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What’s On Listings
Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge 2022 July 9 to September 10
The Reading Agency and libraries are excited to introduce this year’s Challenge, celebrating science and innovation, in partnership with the Science Museum Group. Join the Gadgeteers for the free Summer Reading Challenge. Suitable for children aged 4-11. July 23 2pm to 4pm, Moon Rover Lego workshop from Brick Ideas
Film screening and Family Fun. Enjoy a new musical comedy. A warm-hearted, feel-good film with a core message of the importance of libraries and what they provide for their communities. This free event will include children’s activities and informal conversations with a few of the cast and crew. August 3 FabLab Children’s Design Workshops
Join Brick Ideas to design and build your own Moon Rover using Technic Lego. Suitable for children aged 6+ (children under 8 years must be accompanied by an adult) Tickets £5 per child (one free adult for each paying child). Booking essential. July 26 2pm to 3pm, Super Science Session
Join us to explore and experiment with three fun STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and maths) to get those clever brains learning and discovering! Suitable for ages 5+, Free, donations welcome. Booking in advance is essential. July 29 3pm to 5.30pm, ’Between the Lines’ family event
10:30-12:00 - Design your own Laser-Cut bookmark your own 3D name keyring Suitable for children aged 6-16 years (Children aged under 8yrs need an adult to stay with them to help support their design) Tickets £12.50 per child - limited places. Booking is essential – fablabdevon. eventbrite.com August 4 3.40pm to 4.40pm, ’Bookaneer’ junior book club launch
Why don’t you join the new Bookaneer Book Club. Does your child love books? Are they a confident reader? Please book in advance in the library to avoid disappointment. Free, donations welcome. August 8 to 13 Gadgeteers Discovery Table
Drop in during library opening hours for some Gadgeteers activities Free, donations welcome. August 16, 2pm to 3.30pm, August 18, 10.30am to 12pm, Litcraft Discover the magic of reading with Minecraft! Join us for two sessions of discovery and shipshape challenges within the world of the well-loved book, Treasure Island. Suitable for children aged 8-12. Tickets £4 each, which includes both sessions. Please book in advance in the library to avoid disappointment. August 25 10.30am to 11.30am, Super Science Session

Calling all Gadgeteers! Book a seat at our Super Science table. Join us to explore and experiment with three fun STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and maths) to get those clever brains learning and discovering! Suitable for ages 5+ FREE, donations welcome. Booking in advance is essential.

July 2
Okehampton Choral Society ‘Leaving Lockdown’ - an hour of live music made by local musicians. Starting at 3.15pm at Fairplace Church in Okehampton, the informal programme will appeal to people of all ages. Families welcome. Guest performances from friends Ruth Penrose (clarinet), Robby Cassels, aged 13 (Piano) and Christine & Roger Cleverdon (Piano Duet). Admission free.
July 3
11am to 5pm, Open Gardens in Sampford Courtenay. Come and enjoy a tour of 15 lovely gardens in and around Sampford Courtenay, Sampford Chapple and Trecott. You are invited by local gardeners to visit and enjoy their gardens with them – not to mention pick up ideas and inspiration! There will be pasty ploughman’s (traditional or cheese and onion pasty options) and cream teas available throughout the event at the Church Rooms in the square – which is also where you can buy your ticket.
July 9
Car Boot Sale at Belstone Cricket Ground. Sellers can arrive from 9am, £5 for cars and £6 for vans. Buyers arriving after the official opening time of 10am pay £1 per car; if arriving before 10am the entry fee is £2 per car. Refreshments, including a fine selection of home-made cakes, will be available in the pavilion. No need to book as there is plenty of room on the field but call 01837 840498 if you would like further details.
July 9
Walks with Winnie, 10am to 11am. A guided easy circular walk around Fernworthy Reservoir. Page 13 in the ‘Walks with Winnie’ book. To book www.dartmoorwalking.oc.uk
July 16
Come, Buy and Chat 10.30am to 11.30am Sampford Courtenay Village Hall.
July 30
12pm to 2pm, barbecue with a view! Come along and enjoy a locally made burger/sausage from our barbecue with salads and roll, followed by strawberries and cream in the grounds of Sampford Courtenay Village Hall with beautiful views across open countryside. Licensed bar. Help raise funds for Roof Us by purchasing your £10 ticket in advance from Lynn secretaryvhsc@gmail.com
Featured artists July - Rosemary Bonney August - Michael Hill
MEET Rosemary Bonney/Michael Hill at WILDWOOD see website for details
Dartmoor’s Art Gallery
Representing the region’s fi nest artists www.wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk
August 13
Walks with Winnie, 10am to 12noon. A guided walk to the WWII crash site at Corn Ridge. Page 61 in the ‘Walks with Winnie’ book. To book www. dartmoorwalking.co.uk
August 14
3pm to 5pm, Summertime Cream Tea with entertainment from local musicians ‘One point Five’ at Sampford Courtenay Village Hall. An alfresco afternoon tea with friends and family, enjoying far reaching views around Sampford Courtenay. Tickets £7.50 in advance from Lynn secretaryvhsc@gmail.com
Harvest Workers Co-op events
Saturday, July 9 Family Cooking @ ecohub Morning 11-1 Afternoon 3-5 FREE Booking essential hello@ harvestworkerscoop.org.uk
Sunday, 17, Moths, butterflies & insects @Hilltown, Northlew Road 8am-12pm adult £20/children £5 Booking essential hello@harvestworkerscoop.org.uk Saturday, 23, Family Workshop Summer Buzz @ecohub 2-4 £5/family Booking essential hello@harvestworkerscoop. org.uk
Saturday, August 6, Family Cooking
@ecohub Morning 11-1 Afternoon
Upholstery Service
Custom Made Footstools
Collection & Delivery Available µ @fabricandfurniture.co.uk ² fabricandfurniture Linda 07484 093494
3-5 FREE Booking essential hello@ harvestworkerscoop.org.uk
Saturday, 20, Family Workshop Summer Grain @ecohub 2-4 £5/family Booking essential hello@harvestworkerscoop. org.uk
August 20
Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch Flower, Produce and Craft Show on Saturday, August 20 from 1.30pm. The show will be held in the Square if good weather; if not, the show will be held in the village hall. For more information, email marion174@btinternet.com)
The Okehampton and District Local History Society has been in abeyance for the last two years because of Covid 19, so the committee is delighted to have the society up and running again and welcoming old and new members to its regular meetings in the Ockment Centre, North Street, on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm.
The first lecture was in May and was about the Pilgrim Fathers’ landing in North America in 1621. The second in June was about the war across the Tamar during the Civil War in the 1640s. July 13: Tony Clark will talk about Mapping Dartmoor.
August 17: An afternoon visit to Launceston Steam Railway and Engineering Museum. All details about meetings and the August visit are available from chairman Keith Badman, 01837 82701 or secretary Jane Lehni 01837 840087.
Throwleigh photographic exhibition
A collection of Dartmoor photographs is on show at Providence Methodist Chapel, Throwleigh. The well-known Dartmoor photographer Chris Chapman, who lives locally at Throwleigh, has been taking pictures of life around the moor for fifty years. Over this time he has built up a nationally important archive of photographs. His photos will be the focus of a special exhibition during a series of open days from now until October.
Every Sunday morning. Okehampton Rambling Club.
Meet at Okehampton Post Office ready to leave by 9.30am. Varied walks of between 7 to 9 miles, moorland, coastal, countryside. Call Chris on 01409 221362 for more information. Can you help? Can you help save a home for wildlife?
The frog pond at Ranelagh Road in Okehampton is blocked and not fit for purpose. Volunteers are being sought to pull weeds and make the pond suitable for the wildlife that once inhabited the area. If you can help (and possibly have waders) contact David Wright on 01837 52927.
Beekeeping help
Part time position, one day a week. Would suit a hard working person with an interest in the environment. Must have had at least one seasons practical beekeeping. Own transport required. Contact Peter Hunt on 01647 440322 for more information.
The New Inn
L o g F i r e ~ B e e r G a r d e n ~ D o g F r i e n d l y
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