Mary Wakeham with her dogs
Enabling freedom from domestic violence
Pets are often the silent victims of domestic violence and abuse, used as part of the pattern of coercion and control, threatened, yelled at, beaten, kicked and in some cases killed...
who are committed to caring for animals. efuge4Pets provide a pet fostering service in Devon Mary Wakeham, Project Manager, said: ‘Volunteers are and Cornwall so that victims of domestic violence and abuse can escape to access safety and support before at the heart of our organisation - we simply could not provide this service to victims/survivors of domestic abuse being reunited with their pets. without the commitment and enthusiasm of volunteers. Often individuals and families escaping violent and ‘We understand that victims/survivors of domestic abusive relationships are unable to take their much loved violence and abuse often have to leave with nothing, pets with them. In many cases this will stop people from which is why all of the pets that we foster receive the leaving. One in four women and one in six men will be vet treatment that they need, food and bedding, paid affected by domestic violence and abuse in their adult for by us.’ relationships. Tragically, two women are murdered by a The charity currently has 98 volunteers across Devon partner or ex-partner each week in the UK and many and Cornwall who have come forward to foster pets, or children and animals also lose their lives. With domestic help fundraise. But it always needs more. When it comes violence and abuse being one of the most significant to placing animals in foster homes there is much to take public health concerns that we experience in the UK, into account. Mary said: ‘We never place animals near combined with the fact that over half of all households where they have come from, or where there is any local have pets, this is a vital service! connection with the owner, Refuge4Pets was founded by Mary Wakeham and The charity currently has 98 volunteers or perpetrator. Owners do not know where their the Trustees in August across Devon and Cornwall who have animals are geographically 2017, with the main aim come forward to foster pets, or help while they are in foster care of enabling freedom from and they cannot visit their domestic violence and abuse fundraise. But it always needs more. animals. This is because for people and their much we understand the lengths that abusive partners go to loved animals. For many victims/survivors of domestic to continue the abuse post separation and we take every abuse their animals are family, their lifeline, their step to keep animals, their owners and foster carers safe. comfort and main source of support. Abusers target It could also be very unsettling for many foster animals much loved pets as one way to intimidate, frighten, to see their owners while in foster care. But, we do terrorise and exert power and control over their provide lots of updates and pictures.’ partners and children. For many victims of domestic Although victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse the reality is that concerns for their pet’s safety abuse take comfort in knowing that their animals are and the strong human animal bond prevents people also going to a place of safety, it is always hard to say from leaving. ‘goodbye’ when animals come into foster care. Mary The service foster dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles, said: ‘Animals never forget their human companions and rabbits and small furries such as hamsters for up to six months. It’s mostly dogs and cats that the charity fosters. when animals are reunited with their owners it is always so heart-warming. People and animals can continue their Refuge4Pets do not have a kennel or cattery, all animals lives is safety, free from domestic violence and abuse’. are cared for by wonderful volunteer pet foster carers
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