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Rugby players destined for greatness
Shebbear College is delighted to announce the achievements of its Rugby players. The school, which has always had a passion and a strength for the sport, has seen Sixth Former Connor Macmillan selected for the England Lambs U18 National Rugby Squad, as well as its U14 team win the North Devon Cup! Meanwhile, the school’s U14 Rugby Team are the winners of the North Devon Cup following the cup final vs Braunton Academy. The team now go through to the County Cup semi-finals.
ORFC new players
Okehampton Rugby Football Club is on the look out for new players. Are you in Year 8? Are you interested in playing rugby for the U13s? Would you like to bee part of a team? All new players will be warmly welcomed. The club trains on Friday nights 6pm to 7pm. For more information call 07900198113
A club designed for socialising and for all levels of fitness is preparing to open once again. Okehampton Simmons Bowling Club is soon to open its outdoor green and new and experienced bowlers are being encouraged to join in the action. The team holds friendly games against neighbouring clubs and competitive games, men, ladies and mixed. In addition, they have various ‘in-house’ Connor competed at the Lambs’ Chairman’s Day as part of the South/ South West Squad who played against the North and East Squads in a round robin tournament. He was selected for the National team from 80 players including boys from rugby powerhouses such as Millfield and Whitgift and will play a number of fixtures against opponents including the Irish Exiles and Crawshay Welsh Club. Head, Caroline Kirby said: ‘Shebbear College is no stranger to the Lambs with players historically being selected to play on the team, but after a two year break due to Covid, the boys haven’t been able to enjoy the same level of training or fixtures as they have done previously so I am especially proud of Connor for this fantastic achievement!’
competitions between the members of the club, so there are always plenty of opportunities to play. On Tuesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm they have a popular ‘roll up’ where new and experienced players can a fun session of bowls and on Friday from 2pm to 4pm. On Wednesday mornings from 11am to 12.30pm coaching for beginners is available, all equipment is provided, the only request is players wear flat soled shoes.
The green opens on April 9 so feel free to visit and chat and, weather permitting, have a go at bowls. Any queries contact President Roger Pedrick on 01837 53113.
Cash boost to support local wellbeing
Sports clubs and local community groups in Okehampton are set to receive a large sum of money thanks to West Devon Borough Council Section 106 funding. The money was secured as part of housing development projects being delivered in the towns.
The local projects that have received funding will all make it easier for people to get outside and active. Ranging from a scheme to enhance the outside space at the Ockment Centre to the Town Council’s plans for a new zip wire in Simmons Park, each project will make a difference to community wellbeing every day. A Section 106 agreement (s106) is an agreement between a developer and the local planning authority. It secures measures that the developer must take to reduce their impact on the community. In this case, it applies to financial contributions to provide infrastructure for the community.
The projects benefiting from the latest round of s106 funding are: Ockment Centre - £4,150 for their project to provide replacement and additional outside furniture (to include wheelchair access recycled picnic benches) in the garden of the Centre. Okehampton Community Garden - £570 for their project to purchase storage shelves and lockers for equipment for well-being and outdoor activities and for people to keep personal belongings. Okehampton Town Council - £5,000 towards the £16,000 project to replace the zip wire in Simmons Park. Okehampton Community and Recreation Association (OCRA) - £8,000 towards their £16,000 project to rejuvenate the all-weather pitch at Okehampton College. West Devon Borough Council lead member for health and wellbeing, Cllr Tony Leech, said: ‘It’s great to see these projects helping more local people of all ages to get active and outside. With this money, these groups will be able to deliver the facilities that local people need and make a positive difference to wellbeing across the community.’ West Devon Borough Council Mayor, Cllr Caroline Mott added: ‘We want to make West Devon a place to inspire and a place to succeed. By securing s106 funding when larger developments get the go ahead, we can make sure that our communities get the investment in the high-quality facilities they need to thrive. We can give people the opportunity to try new things or continue to enjoy favourite activities regardless of changes to mobility.’ Okehampton Community and Recreation Association (OCRA) are one of the groups receiving funding. The money will be used to rejuvenate the allweather pitch at Okehampton College. The pitch is a hub for community sport in the town and is used by sports clubs aimed at all ages and abilities, including walking football and hockey. Ian Blythe Okehampton Community and Recreation Association (OCRA) General Manager added: ‘The funding received from West Devon Borough ensures that opportunities for local clubs should now not be impacted by the weather, it truly is now an all-weather surface.
‘The rejuvenation provides a wonderful surface for the local hockey and football clubs to utilise whilst giving OCRA the scope to broaden our programme for the local community which now includes social football and an after school opportunity each Friday. ‘The pandemic has caused interruptions in bookings for the all-weather pitch as clubs and groups battled with lockdowns and restrictions around their activities meaning our finances took a hit but the local authority support and funding has enabled us to complete the work on the all-weather pitch meaning OCRA can bounce back quicker and stronger to do what we do best, getting the community active.”
Local sport facility needs change, for example when new developments in our towns and villages increase the number of residents in the area. The council has a playing pitch strategy in place to make sure there is a good supply of high-quality playing pitches to meet current and predicted future needs. Identifying local need and securing s106 funding and other grants for local sports clubs is a core part of this strategy. Residents’ views are currently being sought for a new plan for the next 13 years (to 2034). You can read the draft strategy and have your say at www.engagement.westdevon.gov.uk/ pitch-perfect-for-west-devon You can also email parks@swdevon.gov. uk with your feedback.