27 minute read
Immerse yourself in Okehampton’s new gaming arcade
The Old NatWest bank is back in use for the first time in five years thanks to Immersion.
It has officially reopened as a new virtual reality gaming arcade called Immersion, featuring a wide range of experiences for all ages and interests with four high end virtual reality headsets, a range of games consoles, arcade machines, board games, memberships, clubs and more! Work began on the building in August 2021, with the stud walling that separated the public from the back of the bank being removed to open up the space. Stud walling was then put up to separate the virtual reality units into booths, the supported ceiling was then readjusted and re-supported, flooring was removed and replaced and the electrics were rewired and new plugs installed. The finishing touches included new internet systems installed and a complete repaint of the building. Once this work was complete all the new consoles, PCs, headsets and arcade machines were installed allowing the building to finally take shape and the ideas come to life.
Immersion officially opened it’s doors in December allowing members of the public to come in and try virtual reality gaming allowing participants to pick from a wide range of games from swinging through the city as Spider Man, fighting off waves of zombies or beating blocks to the music the wide range of genres allow something for everyone to experience. Virtual reality escape rooms have also been a big hit allowing participants to team up in groups of four to take on different challenges and escape different areas such as Egyptian pyramids or vast Aegean coastal caves. Or for those who like to take it a bit more casual and just relax, Immersion also offers escapism experiences allowing those that participate to escape to different worlds and see amazing things such as the Northern Lights or a calm relaxing beach. With Monthly memberships starting at just £15 it’s a great chance for the people of Okehampton to have access to a safe social space based around gaming.

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Gilead Foundations offers hope and provides a safe space for women
Gilead Foundations offer a low-level support facility, for women with life controlling issues, such as, substance abuse, yet also for those with emotional difficulties such as depression.
Its aim is to not only provide safe housing but to also support the women through the therapy and skills training required leading to future employment and ultimately change their lives for the better.
Joanna Morgan from Gilead said: ‘We provide a safe space for women to heal and grow: our residents get involved with everything from milking to egg collecting, and we have a great horticulture and gardening programme – the ladies get to sow, cultivate, and eventually harvest and eat their own produce. ‘Last year we were fortunate enough to receive grant funding from Europe to run a Cooking 4 Life programme. Our ladies have enjoyed learning to cook new foods, to budget and receive teaching on nutrition, where required.’ One young mum staying with Gilead said: ‘I struggled with alcohol addiction in the past, and what I initially used to give me some Dutch courage to overcome my social anxiety, slowly turned into a full alcohol addiction with drunken binges. I was desperate to move out from my relatives and into independent living with my child and tried very hard to stay dry. I engaged with various organisations including a mentor to help me steer clear of alcohol, but the anxieties came back, especially when situations upset me, leading to more alcoholic binges, until I realised that I could not go on any more like that – it was affecting my child and seriously affecting my health. I was desperate to sort myself out. ‘Through a church contact, my community mentor found out about Gilead Foundations and gave them a call. One of the support workers at Gilead Foundations explained the process of working through the issues that cause the addiction. I like that we are learning to budget, learning about what is a healthy portion size, how our digestive system works and how important it is to eat a nutritional diet and what each nutrient does. I am still on my journey, but I have changed and look forward with hope to a new life with my child.’ As Gilead is situated on a working farm and has many areas which need maintaining, the foundation is appealing for people to get involved and becoming a volunteer, especially those skilled in gardening, building, maintenance, or carpentry. A regular one day a week could make a huge difference.

Nutrition education
Joanna continued: ‘We must rely on donations to continue providing the work experience and give support to our ladies. Gifts towards running costs and essential repairs would be very welcomed.’
Armed Forces Veterans’ Breakfast Club

Okehampton Armed Forces Veterans’ Breakfast Club is one of 300 breakfast clubs all over the world, providing an end to the isolation of veterans – the most common denominator in Armed Forces Veterans’ mental health issues and suicides.
Okehampton’s club formed in October 2019, it started off with a dozen members, but Covid-19 restrictions prevented any meet-ups. Despite all the restrictions of 2020 and 2021, the word had been getting around about the Veterans’ Breakfast Club and there had been a number of enquiries from veterans from all the services thinking about attending. A chance comment at a November meeting led to the rapid planning of a Christmas lunch, kindly hosted by Tina and Tony of Tina’s Kitchen. An excellent full roast dinner choice of either turkey or beef, followed by Christmas pudding with rum sauce and clotted cream was enjoyed by all attending. Some even managed seconds! After a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, they left to go their separate ways, but not before deciding that they had enjoyed themselves so much, they needed to plan similar events on a regular basis. Watch out for further reports in the future! If you are a military veteran, you are encouraged to go along and see what the club is about. There is always a warm welcome and a good breakfast served by Tina and Tony. The next scheduled meeting will be Saturday, March 5 (although this is subject to any Covid restrictions that may be in place at the time). The regular meeting is the first Saturday of the month, meeting at Tina’s Kitchen between 9.30am and 11.30am.
For more information, find the group on Facebook ‘AFVBCOkehampton’
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Meet the faces behind Okehampton United Charity
Do you know who the trustees are of Okehampton United Charity? Do you know that there are 13 of them who work hard to support residents from the town and its hamlets?
Three such trustees are the focus of this Oke Links’ local people section to provide faces to an organisation dedicated to the community. They provide support by awarding grants to local organisations and individuals - with £357,399 awarded in 2021 alone - and by managing land including the allotments, the Community Garden (including the Men in Sheds project), Ball Hill and the recently acquired Tramlines Meadow.
The trustees meet monthly, considering grants and agreeing the ongoing management of the charity. Allenton Fisher has lived in Okehampton for 17 years with Jean (his wife). Allenton said: ‘I have fallen in love with the town and surrounding area. After retiring as a Naval Officer I was a Postmaster culminating in running the Okehampton branch for 10 years. We have 8 children, 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.’ Allenton is also involved with Rotary and Everything Okehampton and considers it an honour to be a trustee of Okehampton United Charity. Jenny Gibbons retired in 2017 from a teaching career in a university and decided to stay in the local area exploring the moorland by foot and on horseback. ‘I am privileged to have been able to join Okehampton United Charity, my role has taught me so much about Okehampton and its people. I am very grateful to have been able to learn so much from my hardworking colleagues and from the people who volunteer in the many organisations which help us in our effort to improve things for everyone who lives and works around Okehampton’. Last but not least, Philip Davies worked as a veterinary surgeon in Okehampton and Chagford until recently retiring. Philip has been the President of the Western Countries Veterinary Association and President of Okehampton and District Agricultural Show. He was a first team member and is now a Vice President of Okehampton Rugby Football Club together with being a previous Treasurer of Okehampton and District Round Table. Philip has three daughters Amelia, Harriet and Lily. Philip was nominated to become a trustee by Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council in 2021 and quickly immersed himself in the charity joining the property subcommittee and visiting local organisations who have received grants from the trustees in 2021.
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Pictured left to right are: Jenny Gibbons, Philip Davies and Allenton Fisher, three of the 13 trustees of Okehampton United Charity.
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Trustees are looking forward to an exciting and challenging 2022, anticipating getting out and about more than they were able in the last two years, meeting many of the organisations and individuals they support. If you would like to know more about the charity, please visit the website www. okehamptoncharities.org.uk or call 07715 621480.
• One highlight for the charity has been the successful securing of more than 33 acres of land in Okehampton. This land includes the beautiful Tramlines Bridleway and three other parcels of land. Some of the land will be used to enhance life in Okehampton by providing green space and routes from Okehampton to Dartmoor. The trustees will look to work with other local organisations to ensure the land is preserved for the benefit of residents, to develop the environmental features and enhance educational opportunities.

Andy is an inspiration
This outstanding gentleman has raised an incredible £2,334 for North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team (NDSART) - what a hero.
Even more impressive is that fact that Andy has done this by doing a sponsored cycle, on his therapy bike. A tremendous achievement.
Along side us, he raised the same amount for the Stroke Association and Mardon.
Andy enjoyed spending lots of time on the Moors and used to volunteer with the Ten Tors Challenge compliance team, before falling ill. Andy is hoping to make it back to the Moor this summer, via his wheelchair. Altogether, Andy cycled 100KM, via ‘virtual checkpoints’ around the Moor. Some of the cycling was quite challenging (especially when the resistance was turned up to simulate some of the bigger hills!) but, Andy persevered! From all of us at North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team, thank you to Andy and to his wife Hazel, for her support and contacting us to let us know about Andy’s incredible achievement. NDSRT is solely funded by donations and receive no government funding. If you too would like to donate to help NDSRTvisit https://www.justgiving.com/ dartmoorsearchandrescue
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Improve your skills and grow your business with free training
SMART SKILLS has attracted £3.5 million of European Social Fund investment to help businesses in Devon to upskill their workforce and the unemployed to gain valuable new skills.
This means that the wide range of training provided by SMART SKILLS is free of charge. Many people fi nd it hard to believe this claim, but all the courses are free and do not attract a charge – it means that you can upskill yourself and/or your workforce at no cost. So why upskill?
Upskilling your workforce will impact your business in several ways. It will boost productivity in your employees and drive growth in your business which can aid turnover and higher profi ts. It will give you a clear competitive advantage over similar businesses. Investing in your employees will create a more able, fulfi lled and happier workforce, crucially it will aid staff retention. All the training on offer is also available to unemployed individuals, so you don’t have to be a business owner or an employee to take advantage of these great courses. Developing your skill set will open up employment opportunities and improve your job prospects which can lead to higher salary offers. What training courses are on offer?
There are so many courses available that it would be hard to list them all here, but here are a few of the most popular courses that businesses and individuals want to undertake. Digital Marketing courses which include - Digital Presence with Social Media, Email Marketing, Paid and Organic Search Engine Marketing and How to Measure Digital Marketing. Other in demand courses include Project Management, Coaching and Mentoring and Leadership and Management; all three courses are accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). There are a myriad of other courses to choose from, ranging from short courses through to full qualifi cations. Courses are taught either face-to-face or through live online sessions with experienced tutors, giving you the opportunity to learn in the comfort of your offi ce or home.
Training is delivered through their quality delivery partners; City College Plymouth, Focus Training, Learn Devon, Petroc, South Devon College, On Course South West, and the University of Exeter. SMART SKILLS is led by Plymouth City Council and supported by Devon County Council.
Feedback from SMART SKILLS participants...
“My workshop aims were to achieve a better understanding of LinkedIn, how to create successful posts, and attract followers to help gain new business. The Digital Presence with Social Media workshop from SMART SKILLS helped me achieve all of those aims.” Alan, Not Just Travel
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If you are thinking of upskilling either for yourself or your company employees, then contact the SMART SKILLS Hub: 0800 97 55 111 (Select option 6) SMARTSKILLS.HUB@cswgroup.co.uk VHF www.smart-skills-hub.co.uk VHF
The expert Skills Advisers will help to identify skills gaps, complete an organisational needs analysis, and match you with the best training options to meet your business needs. The fully funded training is available until 2023.
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Funded by the European Social Fund
Become a police cadet in Okehampton
Okehampton Volunteer Police Cadets (VPC) are welcoming young people to join the unit. The Volunteer Police Cadet (VPC) scheme is run by a team of volunteer leaders and provides an opportunity to volunteer within the community whilst having fun and being able to develop skills and qualities that can be carried through life. Cadet sessions take place between 6.30pm to 8.30pm on a Thursday evening out of Okehampton Police Station during term times with the occasional weekend activities where possible. A police spokesperson said: ‘We are need support from Adult Volunteers with an interest in supporting young persons in our community! A Unit Leader helps support our cadet unit with sessions and activities, both at the station and out and in the community and it is a great chance to share your experience and qualities with the younger local community and give you an insight into the Police environment. All leaders undergo Police Vetting and a DBS check along with safeguarding training to effectively help support the unit.’ For any enquiries, use social media or send an email to Oke. VPC@dc.police.uk

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National Parks are the beating heart of nature network
Dartmoor National Park welcomes launch of Government consultation regarding the future of National Parks and AONBs
Dr Kevin Bishop, DNPA chief executive, said: ‘We are pleased that the Government has issued its formal response to the independent Landscapes Review. ‘The review led by Julian Glover set out a compelling ambition to make our protected landscapes better for nature, climate and people. It is an ambition that we share and in which we have made a lot of progress. ‘Since the Landscapes Review was published, the world has changed; the pandemic has demonstrated the importance of connecting people with nature for health and wellbeing benefits and a bright light has been shone on the role protected landscapes play in dealing with the climate and ecological crisis we all face.’
He continued: ‘Dartmoor has just celebrated its 70th anniversary as one of the first National Parks to be designated in the UK. It is the beating heart of a nature and habitat recovery network, trialling innovative practices, supporting biodiversity, tackling climate change and making the environment a better place for all.
‘We’re determined to keep this going but are experiencing sustained cuts to core funding with increased demands on our budgets.’ The Dartmoor National Park Authority will review the Government’s response against three key tests: • An end to austerity with adequate and sustained financial investment so we can build back better and lead the way towards a green recovery • Recognise the role that National Parks and AONBs are playing in tackling the three crises facing us: climate, ecological and public health and provide us with the tools and support to do even more in these areas.
• Celebrate the fact that our National
Parks and AONBs are global models of how to manage living landscapes: integrating conservation, recreation and the needs of our local communities.
‘With the right resources and powers we can continue to welcome people to this amazing landscape for years to come, help our communities flourish and ensure we lead the response to the ecological, climate and public health crises,’ added Dr Bishop. The Authority is now considering the Government’s response in detail, liaising with partners and local communities and will, in due course, submit a formal response as part of the consultation. Donate for Dartmoor supports a variety of projects across Dartmoor. Donations of time and money are essential for the DNPA to be able to look after the heritage and wildlife of Dartmoor and to make it a place for everyone to enjoy today, tomorrow and for the future.

Rangers to trial body worn cameras
Dartmoor Rangers will trial the use of body worn video cameras in a bid to deter anti-social behaviour.
Recommendations to introduce their use were unanimously approved by Dartmoor National Park Authority at its meeting in February. Rangers will be issued with the devices in March and will trial them for 24 months with a review after 18 months to evaluate their effectiveness.
The primary aim of their use is to further protect their health, safety and welfare by reducing the risk of incidents of verbal and physical abuse towards them but, if necessary and appropriate to do so, could provide evidence to support legal action. The body worn video cameras will provide transparent and clear accounts of interactions between Rangers and members of the public. The camera, worn attached to Rangers’ uniform, will be clearly identifiable and will capture moving images and audio. Alongside the Authority’s existing health and safety policies it will give them an extra layer of protection when they are at work. Their use is incident-specific. Rangers will turn the devices on in situations where they believe they may be subject to physical or verbal abuse or where someone is perceived as being threatening/aggressive towards them. They will always clearly announce they are turning on the device so people know they’re being filmed.
Dartmoor National Park has benefited from a passionate and enthusiastic Ranger service since 1963, when Tony Owen-Evans was first appointed Dartmoor Head Warden. Today’s 11-strong team are the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Authority and work hard 365 days of the year to protect and care for Dartmoor and help people learn more about its special qualities. Ranger team manager Simon Lee said: ‘Being a National Park Ranger means the working day is mostly spent out and about doing your best for the people who live, visit and work Dartmoor.
‘In most situations, people respond to us in a really positive way and appreciate what we’re doing. We’re grateful for the support of many, but in recent years we’ve experienced an increase in antisocial behaviour when we’re just trying to do our job. ‘Fortunately these incidents are rare but even one is unacceptable. No one should have to deal with abuse or threats simply for doing their job. The use of body worn cameras gives us more confidence that we can deter any acts of aggression and protect ourselves as we go about our duties.’Full training will be given before the cameras are used by the team and the estimated total cost of the cameras for the 24-month period is £8,019.

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Museum seeks local entrepreneurs
Since the opening of the GWR rail service on the Dartmoor Line the Museum of Dartmoor Life in Okehampton has seen an increase in day visitors. In the last month over 10,000 people used the Dartmoor Line showing that day-trips are a real possibility. Next year will provide even more opportunities for day trippers, as the service becomes hourly. This presents many opportunities for the towns and businesses along the route of the Dartmoor Line.

The Museum of Dartmoor Life is one of the places that wants to ensure they offer day visitors an exciting and stimulating visit so they learn more about Dartmoor, its history and people. It’s a small museum, with a wonderful group of volunteers that help keep the museum open, so they are looking for additional help from business professionals to deliver an ambitious new strategic plan. If you have a love of Dartmoor and would like to apply your professional skills to a worthwhile cause, then the Museum of Dartmoor Life offers an excellent opportunity to be involved in this transformational journey from a rural museum in Okehampton to one which is the primary gateway to exploring the whole of Dartmoor, its history and people. * Public relations - This role will be instrumental in transforming the public perception of a rural museum in Okehampton to one which is the primary gateway to exploring the whole of Dartmoor, its history and people. • Digital - This role will be instrumental in enabling the museum to move into the 21st
Century, to make use of technology to improve interpretation and the overall visitor experience. It will also support our goal of reaching beyond the physical constraints of the museum through digital engagement onto the Moor itself. • Digital Marketing - This role will be instrumental in enabling wider engagement with visitors - locally, nationally and internationally, and in reaching a more diverse and inclusive audience.
• Income generation - This role will be instrumental in securing external funding such as grants and donations enabling the museum to deliver its strategic development goals and hence its growth from a rural museum in
Okehampton to one which is the primary gateway to exploring the whole of Dartmoor, its history and people. Further details and the application are provided on Reach Volunteering, or for further information visit www.dartmoorlife.org.uk
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Enhanced scheme hopes to ease the local housing crisis
West Devon residents are in line for a cash payout worth up to £5,000 if they downsize and free up their home for a family that is struggling in cramped conditions.
The scheme is open to anyone currently renting a home that is bigger than they currently need through a housing association or social housing registered provider. It is hoped that a bigger cash incentive and practical support will help more people to make a move to ease the current housing crisis where there is a shortage of larger three- and four-bedroom homes available for local families.
The scheme is designed to help tenants to downsize to smaller homes as their household needs change. For example, when children grow up and leave home. This, in turn, helps the Council to free up some of the larger homes in our area for younger families in need. The council has introduced an extra ‘High Demand Area’ payment of £2,500. This has been introduced due to the current shortage of larger family homes in the area. The total amount of money local people could receive depends on how many bedrooms are released by the move.
Downsizers will receive:
• A fixed payment of £1,000 • An additional ‘High Demand Area’ payment of £2,500 • £500 per bedroom released. For example, if you move from a fourbedroom property to a two-bedroom property you will receive £4,500. The maximum total amount you can receive is capped at £5,000. Cllr Barry Ratcliffe, West Devon Borough Council’s lead member for housing said: ‘We desperately need to make some of our larger houses in the borough available for the local families who are currently struggling in homes that are too small. That’s why we’ve decided to give as much help as possible to anyone who is thinking about moving to a smaller home, for example because their own family has grown up and moved away. ‘Our team can give practical support with things like filling in forms for making the move. You’ll be given priority, so you can choose a new home in the location you want – including brand new homes on the most modern developments. Because of the current high need for family-size homes, we’re now offering an even bigger cash incentive to help those people who are thinking about making a move. You can spend the cash on anything you want – from a new TV for your new home and curtains to carpets or even a holiday! The choice is yours. But best of all, you’ll know that by moving to a smaller home you’re making sure that another young family will be able to enjoy living in a home with the space they need.’

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Who is eligible?
The Tenants Incentive Scheme is available to applicants who met the following criteria: Are an existing Housing Association tenant on an Assured tenancy, living in the West Devon Borough area and whose Housing Association landlord confirms that the nomination rights for the property being vacated will be given to West Devon Borough Council Are in a family sized house – 2 bedrooms or larger Want to move to a property that is at least 1 bedroom less Are registered on Devon Home Choice Where the move will not result in overcrowding
How to apply
The scheme is limited and subject to change. Email devon.homechoice@ swdevon.gov.uk or call 01803 861234 to find out more and to apply for the available funding.
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