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Okehampton Rambling Club
‘The NHS states that ‘Walking in a group is a great way to start walking, make new friends and stay motivated’ and this has certainly been my experience with The Okehampton Rambling Club. ‘

We arrange a full walking programme. Members who lead walks recce them beforehand and are always pleased to have other enthusiastic walkers to keep them company and to help lead their walk. We walk on the moor, in the countryside and at the coast, usually between 6 – 9 miles. Some walks are easier and some more challenging. Details can be found in our programme which is posted on www.walkinginengland.co.uk/devon/ okehampton_ramblers.php and our Facebook page.
Along with our Sunday walks we hold fortnightly coffee mornings and monthly social evenings. There is also the opportunity to join our Dartmoor Way team who undertake a bi-annual survey of ‘our’ stretch of the route reporting path problems, cutting back minor overgrown vegetation and replacing missing way marks.
We usually arrange a walking holiday once or twice a year.
‘Joining the Okehampton Rambling club has been a joy for me and I have certainly made many friends as well as keeping me fit for my age!’
‘I walk regularly with the ORC as it gets me out and about, meeting new people and visiting great parts of the county.’
For more information contact Chris on 01409 221 362.