, it’s important you join a group with an experienced teacher who can adapt exercises for your fitness and experience level.
Pilates Pilates is the only one of these three disciplines that isn’t ancient. It was developed in Germany at the start of the 20th century and was designed to improve strength and flexibility through controlled movements incorporating the whole body.
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It puts emphasis on developing a strong core, balance and stability. There is less formal evidence for the efficacy of Pilates but because its main principles and focus are similar to yoga and tai chi – low impact, muscle conditioning, improvement of balance, focus and breathing – it is thought it may have some similar benefits and is recommended by the NHS. Due to the focus on core muscle strength (back, abdominal and pelvic floor muscle groups) it is often suggested as a way of tackling the epidemic of back pain which is exacerbated by our more modern sedentary lifestyles which lead to a deconditioned core. All these forms of exercise are accessible to all, no matter what level of fitness, experience or age. In our local area we have groups for mums and babies, over 65s, men only, women only, children, athletes, as well as outside classes, group classes, one-to-one sessions… the list goes on. A quick internet search will reveal the wealth of options available. For a basic introduction to each of the disciplines in this article, and the health benefits provided have a look at these NHS information sheets: www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/guide-to-tai-chi www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/guide-to-yoga www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/guide-to-pilates
Dr Jo Coldron Tavyside Health Centre, Tavistock
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Have you experienced depression and anxiety? South West patients are needed for the biggest ever study into depression and anxiety - the two most common mental health disorders worldwide. In the UK, one in three people will experience symptoms during their lifetime. Researchers in the region are encouraging patients to sign up to take part in the GLAD study (Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression) which aims to better understand depression and anxiety in order to find effective treatments and improve the lives of people experiencing these disorders. It is the biggest ever study of its kind developed in collaboration with mental health charity MQ and with patients and service users. The Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula (CRN SWP), part of the National Institute for Health Research, is supporting sites across the region to be able to offer the study to patients and give them the opportunity to take part in this important research. Sharon Hudson, Clinical Research Specialty Lead for Mental Health at the CRN SWP, said: “The latest data shows us there has been a 20 per cent increase over the last few years in the number of referrals
to the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service locally which provides evidence based psychological therapies for people with anxiety and depression - rising from approximately 2,100 to 2,500 referrals per 100,000 population. Around 25 per cent of those referrals are for depression and 32 per cent for anxiety. We therefore know that depression and anxiety are the two biggest mental health issues and so it is great for the region to be backing such a high-profile study and ensuring equity of access for our patients. We know that patients in the region want to get involved in research and we know that patient care improves if research is happening in the NHS, so this really is a great opportunity.” Mental health research is increasing in the South West – with 1,527 people taking part in 2017/18 and 1,675 people taking part in the last financial
For further information visit www.nihr. ac.uk or www.facebook.com/NIHRSW or twitter: @NIHRSW. To take part in the GLAD Study, part of the NIHR BioResource, you must have experienced clinical anxiety and/or depression during your life, be aged 16 and above, and live in the UK.
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year. The CRN SWP has also recently invested in a new Mental Health Research nurse whose remit will be to increase the number of research opportunities available to patients in the region, with particular emphasis on Plymouth and North Cornwall where there has traditionally been a lack of infrastructure. Two sites in the region will be open for recruitment to the GLAD study – Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Devon Partnership NHS Trust. The study is also available to join online at gladstudy.org.uk
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A touch of the Med
Summer holidays abroad provide great inspiration for garden style with an exotic look. There’s a wealth of furniture and accessories with bright colours and pots in earthy shades of terracotta and stone. But most of all, creating your own little oasis is about choosing the exoticlooking plants that thrive in this country and making the most of the sheltered microclimates that they’ll need. Brick or stone walls have a storage-heater effect during winter, and growing plants in raised beds, containers or on banks ensures excellent drainage – many sunloving plants can tolerate a surprising amount of cold so long as they don’t have wet feet. Strong structural foliage provides the ‘bones’ of a garden with a palette of rich greens and subtle hues that are restful on the eye. Classic plants are bay, myrtle, rosemary and box, either clipped to shape or untrimmed. Olive trees look gorgeous in pots but usually need winter protection, unless you have a supersheltered microclimate.
The aromatic fragrance so redolent of the Mediterranean comes from its natural vegetation, the maquis and garrigue. For our gardens, such plants include sun rose (Cistus), rosemary, marjoram, fennel, bay and lavender. The essential oils contained within the leaves vaporise to protect plants against the fierce summer heat. Pots of vivid summer flowers add splashes of brilliant colour to any soilless spot. Geraniums are a continental favourite, placed up flights of steps or clustered around doorways, with trailing ones creating cascades of colour in window boxes. For the best effects, stick to one or two principal colours rather than having an overload of brilliant shades. The toughest plants for hot spots are fleshy-leaved succulents. Some are hardy and can remain outdoors all year, such as the many different low-growing
sedums and sempervivums, while tender ones like Aeonium, Aloe and Echeveria should be grown in containers and moved inside for the winter months. A plea, though, don’t bring plants back from your continental travels where there are major outbreaks of Xylella, a bacterium which affects up to 350 different species of plants: olives and ornamental plants have been decimated in some regions of France, Spain and Portugal. As yet Xylella hasn’t appeared in the UK so help keep it at bay by only buying UK-grown plants.
New Plants Chelsea Flower Show ‘plant of the year’ winners are always worth looking out for. Often these are new varieties of old favourites, like top-performing Geranium ‘Rozanne’ which was awarded ‘plant of the centenary’ back in 2013. This year’s winner is Sedum ‘Atlantis’, perfect for
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Sedum Atlantis, photo courtesy of Suttons
pots and small gardens with attractive variegated foliage and long-lasting yellow flowers beloved by bees - and grown by the Devon company, Suttons.
Garden problems After a damp and cool early summer, watch out for plant diseases both under cover and outdoors. While diseases can’t be cured, there’s a range of measures you can take to save your crops or plants. Remove the source of infection by picking off dead, discoloured or mouldy leaves or fruit (bin, don’t compost). Many plant varieties have been bred to give good natural resistance, so look for these in future years. Healthy plants are much more able to resist attack, but don’t overdo the fertilizer – instead, improve your soil with plenty of organic matter and apply plant growth stimulants that contain beneficial microbes or fungi.
Propagate shrubs and tender perennials by softwood or semiripe cuttings.
Put out fresh water for birds to drink and bathe in.
Gardens to visit: RHS Rosemoor The Royal Horticultural Society’s garden in a beautiful valley by Great Torrington covers 65 acres and contains a wealth of inspiration, from formal gardens and borders to productive gardens, wild flower meadows and Mediterranean-
Sue Fisher
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Trim evergreen hedges and topiary box plants to maintain shape but avoid hard pruning as birds are still nesting. Most houseplants benefit from a spell outside in summer, in a sheltered and part-shaded spot. Pests like whitefly, aphids and red spider mite tend to thrive under cover in summer. Combat with a biological control which can be bought by mail order.
style planting. One of my favourite areas is the border close to the entrance, planted up with colourful and exoticlooking tender plants. An excellent restaurant, tea room and plant centre too. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/rosemoor
tel: 01822 841895 • email: suefisher@talktalk.net www.suefishergardens.co.uk
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See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
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The Cool Garden
Friday 16th to Sunday 18th August
The RHS Garden Rosemoor Flower Show is packed with gorgeous floral displays, 40 nursery and trade stands, specialist talks and advice from nursery exhibitors as well as RHS staff and advisors, flower arranging demonstrations by top florist Jonathan Moseley, delicious food, live music and much more – all set against the beautiful backdrop of the 65-acre garden. New for this year, local flower clubs will be transforming Rosemoor’s garden shelters with ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ themed floral displays.
development centres on the use of water, and features blue, white and pastel coloured planting complemented by grey foliage, provide a calming contrast to the fiery colours of the nearby Hot Garden. Incorporating many of the original plants, the new design builds upon the relaxed planting of the former Spiral Garden, originally designed by Tom Stuart-Smith in 1991. The main theme of the garden is how gardeners can deal with heavy rainfall, an increasing challenge because of climate change. It is also the first garden at Rosemoor to be designed around an ornamental water feature; the curved terrace wall has five water blades which feed rills running through the garden to a tear-drop shaped pond.
On Friday morning, it is the official launch of the new Cool Garden, designed by Chelsea Flower Show gold medal award-winning garden designer Jo Thompson. This major
10am – 5pm, entry free with normal garden admission, RHS members go free, non-members can save 10% by online booking in advance.
RHS Rosemoor Flower Show
RHS members go free
Garden Flower Show 16–18 August
Discover specialist plants, be inspired by our experts and enjoy delicious food and drink Early admission VIP tickets available Great Torrington, Devon EX38 8PH Non-members can book online and save 10%
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Your visit supports our work as a charity RHS Registered Charity no. 222879 / SC038262
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
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The Rock Dental Practice, 14 The Rock Inn, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6DS Email: contact@rockdentalpractice.co.uk Web: www.rockdentalpractice.co.uk 20
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Friend or foe? I must admit to somewhat ambivalent feelings towards deer. It is marvellous to see any of our large mammals in the wild, free to roam the countryside despite increased urbanisation and the tendency to ‘tidy up’ the wilder parts of our environment. Deer populations have certainly increased in recent years with the abandoned market gardens on the steep slopes of the Tamar Valley, re-wilded by neglect rather than design providing ideal cover during the daytime. And with new suburban estates extending out to the margins of the protected wooded valleys of the Plym, the chance of seeing deer within the city boundary has increased, as many early commuters will have noticed. Spotting a deer in the early hours munching away at the rose bush a few metres from the back door, finding tulips devoid of their flowers, beans and even sweet potato vines inside a polytunnel stripped of their leaves from the ground up, leaves me feeling less than charitable towards them! I’m sure that most local gardeners or farmers will have their own story to relate of deer entering their land. The roe deer is the species most commonly encountered locally, although fallow deer are becoming more frequent. In summer it is relatively easy to distinguish the species; the roe deer is uniformly reddish brown, the fallow is a similar colour but paler underneath and with distinguishing spots on the back and flanks, and tends to be more variable with both darker and lighter and even white forms. Male fallows carry broad-bladed ‘palmate’ horns while in comparison those of the roe are short and spiked. But later in autumn and over winter when they are easier to see, both lose their horns and are an overall dull grey-brown colour, and therefore more difficult to distinguish from each other although the roe is much smaller. As you see a deer disappearing into the undergrowth a plain white rump will tell you it’s a roe deer, while a white rump
with a dark halo and a long tail will belong to a fallow. Detailed guides and photos are available online but I hope these brief sketches may help if the view you get is unexpected and fleeting (as is often the case). Roe have been in the country since the last ice-age, while fallow arrived with the Normans when many ‘deer parks’ such as that at Mount Edgecumbe were established. Their larger relative, the red deer is another true native with long established Devon herds on Exmoor and at Haldon near Exeter. However they do travel throughout the county and have been recorded everywhere except the South Hams; size alone should be enough for their identification (think of a small pony, chest high to a human adult). Their breeding period, the autumn rut, has been well documented on BBC’s Autumn Watch. The ruts of the fallow and roe are on a less dramatic scale during July and August (roe) or autumn (fallow). Outside of the breeding season the male and female roe and fallow communicate with a short sharp bark often when they are disturbed.
in the past centuries before they were eliminated. As it feeds almost entirely on deer, the European Lynx would be an ideal candidate, and controlled trials have been proposed. They are so shy most of us would never know they were around. Just something to think about for the future! Pete Mayston
Three other species, all oriental in origin, are now living wild in the UK: muntjac, sika and Chinese water deer. Of these the shy knee-high muntjac is the only one to have a foothold in the South West, but judging by their habit of concealing themselves in the undergrowth when I have seen them in Norfolk and Oxford, there could easily be more than we are aware of and could become established locally. One to watch out for! We do need to consider the potential problem that an expanding population of deer may bring. Indeed there may already be more around than is sustainable without damage to crops and woodland. I personally would not like to see a cull. Maybe we should consider reintroducing some of the large predators that controlled their numbers 21
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Good teamwork
I always look forward to the hot days and holidays in August but the sad reality is that following August comes September and the harsh reality that autumn is about to arrive - sorry to bring it up! Although there are loads of jobs to do on the farm during the summer it always ends up being a bit of a muddle and you seem to be shoe-horning jobs in between the weather and crucial holiday deadlines. With the whole team trying to get away it becomes a logistical puzzle, making sure holiday dates don’t overlap and that we have the major jobs covered. That said, it always works out in the end and although there’s pressure leading up to the break, the jobs get done and once you are away, there’s nothing you can do but rely on the team. That is one of the major benefits of working with your brother and brotherin-law - you know they’ve got your back and you can usually rest assured things will be looked after and jobs will get done whilst you’re away. The Devon County Show seems a long time ago now but I haven’t had chance to share my success as yet! I had a fabulous show, winning the breed champion for the Whiteface Dartmoor breed with a young ram called Sheriff, and reserve champion with a young female. It was the best show I have had in years, not just because we did well with the sheep, but Gemma and the boys camped on the show site with me for the first time for all three days
and we had a fantastic time. Now the boys are getting older it’s a great way to introduce them to the animals, as well as great fun! We now have all the summer shows to look forward to and as it seems I have a good team this year (sheep and family!) I am going to enter as many as I can get away with! As well as being good fun involving a good group of people, they are also a great shop window for your animals. From the success of Devon County Show, I have already sold a group of ewes to a new breeder starting a flock on Exmoor - so wish me luck through the summer. As we get through August into September, we start to look at sales. We have several sale dates through the early and late autumn which is where we make most of our money from the
T r e eR e mo v a l-P r u n i n g He d g eC u �n g S e a s o n e dF i r e wo o d-Ho me ma d eC h a r c o a l
sheep. Sheep are very seasonal and although you have to work at them all year, they only really start to earn us any money in autumn. We will sell breeding males and females to other farms, mainly through the markets of Tavistock and Exeter and we always pride ourselves in turning out the best animals we can from a hard Dartmoor farm. Up until now we have done pretty well with plenty of repeat buyers. Let’s just hope with the current uncertainty in our industry that there will be a market for our breeding animals. Some other good news is that Dartmoor Farmers and Morrisons are continuing to work together. Last year Dartmoor Farmers supplied ten south west stores with Dartmoor lamb, this year we have thirteen stores and a longer season starting in August. So the Dartmoor Farmers’ team are working hard to make sure as many lambs as possible get into store. It has been a really positive move locally and it’s great to see our farmers working together for such a beneficial common purpose. We get a premium for our amazing quality lambs and we get to shout collectively about the fantastic job our herds and flocks do at maintaining Dartmoor for all to enjoy. Mat Cole Greenwell Farm
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Spruced up for summer During the past year, Buckland Monachorum Village Hall’s committee has been busy with wiring and heating upgrades and now, following a successful bid from the National Lottery’s ‘Awards For All’ fund, it has revamped its grounds too, which are already proving very popular with regular users and visitors to the popular Saturday market. The generous grant has funded outside play equipment including a balance trail and sand pit, new outside storage, and at the front, two large bespoke raised beds to grow a variety of fruit, vegetables and flowers. Supplied by local company Green Scheme Solutions Ltd, the majority of the new equipment is made from recycled plastic, starting off life as items such as bottle tops and milk cartons. Not only is it great for the
planet but the equipment is extremely durable and low maintenance. The children at Buckland Beehive Preschool, which is based at the hall, are delighted with the new facilities, and the project has already led to new links with other community groups. Manager Jane Beard said: “The Buckland Food Growers have kindly agreed to work with our pre-school children to grow a range of flowers and produce which we could then sell at the Saturday market. The
children are keen to try their hand at growing pumpkins in time for autumn!” A variety of community groups use the hall and this rental income provides vital funds to meet running costs, ensuring it continues to develop as a thriving ‘village hub’. If anyone is interested in hiring Buckland Village Hall for regular events or special occasions, please visit bucklandmonachorumvillagehall.co.uk.
Shortlisted for four awards A Yelverton based company was recently shortlisted for four awards in the Free From Skincare Awards 2019. The Dartmoor Skincare Company is up for ‘Best Brand’, and its cleanser, hand cream and lavender soap have also been shortlisted in various categories. The shortlist follows an intensive period of testing entries by a 100-strong team of dedicated testers, each with sensitive or problem skin, or with a keen passion for natural or ‘free from’ skincare. Alex Gazzola, awards co-ordinator, said the judges were impressed with the diversity of products this year.
Home of the Dartmoor Pixie Dartmoor’s Famous Gift Shop Since 1947 Renowned for our handmade garden ornaments. Where you can find our famous handmade Pixies/Gnomes, Fairies and Dragons. We sell a broad range of local Devon products, Luxury SheepskinRugs, Moccasins, Gloves and Collectables among other items. Outside our shop, is our magical garden & play area. Families can relax with refreshments, while the children discover the Fantasy & Magic of Pixieland.
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5th anniversary celebrations! Over 100 people came on Saturday 6 July to join us at Burrator Discovery Centre to celebrate ‘becoming 5-years-old’! Families made butterfly houses and butterfly feeders, explored Wembley Walk, made cob oven pizzas, developed their fly-casting techniques with Burrator Fly Fishers Association, enjoyed identifying moths collected in our moth traps, which included the large poplar and privet hawk -moths, and of course there was lots of cake eating in the sunshine! Thank you to everyone for coming and to all our volunteers for making this day such a success.
Buckland Monachorum Parish Council The parish council represents residents living in the five villages within the parish - Yelverton, Crapstone, Milton Combe, Buckland Monachorum and Clearbrook. We rotate our monthly parish meetings between the village halls within the parish and as all our meetings are open to the public to attend, please come along and find out what we do. Currently we have two vacancies so if you would be interested in joining the council, or would like to know more about the work of the parish council or discuss issues you would like the council to consider please contact the clerk at clerk@bmpc.info.
Buckland Monachorum parish councillors (from left to right) Ric Cheadle (Yelverton), Richard Allen (Clearbrook), Sally Challiss (Crapstone), Gary Baird (Buckland), Laurie Larkin (Milton Combe and Chair), Dave Butland (Buckland), Susan Woollacott (Crapstone), Martin Fowler (Yelverton), Val Bolitho (Milton Combe) and Kathy Griffiths (Clerk). Not in the photo Lucy Wood (Buckland)
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Scams Question: My father-in-law was the victim of a scam artist who fleeced him out of £5,000. He was devastated but we were able to work with his bank to get some of the money back. However, he’s still receiving numerous calls, letters and texts from potential scammers. What can we do to keep him safe as his memory isn’t the best? Answer: Citizens Advice has found that, once someone has responded to a scam, their personal details can sometimes be sold onto other criminals, opening the door to more scam mail, emails, phone calls or home visits. Try to get these numbers blocked with the telephone provider or get a ‘standalone call blocker’, or failing that register the number with the Telephone Preference Service. It’s important never to reply to scam texts, as there can be costly hidden charges. Report the texts to the mobile phone provider who can block the number. If you’ve already been stung and call cost information wasn’t given, report it to Phone-pay Plus.
Mail scammers often impersonate banks, the local council, or other legitimate organisations. Don’t respond unless you’re sure it’s legitimate and a letter was expected. If in doubt look up the number of the organisation and contact them directly (don’t call a number on the letter as it could be a bogus call centre). Registering your name and address for free with the Mailing Preference Service will remove you from some mailing lists. Doorstep scammers can often be intimidating, and commonly target older and more vulnerable people. Don’t be embarrassed to turn people away and only let them in if they’re expected. If someone from a utility companies calls, ask to check their credentials. If in doubt, phone the company they represent or check online, but don’t just use the contact details they provide. For the most up-to-date advice, please visit www. citizensadvice.org.uk, call Adviceline on 03444 111 444 or visit Tavistock Citizens Advice at Abbey Surgery: Mon, Weds, Fri 10-3pm www.ruraldevoncab.org.uk
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Using public footpaths The West Country boasts many of the most beautiful public footpaths in the country but when out walking in the countryside it’s important to remember that it’s a working environment where animals graze. Dogs are allowed on public footpaths, but should be on a lead or under close control where livestock are grazing. Walkers should also be vigilant, as at certain times of the year even the quietest of cattle can be excitable, especially in the spring when they have been let out of their winter quarters, are rearing young or bulling, ready to mate. The presence of dogs can excite livestock further and if they feel threatened their natural instinct is to protect their territory or young. To stay safe: Do • avoid getting between cows and their calves. • b e prepared for cattle to react to your presence, especially if you have a dog with you. •m ove quickly and quietly, and if possible, walk around the herd. • k eep your dog close and under effective control, or on a lead around cows and sheep. Don’t • h ang onto your dog’s lead if you are chased or charged at; the perceived threat is usually the dog and most dogs can easily outrun a cow but the majority of us humans can’t. • p ut yourself at risk. Find another way round the cattle to rejoin the footpath. • p anic or run. Most cattle are just inquisitive and will stop before they reach you. If they follow just walk on quietly.
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Livestock worrying is a serious problem for livestock farmers. The latest figures show around 15,000 sheep were killed by dogs in 2016. If a dog is worrying livestock on agricultural land, the owner/person in charge of the dog is guilty of a criminal offence under section 1 of the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953. Another hugely important issue is Neosporosis, which is an infectious animal disease caused by the Neospora caninum parasite. Neosporosis is dangerous to dogs, causing difficulty in breathing, paralysis, seizures and even death in young puppies. Dogs can become infected with Neospora after eating the afterbirth of an infected cow. Pasture land can stay contaminated by infected dog faeces for up to six months, and if ingested by cattle they can contract the disease, continuing the cycle. Neosporosis is one of the most common causes of abortion in cattle so it is very important that dog owners safeguard both their pets and livestock by keeping their dog within close contact and picking up faeces immediately. When walking on public footpaths through grazing fields it is essential that walkers and dogs keep to the footpath at all times. This is the only way Neosporosis can be managed as there is currently no prevention or treatment for this nasty parasite.
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To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
Chemical-free natural mattresses All mattresses supplied in the UK must meet the specified ignition resistance levels, and it is true to say that the flame retardants used on many mattresses to pass the strict UK fire retardancy laws, are chemical based. However, scientific tests and discussions about these chemicals have raised a number of issues, as they can enter the body, either in a skin permeable form or inhaled or digested as dust particles. Evidence is steadily accumulating to indicate that many of these chemicals could be linked to health risks, and could be particularly dangerous for babies and children, as their brain and other organs are still developing. Possible harmful effects on health include:
• Damage to the immune system • Learning and memory loss • Cancer • Heart, lung and kidney damage • foetal defects • Sleep disorders The Dartmoor Bed Company is proud of the fact that all its mattresses are totally chemical free, but still pass all UK fire retardancy laws. In fact, the company is so passionate about the healthy sleeping benefits offered by its products, that it believes not only should adults be sleeping safely on chemical-free luxurious beds, but more importantly so should children.
Owner, Stuart Page says: “All the materials used in our mattresses are completely natural and even our fabric is Egyptian cotton which is chemical free. We source all our natural fillings from the UK and the wool is locally sourced from Dartmoor.” For a limited time, The Dartmoor Bed Company is offering up to *two single mattresses free when customer buy a king size (or larger) mattress and divan. Offer last until the end of August 2019. (*Please see in store for full details of this offer)
Apiarists’ new abode The Bee Group, part of the Buckland Food Growers, has been given a new home! A kind donation of an ex-summerhouse by Simon and Kate Hutchinson has provided luxury accommodation and is a massive improvement on their old shed. The group looks after their hives in the allotment next to Buckland Abbey and meets most Saturdays during the ‘bee season’ from April to September. If you
To find out about...
would like to learn more about beekeeping do come and join them. To find out more, contact Chris on chris@ clearbrookdevon. co.uk or Ric on ric. cheadle@hotmail. com.
@ The Knightstone Tea Rooms Serving freshly prepared hot lunches and light bites, selection of home-made cakes, cream teas, high teas and Prosecco afternoon teas Roast dinners served every Sunday (booking recommended) 1940’s weekend, 3rd weekend of every month, serving a selection of
WHAT’S ON in your local area VISIT
Dartmoorlinks.co.uk See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
“Wartime Specials”
Coming soon - High Tea & Cream Tea picnic hampers.
Full details will be published on our Facebook page @theKnightstone Also available for private functions OPEN EVERY DAY BETWEEN 10AM AND 4PM DOG FRIENDLY AREA • FULLY LICENSED • FREE WIFI
Crapstone R0ad, Yelverton PL20 6BT
01822 853386/07447744427 • modwan@sky.com 29
Club of Yelverton
FREE Sports and Craft Play Day Wednesday 7th AUGUST, 10.00 until 3pm This great free event for the August holidays is targeted at Key stage 1 & 2 children from local PL20 villages, accompanied by their parents/carers and younger siblings. Other children from the local area or those on holiday in the area are also welcome. The following sports organisations are planning activities: Yelverton Bohemians Cricket Club, Tavyside Badminton, Yelverton Golf Club, as well as martial arts with Little Dragons, cycling with Dartmoor Velo, fencing, archery and ‘races’ with OCRA and West Devon Scouts’ assault course. There will also be a host of craft activities with West Devon Scouts, Libraries Unlimited (Princetown), Tavistock Scrapstore, Burrator Discovery Centre, DNPA (Conservation) Learn Devon, Dartmoor Hill Pony
Association, Devon Wildlife Trust and possibly the Fire Service & local Police representation depending on operational demands. The event is being organised by the Rotary Club of Yelverton in conjunction with Yelverton Play Park Committee, with assistance from Okehampton Community Recreation Association and will take place from 10am to 3.00pm on the moor/airfield area opposite Yelverton Play Park, sponsored by Rotary Foundation and a number of local businesses.
OPEN DAYS 2019 Prep and College 20 Sept | Sixth Form 5 Oct
Book your place online at www.mountkelly.com/open-days Mount Kelly | Parkwood Road | Tavistock | PL19 0HZ 01822 813193 admissions@mountkelly.com 30
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
BID TAVISTOCK ANIMATION WORKSHOP 5th August, 10:00am-1:00pm in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock Enjoy working together as a family to design, create and bring a clay model character to life, with easy-to-use animation cameras. Free summer festival event by Tavistock BID, in collaboration with Learn Devon. visit-tavistock.co.uk T-SHIRT MAKING 12th August, 10:00am-1:00pm in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock Free summer festival event by Tavistock BID, in collaboration with Learn Devon. www.visit-tavistock.co.uk TRADITIONAL TALES PANTOMIME 24th August Join Entertainingly Different throughout Tavistock for a series of mini pantomimes jam-packed with songs, slapstick and silliness based on traditional tales. Lots of music and energetic fun. Free summer festival event by Tavistock BID www.visittavistock.co.uk TAVISTOCK SUMMER TRAILS Until 31 Aug A Walk in the Park - Take a walk from the centre of town into the park and decipher the children’s book titles from the colourful floral clues. Collect your map from the Visitor Information Centre (Tues-Sat). Enter into a prize draw to win an android tablet. Journey to the East & A Walk on the West Side - Collect your clue sheet and work out all the children’s book titles to earn your
goody bag. Clues will be planted or hidden in participating businesses. Collect your sheets from I Love Candy or the Visitor Information Centre (Tues-Sat). Brought to you by Tavistock Community Gardeners and Tavistock BID. See www.visit-tavistock. co.uk for more information.
BUCKLAND ABBEY SUMMER OF FUN Until 1st September, 10:00am-4:30pm A summer of adventures, crafts and discoveries awaits you with lots of family activities, such as outdoor games, apprentice portrait trail and pine cone snowy owl making. On Wednesdays 12pm-3pm, join the Buckland Abbey ranger and volunteer team for outdoor adventures such as making wild art, bug hunting and animal print spotting. On Fridays dress up and bring along your favourite teddy for a picnic under the Tudor Tent. Events free but normal admission prices apply. www. nationaltrust.org.uk/buckland-abbey
BURRATOR FAMILY DROP IN SESSIONS Thursday 1st, Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 22nd August, 10am-3pm Each day will involve a themed nature trail, woodwork, environmental art and outdoor cooking around Burrator Discovery Centre. Wear outdoor clothing. £3 per child; £2 per adult; for more information contact 01822 855700 or heritage@swlakestrust.org.uk
COTEHELE SUMMER ACTIVITIES AT COTEHELE Daily until Sunday 1 September, Sun 11am4pmMon 12-3pm, Tues to Fri 11am-3pm
family adventures
There’s a different activity each weekday through the school holidays with plenty to keep the kids entertained. Mondays is Look Sharp! in the house; we’re making swords and shields in the bookshop on Tuesdays; there’s soft archery in the orchard on Wednesdays; Pond dipping in the upper garden on Thursdays; making butterfly feeders on Fridays; and there’s Costume Sundays at the Mill too. Events are free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue. www.nationaltrust. org.uk/cotehele BUTTERFLY WALKS WITH RANGER PETE Saturday 3rd and Saturday 10th August, 1pm-2pm Join Cotehele’s butterfly expert, Ranger Pete Mills, for a walk around Cotehele gardens looking at and discovering information on the variety of butterflies they have there. Free but normal admission prices apply BUTTERFLY COUNT Thursday 1st – Wednesday 7th August, 10am-5pm Pick up your count sheet and head to a quiet spot either in the garden or around the mill to see how many varieties of butterfly you can see enjoying this special place with you. Free but normal admission prices apply
DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK FOREST SCHOOL WITH THE RANGERS Tuesday 6th August, 10am-11.30am and 1pm-2.30pm
tree surfing archery canoeing café mountain biking family trails
tamartrails.co.uk 01822 833409 10 minutes from Tavistock 32
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
Join the Rangers at Brentor Church car park for a fun-filled session of forest school - groups for 5-11-year-olds & 11-16-yearolds. This event is free but a suggested donation to Donate for Dartmoor of £2. Booking: email rmartin@dartmoor.gov.uk or drop into one of our Visitor Centres MELDON WILDLIFE FESTIVAL Tuesday, 20th August 2019, 10.30am - 4pm Join the National Park and partners for a wild day out celebrating Dartmoor’s unique and beautiful wildlife - a free fun-filled, event for all the family including stream dipping, bird watching in the woods, butterfly identification walk, reptile tiles, slugs and snails – not all slimey, and insect investigations.
filled with multi sports, outdoor adventures and creative art projects. Book at high5sportscamps.co.uk
A summer of dinosaur-themed fun with the Jurassic Discovery Garden Trail and free drop-in family craft weekday workshops (except 17 & 27 August), 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm, where you can make dinosaur masks, clay dinosaurs, paper plate dinosaurs, as well as take part in ‘Dino seeking Binoculars and Spikey Hats’. Plus a chance to meet some modern-day Jurassic creatures on 27 August with the Jurassic Really Wild Show, and Jurassic Adventure ‘Play-in-a-Day’ drama workshops on 16 & 28 August.
FANTASTIC FLAGS Wednesday 7th August, 11am-1pm. Make natural paints and brushes to decorate a ‘Lydford explorer’ flag. £2 per flag, booking advisable, normal admission prices apply. LAUNCH A BOTTLE ROCKET Thursday 29th August & Monday 2nd September, 10.30am-1.30pm See how high you can make a fizzy pop bottle fly, using just water and air. This event is free but normal admission prices apply.
A DARTMOOR SUMMER Thursday 1st August – Sunday 8th September
MINI RAFT MAKING Saturday 3rd August and Wednesday 4th September, 1pm-3.30pm
Pick up or download your event programme celebrating the special qualities of Dartmoor National Park - from letterboxing to navigation, and storytelling to caving, there is something for everyone and all ages. Available in the visitor centres at Princetown, Postbridge and Haytor, or at www.dartmoor.gov.uk and www. visitdartmoor.co.uk
Make your own mini raft with the help of the ranger team then launch it on the river Lyd to see how well it sails. £3 per raft normal admission prices apply.
HIGH 5 HOLIDAY CAMPS Until 30th August, Monday-Friday, 8am 6pm
Can you discover which wild animals have left their footprints all around the gorge? Free but normal admission prices apply.
MEAVY PRIMARY SCHOOL MEAVY MADNESS RUN 28th September, 1pm registration, 2pm start Third annual trail run for all primary school age children. Beautiful routes of 1, 2 and 5km so all ages and abilities can have the excitement of a trail-run competition. For further information see www. westdartmoor.org.uk/pta/meavy
A h e t app ob y ...
Join High 5 at Mount Kelly Prep School for their Ofsted registered holiday camps. Available for anyone aged 5-15 years, these camps offer action-packed days
ANIMAL TRACKS SUMMER TRAIL Thursday 1st - Sunday 11th August, 10am4.30pm
Preschool for 2-4 year olds • 9am-1pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am-3pm Tuesday & Friday - Term time only
Buckland Monachorum Village Hall
Contact Jane Beard on 01822 853634
BOO TO A GOOSE THEATRE 21st August, 10am Boo to a Goose Theatre presents ‘Space Cats’ at Princetown Library. £5 per child, adults free. Tickets from Princetown/ Tavistock Library.
bucklandbeehive@hotmail.com www.bucklandbeehive.com
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
TAVISTOCK LIBRARY OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD SUMMER EVENTS Join us for out-of-this-world children’s events this summer, including the library space chase Summer Reading Challenge, marking the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Read six library books during the holidays to get your space chase certificate and medal. We also have a visit from a mobile planetarium, a make-a-rocket-den workshop with Tavistock Scrapstore, as well as inspirational hands-on children’s science talks from staff and students of the University of Exeter and Plymouth University.
THEATRE ROYAL PLYMOUTH SUMMER WORKSHOPS Various dat 1am-12.30pm Join us for a range of fun-filled sessions involving storytelling, games and crafts with family, friendly workshops on 30th July & 2nd August, sessions inspired by the natural world on 5th & 9th August, and sessions exploring the underworld of the sea on 13th, 21st & 23rd August. For age 3 – 7 years old, £8 per child (adults go free), maximum of 10 per session, book at www. theatreroyal.com Compiled by Rebecca Martin, Dartmoor National Park Authority visitor services manager and Visit Dartmoor ambassador
Tavistock’s main venue for Films, Theatre, Live Music and Live Broadcasts
Welcome to...
FILMS....................... wharF gallery.. THE QUEENS CORGI
Why not come along and visit our Art Gallery which is free to enter and open to the public every day except Sundays. We change exhibitions each month and feature many local and national artists.
The British monarch’s (Dame Julie Walters’) favorite dog gets lost from the palace and finds himself at a dog fight club. He then begins his long journey to find his way back home.
5th – 8th August
©Barrie Cook
After the murder of his father, a young lion prince flees his kingdom only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery.
9th – 22nd August THE CURRENT WAR
The dramatic story of the cutthroat race between electricity titans Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse to determine whose electrical system would power the modern world.
9th – 15th August
COFFEE SHOP........ Did you know that The Wharf has its own coffee shop open 6 days a week (except Sundays) serving a varied menu to suit all tastes and at very reasonable prices. With an outside seating area running alongside the canal, on a hot sunny day there can be no better place in Tavistock to enjoy a cream tea or slice of cake!
Based on a true story detailing the passionate relationship between literary trailblazer Virginia Woolf and enigmatic aristocrat Vita SackvilleWest.
16th – 22nd August PLAYMOBILE – THE MOVIE
Animated feature film inspired by the Playmobil brand toys.
For full details and how to book events visit our website:
or call Tavistock Wharf Box Office
01822 611166
23rd – 29th August 34
² TAVISTOCKWHARF µ tavistockwharfofficial
promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627 editorial@moorlinks.co.uk Please note: check our website or ringToour box office on 01822 611166 to check dates and times of screening. Thank you.
MUSIC..................................... STORY OF THE BEACH BOYZ Friday 2nd August
GREEN HAZE Friday 16th August
THE CURE V SIOUXSIE Saturday 17th August
Learn how The Beach Boys® began, how their songs were constructed and about the private lives of The Beach Boys® themselves.
Transmission emulate the sound of one of the most inventive, evocative and influential groups of their era
Playing all those monster hits from Dookie, American Idiot through to current day.
Tribute to The Cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees
GRATEFUL DUDES Saturday 23rd August
WHITESNAKE UK Friday 30th August
RIVIERA DOGS Friday 6th September
Playing the music of The Grateful Dead, iconic US West Coast acid rock band.
Whitesnake UK concentrate purely on reproducing the classic sound and stage production of Whitesnake without the aid of backing-tracks.
Let Riviera Dogs take you on a whistle stop tour of the very best of the hits of the 80s. KariBow, neo-progressive melodic rock, with shades of Marillion and Yes.
SKINNY MOLLY Saturday 7th September
BRUNO – A TRIBUTE TO BRUNO MARS Friday 13th September
MANOEUVRES - A TRIBUTE TO OMD Saturday 14th September
Skinny Molly was founded by guitarist/vocalist Mike Estes (formerly of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blackfoot) original Molly Hatchet guitarist Dave Hlubek
Expect to hear smash hits such as ‘Locked Out of Heaven,’ ‘Grenade,’ ‘Treasure’, ‘Just The Way You Are’, ‘When I was Your Man’, ‘24K Magic’ and ‘Uptown Funk!’
Quality instrumentation and amplification are used and are key elements in reproducing the sound they strive to achieve.
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the formation of the original Wishbone Ash. Featuring full performance of Wishbone Ash’s classic 1971 album “Pilgrimage”
G2 GENESIS Saturday 21st September
FOREIGNERS JOURNEY Saturday 28th september
G2 pay tribute to a vintage period in Genesis’ long and colourful history with songs from the four-man “Seconds Out” era (1975-78), and earlier Gabriel years.
The hits will just keep on coming - That’ll Be The Day, Peggy Sue, Heartbeat, It Doesn’t Matter Anymore, Raining In My Heart, Oh Boy! – and much, much more.
Their show features classic tracks such as ‘Waiting For a Girl Like You’, ‘I Wanna Know What Love Is’, ‘Cold As Ice’, ‘Jukebox Hero’, ‘Don’t Stop Believing’, and many many more.
c tavistockwharf
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk Dates and times shown may vary, so please check our website for all up to date information: www.tavistockwharf.com
Discover the life of print artist Rena Gardiner in a new exhibition in the Breakfast Room of Cotehele house and see some of her many artworks inspired by Cotehele’s views - in situ. 10am-5pm
SIR FRANCIS DRAKE COMES HOME TO BUCKLAND ABBEY A chance to see an original Francis Drake portrait on loan from the National Portrait Gallery as part of its COMING HOME project. 11am-4:30pm
WHAT’S ON Jazz Sunday Lunch
JazzSunday Sunday Lunch 3rd March Sunday 8th7th September Sunday April
A delicious 3-course Sunday A delicious 3-course Lunch, with a generous helping Sunday Lunch, a generous of livewith jazz. helping £25 of live jazz.
Traditional Afternoon Tea Valentine’s Dinner Dainty sandwiches, tempting Thursday 14th February
cakes, warm scones and plenty of Five tea superb courses or coffee. by candlelight. Every afternoon 3pm-5pm. £14
Christmas Parties & Mother’s Day Lunch Festive Dining
Sunday 31st March It’s time to book your office party 3ordelicious thefriends stylish a festive courses, night out in with setting of Party The Bedford Hotel. or family. nights, festive lunches and£26 festive dinners. Call our Events team on 01822-613221 01822 613221.
Bedford otel
DAILY UNTIL 31 OCTOBER WATER AND COLOUR IN COTEHELE GALLERY The summer exhibition features the work of local West Country artists and makers, with beautiful watercolour paintings, mirrors, ceramics and jewellery on sale. 10am-5pm UNTIL 11 AUGUST BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT Come to Cotehele and join us to count butterflies for the charity ‘Butterfly Conservation’. We’ll have spotter guides and count sheets to help you identify and monitor the butterflies you see. 10am-5pm 5, 11, 13, 19, 30 AUGUST PRACTICAL VOLUNTEERING DAYS Meet at Burrator Discovery Centre, please wear old clothes & sturdy footwear, bring lunch and a drink, 10am-3pm
to oils, watercolours and acrylics. Open Tues-Sat 10am-4pm, Wildwood Arts, Chapel Lane, Horrabridge, PL20 7SP. 30 AUGUST - 21 SEPTEMBER RETROSPECTIVE ART EXHIBITION Wildwood Arts in Horrabridge presents a unique exhibition celebrating a lifetime’s work by the Westcountry artist, Richard Slater (Royal Institute. Preview: Friday 30th August 6-8pm AUGUST BUCKFAST ABBEY EXHIBITIONS Rotary Club Art Exhibition, 1-17 August; exhibition of weaving, spinning and dyeing from the 23rd- 26th August; Buckfast Abbey’s Monastic Way exhibition, chronicling the history of Catholic monastic life in religious communities throughout Europe, high-tech animations, film and interactive models. All exhibitions free entry & free parking. 1 AUGUST - 14 SEPTEMBER PLYMOUTH ARTS CINEMA OPEN AIR Enjoy your favourite films in iconic city locations, with a mix of blockbusters, cult classics and good old sing-alongs. Book online at plymouthartscentre.org FIRST SATURDAY OF MONTH
UNTIL 30 AUGUST SUMMER ART EXHIBITION Wildwood Arts presents an exhibition of original work by the region’s finest artists, including Richard Slater RI, Sonia Robinson RSMA, with textile art, pyrography, felting
BOOK GROUP AT PRINCETOWN LIBRARY We are an informal group that meets at 10:30am-12noon each month to discuss a book we have all read. Come along to see what it’s all about, drop
Ex-display & pre-loved dresses all under £600
APPOINTMENT ONLY Ashleigh Meadow, Tregondale, Menheniot,Liskeard,Cornwall, PL14 3RG
www.bedford-hotel.co.uk 01822 613221 1 Plymouth Road, Tavistock, PL19 8BB
tel 07767646337
www.twoforjoybridal.co.uk To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
WHAT’S ON into Princetown Library or check the Princetown Library Facebook Page.
EXON FESTIVAL The 53rd Festival will take place at St Eustachius’ Parish Church. See exonsingers.org.uk/festival for details
A new initiative meeting from 2.00-4.00 pm in Buckland Monachorum Village Hall, supporting those living with dementia and their carers - join us for a cuppa and a chat. For more information phone Margie (01822) 853152, Mandy 855347, or Trish 852163.
Drawn to the Valley artists’ annual exhibition when the group’s 150-plus artists will be showing their work at the event’s new venue at Butchers’ Hall in Tavistock.
We are a small painting group who enjoy experimenting with different mediums and painting styles and usually have a topic for the day or paint pictures of our own choice. Thursday mornings (no meeting 29 Aug), the Chapel, Buckland Monochorum. If you would like to visit or join the group please contact Anne Hughes at anne.s.hughes@btinternet.com.
AUGUST 1 AUGUST LODESTONE BORDER MORRIS The Rock Inn, Yelverton. 8pm. With lovely friends, the Plymouth Maids. 1 AUGUST
Savers can obtain loans at 2% or less. Children can save too. All savers are covered by a free life insurance. Call in for more information or ring 01752 201329. 11.00am - 1.00pm in the Princetown Community Centre, Tavistock Road, Princetown, PL20 6QE
Pack up a picnic and enjoy this classic tale of adventure, betrayal, knights and honour, with songs and magical storytelling in the open air. 6:00pm at The Garden House, Buckland Monachorum; tickets available at www.thegardenhouse.org.uk/events
C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Retired? Come along for a friendly chat and a cuppa, or something stronger at 12.30pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. 2 AUGUST CLARINUTS CONCERT A great evening’s entertainment with 5 amazing clarinettists and a wide variety of music. 7.30pm at Rock Methodist Church, Yelverton, entry £6 on the door.
WHAT’S ON Wine Tasting Dinner Thursday 31st October Sample a selection of fine wines, partnered with a superb dinner menu using the finest local, seasonal ingredients. £59 including dinner and wines
Summer Breaks Escape for a two night Dartmoor Leisure Break, including breakfast and award-winning 3-course dinner. From £90 per person, per night
Festive Feasting For your Christmas party or celebration dining in a simply stunning Dartmoor setting, with all the festive trimmings. Call our Events Team on 01822 892300
Bridges otel
8th August & 10th October The Bedford Hotel Plymouth Road 10.00am - 1.00pm
Lucie Rie (1902-1995), a stoneware bowl Sold for £7,000
St. Edmund’s Court, Okehampton Street, Exeter EX4 1DU T: 01392 413100 W: www.bhandl.co.uk E: enquiries@bhandl.co.uk
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
www.twobridges.co.uk 01822 892300 Two Bridges, Dartmoor, PL20 6SW
3 & 24 AUGUST
From its origins as an abbey, Tavistock became an important country town based on farming and woollen manufacture expanding hugely in the 19th century following the discovery of copper ore nearby. Discover Tavistock on this fascinating 90-minute walk from the Visitor Information Centre, Court Gate, Bedford Square, Tavistock at 2.00pm. £5pp www.heritageintavistock.org
Outdoor theatre production of David Walliams’ bestselling tale full of forbidden fun at RHS Rosemoor, EX38 8PH, age: 7. Book tickets on 01805 624624 or online at www.theploughartscentre.org.uk.
9 - 12 AUGUST
A 5-mile senior race at 18:45, and two junior races of 2km and 4km from 17:30, starting at the foot of Pew Tor. Register and info at www.entrycentral.com
GIN IN THE GARDEN FESTIVAL An afternoon with local gin distillers, live entertainment and street food – adults only at the Moorland Garden Hotel, 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Tickets £6 in advance at moorlandgardenhotel.co.uk, or £7 on the door.
Simon Dell - The C.O.’s Road. Meet at DNPA carpark, Princetown, 7:00pm.
BERE FILM GROUP Bere Alston United ChUrCh, Fore street
1st & 3rd wednesdAy eACh month
21st August
4th September
(Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks)
18th September
(Emily Blunt and Dick Van Dyke)
7 AUGUST SPORTS AND CRAFT PLAY DAY FREE Fun Sports and Craft Play Day for Stage 1 & 2 children from local PL20 villages – other children from the local area or visitors are also welcome. 10am to 3.00pm, on the moors/airfield opposite Yelverton Play Park. 8 AUGUST VALUATION MORNING Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood will be at The Bedford Hotel, Tavistock 10.00am 1.00pm to offer advice and valuations on antiques, jewellery & ceramics you may wish to sell at auction. Call 01392 413100.
NINEBARROW The multi-award-winning folk duo perform at St John’s Church, Horrabridge. Tickets in advance only at £12:50 (no concessions) - available on 01822 852112 or at astewart@rivercot.co.uk. 7pm for 7.30pm start. www.ninebarrow.co.uk 9 AUGUST
Derriford Art Group’s 17th exhibition is well worth a visit at Clearbrook Village Hall, Clearbrook, PL20 6JD. Paintings are sold on a ‘Buy & Take Away’ basis and refreshments are available. Entry free: Friday 1pm – 4pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am – 4pm, Monday 10am – 3.30pm. 10 AUGUST SUMMER FLOWER SHOW Meavy Garden Society’s Summer Show is open to the public 1:00pm - 4:30pm in Meavy Parish Hall. Admission £1. Visitors vote on the best exhibit in each class including cut flowers, shrubs, plants in pots, vegetables etc. Teas & raffle. 11 AUGUST ST LUKE’S OPEN GARDENS Bere Ferrers Village Gardens, PL20 7JS - a diverse selection of gardens & access to
2nd October
this project is supported by tASS. If you would like transport to and from the film tASS will try to provide it for you. contact tASS on either 01822 617525 or transport@tasstavistock.org.uk contact either 01822 841021 or 01822 841185 if you would like to know more.
Regular House Cleans Letting and House Sales Cleaning Commercial Contracts
01822 853946 / 07531 085183 38
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
WHAT’S ON Tamar Belle Railway Station. Open 11am – 4pm; adults £5, children (U16) enter free; refreshments and plant sales available.
include coffee/tea and biscuits. Regret NO parking at Abbeyfield.
Alpines and other perennials from seed by Richard Horswood at 7.30pm in Meavy Parish Hall. Refreshments, time to chat and often plants for sale from 7pm. Enquiries 01822 852672 and 01822 852984
Chris Pearce and Andy Leggett, two great clarinet/sax. players, plus trombone & a fine rhythm section. 7.30pm at the Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Plymouth. Tickets on the door £10 (members £8, full-time students £5) information 01752 721179, plymouth-jazzclub.org.uk
Fun for all ages, with over 30 gift and artisan traders, 1940s singer Sandy Sparkle, traditional games, workshops, charity dog show, face-painting, henna tattoos, refreshments. 10.30 to 16.00 in Bedford Square and Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock.
15 AUGUST C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Join our outing to a place of interest including lunch - coach pick-up at Bedford Hotel, Tavistock, Yelverton roundabout bus stop and Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown plus points in between. Booking is Essential. Reservations and deposits on 1st August or contact Mike on 01822 890799 or mikeandkate3@talktalk. net 15 AUGUST DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 8pm at Who’d Have Thought It, St Dominick, back in Cornwall as guests of Wreckers Morris. www. dartmoorbordermorris.com
Floral displays, 40 nursery and trade stands, specialist talks, flower arranging demonstrations, delicious food, live music set in the 65-acre garden. 10am – 5pm, normal garden admission. 17 AUGUST SUMMER BALL Strictly Social is holding its 1st Summer Ball at Lamerton Village Hall for all ballroom enthusiasts. Come along for some great music and dancing, bar available, ‘American Supper’, ‘Rising Star’ demo. £10 per person. Contact Terry Flannery on 07891 614491, or email strictlysocialdanceclub@gmail.com for further details.
ABBEYFIELD COFFEE MORNING Abbeyfield Tavistock Society is holding its annual coffee morning at Drake Lodge, 60 Plymouth Rd from 10am to 12 midday - plant stall, white elephant, books, tombola, cakes etc. Entrance £1.50 to
HERITAGE CRAFTS FESTIVAL & FAMILY DAY An opportunity to see the crafts that helped build the town and its economy in and around the recently restored 19th century Butchers’ Hall. Pannier market open on Sunday 18th August. For more details see What’s on Extra.
OPEN AIR CINEMA 2019 TINSIDE LIDO: 1-3 AUGUST Casablanca | Fisherman’s Friends The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert TINSIDE LIDO: 23-25 AUGUST Alien | Bohemian Rhapsody | The Birds ROYAL WILLIAM YARD: 12-14 SEPTEMBER Captain Marvel | The Rocky Horror Picture Show Bohemian Rhapsody BOOK TICKETS: plymouthartscentre.org
Plymouth Arts Cinema
17-18 AUGUST
Featured in The Independent as a top Summer attraction!
Inside Plymouth College of Art, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, PL4 8AT Box Office: 01752 206 114
Web: www.plymouthartscentre.org
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
An inspirational new lifestyle store in the heart of Tavistock • Well Considered Gifts • Interior Accessories • Interior Styling & Design • Extensive Fabric Library
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WHAT’S ON 20 AUGUST YELVERTON & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY A 2-hour Dartmoor stroll with Liz Miall - meet 6.45pm at Sharpitor car park, SX 561709 21 AUGUST DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 7.45pm The Leaping Salmon, Horrabridge, collecting for Sadie’s Stray Dog Rescue all season, in memory of the work of former member Lis Richards.
racing, charity and craft stalls, exhibits, parade of horses and hounds by the Spooners and West Dartmoor Hunt, stationary engines and old vehicles. Refreshments available. Playfields, Plasterdown PL19 7QU 28 AUGUST DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 8pm at Horse & Groom, Bittaford –DBM are joined by Grimspound Border Morris to mark the end of the summer dance season.
Buckfast Abbey’s head gardener, Aaron Southgate, will be leading a seeds and cuttings practical tour of the grounds, £3.00 per person.
24 AUGUST, 15 SEPTEMBER ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES FAIR Antique fair at Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock 24 AUGUST- 1 SEPTEMBER DARTMOOR WALKING FESTIVAL Several events each day ranging from modest guided strolls, children’s rambles and evening talks to full day walks and ambitious challenges, plus ‘accessible’ events. Full details at www. dartmoorwalkingfestival.co.uk and as a paper programme. 24 AUGUST - 1 SEPTEMBER DTTV OPEN STUDIOS 100 Drawn to the Valley artists in the Tamar Valley, West Devon and west of Dartmoor National Park open their studios to the public. 25- 26 AUGUST BUTCHERS’ HALL FOODIES’ DELIGHT FAIR Enjoy a range of culinary delights from food producers in the South West, 9.30am to 4.00pm in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock 26 AUGUST WHITCHURCH AND SAMPFORD SPINEY SHEEPDOG TRIALS Sheepdog trials, family dog show, terrier
31 AUGUST & 21 SEPTEMBER TAVISTOCK STREET FOOD FESTIVAL Enjoy an array of street foods from around the world, with bars and live music on Bedford Square, Tavistock. 5:00 to 8:30pm. Free entry. www.missivyevents.co.uk
21 AUGUST Races start from the Fox & Hounds at Lydford - senior race at 18:45, and two junior races of 2km and 4km from 17:30. Register and info at www.entrycentral.com
under-16s free entry.
29-30 AUGUST GAMES ON THE SQUARE, TAVISTOCK Enjoy a free day of traditional games on Bedford Square, including mini crazy golf and Beat the Buzzer, from 10:00am-4:00pm courtesy of Tavistock BID. www.visittavistock.co.uk 30 AUGUST
Wilhelm Kuhnert SOLD £7,400
BUBBLEMAN, TAVISTOCK Step inside a magical world of bubbles with Rainbow Gecko. Bedford Square 10:00-4:00pm. Brought to you by Tavistock BID as part of their summer festival. www. visit-tavistock.co.uk 30 AUGUST WUTHERING HEIGHTS Chapterhouse presents Emily Brontë’s tempestuous love story on the banks of Roadford Lake at 7.30pm. For information or tickets call 01566 784859 or visit www. seetickets.com/event/wuthering-heights/ roadford-lake/1331143 31 AUGUST & 1 SEPTEMBER TAVIFEST 2019 Raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action with fantastic artists including Mad Dog Mcrea. Bar, pizzas, hog roast, burgers and hot dogs. For tickets contact tavifest@ mail.com or Facebook: Tavifest - £5 on 31st August (gates open 3.00 pm); £15 on 1st September (gates open 4.30 pm);
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
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this was one of Humphry Repton’s last commissions and brings together a multitude of landscaping elements. Open 11am - 4pm; adults £5, children (U16) free entry.
Trombone duo Richard Leach & Kevin Grenfell with a fine rhythm section playing mainstream jazz standards. 7.30pm at the Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Plymouth. Tickets on the door £10 (members £8, full-time students £5) information 01752 721179, plymouth-jazzclub.org.uk
‘Fisherman’s Friends’, based on a true story about a group of Cornish fishermen from Port Isaac who achieved a top 10 hit with their album of sea shanties. Certificate: 12A, £5 adult, £2 child (U12 & accompanied), licensed bar, 8pm at Meavy Parish Hall www.meavy.org.uk
Hotel Endsleigh Gardens, Milton Abbot, PL19 0PQ - Designed 200 years ago
David Stone - Eastern Dartmoor in the age of the Black Death- 7:30pm at Princetown Community Centre. www. princetownhistoryclub.weebly.com
C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Retired? Come along for a friendly chat and a cuppa, or something stronger at 12.30pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. 6 SEPTEMBER
Whitchurch has a fascinating history as a former home of canal engineer John Taylor, plus a church with a grizzly secret & the Lutyens’s-designed folly The Pimple. Led by Whitchurch resident and former chair of Devon Historic Buildings Trust Sue Spackman. Meet at 2pm at the main entrance to the Whitchurch parish churchyard. £5pp www. heritageintavistock.org 7 SEPTEMBER BEE TASTER DAY An insight into keeping bees at Buckfast Abbey, with a chance to see inside a hive and experience the world of bees, 11am to 4pm, with an hour for lunch, £25.00 per person with information pack. 7-22 SEPTEMBER DEVON OPEN STUDIOS This free showcase of the arts includes a wide range of Devon artists. Many open studios also include demonstrations of techniques, workshops and talks. www. devonartistnetwork.co.uk
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
WHAT’S ON 12 SEPTEMBER MOOR’S EDGE U3A Monthly Meeting/Birthday Party at the Woolwell Centre 2:30pm 12 SEPTEMBER YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Ivy’s Story – A Devonport Girl with Robin Blythe-Lord at 7:30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. 13 SEPTEMBER DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION Dr Todd Gray, the fascinating history of Devon’s anthem Widdicombe Fair in words and music at 7.00pm at the Tavistock Parish Centre, Plymouth Road. For further details contact Barbara Edwards on 01822 852636, edwardsbobbarbara@btinternet. com or visit www.devonassoc.org.uk 13 SEPTEMBER TEA TASTING AND COCKTAIL MAKING
6:00pm at The Moorland Garden Hotel, canapes, talk about tea, tea tasting, cocktails made with tea. £20 pp, book on 01822 852245 or moorlandgardenhotel. co.uk 13-22 SEPTEMBER HERITAGE OPEN DAYS UK buildings and sites of historic value are opened free to the public – see What’s on Extra. Details of local activities are available on the Heritage Open Days and Tavistock Heritage Trust websites and from the Visitor Information Centre.
14 SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARY LUNCH Princetown Community Centre is holding an Anniversary Lunch, celebrating 10 years since it was opened. 11:00am onwards, bring your own picnic or refreshments, bar available, plus activities and stalls. 14 SEPTEMBER ARTISAN FOOD & GIFT MARKET
Sample locally-produced food, relax with a coffee and get crafty in the ‘Make Space’. 10:30am to 4:00pm in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock, free entry. www.missivyevents. co.uk
With 12 acres of orchards at Cotehele we’re celebrating the apple harvest with apple picking, orchard tours, welly wanging, fruit juice lab, displays of apple varieties and tastings, building the ‘cheese’ and the Big Squeeze on the Victorian cider press.
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Vintage cars, militaria, tractors and working agricultural machinery, shire horses, tractor trailer rides, dog show and children’s activities. Tractor road-run starts at 10.30am, stalls and attractions from 11.00am, plus BBQ, cream teas, ice cream and a bar.
WHAT’S ON 17 SEPTEMBER YELVERTON & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY ‘Cotehele: An antiquarian home of the Edgcumbe family’ - a talk by Nick Mason at Meavy Parish Hall at 7.30pm 19 SEPTEMBER C.S RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Join our outing to a place of interest including lunch - coach pick-up at Bedford Hotel, Tavistock, Yelverton roundabout bus stop and Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown plus points in between. Booking is Essential. Reservations and deposits on 5th September or contact Mike on 01822 890799 or mikeandkate3@ talktalk.net 20 SEPTEMBER DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION Guy Baker, Director of the Marine Biological Association - an illustrated talk on Ocean Changes and how they affect the coastlines of Devon and Cornwall at 7.30pm at the Tavistock Parish Centre, Plymouth Road. For further details contact Barbara Edwards edwardsbobbarbara@ btinternet.com, 01822 852 636 or visit www.devonassoc.org.uk 21-22 SEPTEMBER ELIZABETHAN WEEKEND Step back to the Elizabethan era at Buckland Abbey. 11:00am-4:30pm. 24 SEPTEMBER PRINCETOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MEETING 8.00pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. All residents of the Dartmoor Forest Parish Council area are welcome to attend. Why not bring a friend? 26 SEPTEMBER YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Butterflies with Simon Phelps at 7:30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. 26 - 28 SEPTEMBER AUTUMN FAIR 44
Autumn Fair in The Butchers’ Hall 9.30am to 4.00pm – free entry
Matt Boydell - The Devon Wildlife Trust’s 50 nature reserves. - 7:30pm at Princetown Community Centre. www. princetownhistoryclub.weebly.com
AN EVENING WITH OSCAR WILDE The Rev. Freddie Denman performs ‘The Importance of Being Oscar’, 7.30pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, Yelverton; tickets £20 to include supper, BYO drinks. For info & booking contact Sonja Cheadle on 01822 854710 or r_s_cheadle@hotmail.com or Pauline Creasy on 01822 616672.
Join local historian Alex Mettler for an illustrated talk on the history of The Bedford Hotel, and an exclusive guided tour of the hotel, including coffee and set two-course lunch, £30. 10:00am.
1000 Years of Tavistock Markets - King Henry I granted Tavistock the right to hold markets ‘every week on a Friday’ in 1105 and for 700 years markets were held in the King Street/Market Street area. 90-minute walk from the Visitor Information Centre, Court Gate, Bedford Square, Tavistock at 2.00pm. £5pp heritageintavistock.org
30 SEPTEMBER BERE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Talk by Mr Andrew Thompson: From Druids to Drones - A history of Dartmoor Archaeology. All meetings take place in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Bere Alston at 7.30 pm, all are welcome. Admission is £2 and includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
Traditional fair and market in the town, plus Artisan Market in Butchers’ Hall, 9am – 8pm, free entry. 12-19 OCTOBER GO GOTHIC Tavistock’s first celebration of Gothic and Neo-gothic literature, art, architecture, theatre and film with ‘The Dartmoor Highwayman’ by The Edge, drama workshops, talks, a ghost walk, competition prize presentations & the Go Gothic Market in Butchers’ Hall on 19th October.
FRIENDS OF WHARF - LUNCHTIME LECTURES Organised by Dr Ann Pulsford, 2pm, Tavistock Wharf
AUGUST 5 August: Francis Burroughes The Wonderful World of Glass
12 August: Peter Burkill Magical Madagascar
19 August: Sue Jackson Sir Francis Drake Legends
SEPTEMBER 2 September: Peter Knight & Sue Wallace Albion Dreamtime: Re-enchanting the Sacred Places of Britain
9 September: Jan Diamond Experiencing Egypt: Three Unforgettable Years in Cairo
16 September: Ursula Myers Hallsands: A Predictable Disaster
23 September: Simon Dell A Landmark: 50 Years on Lundy
30 September: John Dobson Life in Russia Before and After the 1991 Revolution
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
W hat’s O n 14 & 15 August British Firework Championships Enjoy spectacular pyrotechnics, illuminating Plymouth Sound as six top firework companies battle it out over two nights, each putting on an
3-8 August Rolex Fastnet Race This historic race attracts yachts from all over the world; starting from the Isle of Wight, the first yachts are expected to reach Plymouth in the early hours of 5 August. Visit the race village at Mount Batten from 6 to 8 August, with live music, family-friendly activities and a chance to try sailing, kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding.
9 to 11 August Ocean City Blues N Jazz Festival The Parade on The Barbican will be full of the sounds of blues and jazz for this free festival. So come along, enjoy a drink and a bite to eat while listening to the music. Friday 10:00am to Sunday 5:00pm
Until 31 August Plymouth Summer of Fun
awe-inspiring ten-minute display in an attempt to be crowned the winner. Head to Plymouth Hoe for the best view and enjoy the show.
14 & 15 September Plymouth Seafood Festival
The packed programme of family-friendly events organised by Plymouth City Centre Company continues every weekend during the school holidays, with dance, story time, arts and crafts and sport, as well as Higher Beings Spin Art Workshop on 3 August and Dreckly Dragon on 17 August. On 24 August watch out for Fool’s Paradise performers Phileas Fogg and the street hot air balloons, the Treemendous stilt walking duo and an amazing hula hooper, before the grand finale on 31 August with the West End Carnival and 60th Anniversary of Plymouth Market.
Celebrating the city’s fantastic caught seafood, the Barbican and Sutton Harbour will be alive with entertainment, activities, an array of local food and craft stands, and the Cookery Theatre with inspirational, regional chefs creating mouthwatering dishes.
www.visitplymouth.co.uk D@visitplymouth E@visitplym
Saturday 3rd August
The Legend of King Arthur Boxtree Productions invites audiences to pack up a picnic and come and watch the hugely popular ‘Legend of King Arthur’ in the gorgeous open-air setting of The Garden House. Arthur is fed up! He is tired of his knuckles being rapped by his teacher, being ignored by his parents and bullied by his brother Kay. However, little does he know that there is a prophecy of a hero, destined to pull the sword from the stone and unite Britain - it couldn’t possibly be little Arthur could it? With Merlin and his knights by his side, will Arthur be able to reunite Britain and thwart the evil plans of Morgan Le Fay? Enjoy this classic tale of adventure, betrayal, knights and honour, with inventive staging, original songs and magical storytelling, in Boxtree Production’s unique and energetic way!
6:00pm at The Garden House, Buckland Monachorum; tickets available at www.thegardenhouse.org.uk/events - family ticket £40, adults £14.50, children £10. The show will be approximately 2 hours long including an interval and will go ahead regardless of the great British weather; cancellation only in the event of dangerous conditions. Bring a blanket or low-backed chair.
St Luke’s Open Gardens
Sunday 11th August
Bere Ferrers Village Gardens, PL20 7JS
Drive or travel by train to the village of Bere Ferrers, please park carefully in the village and head to Alpine House on Station Road to purchase a village garden map. For the first time six lovely gardens will be opening in the picturesque village of Bere Ferrers – a diverse selection of gardens to explore, with some surprising hidden gems. The trail also includes access to the Tamar Belle Railway Station. Open 11am – 4pm; entry: adults £5, children (U16) enter free; refreshments and plant sales available; sorry no dogs; gardens unsuitable for wheelchair access. 46
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Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th August
Tavistock’s Heritage Crafts Weekend
The weekend is being organised by Tavistock Heritage Trust in partnership with Tavistock Town Council, one of the complementary initiatives arranged through the National Lottery Heritage Fund Townscape Heritage Initiative Scheme (THI) currently being delivered by Tavistock Town Council. The Weddings flowers for life’s events creating georgously romantic & unique designs.
THI represents a direct investment of £2.2m in repairing and restoring the fabric of historic buildings in the town, improving the public realm, protecting existing and creating new jobs, developing relevant skills and enabling the community to learn and become more involved in the architectural heritage of their town. More information on the weekend can be found at www.heritageintavistock.org
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Tavistock enjoys a weekend of ‘all things’ heritage with traditional craftsmen and women demonstrating their skills in Butchers’ Hall and around the town. Visitors will be able to enjoy everything from stone masonry to wood carving, spinning to bow making and basket weaving, with opportunities for people to try out the crafts for themselves. Alongside the demonstrations will be talks and walks explaining some of the traditional skills that once made Tavistock prosperous, and the conservation and restoration work that has recently been undertaken in Butchers’ Hall itself, the Pannier Market and its surrounds. There will also be other live craft demonstrations across the town together with craft and artisan food stalls, street entertainment and a ‘have-a-go’ sword school. Tavistock Rotary Club’s traditional country fair will be on the church green and South Devon Arts Society will be launching their new Children’s Heritage Trail of Discovery, available free from the Visitor Information Centre.
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See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Friday 9th August
Gangsta Granny Meet Ben, an 11-year-old want-to-be plumber fed up with spending his Friday nights at Granny’s. All she wants to do is play Scrabble and eat cabbage – not exactly his idea of fun! Hungry and bored, Ben goes searching for something more edible in the kitchen and stumbles upon an old biscuit tin. The tin holds more than just digestives, however; it contains Granny’s biggest secret… Ben’s Granny is an international jewel thief, and she needs his help to pull off her biggest heist yet, stealing the crown jewels! Heartbreak Productions invites you to share in this production of David Walliams’ bestselling tale full of forbidden fun. An adventure for the whole family at RHS Garden Rosemoor, EX38 8PH; this exciting escapade will be very hungry work, so come prepared with picnics,
something to sit on, and definitely dress for the weather. Show starts at 5pm; running time: 2 hours including interval; recommended age: 7+; book a pre-show drama workshop for 6-11yr olds from 3pm to 4.30pm for £5 per person. Book tickets at The Plough Arts Centre on 01805 624624 or online at www.theploughartscentre.org.uk. Outdoor theatre ticket price includes garden admission from 3pm.
Visit a 14th Century Dartmoor Longhouse Higher Uppacott is a medieval farmhouse (longhouse) in which both people and cattle were accommodated under a single roof. It has been classed as a Grade 1 listed building of national importance because it is one of the few remaining examples of this historic building type, which has retained its lower or shippon end (cattle shelter) in its original unaltered state. One of the things that makes Higher Uppacott so special is that its development from its medieval beginnings through to the present day is still clearly evident within the fabric of the building. It tells its own story through key architectural features. This development also vividly illustrates the major
changes in domestic family life and the social structures of Dartmoor farming folk over the centuries. A guided visit is the only way to view this remarkable building and a series of dates are now available to book. All tours start at 10:30 am unless otherwise advised, last approximately 1.5 hrs and cost £6.00 pp. Places can be booked by contacting the National Park Visitor Centre at Princetown on 01822 890414 or emailing visit@dartmoor.gov.uk Available dates: Wed 7th Aug; Sun 11th Aug; Sat 17th Aug; Wed 21st Aug; Mon 26th Aug
Antiques • Collectables • Jewellery • Quality Furniture Architectural Salvage • Garden Furniture & Ornaments • Tools & Machinery Parade Business Park, Pixon Lane, Tavistock (
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Top prices realised on Mid-Century Modern furniture 48
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Saturday 24th August
Whitchurch and Sampford Spiney Sheep Dog Trials The 44th Whitchurch and Sampford Spiney Sheep Dog Trials and Family Dog Show are being held at the Playfields, Plasterdown. The trials have grown over the years to include the very popular family dog show, terrier racing and a variety of charity and craft stalls, as well as a parade of horses and hounds by the Spooners and West Dartmoor Hunt. There will also be a number of exhibits, including stationary engines, old vehicles and the history of sheep farming. Refreshments are well catered for with cakes, pasties and a bar. The trials were started in 1974 by Mr Tom Brown, well known auctioneer of Ward & Chowen, as a means for
local farmers to support Whitchurch and Sampford Spiney parish churches, raising approximately £4,000 each year which is split equally between the two churches. Mr Russell Woolcock MBE has for many years been the president of the organising committee which consists of local farmers and parishioners. Once again Kenny Watson from Postbridge, ably assisted by his wife Wendy, has taken on the job of course director. Classes are: Novice/Open, Maltese Cross and Open Driving. The site is kindly provided by Mr Michael Doidge, and has stunning views of Dartmoor to Brentor church. The trials have become an increasingly popular event for
contestants and promise an enjoyable family day out for all.
Saturday 24th August to Sunday 1st September
Dartmoor Walking Festival 2019 The first ever Dartmoor Walking Festival in 2016 was such a great success it has now become an annual event. With several events each day during the nine-day festival ranging from modest guided strolls, children’s rambles and evening talks to full day walks and ambitious challenges, there’s something for everyone. In 2019 the organisers, Moorland Guides, are teaming-up with the Disabled Ramblers association to organise accessible events every day for the less mobile. Last year’s event attracted over 1,000 participants and raised over £1,000 for the Devon Air Ambulance charity, and in 2019 it will again be the main festival charity. Dartmoor National Park is organising ranger-led walks as well as
archaeological visits and events, and if you have ever wondered what Dartmoor Search and Rescue members do out in the dark when searching for missing walkers, then join them on an evening exercise to find out more! We are also delighted to have the support of The Ramblers, National Trust, the Woodland Trust and SW Lakes Trust, as well as those who live and work on Dartmoor with the Dartmoor Commoner’s Council. Come along and explore ‘Dartmoor on your doorstep’ in the August Bank Holiday week before the children go back to school, and find out more about this incredibly special place - delve into its folklore, history and landscape with a range of walks led by expert guides. Walks take place in various
locations across Dartmoor, booking is not required, various charges apply - full details of the programme can be found online at www.dartmoorwalkingfestival. co.uk or in the printed version. 49
The heart of Three great venues at the heart of our beautiful bustling market town
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August 28th Jul – 4th Aug Drawn To The Valley 10th Tavistock Arts Market 11th Miss Ivy Events Summer Fete 17th – 18th Heritage Craft Fair (free entry) 24th Antiques & Collectables Fair 25th – 26th Butchers’ Hall Foodies Delight Fair (free entry)
Goose Fa i Artisan r Market W
September 7th Tavistock Arts Market (free entry) 14th Miss Ivy Events The Artisan Food & Gift Market 15th Antiques & Collectables Fair (free entry) 25th – 26th Butchers’ Hall Autumn Fair (free entry)
eds 9th 9am – 8pOct m
Butchers’ Hall is available to hire for private functions and events: 01822 616134
Pannier Market WHAT’S ON Open Mondays throughout the Summer
22nd July to 26th August (inclusive)
9am - 4.30pm Also Open Sunday 18th August for
Heritage Cra Weekend (Sat 17th & Sun 18th August)
‘Shopping heaven in the heartOPEN ofTUESDAY Tavistock’ - SATURDAY
OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY 9am - 4:30pm OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY • 9am 9am --4.30pm 4:30pm
‘Shopping heaven in the heart of Tavistock’
www.tavistock.gov.uk • 01822 611003
‘Shopping heaven in the heart of Tavistock’
What’s On
OCTOBER Goose Fair, 10th To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627 Open 9am - 6pm Goose Fair, 10th DECEMBER Open 9am - 6pm
13th to 22nd September
Heritage Open Days 2019 Heritage Open Days - England’s largest festival of history and culture - will celebrate its 25th anniversary this autumn with thousands of free events taking place across ten days. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore places not normally open to the public, and learn more about the heritage on their doorstep. Events being held across Tavistock and Mary Tavy will include: a ghost walk; guided tours of some of the town’s oldest buildings; history walks and talks; a William Morris day; exhibitions featuring the history of the town; steam engine visits and talks; and displays around the Townscape Heritage Initiative’s rejuvenation work to the historic core of the town, funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. Tavistock Heritage Open Days is being co-ordinated by Tavistock Heritage Trust working with the Town Council, Tavistock History Society, Butchers’ Hall, Robey Trust, Tavistock Museum, the Subscription Library, the Churches of St Eustachius’ and Our Lady of Assumption, Abbotsfield Hall, the Bedford Masonic Lodge, Tavistock Library, Kingdon House, The Bedford Hotel, Tavistock Inn, The Edge, 1 Church Lane, Book Stop, Mount Kelly, Mary Tavy Jubilee Group, The Tavonians and Mary Tavy Hydro Electric Power Station. Says Tavistock Heritage Trust Chairman Ian Penrose: “The Trust is delighted to be co-ordinating Tavistock’s contribution to this 25th anniversary for Heritage Open Days. Working alongside so many key local groups and businesses we are confident that this year’s Open Days will offer people a chance to experience many of the often-hidden historical gems throughout the town.” For further details of the Heritage Open Day events please visit www. heritageintavistock.org or www. heritageopendays.org.uk
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Drawn to the Valley 31st July to 4th August
Summer Exhibition Love art? Then you’ll love the two major events being put on by the Drawn to the Valley artists’ collective this summer. First up is the annual exhibition when the group’s 150-plus artists will be showing their work at the event’s new venue at Butchers’ Hall in Tavistock. Expect to see work by painters, sculptors, mixed media artists, assemblage artists, printmakers, weavers, spinners, photographers, ceramicists and jewellery artists. Yelverton-based Drawn to the Valley artist, Tessa Jane, is among a number of artists who’ve been working with fellow collective member Andy Cairns of West Devon Workshops, as part of the Tavistock Scrapstore project to re-use plastic in a positive way. Tessa’s work will be on display at the exhibition: “It’s been exciting for me, finding ways to colour plastic more subtly. I thought I was a good recycler, as sustainability is the core of my work, but I quickly learnt about the need to keep the different types of plastic completely separate, and I’ve now become even more passionate about educating others,” said Tessa. Find out more at: www.westdevonartworkshops.co.uk; www.tavistockscrapstore.org/precious-plastic-tavistock
Tessa Jane
spinners, weavers, photographers, ceramicists, sculptors and textile artists. There’s also the chance to get involved in workshops and ‘drop-in’ sessions, with two bookable 3-hour afternoon workshops in pen-and-wash landscapes (27 August) and relief assemblage (30 August), as well as three 1-hour afternoon drop-ins for willow and tissue hangings (28 August) and mixed-media stitch (29 August). For more information and to book, contact Andy Cairns on 01822 258351. As with all the open studios and summer exhibitions, the art on show will be available to buy. For details of all the artists and venues see www.drawntothevalley.co.uk, or look out for the Drawn to the Valley Open Studios brochure at various outlets including tourism information centres, and the Summer Exhibition.
24th August to 1st September
Open Studios
The exhibition is followed by the collective’s biggest event of the year which runs from locations across the Tamar Valley, West Devon and the western half of Dartmoor National Park. This year, around 100 artists are taking part in Open Studios - a third of them based around Tavistock, Yelverton and Dartmoor. Whatever your art-of-choice, Drawn to the Valley has it covered. Among those exhibiting are nine artists sharing an open studio at the Parish Rooms next to The Bedford Hotel in Tavistock. It’s an open studio that reflects perfectly the diversity of the Drawn to the Valley group with painters,
Lyn Edwards
Andy Cairns
WEDNESDAY 31 JULY - SUNDAY 4 AUGUST 2019 | OPEN DAILY 10AM - 4.30PM SUNDAY 10AM - 3PM Tavistock Butchers Hall, Bedford Square, Tavistock PL19 0AU
STAURDAY 24 AUGUST - SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2019 Brochures from local outlets or visit our website Our Tavistock Exhibition is kindly sponsored by Jackson Stops and The Bedford Hotel, supporters of local art
www.drawntothevalley.co.uk ² Drawn-to-the-Valley | @drawntothevalley 52
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Friday 9th August
Ninebarrow The multi-award-winning folk duo will be performing at St John’s Church, Horrabridge in a concert organised by the Friends of St John’s. Jon Whitley and Jay LaBouchardiere have been impressing audiences across the country with an innovative and captivating take on the folk tradition. In 2017, the duo was nominated at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards in the ’Horizon’ category for ‘Best Emerging Artist’, one of the highest accolades in their genre. It was made even more exceptional because it was only a few months prior to this that Jon and Jay gave up their jobs as a teacher and a GP, to pursue music full-time. As well as crafting unique and engaging original material, they also take a wide range of traditional folk songs and rework them in their own, distinctive way. Tickets must be purchased in advance and cost £12:50 (no concessions)
- available on 01822 852112 or at astewart@ rivercot.co.uk. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start. For more information visit www.ninebarrow. co.uk
30th August to 21st September Preview: Friday 30th August, 6-8pm
Retrospective Art Exhibition Wildwood Art Gallery in Horrabridge is holding a unique exhibition celebrating a lifetime’s work by the Westcountry artist, Richard Slater (Royal Institute). This retrospective exhibition presents a diverse collection, with unseen paintings from the 1950s and 1960s and a number of works exhibited formerly by the Royal Institute in London. Richard Slater was born in London in 1927 and attended Hornsey School of Art. Throughout his career he has excelled in depicting the English landscape in all its richness, resulting in a well-crafted, poetic and often allegorical style which places him at the centre of the British Neo–romantic movement. In the 1950s his work was exhibited with the World Touring Exhibition of the Arts Council, and at the Royal Academy. In 1999 he was elected to the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour and is now an
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
honorary member of the Royal Institute, as well as a member of the St Ives Society of Artists. His paintings are in the permanent art collections of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter and of the BBC; they are both an enduring joy and an investment for the future.
Saturday 7th to Sunday 22nd September
Devon Open Studios 2019 This free showcase of the arts celebrates the flair and talent of the artists who live and work in Devon. Usually these studios are open by appointment only so the event provides a rare opportunity for an intimate view into an artist’s domain and a chance to buy directly from them. Devon’s vibrant and diverse art community includes artists with a vast range of styles, media and subject matter from painting, drawing, sculpture, print-making, installation, ceramics, jewellery, textiles and more. Many open studios also
include demonstrations of techniques, workshops and talks. A free guide with location directions and descriptions of the artists’ work is available at various locations or at www.devonartistnetwork. co.uk/events/open-studios-2019 Leewood Studios is an interesting venue where art meets permaculture in the beautiful Walkham Valley. Two artists, Ryan Eldon Rodgers and Nick Viney, will be showing a thoughtprovoking collection of photography, paintings and sculpture, with the
possibility of a ‘5-minute forage’ tour of the young forest garden. On Thursday there may also be a chance to see spinning, weaving and natural dyes demonstrations in the classroom. Tea, coffee, cake available; no dogs. Enquiries to: nickatleewood@aol. com; www.leewood.co.uk
Buckland Art Group We would like to thank everybody who visited our recent annual Art & Craft Exhibition in Buckland Village Hall and for the kind words and encouragement expressed about both our work and the stunning work displayed by the children of St Andrew’s Primary School. Over 350 people came along and we thought you would like to know the results of your vote to nominate the best work: The children’s vote winner was Year 5 The artists’ prize went to Valerie White for Melusina’s Broken Glass (see photo)
If you are interested in joining us, we meet nearly every Monday evening and every other Thursday afternoon throughout the year with a mixed programme of activities mainly using watercolour or pastels. We are very hands on and most, if not all, sessions produce a picture at the end. To find out more please contact Iain Grant on 855683 or basmudoc@gmail.com; Derek Mahoney on 855032 or derek. mahoney@care4free.net; or just come along.
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Mad Dog Mcrea
Saturday 31st August, Sunday 1st September
TaviFest 2019 TaviFest 2019 music festival is raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action over two evenings, with some fantastic artists. Opening the show on Saturday is Chris Bailey, followed by Lorraine, and Leo our Michael Jackson dancer; 9 Yards (sponsored by Dartmoor Photographic) will be playing some rock favourites, Gary & Robbie Tribute (sponsored by Dartmoor Brewery) will be headlining with a fabulous Take That show. On Sunday there’s Mad Dog Mcrea, supported with blues from Russell Sinclair. On both days there will be a full bar from the White Thorn Pub at Shaugh Prior and refreshments: pizzas from
The Firefly, hog roast from Hungry Hog SouthWest, and the Tavistock Lions will be cooking burgers and hot dogs. All the organisers of TaviFest have been affected by pancreatic cancer, which is the UK’s fifth biggest cancer killer. With the rise in obesity and diabetes, it is set to become one of the biggest cancer killers. It has the lowest survival rate of all the major cancers of just 4%, and many die within a few weeks as there is little awareness of the symptoms, and diagnosis is often too late. Put this in perspective, if 500 turn up at TaviFest and are diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer, 20 will be left after 12 months, of which 2 or 3 will be alive after 10 years. So, raising awareness and much needed research funds is vital, and what better way than with music! For tickets contact tavifest@mail.com or Facebook: Tavifest - £5 on 31st August (gates open 3.00 pm); £15 on 1st September (gates open 4.30 pm); under-16s free entry.
Saturday 28th September
An Evening with Oscar Wilde Following the successful Tavonians performance of Alan Bennett’s ‘Talking Heads’ monologues and supper last autumn, the NSPCC fundraising committee in Yelverton invites you to an evening with Oscar Wilde. The Rev. Freddie Denman has very generously agreed to perform ‘The Importance of Being Oscar’, a play telling the wit,
triumph and tragedy of the life of Oscar Wilde. 7.30pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, Yelverton; tickets £20 to include supper, BYO drinks; Victorian dress optional! For more information and booking contact Sonja Cheadle on 01822 854710 or r_s_cheadle@hotmail.com or Pauline Creasy on 01822 616672.
unique cakes for every occasion
in aid of pancreatic cancer
tavifest Saturday 31 August
Gates 3.00pm - Live music from 4pm ‘til 11pm
Sunday 1 September
Contact Tanya 01752 776730 ! $ info@porsham.co.uk • www.porsham.co.uk See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Gates 4.00pm - Live music from 5pm ‘til 10pm
See c Tavifest for line-up
Tavistock College, Crowndale Road 55
Holiday fun at Buckland Abbey Join us at Buckland for our ‘Summer of fun’. Whether you’re interested in the arts, enjoy going on an adventure, or like to be active, there’s something for you to do this summer. The ‘Sir Francis Drake comes home to Buckland Abbey’ exhibition continues throughout the summer. Come and see his portrait, on loan from the National Gallery, and discover more about one of Devon’s most iconic historical characters. For families, let off steam with some outdoor Elizabethan games in the Tudor Tent or get crafty making pine cone snowy owls. On Wednesdays in the school holidays, join our ranger and volunteer team as you go on outdoor adventures such as making wild art, bug hunting and animal print spotting. On Fridays throughout the school holidays, bring along your favourite teddy and something delicious to eat and have a teddy bears’ picnic in the Tudor Tent. There’s also a new indoor and outdoor family trail to do around the house and garden. Pick up your ‘apprentice artist’ sketchbook from visitor welcome and complete the challenges inside to become the ‘master painter’ and receive your sticker and certificate.
In September we have our annual Elizabethan weekend, come along and watch masked fairy tales, dancing in the hall, falconry, costumed characters and much much more!
SIR FRANCIS DRAKE COMES HOME TO BUCKLAND ABBEY Until 22nd September 2019, 11:00am-4:30pm A chance to see an original Francis Drake portrait on loan from the National Portrait Gallery as part of its COMING HOME project.
SUMMER OF FUN Until 1st September 2019, 10:00am-4:30pm A summer of adventures, crafts and discoveries awaits at Buckland Abbey. With a new exhibition in the Nave gallery and lots of family activities, you’ll want to come back again and again.
ELIZABETHAN WEEKEND 21st - 22nd September 2019, 11:00am-4:30pm Step back to the Elizabethan era at Buckland Abbey.
made at Buckland Abbey
© National Trust 2019 . Registered charity, No. 205846. © National Trust Images \Steve Haywood.
Rosy cheeks
Visit Buckland this Summer and explore a world of discovery. Come and see an original Francis Drake portrait or take part in one of our family activities. These are the places that make us. nationaltrust.org.uk/Buckland-Abbey
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Summer at Cotehele Cotehele covers 1,300 acres of garden, quayside and countryside, so even on the busiest days you can still find a quiet spot to get away from it all. We’ve displayed art by Rena Gardiner in some of our favourite views and hope you’ll take the time to pause and consider the impression the scene makes on you too. If you’re after something more high-energy, then we’ve got lots happening here over the summer to help families make the most of the long summer holidays. There are activities most days including archery in the orchard, which is new here this year. There are plenty of picnic places on the meadow or by the quay, and you can get tasty cream teas and refreshing drinks in the Edgcumbe tea-room on the quay or in the Barn restaurant by the house, which also has a range of seasonal dishes using local ingredients. Well-behaved dogs on leads are welcome to join you in both; open daily from 10am-5pm. See www. nationaltrust.org.uk/cotehele for more on what’s happening here.
SUMMER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT COTEHELE Monday 22 July – Sunday 1 September, various times (see website)
There’s a different activity each weekday to keep the kids entertained through the school holidays. Mondays is Look Sharp!; make swords and shields on Tuesdays; soft archery on Wednesdays; Pond dipping on Thursdays; make butterfly feeders on Fridays; and Costume Sundays at the Mill.
RENA GARDINER: ART AND INSPIRATION Daily from Saturday 3 August, 10am-5pm Discover the life of print artist Rena Gardiner in a new exhibition in the Breakfast Room of Cotehele house and see some of her many artworks in situ, next to the Cotehele view she depicts.
APPLE FESTIVAL AT COTEHELE Saturday 14 – Sunday 22 September, various events and times (see website) There are 12 acres of orchards at Cotehele and we’re celebrating the apple harvest with a week of apple-related activities, including apple picking, orchard tours, wellywanging, fruit juice lab, displays of apple varieties and tastings, building the ‘cheese’ and the Big Squeeze on the Victorian cider press.
made at Cotehele
© National Trust 2019 . Registered charity, No. 205846. © National Trust Images \John Millar.
Unforgettable summer holidays
Visit Cotehele and discover history in the Tudor house and Victorian mill; enjoy fun and games in the garden; or get away from it all on leisurely walks in the countryside. These are the places that make us. nationaltrust.org.uk/cotehele
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
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Eat & Drink local...
West Devon has some wonderful spots to eat, drink and wile away those balmy summer days. Take your pick from our selection
THE ROYAL OAK MEAVY An original 15th century freehouse complete with a flagstone floor, old beams and a large open fireplace. Home cooked food 7 days a week. Walkers, cyclists and muddy dogs all welcome! Open: Every day 11am-11pm Meavy PL20 6PJ www.royaloakinn.org.uk 01822 852944 c
THE HORN OF PLENTY HOTEL & RESTAURANT A great place to relax and unwind. Enjoy excellent fine dining, luxury accommodation and breathtaking views across the stunning Tamar Valley. Open daily for lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Gulworthy, Tavistock PL19 8JD www.thehornofplenty.co.uk 01822 832528 cdf
FOX TOR CAFE Wide range of locally sourced food and drink availabe in our cosy inside and outdoor seating. We welcome muddy boots and paws. Cycle hire also availabe! Open: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 7.30am-6pm Sat, 7.30am-5pm Sun. Two Bridges Road Princetown PL20 6QS 01822 890238 cd
THE RISING SUN Family-run pub with a friendly atmosphere. Food served daily - booking advisable. Dog friendly, families welcome. Open: 12pm ‘til midnight every day. Calstock Road Gunnislake PL18 9BX www.therisingsuninngunnislake.com 01822 832201 cf
CAFE LIAISON Situated in the heart of Tavistock, Café Liaison is a warm, friendly café serving breakfast, lunch, cream teas, excellent coffee and homemade cakes. As well as a full menu, there is a daily specials board. Open: Mon-Sat 8am-5pm, Sun 10am-3.30pm 3 Church Lane Tavistock PL19 8AA 01822 612225 c
THE EASTGATE CAFÉ AND BRASSERIE Idyllically located next to the River Tavy in the heart of Tavistock. We serve our full menu, daily specials, homemade cakes and cream teas all day every day. Open: Mon – Sat 9.30 – 4.30, Sun 10.30 – 3.30 3 Market Road, Tavistock PL19 0BW www.eastgatetavistock.co.uk 01822 615665 cdf
THE FOREST INN Home-made food using seasonal, locally sourced produce. Warm, comfortable bed & breakfast accommodation. Relax and forget the hustle and bustle of your everyday life Open: Daily 12-3pm & 6-11pm. Hexworthy, Dartmoor PL20 6SD www.forestinndartmoor.co.uk 01364 631211 cd
THE PETER TAVY INN Charming 15th century pub in the village of Peter Tavy. Renowned for good food & wellkept real ales. Walkers, cyclists, children & dogs are welcome. Open daily 12 noon to 11pm (Sun 10.30pm) Peter Tavy Near Tavistock PL19 9NN www.petertavyinn.co.uk 01822 810348
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Saturday 31st August
Nourish Festival Now in its 6th year, the festival has become a highly anticipated event with fine food, craft and music of the highest quality presented in the heart of Bovey Tracey, designed to feed the body, the mind and the senses. This free festival celebrates all things great about our local food, drink and craft producers filling Bovey Tracy’s Fore Street. Nourish has a simple mission: introducing you to the best from the South West of England. Expect artisan cheeses, preserves, bread, meat, fish, cakes, cordials, vegetables, herbs, gin, beer, wine, liqueurs, cider, relishes, pates, handmade chocolates, oils, pies and even speciality mushrooms. Featuring an eclectic, exciting and above all delicious mix of street food flavours from around the world, Bovey Tracey’s Fore Street will be filled with a mouth-watering selection of street food vendors - so there’s no need to go hungry! Difficult decisions will have to be made between Indian, Spanish, vegan specialities, wood-fired Italian pizza, French crepes, fish delicacies, a proper pie and possibly the best burger you will ever taste. The Nourish Gin
Festival is a firm favourite and our taste for the juniper juice continues unabated, with samples for you to enjoy, while you meet south west producers and industry experts of artisan gin. The Nourish craft fair offers a selection of finely handmade products, with demonstrations and other craft events. In addition the Nourish music programme presents leading classical artists on Friday 30 & Saturday 31 August (ticketed events). Full details of performances and ticket information can be found at www.nourishfestival.org
SUMMER EVENTS Gin in the Garden Festival – Saturday 3rd August 2pm to 7pm Local distillers, live music, street food, talks and a gin bar! Tickets from missivyevents.co.uk
Wed. Eat. Party. – Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 12 noon to 4pm
A wedding fair mixed with a food festival! Meet wedding suppliers and try some local food and drink while you are here!
Tea and Cocktails – Friday 13th September at 6pm
Meet Hannah and learn more about our national drink and what else you can add apart from milk and sugar!
Wedding Open Day – Sunday 29th September 12 noon to 3pm
Come and meet the team and see our Crystal Room set up and pick up leaflets from some selected suppliers.
To book any of these do please call our Events Team on 01822 852245 or email events@moorlandgardenhotel.co.uk Full details of these and other offers are available on our website moorlandgardenhotel.co.uk Moorland Garden Hotel, Yelverton, Plymouth PL20 6DA 60
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Saturday 10th August and Sunday 11th August
The Tavistock ‘Real’ Cheese Fair The amazing ‘Real’ Cheese Fair is back once again in Tavistock Town Hall on Saturday from 9:00 until 17:00 and Sunday from 10:00 until 16:00 – and what’s more entry is free! Loads of Country Cheeses’ local artisan cheesemakers will be there with samples of their products for visitors to try, plus they’ll be more than happy to talk about their wares and answer any cheese-related questions you have. Come and take a look at all their superb cheese ranges alongside Waterhouse Fayre’s chutney selection, Sharpham Estate Wine and Countryman Cider. Cheesemakers that will be represented include Cornish Gouda Co., Somerset Cheese Co., Whitelake Dairy,
Whalesborough Farm, Vulscombe, Cornish Yarg and lots of other makers too - plus we will also be introducing two brand new cheeses which have been maturing in our cheese cave! If you can decide which cheeses you like best and want to purchase some there and then, Country Cheeses will be open on both Saturday and Sunday with a full range of products available for sale. So don’t miss out on this great opportunity!
‘Foodie’ dates for your diary Saturday 25th & Monday 26th August
Saturday 14th September
Come and enjoy the Foodies’ Delight Fair over the bank holiday weekend with a range of culinary delights from food producers in the South West. 9.30am to 4.00pm
Sample locally-produced food, relax with a coffee and get crafty in the ‘Make Space’. Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock, free entry. 10:30am to 4:00pm www.missivyevents.co.uk
Saturday 31st August
Saturday 21st September
Butchers’ Hall Foodies’ Delight Fair
Tavistock Street Food Festival Enjoy an array of street foods from around the world, with bars and live music on Bedford Square, Tavistock. Free entry. 5:00 to 8:30pm www.missivyevents.co.uk
Artisan Food & Gift Market
Tavistock Street Food Festival Enjoy an array of street foods from around the world, with bars and live music on Bedford Square, Tavistock. Free entry. 5:00 to 8:30pm www.missivyevents.co.uk
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See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
Out and About with Tavistock Ramblers This 5-mile walk with Bruce Pryde of Tavistock Ramblers starts at Long Ash, opposite the garden centre (SX 497 694).
At the beginning it is quite level, but for the most part the walk is either up or down! It is varied, with distant views, walking through woods and on quiet country lanes. With the aid of an OS map it can be shortened at various points if you wish. There is the opportunity to have refreshments at the start, in Buckland Monachorum, or at the end, depending on the time of day.
With your back to the road leave the car park following the field hedge on your left. 1. In a short distance, at the corner of the hedge turn left, keeping the hedge on your left. In some places you will be able to see Brent Tor church on the horizon to the right. 2. Continue with the hedge on the left until eventually the ground gradually drops away and you will see a gate on your
The West Devon Club An ideal venue for celebrations, parties and special events such as weddings and wakes.
Summer’s here ! We have a beautiful walled garden to enjoy the sunshine. Our friendly, welcoming club has a light and airy lounge, a dance floor, good food with separte dining area. Two bars, cosy cellar bar with great function area, and meeting rooms, large screen TVs for viewing the sporting events. We have two Snooker tables, pool room, darts and a wonderful beer garden.
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FORTHCOMING EVENTS FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY 3 Aug Hog Roast & Beer Festival • 7 Sept Paul Salvage • 28 Sep Macmillans Coffee Morning Many more events to be confirmed Get online and checkout the website and facebook, look at the notice boards to see the latest events at the club.
3 Abbey Place, Tavistock, PL19 0AB • 01822 613025
To promote your business to 13,800* readers - call 01822 615627
further down the river. There are many old mine workings, so don’t stray from the path. Continue up the hill eventually reaching a gate. 5. Go through the gate and down the lane to the crossroads by Coppicetown Farm. Turn left, signposted Alston. 6. When you reach a sharp left-hand bend near houses, take the signposted bridleway on the right, which drops down to cross a small stream. Eventually this brings you to a lane where you turn left into Buckland Monachorum. 7. Ignore the first left, then take the next left up beside the play area toward Uppaton, being careful to take the left fork and not the dead end to the right. left with a small carpark. At this point, to the right is a sign indicating a private road for vehicles, this is the route for the West Devon Way. Take the left fork of the road downhill which has a good surface, passing through woods, all the way to Double Waters where the Walkham and Tavy rivers meet. 3. Don’t cross over the footbridge, carry on the same track, and you will shortly see the gable end of a house. At this point there is a track off to the right, through old mine workings downhill to the river. You can if you wish go down to a little beach by the river, but return back to this point afterwards. 4. The path turns sharp left by the buildings of the former mine captain’s house of Virtuous Lady Mine and goes uphill. Just before the view opens up there is a fenced off drop on the right, which was a leat supplying water to Lady Berta mine
8. The lane goes up and where it takes a sharp right-hand bend, go straight ahead over the stile, through the field keeping the hedge on your right. The path goes through a steel gate and bends to the left, it will join a narrow green lane that brings you out at a field gate. Turn right and the car park is a short distance ahead. Why not join Tavistock Ramblers for more walks in West Devon, the Tamar Valley or Dartmoor? Walks vary from short strolls to all-day treks and everything in between. Whilst the longer days are still with us we are still doing short walks on Thursday evenings in addition to our usual Saturday and Sunday offerings. Note that we are doing a very similar walk to this on the evening of Thursday 15th August. You will be welcome to join us. Go to www.tavistockramblers.org.uk for further details of walks on offer.
Tel: 01822 855076 Mob: 07971 522301
See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk
The Trendle - Tavistock’s prehistoric settlement In a field on the edge of Tavistock owned by Mount Kelly is a prehistoric earthwork with a bank and ditch which encloses an area of about 0.7 hectares. It is situated on a hillslope which overlooks the Wallabrook stream and the River Tavy and has fine views towards Dartmoor. The enclosure, which is known as the Trendle, is a scheduled monument. Few local people have heard of it and until recently it had received little attention from either archaeologists or local historians. New historical and archaeological research is producing tantalising clues about the town’s earliest known settlement site. The place name Trendle appears to date from the Saxon period. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the Old English word trendel means a circle or ring. A survey of Tavistock Abbey’s Manor of Hurdwick in 1387 refers to ‘a parcel of land called Trendle’ for which the tenant paid one halfpenny rent on St Rumon’s day. The earliest map of the Trendle was drawn in 1768 for the Duke of Bedford’s estate. It shows an enclosure nearly twice the size of the present site divided by a road (now called the Old Exeter Road) into two fields with the northern one named Trendle Meadow and the southern one marked as Little Field. It is clear by comparing the 1883 and 1905 Ordnance Survey maps that most of the northern part of the monument was destroyed when the London and South Western Railway was built from Tavistock and Okehampton in 1890. In the 1940s, bungalows and gardens were built on what remained of this northern section. The only excavations at the Trendle were conducted in 1968-9 by Kelly College students supervised by a young geography teacher, Tom Clare. Tom’s report was never published although he gave a typed copy with very grainy photostat photographs to Plymouth Museum. He moved to the north of England where he ultimately became the county archaeologist for Cumbria. We tracked Tom down in late 2018 and he kindly sent us digitised colour copies of his photographs and his original drawings. Tom’s report concluded that the Trendle had been fortified by a single ditch and a rampart 4 metres wide and 2 metres high which was originally constructed as an earth bank and was later faced with stone. The Trendle Project was established at the suggestion of Tavistock Forward’s chair, John Taylor, to conduct further 64
The enclosure bank and ditch © John Hudswell
research into the site and its place within the wider landscape. We are very grateful for support from the governors, staff and students at Mount Kelly, Tavistock Forward, Tavistock Local History Society, Tavistock Museum, Historic England, the county archaeologist and volunteers from the local community. In the summer of 2017, we commissioned geophysics specialists GeoFlow to work with Mount Kelly students and members of the local community to survey the interior of the monument. Geophysics provides a way of identifying archaeological buried The Trendle - features without based on the damaging the site 1883 OS map by excavation. The project team were hugely excited when the survey revealed curved features which could be trenches surrounding circular structures which could be the remains of up to three roundhouses. The largest and most complete is about 14 metres in diameter which is very large for Iron Age houses . The survey also showed an additional bank and two previously undiscovered ditches enclosing the monument. In 2018 we surveyed the visible earthworks. This has enabled us to produce new plans of the Trendle which we can compare with the earlier OS maps. Tom Clare’s excavation is shown in pink. Overall our results confirm the accuracy of this earlier work. They also provide clearer evidence than existed previously that a boundary bank that runs between the monument and the grounds of Mount Kelly appears to contain traces of the original earthwork. Many earlier maps and plans
Kelly College excavations 1969 © Tom Clare
mark only the boundary or leave this part of the monument as a blank space. The hillslope location, original size and plan of the earthworks suggest the Trendle is an example of a prehistoric settlement known as a round. Rounds are common in the far south west, especially in Cornwall where over 2,500 are known. The few examples that have been excavated show them to have contained a hamlet or farmstead with round houses and other buildings. They tended to be occupied at some time from the Middle Iron Age about 400 BC to the Romano British period around 300 AD with many in use for several centuries. Pottery found by Tom Clare and photographs of objects reportedly found on the site in the 1940s suggest the Trendle was occupied for a lengthy, but not necessarily continuous period, from the Middle Iron Age to the Roman conquest. The size of the large roundhouse and the complexity of the earthworks suggest it is possible that the people who lived in, or used, the Trendle may have enjoyed considerable social status. Andrew Thompson & John Hudswell
Volunteers surveying the site © Andrew Thompson
More information about the Trendle project is being produced as a booklet and as exhibition material for Tavistock Museum.
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Tech tips from ChezvousPC If you’re buying a new computer, you really need to consider getting a machine with a Solid State Drive or SSD. The difference it makes to a computer compared to a conventional drive is astounding. At the moment the drives are quite small, because of their cost. However, in six months’ time when Windows 7 goes out of support, the sort of machine we recommend for around £350, which currently has 128gb, should then have 256gb – enough for most users. Java is now used less and less and yet it still pesters to be updated. As you need to download Java to use it in the first place, it may well be easier to remove it after use and then download the most recent version the next time you need it. To do this, select ‘settings’ and then ‘apps & features’. Or, you can update it and it will prompt you to remove it if it has been more than 6 months since the last use - otherwise it will update. Mac users – we are seeing a lot of Macs going out of date these days. The reason? Apple has moved the system updates location. You may already be used to going to
the ‘updates’ section of the App Store to get the latest OS replacement, but all you will find is updates to your current OS. You have to go to ‘featured’ in order to find the new system update. I presume this is so you are more likely to miss the update and then think about replacing the machine - but we are just cynical!! If you still have an Eclipse email address, then it’s really time to change as the company has done nothing to improve its email settings for a long time, whilst the rest of the world has moved on. Sending mail in recent years has become a real issue for people still using Eclipse; we devised a workaround solution for those who got in touch with us, but it seems our fix is being unfixed by the continual advance of technology. Get in touch if you need help. ChezvousPC For help with any home or business IT needs call 01822 855822 or email help@chezvouspc.com
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Get ahead! Free business support and skills workshops The European Regional Development Fund, local authorities and Devon County Council have made funding available to support businesses across Devon through a variety of support programmes. As a result, there are a range of free business skills workshops as well as one-to-one support on offer. Whether you’ve recently started your first business or are looking to grow and expand an existing company, local enterprise agency Business Information Point (BIP) is holding a wide variety of workshop topics throughout the year run by highly experienced business advisors or outside experts. Whatever your business goals, the workshops provide practical advice including the latest information on topics to help you and your business. Many attendees also comment that the workshops are an excellent place to network and connect with like-minded people. Topics include: •
Marketing Made Easy
Bookkeeping for Self-Assessment
Social Media Basics: Instagram & Pinterest
Setting the Right Price for Your Products or Services
Business Website Essentials
Digital Marketing Basics
Making Tax Digital
If you have recently started your own business and have registered with HMRC or Companies House within the last year then you may also be interested in BIP’s regular free,
two-day start-up courses which provide 12 hours of support, taking you through the complete business planning process to give your new business the best chance of success. A recent attendee to the start-up course commented: “This was an excellent and thorough workshop! It makes me feel more equipped with the essential information to get my business started.” Many businesses also choose to take advantage of the free one-to-one support that is on offer to talk through specific issues, and benefit from an independent outside view of your business from an experienced advisor. Additional support has also been made available specifically for adult social care businesses through the Creative Innovation & Growth (CIAG) programme funded by Devon County Council. This provides for up to 30 hours of business support including access to capital and revenue grants, as well as leadership training and development opportunities. The support provides for assistance with accessing the grant funding, preparing applications and expressions of interest. BIP has been delivering expert business support for over 20 years and is very knowledgeable in all aspects of starting and growing a successful business across all sectors. You can find more information about the support and workshops available at www.businessinfopoint.co.uk. You can also call 0800 592 872 or email team@businessinfopoint.co.uk.
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