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Outdoors & Active
Out and About with Tavistock Ramblers
An easy 3½ or 4½-mile walk up the valley of the West Dart towards Wistman’s Wood with John Noblet of Tavistock Ramblers. This remote ancient oak woodland is a legendary spot, and some say it is the haunt of pixies. The walk then visits Crockern Tor where the Stannary Parliament, the government of the Dartmoor tinners, used to meet centuries ago. The walk is partly on a good track but partly on open moorland on minor paths, which are rocky in places.
Park in a small car parking area opposite the Two Bridges Hotel (SX609750).
1. Walk away from the road through the gate and up the broad track. At the end of the track pass to the right of the house on a path alongside a stone wall.
2. Pass a footpath finger-post and, ignoring a minor path, bear left after 75m where the track divides. Head for a gateway in the wall ahead. The humps on the ground to the left are ‘pillow mounds’, artificial burrows for rabbits farmed here in the 19th century. Wistman’s Wood and Longaford Tor are visible ahead. Go through the gateway and bear left on a path, grassy at first but then rather rocky. Follow this towards Wistman’s Wood to reach a stile.
For the longer option to visit this remarkable wood where the trees are probably over 300 years old, cross the stile and continue on the path. Be warned, however, that after the first trees the path becomes rougher and is not for the faint-hearted. Return to the stile.
3. To continue the walk without visiting the wood, do not cross the stile but turn right up the slope alongside the wall. After about 100m go left through a gate.
Jonathan Case
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Continue uphill diagonally away from the wall and almost immediately the rocky outcrop of Littaford Tors appears ahead. Pass to the right of the lowest pile, then go left towards a bigger outcrop, the main part of Littaford Tors, with splendid views in all directions.
On the hillside across the river valley beyond Wistman’s Wood, is the line of the Devonport Leat. This leat, nearly 40 miles long, was constructed in the 1790s to provide a water supply to Devonport. At the time Plymouth Dock, as it was known, was a major naval dockyard and larger than its neighbour, Plymouth. In the other direction, to the east, are the ruins of the Powder Mills where gunpowder was once manufactured. 4. Now go back to the lower outcrop and follow a grassy path down towards a stile over a wall. Cross the stile and bear left on a faint track, at first parallel to a stone wall. When the wall veers off to the left, continue ahead in the direction as before towards the insignificant outlying rocks of Crockern Tor. The main rocks of the tor are on the slope beyond. 5. Keep left around the tor to the bottom right (southern) side. The Parliament Rock looks rather like a chair and it is here that the Lord Warden of the Stannary Parliament is said to have taken his seat. Be careful, it is rather rocky here. Now head down towards a boundary wall. The mast of North Hessary Tor is straight ahead and a cottage is on the left. At the wall, turn right. Ignore the first gateway opening and turn left through the second. Bear right on an obvious path to meet the outward track and back to the parking area.

Tavistock Ramblers walk on most Saturdays and Sundays and many Wednesdays. There is usually a mix of short walks and longer all-day hikes. Go to www. tavistockramblers.org.uk to see the latest programme of walks on offer. You are welcome to join us.
You will also find a series of selfguided walks on the website to download or print. Printed walks are also available at Tavistock Visitor Information Centre for you to enjoy.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here!