6 minute read
Students celebrate success
Students from Ronin Taijutsu in Okehampton are celebrating following their recent grading.
The instructors, who run the selfdefence club, said that students worked extremely hard to achieve their new belts and certificates. ‘We were delighted to welcome some of our London 2nd Dan Instructors down to grade the students who were very impressed with the level of expertise shown by all the students in their basic techniques of punching and kicking, through to the more complex of throwing and ground fighting techniques. ‘Within the Ronin Taijutsu classes, we bring a balance between the art form and the practicalities of Self Defence together, in a fun and friendly environment. The style helps to promote confidence, mental focus and control over self.’
Students learn to defend themselves in the Junior Classes from adults as well as child bullies which improves their well-being and confidence, the Martial art promotes being active, which in turn assists the student to expend otherwise pent-up energy in a controlled and focused manor. In the older classes students learn how to defend themselves against real life attacks like, muggings, assault and knife crime. During the classes there are two instructors on the Mat who are Enhanced DBS Checked and First Aid Trained, with 30+ years of teaching Martial Arts.
For more information, call 07857 871870 or pop in to Toast Coffee Shop in Okehampton on Friday evenings between 5pm to 7.30pm.

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Wellness Centre “above Toast” Okehampton Close Quarter Combat Strikes & Kicking Atemi Weapons Jujutsu & Throws www.ronintaijutsu.co.uk Tel: 07857 871870
Okehampton Hockey Club has finished this season on a high
The ladies’ first team won the Devon cup following a nail-biting final which was decided on flicks, while also finishing the league in their highest ever position. The men’s first team finished top of their league; 9 points clear of second place, building on previous years’ successes.
The Ladies’ Devon Cup final which was played in May at Exeter University against Plym Valley finished 0-0 at full time. With no extra time being played the result was decided by a total of 20 nerve wrenching penalty flicks. Even after the first round of 5 flicks the score was still tied resulting in the same five players going again. This time Oke managed to get the edge and won 4-3 to lift the cup. It really showed what a supportive and friendly club Okehampton is with many players from other Oke teams showing up to cheer on the team, along with the family and friends of the players on the pitch. The success of both the men’s and ladies’ first teams very much rely on the lower teams, junior section and also ‘pay and play’ sessions which introduce new and returning players to the sport. Many of the players in the cup final came to play for the first team through one of these routes.
Currently there are four adult ladies and two men’s teams representing Okehampton, offering all levels of hockey to the people of Okehampton and the surrounding area. The junior section regularly has 50+ youngsters attend on a Saturday morning, with youngsters as young as 5 becoming ‘hockey Heros’.
While the official hockey season finished at the end of April many players continue to play in a more informal way over the summer with teams playing ‘summer 7s’, mixed league and ladies summer league. All of this is in anticipation of next season and the hope to continue to bring players up through the teams and improve the level of hockey being played in Okehampton. Okehampton Ladies’ Hockey Club is currently hosting ‘Pay and Play’ sessions on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm to 8.30pm at the astroturf pitch at Okehampton College. These sessions are available to all adults. They provide an excellent opportunity to play hockey particularly for those who are unable to play regular league, haven’t played for a long time or have never played before but would love to give it a try. It is a great way to meet new people while improving hockey skills, fitness and activity levels. A stick can be provided but we would encourage individuals to bring their own shin pads and a gum shield. It costs £3/session. If interested contact Sandra Houston 07976 303956 for more information. For any Men interested in picking up a stick there are sessions on a Tuesday evening 8.30pm to 9.30pm at the astroturf, these are suitable for over 16s of any level of hockey experience and aimed at having fun. If you are interested contact Luke on 07772107989
For more information, visit the hockey club website and facebook pages, www.okehamptonhockeyclub. clubbuzz.co.uk

A New Rowing Club based at Roadford? What a great idea!
In 2021 a non-profit open community amateur sports club was founded at Roadford Lake.
Despite a delayed launch due to Coronavirus, Roadford Lake Rowing Club (RLRC) was created in August and its enthusiastic rowers quickly purchased boats from other rowing clubs in the area.
South West Lakes Trust and Matt Lennox, Manager at Roadford Lake Activity Centre, have been instrumental in kick starting the idea of a rowing club and, of course, allowing the club access to the lake.

The 14 rowing members (ages 14 to 60), 4 social members and the 7 club representatives on the Management Committee, are all currently based in the Okehampton and Launceston areas and the club continues to be committed in expanding all memberships types. Rowing members are both new to the sport and experienced rowers (including ex-Gig rowers) so age and ability are no barriers to participation.
Recently affiliated to the West of England Amateur Rowing Association (WEARA) this will strengthen the club and puts Roadford Lake and the local communities firmly on the map. Joining the WEARA community provides support in both directions. RLRC has experienced this with, for example, Exeter RC helping with the donation of boat and expert knowledge, and RLRC has been offering club support to rowing events/regattas in the South West. Other rowing clubs involved in helping have been Carrick, Greenbank Falmouth, Exeter University, Totnes and Christchurch.
Although much of the current sliding seat rowing boats and equipment have been self-funded by members, the club has received generous financial support from Devon Community Funding and Waitrose. Additional funding applications continue to be completed as the club wishes to expand its fleet of boats, equipment and, therefore, memberships. The club will be attending the Super Sports Sunday organised by Okehampton Community Recreational Association (OCRA) at Okehampton College fields on Sunday, July 24 in order to promote physical and mental wellbeing as well as providing more details about the club. So, if you are attending that event and are interested in rowing or just want more information, drop by and have a chat to some of the members.
For more information, email RoadfordLakeRC@hotmail.com
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