4 minute read
Charity Focus
Helping adults learn to read and fulfil their potential
A charity that brings families closer together, and provides confidence to individuals, is setting up a group in Okehampton. Read Easy UK is a registered charity that helps adults learn to read and Read Easy Exeter group is one of some 80 affiliated groups.
There is approximately five-million UK adults with reading and writing skills below that expected of 11 year olds (Skills for Life Survey 2011). Read Easy provides free, 1:1 and confidential coaching to help adult learners to read. Readers may have seen Read Easy UK on the BBC documentary where Jay Blades of the Repair Shop learnt to read with the charity at the age of 51 — one of his motivations to learn was to be able to read a bedtime story to his daughter. Julia Townsend from Read Easy Exeter said: ‘This is often the point that many adults recognise that they just cannot hide their struggle to read and want to do something about it. There are, of course, lots of other reasons why adults decide it’s time to transform their lives. Julia added: ‘The obvious first hurdle is getting the message out to those people as they are unable to read and that’s where everyone can help Have you noticed a friend or family member that seems to always avoid reading greetings cards, social media posts, bills, important notices, their children’s school reports/school notices, or do not
‘We use a phonics-based programme with additional learning activities and readers work at their own pace. There is absolutely no pressure to achieve to meet a predetermined standard.’ The charity is currently setting up a group in Okehampton and staff are keen to help adult learners in the area.

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seem to know the correct dosage for their medication/ingredients for recipes? Do they use excuses like they do not have their reading glasses/they’re not very good on computers/they are in a rush? Adults who do not, or struggle, to read are very adept at hiding their lack of reading ability. They are masters of disguise! ‘As a friend or family member you can encourage that person to contact Read Easy.’
Read Easy Exeter will match the reader with a coach and find a mutually suitable location to meet regularly; usually two half-hour sessions a week.
Read Easy Exeter’s Team Lead, Paul Fisher, highlights that the group is friendly and keen to help adult learners to read, and spotlights Jacky as one of Read Easy Exeter’s success stories. She started the Read Easy programme in 2021 when the country was in lockdown. She wanted to read with her granddaughter and now they enjoy books together and Jacky is also increasingly confident about travelling on trains and even the prospect of flying. There are all sorts of reasons why people find themselves being unable, or struggle, to read in adulthood; being disengaged at school or frequent school absence, family problems or maybe an undiagnosed learning issue. However, the impact of learning to read on the individual can be immense and lead to an increase in self-esteem, confidence, improved job prospects and a better family life. To help a family member or friend take that step to transform their life, spread the word that Read Easy is in Okehampton. The charity can be contacted on 07942 367367 or via email exeter@readeasy. org.uk. For more information about the charity visit www.readeasy.org.uk • The charity is on the look out for volunteers in the Okehampton area who can spare an hour or so a week to help people learn to read. You don’t need to have worked as a teacher before, but you do need to be flexible, gentle, kind, and supportive. Full training is provided and volunteers will have support if needed, including access to a literacy specialist. If you’d like to find out more about volunteering, email exeterrecruiter@ readeasy.org.uk

Lindsay Turpin